I. Business Plan (See Instructions From Activity 1 Written in The Module #5)

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Good morning.

Here is your module #5 for Entrepreneurship.

In this module, you will be making an e-portfolio.



Example: Business permits are usually acquired from the LGU. But since, THIS IS JUST A
SIMULATION. You must assign a member of your group to do a sample business permit for
your business. Research on how to make a business permit.

These are the following contents of this e-portfolio:

I.Cover Page – create a design for your cover page that is relevant to your product. Your cover
page must look like a poster advertisement of your product.

Moreover, the cover page must include:

a. Title of the product
b. Members of the group
c. Grade and section

II.Table of Contents – create a table of contents for your e-portfolio for easier viewing.

III. Contents

i. Business plan (See instructions from activity 1 written in the Module #5)
a. You will see a checklist on what should be submitted. There are some that are marked
“(optional)” this means that you are allowed to NOT submit these.
b. You already made a business plan in Module 1. Include the business plan of the 1
product that you chose.

c. Create an explanation on why you chose to create this business.

ii. Preparation of the Physical Structure of Business (See instructions from activity 2
written in the Module #5) – follow these steps to make this task easier:
a. Create a simulation of a finalized “contract” – in your group assign someone to make
a contract for the location of the business. Research on how to make this.
b. What you will attach here are the assignments that you made as a group in Module 2.

iii. Handling Daily Business Transactions (See instructions from activity 3 written in the
Module #5)
a. Follow what you did in module #3.
iv. Submission of Final Requirements (See instructions from activity 4 written in the
Module #5)
a. Follow what you did in module #4.

b. In this part you will make a simple financial evaluation:

v. Generalization – Answer the following questions for your generalization.

a. This pandemic, a lot of businesses went bankrupt, as an entrepreneur think of

a way to save your business.
b. Since the pandemic happened, the trend in the business and corporate world
changed, as a 21st century business person / entrepreneur, how would you
cope with these changes?
c. With the series of activities that you did to complete this portfolio, give two
realizations that you had about putting up a business.
Guide questions that may be answered:
- Is it easy to put a business?
- If you are to put up an actual business in the future, what is the first thing
that you would consider??
d. Supposed you’re already an entrepreneur, what do you think is the most
important factor or component of your business that you should take care of
to keep your business running?

This e-portfolio should be submitted through word document with the file name


Sample: 12DelMonte_OnlineSellingofBeadedMaterials

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