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Jai mai nein is Jose altamiranda tis taim ai wol tol abad som diferens betuin mai citi

monteria and
miunich alemania.

In miunich gastronomi is pork and is bris on diches wit flaur, milk, yis an boter

On de oder han, de gastronomi in mai citi is bis on yaca, banana and veirius tips of fich.

De citicens of Miunich carefuli rispect de establich ruls and las, wail in mai citi not so mounch

in mai citi dere is de larch park in Latin America, wail in Miunich der is de Englischer park wit for
jondred jacters

Jis feivurit esport is soker, laik in mai citi.

mai citi jas a worm tropicol claiment and Miunich has a hiumid ochianed claiment

Becos of its claiment dey dres wormer, wail in mai citi it is mor comen not to si pipol so varm.

De most important festivol in mai citi is de cadel feir, wail in Miunich it is de bir festivol.

A larch part of de citicens of Miunich saicul in deir espeir taim, wail in mi citi pipol gou for wolks
and ron in de afternuns

De lifestail in Miunich is verri similar to dat of Monteria in terms of halth.

is a citi of Catled Protestante spiritualiti onlaik Monteria wich jas mor reiliyius diversiti.

pipole in Miunich ar verri friendli and it is a tourist citi

On de oder jand, Monteria is olso a citi wit tourist atrachions bot not so monch.

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