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Dear MACS Families,

Now that we have the FCAT behind us, let’s all concentrate on the few projects remaining for this year.

SPAGHETTI DINNER AND AUCTION - Friday, May 6th 5pm-8pm at the Masonic Lodge in Micanopy

Tickets are on sale now. If you would like tickets sent home with your child please complete the bottom portion and return
to the front office.
Last year this was a huge success and raised a lot of money for our school as well as making a donation to a breast cancer
awareness organization in honor of Mother’s Day. The classes have all picked their themes for the auction:

VPK – Fitness
Kindergarten – Baking and cooking
1st grade Meyers – Arts and Crafts
1st grade Willis – Beach fun
2nd grade – Spa/relaxation
3rd/ 4th grade – Family fun
5th grade – Gardening

We have private individuals that are also contributing vacation homes and beautiful handmade pieces. If you or anyone you
know has anything to contribute to our silent auction, please don’t hesitate to get involved. Our goal is to raise the funds for
a covered walkway between the Landry building and the 3rd – 5th grade building.

We are asking our families to make a small contribution to the cost of the dinner. If the families of each VPK -2 student will
each contribute a jar of spaghetti sauce, 3 - 4 grade families a box of spaghetti (or thin spaghetti), and fifth grade families a
bottle of Italian dressing each, this will help bring down the cost of the meal.


In honor of our teachers and staff we want to be able to do special things for them throughout the week.

Monday – Bring your teacher a special homemade card

Tuesday – Breakfast (sign up sheet will be in the office)
Wednesday - “Quatro de Mayo” Luncheon (sign up sheet in the office)
Thursday – Flower Day…Staff should have a special vase for this day
Friday – Individual classes will do something special for their teachers

FIELD DAY - Friday, June 3rd

This is to let you know that on the last day of school we will have our annual field day. There will be more information
about this to follow, but we wanted you to know the date so that you can clear your calendar and attend.

Please don’t hesitate to ask me if you have some questions about any of these events.
Chris Feaster (352)591-3231

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I would like __________ tickets for the spaghetti dinner.

________________________________________ __________________
Student Name Grade

Parent Signature

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