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Grade level & Strand: 12 HERACLES
Date: 10-09-21
Week #: 3

1. G. Social Organization

2. F. Religion

3. E. Language

4. A. Arts and Literature

5. D. Forms of Government

6. C. Economic Systems

7. B. Customs and Traditions


MARRIAGE: My culture when it comes to marriage can be seen as respect on every on every side of
two people, whether female or male. Man can marry one lady and that is his beloved women.
BEHAVIOR: In our culture when it comes to behaviour, we can decide whatever we want just like
sitting in any chair in the theatre. And if we have done something wrong to someone we know
him/her or not we apologize.
HAND GESTURES: In our culture when it comes to hand gesture there is a big difference in other
countries just like the V-hand gestures because it means to us peace and we use it to pose in front of
the camera.
CHILD-REARING: In our culture we cannot kill an innocent child. If we are unable to raise a child, we
take it to an institution related to childcare or leave it to a capable relative.
RELIGION: In our religious culture, since I am Catholic, we worship only one God and we praise a
READING TEXT: In reading text, we read what is written on the left side towards the right side.
TABLE MANNERS: Our culture when it comes to table manners is just like Europeans and Americans
who use a spoon and fork, but we often use our own hands to grab food before we put it in our

And so I am different
1. I can say about these people that they have a different ways to show their culture and
2. Some of their culture were inappropriate to practice like killing the children if does not taken
care of and also killing females which whom responsible for carrying a child. Like the Filipinos
they are cherish and Lovely and likes the tourist that visiting the Philippines and just like similar
as the country of Us they believe the same gods and they probably sweet and kind to.
3. Different Cultural practices and traditions are extensive aspects of our history and society.
We are living in the swirl of countless cultural settings and environments. When other's actions
and behaviours are not just a natural and straightforward attitude of an individual, they may be
acting that way because they are used to that, and that is the belief that they grow up to. We
can't call others bad and mean if we never knew it is part of their culture. Learn to understand
that we have diverse values and cultures that make us different from each other. Remind
yourself that we face different circumstances in life, so learning to appreciate others' cultural
beliefs and practices is essential.
4. For me, some of their cultures l consider right and others wrong because it is contrary to the
culture of the society and the country in which l live and where l grew up.
5. My own culture, because every culture had their own differences when we base it on theirs.
Which we need to respect that and that's why we need to know what the best on the two main
sets is like. How can you respect others when don't start it on yourself.
6. The answer should be yes, as a society and culture runs from diversity. We have to be a
culture relativist, that before we concluded and give conveyor to other culture we must first have
the capacity of empathy to wear their shoe first.

Aetas, they do some indigenous things that they could sell, they use some indigenous materials
such as forked stick, banana leaves, cogon and bamboo. They came from part of Luzon and
Visayas. I have known that they are indigenous people.
a. Social Organization: The social organisation of the Aeta Magbukún revolves around the
nuclear family as the basic social unit of the community. However, this nuclear family is
interdependent on other nuclear families bound together by kinship. Kinship defines
social norms, obligations, and relationships based on social rather than biological
relationships among family groups or clans.
b. Language: The Aeta speak Austronesian languages and follow Austronesian cultural
practices to a limited extent. Conversely, other Filipino ethnic groups not traditionally
considered Negritos, also have Negrito admixture (~10 to 20%). Aetas are most closely
related to the Batak people of Palawan.
c. Religion: Most Aetas practice monotheism and are animists. They worship a Supreme
Being and at the same time, also believe in environmental spirits. They believe that
various places in our environment are being governed by both good and evil spirits. As
for their clothing, they wear plain and simple attire.

d. Arts and Literature: Their literary arts are preserved only by oral tradition and being
transferred by the elders to the younger generation.

e. Economic System:  Aeta community are foraging, livestock and poultry production,

making and selling hard brooms, farming and agriculture, and some families are recipients of
the Pantawid Pampamilya Program of the Government.

f. Values, Beliefs, and Tradition: Most Aetas practice monotheism and are animists. They worship
a Supreme Being and at the same time, also believe in environmental spirits. They believe that
various places in our environment are being governed by both good and evil spirits. As for their
clothing, they wear plain and simple attire.

3 things I learned from them:

1. I learned that Aeta speak Austronesian languages and follow Austronesian cultural
practices to a limited extent.
2. I learned that Aetas practice monotheism and are animists.
3 I learned that Aeta community are foraging, livestock and poultry production, making and
selling hard brooms, farming and agriculture, and some families are recipients of the Pantawid
Pampamilya Program of the Government.

2 things I found interesting:

1. Aetas are hunting and gathering indigenous people. They're actually among the most
skilled when it comes to jungle survival – they are even able to make use of plants as herbal
medicine and possess tools and weapons.
2. The Aeta are nomadic and build only temporary shelters made of sticks driven to the
ground and covered with the palm of banana leaves. The more modernized Aetas have moved
to villages and areas of cleared mountains. They live in houses made of bamboo and cogon

1 thing I realize:
1. They are considered to be part of the Negrito ethnic groups and share common physical
characteristics of dark skin tones, short statures, curly to Afro-textured hair, and a higher
frequency of naturally lighter hair colour (blondism) relative to the general population. They are
thought to be among the earliest inhabitants of the Philippines.

In the Philippines, there is a well-known case of unity in diversity: Hundreds of evacuees from
Marawi City's armed war have taken refuge in a gymnasium in Maria Cristina, Lanao del
Norte. The gymnasium's conditions are characteristic of most emergency centers: crowded, hot,
and with no anonymity for the people who have taken refuge there. In these ostensibly daunting
circumstances, the evacuees — Muslims and Christians — have continued to live in peace and
work together.




The topic was about the Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism- beliefs of people when it comes
to culture.

It matters because it can help us see other people’s culture without comparing it to our own
because every society has it’s own distinctive culture.

I’ve learned today that cultures really vary. Some are similar and some are the complete
opposite of the culture I’ve grow up to. I also learned that our culture is better than the others.


1. I beg to disagree because, we don’t have the rights to call the other society an evil even to
those nations where terrorist lives. And also we don’t have the rights to called those “axis of evil”
because we don’t know what they’re culture or their traditions and religious beliefs that is why it
is not right to called them as terrorist.

2. I beg to disagree because, each of our culture is unique from each other. We do not have the
same climate, topography, language, and history. Our culture is based from these factors. So
we really cannot say that one culture is superior from the other.

3. I beg to disagree because, this po and opo words are only used by the Filipino people. They
used it as a sign for respect for people whom you are talking to.

4. I beg to disagree because, education does not limit itself in the four walls of the classroom.
Mangyans have been there long before the Spaniards came in the Philippines. They have their
own reasons why they do not associate themselves in the modern society.

5. I beg to disagree because, these are just hearsays if it is true, then the locals will be the first
victims. How come the areas still populated and inhabited?

6. I beg to disagree because, our forefathers have come along before us and they have been
eating these things ever since yet they survived.

7. I beg to disagree because, they are just thrifty maybe because of their environment. The kind
of weather that they have and the topography of their place have affected their being thrifty.

1. B

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. B

10. A

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