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Republic of the Philippines


Main Campus


1st Semester AY 2020-2021

Principles and Theories of Language Acquisition and Learning

A Case Study

Gale Monique S. Vale



Name: Ean Ryleigh D. Tuyac "Loy"

Age: 3 yrs.old

First language:

His first language is Bisayan/Visayan because he was born and raised here in
Bohol. As a result, first language refers to the first language you learned or the primary
language spoken.It is also called mothertongue.

Language Target:

In this context, language target means that you have your next language target
after you have learned your first language. The subject's language target is English
because his mother is a teacher and he wants to speak the English language. Apart
from that, he loves to read stories and finds it interesting.

Short description of the subject's language proficiency

Language proficiency is the ability of an individual to use language with a level of

accuracy that transfers meaning in production and comprehension. In my subject, at a
young age, his language proficiency level is actually good. He can form basic sentences
including asking and answering simple questions and can even read stories.

Information on the place/community where the subject lives

My subject lives in barangay Sambog, Corella, Bohol. The municipality of Corella
is located 10 km northeast of Tagbilaran and it is a 5th class municipality in the province
of Bohol.
Background information about the parents:
Mother's Name: Ellagere D. Tuyac
Age: 32 years old
Occupation: teacher
Place of Residence: Sambog, Corella, Bohol
Father's Name: Ralph B. Tuyac
Age: 31 years old
Occupation: engineer

Other members of the family who interact with the subject including relevant
information about them
His grandmother, Urbesia V. Daquio, he used to call her "nanay". She is also the
one who teaches him in speaking English language.

Language/s spoken in the home, community and other places where the
subject interacts with others
Bisayan and English are the spoken languages that are used in home and even
in the community.

Hours Data Gathered:

At this moment, the researcher has a total of 15 hours' worth of data has been
gathered from the subject. This span of time was within the two (2) weeks.

Gathering of Data and Instrument being Used:

The methods that the researcher used in gathering the data were observation,
interviews with the subject, as well as audio and video recordings of the subject in
naturalistic settings.

Striking Data:
So far, the particular data that really strikes the researcher at this point are the
things that would interrupt the subject's learning of the next target language, which is

Based on the data that I have gathered so far, the possible specific questions I
would like to answer in this case study are:

a. What difficulties does the subject encounter in learning the English language?
b. What causes these difficulties for the subject?
c. What possible solutions could be given to help the subject in overcoming these
difficulties in learning the English language?

Problems and Solutions that the Researcher have faced:

One of the problems that the researcher has encountered during the data
gathering is time management and some distractions like, he will be entertained if he
finds something that enjoys him. Since the researcher is quite busy due to class
schedules and the subject is not always there at their home. Nonetheless, the
researcher was still able to find ways in order to conduct the data gathering. The
researcher has organized a good time management so that the right time is allocated to
this data gathering. Also, the researcher has made the data gathering in an interesting
way so that the subject will not be distracted by the things that he enjoys.
Assessing the Experience:
The experience is quite challenging but a fulfilling one. The fact that data
gathering is difficult because it should be accurate and detailed means that the
researcher must be careful in order to conduct the data gathering properly. However, it's
a fulfilling experience because it helps the researcher enhance new skills and gain more
knowledge. The researcher may have sleepless nights but she's deeply happy because
she's almost halfway through this case study.

Other Information:
It's not very difficult to teach the subject because he is attentive, but there are
some distractions that bother him. However, the subject is quite ready for the next week
of studying the English language.

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