Experiment No. 2: Boolean Expressions & Logic Diagrams

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Experiment No.

Boolean Expressions & Logic Diagrams



1. Represent each of the following sentences by a Boolean equation. Design a logic diagram and
verify by experiment.

a. The air conditioner should be turned on iff the temperature is greater than 75 0 F, the time is
between 8 a.m and 5 p.m and it is not a holiday.
b. The product of A and B is negative iff A is negative and B is positive or A is positive and B
is negative ( use only 2 independent variables )
c. The tape drive motor should be running iff
1. The tape is properly threaded
2. An end of tape signal is not present and
3. The tape drive is in the manual mode and manual start button has been pressed or it is
in automatic mode and a “tape-on” signal from the computer is present.
d. The sound system will squeal if the microphone is turned on andthe microphone is too
close to speaker or the volume control is set too high

2. Each of the following sentences has two possible interpretations depending on whether the
AND or OR is done first. Write an equation for each interpretation. Design a logic diagram and
verify by experiment.
a. The buzzer will sound if the key is in ignition switch and the car door is open or the seat
belts are not fastened
b. You will gain weight if you eat too much or you do not exercise enough and your
metabolism rate is too low
c. The loud speaker will be damaged if the volume is set too high and loud music is played or
the stereo is too powerful.
d. The roads will be very slippery if it snows or rains and there is oil on the road.

3. A Computer interface to a line printer has seven data lines that control the movement of the
paper and the print head and determine which character to print. The data lines labeled
A,B,C,D,E,F and G and each represents a binary 0 or 1. When the data lines are interpreted as
7-bit binary number with line A being the most significant bit, the data lines can represent the
numbers 0 to 12710.the number 1310 is the command to return the print head to the beginning of
a line, the number 1010 means to advance the paper by one line and the numbers 32 10 to 12710
represent printing characters.
a. Write equation for variable X which is 1 iff the data lines indicate a command to return the
printhead to beginning of the line.
b. Write an equation for a variable Y which is 1 iff there is an advance paper command on
data lines.
c. Write an equation for the variable Z which is 1 iff the data lines indicate a printable
character ( Hint. : consider binary representation of the number 0-31 and 32-127 and write
equation for Z with only two terms )

4. A small corporation has 100 shares of stock and each share entitles its owner to one vote at a
stockholders’ meeting. Mr. Akins owns 10 shares ,Msbarnes owns 20 shares, Mr. Clay owns 30
shares and Ms. Drake owns 40 shares. The two-third majority is required in order to pass a
measure at stock holders’ meeting. Each of the four stock holders has a switch which he or she
closes to vote yes for all of his or her shares and opens to vote no. A switching circuit is to be
designed to turn on a light if the measure passes.
a. Derive a truth table for output function Z.
b. Write the minterm expansion for Z and simplify algebraically to a minimum sum of
products form
c. Write the maxterm expansion for Z and simplify algebraically to a minimum product of
sums form
d. Check to see that your answer c is equivalent to b.
e. Design a minimum network of switches and a minimum AND-OR gate network to realize Z

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