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Australian Dental Journal 1999;44:(1):25-30

Release of methyl methacrylate from heat-cured and

autopolymerized resins: Cytotoxicity testing related to
residual monomer
Ureporn Kedjarune, DDS, PhD*
Nongluk Charoenworaluk, DDS, DipClinSc(Prosthodontics)†
Sittichai Koontongkaew, DDS, PhD*

Abstract that residual monomer in the denture base is related

Three heat-cured and three autopolymerized acrylic to mucosal irritation and sensitization of tissues.1-6
denture bases with different mixing proportions Many studies have found that substances leached
and/or processing methods were investigated for out from acrylic resin can cause irritation of oral
the amount of residual monomer content and tissue, inflammation, or even an allergic reaction.3,7,8
methyl methacrylate (MMA) released into saliva
after incubation during the first and second 24 Some researchers have also reported that autopoly-
hours after processing. A corresponding range of merized acrylic resin has higher levels of residual
concentrations of MMA was also used to test for cell monomer than heat-cured resin.9-11 Baker and his co-
cytotoxicity using a culture of human oral fibroblasts. workers12 detected higher amounts of methyl
The results showed that the amount of residual methacrylate (MMA) in the saliva of subjects
monomer was dependent not only on the type of
polymerization but also on the amount of liquid in wearing dentures made from autopolymerized resins
the mixture ratio and the processing method. The compared with heat-cured resins. However, there
acrylic resin that had the lowest residual monomer may be other factors related to the amount of
also released the smallest amount of MMA but residual monomer and its relationship with the
resins which have higher residual monomer may amount of MMA released which also need to be
not necessarily release higher amounts of MMA.
MMA, tested in the same range of concentration as investigated.
the MMA found leached from acrylic resin in this The objectives of this study were to:
study, was found to be toxic in the cell culture. 1. Compare the leachable concentration of MMA
Therefore, it is recommended that dentists attempt
to reduce the amount of leachable substances and the amount of residual monomer between the
before insertion of new dentures. In addition, it is various commercially available acrylic resins. These
recommended that dentists advise their patients not had different mixing proportions and processing
to wear newly made dentures overnight, as this methods in order to ascertain whether resins which
may cause mucosal irritation from the potential have higher amounts of residual monomer will also
accumulation of leachable substances.
release higher amounts.
Key words: Polymethyl methacrylate, cytotoxicity, 2. Examine the cytotoxicity of MMA on human
residual monomer.
oral fibroblasts using the MTT test in the range of
(Received for publication June 1997. Revised August concentrations released after incubation in saliva for
1997, October 1997. Accepted October 1997.)
the first and second 24 hours after processing.

Introduction Materials and methods

Acrylic resin or polymethyl methacrylate has been Six different denture base materials, three heat-
used as a denture base for more than 60 years. cured and three autopolymerized resin products,
However, there have been many reports suggesting were used in this study (Table 1).
Fifteen acrylic specimens from each material were
used, ten for determining residual monomer and five
*Department of Oral Biology and Occlusion, Faculty of Dentistry,
Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand. for measuring MMA release in saliva. Each of the
†Faculty of Dentistry, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand. acrylic specimens was prepared by investing the
Australian Dental Journal 1999;44:1. 25
Table 1. Denture base materials used in this study
Brand Type of Code Monomer Processing method Manufacturer
polymerization (mL/g) powder
Rodex heat-cured H1 0.428 Place in cool water and raise Rodont, s.r.l., Milano, Italy
temperature to 100°C over 45 min
and continue boiling for 15 min
Trevalon heat-cured H2 0.417 Place in water at 68°C for 30 min De Trey Division,
and 100°C for 20 min AD International Ltd,
Weybridge, Surrey, UK
Meliodent heat-cured H3 0.427 100°C for 20 min Bayer UK Ltd,
Newbury, Berkshire, UK
Takilon autopolymerized S1 0.550 Under pressure 50 kg/cm 2 (4.9 kPa) Rodont, s.r.l., Milano, Italy
at 25°C for 15 min
Tokuso autopolymerized S2 0.500 Under pressure 50 kg/cm 2 (4.9 kPa) Tokuyama Corp.,
at 25°C for 5 min Tokyo, Japan
Meliodent autopolymerized S3 0.630 Under pressure 50 kg/cm 2 (4.9 kPa) Bayer UK Ltd,
at 25°C for 14 min Newbury, Berkshire, UK

