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1. A red dragon is the symbol of which country? Why do some MPs want to
change the electoral system ?
- Wales
- Because in an election, the wishes of those who voted for the unsuccessful
candidates are not represented. The MP who wins a small number of votes in an
election may have more vote against him than for him.

2. When do the British open their Christmas presents?

On Christmas morning

3. Describe two of the three flags which make up the Union Jack
Upright red cross, white diagonal cross, red diagonal cross

4. What is the maximum length of a Parliament?

Five years

5. What is the connection between the “May Flower” and the USA
The Mayflower was the ship that transported the first English Separatists, known today
as the Pilgrims, from Plymouth, England to the New World (America) in 1620.

6. What is the name of Britain’s highest mountain ?

Ben Nevis

7. Where would you find a kilt ?

In Scotland

8. From which group of invaders did England gets its name ?

The Angles

9. Who was the mother of Queen Elizabeth I ?

Anne Boleyn

10. What happens to a bill after it has been passed by the House of Commons ?
It goes to the House of Lords to be debated and finally to the monarch to be signed.

11. What do families usually give each other on Easter Sunday ?

Ester eggs

12. Name two areas in Britain where a lot of immigrants live

London and the Heart of England

13. At what age can you drive a car in Britain ?


14. What happens on St. Vanlentine’s Day ?

People send each other Valentine cards and chocolate.

15. Which country is sometimes called Ulster ?

Northern Ireland

16. Is the area of the UK small compared to many other countries but London is
the world’s seventh biggest city ?

17. Are the Pennines in the center of England the backbone of the United Kingdom
No. The Pennies are a range of mountains and hills in Northern England (not in center of
England) and often described as the "backbone of England”.

18. What are the highest mountains of the UK ? The longest river in the UK ?
Ben Nevis - 1344 metres, Carn Eige - 1183 meters. The longest rivers in the UK are
the river Severn - 354 km and Thames - 346km.

19. Is the UK the political name of the country made up of England, Scotland and
Wales ?
No. The United Kingdom (UK) comprises four countries: England, Scotland, Wales
and Northern Ireland.

20. Does English mean British people living in Britain ?

No, it doesn’t. Britain is a political and geographic term which can refer to the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or the island of Great Britain. The
United Kingdom (UK) comprises four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland. The English are a nation and an ethnic group native to england,
who speak English language.

21. Does British refers to people from the UK, Great Britain or the British Isles in
general ?
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer:
+ Great Britain is the name of island which made up of England, Scotland and Wales.

+ British Isles is the geographical name that refers to all the islands off the north west
coast of the European continent: Great Britain, the whole of Ireland (Northern and
---> So you can see that 'the United Kingdom' is the correct name to use if you are
referring to the country in a political, rather than in a geographical way. 'British' refers
to people from the UK, Great Britain or the British Isles in general.

22. How many colors and crosses is the flag of the UK made up of ?
Short answer: There are 3 colors (blue, white, red) and 3 crosses which made up of
the flag of the UK.
Long answer: The Flag of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is
popularly called as the Union Jack. It is officially known as the Union Flag. The flag is
a blue field with the red cross of Saint George (patron saint of England) edged in
white superimposed on the diagonal red cross of Saint Patrick (patron saint of
Ireland), which is superimposed on the diagonal white cross of Saint Andrew (patron
saint of Scotland).

23. Did the name “Britannia” come from the Romans who gave Britain its name ?
Yes. The Romans came from Italy in AD 43 and, in calling the country “Britannia”,
gave Britain its name.

24. Are the English the descendants of all the invaders, but more the Celts than
anything else ?
No. The English are the descendant of all the invaders, but more the Anglo-Saxon
than anything else.

25. Which language was develop from Anglo – Saxon and was a Germanic
language ?
Enlish developed from Anglo-Saxon and is a Germanic language.

26. Is Southern English accent the most easily understood and usually taught
foreigners ?
Yes. A southern English accent is generally accepted to be the most easily
understood, and is the accent usually taught to foreigners.

