First RTC

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Asynchronous Task 1

                              Agreements, Disagreements, and Deadlock

Written task:

1. Why were the three Round Table conferences held between 1930-1932? /2                       
ANS ) The British government was losing forbearance as congress and the
Muslim league was continuously rejecting the proposals and decisions for a
constitutional settlement. Therefore, decided to call all the representatives of
the parties to London for around table conference to form up a constitutional
proposal. In the 3 Round table conferences, the Indian leaders were asked to
see eye to eye on one agreement on a future constitution for India.

2. Why did the three RTCs fail in reaching a constitutional settlement? /2
ANS) The three RTCs failed because :
First RTC: Mr. Gandhi (the most important personality of Congress) and other
congress members were imprisoned. Hence, it was a total failure.

Second RTC: The issue here was the suitability of separate electorates but
Mr. Gandhi’s stubborn attitude in rejecting other parties led to the failure of
this conference.

Third RTC: It was poorly attended as there were hardly any delegates. Mr.
Jinn ah and Mr. Ghandhi did not attend and representatives of the Labour
Party were not there either. The conference produced no results. 

3. What was the importance of the Communal Award of 1932? /1
ANS; the importance of the Communal award was that all minority communities
in India were given separate electorates. Although it reduced the Muslim
majority in Punjab and Bengal .but they accepted it. However, it was rejected
by Congress.

 4.Explain the importance of the Act of 1935 and why did the Congress and Muslim League
reject the act of 1935?
ANS: Later on, the communal award led to the making of India ACT 1935.
This act would prove important for the future of independent India. The act
became the base for the constitutions of independent India and Pakistan in

5. What were the long term effects of the Act of 1937?
The elections were won by the Congress party which meant that Indians gained
full authority to run the provincial government as they wished. The long term
effects were:
 Wardha scheme was introduced which focused on Hindu religion and
anti-Muslim acts.
 The congress ministries placed bans on almost all of the traditions and
culture of Muslims.
 Then non-acceptance of Muslim culture and traditions by Congress
ministries made the Muslims come to hate the rule of the Congress

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