same plastic pattern (8 mm 3 35 mm 3 3 mm) in 4°C for 30 min, was added to each glass test tube,§
dental stone to form moulds in dental flasks. After 20 mm in diameter and 150 mm in length. Screw
removal of the patterns from the moulds, packing caps were applied and the tubes were incubated at
and processing were carried out in accordance with 37(±0.05)°C and protected from light exposure.
the manufacturers’ instructions. Each tube was placed at 15 degrees to the horizontal
The residual monomer was analysed immediately axis, so that saliva covered all parts of the resin.
after processing. The method of extraction followed After 24 hours, the samples were removed and 2.0
that described by Sadamori et al.13 Each acrylic mL of saliva was drawn off and added to 2.0 mL of
specimen was cut into small pieces. Five mL of MEK. Two µL of p-xylene was added as internal
methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) was added into individual standard. The solutions were centrifuged at 750 g
glass test tubes, each of which had a resin sample of for 15 min, then frozen at -80°C. After the solution
about 0.2 g in mass, which were then kept in a dark in each tube was frozen, it was taken out and thawed
place at 4°C for 96 hours. Ten µL of p-xylene was at room temperature for a few minutes and the
then added as an internal standard (2 µL per mL) upper part of the solution was drawn off for MMA
and centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 15 min. The super- analysis using gas chromatography, in the same way
natant was then transferred into a vial awaiting as for the residual monomer. Each acrylic resin
analysis using gas chromatography with a flame specimen was taken and placed into a new glass tube
ionization detector. Gas chromat o gr a p hy‡ was with 3.0 mL of saliva and kept for another 24 hours.
performed with a column: SP1200 5 per cent + Two mL of the saliva were then analysed for MMA
bentone 1.75 per cent. The oven temperature was by the same procedure as described earlier. Because
set at 75°C for 4 min and raised to 140°C at a MMA is a volatile substance, the accuracy of this
heating rate of 6°C/min. The injection temperature method was determined by adding a known amount
was set at 220°C. The nitrogen flow rate was 25 of MMA in 2.0 mL of saliva to make a final concen-
mL/min and the injection volume was fixed at 1 µL. tration of 0.0025, 0.005, and 0.025 per cent v/v
The amount of MMA was determined using a respectively. Each concentration was duplicated and
standard calibration graph prepared by plotting analysed to find the concentrations of MMA which
peaks against known amounts of MMA. This gave a gave a value of about 87.4±17.7 per cent (mean ±
high correlation coefficient at 0.99-1.00. The lowest SD) of the original MMA which had been added.
detection limit of MMA by this method was about Using the 90 per cent confidence interval, the
1 µg/mL. The residual monomer of each type of percentage of detection was between 72.8 per cent
resin was presented as per cent by mass of the specimen. and 101.9 per cent.

MMA released into saliva Cytotoxicity testing

Specimens were placed in separate glass test Human oral fibroblasts obtained from gingival
tubes. Three mL of the supernatant part of the tissue were cultured by a primary explant tech-
unstimulated whole saliva, taken from the same nique,14 using DMEM , with 10 per cent foetal calf
subject throughout the study and centrifuged at 10 000 g,

§Pyrex no. 9825, Seattle, USA.

‡Shimadzu GC-7AG, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan. ,Gibco BRL, New York, USA.

