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Business communication and strategic

communication management

Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

3rd March 2021

Linking Business and Communication Strategy

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

24.02. Introduction

03.03 Linking Business and Communication Strategy

10.03. Stakeholder Relations, Corporate Identity and (Online) Branding

17.03. Corporate Image, Country Image, Reputation and Trust

24.03. Issues Management

31.03. Crisis Communication

07.04. Easter Break

14.04. Social media and Online-Communication

21.04. Integrated Corporate Communication

GUEST LECTURE: User-oriented Brand Content & impact on Brand image,
Dr. Matthias Albisser
05.05. International Corporate Communication Strategies
12.05. Corporate Social Responsibility Communication

19.05. GUEST LECTURE: Corporate Public Diplomacy, Dr. Sarah Marschlich

26.05. Controlling and Evaluation

02.06 Final Session (summary, Discusssion)

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Presentations list
24.02. Introduction

03.03 Linking Business and Communication Strategy

10.03. Stakeholder Relations, Corporate Identity and (Online) Branding

17.03. Corporate Image, Country Image, Reputation and Trust (Chanel Perruchoud)

24.03. Issues Management (Mélodie Schneider)

31.03. Crisis Communication EXAM 1

07.04. Easter Break

14.04. Social media and Online-Communication (Valerie Fenoarisoa)

21.04. Integrated Corporate Communication (Sarah Kirsch)

GUEST LECTURE: User-oriented Brand Content & impact on Brand image,
Dr. Matthias Albisser
05.05. International Corporate Communication Strategies (Fabienne Lomatter)
12.05. Corporate Social Responsibility Communication (Carina Hayoz)

19.05. GUEST LECTURE: Corporate Public Diplomacy, Dr. Sarah Marschlich

26.05. Controlling and Evaluation (Sandra Brunner)

02.06 Final Session EXAM 2

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Continuous Evaluation

Written Exam 1 + written Exam 2 + Presentation = FINAL GRADE

½+ or
(March, 31st) (June 2nd) (optional)
1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3

Oral Exam (August session 2021)


UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff 02/03/2021

Example of the week
NewYork Post, 23.02.2021

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Session Objectives

You will learn more about:

§ The link between business and communication strategies

§ The contribution of communication to value-based management

§ Communication strategies to enhance legitimation in society

§ Differing strategic and operational communication management

§ The basic steps and components of the communication management


UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff


> Recap
> Corporate and strategic communication
> Communication and strategic management
> Value-based management
> Objectives: Profitability and legitimacy
> Corporate communication strategy process
> Linking business and communication strategy
> Planning the communication management process
> Become the Master of StratComm! KAHOOT!

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

> Recap

> Corporate and strategic communication

> Communication management
> Value-based management
> Objectives: Profitability and legitimacy
> Corporate communication strategy process
> Linking business and communication strategy
> Planning the communication management process
> Become the Master of StratComm! KAHOOT

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Please register on

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff 02/03/2021

è One of the largest transnational study on
strategic communication worldwide,
conducted annually since 2007
è But: self-selection bias, not representative,
few respondents per country

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff 20.02.2019

General Issues in PR

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff 20.02.2019

Communication channels

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff 20.02.2019

Digital Challenges

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Ethical issues related to digital communication

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

> Recap

> Corporate and strategic communication

> Communication management
> Value-based management
> Objectives: Profitability and legitimacy
> Corporate communication strategy process
> Linking business and communication strategy
> Planning the communication management process
> Become the Master of StratComm! KAHOOT

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Why bother? The role of corporate communication

§ Market- and environment-based drivers

§ Communication-based drivers

§ Organization-based drivers

(Frandsen & Johansen, 2018)

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff
Why bother? The role of corporate communication
to achieve business objectives

Communi- Knowledge & Trust & Business

cation understanding acceptance objectives

• Vision and • Positive • Relationship through • Profit

mission associations building • Money • Intangible
• Coherent, • Positive image • Positive • Commitment assets:
convincing • Understanding judgment reputation,
presentation • Infrastructure trust
• Good
• Engagement
• Co-creation feeling • Create
of meaning • Willingness • Advocacy legitimacy
to rely • ... • ...

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Communication management

§ Corporate communication management is “any type of

communication activity undertaken by an organization to inform,
persuade or otherwise relate to individuals and groups in its
outside environment” (Cornelissen, 2014: 18).

§ Strategic communication management:
Ø is a process that tries to manage the communication of
strategic significance with regard to an organization
Ø derives from general strategic management
Ø deals with communication activities and resources (Zerfass et al.,
2018: 497).

