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>corporal punishment may also cover the 2.

insanity(temporary imprisonment for

physical torture is one of the kind of the purposes of safekeeping)
corporal punishment but they are not the same
3. any illness requiring confinement(example
-the purpose of it is to intimidate a delinquent leprosy)
8.Isolation or solitary confinement
-is a conditional release after serving the
-have the physical segregation of the prisoner minimum of the sentence
from the total inmate population
-it is an executive act granted by the board of
LONE WOLF pardons and parole

-a person place under isolation/solitary

-*in the present time it is called BARTOLINA*-a
kind of isolation/solitary confinement -the disposition whereby a person is released
subject to the conditions of the releasing court
are the punishment being utilized at the 4.FINE
present -pertain to the payment of the amount serving
1.IMPRISONMENT as penalty for the crime committed

-deprivation of liberty by putting the offender in
place of confinement -sending away of a person from the place of
crime commission

1.For public protection -the person is not allowed to enter within 25 to

250 klm radius
2. For rehabilitation
example of cases for DESTIERO(murder
*There are also traditional purposes* ,concubinage)

1.ensure the presence of accused during trial

2.administer punishment by confinement or Rehabilitation

(done notes)
3. to secure the society from being molested by
the undesirable characters

*What are the legal grounds of imprisonment?* •*Reintegration -process of bringing the
offender back to the society
1.crime commission

-this are the conditions required. by the law -the penalty must be aimed (helped)

1.Productive of suffering at rehabilitation

(productive meaning the penalty must produce

something good/fruitful must be able to
produce something expectation from
rehabilitation) PENALTIES AS TO GRAVITY-(severity of the
2. Commensurate with the offense

-it must be tantamount /fit to the crime *classification as to gravity in Philippine setting*
committed 1.Capital punishment-the highest penalty
justify by just desert theory(u need to give the -it is a penalty imposed on grave crime that is
offender what is due to him) heinous crime
*reclusion temporal(imprisonment of 12yrs -*death penalty(but at the present it not the
1dqy to 20 yrs) highest imposable at present because it is
3. Personal prohibited*

-below capital punishment we have now the

-meanining the person who committed a. crime.
must be the same person who would suffer for afflictive
the penalty 2. Afflictive penalties- (6 yrs and exceeding or is
-no substitute allowed more than 6 yrs of imprisonment)like the
capital punishment it is also imposed in grave
4.Legal crimes/grave felonies under the revised penal
code here are the five afflictive penalties:
- the penalty must be in accordance with the
law 1.Reclusion perpetua-highest afflictive
penalty(imprisonment duration 20 yrs 1 day to
*heinous crime 40 yrs).
- are the crime that shock the public morality 2. Reclusion temporal- imprisonment of 12 yrs 1
and decency day to 20 yrs
5.Equal 3. Perpetual -(it means that the absolute
- the penalty must be applied to all disqualification will continue even after service
of sentence)or temporary absolute
6.Certain disqualification-(it means that the absolute
disqualification would already stop after service
-no one must escape the effects of the penalty
of sentence)
- it is not type of imprisonment rather an -we the suspension or temporary denial of a
absolute disqualification: person from work

a.)meaning it is the deprivation of public office 4. Destierro

and employment
sending away of a person away from crime
b) deprivation of the right to suffrage-(the right commission limited to 25-25O km radius
to vote) and deprivation to be elected
4. Light penalties-
c.)Loss of rights to retirement pay or other
given for light crimes or minor

4. Perpetual or temporary special 1.Arresto manor-1 day to 30 days

disqualification 2.Public censure
a) deprivation of the office, it is a public reprimand(you are going to be
employment,profession, or calling affected scolded by the court into the public
b) disqualification for holding similar offices or
c.) deprived from being voting or being elected
for -Fine