26 Australian Dental Journal 1999;44:1.

Table 2. Residual monomer content calculated Table 3. Concentration of MMA (µg/mL) after
as percentage of MMA by mass of the each type of acrylic was incubated in saliva for
specimens of each sample* the first and second 24 hours after processing
Code Mean SD Code Mean±SD after Mean±SD after
first 24 hours (n=5) second 24 hours (n=5)
H1 1.16 0.40
H2 1.93 0.31 H1 <1* 2.36±4.73
H3 3.51 0.70 H2 68.21±36.98 34.13±60.33
S1 2.65 0.30 H3 243.20±155.52† 6.38±5.78
S2 1.88 0.49 S1 8.52±19.05 <1*
S3 4.32 1.12 S2 29.59±23.73 <1*
S3 65.11±15.60 28.79±27.86
*n=10 in each sample
The result from one way ANOVA and multiple comparison made it *Concentrations were under the detection limit (1 µg/mL) and were
possible to arrange the amount of residual monomer as follows: not included in the statistical analysis.
H1,S2,H2<S1<H3<S3 at 95 per cent confidence interval (see †Significant difference (non-parametric ANOVA and multiple
Results). comparison, p<0.05). There was no significant difference (p>0.05)
in the MMA released between H1, H2, H3 and S3 after the second
24 hours of incubation.
serum,¶ 100 units/mL penicillin, 100 mg/mL
streptomycin, and 1 per cent amphotericin B, as the
resins, including the differences in absorbence as the
culture medium and cells were kept at 37°C in
result of MTT cytotoxicity test on various concen-
humidified air with 5 per cent CO2 added. Cells
trations of MMA. Since the coefficient of variation
used for cytotoxicity testing in this study were taken
from the subculture at the fourth to twentieth of the concentration of MMA released into saliva
passage. The MTT cytotoxicity test was first was large and the sample size in each group was
described by Mosmann15 and the results of this test small, Kruskal-Wallis test was used to analyse the
are directly related to the number of viable culture difference of MMA concentrations in saliva released
cells.16 The test measures the action of intracellular from the six resins and non-parametric multiple
enzyme on tetrazolium salts. Cells were subcultured comparison17 was used to investigate the differences
and seeded to 96-well microtitre plates at the rate of of each type of resin.
about 3500 cells/200 µL of culture medium in each
well, except for the blanks. After 24 hours, the Results
medium in each well was replaced with culture From one-way ANOVA test, there was a significant
medium containing MMA at 1, 10, 100, and 1000 difference (p<0.01) in the amount of residual
µg/mL, which had been adjusted in pH to between monomer content of each of the six brands of resins.
7.2-7.4. The medium containing MMA was The results of multiple comparison, using the Tukey
changed daily. After three days of exposure to HSD test at 95 per cent confidence interval (Table
MMA, the medium was removed and 200 µL of 2), made it possible to arrange the concentrations of
fresh medium was added to each well, including the residual monomer as follows: H1, S2, H2 < S1 < H3
blanks. Fifty µL of 5 mg/mL of 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol- < S3.
2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide** in sterile The leachable MMA concentrations after incuba-
phosphate buffer saline (PBS) was added. The tion of each specimen for the first and second 24
plates were then wrapped in aluminium foil and hours after processing are shown in Table 3. The
incubated at 37°C in humidified air with 5 per cent MMA concentration of H1 in the first 24 hours of
CO2 added for four hours. The medium was incubation and S1 and S2 in the second 24 hours of
removed and 200 mL of DMSO was added to each incubation were outside the detection limits of the
well followed with 25 mL of Sorensen’s buffer gas chromatography, hence they were reported as
solution. After mixing, the optical density was read <1 µg/mL and were not included in the statistical
against blanks at 590 nm using a microplate spectro- analysis to compare the differences in MMA
photometer.†† The absorbence represents the total concentrations. The results of Kruskal-Wallis one-
number of viable cells.16 way ANOVA showed that there were significant
differences (p<0.01) between the concentrations of
Statistical analysis MMA released from specimens after the first 24
One-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) hours of incubation. Non-parametric multiple
and Tukey Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) comparison further demonstrated that MMA
multiple comparison were used to analyse the concentration released from H3 was the highest
differences between residual monomers in these six (p<0.05), while the other four types of specimens were
not significantly different. There was no significant
difference (p>0.05) in the MMA concentrations
¶Seromed, Berlin, Germany. released from H1, H2, H3 and S3 into saliva after
**MTT, Sigma, M-5655, St Louis, USA.
††Titertek, Multiscan Plus MKII, Switzerland. the second 24 hours of incubation.
Australian Dental Journal 1999;44:1. 27
Table 4. Cytotoxicity of MMA at various only 20 min, while for H2 and H3 it was 50 min and
concentrations using the MTT test * 60 min respectively.
Concentration of MTT Mean±SD of absorbence† This study supported the findings of the recent
(µg/mL) against blank u
study by Dogan et al.,18 which showed that within the
0 (control) 0.16±0.02 same type or brand of acrylic resin, the level of
1 0.14±0.01
10 0.15±0.02 residual monomer decreased with curing time and
100 0.12±0.04 increased with temperature, although in this study
1000 0.10±0.02
brands of materials were used.
*n=10 in each group.
†The absorbence related to the total number of surviving cells. In this study, correlation or regression could not
One-way ANOVA and multiple comparison made it possible to be used to measure the relationship as a correlation