27. Among the invaders entering the British Isles, who played an important role in
historical records of Britain ?

28. Is discrimination against Asian and black people is still serious in Britain today
No. In spite of laws passed to protect them, there is still discrimination against Asian
and black people, many of whom are unemployed or in low-paid jobs. However, the
atmosphere is improving and the different races are slowly learning to trust one
another. There are many areas in Britain now where racial harmony is a reality.

29. How did London begin its life ? Is the City of London now the financial and
business centre ? ko biết tóm sao cho ngắn
It began life as a Roman fortification at a place where it was possible to cross the
River Thames.

Yes. The City of London now is the financial and business centre.

30. Who lives at 10 Downing street ?

Prime Minister lives at 10 Downing street. Downing Street is a small side street off
White Hall.

31. What does the tube mean ?

The tube is nickname of The London Underground (also known simply as the
Underground), is a public rapid transit system serving London and some parts of the
other adjacent counties.

32. Do British people like queueing up when waiting a bus ( and lots of other
things) ?
Yes. They also get very annoyed with - queue-jumpers - people who don’t wait their
turn in the queue.

33. Where are many courts of London located ?

The centre of the country’s judicial system is to be found in the western part of the
City. The Old Bailey houses many courts and some of Britain’s most famous murder
trials have taken place here.

34. Tell about British newspaper .

The British are a nation of newspaper readers.
British newspaper can be divided into two groups: quality and popular. Quality
newspapers are more serious and cover home and foreign news thoughtfully while
the popular newspaper like shocking personal stories as well as some news. These
two groups of papers can be distinguished easily because the quality newspaper are
twice the size of popular newspaper.

35. What story does the Tower of London located ?

The Tower of London, officially Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress of the
Tower of London, is a historic castle located on the north bank of the River Thames
in central London.

36. Where are the entertainment centres and shopping areas of London ?
The West End
37. Whose death in 1649 reminds everybody that the monarch must not try to
govern the country ?
Charles I - king of England, Scotland and Ireland

38. When is the Queen’s Speech made annually to mark the opening of the new
session of Parliament ?
The Queen reads the speech to open the new session of Parliament each autumn.
State Opening of Parliament happens on the first day of a new parliamentary session
or shortly after a general election.

39. Tell about the Westminster Abbey and the location of the Houses of Parliament

Westminster Abbey is steeped in more than a thousand years of history.

Westminster Abbey, formally titled the Collegiate Church of St Peter at
Westminster, is a large, mainly Gothic abbey church in the City of Westminster,
London, just to the west of the Palace of Westminster. It is one of the United
Kingdom's most notable religious buildings and the traditional place of coronation and
burial site for English and, later, British monarchs.
The Palace of Westminster is the meeting place of the House of Parliament. The
Palace lies on the north bank of the River Thames in the City of Westminster, in
central London.

40. What does Whitehall accommodates ?

The street called Whitehall stretches from Parliament Square to Trafalgar Square, in
central London. Whitehall is often used as a name for the Civil Service.

41. Where is the port of the London?

The Port of London lies along the banks of the River Thames from the capital to the
North Sea.



What do you know about New England? Answer the following questions as briefly as

1. What are popular Massachusetts summer resorts?

2. What is the specific meaning of the word Yankee?

It refers to people who live in New England.

3. “I want to go to Bennington,” – “We’ve no objections” – one New Englander

replied – Which character of the New Englander can be defined through that reply?
Realistic and untalkative

4. Who is Federic Tudor?

Federic Tudor is an example of the business shrewness of the Yankees. As the
young man, Tudor heard someone say jokingly that, if ice were a crop, New England
would be wealthy.. Tudor remembered this joke and, years later, figured out how to
break up ice and ship it south. Tudor become a very rich man.

5. What are the two things that prove the special role New England has played in
American history?
The first thing is, in the eighteenth century, the American Revolution began in New
England. Yankees were among the strongest supporters of independence. Secondly, in
the nineteenth century,many New Englanders said slavery did not fit with their beliefs
and principles. New England Yankees led the movement to end slavery in America.

