Comparative Policing System: Content Germany Philippine National Police

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1. Research the following based on the assigned group of your country

Content Germany Philippine National Police

1. Structure The government design of the Federal Republic of Germany gives the 16 states (Länder) Philippine National Police follows Line and Staff Organization Structure. It is a
the power to keep up with their own police powers inside their region, alongside the combination of the line and functional types. It combines staff specialists such as the
option to pass enactment and exercise police authority. Simultaneously, the Basic Law criminalist, the training officer, the research and development specialist etc. Channels
accommodates government expert in focal spaces of law authorization. Because of this of responsibility is to “think and provide expertise” for the line units. The line
division of power, Germany has 16 state police powers and two government law supervisor must remember that he obtains advice from the staff specialists.
authorization offices, one of which is the Federal Police.
The Philippine National Police is headed by the Chief PNP who is vested with the
The Federal Police do a wide assortment of law implementation errands, specifically power to command and direct the PNP. He is also assisted by two Deputies assigned
line insurance, railroad policing, and aeronautics security, as appointed by Germany's to the administration of the PNP and one for the operations side.
Basic Law and government law, remembering the Act for the Federal Police, the
Residence Act, the Asylum Procedure Act, and the Act on Aviation Security.

The Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) – which goes about as the INTERPOL National Central
Bureau (NCB) for Germany – is Germany's focal office for police data and
correspondence. It offers help to all Federal police powers and facilitates public
wrongdoing concealment exercises. It likewise fills in as the German Criminal
Investigations Department.

As a feature of the Ministry of Interior, the BKA is called upon by German Police powers
– including Landespolizei – when criminal examinations take on a global measurement.
Through its tasks and coordination focus, a 24-hour administration focus known as the
"Kriminaldauerdienst", the BKA can make a prompt move when examinations,
searches, and global correspondences require it.

With workplaces in Wiesbaden, Berlin, and Meckenheim, the BKA utilizes in excess of
5,500 people. With their particular information and ability in the fields of criminal
sciences, data innovation, and organization, they cover a wide range of exercises.
Around half of them are completely prepared criminal cops. The others come from in

excess of 70 unique word related gatherings.

2. Composition The federal police of Germany are known as Bundespolizei which acts as Federal 1. The PNP Command Group is headed by the Chief PNP who is vested with the
Ministry of Interior’s subordinate in the country. Apart from the federal police, power to command and direct the PNP. He is also assisted by two Deputies
Germany also has police force working under the state governments and handling the assigned to the administration of the PNP and one for operations side.
state operations. These police forces are known as Landespolizei. The ranks and 2. The Chief of the Directorial Staff serves as the Chief Operations Officer of the
designations in both these police forces are organized in hierarchical manner and are PNP. He coordinates, supervises, and directs the Directorial Staff and the PNP
referred as Police hierarchy in Germany. units in the performance of their respective functions.
3. The Internal Affairs Service (IAS) is headed by a Inspector General who assists
However the Bundespolizei manages security game plans at the boundary, they are the Chief PNP in ensuring operational readiness and investigates infractions of
likewise associated with giving security to the sacred organs of the country, legal the regulations committed by the members of the PNP.
branches like courts, the central government, and so forth. 4. The Human Rights Affairs Office (HRAO) is headed by a senior police
commissioned officer who serves as a manager of the facility that will
The major law enforcing body of the country is Landespolizei which handles major supervise the implementation of the guidelines and policies on human rights
police activities. This law enforcing agency is operated by the states of the country. For laws.
efficient working, this police force is subdivided into various departments which handle 5. The Center for Police Strategy Management (CPSM) serves as the Central
the security operations categorically. One branch is responsible for street patrolling and facility of the PNP in coordinating and integrating all strategy management
emergency call responses; one is involved in handling the traffic issues, one in handling processes, sustaining its strategy execution and management, and instilling in
highway security and patrolling etc. the organization a culture of strategy focus.
6. The Directorial Staff is composed of 16 directorates. Every Director in each
The police progressive system in Germany is organized in three classifications where
unit has also his defined function in line with his specialization as follows:
every classification has certain police positions and assignments. Following are the
1. The Directorate for Personnel and Records Management (DPRM).
significant levels of the progressive system which are additionally partitioned into
2. The Directorate for Intelligence (DI).
3. The Directorate for Operations (DO).
Police Hierarchy in Germany 4. The Directorate for Logistics (DL).
 Higher echelon 5. The Directorate for Plans (DPL).
 Elevated echelon 6. The Directorate for Comptrollership (DC).
 Medium echelon 7. The Directorate for Police-Community Relations (DPCR).
 Pre- Commissioned ranks 8. The Directorate for Investigation and Detective Management
Higher echelon 9. The Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development
- This echelon is constituted by highest ranked officers of the police. The (DHRDD).
candidates who possess certain required police service experience and master’s  The Directorate for Research and Development (DRD).

