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Verifying Residuals from Catch Curves to Detect

Recruitment Variation in Largemouth Bass and Crappies
Michael J. Maceina
Department of Fisheries , Auburn University , Alabama, 36849, USA
Published online: 08 Jan 2011.

To cite this article: Michael J. Maceina (2004) Verifying Residuals from Catch Curves to Detect Recruitment Variation in
Largemouth Bass and Crappies, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 24:1, 231-236, DOI: 10.1577/M02-162

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North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:231–236, 2004
q Copyright by the American Fisheries Society 2004

Verifying Residuals from Catch Curves to Detect Recruitment

Variation in Largemouth Bass and Crappies
Department of Fisheries, Auburn University, Alabama 36849, USA

Abstract.—Residuals associated with catch-curve re- logarithm of number at age against age, one can
gressions can represent variable recruitment in fish pop- use the associated residuals to estimate recruitment
ulations, but the use of this method to quantify recruit-
variation and detect the formation of weak and
ment variation has not been verified. I computed age-0
and age-1 catch rates of crappies Pomoxis spp. collected strong year-classes (Maceina 1997). In addition,
with trap nets set in the fall in three Alabama reservoirs biotic and abiotic variables have been used in cor-
and the age-1 catch rate of largemouth bass Micropterus relation and regression analyses to explain and pre-
salmoides captured with electrofishing during spring dict year-class strength, with residuals serving as
over a 13-year period in a single Georgia reservoir. the dependent variable (Maceina and Stimpert
Downloaded by [Selcuk Universitesi] at 13:14 04 January 2015

These indices of juvenile abundance were correlated 1998; Slipke et al. 1998; DiCenzo and Duval
(r 5 0.52–0.81, P , 0.01) to residuals generated from
catch-curve regressions for electrofishing data collected 2002). However, fishing and natural mortality may
when these same year-classes recruited to the fishery at not be constant among year-classes or among years
age 3 and older. At higher age-0 crappie and age-1 large- and can also contribute to variation in catch-curve
mouth bass catch rates, these relations became curvilin- regressions (Ricker 1975). Also, indices of juve-
ear, and improved fit was computed with data transfor- nile fish abundance may not be tightly correlated
mation and nonlinear fits to the data. An asymptotic to adult abundance if density-dependent mortality
relation was observed between age-0 and age-1 catch
rates for the same crappie year-classes, and an inverse
occurs before recruitment to the initial age used
relation was evident between mean length at age 1 and in catch-curve analysis. Finally, sample error of
juvenile crappie catch rates. This result suggested that both juvenile and adult fish can further contribute
density-dependent growth suppression and mortality oc- to variation in estimates of recruitment.
curred, as age-0 fish did not proportionally recruit to the Isermann et al. (2002) used trap-net data and did
age-31 fishery. However, the age-1 crappie (about 18 not find a relation between coefficients of deter-
months old) catch rate was linearly related (r2 5 0.48–
mination from catch curves (used as an index of
0.55; P , 0.01) to residuals when data were compared
separately for each reservoir, which suggested that full recruitment variability) and coefficients of varia-
recruitment to the population occurred at this age. For tion in catch rates of age-1 and age-2 crappies
largemouth bass, mean length at age 1 was positively Pomoxis spp. In addition, for 15 of 17 populations
related to age-1 catch rate, and recruitment of strong examined, the studentized residuals were not re-
year-classes to the fishery appeared proportionally great- lated to fluctuations in crappie year-class strength
er than for abundant age-0 crappies. Residuals generated determined from trap-net catches (Isermann et al.
from catch-curve regressions can serve as a useful quan-
titative index of juvenile crappie and largemouth bass 2002). However, potential age and size biases for
abundance that can be used in subsequent analyses to trap-net catch rates of adult fish may have occurred
explain recruitment variation. However, in some instanc- in this study due to underestimation of older and
es, initial strong year-class abundance may not be fully larger crappies (Boxrucker and Ploskey 1989;
expressed in the fishery later in life. McInerny 1989; Miranda et al. 1992; Allen et al.
1999; Sammons et al. 2002). The objective of this
paper is to compare catch rates of juvenile crappies
Residuals associated with catch-curve regres-
and largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides to re-
sions can represent variable recruitment in fish
siduals associated with catch curves constructed
populations (Maceina 1997). An advantage of us-
when the same year-classes recruited to the fishery
ing this technique as a quantitative index of re-
at older ages. A comparison of two different ap-
cruitment is that the relative abundance of past-
proaches to estimate recruitment variation is useful
produced year-classes can be estimated from a sin-
for examining precision and potential bias and for
gle sample of older fish that have recruited to adult
verifying the use of catch curves to quantify re-
size or to the fishery. By regressing the natural
* Corresponding author: Study reservoirs, collection, and processing
Received October 17, 2002; accepted February 19, 2003 methods.—Black crappies P. nigromaculatus and


TABLE 2.—Summary of electrofishing effort, collection

years, and catch rates of age-1 and age-3 and older large-
mouth bass from Lake Eufaula, Alabama–Georgia.

