Art and English Project: Filiphe Martins Moretti 8 Grade

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art and english project

filiphe martins moretti

8 grade

Heitor Villa Lobos and Eliseu Visconti were two very important people in their fields, heitor villa
lobos in the orchestra and eliseu visconti in the impressionist art. The two gave great representation to
Brazil in their areas, with Eliseu being considered one of the most important and expressive Brazilian
representatives of the Impressionist painting, Heitor was described as the most significant creative figure
of the 20th century in Brazilian classical music.

Heitor development
Heitor was the best known South American composer of all times, this is largely due to his great
skill, but also for his large number of orchestral, chamber, instrumental and vocal works, totaling more
than 2,000 works until his death, in 1959. In addition, he stands out for having been the main player in
the discovery of modernism in Brazil, composing works that contain nuances of Brazilian regional
cultures, with elements of popular and indigenous songs.
His works were very inspired by the German composer Johann Sebastian Bach (1585-1750)
according to his own biography, and this is noticeable in songs such as the Brazilian Bachianas, with the
aim of fusing Brazilian folkloric material to pre-classical forms in the style of Bach. Furthermore, in 1922,
Heitor was invited to participate in modern art week, where he presented some shows for three days,
bringing great recognition to himself and to Brazil.

Eliseu development

Eliseu Visconti (1866-1944) was an Italian painter, draftsman and designer, and is considered one
of the most important Brazilian impressionist artists. Born Italy, he immigrated in 1873 with his sister
Marianella to Brazil, going directly to the farm owned by Luís de Sousa Breves, the Baron of Guararema.
The Baron's deep affection for the little Eliseu puts him still young, studying in Rio de Janeiro, which gave
him a lot of contact with art from an early age.
After studying in France and having several exhibitions, in 1920, he portrayed Impressionist
techniques in landscapes and other types of works, which led him to create more Impressionist works
such as stretch clothes or the stroller.

In short, they were both very important Brazilian artists in their fields, as mentioned above. in
my opinion, artists like these are of paramount importance to Brazil, as they bring a lot of international
recognition and respect, because even though they were not recognized at the beginning, they
contributed great works to Brazil and to the world.

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