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What’s New
Activity 1: That’s a Good Question
Directions: Here are some samples of research questions. Rank them on a scale of 1 to
10 (1= lowest, 10 = highest) based on its feasibility and clarity as a
quantitative research question. Then provide a brief explanation of your

Quantitative Research Question Ratin Explanation
1. How many Grade-7 students are The current situation and the
enrolled in blended learning this 9 respondents are considered, and
School Year?
the questions are misleading.
2. Is modular learning or online It is clear and the situation was
learning more effective in 9 delivered correctly.
Language or Science subjects?

3. Is there a significant relationship The question is relevant in doing

in the number of households and 9 a research. And the respondents
COVID-19 confirmed cases in a
were stated clearly.

What’s More
Activity 2: The Very Good Questions
Directions: Using the same examples in your Activity 1, rank them on the scale of 1 to
10 (1= lowest, 10 = highest) based on the given parameters in writing a good
research question. If you find that the questions are not so good, then rewrite
the questions on the last column of the table. If your think it is already good,
then write your justification also.
Your Rating Revised Question/
Quantitative Research
Feasib Significa Ethica Justification
Question Clear
le nt l
1. How many Grade-7 It is ethical, clear
students are enrolled and significant but
in blended learning
the amount of time
this School Year?
7 9 9 10 in collecting the
data is not
considered because
it is a broad
2. Is modular learning It is clear and the
or online learning situation was
more effective in
delivered correctly.
Language or Science
subjects? 7 9 8 10

3. Is there a significant I can’t really

relationship in the decide so I put 5 as
number of
5 5 5 5 my rating.
households and
COVID-19 confirmed
cases in a Barangay?

Activity 2: Write the Questions

Directions: Write one general research question and two specific research questions for
the given research problem below.

Research Problem General Question Specific Questions

The Relationship What is media exposure?

between Media What is the relationship of
Exposure and Health media and health for the
Anxiety exposure? What is health anxiety?

Organization’s What is the relationship of What is employee job

practice and satisfaction in satisfactory?
an organization?
Leadership Practices
and Employee’s Job
Satisfaction What is leadership

What is study habits?

What is the effect of
Effects of Parenting parenting style and study
Style and Children habits? What is parenting style?
Study Habits

What I Have Learned

Directions: As you have learned from this lesson, answer each question

1. What I know about research question?

 Research questions serves as a method of collecting and analysing data and
type of data to be collected.

2. I have learned that good questions are

 Good questions have to be feasible, clear, significant, and ethical.

3. This time, I have learned that when stating quantitative research questions
 When stating quantitative research questions, it should be relevant to your
research and your research questions should not be misleading.

What I Can Do
State your Research Questions
Directions: Perform the following task. Referring to your background of the study and
research problem, list your research questions. When formulating these
questions, consider the design of your quantitative research.
1) How much will be the budget for printing modules in Biliran Science High
2) How many transferee students transferred this school year?
3) What are the determinate of effectiveness of teachers working in senior high
4) How modular learning or online learning affect the student’s academic
5) What are the best ways to conduct courses and online exercises during the
COVID-19 period?

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