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Module in Readings in Philippine History (GEC 105)

History Department, MSU-GSC

Name: Renz Lee B. Luy Date: 10-29-21
Name of Instructor: Joshua Philip Castillo
Class Section/Schedule: N3-3/ TFR 2:30-4:00

Instruction: In not less than 500 words, write a reflection on the statement below.
“The decision of the Commission on Higher Education to bring focus on the study of the
primary sources of Philippine history is a big step forward. This gives students a closer
look on how complex and potentially controversial historical research is. Consequently,
it creates an environment starkly different from its age-old reputation of rote

Students of this time are exposed to the different kinds of primary sources of
Philippine History to provide more authentic learning experiences. The implementation of
the Commission on Higher education to use primary sources in teaching the Philippine
History will help to strengthen the learner’s knowledge, information, and inputs as it will
give them the direct engagement to what has happened in the past rather than
opinionated statements. Primary sources bring the learners original records of a
particular time an event has occurred. It is what gives the listeners, viewers, and readers
the exact details of a historical period. They are resources that are also called as a
firsthand unfiltered or were not manipulated by other people by passing it through one or
another about the social, environmental, political, and also other achievements that have
been recorded in photographs, speeches, music, and other historical documents.

Present events are a product of the past experiences. It is important that we must
value learning what has happened in the past, for it is the only key that it will provide
answers to events in our present. In the past, there are different significant or important
events that have occurred; they showcase how many of the Philippines ancestors fought
for independence, their struggle to defend the land that is supposed to be they are the
one ruling, the fight for preserving their beliefs and cultures that they have deep value
and here we are right now enjoying what they have sacrificed for us. Using primary
sources as of the instructional materials in teaching is an essential method or strategy to
bring the past closer to the learners, despite the reason of the complexity of studying

The use of primary sources as a matter of fact changes the learning environment.
It does help how history subjects or courses are viewed as merely a memorization
classis. Primary sources help the learners to critically think and analyze the different past
happenings not just listening to the are given or presented to the students. It is through
the help of the primary sources that evaluation, investigation, and careful study are being
done for the reason that it shows different accounts about the critical events in the
Philippines. It also helps the students to develop analytic abilities, improving their skills
and knowledge whenever they are dealing and engaging with primary sources as it
results in intelligent inferences. It will enhance the student’s capacity in explaining
rational interpretations of the events that have happened, such as the issues and
significant happenings in the past that greatly affect the future.

In conclusion, utilizing and integrating the use of primary sources in the academic
setup has a significant effect on the teaching and learning process. The order of the
Commission of Higher Education in bringing focus to the primary resources promote
effectively and quality instruction in regards to the topic Philippine History. Primary
resources also brought a lot of impacts to the students learning about the Philippines,
and it is through this that they will not take for granted and appreciate how grateful we
are to the events that have happened before in which what we called today, as History.

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