Residual Stress Distribution and Characterization On Multi-Curved Armor Tiles

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Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol.

, 11 [4] 745–754 (2014)


Residual Stress Distribution and Characterization on

Multi-Curved Armor Tiles
Liang Wang,* Keyu Li, and Brian Munn
Mechanical Engineering Department, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan 48309

Virginia Halls and James Zheng

Program Executive Office-Soldier, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060

Residual stresses were measured on numerous multi-curved, ballistic tiles made from either silicon carbide or boron car-
bide. Residual stresses were measured at 155 locations to determine what affect parameters such as material, material process-
ing, tile geometry, and manufacturer had on residual stress type and magnitude. 23% of data points had tensile residual
stress. The highest residual stresses were measured in tiles with either the largest surface area or smallest plate thickness.
Higher stresses were measured in silicon carbide tiles compared with boron carbide tiles. Residual stresses in tiles consolidated
by hot pressing measured on average 10 MPa higher than those by pressureless sintering.

Introduction single best armor material for all applications. There-

fore, numbers of different materials such as aluminum
Ballistic protection traditionally came in the form oxide (Al2O3), silicon nitride (Si3N4), boron carbide
of high-strength steel plates. The current need to (B4C), silicon carbide (SiC) are used for varied design
reduce weight in both vehicle and personal armor has purposes.1–3 For each material, factors potentially
resulted in high-strength steel being replaced by lighter affecting armor’s ballistic performances were studied
advanced ceramic materials. Because of the range of such as microstructure (grain size, porosity, and
design criteria that exist for armor systems, there is no phases), manufacturing parameters and methods, mate-
rial properties (density, hardness, elastic modulus,
strength, fracture toughness, fracture mode).1–3
© 2013 The American Ceramic Society However, limited researches were conducted studying
746 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology—Wang, et al. Vol. 11, No. 4, 2014

residual stresses in these ceramics. The intrinsic brittle- surface and hole-drilling on hot-pressed tiles with extre-
ness makes ceramic sensitive to any tensile residual mely high hardness (hot-pressed B4C has the third
stress, which enhances crack initiations and is an highest hardness in nature). Detail information for
important factor causing material failures. Therefore, overcoming these obstacles was reported in this paper,
residual stresses in armor tiles were studied in this which would be valuable for residual stress
paper by examples of SiC and B4C. measurement on other curved materials with high
Both SiC and B4C are produced from fine pow- hardness.
ders that can be consolidated into multi-shaped compo- The objective of this study was first to characterize
nents through either a hot pressing or pressureless the type and magnitude of residual stresses in the
sintering operation.4,5 However, to develop the desired multi-curved tiles and, then, determine whether the
microstructure and properties, the green body must be stress distribution was affected in any manner by what
consolidated in a furnace at temperatures in excess of group (manufacturer), material, consolidation process,
2000°C. The consolidated bodies are then cooled geometry was used to fabricate the tiles.
through a predefined cooling rate.6,7 In this paper, tiles
made from both consolidation processes were provided
Experimental Procedures
for residual stress characterization. Unfortunately,
detailed manufacturing parameters such as holding
Multi-curved ceramic tiles made from two ceramic
temperature, pressure, cooling rate along with the
materials (SiC and B4C) and two manufacturing pro-
actual manufacturing company were not provided due
cesses (pressureless sintering and hot pressing) were
to governmental confidential.
received. Twenty multi-curved tiles, made of SiC mate-
Recent studies have documented the existence of
rial that was consolidated by a pressureless sintering
residual stresses in ceramic bodies such as Si3N4 and
(PS) operation, were received first. The twenty tiles
Al2O3.8–13 These studies have concluded that residual
were divided equally into two separate groups. Each
stresses are induced through either thermal mismatch
group had two identical tiles that fit into five different
or by a mechanical means such as grinding or shot
size categories (X-small, small, medium, large and
peening. In each case, an X-ray diffraction technique
X-large). The SiC tiles were then identified; by a group
was employed to measure and quantify any residual
#, size and a tile #.
stresses. Instead of being a single phase material, SiC
Twelve hot-pressed (HP) ceramic tiles, very similar
ceramic studied in this paper was made of hexagonal
in size and shape to the previous batch, were received
a–SiC and cubic b–SiC, which makes it not suitable
at a later date. In this particular batch, six tiles were
for X-ray diffraction application because the atoms are
made from SiC material. The remaining six tiles were
randomly stacked. Although the B4C crystalline infor-
made from a B4C material. The same type of tile iden-
mation is available for diffraction measurement, no
tification system was used on these 12 tiles. Additional
application was accomplished because it is still debat-
medium sized tiles one made of SiC material and one
able for distinguishing the boron and carbon atoms due
made from B4C material were also provided.
to their similarity (11B and 12C isotopes).14
A sketch of the general shape or contour of each
No published work was found regarding residual
tile is provided in Fig. 1. Some geometrical observa-
stress in B4C ceramic, and there is only one study mea-
tions are as follows:
suring residual stress in SiC tiles.15 However, only four
locations were measured on four small flat tiles made 1. The length, width, and rear edge height of all tiles
from pressureless sintering. In this paper, residual stres- increased linearly as overall tile size increased. The
ses were examined at 155 locations on the real armor lengths of the tiles range from 285 mm to
products. Besides a much larger dimension compared 356 mm. The widths of the tiles vary from
with the flat tiles, the curvatures of the tested tiles were 177 mm to 280 mm. The rear edge heights change
designed to be varied from location to location thus from 18 mm to 48 mm.
named multi-curved tiles. Therefore, residual stress will 2. The PS-SiC tile thickness was measured at
be more complex than that on flat samples. In addi- 8.60  0.1 mm
tion, more difficulties occurred during the experiments 3. The HP-B4C tile thickness was measured at
on multi-curved tiles such as measurement on curved 9.27  0.4 mm. Residual Stress Distribution Characterization 747

