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Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos – JN0-103

Junos OS
Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos – JN0-103


- Chapter’s Agenda:

1.0 Identify the concepts, benefits or functionality of the core elements of the Junos OS
1.1 Software architecture
1.2 Control and forwarding planes
1.3 Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine
1.4 Transit traffic processing
1.5 Exception traffic

Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos – JN0-103

1.0 Junos OS Core Elements

- One unified operating system

- runs on all the portfolio of Juniper Networks
- open-source
- based on a modified version of Linux/FreeBSD
- separates and isolates the functions and operations running
- each operation will not affect another, in case of failure

Introduction to Junos Operating System (IJOS) Student Guide

Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos – JN0-103

1.1 Software Architecture

- While all the Junos OS is unified OS

- can run on all the different types of devices (Routers, Switches, and Firewalls)
- some Software versions and types needs to have more care for its details
- based on the release and device type
Junos OS Software Releases:
- X Release:
- for Security devices
- more enhanced security features
- R Release:
- bug fix
- F Release:
- major new set of features + bug fix

Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos – JN0-103

1.2 Control and Forwarding Planes

- The Control Plane (Brain)

- part of the Routing Engine (RE)
- And the Forwarding/Dara Plane (Muscles)
- part of the Packet Forwarding Engine
- Are completely separated in the Junos OS
- Allowing for a very high capability of processing and performance

Introduction to Junos Operating System (IJOS) Student Guide

Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos – JN0-103

1.3 Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine

- Routing Engine (RE)

- Maintain Routing Table and Forwarding Table
- Controls and Monitors all the operations of Junos
- Manages the PFE
- Responsible for all the L2 and L3 protocol forwarding descions
- Receives updates from the PFE
- Sends instructions to PFE
- Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE)
- Receives a copy of the Forwarding Table (FT) from the RE
- Performs/Applies some Policies (Filters, Class of Service)

Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos – JN0-103

1.4 Transit Traffic

- A transit traffic is a type of traffic that

- enters the device through the PFE
- exits through the PFE
- WITHOUT being sent/processed by the RE !!
- Unicast Traffic
- Multicast Traffic
- this will be a way faster forwarding process than classic traffic process

Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos – JN0-103

1.5 Exception Traffic

- Traffic destined to the device itself

- processed by the CPU (Control Plane)
- sometimes it does not require replying
- receiving a routing protocol update message
- telnet/SSH sessions
- echo request message (ICMP, Ping)
- other times it require a reply back
- echo reply message (ICMP, Ping)
- since they all should be processed by the CPU (sensitive component)
- this will expose that sensitive component to “Denial-of-Service” Attack (DOS)
- by default, and without being configurable:
- the JunOS defend itself from DOS attacks
- by rate-limiting the “Exception-Traffic”

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