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Communication & Management
§ Difference between strategic communication and strategic
communication management (SCM)


SCM B Competitor


Threshold level: strategic communication for focal entity (Zerfass et al., 2018)

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Corporate communications
and its distinct component spheres

Objective: joint production; based on division of labour
Communication: shapes organizational constitution and
substantiates unspecified contractual arrangements

Corporate Strategy


Objective: selling and buying product, Objective: legitimization and securing
services, and resources room for manoeuvre
Communication: aims at Communication:
initiating or impeding cultivates social and
economic contracts political relationships

(Zerfass, 2008)
UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff
The Strategic Process

§ Three distinct phases:

Ø Strategy formulation and revision

à communicative intervention

Ø Strategy presentation
à e.g. in annual reports or on corporate website

Ø Strategy execution, implementation, and operationalization

à resources allocation
à supported by communication

(Zerfass et al., 2018)

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Strategic process:
Deliberate and Emergent Strategies
Strategies as “patterns in a stream of decisions”


te stra
Unrealised REALISED
strategy STRATEGY


& Monitoring
(Mintzberg & Waters, 1985)

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

An Example: From FaceMash to Facebook

2.8 billion monthly active users

on Facebook on average (Fourth
quarter of 2020)

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Value-Based Management

Main task:
increasing the value
of the company

Shareholder value Stakeholder value

i.e. market value of stock i.e. legitimation in society

(Zerfaß, 2008: 67)

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Objectives: Profitability & Legitimacy

Profitability Legitimacy

Building up economic Generating social

potentials Reputation potential
Management Trust
Building up immaterial Corporate brands Credibility
Operational Lobbying
Management Product PR/ Publicity
Corporate responsibility
Supporting the
production of goods
and services Realizing commercial success Implementing social activities

Safeguarding competitive Securing the license to operate

advantages, profitability
and cash flow (Zerfaß, 2008: 68)

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Contribution of Communication
to Value-Creation

Market-based view Resource-based view

supporting the ongoing provision of building up immaterial assets such as

goods or services reputation and brands
• success • long-term potentials of success
• focus on profitability • focus on legitimacy

(Zerfaß, 2008: 69f.)

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Ongoing Performance vs. Intangible Assets

Market-based view Resource-based view

(Sass & Zerfass, 2008)

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff
Strategic Communication


Legitimacy Profitability

Identity Brand


UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff


> Corporate and strategic communication

> Communication management
> Value-based management
> Objectives: Profitability and legitimacy
> Corporate communication strategy process
> Linking business and communication strategy
> Planning the communication management process
> Become the Master of StratComm! KAHOOT

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Role of Communication (II)

Corporate strategy translating

Communication strategy

à Communication strategy (corporate communication) bears a tight

relation to corporate strategy
à Communication must reflect company’s strategy, values, culture,
mission, vision, … (Cornelissen, 2014: 93)

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

UBS Tax Evasion Scandal

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

UBS – Corporate Strategy

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff 27/02/2019

UBS: Communication Strategy
, 21.02.201

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

UBS Tax Evasion Scandal: Mass Media
UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff
UBS Tax Evasion Scandal: Social Media

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Strategic and Operational Management

Corporate Communication Communication

Strategy Strategy Instruments

Messaging (Outbound)
Investor relations
Assessing (Intangbile Assets Reports) Media relations

Evaluating (Measurement Methods)

Implementing (Scorecards) &
Steering (Scorecards) &

Markets Market communication


Public Events and personal

Processes relations communication

Monitoring (Inbound)
Issues management
Potentials Internal
communication Reputation and brand

Process Management / Budgeting & Human Resource Management / Leadership

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Breakout session:
Please work in groups…

How do you evaluate the following companies?

- Write down adjectives, which you relate to the company.
- Which associations do you have spontaneously when thinking
about these companies?

Group 1 & 2 Group 3 & 4 Group 5 & 6

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Krisenkommunikation, Issues & Reputation Management 37
Image: Unsere Vorstellungsbilder

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Krisenkommunikation, Issues & Reputation Management 38
Our images:

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Krisenkommunikation, Issues & Reputation Management 39
Our images:

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Krisenkommunikation, Issues & Reputation Management 40
Breakout session:

Group 1 & 2:
(1) You are the head of communications at Läderach: Would a
cooperation with Swiss be a good idea - in the form of a praline box on
board? Discuss the advantages and risks with regard to identity.

Group 3 & 4
(2) You are the head of communications at Swiss:
Would you consider cooperating with Läderach
(praline box)? (3) Is it possible to cooperate with
Coca-Cola Switzerland (free can on board)?
Discuss the advantages and risks with reference to

Group 5 & 6
You are the head of communications at Coca-Cola Switzerland:
Does a cooperation with Swiss (beverage on board) or with Läderach
(beverages in stores) suggest itself? Discuss the advantages and risks with
reference to identity.

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Your recommendations:

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Your recommendations

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

https://www.suedostschw 20.01.2020

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

Zehn Jahre lang war der Schokoladenhersteller Läderach bei
der Swiss an Bord präsent. Zuletzt mit einer kleinen Praliné-
Box, die als Zeichen der Aufmerksamkeit an einzelne
Passagiere abgegeben wurde. Die Swiss bestätigt nun, dass die
Zusammenarbeit im November beendet wurde. Die Praliné-
Box sei aber noch bis Mitte April Teil des Swiss-Bordprodukts. Swissinfo, 30.01.2021

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff / 30.01.2020

Thank you for your attention!

Next session on 10th of March:

Stakeholder Relations, Corporate Identity and
(Online) Branding

Please prepare:
• Baldus et al. (2015);
• Cornelissen (2014);
• Lawrence & Weber (2017).

UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff

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UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff 27/02/2019
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UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff 27/02/2019

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UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG | Prof. Dr. Diana Ingenhoff 27/02/2019

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