4. The HP-SiC tile thickness was size dependent and measure strains at location-1 and location-4 in all small
varied from 8.19  0.24 mm to 10.61  0.5 mm. and large tiles. This completed the data collection
A hole-drilling resistance strain gage technique was phase on the pressureless sintered SiC tiles. A total of
employed to measure residual stresses on all the multi- 107 holes were drilled in the 20 pressureless sintered
curved tiles provided for this study. The smallest and SiC tiles provided for this study.
most sensitive strain gage (delta rosette) was applied to For the hot-pressed tiles, a smaller sample size was
the surface of each tile in a predetermined number of collected for data analysis. All 12 locations were drilled
locations. Given the extreme-high hardness of the mate- in only the two medium sized tiles. After that only
rial(s) being drilled, a super coarse diamond drill bit location-1 was drilled in the five HP-SiC tiles, and only
was selected. For the B4C tiles, a continuous coolant location-4 was drilled in the five HP-B4C tiles.
(Smart Cut Coolant, UKAM Industrial Superhard
Tools, Valencia, CA) was used during the drilling oper- Test Results
ation to reduce heat and drill bit wear. To protect the
strain gage from the coolant, a thin coating (Coat A, The residual stresses analyzed in the following sec-
Vishay Intertechnology Inc, Shelton, CT) was applied tions are the maximum principal stresses calculated
to each strain gage prior to drilling. from the measured strains. The maximum principal
Strain measurements could have been taken at as stress is a unique value independent of which direction
many as twelve different locations on each tile. Relative the strain gage was mounted on each tile. The maxi-
hole-drilling locations and how each location was iden- mum principal stress represents a worst-case scenario as
tified are shown in Fig. 1. These particular locations it pertains to an impact on ceramic tile performance.
are independent of tile size making comparisons The test result will also be presented in the chronologi-
between each location on different sized tiles possible. cal order that the data were collected in.
The initial hole-drilling sequence was carried out
on six pressureless sintered SiC tiles, from both groups
Residual Stress in the Pressureless Sintered SiC Tiles
in sizes X-small, medium and X-large. In this case, all
twelve tile locations were drilled and strains measured. Figure 2 is a scatter plot of all 107 principal stresses.
Those locations with a tensile (+) residual stress were A total of 18 locations had a tensile residual stress. The
then measured again on the six remaining (untested) highest value measured was at 229 MPa. The distribu-
tiles, in sizes X-small, medium and X-large, to verify tion of these tensile stresses can be seen in Fig. 3 for both
the initial findings. The next step was to drill and groups and tile sizes; X-small, medium and X-large.

