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Biosystems Engineering (2004) 88 (3), 337–342 Available online at

PH}Postharvest Technology

Wear of Rice in an Abrasive Milling Operation, Part 1:

Prediction of Degree of Milling
Debabandya Mohapatra; Satish Bal
Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721302, India;
e-mail of corresponding author:

(Received 11 June 2003; received in revised form 28 February 2004; published online 7 June 2004)

The abrasion coefficient of rice was determined at different degrees of milling levels, for three varieties of rice
differing in slenderness ratio. The abrasion coefficient was found to decrease with the degree of milling,
indicating the removal of asperities and progressive hardness of the core of the rice. The slenderness ratio was
found to be negatively related with the value of the abrasion coefficient. The average values of the abrasion
coefficient of rice on abrasive element (synthetic emery) varied between 003 and 005 for three varieties of rice
differing in hardness and slenderness values. The average value of abrasion coefficient was used to predict
the degree of milling using the principles of adhesive wear. The predicted values of the degree of milling fitted
the experimental values adequately, with relative deviation modulus varying between 14 and 23% and good
values for the coefficient of determination (R2 > 090).
# 2004 Silsoe Research Institute. All rights reserved
Published by Elsevier Ltd

1. Introduction when sliding occurs, fragments are torn from the softer
surface and are left deposited on the harder one
Milling any material is basically a phenomenon of (Meredith & Hearle, 1959). According to the literature
wear (Sarkar, 1976). Wear is defined as either mass or (Zum Gahr, 1998), the rate of material removal from a
volume of material, removed or displaced from a solid solid body is 10% of the total time and 90% of the time
surface, which is repeatedly subjected to mechanical it spent rolling. However, wear has no satisfactory
stresses by rubbing with another solid surface or quantitative laws. This is because any small change in
surfaces. This involves removal of material from a solid one of the parameters, for example, speed, area of
surface by mechanical action, which may be sliding, contact, load, amplitude, dimension of the abrasive as
rolling, impact or combination of these operations well as the abrading material, can completely alter the
(Robinowicz, 1965). The wear processes may be contribution of each factor to any overall wear equation
classified into different modes depending on the kine- (Bowden & Tabor, 1964).
matics and mechanisms (Zum Gahr, 1998). In abrasive Rice milling operations, in particular, are of two
wear, material is displaced or detached from the solid types: (i) abrasion milling, in which brown rice is
surface by the following: (i) hard particles or the abraded by a hard abrasive surface at high speed
presence of hard protuberances on a counter face in a and low pressure between two surfaces; and (ii) friction
relative motion as in the case of two-body abrasion; and milling, in which two or three body wear take place
(ii) hard particles between two surfaces or embedded in due to the rubbing of two bodies of similar nature,
one of the two surfaces in relative motion, as occurs in under high pressure and at relatively low speeds.
three-body abrasion. In practice, when a single asperity However, there is no pure form of abrasive or friction
slides against a softer counter face, the deformation milling in rice polishing. It is a combination of
mode can be entirely elastic, provided the asperity is adhesive and abrasive wear. When the rice grains
sufficiently obtuse; in such a case the wear rate will be revolve inside the milling chamber, the parts of rice
negligible (Xie & Williams, 1996). In polymers, strong grain coming in contact with an emery surface undergo
adhesion occurs at the points of contact of the asperities; an abrasion type of wear, whereas when the grains

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Ap total area of conical surface, m2 pw milling pressure, Pa

d0 depth of penetration of the conical emery P relative deviation modulus, %
particle in the rice grain, m r radius of the emery cone, m
D diameter of the emery wheel, m R2 coefficient of determination
DM degree of milling, % t milling time, s
Dobs observed degree of milling, % V volume of the material removed due to
Dpre predicted degree of milling, % abrasion, m3
k wear coefficient w width of rice grain, m
l length of rice grain, m x sliding distance, m
L normal load, N y angularity of the emery grain, deg
mb bran mass, kg w2 chi-square
Mg bulk mass of grain, kg rb bulk density of bran, kg m3
n number of data points DL small load acting on the grain surface, N
N rotational speed, min1
p hardness of the grain, N m2

