Risk Management For Medical Devices: Calin - Corciova@bioinginerie

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Advances in Biomedicine and Health Science

Risk Management for Medical Devices

Department Biomedical Science
Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy - Iasi
M. Kogalniceanu Street, No 9-13, Iasi
calin.corciova@bioinginerie.ro, http://www.bioinginerie.ro

Abstract: - Medical devices developed for human application are used for diagnostic or treatment purposes.
They may either be an instrument, an apparatus or a material. Moreover, these devices can be used for daily
patient care as well as for medical scientific purposes. Risk management involves the identification,
understanding, control, and prevention of failures when the medical devices are connected to the patient and
also for the people who use these medical devices. In this paper, we present a multi-criteria decision-making
model to prioritize medical devices according to their criticality. Devices with higher criticality scores can be
assigned a higher priority in a maintenance management program. A computerized medical management
system is described. The results demonstrate that it is a useful tool in tracking device inventory and
maintenance history. Also risk classes have been designed for medical devices based on the time of testing, risk
must be identified in relation to patient and personal staff. The results of this paper take into consideration the
advances in device reliability, reduced preventive maintenance requirements, and internal device surveillance
(self test) along with changes in standards.

Key-Words: - criticality prioritization, medical devices, models, maintenance requirements, risk, software

1. Introduction
The globalization of the medical device market error, should be calculated in both normal and faulty
place, combined with the growth of medical device conditions. If any risk is judged unacceptable, it
usage, has led to a significant increase of the should be reduced to acceptable levels by
complex task of making a medical device safe for appropriate means. An overall risk management
human use activity among device manufacturers. process involves the essential steps in Fig 1 [3]. In
Risk management has become an important order to manage risk, hazards must first be
competitive tool to gain access to foreign markets. identified. By evaluating the potential consequences
As clinicians, patients, regulators, and litigators of hazards and their likelihood, a measure of risk
become more sensitive to safety issues related to can be estimated.
human factors, the importance of appropriate
translation and safety controls will increase [1]. Risk
management is necessary to ensure device usability,
safety, and regulatory compliance. In some cases,
critical human factors and risk management
decisions are made that depend on specific language
in the user interface or labeling. For instance,
hazardous situations can arise based on improper
interpretation of date/time information or units of
measurement displayed.
Risk management involves the identification,
understanding, control, and prevention of failures Fig. 1. Risk Management Flow Chart
that can result in hazards when people use medical
devices. Manufacturers are expected to identify This paper presents a software system,
possible hazards associated with the design in both integrating a number of software packages, serving
normal and faulty conditions. The risks associated specific management processes, each of them able
with the hazards, including those resulting from user to work either as a stand alone application, or

ISBN: 978-1-61804-190-6 51
Advances in Biomedicine and Health Science

interlinked between each other through properly - Implementation and management of the quality
designed communication tools and facilities. and safety protocols and procedures, including the
necessary documentation and data;
- Corrective maintenance activities;
2. Problem Formulation - Scheduling of all the routine procedures, like
The risk assessment should be done for each new acceptance testing, preventive maintenance, quality
device type during the incoming inspection when and safety inspections;
the device is added to the inventory. The device will - Management and monitoring of the training
then have a testing frequency assigned. After this is provided by the manufactures or technical staff
done, the maintenance history of the device should include biomedical engineer or clinical engineer;
be monitored in order to evaluate the effectiveness - Monitoring of the quality of the overall
of the maintenance program (Fig.2). performance of the department, using quality and
cost indicators;
- Report generation predefined or customized by
the users.
Medical equipment should be evaluated to
determine how often testing should be performed. If
a device is not tested often enough, it may fail
before the next scheduled maintenance or give
erroneous results. If a device is tested too
frequently, time that could be better spent
maintaining other equipment is wasted. The
biomedical professional’s job is to achieve a balance
between the time and effort needed for periodic
functional testing and the safe use of medical
equipment. In order to maintain an efficient
maintenance program, the frequency of inspection
must be determined [4].
Effort should be spent on equipment where
testing is likely to have an impact on the continued
safe operation of the medical device. The software
has developed to a risk-based system for
determining the maintenance frequency. Intervals
are established for equipment inspection based on
risk, requirements, logistics, and history. Written
criteria are used to identify risks associated with
medical equipment per the maintenance strategy.
The risks include equipment function, physical risks
associated with use, and equipment history as it
relates to patient safety. Life support equipment is
specifically identified and receives the highest
priority for actions.
Fig. 2 Logical diagram for assessing medical The risk criterion is divided into four categories:
equipment clinical function, problem avoidance probability,
incident history, and regulatory or manufacturer
The main objective of this software system is to requirements. Devices are given a score for each of
assist the biomedical engineer or clinical engineer in these categories. The scores for each category are
performing tasks, concerning the assurance of safety added up and a total score is given for each device
and efficiency in use of medical equipment. type. Maintenance strategies are determined based
Requirement analysis resulted in the following on the total score. A combined score of 12 or more
features, which the system should include: is justification for semiannual testing, a score of 9-
- Management of data for medical devices, 11 is justification for annual testing, and a score of 8
manufactures and suppliers; or less is justification for less than annual testing,
- purchasing procedures; either bi-annual or no scheduled testing, depending
on clinical application. The result is a more cost-

