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Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for

the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Intro > Overview

□ A : Voice and PPT Overview
□ B : Text-based Overview
■ C : Video and PPT Overview

 Today’s lesson is “Induction Machine – Part 1”.


1. Introduction and Construction

2. Rotating Field
Lesson 3. Principle of Operation
topics 4. Mathematical Model
5. Equivalent Circuit

At the completion of this lesson, you will be able to:


Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 1 Introduction and Construction

1.1 Induction machines:

• AC machine based on electromagnetic induction
• Rotor speed defers from rotating field speed
• Hence 2 names: induction & asynchronous

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 1 Introduction and Construction

1.2 Applications
• Both motor and generator mode;
primarily used as induction motors
• General purpose motor of choice
‒ Cheap
‒ Robust
Induction motors consuming up to 70% of all electrical
energy generated
• We only focus on induction motors

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 1 Introduction and Construction

1.3 Construction
• Stator
‒ Cylindrical core
• Staked laminations
• Evenly spaced slots for
stator winding
Stator & Rotor

Stator winding Evenly spaced slots Stator

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 1 Introduction and Construction

1.3 Construction
• Rotor
‒ Staked laminations
‒ Slots for rotor winding
• Squirrel-cage windings
Stator & Rotor
• Windings made of insulated wires
2 types of motor: - squirrel-cage induction motor
- wound-rotor induction motor

Lamination of stator & rotor Rotor core & windings

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 1 Introduction and Construction

1.3 Squirrel-cage induction motor

• Squirrel-cage rotor
‒ Bare copper bars
‒ Bar ends welded to
2 end-rings (short-circuited)
Bare copper bar

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 1 Introduction and Construction

1.4 Wound-rotor (slip-ring) induction motor

‒ Uniformly distributed in slots
‒ 3-phase windings like stator
‒ Usually connected in 3-wire wye
‒ Terminals connected to 3 slip rings
 3 brushes connected to external resistors

Three-phase sources
Windings To windings


Sliprings Slip rings

Stator Starting rheostat

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 1 Introduction and Construction

1.4 Wound-rotor (slip-ring) induction motor

• Disadvantages, advantages
‒ Costly
‒ Less reliable
‒ Reduced locked-rotor current
‒ Variable speed
‒ Suitable for accelerating high-inertia loads

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 2 Rotating Field

2.1 Salient Stator A


‒ Tesla's early induction motor a

‒ Connecting a 3-phase source b Z
i A =I m sinωt iB
b B
 2π  C X a
i B =I m sin  ωt-  iC
 3 
 4π 
i C =I m sin  ωt- 
 3 
‒ Six-pole stator produces 2-pole field
‒ Combined magnetic field
 Rotating field

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 2 Rotating Field

2.2 Non-salient stator

A phase group of
5 coils in series

Speed of rotating field:

n1 = 60f  r/min 

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 2 Rotating Field

2.3 Rotating field for I1 I2 I3 I4

two pole-pairs
• Interleaving of
pole windings
I4 S
• Speed of rotating field I1
with p pole-pairs:
n1 =  r/min 
I3 S
Synchronous speed

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 2 Rotating Field

2.4 Direction of rotation

• Phase order A-B-C
 field rotating clock-wise
• Interchange 2 of the lines:
 rotating in the opposite

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 2 Rotating Field

2.5 Magnitude of rotating field

• Combined magnetic field for 3-phase motor
 =A +B cos  -120o  +C cos  -240o 
=  A - ( B + C ) A 3
2  =A + = A
2 2
A +B +C =0
A =Φ Amsinωt
3 3
 = Φ Amsinωt= A
2 2
• Generalized m-phase motor
m m
 = Φ Amsinωt= A
2 2

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 3 Principle of Operation

3.1 Induction law & electromagnetic force on a

• Moving magnet cutting across a conducting ladder

E=Blv Fe =BlI

Length l
Speed v
Length l


I, E
Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 3 Principle of Operation

3.2 Slip and slip speed

 n < n1 (if n = n1  Fe=0)
 Difference between synchronous speed N
and rotor speed
n 2 n1 -n
s= = Fe
n1 n1 S
 Slip speed n2
n 2 =n1 -n
• Immobile rotor: s = 1
• At full-load: s = 0,02 – 0,06
 Rotor speed
n = n1 1-s  = 1-s   r/minute 
Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 3 Principle of Operation

3.3 Induction generator

‒ Reversibility
• Prime mover drives rotor > n1
• Asynchronous generator n n
s 1 0
‒ Excitation
• Electric supply required to produce rotating flux
• Self-start due to residual magnetism
‒ Drawbacks
• Small cosϕ due to Q
consumed from Grid