Fig. 1. Tile geometry and schematic of the twelve hole-drilling Fig. 2. Residual stress results for all 107 test locations on the
locations. pressureless sintering-silicon carbide (PS-SiC) tiles.
748 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology—Wang, et al. Vol. 11, No. 4, 2014



Fig. 3. Stress results for twelve locations on X-small, medium

and X-large pressureless sintering-silicon carbide (PS-SiC)
tiles. At each location, six depths of residual stresses were

As can be seen in Fig. 3, the tensile (+) stress value

is in red at the top of each location with corresponding
location number and incremental depth information
noted below in black. In general, tensile residual stres-
ses were measured in at least one location on all groups
and sizes of tiles. The one exception was for the group
1, X-small tile. This particular tile had no measured
positive residual stresses. The distribution of tensile Fig. 4. (a) Stress comparisons in width direction. The counts at
residual stress also appears to be random in nature, each location are the times that highest residual stress is observed
with no one location consistently having a positive at that location when comparing among the three stresses at left,
value. middle and right. (b) Stress comparisons in length direction. The
Further data analysis was succeeded to find the rel- counts at each location are the times that highest residual stesses
atively higher risk locations among the 12. Six depths is observed at that locaiton when comparing among four locations
in each column.
of residual stresses at locations shown in Fig. 3 were
analyzed. The approach was to compare residual stresses
in each row (column) and record the counts when ses trend to concentrate at the right front and left back
stress was highest at each location. Figure 4a shows the portion on these tiles.
results for comparisons in the width (row) direction. It In the length (column) direction, the maximum
is shown that highest residual stresses were measured principal stresses were compared among locations 1–4,
gradually more frequently from the left to right in row locations 1L–4L, and locations 1R–4R, respectively.
1, while opposite trends were found in row 3 and row And the count of the highest stress founded at each
4. Due to the opposite counting trend between row 1 location was recorded. Figure 4b shows the total counts
and rows 3 and 4, higher risk locations over tile surface at each location. It is shown that more counts of the
would be at right front and left back area. It is also highest stress were most found at location-1R in the
shown that more counts of highest residual stresses right column. In the middle column, higher stresses
were found from location 1L to location 4L, and oppo- were observed at locations 1 and 4. Stresses at the left
site trend was observed from location 1R to location column seem to be evenly distributed, although loca-
4R. Therefore, it is confirmed that higher residual stres- tion-1L was less frequently found with the highest Residual Stress Distribution Characterization 749

stress. It is also observed that there are gradually more tile sizes, are shown in Fig. 6a. Only one tile (X-small)
counts from the left to right in row 1, and an opposite had a tensile residual stress that measured at 20 MPa.
trend is found in row 2. More counts were observed in All other tile sizes had only compressive residual stres-
the left and right in row 3, while more counts were ses. The residual stresses calculated for the HP-B4C
found in the middle for row 4. For middle and right tiles are shown in Fig. 6b. No tensile residual stresses
locations at row 2 and row 3, exact same frequency was were found on any of the B4C tile sizes at location-4.
found at the diagonal locations (location-2 corresponds To determine a stress distribution on the HP-SiC
to location-3R, location-2R corresponds to location-3). and HP-B4C tiles, the complete data set collected on
Therefore, stresses also twisted in the length direction. the medium size tiles was used. The average stress value
At the same time, high residual stress also trend to con- at each location was again calculated. Interpolation of
centrate at the right front and left back locations. these average values generated a 3D stress contour as
An overall stress distribution across the entire tile shown in Fig. 7a HP-SiC and Fig. 7b HP-B4C tiles.
surface can be determined by first calculating an aver- As shown in Fig. 7a, the highest residual stress was cal-
age stress value at each hole location. A cubic interpola- culated at ~40 MPa. The HP-SiC stress contour
tion of these values will yield a three-dimensional (3D) though nonuniform has a broader range of tensile
stress contour as shown in Fig. 5. As can be seen in residual stresses. This is in contrast to the PS-SiC tiles
Fig. 5, stresses are not uniformly distributed across the
tile surface. The higher stresses tended to be localized
toward the right front and left back sections of each
tile. While the center of the tile held the lowest residual (a)
stresses. This type of stress distribution indicates a
twisted or distorted profile appearance.

