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Number 442, pp. 131–138

© 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Proximal Humerus Fracture Rehabilitation

Steve Hodgson, MCSP

The occurrence of proximal humerus fractures will continue faces an epidemic of fractures in the elderly population.21
to rise with the increasing elderly population. Many patients Patients who have proximal humerus fractures often are in
with proximal humerus fractures have osteoporosis and have poor general health37 and have an increased risk of sus-
poor neuromuscular control mechanisms. This predisposes taining a future hip fracture.41 Most proximal humerus
them to future falls and additional fractures. Patients con-
fractures are a result of minor trauma.57
tinue to have shoulder problems as a result of the fracture
for many years after the injury. Rehabilitation is central to
The term rehabilitation is used in its widest sense and is
addressing the problems caused by the fracture. The review defined as, “…restoration either of function or role (within
of the literature on proximal humerus rehabilitation suggests the family, social network, or workforce).”54 The aim of
that treatment must begin immediately if the harmful effects rehabilitation should be to reestablish normal shoulder
of immobilization are to be avoided. Electrotherapy or hy- function,30 recognizing the functional interdependence of
drotherapy does not enhance recovery and joint mobilization joints and soft tissues in the upper quadrant when treating
has limited evidence of its efficacy. In the United Kingdom dysfunction of the shoulder.4
most patients are immobilized routinely for 3 weeks or The literature review will only include prospective
longer and are referred for physical therapy. The best avail- studies for proximal humerus fractures in which conser-
able evidence for shoulder rehabilitation emphasizes using vative management and rehabilitation is advocated.52 Sur-
advice, exercise, and mobilization of limited joints to restore
gery is suggested for the more complex fractures,53 but in
upper limb function. Placing controlled stresses throughout
the fracture site at an early stage will optimize bone repair
two retrospective reviews19,68 the authors found no differ-
without increasing complication rates. This approach re- ence in outcome between patients who had surgery or
quires cooperation between the referring surgeon and thera- conservative treatment. This evidence suggests that reha-
pist and will optimize the patient’s shoulder function and bilitation may have a greater role in more complicated
maintain their functional independence. fractures; however, that is outside the scope of my study.
Specific evidence for proximal humerus fracture reha-
Level of Evidence: Diagnostic study, level II (systematic re-
view of level II studies). See the Guidelines for Authors for a
bilitation is sparse, which makes recommendations diffi-
complete description of levels of evidence. cult. Research from other common shoulder problems and
recently published data by the author33 are included in the
rehabilitation section to make recommendations for proxi-
Proximal humerus fracture rates will continue to increase mal humerus rehabilitation.
with the aging population5–7,58 and the concomitant rise in How patients are rehabilitated is influenced by the re-
osteoporosis.50 These fractures can cause prolonged and ferring surgeon, and any period of immobilization before
severe disability and often are underestimated when com- rehabilitation will influence recovery. Immobilization re-
pared with hip fractures.25 This will increase the demands mains central in the treatment of the proximal humerus
on health providers further, and some suggest that society fracture. Few authors 40,33 have investigated the optimum
period of immobilization or when rehabilitation should
start. I present unpublished survey findings for the United
From the Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, United Kingdom
The author certifies that he has no commercial associations that might pose Kingdom (2002) on the use of immobilization and the
a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article. timing of rehabilitation.
The author certifies that his institution has approved the human protocol for The effect of upper limb fractures on functional tasks
this investigation and that all investigations were conducted in conformity
with ethical principles of research, and that informed consent was obtained. continues for many years,48,66 especially in older patients.
Correspondence to: Steve Hodgson, MCSP, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Long-term evaluation is needed to assess the efficacy of
Health & Wellbeing, 11-15 Broom Hall Rd, Sheffield Hallam University, rehabilitation accurately. Most authors report evaluation
Sheffield S10 2BP, UK. Phone: 0114–267-1223; Fax: 0114–225–2394;
E-mail: should be 1 year or less43,45,51,56,59 after the fracture and
DOI: 10.1097/01.blo.0000194677.02506.45 only one set of authors call for a 2 year followup.40 Future