‒ Applications:
• Wind turbines, micro hydro: varying rotor speed

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 4 Mathematical Model

4.1 Induction motor as a transformer

• Energy is transferred inductively from stator to
• Like a transformer:
‒ Stator as the primary
‒ Rotor as the short-circuited rotating secondary

Air Gap

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 4 Mathematical Model

4.2 Stator equations

• Like a transformer, per-phase voltage equation
 =I (R +jX )-E
U1 1 1 1 1

X 1 =2πfL 1 : leakage reactance per phase

Counter-EMF of self-inductance: E1 = 4.44fw 1k w1Φ m

• w1: number of series-connected turns per phase

• kw1: Winding factors of the stator
- When considering distribution factor and pitch factor

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 4 Mathematical Model

4.3 Rotor equations

• Parameters
pn 2 spn1
- Rotor current frequency: f2 = = =sf
60 60
- Per-phase EMF: E 2s = 4.44f 2 w 2 k w2 Φ m = 4.44sfw 2 k w2 Φ m

E 2 = 4.44fw 2 k w2 Φ m E 2s = sE 2

- Secondary leakage Reactance: X 2s = 2πf 2 L 2 = s.2πfL 2 = sX 2

E1 w1k w1
- EMF transformation ratio: = =k e
E 2 w 2 k w2
(kw1, kw2: winding factors of the stator and rotor)

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 4 Mathematical Model

4.3 Rotor equations

• Equation
-E 2s =I2  R 2 +jX2s 
 0=sE +I  R +jX
2 2 2 2s 

• Rotor current (f2=sf)

sE 2
I2 
R 22  sX 2 

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 4 Mathematical Model

4.4 MMF Equation

• Rotating field produced by 2 currents:
‒ Stator current  stator rotating field speed n1
‒ Rotor current  rotor rotating field speed n2 (with
respect to the rotor ) 60f 2 s60f
n2 = = =sn1
p p
‒ Rotor rotating field speed with respect to the stator:
n2 + n = sn1 + n = sn1 +n1(1 – s) = n1
‒ Combined rotating field has a constant speed n1

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 4 Mathematical Model

4.4 MMF Equation

• Equation and current transformation factor
‒ Φm almost unchanged from no-load to full-load
m 1 w 1 k w1I1 -m 2 w 2 k w2 I 2 =m 1 w 1 k w1 I o
• Io: stator current at no-load
• I1, I2: stator and rotor current
• m1, m2: number of phases in stator and rotor
‒ Current transformation factor

m1w1k w1 I =I +I '

1 o 2
ki = 
m 2 w 2 k w2 I' = I2

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 5 Equivalent Circuit

5.1 A transformer with a rotating secondary

• Induction motor modeled like a transformer
‒ Air gap
‒ Rotating secondary being short-circuited
R1 X1 R2

U1 E1 E 2s sX 2

Primary Rotor Air Gap Secondary

Frequency f Frequency sf

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 5 Equivalent Circuit

5.2 From the derived  =I  R +jX  -E

U (1)
1 1 1 1 1
mathematical model 0=sE +I  R +jX  (2)
2 2 2 2s

I =I +I ' (3)

1 o 2

• We have: R 
0  E 2  I 2  2  jX 2  (2' )
 s 
I  R 

 0  k e E 2  2 2
k e k i  jX 2 k e k i  (2" )
ki  s 

 '  '  R 2 ' 

0  E 2  I 2   jX 2 
 s 
Secondary parameters referred to the primary

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 5 Equivalent Circuit

5.3 Equivalent circuit

• Similar to transformer model

 E '2  E 1  I o Z0

R '2
I I'
1 R1 X1 s X '2 2

  I R  jX   I Z I
U1 1 1 1 o 0 I 0
'  R2  
X M E 1  E 2
 
0  Io Z0  I2   jX'2  U 1 Z0 RC '
 s 
I  I  I'
1 o 2

Equivalent circuit

Script Writing Guide: e-Learning Content Development for the 『 Project for Strengthen the CLMV Capacity for the ASEAN-KOREA Cyber University』

Lesson > Topic 5 Equivalent Circuit

5.4 Simplified equivalent circuit

R '2
I I '
1 R1 X1 s X '2 2

I I
0 0


R'2 ' R'2 1  s
 R2 
s s
R 01  jX01
I I'
1 R1 X1 R '2 X '2 2

R0 (1  s ) Mechanical
U R '2
X0 s Power

Attention: Per-phase parameters


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