rub with each other, an adhesive type of wear takes Based on these laws, Holm (1946) (as cited by
place. Robinowicz, 1965) developed an equation for the
The specific objectives of this investigation are: (i) to evaluation of the volume of wear material removed as
determine the coefficient of abrasion in rice grain in adhesive wear (Ravikiran & Jahanmir, 2001; Ling
varying in the degree of milling using laws of wear and et al., 2002):
(ii) to predict the degree of milling based on the kLx
coefficient of abrasion. V¼ ð1Þ
where k is the wear coefficient.
2. Theoretical considerations Archard (1953) postulated the adhesive wear law and
presented the wear coefficient for the area of contact
When a rice grain rubs against an abrasive surface, i.e. between the asperities. Another model of abrasive wear
emery surface, there will be formation of wear particles (Appendix A) suggested that the coefficient of abrasion
at the junction of the point of contact between the may be calculated on the basis of the angularity y of the
asperities. This would result in mass loss from the grain emery particles. However, the variation in angularity
surface. The volume V of the material removed in m3 or may be so much that it would be difficult to get a
the mass loss mb in kg in the process of abrasion is representative value of tan y. Moreover, it was not
dependent on the dimensions (slenderness ratio of the possible to measure values of angularity for the emery
grain l=w, where l and w are the length and width of the particles in bonded condition or on an emery wheel.
grain in m, respectively) and hardness of the grain p in Mulhearn and Samuels (1962) tried to determine the
N m2, length of cut or sliding distance x in m, and number of effective emery particles in a bonded silicon
normal load L in N. carbide surface. They found out that only 1/8 of
the total number of grains on a particular wheel was
in the cutting position. Assuming that all the effective
2.1. Abrasion coefficient
emery grains are cutting the bran on rice grain,
throughout the rotation of the polishing emery wheel,
For developing a mathematical model to estimate the
of diameter D in m and rotational speed N in min1, the
amount of bran (polish), the quantitative laws governing
bran removed by them operating through a sliding
both adhesive and abrasive wear types were considered.
distance given by (pDNt/60) for an operating duration
The general laws of wear are as follows (Robinowicz,
of t in s would be:
(i) The amount of wear is generally proportional to the mb ¼ krb x ð2Þ
load and sliding distance.
(ii) The amount of wear is inversely proportional to the where rb is the bulk density of the bran in kg m3.
hardness of surface to be worn. Properties of the materials are given in Table 1.

Table 1
Properties of rice used in the mathematical model
Pusa Basmati Swarna ADT37
Hardness p, N m 0015 0011 0018
Load L, N 196
Bulk density of bran rb , kg m3 420
Rotational speed N, min1 1360
Diameter of the emery wheel D, m 0155

Now Eqn (2) can be written as test weight apparatus, as specified by the equipment
mb p manufacturers (Ohaus, USA, precision 01 kg h l1)
k¼ ð3Þ
rb Lx in triplicate. The average value was then expressed
in kg m3. Hardness of the samples was measured
Using Eqns (2) and (3), the degree of milling DM ,
using a texture analyser (TA-XT2, Texture Technologies
which is defined as the mass of bran removed per unit
Corp., UK) with a 25 kg load cell using single
mass of brown rice and expressed in percentage, can be
compression (Perez et al., 1997). The brown rice samples
expressed as
i.e. long-slender Pusa Basmati (l=w ¼ 443), medium–
kr L grain Swarna (l=w ¼ 255) and short-bold ADT37
DM ¼ b x  100 ð4Þ
pMg (l=w ¼ 19), after cleaning and grading were polished
where Mg is the mass of brown rice fed to the polisher in in abrasive polisher (Model: Satake Pearler- TM05) for
kg. Experimental results are validated using Holm– 15–180 s. The emery grit size chosen was 36 and at a
Archard’s equation of wear. rotor speed of 1360 min1. The samples were aspirated
(Bates Aspirator, USA) and mass loss was noted for
three varieties to calculate the degree of milling.
3. Materials and methods The data were analysed using ORIGIN 60 software
to determine the coefficient of determination R2 and
Freshly harvested Pusa Basmati, an aromatic, long standard error, and the w2 test was applied to find the
and slender variety (procured from Sonepat, Haryana, goodness of fit (Panse & Sukhatme, 1967). Model
India), Swarna, a medium grain variety (procured from suitability was measured by the percent relative devia-
local market), and ADT37, a short and round grain tion modulus P using the following formula (Madamba
variety (procured from Tamilnadu, India), were selected et al., 1996):
for this study. The varieties were dehusked using a 100 Xn
jDpre  Dobs j
Satake rice dehusker (Type THU, Satake Engineering P¼ ð5Þ
n 0 Dobs
Co., Tokyo, Japan) and stored in double-sealed poly-
thene bags at 58C in a refrigerator (Quick freezer, 200 l where: Dpre is the predicted degree of milling of the
capacity, Remi Equipments, India) until the experimen- grain; Dobs is the observed value of the degree of milling
tation. Samples were removed from the refrigerator 24 h of the grain; and n is the number of data points.
before the experiments to equilibrate temperature to
room conditions. Moisture content was determined
using standard air oven method by keeping 5 g of grain 4. Results and discussion
in an oven at 1088C for 24 h and then noting the weight.
The moisture content was expressed in percent wet basis. 4.1. Determination of abrasion coefficient and prediction
Three principal diameters, viz length, width and thick- of degree of milling
ness of brown rice of each variety were measured
manually by Satake Grain Shape Tester (Model-MK It was found out that the value of k for the rice
100, Japan) having 0001 mm precision. Measurement varieties varied from 005 to 0022, 007 to 004 and
was made on 50 well-distributed, randomly drawn 0051 to 0024, average values being 003, 005 and 003,
grains from the test samples of each variety. Each grain for Swarna, ADT37 and Pusa Basmati, respectively. The
was manually adjusted between the spring-loaded decrease in the values for k as the value for DM
measuring head of the tester to determine the three increased indicated that with progressive milling (Fig. 1),
axial diameters of the kernel. The bulk density of bran as starchy endosperm was exposed, less of bran was
was determined by weighing 1 l of bran in the USDA removed, suggesting the existence of harder core in the