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effective test program that will result in improved The developed program allows user access,
patient care through less equipment downtime and service employees involved, depending on the
more dollars for direct patient care activities. characteristics of each job description and duties
A record should be kept of all maintenance
3. Problem solution performed on equipment, including scheduled
Understanding what devices are in the facility in maintenance, repairs, software upgrades, and
order to provide a quality maintenance program is incident investigations (Fig.5). Dates of service
critical. Inventory data is used for a variety of should be included in this history.
applications including establishing a maintenance
schedule, tracking medical device hazards and
recalls, and deciding when to replace aging
equipment [7].
A computerized medical equipment management
system is an useful tool in keeping track of the
device inventory and maintenance history. Any
medical equipment management software should
track basic device information. At a minimum, the
device type, manufacturer, model, and serial number
should be tracked. This information is essential to
the maintenance program. The clinical use of a
device should be documented. Equipment used for
life support needs to be given a higher priority for Fig. 5. Identification data of the medical equipment
maintenance. Additionally, regulations on life
support devices may be different. Our software The software comprises all the information
developed in Visual FoxPro respect all these stored in predefined catalogs supported by the
conditions above. system (suppliers, manufactures), as well as data
The equipment location is used to find the regarding the types of failures that have occurred, or
equipment for maintenance. Also, the location is can potentially occur to medical equipment.
useful to break up the maintenance schedules by The Services module, concerns the system
department (Fig. 3). management supporting possibilities. It covers basic
maintenance and management operations. It
includes acquisition, concerning new device
purchase, offer estimation and contract
management, periodic inspections of medical

Fig.3 Access in to the system

It also contains information about the hospital

itself, its departments, personnel and specialties.
Detailed hospital profile is also available, presenting
an additional general hospital information, including
its identity data, such as address, number of beds,
number of personnel, technical staff.

Fig. 6. Module record of servicing equipment

Clinical function represents how invasive the

equipment is to the patient. At the low end of this
category is a device that does not make patient
Fig. 4. User access in the application contact, for example, an exam light. The high end of

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this category is a device used for life support, such pacemaker of the heart can take over. A set charge is
as a ventilator. generated and is delivered through a set of paddles
Problem avoidance probability is based on or disposable defibrillation electrodes through the
historical data related to medical equipment repair chest wall. The defibrillator’s output energy is
and maintenance. The low end of this category is typically selectable from 0 J to 360 J. Most
maintenance or inspection having no impact on the defibrillators also include an electrocardiograph to
reliability of the device; the high end is common monitor the patient’s rhythm. Some defibrillators
device failures are predictable and can be avoided include a pacer function. Electrical impulses are
by preventive maintenance. This category also has delivered to the heart, causing the heart to contract.
an additional level, specific regulatory or This is used for emergency treatment of asystole,
manufacturer’s requirements that dictate preventive severe bradycardia, implantable pacemaker failure,
maintenance or testing. or other conditions requiring emergency cardiac
The device incident history is also based on pacing.
historic data. This category only has two scores, and For this equipment verification procedure that
is answered as yes or no. If a device had a history of must contain: electrical safety - ground wire
being involved in an incident resulting in patient resistance, chassis leakage, and lead leakage - and
harm, the device would score high. Otherwise, the performance inspection that include: measure if the
device would score low. energy output of the defibrillator throughout its
range. At a minimum, measure the output at the
lowest setting, a mid level setting, and the highest
4. Results and discussions setting. The output should be within 15 % of the set
To illustrate risk criteria we discussed the two types energy level. At 360 J, the energy output should be
of equipment used extensively in healthcare: between 306 J and 414 J. Another test is output
defibrillator and enteral feeding pump. energy at maximum setting for 10 charge cycles. On
Defibrillators deliver an electric impulse to the the tenth shock, the energy output should still be
heart through the chest wall in order to restore a within 15 % of the setting. Charge time after 10
normal rhythm in patients experiencing ventricular charge cycles should not exceed 15 s.
fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia. The high Recommended functional test frequency:
electrical energy stops the independent action of the semiannual (Table 1).
individual muscle fibers, so that the natural

