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1. ___________________ and ______________ hold an important power that affects our lives, our mental
and physical health and our consciousness.
2. The science of cymatics is the study of visible ____________ and ______________. It proves that
______________ and ____________ are the organizational foundation for the creation of all matter in life.
3. When sound waves move through a physical medium such as land or water, the _____________ of the
wave has a ___________ effect upon the structures; this works within the _________________ as well.
4. German physicist Ernst Chladni’s sand experiment concluded that __________ and ____________
travels in waves . Different ______________ create different frequencies within structures. As the pitch of
the tone ___________, geometric patterns form and become more ____________.
5. One of the most important frequencies that you hear of often is ______Hertz.
6. Hertz refers to the number of _______________ or cycles per ________.
7. The ________ hertz frequency is so important because it vibrates on the principles of
___________________ which unifies the properties of _____________, ______________,
_____________, ____________, ____________ and ______________ within biology, DNA code and
__________________. This frequency has profound effects on expanding our human ______________
as well as on the _________________level of our bodies. It is considered to be superior tuning due to its
positive effects. It is said to be a ___________________ of math fundamental to nature and is
mathematically consistent with the ______________ of the ________________.
8. Modern science has begun to recognize what ancient civilizations knew long ago - everything is in a
constant state of _____________. Everything has a range of _________________ including every
_____________ and _____________ in our bodies.
9. Music based on ________ hertz creates resonance within our bodies and balances the ______________
and _____________ state. It transmits beneficial ______________________ because it is a pure tone of
__________ fundamental to _____________.
Music was changed to be tuned at _______ hertz in the year _______. When you listen to _________
hertz intentionally, the structures of our _________ and our ___________ start to resonate in
10. The syma scope suggests that ________ hertz is shaped like a _____________. The syma scope is an
accurate device that measures ________________________.
11. It has been discovered that healthy tissues have more _____________________ than unhealthy tissues.
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) has become a popular method of treatment for many
ailments. PEMF is the process that involves directing ________________________________ towards
damaged or injured areas.
12. True or False: Nasa recognizes PEMF as a type of therapy.

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