6. In what situation did Salem, Massachusetts become famous among the early
New Englander?

It was in 1600s that the Puritans lived in Salem, Massachusetts who ruled had very
strict ideas and severely punished people who did not comfort. In 1692, hysterical
accusations made by some girls led to the Salem witchcraft trials. Twenty people were
hanged as witches and many more were imprisoned. Finally, the governor of Massachusetts
ended the trials when his own wife was accused of being a witch.

7. About what was the story “ The House of the Seven Gables” written by
Nathaniel Hawthorne?
The House of the Seven Gables tells of the Pyncheon family, who live under the
curse of a man their ancestor condemned to death for withcraft. The Pyncheons’ lives
are haunted by greed, violent death, false accusations and slow decay - until one day
love destroys the curse.

8. Where was the idea “ civil disobedience “ taken from?

Henry David Thoreau

9. What can be considered the symbol of New England?

10. What did people sell and buy during the Triangular Trade?
Sugar, rum, slaves

11. When was the golden age of the Yankee clipper ships?
The mid-1800s were the era of Yankee clipper ships

12. Thanks to what did women from New England sea towns know much about
Mary Brown Patten

13. With what did people in New England have to replace their clippers later?
The metal steam ships developed in England in the 1860s

14. How could factories be built in New England by the late 1800s?
New Englanders used the money earned from the sea to built the factories.

15. What is the temperature of the sea in Maine ?

Hardly ever over 55*F

16. Where can people spend hiking and camping vacation in Maine?
Maine’s woods are perfect for a hiking or camping vacation.

17. What do people like seeing, if having a vacation in Maine in September?

In September, people drive through Maine to see the leaves turn all shades of red,
yellow, and orange.

18. What is Maine famous for?

Maine is famous for its lobsters.
19. Which event could be considered the first cause to lead to the American
The laws that imposed taxes on the colonists and limited their rights.

20. Which place in Boston witnessed a victory in defeat of the Colonists?

Bunker Hill

21. Which university does Harvard University often compete with?


22. What does the phrase Bostons Bradmins mean?

It means the elite (people are wealthy, well-educated and exclusive)
23.What reputation does Cambridge still keep nowadays?
The birth-place of American intellectual life

24.Who did the Bostons Bradmins use to look down on?

They looked down on the Irish Catholic immigrants who poured into Boston in the

25. Without what cannot the pancake in New England be considered originally
Maple syrup


What do you know about New York? Answer the following questions as briefly as

1. Which part of New York reminds people of the busiest life of New York?

2. Tell the worst thing that people are afraid when visiting New York?
Subway system

3. What is the role of the Fifth Avenue?

It is the deviding line of East Side and the West Side.

4. Why does Wall Street mean capitalism?

Because New York Stock Exchange and American Stock Exchange are both in the Wall
Street area.So are many stockbrokers, investment banks and other banks, and
headquarters of many large corporations. There is also the Federal Reserve Bank of NY
and the NY Stock Exchange which began with several merchants meeting under a tree
on Wall Street.

5. What is the prominent thing you can observe in the financial district?

In addition to the New York Stock Exchange and American Stock Exchange, there are
many stockebrokers, intestment banks and other banks, and headquarters of many large
corporations. Also we can observe the Federal Reserve Bank and the NY Stock

6. Where can New Yorkers buy fish in the early morning?

Fulton Fish Market.

7. What is the constant need of Manhattan?

Manhattan has always needed more space.

8. What will visitors enjoy if they come into the South Street Seaport?
The peaceful atmosphere. Also in addition to may shops and restaurants, the seaport
has a museum. What’s more, visitors can tour old houses, ships and shipyards, Fulton
Fish Market.
9. How do visitors get the whole view of New York?
There are two good ways to get the larger picture of New York: Firstly, circle it in a
boat or to hover over it in a helicopter. Secondly, being on the twin towers of the World
Trade Center rise 1,330 feet above the city. There’s an observation deck on the 107th
floor of one of the towers.
10. Did Americans attack Dutch colonists and take over New York from them in the
No, The Dutch soon settled in New York but British annexed the colony from the Dutch. New
York is completely independent after the American Revolution.