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132 Hodgson and Related Research

long-term evaluation will identify problems still experi- gained no benefit by self training and the addition of hy-
enced by the patient and highlight the issues that must be drotherapy56 compared with self training alone.
considered when planning a rehabilitation program. My Lundberg et al45 and Solem-Bertoft et al59 compared
recommendations for proximal humerus fracture rehabili- conventional physical therapy with independent exercises
tation (and future research) ensure that the surgeon and and reported no difference between groups at 12 months.
therapist remain central to this process. Both were small studies (n ⳱ 42 and n ⳱ 20, respec-
The primary aim of the literature review is to determine tively) with no reliable outcome measure, but their results
the optimum rehabilitation program for conservatively do challenge the assumption that all patients need referral
treated proximal humerus fractures based on current re- for physical therapy.
search evidence. Fundamental to this question is the role Authors of two studies have compared different periods
of immobilization in treating these fractures and the sec- of immobilization before starting physical therapy.40,33
ondary aim is to establish if immobilization is necessary Researchers40 comparing 1 or 3 weeks of immobilization
for these fractures before rehabilitation starts. The survey reported no difference between groups at 12 months, but
aims to establish current clinical practice in the rehabili- those immobilized for only 1 week reported less pain dur-
tation of two part proximal humerus fractures in the UK. ing the first 3 months. This observation is supported by
The objectives are: (1) Are patients routinely immobilized Young and Wallace,67 who found that patients starting
following a two-part proximal humerus fracture? (2) If, so physical therapy earlier had better shoulder function and
for how long? (3) When are patients referred for rehabili- required fewer treatment sessions. The only authors who
tation? compared no immobilization with immobilization for 3
weeks33 before physical therapy found that the patients
MATERIALS AND METHODS starting treatment within 1 week of their fracture reported
less pain and greater shoulder function at 16 weeks and 1
Literature Review year.
The only authors to investigate the role of joint mobi-
All prospective studies in the rehabilitation of proximal humerus
fractures that were treated conservatively were included in the
lization36 in the rehabilitation of proximal humerus frac-
search. The following databases were included in the search tures found that patients regained full shoulder function
strategy: Medline (1980–2005), Cinahl (1982–2005), PEDro with 1 month of the injury by the use of joint mobilization.
(1990–2005), and the National Research Register (United King- This was a small study (n ⳱ 14) and did not include a
dom). The search was completed in February 2005. The search control group, but the authors’ findings suggest that add-
terms included: (1) humer*, (2) fract*, (3) proximal, (4) shoul- ing joint mobilization to a rehabilitation program can help
der, (5) physiotherapy, (6) physical therapy, and (7) rehabilita- regain shoulder movement.
tion. From the search, eight studies33,36,40,43,45,56,59,67 were in-
cluded in the review.
Survey Of the 127 centers surveyed, 73 (57%) always used im-
mobilization and 26 (20%) sometimes immobilized proxi-
In 2002, 70% of hospitals in the UK with trauma and orthopaedic
mal humerus fractures. The period of immobilization var-
centers were sent questionnaires (Appendix 1). The question-
naire was completed by the senior physiotherapist working in ied from 1 to 7 weeks. The most common period of im-
proximal humerus fracture rehabilitation. A stratified random mobilization was 3 weeks (55%). There were 103 centers
sample of each health region in the UK was obtained using (81%) that routinely refer patients for physical therapy.
random number tables. One hundred thirty-nine questionnaires Most were referred (105 patients, 88%) within 3 weeks
were sent; 127 questionnaires were returned (response rate, (Appendix 2).