0.07 25

Abrasion coefficient k


Degree of milling, %
0.04 15

0.01 5

0 5 10 15 20 0
0 50 100 150 200
Degree of milling, % Milling time, s
Fig. 1. Variation in abrasion coefficient in relation to degree of Fig. 2. Predicted (line and symbol) and observed (symbols)
milling for three rice varieties: -*-, Pusa Basmati; -}-, Swarna; values of degree of milling for different varieties of rice: -*-,
-n-, ADT37 Pusa Basmati; -}-, Swarna; -n-, ADT37

rice caryopsis. This observation agrees well with the 25

earlier studies by Nagato and Kono (1963) (cited by
Juliano & Bechtel, 1985), where they had indicated a
tough interior for the indica variety. Hence, according to 20
Observed degree of milling, %

these findings, the power consumption to remove bran

during initial whitening process would be less when
compared to successive whitening processes. It appeared 15
that the bran, consisting of lignin, hemicelluloses,
cellulose, and oil bodies form weak bonds and were
removed easily. The abrasion coefficient values were 10
found to be highest in the case of ADT37. Being the
coarse, round variety, it lost more bran material during
milling. Moreover, the rise in temperature during the 5
milling operation may have affected the abrasion
coefficient value as temperature alters the starch
property. A higher value of the abrasion coefficient 0
implied that the material was comparatively harder, thus 0 5 10 15 20 25
more power was required to remove bran from the Predicted degree of milling, %
caryopsis surface. It was revealed that although ADT37 Fig. 3. Comparison of observed and predicted values of degree
had the highest value of hardness, the abrasion of milling by Holm–Archard’s wear model: * Pusa Basmati; }
coefficient was also affected by the volume of bran Swarna; n ADT37
removed for an effective length of travel. The volume
removed per effective length was not only affected by
hardness but also by the shape and constituents of the The model developed to predict DM was validated
materials as discussed earlier. The harder grains tend to using the average value of abrasion coefficient k for the
lose less material. In the case of ADT37, the hardness three varieties of rice. The predicted values are
was imparted to it by its thickness but due to its round compared with the observed data in Fig. 2. The model
shape and surface resistance it lost more material, was found to be a moderate fit to the experimental
influencing the value of abrasion coefficient. Brown rice results, with values for the relative deviation modulus P
has an undulating surface and the asperities of the emery of 14–23%. These high errors seem to arise from the
surface when in contact with the ridges and furrows of initial and final deviation of predicted result from the
the grain surface tend to scour away the softer materials, observed data. There was a high rate of bran removal
till the grain surface becomes smoother. This results in during initial phase of milling and lower bran removal at
reduction in mass loss, resulting in a decrease in the the later stage attributing to kernel hardness. The
values for the abrasion coefficient. abrasion coefficient as already mentioned is a function