11. What does sweatshop mean?

It means a factory or other workplace where conditions are bad and hours are long
12. In which part of New York can you find the earliest generations of immigrants?
Lower East Side

13. Was New York the capital of America in the past?Yes

14. What pleasant things do people discover in the Lower East Side?
Its foods such as egg creams (made from sparkling water and chocolate syup) or other
foods including foods like herring, sour pickles, and “knishes” (patrries stuffed with mash
potatoes or other fillings)

15. Where do artists like to live in New York?

Greenwich Village (chuyen o qua khu con hien tai khong ro)

16. Which village do visitors want to see more, Greenwich Village or the East
Village? Why?
They want to see Greenwich Village. Because it has many elements: student attending
New York University, an active jazz scene, and in Washington Square - its center - street
performers, police, joggers, roller skaters, anbd just about everyone else.

17. Why did people laugh at the architectural style artdeco that the first
skyscrapers in New York had?
Because when they opened, it was the Great Depression, the country’s economy
had collapsed.

18. What is Midtown Manhattan famous for?


19. What is the symbol of New York?

The Empire State building

20. Are all the stores in Midtown the most expensive in New York?
Yes. In Fifth Avenue, there are stores among the most expensive stores in the world like
Catier, Gucci, Tiffany’s and so on.

21. In which place do people observe the extreme contrast of New York?
Times Square area

22. Where does the name Times Square come from?

Times Square is named after the New York Times (which is considered among the best
newspapers in the country)

23. Is it true that people can see a play only in the Theater District?
No, they can see play at the other theaters such as Off-Broadway and Off-Off-Broadway
theaters, most of these theaters are in the Village (Greenwich Village) and the East

24. Why has Central Park always been invaluable in the heart of Manhattan?
Because the value of land in Manhatan has turned the island into a sea of concrete
meanswhile the Central Park is a major exception

Quiz 4 : THE SOUTH

1. What are the people like in the South ?

Courtesy and civility are standard across the southern United States. Some states of
the south are among the fastest-growing areas in the country. But South people also
preserves their traditions - for example, they emphasis on good cooking and their
hospitable way of life.

2. Tell 3 factors that decided the South’s economy before the Civil War
1. Profits were made because labor (slavery) was unpaid.
2. Economic development strategy was given to be appropriate: Limited major crops
were planted: cotton, tobacco, and sugar...which are best grown on plantations.
3. Because of a warm climate, rich soil and a long growing season for crops, the
economy came to depend on agriculture.

3. When did the conflict between the North and the South start ?
The conflicts came when the nation began to expand west. Southern states said the
new areas that were being settled should allow slavery, the Northern states
disagreed. In the 1840s and 1850s Congress passed a series of laws that were
compromises between the North and the South. In the end, the compromises failed.
The conflicts worsened, and in 1861, the war became inevitable.

4. Why did more Americans die in this war than in all other wars combined?
Because before the war, there had been great advances in weapons but few
advances in medicine. Soldiers who weren’t killed outright often died of their wounds.
More soldiers died in the Civil War than any other American conflict — and two-thirds
of them were killed by disease ( Diarrhea, typhoid fever, lung inflammation…).

5. Which part, the North or the South, had more advantages in the war ?
The North had certain great advantages over the South. It had a larger population
and most of the country’s factories and banks.

6. What effects did the War bring about ?

When the war finally ended in 1865, the South had been devastated.
The most important long-term effect of the war was the end of slavery. Back
Americans were made citizens and were given the right to vote.
The Civil War helped transform the nation’s economy and way of life. The war effort
required more factories and better transportation system. The North became much
more industrialized than before.

7. Why couldn’t the former slaves live on an equal basis with other citizens?
One reason was that there was no real land reform. Plantations were not broken up,
and most blacks still owned no property. Another reason was racism. Many Southern
whites argued for segregation of blacks and whites.

8. How did the South apply segregation to the blacks in the end of 19th century?
White used violence against blacks. Southern states passed laws, to keep blacks
from voting - for example, by imposing taxes and literacy requirements. Southern
states also had laws enforcing segregation - black and whites were seperated in
schools, parks, trains, hospitals and other public places.