From the available evidence it is only possible to reach
Literature Review certain conclusions about the optimum rehabilitation pro-
The general standard of the studies was low, with variable gram for proximal humerus fractures. The overall quality
outcome points, unreliable outcome measures, and lack of of the studies is poor and “…there is insufficient evidence
detail regarding the rehabilitation programs. from randomized trials to determine which interventions
The only authors43 who compared the use of electro- are most appropriate.”29 Increasingly, authors of shoulder
therapy in proximal humerus rehabilitation reported no rehabilitation studies favor programs based on advice, ex-
difference in outcome at 6 months. Similarly, patients ercise, and joint mobilization4,10 This work is included to

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Number 442
January 2006 Proximal Humerus Fracture Rehabilitation 133

develop an approach for proximal humerus fracture reha- When joint mobilization is used to accelerate shoulder
bilitation. movement after proximal humerus fractures,36 11 of 14
There is no evidence for the inclusion of electrotherapy patients achieved 90° of abduction within the first treat-
in rehabilitation programs specifically to proximal hu- ment session (all started rehabilitation within 14 days after
merus fractures,43 other shoulder conditions,61–63 or for injury). All patients had full active flexion by 27 days.36
pain relief.26 The passive nature of electrotherapy might This suggests that mobilization might limit the effects of
actually slow recovery when a more active, engaging ap- shoulder stiffness. Not all proximal humerus fractures re-
proach is required.11 Patients with rotator cuff disease who quire joint mobilization, but certain patients might benefit
are treated with an exercise-based approach improved con- from this approach. No authors have evaluated the addi-
siderably despite having a failed physical therapy program tion of joint mobilization with proximal humerus fractures.
that included electrotherapy.10 The use of hydrotherapy56 Authors of one study4 suggested combined treatment (mo-
in proximal humerus fracture rehabilitation produced no bilization plus exercise) showed better improvement in
improvement in shoulder function, but more research is pain and strength compared with exercise alone. Likewise,
needed to test the efficacy of hydrotherapy. Several au- in shoulder impingement syndrome,18 improvements have
thors26,43,61 failed to support the use of electrotherapy in a been reported in pain and range of motion with the addi-
range of shoulder problems; its value in proximal humerus tion of joint mobilization. These are relatively small stud-
fracture treatment is questionable. ies with limited followup, but the results suggest that the
Therapeutic exercise and joint mobilization are axiom- addition of joint mobilization to an exercise program gives
atic to physical therapy practice, but most interventions in added benefits. Patients with proximal humerus fractures
shoulder pain are limited to electrotherapy. In two system- might benefit from this approach.
atic reviews of interventions for shoulder pain,61,31 only Immobilization for pain relief1,8 or to allow the head
six studies that included exercise or mobilization met the and shaft to move as one52 often is recommended for the
inclusion criteria out of a possible 51 trials. Exercise is not treatment of proximal humerus fractures before starting
used exclusively in research programs because it is com- rehabilitation. The period of immobilization is about 3
bined with education, advice, pain control and a graded weeks, but immobilization for up to 7 weeks or longer is
home exercise program.10,28 not uncommon. Patients who were immobilized for 3
When exercise was compared with surgery in the treat- weeks before starting physical therapy33 had more pain
ment of rotator cuff disease,10 the results in both groups and reported slower recovery of shoulder function when
were superior to the placebo group. The exercise program compared with patients who had immediate physical
aimed to normalize neuromuscular patterns and a graded therapy. From this evidence, immobilization for 3 weeks
increase in resistance to the rotator cuff and scapular sta- or longer provides no benefit to the patient and only delays
bilizing muscles. Exercise was equally effective as surgery the rehabilitation process. Its routine practice must be
at 2.5-year followup.10 More people in the exercise group questioned.
remained at work (80% versus 59%), suggesting that pa- In the survey, only 20% (26 of 127 patients) of patients’
tients maintained their exercise program.10 Patients given did not have immobilization routinely, but no clear indi-
a supervised exercise program for shoulder pain32 had bet- cation was given for the selection of patients who did not
ter improvement at 6 months compared with those who need immobilization. Considerable variation existed be-
were given an injection, but they also had fewer consul- tween and within hospitals. The variation in treating proxi-
tations with their general practitioner. From this evidence mal humerus fractures was evident from the survey and
it seems that exercise programs give the patient greater highlights the lack of research evidence when making
control of his or her condition and promote independence. clinical decisions.29 The survey was completed by the
After a proximal humerus fracture, changes in the neu- physical therapist and only represents an overall represen-
romuscular patterning of the shoulder are common be- tation of all proximal humerus treatment in one trauma
cause stiffness in the glenohumeral joint results in com- center. This represents a limitation in the survey and a
pensatory movement in the shoulder girdle. Research has more detailed evaluation of practice is needed.
identified excessive scapular vertical movement in patients Authors of two studies not included in the literature
recovering from unilateral upper-limb disorders.3 Early review have reported that less time spent in a sling seemed
restoration of normal neuromuscular shoulder patterning is to correlate with speed of recovery and restoration of func-
paramount in preventing secondary problems and this can tion.17,39 However, Kristiansen et al40 found no difference
be achieved by verbal instruction.3 Furthermore, the exer- in outcome between 1 or 3 weeks of immobilization, al-
cise program should address the contribution of the entire though their measure of shoulder function remains un-
body to the control of the shoulder28 as part of the kinetic tested. Hodgson et al33 measured a difference in outcome
chain model.49 between immediate and delayed physical therapy but used