arrange the absorbence which related to the total number of survival
cells as follows: 0 µg/mL (control), 10 µg/mL, 1 µg/mL >100 µg/mL,
coefficient of the residual monomer and concentra-
1000 µg/mL at 95 per cent confidence interval (see Results). tion of MMA released, since the specimens that
were analysed for residual monomer could not be
used to measure the MMA release. However,
Cytotoxicity testing of MMA at various concen- considering the amount of MMA released from each
trations was conducted using the MTT test. The sample, after incubation in saliva for the first and
absorbence against the blanks was related to the second 24 hours after processing, H1, which had the
total number of cells in each of the wells. Table 4 lowest level of residual monomer, also released
shows that the absorbence of cells which had MMA MMA in low amounts when compared with other
in the medium was less than the control (no MMA), samples. The samples which had the highest amount
and the higher the concentration of MMA, the lower of residual monomer also released MMA at the
the absorbence, except in the 10 µg/mL, which had higher level, especially during the first 24 hours after
higher absorbence than the 1 µg/mL. The results processing, however it was not proven that the
from one-way ANOVA showed that all the samples which had the higher amount of residual
absorbence measurements from MTT were not monomer released MMA in higher amounts. The
equal (p<0.01) and Tukey (HSD) multiple compar- results in Table 3 demonstrated that it was not
ison showed that the absorbence measurements from always the autopolymerized acrylic resins which
cells from culture medium with MMA at 1 µg/mL and released MMA in higher amounts compared with
10 µg/mL were not significantly different from the the heat-cured resins, and the concentrations of
control, but they had significantly higher absorbence MMA released into saliva after incubation for the
than cells with MMA at 100 µg/mL and 1000 µg/mL second 24 hours were less than half of that seen in
respectively (Table 4). the first 24 hours (except H1).
Different methods have been described for
Discussion reducing the leachable substances from newly made
The results of the amount of residual monomer acrylic dentures before inserting these into patients.
can be arranged as H1, S2, H2 < S1 < H3 < S3. S3, Such methods include immersion of the denture in
which was an autopolymerized resin, had the highest water for at least one day or, as in the study under-
amounts of residual monomer, but S2, which was taken by Tsuchiya et al.,19 immersion of the acrylic
also an autopolymerized resin, had one of the lowest resin dentures in hot water (at 50°C), or using ultra-
amount of residual monomer and was not significantly violet light,20 especially for autopolymerized resins
different from the two heat-cured polymerized used either for rebasing or as denture base materials.
resins, H1 and H2. The factors that may have influ- The toxicity of MMA has also been examined
enced the amount of residual monomer content using a scanning electron microscope which showed
were the mixture ratio between powder and liquid of that leukocytes and endothelial cells treated with 10
each material and the processing procedure. From µg/mL MMA demonstrated marked signs of cyto-
Table 1, the amount of liquid per 1 g of powder was toxicity after 1 min incubation and after 30 min the
found to be highest in S3 (0.630 mL of liquid per 1 g majority of the cells were totally disintegrated.21
of powder), which corresponded to the highest This corresponded with cytotoxicity testing using
amount of residual monomer. The amount of liquid the lactate dehydrogenase method, which suggested
per 1 g of powder in S1 (0.550 mL) was higher than that 10 µg/mL MMA was the critical cytotoxicity
S2 (0.500 mL), which also corresponded with their dose.21
residual monomer levels. The residual monomer of In this study, the MTT cytotoxicity test was used
H3 was higher than H2 and H1, even though their to investigate the toxicity of MMA on human oral
mixture ratio for liquid and powder was not much fibroblast in cells culture. It was found that all
different, but the processing procedures were concentrations of MMA added to the culture
different in H3. The total curing time in H3 was medium can reduce the absorbence compared with
28 Australian Dental Journal 1999;44:1.
the control (no MMA), even though from Tukey monomer did not always release MMA in higher
(HSD) multiple comparison the absorbence amounts. The concentrations of MMA released into
measurements at concentrations of 1 and 10 µg/mL saliva from some types of acrylic resins examined in
of MMA were not significantly different (p<0.05) this study can be cytotoxic to human oral fibroblasts
from the control. This may be due in part to the in vitro.
volatility of MMA, which can lead to difficulties in
keeping the concentration of MMA in the culture Acknowledgements
medium stable. In this experiment, the medium was This study was supported in part by a grant from
changed and MMA was freshly added every day for the Royal Thai Government. We would like to thank
three days to lessen this effect. Dr Peter A. Leggat, Deputy Head, School of Public
In the oral cavity, it is possible that the amount of Health and Tropical Medicine, James Cook
MMA released into the oral mucosa may be higher University, Australia, for kindly proofing this paper
than this study suggests, especially in the area under and Mrs Bunjerd Yapong, Department of Oral
the denture. Baker et al.12 showed that MMA Biology and Occlusion, Prince of Songkla
released into saliva was detected with a maximum University, for her assistance in the laboratory.
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