4.Prision Mayor- imprisonment duration 6yrs 1 -bound to keep peace(a sum of money you give
day to 12 yrs as a form of Security that you would be at your
best behavior)
-it is the lowest afflictive penalty
-imposed on less. grave crimes that is being
imposed is correctional penalty *Theories- is a body of knowledge used to
explain phenomenon( anything that draws
1.Prision correccional- the highest penalty of it
-imprisonment of 6 mo's 1 day to 6yrs
2. Arresto Mayor
-according to this Theory a person perform acts
-imprisonment 1month 1 day to 6mos voluntarily because he choose pleasure over
3. Suspension
- the person deserved to be punished because
-lower tthan arresto mayor he choose to commit crime
- it has also the concept of just desert theory- *codes- refers to the compilation of laws
(the penalty for the crime must fit said crime)
-Hedonistic calculus- refers to the process of
1. King Ur-Nammu's code
determining the value of an act by first looking
into the amount of pain or maybe pleasure that -regarded as the oldest law code surviving
would be produced by the said act today
-Pioneered :Cesare Beccaria(the father of -it is 100 yrs older than the so-called Hamurabi
classical criminology)& Jeremy Bentham code
Cesare Beccaria introduces human free -it introduced the concept restorative justice-
will(people perform acts voluntarily) (for minor /light offenses)
Jeremy Bentham introduces hedonism(choosing •the concept of fixing broken relationships
pleasure over pain) within bthe community
2. NEO- CLASSICAL THEORY •under this , there is a process of resolving
disputes with the maximum participation of the
-was introduced by William Blackstone
victim, the offender and the community(VOC)
-it is the modification of classical Theory
•(counterpart retributive justice focusing on
-it is also the same with the concept of classical vengeance)
Theory but there's an exception for children and
-it introduced restitution a.k.a restoration
lunatics because they can't calculate pleasure
over pain (means the return of the stolen property)

- it introduced fines of execution (refer to

THEORY reparation or the payment of the value of the
property which can't be returned)
-was introduced by the holy three:
---->it only allows minor or light offenses
•Cesar Lombroso(the father of modern
-in case the crime committed is grave it
imposed to savage penalties(example common
• Raffaele Garofalo penalty mutilation)

•Enrico Ferry 2. Code of King Hammurabi

-the concept of this theory is that criminals are - one of the first legal codes
like sick people who need treatment
-regarded as the oldest and harshest code
-we patterned here the concept of
-regarded as Babylonian code

HISTORY: EARLY CODES - utilizes the concept of the retributive justice

and uses the concept of Lex talionis eye to
eye ;tooth to tooth(concept of retaliation)-at ✓lex talionis
times it is called a law of the jungle
2. Justinian Code(483-565)
-introduced during the time of Emperor
1. Nicomachean ethics Justinian I - he decided to review roman laws
then he called the 12 experts of law to review it
-authored by Aristotle about 400 BC after that they were given the responsibility of
-one of the best book in history organizing or codifying the laws into one
document and it is called it as "Corpus Juris
-"Punishment is a means of restoring the civilis (pertains to body of civil laws)"
balance between pleasure and pain"
*one specific part of corpus juris civilis is the
GREEK CODE OF DRACO(dragon/serpent) Justinian code*

here are the following that was being -Justinian code contains provisions imposing a
introduced under this: desirable amount of Punishment to all possible
1.Public prosecution
-it is a criminal law embodied to Corpus Juris
-it means that the citizens were allowed to
prosecute the offender in the name of the
victim -even though it did not last it serves as the so
called Western legal codes
2. Imposition of corporal Punishment
3. Burgundian code(500 AD)
>infliction of severe pain
-it reflects the earliest fusion of german tribal
-there's a cruelty
culture with the Roman system
•it specified Punishment according to social
1.Twelve tables or the law of the twelve tables- class(Nobles, Middle class, lower class)
set of law inscribed in 12 bronze tablets created
•value of life is dependent on social status
in ancient rome
-earliest code of the Roman laws
✓Summum Suplicium
-compilation (-codification of the laws)of the
customary and written law of Rome -death penalty ;

*common Punishment embodied of the twelve very common methods of executing an offender
tables: during roman republic:

✓death penalty •beheading

✓scourging •drowning
•strangulation(hanging,garouting) Apostasy- it talks about deliberately rejecting
the core tenets of the religion
*other Punishment:
Common punishment during this time :
-corporal punishment
banishment or also known as relegatio
-deqth penalty

-ex-communicado( excommunication)the
person is excluded from all communication
and contact with the rest of the member's of
the society



-one whereby a criminal can avoid punishment

by claiming refuge in a church that takes 40
days and 40 nights (internet) 90 days (book) so
after the period the punishment will be
CA1N 4.1 banishment