degrees preferably in law related subjects are eligible for these ranks. The  The Directorate for Information and Communications Technology
officers under the category of Elevated echelon can also compete for the ranks Management (DICTM).
in this category after completing their masters from Deutsche Hochschule der  Five (5) Directorates for Integrated Police Operations (DIPOs). The Directors
Polizei. The following are the officer ranks that fall under this category (from of the clustered areas for Integrated Police Operations, namely: Eastern
higher to lower): Mindanao, Western Mindanao, Visayas, Southern and Northern Luzon are
 Leitender Polizeidirektor ( Police Chief Director ) given the responsibility to direct and to supervise the conduct of integrated
 Polizeidirektor ( Police Director) anti-criminality, internal security, counter- terrorism operations, to promote
 Polizeioberrat ( Police Senior Councillor) inter-operability with the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and to provide a
 Polizeirat ( Police Councillor) system to promote regional socio-economic development.

Elevated echelon 7. There are 23 National Support Units of the PNP. Eleven (11) of which are
- The ranks under this category are the middle level ranks in the police hierarchy administrative while twelve (12) are operational in nature.
in Germany. The candidates after completing their bachelors from state college 8. For the main PNP operating units, there are seventeen (17) Police Regional
of public administration can apply for the jobs in this category. The following Offices nationwide which correspond to the Regional subdivisions of the
designations fall under this level: country. Directly under the Police Regional Offices are seventeen (17)
 Erster Polizeihauptkommissar (First Police Chief Inspector) Regional Public Safety Battalions (RPSB), eighty (80) Police Provincial Offices
 Polizeihauptkommissar (Police Chief Inspector) which correspond to the number of Provinces in the country, and twenty (20)
 Polizeioberkommissar (Police Senior Inspector) City Police Offices (CPOs) in highly urbanized and independent cities, which
 Polizeikommissar (Police Inspector) are equivalent to a Provincial Police Office.

Medium echelon
- This level is regarded as the lowermost level of police service. The ranks under
this category are offered to the candidates who possess certain level of
experience in serving training companies known as
Ausbildungshundertschaften, of Bereitschaftspolizei and who satisfy the
eligibility criteria for the job. The ranks or designations under this category are:
 Polizeihauptmeister mit Amtszulage (Police Chief Master with upgraded pay)
 Polizeihauptmeister (Police Chief Master)
 Polizeiobermeister (Police Senior Master)
 Polizeimeister (Police Master)
 Hauptwachtmeister (Chief Constable)
 Oberwachtmeister (Senior Constable)
Pre- Commissioned ranks