Residual Stresses in the Hot-Pressed SiC and

B4C Tiles
Based on the results from the PS-SiC tiles, a more
focused hole-drilling sequence was adopted for the HP-
SiC and HP-B4C tiles. Because the highest residual
stresses were toward the front and rear edges in the PS-
SiC tiles, holes were only drilled at location-1 in all
HP-SiC tiles sizes and only at location-4 in all HP-B4C
tiles. The maximum principal stresses, for all HP-SiC

Fig. 6. Maximum principal residual stresses measured at (a)

Fig. 5. Residual stress distribution contour over the tile surface. Location-1 for HP-SiC tiles and (b) Location-4 for HP-B4C
Average residual stresses at the twelve locations were used. tiles.
750 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology—Wang, et al. Vol. 11, No. 4, 2014

(a) any induced tensile stresses could act as crack initiation

sites. Once a crack has formed, these stresses could also
influence the crack path as well as the rate at which a
crack propagates through the tile. Because tensile resid-
ual stresses can have such a negative influence on
mechanical performance, how key parameters such as
group (manufacturer), material, consolidation process,
geometry may influence the introduction of tensile
stresses was investigated. Any correlations found could
benefit future manufacturing optimization efforts for
the ballistic tiles.
Each of the following sections will address how
one key parameter may affect the formation of residual
stresses. In this particular analysis, both compressive
and tensile residual stresses are documented for com-
parison. The first parameter that will be addressed is
any group (manufacturer) affect on tensile residual
stresses. It is important to note that this particular
parameter only applies to the pressureless sintered SiC
tiles received for this study. The group analysis will be
followed by an analysis on material, the size and thick-
ness, and finally the consolidation process.

Group Effect for PS-SiC Tiles

Two different manufactures provided PS-SiC tiles
Fig. 7. 3D residual stress distribution contour (a) for HP- SiC for this study. It was told that material compositions
tile (b) for HP-B4C tile. for producing the tiles were different by weight ratio of
hexagonal a–SiC and cubic b–SiC. Unfortunately, the
company names and detail composition differences
which had very small localized tensile stress areas. As
were not provided along with the tiles and, as a result,
can be seen in Fig. 7b, the highest tensile residual stress
were simply given group 1 and group 2 designations.
was measured at close to 200 MPa. As before, there is
The most straightforward comparison method is to
a nonuniform distribution of stresses over the tile
simply calculate an average stress value at each hole
location in both groups across all tile sizes. The average
stress value for each hole is plotted in Fig. 8. As can be
Discussions seen in Fig. 8, there was a difference in average stress
magnitude between the G1 and G2 groups. On aver-
Residual stresses typically arise in advanced ceramic age, the difference fell between a low of 5 MPa to a
materials due to thermal expansion mismatches between high of 30 MPa, with group 2 (G2) consistently having
adjacent grains. In this particular case, as the consoli- a higher average. A difference is to be expected because
dated SiC and B4C tiles were cooled, the anisotropy each group represents a different tile manufacturer hav-
and random orientation of grains created incompatible ing their own unique combination of materials and
thermal strains. These thermal strains are what give rise processes to produce the desired product.
to the self-equilibrated residual stresses measured in this Another approach to analyzing group differences is
study. to look at the number and magnitude of tensile resid-
Due to the inherent brittleness of most ceramic ual stresses. There were a total of 18 locations that
materials, any induced tensile residual stresses could measured a tensile residual stress in the PS-SiC tiles as
negatively impact mechanical performance. In this case, a whole. Of the 18 total tensile residual stresses, seven Residual Stress Distribution Characterization 751

