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The Cardinal Virtues
• The cardinal virtues are the
four principal virtue of morality.
• All other virtues stem from these cardinal
virtues. It was first discussed by Plato and
adopted Aristotle and through St. Thomas
was integrated into Christian teachings .
These four virtues can be practiced by any
body and are considered as the bases of
natural morality (Ritcher,2017).
• This virtue is observed when a person
exhibits careful, good judgments to guide
his action.
• To practice prudence will make him initially
consider circumstances before a decision
to act is made which will lessen risks and
avoid danger.
Example : Before you allow yourself
to cut classes to hang out with
friends , consider first the possible
consequences of your actions.
• This is the virtue of moderation. It is the
middle path between extreme forms of
• Just like Aristotle, St. Thomas also
emphasized the significance of Golden
Mean in the pursuit of happiness.
Example: It is not the best behavior to
limit and bury yourself in your studies.
A good part of learning is experiential.
You should allow yourself time to read
and gain knowledge from books and
the same time, see the world and
interact with others for these too are
significance source of learning.
• This virtue manifests itself as having the
strength and ability to face and conquer
• Fortitude or courage allows man to deal
with uncertainty, endure pain and
overcome pain.
Example: You do not like speaking in front of
people. As a graduation requirement,
however, you are to present your final
research paper in front of panel of three
people. You are scared and you have been
having sleepless nights about the exercise.
But you realize that there’s no way around it.
So on the day of the presentation, you
silently pray, stand up, breathe deeply and
begin your presentation.
• This virtue determines how we relate to
others. Having a good sense of justice
entails a sustained and constant
willingness to give each person what
he/she deserves ( be it reward or
• Impartiality is vital in practicing the virtue
of justice.
Example : As the group leader, when
tasked to evaluate your group
member’s performance objectively,
you give high ratings to members
who do a lot to compared to those
who do do a little, even if they are
• In addition St. Thomas explained that
happiness which is what all human being want
to achieve is of two kinds: incomplete
happiness which can be achieved by means of
human actions, and grounded on the cultivation
of the four cardinal virtues, and complete
happiness which is only possible through the
theological virtues received from a higher
power. These virtues were stated in the Second
letter of the St. Paul to the Corinthians: the
virtue of faith, hope and charity( Ricert, 2017).
• Student’s Learning Output
• Submission on April, immediately
following when class resumes

• ESSAY in ½ crosswise paper
• Choose only 1 between Choice #1 &
Choice # 2
• Choice #1 is this:
• Know more about the theological virtues of FAITH,
HOPE AND CHARITY (LOVE) (you can also find this in
the Bible 1 Corinthians 13:13)
1) Describe each virtue: faith, hope, love.
2) And give an example of behavior for each or how can
you apply each in your personal/family life crisis
during these one-month long Luzon-wide lockdown
due to covid-19: faith, hope, and charity.
3) How do you think do these theological virtues
together with the cardinal virtues lead to complete
happiness? Explain your answer.
• Choice #2 is this:

1) Do you think the Virtue Ethics of Aristotle & St.

Aquinas can be applied to all beliefs? Explain.
2) Which of the Cardinal Virtues do you think is the
most important? Why?
3) Which of the Cardinal Virtues do you think is the
most difficult to develop? Why?
4) If everybody cultivates the virtues in these crisis
times due to covid-19, do you think society would be
different? In what way?

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