After all these levels, their lie the lowest level of Pre - Commissioned officers, who in
Germany’s police hierarchy are referred as Anwarter or candidate. This designation is
appended to the name of the person who is attempting for commissioned ranks.
3. Ranking In light of the gross misuse of power by the centralized Nazi state, the German The determination of ranking of the PNP Offices and Units in each respective category
system constitution provided a strict separation of powers, placing law enforcement firmly in will be followed by the determination of eligibility of all PNP personnel holding regular
the hands of the states and do not have specific determination in ranking. plantilla positions.
The determination of eligibility shall be undertaken as follows:
The only policing agencies allowed at the federal level are: 1) Newly hired, retired, deceased, and resigned PNP personnel must
have fulfilled the minimum three (3) months of service in the PNP for FY 2017. The
 The paramilitary Federal Border Guard (German: Bundesgrenzschutz), also following distribution shall be applied: Length of Service % of PBB Rate 8 months but
responsible for coast guard services and the Federal Criminal Police, both under less than 9 months - 90% 7 months but less than 8 months - 80% 6 months but less
the supervision of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. than 7 months - 70% 5 months but less than 6 months - 60% 4 months but less than 5
 East Germany which is a centralized police force under the Ministry of the months - 50% 3 months but less than 4 months - 40%
Interior, the paramilitary Volkspolizei (literally "People's Police"). 2) To earn the full the amount of PBB (100% of PBB rate), personnel
 A border police force (German: Grenztruppen der DDR), initially an must have rendered at least nine (9) months of aggregate or continuous service for
independent force, later integrated into the army and then reorganized as an the year ending December 31 for FY 2017 including leaves of absence with pay. The
independent military organization. Because Germany's borders became largely following are valid reasons for not meeting the 9-month service requirement to be
open since 2005, due to the development of the European Union and the considered for PBB on a pro rata basis; a) Being a newly hired employee; b)
Schengen Agreement to all neighbourhood countries, the Bundesgrenzschutz Retirement; c) Resignation; d) Rehabilitation Leave; e) Maternity Leave and/or
was renamed to Federal Police (German: Bundespolizei). Paternity Leave; f) Vacation or Sick Leave with or without pay; g) Scholarship/Study
Leave; and h) Sabbatical Leave.
1. Federal Criminal Police Office 3) Third Level personnel must have at least an Adjectival Rating of
Another central police agency, the Federal Criminal Police Office (German: “Very Satisfactory” while all other personnel must have at least a “Satisfactory”
Bundeskriminalamt / BKA), with approximately 7,100 agents, operates nationwide from Adjectival Rating in their IPER;
headquarters in Wiesbaden. The BKA is a clearinghouse for criminal intelligence 4) Personnel found guilty of administrative and/or criminal cases filed
records. against them and meted penalty in FY 2017, except for those meted out with the
2. Federal Customs Service penalty of reprimand only, shall not be entitled to the FY 2017 PBB;
The Federal Customs Service (German: Bundeszollverwaltung) is the executive and 5) Except for newly hired, retired, deceased, on official leave, and those
fiscal administrative agency of the Federal Ministry of Finance. who resigned, PNP personnel, who failed to file their FY 2016 SALN and FY 2017 IPER
3. Federal Intelligence Service are not qualified for the grant of the PBB;
The Federal Intelligence Service (German: Bundesnachrichtendienst / BND) was based 6) PNP personnel who were on vacation or sick leave, with or without
in Munich. Since February 2019, the Service is based in Berlin. The BND is restricted to pay, for the entire year FY 2017 are not qualified for the grant of the PBB; and
the investigation of threats originating outside of Germany. 7) PNP personnel who failed to liquidate Cash Advance received in FY
2017 within the reglementary period are not qualified for the grant of the PBB.

4. Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution The eligible personnel shall be rated in consonance with the ranking of
The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (German: Bundesamt für their respective Office/Unit. For Best offices/units, all of its personnel shall be rated
Verfassungsschutz / BfV) is primarily the domestic intelligence service of Germany, Best, for Better offices/units, all of its personnel shall be rated Better, and for Good
concerned with espionage, treason, and sedition. offices/nits, all of its personnel shall be rated good and shall follow the PBB rates will
5. Federal Police be based on the individual’s monthly basic salary as of December 31, 2017 as follows:
Established in 1951, the Bundespolizei (BPOL) is the uniformed federal police force. It is
subordinated to the Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern

4. Promotional Policemen in Germany were promoted according to a regulated career system. A There are two promotional systems in the PNP and these are; Promotion by Virtue of
System Wachtmeister was promoted to Oberwachtmeister earliest after six years employment Exhibited Acts (Special Promotion) & Promotion by Virtue of Position.
and to Revieroberwachtmeister after seven years. After twelve years tenure as
Hauptwachtmeister was guaranteed. Selection for promotion to Meister could take 1. Promotion by Virtue of Exhibited Acts (Special Promotion) is a promotion to the
place after 16 years. Some Meisters could be selected for promotion to next higher rank of positions as provided for under Section 33 of RA No. 8551,
validated by the Commission and satisfies the criteria set forth by this MC. undertaken
Revierleutnante, and Revieroberleutnante. After five-year as a police lieutenant, and at
an age of at least 50 years, promotion to Revierhauptmann could take place. by the PNP with the corresponding individual appointment
2. Promotion by Virtue of Position: Any PNP member designated to any key position
Promotion for officers were determined by merit and seniority. Promotion to whose rank is lower than which is required for such position shall, after 6 months of
Hauptmann required a written civil service exam, while promotion to Major required a occupying the same, be entitled to a promotion, subject to the availability of vacant
three months promotional course at a police officer school. A special police general positions. Provided, that the member shall not be reassigned to a position calling for a
staff school existed in Dresden. higher rank until after two years form the date of such promotion. Provided further,
that any member designated to the position who does not possess the established
minimum qualifications thereof shall occupy the same for not more than 6 months
without extension

The Bases for Promotion of PNP are as follows:

1. Merit – used as criterion for determining that an individual is qualified to meet the
requirements of a higher-level job.
2. Seniority – refers to the length of service that an employee has accumulated.
3. Time-In-grade and Experience – is a requirement for a specified amount of time
that a uniformed personnel must spend in a grade before they are eligible for
4. Mandatory Schooling – is a requirement for promotion of PNP uniformed personnel
for their professional growth and career advancement such as PSJLC, PSSLC, PSOCC,
5. Eligibility – RA 6506, RA1080, NAPOLCOM PO, SPO, Inspector, Superintendent,
Police Executive Service Eligibility (PESE) etc.
5. Special Units BPOL Special Units 1) Maritime Group (MG). This bunch is dependable to play out all police capacities
over Philippine Territorial waters, lakes, and waterways along waterfront regions
The following special units also exist: to incorporate ports and harbors, and little islands for the security and the
maintainable improvement of the sea climate.
 The BPOL Aviation Group is subordinate to the Bundespolizei Direktion 11 2) Intelligence Group (IG). This bunch fills in as the knowledge and counter-insight
(BPOLD 11) in Berlin. It controls the five aviation squadrons around the country working unit of the PNP.
that operate the force's helicopters. These are located in Fuhlendorf (north, 3) Police Security and Protection Group (PSPG). This gathering gives security to
with satellite airfield in Gifhorn), Blumberg (east), Fuldatal (centre), government imperative establishments, government authorities, visiting
Oberschleißheim (south) and Sankt Augustin (west). Its duties include; border dignitaries, and private people approved to be given insurance.
surveillance, monitoring installations belonging to German Rail, helping in 4) Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG). This bunch screens, explores,
serious accidents and disasters in Germany and abroad, searching for missing prosecutes all violations including financial harm, and different wrongdoings of
persons, searching for criminals on the run, supporting the police forces of the such greatness and degree as to demonstrate their bonus by profoundly
federal states, providing transportation for persons whose security is positioned or proficient criminal organizations and associations.
endangered, providing transportation for guests of the Federal government, 5) Special Action Force (SAF). This bunch is a versatile strike power or a response
supporting federal and state authorities, and providing air search and rescue unit to expand local, commonplace, metropolitan, and city police power for
services in coordination with the 12 air rescue centers throughout Germany. common aggravation control, interior security activities, prisoner taking salvage
 The BFE+ units (abbreviated from Securing of Evidence and Arrest of Suspects) tasks, search and salvage in the midst of normal cataclysms, debacles and public
are a specialized division of regular BPOL arresting units. These units were crises, and other uncommon police tasks, for example, subterranean insect
organized after the 2015 Charlie Hebdo attacks in France with the aim of seizing, against psychological oppression, explosives, and arms removal.