Fig. 8. Average residual stress per hole location. Fig. 9. Residual stress comparison between SiC and B4C tiles.

were measured in G1 tiles, with the other 11 measured stress at location-4 is very small and would have a min-
in the G2 tiles. This provides further evidence that the imal effect on mechanical performance. Unfortunately,
G2 tiles had a higher inherent residual stress distribu- the magnitude of the tensile stress measured at loca-
tion when compared with the results from the G1 tiles. tion-2 approached 200 MPa. A tensile residual stress of
this magnitude could have a negative impact on
mechanical performance. The large variability in stress
Material Effect
magnitudes distributed across the B4C tile surface is
To analyze for any material effect, only residual also undesirable. This variability is more than likely
stress data from the same size HP-SiC and HP-B4C caused by the second phase particle distribution
plates were used. Unfortunately, there was an unavoid- throughout the B4C tile. Drilling directly into a second
able difference in tile thicknesses. The HP-SiC tile was phase particle could result in a measurement spike or
7.87 mm thick, while the HP-B4C tile was 9.23 mm fluctuation at any location on the B4C tile surface.
thick. Any effect tile thickness has on residual stress
formation will be addressed in a later section.
Size and Thickness Effect
For a general material comparison, stress measure-
ments from the medium sized tiles at each of the 12 The first size effect analysis was performed on the
locations were plotted on a simple line plot. Figure 9 is PS-SiC tiles using a maximum principal stress average
the line plot comparing residual stress magnitudes at location 1 in both G1 and G2 groups. A linear
between the SiC and B4C ceramic materials. The mea- regression analysis was also performed on the data to
sured residual stresses on the HP-SiC medium size tile aid in characterizing any observable trend(s). The
are for the most part higher than that on the B4C tile results of the regression analysis are plotted in Fig. 10a
(except for locations 2 and 4). Even with higher mea- for G1 and b for G2. As can be seen in Fig. 10, there
sured stresses, magnitudes in the HP-SiC tile were near is a general trend for the residual stresses to increase as
or at zero. The magnitudes were also very uniform tile size increases. This trend holds true for both tile
across the entire SiC tile surface. This stress uniformity groups.
is a good indicator that the microstructure consisted Because both groups of tiles demonstrated a similar
primarily of very fine uniformed grains that minimized trend of increasing stress with size, another comparison
any thermal incompatibilities upon cooling. was carried out by combining the stresses from the two
The residual stresses measured in the B4C medium groups into one single data set. This approach allows
size tile were mostly compressive in nature. The two for a closer look at how the average stress magni-
exceptions were at location-2 and location-4, where a tude from each hole location relates to a specific tile
tensile residual stress was measured. The tensile residual size (X-small, small, medium, large and X-large). The
752 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology—Wang, et al. Vol. 11, No. 4, 2014


Fig. 11. Residual stresses at twelve locations on X-small, med-

ium and X-large pressureless sintering- silicon carbide (PS-SiC)

