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Course: Psychology

Subject: Naysayer and Whiner

Submitted to: Rev. Matthew A. Jaiah

School: United Methodist University

Date: August 10, 2021

The Whiner
Someone who is engaged in a constant steam of complaints about the boss, about co-workers,
about working conditions about the pattern in the floor tiles in the break room – is a naysayer.
There is nothing wrong with finding shortcomings.(reference: https:/ handing
Whiner is a self – piting manner or tone: Being a whiner at work just makes you look petty,
childish and not trust worthy
The other name for the whiner person is:
 Complainer -------------- Grumbler
 Grouch ------------------- Grouser
 Belly acher ------------- Bear
 Crab -------------------- Crank
 Croaker --------------- Cross Patch

The action plans for dealing with a whiner person is:

1. Listen for the main points. The last thing you want to do is listen, but that’s just what you
need to do with the whiner
2. Interrupt and get specific
3. Shift the focus to solutions ---
4. Show the whiner the future
5. Draw the line
Why is Whining Bad?
Studies have shown that the sound of shining causes stresses responds in adults, and is more
distracting than other sounds…. They also have a galvanic shin response, so they have a spike in
the measure of sweat in their fingertips which is usually associated with stress or heightened
What happens when we stop complaining?
It takes you into a negative emotion and keeps you there “explains mircm Akhtar, a psycologist
in Britain who focuses on happiness “you are going to be marinating in it, which is no good for
your well-being” complaining with no real purpose won’t make you a better persons.
To stop complaining in a relationship swap your language, change your tone: pick on optional
time write in down. Reflect on your needs adjust your self-properly.
Why we complain ?
Studies have shown that the sound of whining, we complain we feel there is a significant gap
between an expectation and reality, according to or complaining with venting, says Winch.
A person who criticizes objects to or opposes something noun. “he continues to win, despite the
many Naysayers”
The Other word for Naysayers:
1. Cynic ---------------- Doubter
2. Misanthrope -------- Pessimist
3. Killjoy -------------- Defeatist
4. Complainer --------- Downer
5. Gloomy ------------- Sour Puss
The examples of naysayers :
Naysayers are termed as such because their favorite response is “Nay” say you want to quit
drinking alcohol. They will go “nay” and tell you that drinking a few more mugs won’t kill you
say you want to lose weight and you eat healthily. (Reference: https:
Who are Naysayers add?
Naysayer add to list share. Naysayer is a person who always say no Naysayers are negative and
cynical they are not much fun to be around. The opposite of a naysayer person who tends or
believe that the worst will happen. Optimist. Utopia, idealist, hoper (Reference https: www
why are some people naysayer?
Often’’ naysayers’’ can be those close to you, trusted friend’s colleagues and over family
member their intentions probably are not malicious instead they might mean well they are trying
to shield you from disappointment, rejection or failure.
A naysayer in writing. A naysayer is a counter claim or any criticism that goes against your
argument. If you incorporate the criticism or objections to your clam your writing becomes
stronger, more interesting and credible.
Answering the naysayer: rebuttal whenever you entertain objections in your writing, stay with
them for several sentences, or even paragraphs if necessary avoid mocking an opposing point of
view as it will likely alrenale those readers who don’t agree with you, overall an opponent,
naysayer, or counter argument is often include in an argumentative essay to strengthen its central
clam. This to acknowledge other view point and show how you interact with them as well as
respond to their idea cranially speaking to include guidelines.
 Put the opponent first on any main point. It a good idea to give you argument the
advantages of responding and therefore being heard last by the audience. This because
whatever the audience hears last always remains in their memory the strongest.
 Be respectful to the opponent, you can do this by advoiding sarcasm, insults or describing
them or their ideas with language loaded with negative connotations. This is important
because it is one of many techniques to show you are a person of character who deserve
to be listened to.
 Give the naysayer a pair amount of time to speak. Don’t just include what they believe,
but also the reasons and evidence for they believe it. A good rule of thumb is to give
them at least 114-113 of the body of the essay ensure you are not being/ lopsided in your
argument this can demonstrate that you have done your research and respect your
opponents enough to learn what they have to say.
Group A -1 Members
Sarahlyn S. Findor 29051
Fatu C. Johnson 28788
Gifty T. Nyandi 27589
Bettilyn Freeman 24171
Marion A. Brown 28154
Roda F. Tomah 19421
Precious T. Guannu 2263
Faith P. Gbafore 29149
Nahleta S. Nahn 26582
Maverlyn H. Zammie 29319
Christina R. Nuwan 28147

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