responding faster and with higher firepower to massive terrorist attacks. BFE+ 6) Aviation Security Group (AVEGROUP). This bunch gives security to all air
units are decentralized and work as a first response force until the more terminals all through the country.
specialized and centralized GSG9 arrive at the scene, and are equipped similarly 7) Highway Patrol Group (HPG). This gathering authorizes the transit regulations
to SEK units. and guidelines, advance security along the thruways, improves traffic wellbeing
 The GSG 9 counter-terrorism group is directly subordinate to the BPOL HQ. cognizance through between office collaboration concerning Police Traffic Safety
 The BPOL Information and Communications Center is now a department of the Engineering, Traffic Safety Education, and Traffic Law implementation works and
BPOL HQ in Potsdam. creates changes in the wrongdoing counteraction viewpoint against all types of
 Most special units of the Federal Police are subordinate to the unified disorder perpetrated along National Highway including the utilization of engine
command of Federal Police Directorate 11. vehicles.
 New large offshore patrol vessel BP 81 Potsdam 8) Police-Community Relations Group (PCRG). This bunch embraces and arranges a
 The water police stations with 16 patrol craft and helicopters are part of the Police Community Relations projects and exercises in association with concerned
German Federal Coast Guard and assigned to coastal BPOL stations. The government offices, the local area, and volunteer associations to forestall
watercraft include six offshore patrol vessels, e.g. those of the Bad Bramstedt wrongdoing and achieve a protected and tranquil climate.
class, and the large Potsdam class as well as a number of fast inshore vessels 9) Civil Security Group (CSG). This bunch directs the business tasks and exercises of
and one tugboat. all coordinated investigators, gatekeepers, safety officers/offices, and friends
watch powers. It additionally manages the authorizing and enlistment of guns
and explosives.
10) Crime Laboratory (CL). This bunch gives logical and specialized, analytical guide
and backing to the PNP and other insightful organizations.
11) PNP Anti-Kidnapping Group (PNP-AKG). This Group fills in as the essential unit of
the PNP in tending to the grabbing hazard in the nation and in dealing with
prisoner circumstances. What's more, PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP-ACG).
This Group is liable for the execution of relevant laws on cybercrimes and against
cybercrime missions of the PNP.

6. Training Police training is basically the obligation of the singular states, albeit the national There are FOUR training programs conducted in the PNP, mainly:
System government gives help and coordination. The undeniable degree of police
demonstrable skill is credited in enormous degree to the length and exhaustiveness of a. Public Safety Basic Recruit Course (PSBRC)
preparing. The circumstance is diverse in the five new provinces of Germany. Since a - 24-week serious and reformist preparing intended for recently selected police
long time ago acquainted with a general public made consistent by disposing of non-commissioned officials to give recently them the essential information and
restricting sentiments, police powers of the eastern states need to adjust to the abilities in police science, organization, battle activity, and strategies and for them to
developing quantities of contradicting traditional gatherings and groups. gain the standards of lead needed in the presentation of their positions as
gatekeepers of harmony and defenders of lives and properties.
Most police recruits spend about two and a half years in the regular police academy

training (Mittlerer Polizeivollzugsdienst). The auxiliary police forces, with fewer powers b. Public Safety Junior Leadership Course (PSJLC)
and often not equipped with a duty-weapon, are trained in just 12 weeks. In case of - A 12-week course intended to furnish junior PNCOs with the major
higher education (Abitur), recruits can also start off at a higher rank, comparable to information and abilities important for powerful and proficient treatment of junior
Lieutenant (Rank: Polizei-/Kriminalkommissar), which they have to attend police college key situations in the PNP units.
for and acquire a bachelor's degree.
c. Public Safety Senior Leadership Course (PSSLC)
After around six years of obligation as a watch official, a person with a remarkable - A 12-week course intended to give senior PNCOs essential information and
record who excels on a profoundly cutthroat assessment and got going in the abilities in everyday practical spaces of unit organization, the executives, and
customary police foundation (mittlerer Polizeivollzugsdienst) can go on to a few years authority.
at a higher police school or a school of policy management to fit the bill for a four year d. Public Safety Officers Candidate Course (PSOCC)
certification (Aufstieg in lair gehobenen Polizeivollzugsdienst). The not very many - A 14-week course intended to prepare the lesser non-appointed officials of PNP with
competitors who fit the bill for the most noteworthy positions of the police concentrate the central information, abilities, and appropriate disposition needed for group
for one year at the Federal Police Leadership Academy in Münster-Hiltrup. building tasks.

