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Translation into English

Summary of events:
1. Ana Coral Villar works at the Delegation of Agriculture of Toledo, Spain, in the
building located at Duque de Lerma Street, number 3, Toledo, Spain. She is a civil
servant since 2001. She suffers from a rare, highly disabling and progressive disease
called von Hippel-Lindau. In 2009 she underwent a surgery which left her some
sequelae. After the surgery, she returned to work in February 2010.

2. The service where she works belongs to the General Directorate of Rural
Development, and it is called Agriculture and Food Service Management (Food
Markets), Industry and Agriculture and Food Marketing Section. This section offers
continuous direct attention to the public.

3. The act 1 / 1994, of May 24, of Accessibility and Elimination of Barriers in Castile-La
Mancha, sets a 10-year term for all public buildings to become accessible or at least to
be suitable for a person with reduced mobility.

4. The building which houses the Provincial Delegation of Agriculture of Toledo, Duque
de Lerma St. numbers 1 and 3, are not accessible or suitable, and Ana Coral has to go
up and down the stairs to her office. In the building located at number 3, where she
works, there are no toilets on the first floor (the only toilet is inside the Chamber of
Agriculture office).

5. On February 18, 2011 she fell from the stairs at her workplace, so she asked her
superiors to find a solution to the problem of accessibility, and posed as a solution - by
consensus of all her Section colleagues - to move the entire section to the building
located at number 1 of the street, because that building has toilets on the first floor (she
proposed to exchange the location of two sections of the Delegation – hers for another

6. After a month of waiting, her superiors decided to communicate her (verbally) they
wanted to move her to the building located at number 1 (not the whole section, but only
her), after which she delegated on her sister Karina to perform the necessary steps to
solve the problem. She takes this decision in order to avoid the possible confrontation
with her superiors, which may affect her emotionally.

7. Karina, therefore, as a medical advisor of the Alliance of Families of von Hippel-

Lindau, wrote a letter to the Regional Director of Agriculture requesting to find another
solution, since the first one violates Ana’s rights as a disabled person, according to the
act 5 / 1995 of March 23, of Solidarity in Castile-La Mancha, as well as the building
breaches the provisions of the abovementioned act 1 / 1994 of May 24.

8. The Delegate gave to Ana Coral a written response, in which he offered her two
possible options, to solve the problem of accessibility to her workplace:

- Moving only her to the building located at number 1 of Duque de Lerma Street.
- Providing her of the aid of assistants every time she goes up or down stairs.

9. Eventually, on April 11, 2011, her superiors gave her a letter in which they informed
of her new location on the other building of the Delegation (at number 1 of Duque de
Lerma Street). The dreaded letter arrived.
THE REQUESTS OF ANA CORAL, which have the support of her family, friends
and colleagues, ARE THE FOLLOWING:

1. The main one: to arrange the building for accessibility, according to the act 1 / 1994.
Several services located on the basement of the Delegation of Agriculture of Toledo
have customer service. Anyone with trouble to go up and down stairs is currently being
attended on the first floor, the one which has access to the street.

2. Taking into account that solving the problem of accessibility of the building will take
time, the proposal made by Ana Coral to the Regional Director more than a month ago,
with the consent of all the colleagues of her section is to move her section to another
accessible location with accessible toilets.

By signing this petition you are sending this letter to José María Barreda
Fontes, President of Castile-La Mancha

Dear President:

I am writing to you as a citizen concerned about the situation of Ana Coral Villar Gómez
de las Heras, who works for the Provincial Delegation of Agriculture and Environment
of Toledo, physical disabled and suffering from the rare disorder known as von Hippel-

Ana Coral has trouble going up and down the stairs to her workplace due to the
disability caused by her illness. The office building does not meet the accessibility
requirements established by the act 1 / 1994 of May 24, Accessibility and Elimination of
Barriers in Castile-La Mancha.

On February 18, 2011 she fell from the stairs at her workplace. After asking her
superiors to seek a solution, the decision taken by the Directorate was to move her to
the other building of the Delegation, with new partners and new tasks, without taking
into account the impact that such a decision may have on the evolution of her physical
illness or emotional health, and ignoring the letter sent by one of the medical advisors
of this disease, which discouraged such measure.

As you have said on several occasions, in Castile-La Mancha there should be no

discrimination as we are all equal in dignity and rights.
I believe that this case is a good example of disability discrimination, due to the fact
that the building where she works does not meet the legal requirements. I share with
you the belief that the opposite of equality is not difference but inequality, and knowing
your personal commitment to defend and to care for people with disabilities, so they
can achieve real equality,

I ASK for your immediate intervention on the case of Ana Coral, and please take all
measures that allows Ana Coral to access her workplace as do those without
disabilities: in an autonomous and safe way.

Thanking you in advance for your time and efforts to make this possible, I look forward
to your kind reply.

Yours sincerely.

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