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134 Hodgson and Related Research

a range of outcome measures that gave a more in-depth normal activities after a fracture and positive messages
evaluation of shoulder function, pain, and general health help to strengthen their role in rehabilitation.11 Joint mo-
status. bilization and supervised exercises are only required when
Early referral to physical therapy without immobiliza- patients are not making the anticipated progress and addi-
tion seems to accelerate recovery by reducing pain and tional help is needed. Many patients will only need advice
shoulder stiffness, which contribute to long-term func- and monitoring, requiring minimal input from a physical
tional loss. Fear of pain will affect behavior and neuro- therapist. Other patients with a high risk of developing
muscular function.65 Limiting immobilization will reduce long-term shoulder problems will need additional input
this fear if the patient learns to move the limb with early and extended treatment.
rehabilitation. Shoulder function will be limited further if Many authors report51,53,40 that patients make an excel-
patients develop chronic pain because this reduces agonist lent recovery after the fracture, but the evidence is con-
muscle activity and increases antagonist muscle activity.44 flicting. Wildner et al66 reported patients with upper-limb
Concerns that early movement across the fracture site fractures have ongoing problems up to 4 years after the
could increase complication rates1,8 were unfounded with initial injury. Patients examined at 1 year who had initial
43 patients having immediate graded return of shoulder 3-week immobilization33 only achieved 82% return of
movement,31 but larger studies are required to provide a shoulder function compared with their healthy shoulder.
definitive answer. Early resumption of activity is pro- The long-term effects of a proximal humerus fracture are
moted for the restoration of function12 and connective tis- considerable and continue to impact on the patient and
sue consistently responds better to early movement than their caretakers for many years. Further long-term evalu-
immobilization.2,34,35 Rehabilitation should begin imme- ation is needed to assess treatment efficacy in the proximal
diately for most patients. Immobilization might be neces- humerus fracture fully.
sary in more complex fractures, especially if vascular Referring all patients with proximal humerus fractures
structures are compromised because avascular necrosis is to physical therapy might not be the best policy. Targeting
not uncommon in these types of fractures.8 There is some certain vulnerable groups might maximize recovery
evidence that short periods of immobilization are accept- against a single program that lacks specificity and fails to
able29; however, it is mostly unnecessary and only delays meet individual requirements. Patients routinely should be
recovery.33,29 given advice, education, and an exercise program.
No authors have included an economic evaluation of The rehabilitation program is based on available evi-
the different rehabilitation approaches. If patients benefit dence and the protocol used in the Sheffield study33 for
from immediate rehabilitation there should be associated early restoration of shoulder function. Rehabilitation con-
cost-benefits as patients return to function faster and have sists of education, exercise, and joint mobilization (if nec-
less long-term disability. More research is needed to sup- essary). Three phases of rehabilitation are described (Ap-
port this idea. pendix 3): early (first 2 weeks), intermediate (2–8 weeks),
The survey results suggest that most proximal humerus and later (ⱖ 8 weeks).33
fractures are routinely referred to physical therapy, but Early rehabilitation aims are restoring normal shoulder
some authors report that physical therapy makes no dif- patterns and educating the patient about the benefits of
ference to patient outcome.45,59 However, these authors early movement and maintaining their home exercise pro-
reported on relatively small studies and detailed measures gram. The patient is encouraged to move his or her arm
of shoulder function were not included in the assess- and to prevent compensatory movement in the shoulder
ment.45,59 Their findings must be viewed with some cau- girdle. Fear avoidance is limited by reducing the reliance
tion. on the sling and promoting early movement. Electro-
Lundberg and Svenungson-Hartwig45 highlight the therapy is not used and joint mobilization is only used if
problem of what constitutes physical therapy. Both groups the patient is not achieving 90° abduction within the first
had contact with a physical therapist for advice and to three sessions. If necessary, passive movement is ap-
recommend a home exercise program. Only one group plied.36 The head of the head of humerus is moved pas-
came to the physical therapy department for joint mobili- sively while keeping the fracture site stable. Many patients
zation and supervised exercises. Physical therapy in the only require advice and a home exercise program at this
rehabilitation of the proximal humerus fracture is a com- stage. They will require monitoring but do not need to
plex intervention that is based on advice and a home ex- attend a center for physical therapy. Pain control is main-
ercise program, aiming to give the patient control of their tained with medication and heat or cold, depending on the
recovery. Education is important for any rehabilitation patient’s preference.
program because it reinforces active coping strategies for Progression to the intermediate stage is based on the
daily functioning.11 Patients remain fearful of a return to patient’s pain levels and functional ability. At no stage are