7. Qualifications The federal government in Germany has a federal police force and the following are The following are the basic qualification for PNP:
their qualifications:
1. A citizen of the Philippines
 German citizenship 2. A person of good moral character;
 No criminal record
3. Must have passed the psychiatric/psychological, drug and physical tests to be
 Height at least 170 cm
administered by the PNP
 Completed military service as a squad leader or four years of employment
in the SS-Verfügungstruppe. 4. Must possess a formal baccalaureate degree from a recognized learning institution
 20–25 years old 5. Must have any of the following basic eligibility requirements:
 Unmarried
– PNP Entrance (Napolcom)
 Approved physical and mental tests; a sports badge was a merit.
– RA No. 1080 (Bar and Board Examinations)
 Membership in the Nazi Party.
 SS-qualification, i.e. approved medical examination by a SS-doctor and an – PD No. 907 (CS eligibility to College Honor Graduates)
approved Aryan lineage through genealogy conducted by the SS; 6. Must not have been dishonorably discharged from military employment or
intelligence and general knowledge tests. dismissed for cause from any civilian position in the government;
The training was given at special police training companies. 7. Must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving
moral turpitude;
8. Must be at least 1.62 meters in height for male and 1.57 centimeters

9. Must weigh not more or less than five kilograms from the standard weight
corresponding to his/her weight, age, and sex
10. Must not be less than twenty-one (21) or more than thirty (30) years of age

8. Others (brief A. History: The previously coordinated police powers in Germany date back to A. History: The Philippine National Police (PNP) began from the Philippine
history, the mid-nineteenth century, when the possibility of Napoleon, to build up a Constabulary or the PC, which was initiated on August 8, 1901, building up it
political gendarmerie Nationale in France, has been embraced by some German as an isolated police power under the American system. On August 8, 1975,
system, CJS, Kingdoms. After the Second World War (1939–1945), the German police were Presidential Decree no. 765 was given, setting up the Philippine Constabulary
international under the oversight of the military territorial administrations of the Allies. With Integrated National Police or the PC/INP as the country's public police power.
cooperation the new German constitution of 1949 and the establishment of 11 states in the These divided and various nearby police units were incorporated into a public
mid 1950s in West Germany, these states got the ability to build up their own police power with the Philippine Constabulary as its core. After the People's
police powers. In East Germany (the German Democratic Republic or GDR) as a Revolution in 1986, another Constitution was declared accommodating a
state inside the Warsaw settlement, one focal police power was set up. After police power, which is "public in extension and non military personnel in
the reunification of Germany, every one of the 16 German states has its own character." Consequently, Republic Act No. 6975 named, "An Act Establishing
police law and its own police power. Moreover, there is the Federal Police, the the Philippine National Police under a Reorganized Department of the Interior
Federal Criminal Police Office and Local government (DILG)," was endorsed into law on December 13, 1990,
which produced results on January 1, 1991. In this manner, the PNP was
(Bundeskriminalamt—BKA), the Police of the Parliament and the Federal Customs. The functional on January 29, 1991, whose individuals were in the past the PC and
formally dressed (state) police and the criminal agents (for the most part in regular the INP and the ingestion of the chose individuals from the significant help
clothes) cooperated in a similar power. The formally dressed or watch police set up and units of the Armed Forces of the Philippines like the Philippine Air Force
guarantee public wellbeing and security as a rule, manage public request, watch Security Command, the Philippine Coast Guard, Philippine Navy, and the
administrations, high-hazard tasks, traffic issues and mishaps, and minor wrongdoings. Philippine Army. Accordingly, to additionally reinforce the PNP into an
The criminal examination police are answerable for any remaining violations. exceptionally proficient and skillful police power, Republic Act No. 8551
named "PNP Reform and the Reorganization Act of 1998" was established on
B. Political System: Germany is a government parliamentary majority rules February 17, 1998, altering certain arrangements of Republic Act No. 6975.
system represented under the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany
("Basic Law"), the Constitution of Germany. The Basic Law comprises of 11 B. International Cooperation: Domestically, the PNP is linked with the other
parts that set out the privileges of the German public and diagram in significant law enforcement agencies through the National Law Enforcement
detail the political and overall set of laws of Germany. Specifically, the Coordinating Committee (NALECC). This body convenes regularly to foster
President is the head of state and the Federal Chancellor the head of cooperation and coordination among all law enforcement agencies in the
government. The Basic Law additionally cherishes the guideline of the country. It also supports several law enforcement agencies like the Philippine
tripartition of forces into the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches. Center for Transnational Crimes (PCTC) and the Philippine Drug Enforcement
Agency. It is also linked with the International Enforcement Community thru
In Germany, chief force is vested in the Cabinet shaped by the Federal Chancellor and the INTERPOL, with the head of the PCTC as the Secretariat, and the Chief PNP