Table 1 Sample risk assessment for defibrillator

Criteria Risk Score
Clinical function
No patient contact 1
Device may make contact with patient non-critical 2
Device is used for patient diagnosis or direct monitoring 3
Device is used to deliver direct treatment to the patient 4
Device is used for a life support 5 5
Problem avoidance probability
Maintenance would not impact reliability of the device 1
Common device failure modes are unpredictable 2
Common device failure is predictable and can be avoided by preventive maintenance 3
Specific regulatory requirements dictate preventive maintenance or testing 4 4
Incident history
No History 1
A significant history of incidents exists 2 2
Manufacturers/regulatory requirements for specific schedules
No requirements 1
There are requirements for testing 2 2
Times per year tested 2

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Enteral feeding pumps are used in patients The delivered volume should be within 10 % of
without gastrointestinal complications who are the set volume. For a set volume of 10 ml, the
unable or unwilling to consume adequate nutrients. measured volume should be within 9 ml and 11 ml.
Feeding solutions are delivered to the patient The measured occlusion pressure should be within 1
through temporary or surgically implanted feeding psi of the pump’s occlusion pressure. For an
tubes. The pumps accurately control the flow of occlusion pressure of 20 psi, the measured pressure
liquid feeding solutions that are administered should be between 19 psi and 21 psi. Recommended
enterally, through the digestive tract. These pumps functional test frequency: annual (Table 2).
will utilize a pump mechanism such as a rotary Before returning to use, return any settings that
peristaltic pump, linear peristaltic pump, or a were adjusted to their original settings. Ensure the
volumetric pump. Most pumps record the dose rate, volume of the audible alarms is loud enough to be
dose settings, and infused volume in the memory. heard in normal operating conditions.
Audible and visual alarms alert the user to flow
changes or malfunctions.

TABLE 2 Sample risk assessment for enteral feeding pump

Criteria Risk Score
Clinical function
No patient contact 1
Device may make contact with patient non-critical 2
Device is used for patient diagnosis or direct monitoring 3
Device is used to deliver direct treatment to the patient 4 4
Device is used for a life support 5
Problem avoidance probability
Maintenance would not impact reliability of the device 1
Common device failure modes are unpredictable 2 2
Common device failure is predictable and can be avoided by preventive maintenance 3
Specific regulatory requirements dictate preventive maintenance or testing 4
Incident history
No History 1 1
A significant history of incidents exists 2
Manufacturers/regulatory requirements for specific schedules
No requirements 1 1
There are requirements for testing 2
Times per year tested 1

The advantages of this integrated system are neglected is balancing investment and equipment
related to flexible management of small databases, maintenance costs. Organization and proper use
avoiding problems with lost and corrupted records, equipment carried by a clear policy, supported by
higher system reliability, customized search technical guidance and practical tools to improve the
engines, high record processing speed, system operation of equipment. Medical will be able to
flexibility and real time data presentation and significantly improve the quality of services
analysis. Furthermore, the implementation of a and service efficiency. Such management practices
flexible communication connection between these will contribute to increased efficiency in health
specific parts carries out the data transmission to the sector will result in improved health outcomes and a
central module, producing daily reports for medical service as durable.
device condition and the necessary maintenance Equipment maintenance analysis to assess the
procedures, needed to be accomplished. duration of life can be extended or shortened.
Such equipment maintenance is crucial for life. If
not is met on time and regularly, the device will
4. Conclusion deteriorate to the point at which will cost more to fix
Quality health services involve the correct and than to replace. If we do not interfere at all
efficient resources. A result that can not be

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