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January 2006 Proximal Humerus Fracture Rehabilitation 135

patients encouraged to push through pain, because this a risk factor for developing pain in other areas of the
might place unacceptable stresses across the fracture site. body.22 After a proximal humerus fracture, patients learn
Physiologic movement is increased and light functional to live with limitations in their upper-limb function and to
exercises that do not exacerbate pain are encouraged. Pro- rely on caregivers for support.47 The sudden onset of
prioceptive exercises are given to improve shoulder con- shoulder problems resulting from a fracture can cause
trol and closed-chain exercises are started in the seated greater loss of function when compared with a gradually
position and placing the hand on the wall (scapular plane). increasing problem in which the patient has time to
Closed-chain exercises are progressed by balancing the adapt.24 With a normal elderly population comprising ap-
hand on a ball against the wall. Activation of lateral rota- proximately 21% to 34% of patients with shoulder prob-
tion is started against gravity (side lying). Medial rotation lems,14–16 proximal humerus fractures will only increase
is achieved by pressing the hand onto the stomach but this percentage. Immediate rehabilitation that targets vul-
preventing inappropriate activation of pectoralis major. nerable groups offers the best approach for limiting future
These both are progressed by the use of light weights or a problems.
resistance band. Patients with proximal humerus fractures often have
During later rehabilitation, active and resisted exercise poor neuromuscular status,37 and this is a risk factor for
is increased to regain full shoulder functional activity. The developing this type of fracture.42 Any rehabilitation pro-
sling usually is discarded by this stage. If joint contrac- gram must recognize these differences and tailor the pro-
tures persist, passive stretching is started in a controlled gram to the patients’ needs. Some patients only require
manner. advice, an exercise program, and monitoring for a short
Disability increases with age60 and sustaining a proxi- period. Others need more long-term, structured rehabilita-
mal humerus fracture increases the risk of having a hip tion that necessitates greater input from a therapist and
fracture 11% to 16%41 compared with a control popula- possibly other professional groups.
tion. Proximal humerus fractures are a result of minor
trauma,57 and the fall commonly is forward and directly Acknowledgment
onto the shoulder.55 Patients’ inability to break their falls The author thanks Julie Harris for her help in conducting the
with the upper limb is characteristic of proximal limb frac- United Kingdom survey.
tures and represents a considerable loss in neuromuscular
control mechanisms. The risk of future fracture is highest APPENDIX 1. Fractured Proximal
within the first 2 years of the injury,66 and many patients Humerus Questionnaire
with more complex problems will require a range of pro-
fessionals to prevent further injury. The increased risk of This questionnaire concerns the treatment of the minimally
future osteoporotic fractures must be recognized in this displaced (Neer type 1 classification) fractured proximal
group, and fall prevention programs should be incorpo- humerus with patients older than 40 years in your hospital.
rated into long-term evaluation and treatment. Please indicate overleaf if you would like to receive a
Developing rehabilitation programs that maximize up- copy of the findings.
per limb function after a proximal humerus fracture is
crucial because of the increasing elderly population. It is 1. Are patients who fracture their proximal humerus
important to minimize the period before rehabilitation (minimally displaced fractures or Neer type 1) rou-
starts, to inform the patients about their roles in the pro- tinely immobilized in your hospital?
cess, and to inform them why movement is important. Yes
Reducing or stopping any period of immobilization re- No
quires trust between the referring surgeon and the therapist Sometimes
because there are concerns about aggressive exercise lead- If sometimes, please clarify:
ing to fracture displacement and malunion.8 Synovial
joints require movement to maintain homeostasis, and the
fracture relies on the stimulus of movement13,27,38 to op-
timize the repair process. 2. If these patients are immobilized, how long is this pe-
The risk of a future hip fracture is higher after a proxi- riod?
mal humerus fracture, and the mortality rate9 is increased (If period varies please state the most common period
in this group of patients. Problems persist for many years of immobilization and the range, eg, 4 weeks, range
after the fracture66 as with other shoulder problems.23,46,64 3–8 weeks).
Patients do not recover spontaneously and many continue Period of immobilization weeks
to live with chronic pain.44 Pain in one area of the body is Range of possible immobilization weeks