Fig. 12a, residual stresses trend higher on both the X-

small and medium sized tiles when compared with all
other tile sizes. This observation is a strong indicator
that thinner tiles tend to have a higher residual stress
when compared with similar sized thicker tiles. This
trend is in agreement with the previous study per-
formed on simple flat square tiles made from pressure-
less sintered SiC material.15 There is also a size effect
when curve fitting was carried out to the stress data
points shown in Fig. 12a. The general trend of increas-
Fig. 10. Size effect using the average stress at location-1 for (a) ing residual stresses with tile size is again revealed.
G1 group and (b) G2 group. For the HP-B4C tiles, a similar interpolation was
carried out on the measured stresses at location-4. As
can be seen in Fig. 12b, the curve fitted stresses trend
average stress magnitude was again calculated at each higher with increase tile size similar to what was seen
hole location from this single data set. The result of on the HP-SiC tile in Fig. 12a.
this exercise is the line plot shown in Fig. 11. The
average stress magnitude (y-axis) at each of the 12 hole
Manufacturing Method Effect
locations (x-axis) in the X-small, medium and X-large
tiles are plotted in Fig. 11. This particular data set There are a number of different methods to effec-
again shows a general trend of increasing stress with tile tively consolidate ceramic green bodies. In this study,
size. there were two methods employed to consolidate the
For the hot-pressed SiC and B4C tiles, a similar SiC and B4C green tiles, pressureless sintering, and hot
comparison was conducted with the results summarized pressing. There are well-documented advantages to each
in Fig. 12a for HP-SiC and Fig. 12b for HP-B4C tiles, of these consolidation methods. However, there are no
respectively. For the HP-SiC tiles, because there was a published findings on how the consolidation method
thickness difference between the X-small and medium might influence residual stress formation. To ascertain
tiles (18% and 11% thinner, respectively) compared how a consolidation method might affect residual stress
with the other three (3) tile sizes, residual stress results formation, a tile location where measurements had been
are identified with open markers. As can be seen in taken from both PS-SiC and HP-SiC tiles had to be Residual Stress Distribution Characterization 753


Fig. 13. Manufacturing method effect on residual stress,

location-1 only.

The pressure differences between PS and HP
would lead to material’s varied freedom of movement
during the fabrication process, which finally contributes
to the distinguished stress distribution as shown in
Fig. 5 and Fig. 7. Because there was no pressure
applied during fabricating the PS tiles, materials are
much easier to flow. Due to tile geometry, nonuniform
heating may occur and the material will flow toward
the cooler sides which eventually leads to unbalance
(wobbling) of the tile. The physically measured wob-
bling characteristic proves the twisted residual stress
distribution shown in Fig. 5. However, for the hot-
Fig. 12. Size effect study (a) for HP-SiC tiles and (b) for H- pressed tiles, because there is continuous pressure dur-
B4C tiles. ing the cooling process, the tiles stay on the fixture all
the time which gives much less chance to wobble.
Thus, a more symmetric residual stress distribution was
identified. Location-1 was one of two locations where obtained in Fig. 7.
residual stresses had been measured on each tile config- In addition, from another perspective, the consoli-
uration in this study. dation method could also influence how residual stres-
The next step was to take the individual stress val- ses are distributed throughout each tile surface. Hot
ues at each incremental depth and average them pressing much like rolling or extruding metals could
together across all five different tile sizes. The result of have resulted in a forced-mechanical direction to the
this exercise was an average residual stress value at each grain orientation. Because residual stresses are created
drilled depth increment for both the PS-SiC and HP- through thermal incompatibility at the grain bound-
SiC tile groups. The best visual comparison was to plot aries, a forced orientation to those grains could in-turn
the average values as shown in Fig. 13. As can be seen affect the distribution of any residual stresses induced
in Fig. 13, the hot-pressed tiles had a higher residual upon cooling from the consolidation temperature. An
stress value at all depth increments measured. On aver- example of this potential influence can be seen in the
age, the hot-pressed tiles measured about 10 MPa residual stress distribution of the B4C tile in Fig. 9.
higher than the stress value measured on the pressure- The B4C tiles had three distinctive peak stresses that
less sintered tiles. were measured at locations 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively.
754 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology—Wang, et al. Vol. 11, No. 4, 2014

While valleys in stress values occurred in pairs of loca- 5. In general, the SiC tiles had a higher residual stress
tions such as 1L-1R, 2L-2R, 3L-3R, and 4L-4R. The magnitude when compared with similar sized B4C
intermittent, or somewhat ordered stress distribution tiles.
more than likely, was influenced by the pressure exerted 6. In general, the SiC tiles had a smaller fluctuation in
during consolidation of the green tiles. residual stress magnitudes when compared with
B4C tiles having similar size and thickness.
7. On average, residual stresses measured in the hot-
Conclusions pressed SiC tiles were about 10 MPa higher than
those measured in the SiC pressureless sintered
Residual stresses were measured on all multi-curved tiles.
SiC and B4C tiles regardless of group, material, tile size
and thickness, or consolidation method (pressureless sin-
tering or hot pressing). The incremental hole-drilling References
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