HISTORY -the protection given to a criminal

DARK AGES-5th -15th century *refuge*- it means protection/

-the church imposed excessive and brutal *refugee*who claiming protection

measures or excessive punishment in order to
*Twin of Securing sanctuary*
have social control
BENEFIT OF CLERGY- have a compromise
agreement between the king and the church
We have the common violation that were that when a clergy man who commits a crime
committed he shall be tried under an eclishastical court-(it
created by the church for the church)
Heresy- it talks about the contradicting the
teachings of the church -during this time also the torture was very
Another is the sacrilege-(it talks about the
disrespecting which is someone that is sacred.);
Blasphemy-disrespecting god;
TRANSPORTATION WAS VERY ------>responsible for abolition of death penalty
COMMON(criminals) in order to relieve the and and torture
overcrowding prisoner
Galleys- during this time European uses this as
transporting the criminal it is a long narrow, >introduce the term "tabula rasa"(man is born
without knowledge)
single deck ship propelled by sales usually
rowed by criminals or long narrow boats used >school of empericism (man learns through
for transportation experience)
*American-indian •ISAAC NEWTON
-the original inhabitants of America >author of the book "principia"(it is like a book
*Aboriginal people of science that is one of the most important
work in history)
+the original inhabitants of Australia
>encourage intellectuals to investigate social
17TH CENTURY TO LATE 18th CENTURY and scientific phenomena methodically and
-during this time death penalty is very prevalent
-during this time there is still a problem in BREDE et de MONTESQUIEU(CHARLES
overcrowding of prisoners in jails in effect they MONTESQUIEU)
used again galleys
>the author of the book spirits of laws( a book
Oarsmen discussing the constitutional system of a
-criminals who paddle or rowed galleys government)

* empty hulks- old warships used to house >believe that harsh punishments undermines
prisoner they also called it as floating morality
hell/hellhole >according to this guy appealing to moral
*we have also called the Gaol(jail) sentiments is a better means of preventing
the century of change because the society now >law as an expression of justice
started recognizes human dignity •FRANCOIS MARIE AROUET(VOLTAIRE)
-there are already a lots of pioneers that >fear of shame(•shame a criminal to prevent
introduce changes in the correctional system him from committing a crime; •make the
•WILLIAM PENN(1614-1716) people believe that they would be shamed if
they would commit a crime)
>fought for religious freedom and individual
rights >fought the legality sunctioned practice of
•CESARE BECCARIA •abolition of the fee system by which jailers
obtained money from prisoner
>father of classical criminology
>he wrote an essay in crimes and
punishment(discussing the proper punishment >Father of parole
for specific crime committed)
>introduced the mark system (whereby a
•JEREMY BENTHAM prisoner required to earn points to entitled him
to a ticket of leave-(conditional release)
>one of the pioneer of classical theory
•superintendent of the penal colony at Norfolk
>introduced the concept of hedonism(u choose Island in Australia (1840)
pleasure over pain)
>greatest leader in the reform of English
criminal law >director of Irish prison

>punishment negates the pleasure or gain from >introduced Irish ticket of leave-(system that
crime modified Macanochie mark system however he
introduced a modification:
>designed panopticon prison
√you don't need to earn points/marks u just
------>("pan"-meaning all; "optic"-meaning need to prove to the prison authorities that u
sight/seeing ---->panopticon prison means all could be trusted with some of their freedom,
seeing prison ) and u will be granted for Irish ticket of leave)
------->regarded as the ultimate *"ticket of leave-" a document of parole
penitentiary/inspection house
------>however panopticon prison was never
built wherein it was a blue print a mere design >divided the prisoners into companies (for easy
monitoring and control)
>appointed the prisoners as petty officers in
>great prison reformer charge of each company
>he died because of sickness •FREDERIC-AUGUSTE DEMETZ
>sheriff of bedfordshire. >established an agricultural colony (called as
>prison reformed he introduced: metre penal colony in which it is called as
reformatory without walls )for deliquent boys
•single cells for sleeping
>provisions of house father (in charge of
•segration of women and segration youth deliquent boys)

•provision of sanitation facilities •SIR EVELYN RUGGLES BRISE

>director of the English priesthood •ELIZABETH or BETSY FRY

>established the borstal institution(considered >the first female who introduced for conditions
as the best reform for young offenders that is of women in jails
called for male offenders ages 16-21)
>given the title as the angel prisons
-in borstal institution there is an individualized
treatment program