9. Which event became the most significant in the civil rights movement in
The Montgomery bus boycott, a seminal event in the Civil Rights Movement, was a
political and social protest campaign against the policy of racial segregation on the
public transit system of Montgomery, Alabama. The campaign lasted from December
5, 1955—when Rosa Parks, an African American woman, was arrested for refusing
to surrender her seat to a white person.

10. What measures did M.L.King support in the civil rights movement ?
He led the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott, many sitins, voter registration drives,
massive protests. He also gave speeches and helped found some organizations
supporting the the civil rights movement... He is best known for his practice of
nonviolent civil disobedience based on his Christians beliefs.

11. Is there a national holiday to celebrate M.L.King’s life and achievement?

Yes. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is an American federal holiday marking the birthday
of Martin Luther King Jr. It is observed on the third Monday of January each year,
which is around King's birthday, January 15.

12. Tell some names that refer to the Mississippi river?

The Indians called it Father of the Waters. Sometimes it’s affectionately called the
Big Ditch.

13. Did the US want to buy New Orleans with the Mississipi region in 1803?
The US wanted to buy just New Orleans at the mouth of Mississippi but Napoleon
offered to sell all the land between the Mississippi and the Rocky Mountains.

14. When was the Mississippi River really brought into use?
In 1803, after Louisiana Purchase

15. Is the Mississippi still useful nowadays? If yes, why?

Yes. Today the river is more important than ever for commerce. Boats - now diesel-
powered - carry bulk cargo, like oil, steel, and coal, that trains can’t transport. The
Mississippi is also a river of history and memories.

16. What sort of music brought Elvis Presley to success?

Rock ‘n’ roll.

17. For how long had New Orleans belonged to the French colonist before
becoming part of the U.S ?.
86 years (1718 - 1803)

18. Does everything in New Orleans bear the hallmark of French culture?
No. New Orleans has taken elements from many cultures and created its own unique

19. Which homes are designed for the old part of New Orleans?
The French Quarter was the original city of New Orleans. The beautiful homes of the
Quarter have courtyards and patios, their high ceilings and large windows.

20. What do tourists enjoy when visiting New Orleans?

- Sightseeing: The French quarter
- Food: café au lait and beignets, try red beans and rice in Monday, boiled crawfish,
gumbo (eaten as a soup or on rice).
- Music and festival: New Orleans is where jazz and the blues really got started.
Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday), the city’s most famous festival, refers to events of the
Carnival celebrations, beginning on or after the Christian feasts of the Epiphany and
culminating on the day before Ash Wednesday.

21. Where is Walt Disney World located?

The Walt Disney World Resort is an entertainment complex in Bay Lake and Lake
Buena Vista, near Orlando and Kissimmee, Florida

22. In Disney World, where should you go if you’d like to admire many places of
tourist attraction in the world?
We should go to Disney’ EPCOT Center. Its Future World lets you explore the
human life in future and world of imagination. The EPCOT World Showcase includes
miniature replicas of the US and other countries, for example, Eiffel Tower, Japanese
bosai gardens/

23. Is Florida America’s Vacationland only for the wealthy?

No. Although there is Plam Beach - a place for the wealthy, Florida welcomes people
of all classes who interested in the natural beauty and vibrant cities of the state.

24. What are Florida’s main products?

Top 5 are:

1. Tourism.
2. Computer & Electronics.
3. Food and consumable products (Oranges, Grapefruit, Sugar, Tomatoes,
Cucumbers)(nhớ nói orange)
4. Chemicals
5. Aerospace and transport equipment
25. Tell three most interesting about Atlanta. (câu này là ý cá nhân nên tự tạo câu
trả lời khác nha)
- The invention of air-conditioning.
- The formula for Coca-Cola was developed over 100 years ago by a pharmacist in
- Harmony atmosphere between blacks and whites. In 1974, Atlanta became one of
the first cities in the country to elect a black man its mayor.


1. Is the land in Oklahoma suitable for farming?

Yes. Farming remains an important activity in Oklahoma. However, much of land on
the Great Plains lacked moisture.

