Lesson Three: The Basic Value of The Filipino

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NSTP 1- Civic Welfare Training Service

Lesson Three: The Basic Value of the Filipino

(Role playing video)
Here’s the link for my video:


Love in Country – National pride is the feeling of love, devotion, and sense of attachment
to a homeland or the country and alliance with other citizens who share the same
sentiment to create a feeling of oneness among the people.
Faith in God - True faith in God means experiencing the words and work of God based
on a belief that God holds sovereignty over all things. So, you shall be freed of your
corrupt disposition, shall fulfill the desire of God, and shall come to know God.
Unity - Unity is harmony within and among individuals in the group. Unity is built from a
shared vision, hope, an altruistic aim or a cause for the common good. Unity makes big
tasks seem easy. The stability of unity comes from the spirit of equality and oneness. The
greatness of unity is that everyone is respected.
Patriotism - Patriotism or national pride is the feeling of love, devotion, and sense of
attachment to a homeland or the country and alliance with other citizens who share the
same sentiment to create a feeling of oneness among the people.
Concern for the Environment – A good Filipino conserves natural resources such as
water, land and air. One gets involved in efforts contributory to the welfare of the
environment such as planting trees and implementing proper waste segregation. One
keeps his surroundings clean, and does not throw garbage in canals and waterways.

(Song composition and recording)

Lesson Four: Voter’s Citizenship Education

1) By selling your vote to an undeserving candidate, are you devaluing yourself? Why or why

Yes, because I did not vote for the right one. For me, vote-buying is only one
of the symptoms of a systemic lack of political integrity that weakens the trust
citizens have in their elected representatives and limits their ability to speak up
freely and safely against corruption. By selling our vote to the undeserving
candidate, we ae degrading and devaluing ourselves because we let those
unworthy people lead our country.
Across the globe, different practices are used for manipulating elections. By now,
the striving literature on electoral integrity has produced a fair amount of work on most
common malpractices, from asymmetrical party finance regulations and unequal access
to media to the most trivial election day manipulation such as ballot box stuffing or
multiple voting. This said, relatively little work is done on what appears as a distinct,
however an effective method of electoral fraud where the meaning of law is manipulated
to undermine the level playing field, persecute electoral opponents or create more
favorable conditions for a party in any other way. Yet, the described practices are widely
applied in aspiring or façade democracies, where the nations lack independent judiciaries
and the law enforcement is controlled by the incumbents. In such regimes, any law,
including constitutions, is subject to manipulative interpretation by self-electing political
elites for their reproduction. This talk will come up with a comprehensive comparative
account of political legalism as electoral fraud, its consequences and implications for
policy and reform, both domestic and international.

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