-borstal institution introduced the first ever •JOHN AUGUSTUS

after care services >father of American probation/father of
•ZEBULON BROCKWAY probation in general term

>the first practical demonstration of probation

>the director of El mira reformatory(the
forerunner of the modern penology)the in US was made by him and he performed it
Boston Massachusetts
innovation of Elmira reformatory:

*adopted a training school type •MATTHEW DEVENPORT HILL

>father of English(England) probation

*compulsary education of prisoners

*adopted case work method (determining the CA1N 4.2

background of the prisoner to provide a EARLY PRISON
solution to his problems)

*extensive use of parole(it is based in

indeterminate sentence-it is penalty with the •MAMERTINE PRISON
minimum to maximum duration)
-a Roman place of confinement which is built
>father of prison reform under the main sewers of rome

•JEAN JACQUES PHILIPPE VILLAIN -one of the oldest confinement in history;

created by Ancus maritus about 64B.C
>founded the the Maison de Force in Gent.

a.)Felons and misdeamnants should be -regarded as England's first house of correction

-houses English prisoner for purposes of short
*Felons-persons who commit a grave felony term confinement and punishment of petty
*misdeamnants- a person who commits a light
violation -it was renamed as Bridewell workhouse (most
popular workhouse(-total institution where
b. women and children must have a separate those unable to support themselves where offer
quarters to support them selves) in London)
---->houses anti social misfits (people who • NEW GATE PRISON (old )
cannot fit in society like:
- there are two new gate prison:a)old new gate
√vagrants-homeless, prisonb)new new gate prison

✓vagabonds- a person travels without any -regarded as the blackhole of horrors bcoz this
destination, prison was created in an old mining site for
✓loose women-prostitute) They are being
whipped and made to perform hard labor -the prisoners were work hard and incarcerated
too as a miners without any compensation
-was a detention jail philadelphia later on
converted to state prison as Walnut prison-(the -holding area of the old new gate prison
first American penitertiary/prison

-it was constructed for purposes of housing
>also known as the rock
french prisoners of war(a person who has been
captured and imprisoned by an enemy >located at San Francisco bay California
-given the title as house of halfway to hell >capacity to house 312 inmates however when
•HOSPICIO DE SAN MICHELLE it closed it actually houses 260 prisoners

>the island where the Alcatraz prison were

>first home for deliquent boys ever established
constructed was founded by Juan Manuel de
>built by Pope Clements XI Ayala

>houses incorrigible(he is not capable of Island of the Pelicans(English translation of La

change) youth under 20 yrs old Isla Delos Alcatrases )

> during the time before there still no

construction they call the island of the Pelicans
> 4 Wardens who worked in Alcatraz prison
•James A. Johnston-first ever to worked as
>houses misdemnants and vagrants who warden 1934-1948
committed minor crimes
•Edwin B. Swope- after James retired, he acted
>there should be a separation of women and as the warden from 1948-1955
children from hardened criminals
•Paul J. Madigan- served 1955-1961

•Olin G. Blackwell- served 1961-63

-was the shortest serving warden of Alcatraz -the prisoners are confined in their own cells
during the night and they perform congregate
•Jim Albright- he was the last person to leave work (working together with other
Alcatraz prisoner)shops during the day
•Frank Weatherman- he was the last inmate or 2. PENNSYLVANIA SYSTEM
the last prisoner to be sent to Alcatraz with the
inmate no. of A.Z-1576 -also known as the Solitary system

>Alcatraz prison was operated for a period of -the prisoners are confined in their single cells
29 yrs (Operation: August 1934 Closure: March day and night
21, 1963)

•James Bennet- the director of the federal

bureau of prisons at the time of closure of
Alcatraz prison ; he was the one who wrote
about the closure Alcatraz prison

Reason why Alcatraz prison was being closed?

*because it was very costply branging about

4.5-5 M.

-there were 14 known escape attempts for

about 36 inmates who escaping; 23 were
captured ; 6 shot dead ;2 drowned; 5
missing(presumed as dead)




-it was adopted to auburn state prison

-otherwise known as congregate system / New

York system(why becoz it is located at New

-also called as the silent system

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