2. What happened on April 22 1889?

This was the date of the event called The Oklahoma Land Rush of 1889. It was the
first land rush into the Unassigned Lands . The US government had promised large
pieces of land to those who were first to claim them. The land run started at high noon on
April 22, 1889, with an estimated 50,000 people lined up for their piece of the available
8,000 km².

3. What can you imagine when hearing about Oklahoma? . (câu này là ý cá nhân
nên tự tạo câu trả lời khác nha) Nguồn tham khảo:
I think of the special geographic location of Oklahoma. Cimarron County of Oklahoma
is the only county in the United States that borders four states: Colorado, Kansas, New
Mexico, and Texas.

4. What are the Texans like?

Texans are proud of their state - perhaps too proud. In general, they are friendly and
approachable people. It has been the observation of many people that Texans are in
general more open to entertaining dialogue with people they do not know in comparison
to certain areas such as California and especially New York City - mostly due to the rural
and isolated lifestyle defining much of Texas culture.

5. Of what does Texas become the birthplace?

Texas was the birthplace of the hamburger. Texas also was home to the cowboy,
that hero of American West.

6. When was oil found in Texas?

Early 1900s

7. What do people compete in Marshall’s festival?

Capturing the most ants in 4 hours and chili-making.

8. Why is St.Antonio called a river city?

Because St.Antonio located on a river. The San Antonio river twists and winds its
way through a lot of the city.

9. What can you explain about the Missions in St.Antonio?

Missions in St.Antonio were established by Catholic religious orders (giáo hội Công
giáo) to spread Christianity among the local natives. These missions formed part of a
colonization system that stretched across the Spanish Southwest in the 17th, 18th, and
19th centuries. Those missions are Concepcíon, San José, San Juan Capistrano,
Espada and Alamo.

10. Who built those missions?

Spanish priest who came to convert Indians to Catholicism.

11. Who did Texas belong to before becoming part of the US?
During the period from 1519 to 1848, all or parts of Texas were claimed by five
countries: France, Spain, Mexico, the Republic of Texas, the United States of America—as
well as the Confederate States of America in 1861–1865.

12. Why was the cowboy’s life full of adventure?

Texas cowboys live on ranches where they take care of large amounts of livestock.
Even after a cowboy has finished taking care of all of their duties for one day and night
has come, a cowboy’s work is never done.

13. When did the era of cattle drive end?

By the late 1880s

14. From what situation was rodeo born?

In the old days, when cowboys got bored on cattle drives, they often challenged each
other in informal competitions. Soon towns had more formal competition for cowboys. So
rodeo was born to give cowboys a chance to show their skills.

15. What does a modern cowboy have to do?

Although modern-day Texas cowboys are a little different from cowboys of the past,
they have a lot in common with cowboys from the Old West, from their clothing to their
interactions with animals. Modern-day Texas cowboys live on ranches where they take
care of large amounts of livestock. Cowboys are responsible for feeding, branding, and
moving cattle and horses to different pastures where they can get exercise while they
graze on the grass and drink water.

16. Does Las Vegas have some (?) in its location?

17. Why has Las Vegas been nicknamed the City of Lights.
Because Las Vegas’s hotels and gambling casino use so much neon. Las Vegas is
home to some of the most famous hotels and casinos in the world, in addition to glittering
nightlife, world-class entertainment, and much more.

18. Is Las Vegas an appropriate place for a vacation with children?

No. In my view, Vegas is an adult destination where kids can be amused if they tag
along. Because there are still lots of zoo, aquarium, non-gaming, family-friendly
hotels….. However the activities that allow kids are secondary attractions in Vegas, and
probably all of them are activities that would be better somewhere else.

19. When was the first exploration of the Grand Cayon made?
In 1869

20. What made the exploration of the Grand Cayon become dangerous?
The rapids of the Colorado River and the narrow, twisting canyon walls were
extremely dangerous.

21. What is special about the Grand Cayon’s formations?

The Grand Canyon was formed by the mighty Colorado River cutting into a plateau in
Arizona. Because it’s so deep, the top and bottom have very different weather and
vegetation. The Canyon is visually stunning with gold, pink and purple bands of rock.
Each of these bands is a stratum, or layer, of the earth’s crust. In the Grand Canyon you
can hold a rock that is 2 billion years old.