of hardness; hence there was variation in the value Meredith R; Hearle J W S (1959). Physical Methods of
of the abrasion coefficient with milling degree. On Investigating Textiles. Interscience Publishers, New York
considering the average value of the abrasion coeffi- Mulhearn T O; Samuels L E (1962). The abrasion of metal-a
model of the process. Wear, 5, 478–498
cient, initial results were underestimated, whereas they Panse V G; Sukhatme P V (1967). Statistical Methods for
were overestimated during the final stage. Fig. 3 Agricultural Workers. ICAR, India
presents the comparison between predicted and actual Ravikiran A; Jahanmir S (2001). Effect of contact pressure and
values of the degree of milling. The linear nature of load on wear of alumina. Wear, 251, 980–984
the curve, at 458 slope from the origin indicates that, Robinowicz E (1965). Friction and Wear of Materials. Wiley,
New York
the predicted model is a good fit for the actual/observed Sarkar A D (1976). Wear of Metals. Pergamon Press, Oxford
degree of milling values with values for R2 of more Xie Y; Williams J A (1996). The prediction of friction and wear
than 090, and with standard error values varying when a soft surface slides against a harder rough surface.
between 05–401, 023–163 and 006–23 for Swarna, Wear, 196, 21–34
Pusa Basmati and ADT37, respectively, at 95% con- Zum Gahr K H (1998). Wear by hard particles. Tribology
International, 31(10), 587–596
fidence level. The calculated values of w2 lie between 0.8
and 0.99 for the three varieties under consideration,
indicating a quite satisfactory goodness of fit of the
Appendix A
predicted model with the experimental results (Panse &
To derive a quantitative expression for the mass of the
Sukhatme, 1967). abrasive wear taking place during the milling operation of
rice, a simple model consisting of a conical asperity of
emery carrying a load DL may be considered to be penetrating
the soft surface of rice and then ploughing a groove in it
5. Conclusions and removing the bran along the length of the rice as
shown in Fig. 4. If L is the maximum permissible load
and pw is the intensity of working pressure in the milling
Holm–Archard’s equation was used to predict the
value of coefficient of abrasion when the rice grains were
abraded in a randomly hard abrasive surface. This r2 ¼ ðA1Þ
provided the information how the wear occurs at
different stages of rice milling and also quantified it. The projected area of the penetrated portion of the
cone in the vertical plane is rd 0 if the depth of pene-
The abrasion coefficient decreased as milling progressed, tration is d 0 (Fig. 5). Thus, if the cone, of angle y, moves
indicating a tougher core of the rice caryopsis compared through a distance dx, which is equal to a length of one
to the outer bran layer for the indica varieties. It rice grain, it would sweep out a volume of dv of the bran in
appeared that bran layer comprising of oil bodies, one pass:
cellulose, hemicelluloses and fibre offers less resistance dv ¼ rd 0 dx ðA2Þ
to abrasion compared to the inner starchy endosperm.
Prediction of the degree of milling using the average and where d 0 ¼ r tan y ðA3Þ
value of abrasion coefficient moderately fitted the
dv ¼ r2 tan y dx ðA4Þ
experimental results. The model indicated that wear
rate and coefficient of abrasion invariably depend on the
material hardness and its shape.
∆L (load carried by emery

References Hard surface (emery particle)

Archard J F (1953). Contact and rubbing of flat surfaces.

Journal of Applied Physics, 24(8), 981–988 Ap
Bowden F P; Tabor D (1964). Friction and Lubrication of θ θ
Solids Part II. Oxford Clarendon Press, London Soft material surface (rice grain)
Juliano B O; Bechtel D B (1985). The rice grain and its gross r
composition in Rice: Chemistry and Technology, (Juliano B
Radius of the
O, ed) (2nd Ed.), pp 17–57. American Association of Cereal emery cone
Chemists, St. Paul, MN, USA
Ling F F; Bryant M D; Doelling K L (2002). On irreversible Fig. 4. Schematic illustration of a abrasive cone pressed into a
thermodynamics for wear prediction. Wear, 253, 1165–1172 soft grain surface: r, radius of the emery particle; DL normal
Madamba P S; Driscoll R H; Buckle K A (1996). Thin-layer load or pressure intensity working on the harder material; Ap ,
drying characteristics of garlic slices. Journal of Food projected area of the harder indentation; y, angularity of the
Engineering, 29, 75–97 emery particle

Emery grain at position 2

Direction of emery particle
Emery grain at position 1
2 1

Rice grain

Fig. 5. Abrasive wear model of rice grain: dx, small sliding distance (length of single rice grain); d0 , depth of penetration of the
emery cone on the rice grain; r, radius of the emery cone in contact with the rice grain at positions 1 and 2

Substituting the value of r2 from Eqn (A1) in Eqn (A4) On integration the equation becomes
L tan y
dv ¼ dx ðA5Þ L tan y
pp V¼ x ðA7Þ
If the contribution made by all the emery grains passing one
after the other is taken into consideration the total volume of
bran swept in one pass, where tan y is the weighted average of the tan y values of all
the individual cones.
L tan y Eq (A7) is similar to Eqn (1), with the term [tan y=p]
dv ¼ dx ðA6Þ replacing k.

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