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Metode Penelitian adalah suatu cara atau jalan untuk mendapatkan kembali pemecahan terhadap
segala permasalahan yang diajukan.

Berdasarkan pengertian di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode penelitian adalah suatu cara ilmiah
atau teknik yang digunakan demi memperoleh data mengenai suatu objek dari penelitan yang memiliki
tujuan untuk memecahkan suatu permasalahan.

Cara ilmiah =Rasional, empiris, sistematis

2. Th. 1947, trial in Nuremberg Germany

examined 26 Nazi doctors who had

commit a cruel act and not

humane to prisoners of war

3. 1. Respect human dignity

as a person who has freedom

will or choose and be responsible

responsible for his own decisions.

-The principle of doing good and not harming,

it is your duty to help others by

seek maximum benefit and loss


-Ethical principles of justice

The research object is entitled to receive treatment

right and proper and balanced benefits.

Researchers should not take the opportunity and

benefit from society's incompetence


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