different Ministers. The President just holds a stately job with restricted save powers. as the Chief of the National Central Bureau and a member of the ASEAN
For instance, the person can break up the Parliament if the Federal Chancellor loses a Chiefs of Police or ASEANPOL, and a partner of the United Nations Center for
movement of certainty and requests that the President do as such. International Crime Prevention (UNCICP).

In the German Legislative Branch, the German Parliament is a bicameral governing

body that comprises of the chosen Bundestag and the named Bundesrat (Upper House
of the German Parliament).

For the Judicial branch, Germany rehearses a non military personnel framework whose
most noteworthy wellspring of law is the Basic Law. The German court framework has
two levels involving the government and state courts. The Federal Constitutional Court
is the most elevated court managing protected issue.

C. Criminal Justice System: Germany utilizes an inquisitorial system where the

appointed authorities are effectively engaged with examining current realities
of the case, when contrasted with an adversarial system where the job of the
adjudicator is basically that of an unbiased ref between the investigator or
offended party and the respondent. Germany has a solitary public criminal
code, a solitary public code of criminal technique, and a significantly more
brought together court framework. There is no capital punishment in Germany,
and sentences for all wrongdoings are significantly lower. Cases are researched
by the police, shipped off the examiner, and afterward prosecuted. Germany
doesn't utilize a jury. The adjudicator, as opposed to legal counselors,
coordinates proof and asks a large portion of the inquiries. The examiner and
the safeguard counsel are permitted to pose inquiries solely after the
adjudicator has completed, and German law has generally taken a solid remain
against prosecutorial prudence.

2. Identify and briefly discuss one best policing method of the Germany which can be adopted in the Philippines. Discuss how it can be applied in the Philippines.

Germany's "Community Policing," also known as district policing, is one of the greatest policing systems that may be applied in the Philippines. This approach meets
citizens' desires for a visible police force that is present in their surroundings and among the people who live there. The officers interact with the public, act as a direct partner in
their demands, and be aware of their worries and crises. The police officers maintain close and trusting relationships with the residents. As a result, they improve the overall

sense of security, improve comprehension of police activities, and positively influence the relationship between police and residents. The officers, in particular, establish and
maintain connections in their region. This applies to individuals, institutions, and organizations, but interactions with citizens are purely voluntary. The officers' specific
understanding of a location and its inhabitants may also help with criminal investigation.

This method of community policing could well be implemented in the Philippines by bringing together diverse police officers in the field of community crime prevention,
which is the most important factor. Local crime prevention in our country requires cross-departmental collaboration and networking with specific agencies and individuals with
local experience and environmental knowledge, such as authorities, law enforcement, social services, and other community stakeholders. They must share and compare their
individual and institutional resources and skills, and they must focus on bureaucratic barriers to crime control and prevention. This can occur, for instance, in community
prevention organizations, where communication is critical to police coordination and collaboration.


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