22. If you were an artist, where in the Southwest would you like to visit? (câu này
là ý cá nhân nên tự tạo câu trả lời khác nha)
I’d like to visit the Grand Canyon which makes me believe that nature is magic. I
want to take a canoe on the river to experience the amazing canyon in real life.

23. Where in the US can many ghost towns be found? a. In Alabama; b. In Oregon;
c. In Detroit ; d. In Arizona

D. In Arizona
24. Did Tombstone use to be a major town?
No. People thought that Tombstone would become a major town. Since Tombstone
was a desert, a company built a huge pipeline to supply the town with water. No sooner
was this pipeline built than Tombstone’s silver mines struck water. There was so much
water that pumps couldn’t keep with it. The miner has to close. Tombstone became a
ghost town.

25. Where in the Southwest do many Indians live?

1. The Pacific Northwest and Alaska have disadvantages over other states in
America because of its geographical remoteness . F

2. Which economic fields are well developed in all three states, Washington,
Oregon, Alaska ?
Lumber and fishing

3. Does it rain much all the year round in Washington and Oregon ? Yes

4. Where is the Olympic Rain Forest situated ?

In Washington state

5. Crater Lake is a famous place for swimming in Oregon. F

6. Which volcano in Washington and Oregon do the climbers often try to

clim ?
Mount Rainier

7. Which of the following enabled such a remote city as Seattle become

enterprising at the end of the 19th century ?
Business-like Seattleites

8. What American well – established company has its factory in Seattle ?

The Boeing Company

9. What can visitors see when taking an “underground tour” at Pioneer

Square ?
After a fire in 19th century, business were hurry to reopen. So the street was
raised and new stores were built but under the new street, the old store still
remain.. So we can explore these stores.

10. Where can people go from Seattle’s harbour ?

Seattle’s harbour has ferries that will take you around Pudget Sound

11. Where can you see Asian influences on Seattle ?

International District (ID)

12. What is today Seattle like ?

It is the America’s most livable city with plenty of jobs and excitement, small-town
atmosphere, friendly people, fine theaters, water and mountains

13. Do the Indians have a good life in the Northwest ?

Yes, they have a good life in the Northwest thanks to the abundant resources
which still make possible a good way of life

14. What does the Pacific Northwest rich in ?

It is rich in its abundance of natural resources

15. Why are people afraid of too fast development in fishing and logging in the
Northwest ?
They cannot just use up natural resources so they avoid depending on logging
and fishing

16. Tell some economic activities with which the region is trying to diversify
its economy ?
High-technology manufacturing (has become important), ports (handle ¼ of all
trade between US and the Far East), farming (especially grape cultivation)

17. What makes Alaska different ?

Alaska refers to the other state as “Outside” or “Lower 48”

18. What can you say about the population of Alaska ?

Alaska has the fewest people with population density is only 0.7 person per
square mile

19. How many groups of Native are there in Alaska ? Who are they ?
There are 3 groups of native in Alaska: Indian, Eskimo and Aleut

20. Who were the first Non – natives in Alaska?

The first Non – natives in Alaska came from Russia

21. Is Alaska’s capital situated in the Northwest of Alaska ?

Juneau, Alaska’s capital, is situated in the Southeast of Alaska

22. How can people travel to Alaska’s capital ?

It can be reached only by water or air

23. Which city in Alaska is considered the most modern ?

Anchorage (It has grown rapidly since 1970s when it became the center for
Alaska’s booming oil industry)

24. Where in Alaska can people live by doing agricultural business ?

Palmer, an agricultural town

25. Tell three special things about Fairbanks.

1. Fairbanks was found almost by an accident
2. It’s Alaska’s second largest city
3. Fairbanks is one of the few cities in the world that is so far north


1. In what way does California symbolize the American dream ?
There, individuals have the opportunity to succeed, to do and be what they want.
Moreover, (geographically) California was as far as they could go to the west
which American pushed in search of a better life