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136 Hodgson and Related Research

3. Do patients receive physical therapy after the fracture? Question 4. How long after the injury do patients have
Yes first contact with a physical therapist?
Sometimes 1 week 43 (36%)
If sometimes, please clarify: 2 weeks 32 (27%)
3 weeks 30 (25%)
4 weeks 13 (10%)
6 weeks 2 (2%)

4. How long after their fracture do patients have their first (Seven physical therapists were unable to answer this question)
physical therapy contact (including initial clinic assess-
ment if applicable)? APPENDIX 3. Rehabilitation Program for Proximal
week/s Humerus Fractures
5. Any other comments. (Please continue overleaf if nec- Early Rehabilitation (injury to 2 weeks)
• Educate the patient regarding the benefits of early
APPENDIX 2. Fractured Proximal Humerus • Prevent inappropriate shoulder movement patterns
Questionnaire Results • Passive accessory movements to the shoulder, within
pain limit
Table 1: Response Rate • Passive shoulder abduction and lateral rotation aiming
for 90° abduction within the first three sessions
Questionnaires sent 139
• Teach the patient gravity assisted pendular exercises to
Returned 127
do at home.
Response rate 91%
• Pain control with heat or ice
Adjusted response rate* 94%
Intermediate Rehabilitation (2 to 8 weeks)
*The adjusted response rate does not include the four questionnaires sent to
hospitals not having trauma services. • Supervised passive shoulder exercises in supine (flexion
and lateral rotation)
Individual Questions • Light functional exercises without causing pain exacer-
Question 1. Are patients who fracture their proximal • Increase passive physiologic movements (not into resis-
humerus routinely immobilized? tance) to full range.
Yes 73 (57%) • Proprioceptive exercises (closed chain and open chain).
No 26 (20% Late Rehabilitation (8 weeks or more)
Sometimes 28 (22%)
• Active exercise against gravity.
• Isometric muscle work to strengthen rotator cuff
Question 2. If they are immobilized, how long is this muscles.
period? • Reduce use of sling and encourage functional exercises.
• Passive stretching if soft tissue contractions persist.
1 week 3 (3%)
2 weeks 21 (21%) Discharge when independent function is regained.
3 weeks 56 (56%)
4 weeks 17 (17%) References
5–7 weeks 4 (4%) 1. Adams JC, Hamblen DL. Outline of Fractures. 10th ed. London,
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