Guia Ingles

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1. The human brain makes up only two percent of an adult’s body weight.

2. The foreign policies that the hoover administration undertook in 1929 were marked by good will and
peaceful purpose.
3. Children usually turn to their parents rather than to other figures of authority for protection from threats
in the environment.
4. The high tides and winds of hurricanes cause extensive damage to pacific island nations each year
5. Anthropologists study societies within their environments and evaluate the adaptations they have Made.
6. Malaria, which can be fatal if left untreated, is transmitted by the female, not by the male mosquito
7. Like his predecessor, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau is known for his transcendental
8. The tallest bird on the North American continent, the white whooping crane stands four and a half feet
9. For thousands of years, people have used vast amounts of wood for building and heating their homes.
10. Past experience has shown that even well-trained experts do not always have overwarming success in
forecasting in rates.
11. If each gene in the human genome were more completely understood, many human dis be cured or
12. Rarely has the federal government on the united states grown during a republican administration.
13. Water,_ one of the most critical elements for human survival, is also one of the most abundant
compounds on earth.
14. Relied on extensively by persons who cannot speak or hear. American Sign Language ranks as the fourth
most widely used language in the U.S. today.
15. Efforts to provide equal opportunity for minorities in the United States may be said to date from the
Civil Rights Act of 1964.

16. Chicago´s Sears Tower, now the tallest building in the world, rises. 1,522 feet from ground to the top of
its antenna..
17. Vitamin E, which is found in nutritious foods such green vegetables and whole grains, acts as an
antioxidant in cell membranes.
18. Scientists are currently trying to map the human genome, the blueprint of human heredity.
19. A snowflake is a frail crystalline structure which maintains its delicate shape only as long as it is
20. James Dickey´s first poem was published while he was still a senior in college.
21. Most fatty acids have been found as essential components of lipid molecules.
22. Social stratification can be based on many criteria, such as wealth, cultural level, legal status, birth,
personal qualities and ideology.
23. In his famous domes, architect Buckminster Fuller utilized thousands of simple equilateral triangles
linked together.
24. Early in United States history, the rights of women were championed in Wyoming, the state where they
were first guaranteed the right to vote.
25. The most aggressive bee known, the African honeybee is currently swarming into North America.
26. Only after Theodore Roosevelt became president did conservation develop into a major environmental
issue in United States.
27. If he were alive today. F. Scott Fitzgerald might be surprised to learn his novel The Great Gatsby has
transcended its own age and turned into a timeless classic.
28. The world´s rain forests are being cut down at the rate of 3,000 acres per hour.
29. In all human communities, power yields certain advantages and privileges, such as Honor, material
benefits, and prestige.
30. Scientists used line spectra to identify the element helium in the sun.
31. The computation of the passage of time has always been associated with the movements of celestial
32. Many environmentalists fear that the earth will run out of essential natural resources before the end of the
twentieth century.
33. The discovery of gold in California 1848 led to the Gold Rush of 1849.
34. The personality traits of children are often similar to those of their parents, but these traits are not always
genetically conditioned.
35. Lecithins and other phospholipids play key roles in the structure of cell membranes.
36. Wages and salaries account for nearly three fourths of the national income generated in the United States
37. Further evidence is needed to support recent research which suggests that the certain chemicals found
broccoli may act as cancer preventatives.
38. Contemporary newspaper columnist Russell Baker is noted his humorous commentaries written in the
tradition of Benjamin Franklin.
39. Nutritional adequacy is hard to achieve on low.calorie diet; even a small person should not try to get by
on fewer twelve hundred calories per day.
40. In reality, all biological reproduction beings at the cellular level.
1. It is common for drugs to act as antagonist to vitamins
2. The fairy slipper orchid can only be found in relatively inaccessible mountain forest regions of north
3. The concept of family in nomadic societies is broadly defined
4. Thought to cause people to act recklessly, the color red is the background color of choice.
5. On a promontory overlooking the Pacific Ocean lies the Santa Barbara campus of the university.
6. Bruce Barton, the son of a minister, was one of the most successful advertising men.
7. Few U.S presidents have enjoyed as much popularity as did John F. Kennedy.
8. It is difficult to determine exactly what the center of the earth consists of.
9. Though convinced that the economy was basically sound President Hoover took steps to prevent the
spread of depression.
10. Benjamin Franklin was indeed a practical man; nevertheless, he was also an idealist who gave a large part
of life to the American colonies
11. Cell biologists use a variety of sophisticated chemical techniques in studying cells today
12. The overall strength of a country’s economy is what determines the value of its currency
13. Should American car manufacturers ever recover from the setbacks they have experienced in recent
years, the economy of the entire would be positively affected.
14. The aggressive cross-examination of witnesses is forbidden in the federal courts of united stated.
15. The flora of the arid American Southwest is less varied than that of the semi-tropical southeast.

16. Once they have built their nests, birds lay eggs and hatch their young.
17. Moisture in the air form an effective insulating blanked over most of the earth.
18. Competitive firms are always under pressure to reduce cost, improve quality, and cater to consumer
19. A sector of a cirvle is a pie-shaped region bounded by a central angle, the arc it cuts off, and two radio.
20. Scientists often place the initial domestication of horses at around 4000 years ago, basing their estimates
on historical depictions showing horses used by military cavalry.
21. The discovery of a new primate species, the black- faced lion tamarin, will be formally announced as
soon as scientists hae further evidence of its existence.
22. The Beartooth highway crisscrosses the border between Montana and Wyoming, eventually climbing to
an elevation of eleven thousand feet at scenic Bearthooth pass.
23. Water pollutants are classified either ass enriching substances that cause europhication or as poisonous
material that harm aquatic life.
24. In today’s world, Americans are depending on the automobile as their primary means of transportation.
25. Aspirin seems helpful in reducing the risk of stroke in people whose upper heart chambers beat
26. The sugar maple is popular tree in New England because the sap wich it produces can be converted into
27. Fast obedient, and intelligent, the quarter horse is ridden in many rodeos.
28. The computers, one of man’s most recent creations, has revolutionized the world of information
29. President Woodrow Wilsons’s collapse on October 2, 1919, was a tragic event not only for the president
and his family but also for the nation.
30. Although both television and radio lack the permanent quality that the printed word has, they remain the
preferred sources of entertainment and information for the majority of Americans.
31. Schoolars of historical change feel that the velocity of history has been greatly accelerated by the onward
rush of science and technology during the twentieth century.
32. No nationwide survey has yet tried to assess the extent of zinc deficiency in the united states or Canada,
but indications are that it does occur.
33. An inventions chance of being accepted depends on its superiority to the method or object it is replacing.
34. Edgar Allan Poe, creator of the detective story at the age of thirty-two, claimed to prefer writing poetry to
writing prose.
35. In 1976, NASA set up is search for extra- terrestrial intelligence program, wich was designed to seek out
evidence of intelligent life on other plants.
36. Garlic which is member of the lily family, is valued both for its medical properties and for its pungent
37. For the most part, cooked vegetables contain fewer usable nutrients than do raw vegetable.
38. The powerful, destructive force hurricanes, common in the Caribbean and Southeastern United States
sometimes reaches as for north as New England.
39. White solvent- based wall paints offer good coverage and sealing power. they are more difficult to clean
up than are water-based paints
40. Electronic games, many of which can be powerful instructional tools, are becoming more and more
prevalent with the proliferation of computer in schools.

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