2. Tell one good thing and one bad thing that prove the diversity in California
Good: Redwood trees which is a rare kind of plant only grow in a small area in
China and northern California
Bad: California’s Death Valley, which is the lowest spot in the US, and is also the
hottest and driest

3. Why do Northern Californians and Southern Californians often criticize

each other ?
Because they are different in lifestyle (Northern Californians accuse the Southern
Californians of being superfitical and materialistic. Southern Californians say that
Northern Californians are snobby and really are just jealous)

4. What did Levi want sell when he came to California at first ?

Tents (He thought the minners would buy tents)

5. What did San Francisco come into being ? (San Francisco đã ra sao?!!!)
It was a result of the Gold Rush. When forty-niners came to California by ship
passed through San Francisco and many of them returned there. The population
continued to increase sharply since then.

6. What was the first city in California ?

San Francisco

7. What is the best way for people to get to know San Francisco ?
San Francisco is a wonderful city to explore on foot.

8. What do you think has made the Golden Gate Bridge become the symbol of
San Francisco ?
1. It came from a idea of a forty-niner (“Emperor” Norton). His idea about a
suspension brigde was just ahead of his time
2. It took 20th centuary technology and the engineering genius of a man named
Joseph Strauss to bring it into existence.

9. What is the difference between Chinatown in New York and the one in San
Francisco ?
In New York: It is the only immigrant community in Manhattan that is still growing
In San Francisco: it is a genuinely ethnic area where is the largest Chinese
neighborhood outside Asia

10. Why is San Francisco considered a Liberal City ?

Because of the student protest in 60s and 70s as well as the strong gay rights

11. What does Prohibition refer to ?

It is refers to the Eighteenth Amendent which prohibited the making and drinking

12. Where do visitors go in order to know about California wine – making

They should go to the north of San Francisco, in Napa and Sonoma counties

13. What did Silicon Valley use to be famous for ?

It used to famous for its prunes (The valley had arces and arces of prune trees)

14. What quality should you possess if you want to go to Silicon Valley to
make a fortune ?
I should have qualifications in computer software and be ready to think new ideas

15. What can you interpret when reading the saying “Los Angeles is like
California only more so.” (Tự nêu càm nghĩ của mình nhé!!)
Los Angeles reflects the cutural and characters of California. The images most
people have when they think of California best fit Los Angeles and surrounding
area. (The Los Angeles area has many beaches with surfers, volleyball players,
and people getting tan. L. A. is also the center of the movie industry and home to
many movie stars)

16. What is the most wonderful thing in travel in Los Angeles ?

The L.A area has many beaches, with surfers, volleyball players, and people
getting tan.

17. Tell one characteristics that makes life in Los Angeles ?

L.A. is a city of fads and trends with clubs, restaurants, shops and styles have
been known to appear and disapear overnight or just in 4 quick steps

18. On which does the economy of Los Angeles mostly depend ?

The economy mostly depends on the strong economies in Asia. Asian companies
have also invested heavily in L.A. (¾ of downtown in L.A. is foreign owned, much
of it by Japanese)

19. Does Los Angeles have the same problems as New York has ?

20. How long has Hollywood become the symbol of the American film
industry ?
Since 1910s ( 107 years)

21. Who contributed to the establishism of Hawaiian society ?

He is Kamahameha, a powerful chief, unified the island of Hawaii by defeating
the other chief and establish a monarchy then proved to be king.

22. Was the presence of Whites all good to the Hawaiian ?

No. Althought they applied Alphabet for Hawaiian and soon taught them to read
and write, they disapproved of Hawaiian culture and did much to discourage it

23. When did the monarchical government end in Hawaii ?

In 1893 ( the Haoles (the Hawaiian word for foreigners) overthrew Queen
Liliukalani and set up a government )

24. What is Hawaiian culture like today ?

Hawaii culture reflects the ethnic mix with the combination of all the groups of
people comes from Japan, America, China and Philippine

25. What helps people in Hawaii understand each other in communication ?

They use Pidgin ((Though English is the main language), Pidgin is a kind of
combination of languages that enabled workers from different countries to

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