Age 3 and older fish

Age-1 fish
Age range
Year Effort (h) Catch Effort (years) Catch
1989 0.97 35
1990 1.50 18
1991 1.08 24
1992 1.41 11 1.41 3–7 57
1993 1.16 39
1994 0.88 15
1995 1.17 12 1.17 3–10 79
1996 0.90 55
1997 0.81 23
1998 1.30 5
1999 0.61 60 7.11 3–10 201
Downloaded by [Selcuk Universitesi] at 13:14 04 January 2015

2000 1.19 18
2001 1.07 16
2002 1.14 23 1.14 3–10 72

Alabama–Georgia. All reservoirs were eutrophic

(chlorophyll-a concentrations $ 8 mg/m3). Water
level fluctuations were minimal (,1 m) in Alice-
ville and Jones Bluff lakes, but Lake Eufaula and
Weiss Lake had regulated annual fluctuations of
about 1.8 m.
Two different methods were used to collect crap-
pies. Juvenile and subadult crappies were collected
with 16–20 Indiana-style trap nets (Smith et al.
1994) from 1990 to 1999 (Table 1). Nets were set
in all reservoirs in October, with an additional sam-
FIGURE 1.—(A) Age-0 versus age-1 catch rates of ple collected each November in Weiss Lake. Nets
crappies collected via trap nets in three Alabama res- were set at fixed sample sites throughout each res-
ervoirs. The 1:1 line (dashed) and nonlinear regression ervoir, and fish were removed from nets after 24
line (solid) are indicated. The relations between (B) age-
0 catch rate and (C) age-1 catch rate and mean length
and 48 h. From 1994 to 2001, crappies were pe-
at age 1 for crappies are also shown. riodically collected via DC electrofishing from a
minimum of three different locations in each res-
ervoir during March–April (Table 1).
white crappies P. annularis were collected from Largemouth bass were collected during March
three reservoirs (Aliceville, Jones Bluff, and Weiss from at least three randomly chosen locations in
lakes) from different drainage basins throughout Lake Eufaula from 1989 to 2002 (Table 2); col-
Alabama (see Figure 1 in Maceina and Stimpert lections were made by Alabama Division of Wild-
[1998]; Table 1). Largemouth bass were collected life and Freshwater Fisheries (ADWFF) personnel.
from Lake Eufaula on the Chattahoochee River, All largemouth bass were collected with a pre-

TABLE 1.—Summary of sampling effort, collection years, and total number of crappies used to compute age-0 and
age-1 catch rates from trap nets in three Alabama reservoirs. Also included are the years in which adult crappies were
collected with electrofishing and residuals from catch-curve analysis were computed.

Trap nets Electrofishing

Effort (net- Age-0 Age-1 Age range
Reservoir nights/year) Years sampled catch catch Years sampled (years) Catch
Aliceville 32 1991–1999 1,300 1,108 1994, 2001 3–8 140
Jones Bluff 40 1990–1997 2,706 1,558 1994, 1998, 1999 3–9 408
Weiss 76 1990–1997 1,848 1,933 1996, 1999 3–7 434

determined goal of obtaining at least 120 fish of age-3 and older fish collected in 1992, 1995, 1999
stock length (20 cm) and greater. In March 1999, (largest sample), and 2002 (Table 2). These col-
personnel from the Georgia Department of Natural lections encompassed the year-classes for which
Resources (GDNR) used DC electrofishing to col- age-1 catch rates were estimated by the ADWFF.
lect largemouth bass from 12 pre-determined sites
throughout the reservoir. Age data from this larger Results and Discussion
sample was used to augment data collected by the Age-0 and age-1 catch of crappies was highly
ADWFF. variable in the three reservoirs. Age-0 catch rates
Black crappies and white crappies were pooled varied from 0.44 to 23.70 fish per net-night (co-
for the analyses, as justified in Maceina and Stim- efficient of variation [CV] 5 100%), and age-1
pert (1998). Sagittal otoliths were removed from catch rates ranged from 0.39 to 11.69 fish per net-
all fish except for crappies smaller than 100 mm, night (CV 5 85%).
which were assumed to be age 0. Largemouth bass For paired comparisons among crappie year-
and crappie ages were determined from otolith an- classes, age-1 and age-0 catch rates were corre-
nuli counts (Hoyer et al. 1985; Maceina and Betsill lated (r 5 0.77, P , 0.01, N 5 21), but in some
Downloaded by [Selcuk Universitesi] at 13:14 04 January 2015

1987). If annuli counts were unclear, otoliths were instances, catch rates of age-1 fish were greater
mounted on glass slides in thermoplastic, ground than for age-0 fish (Figure 1A). Thus, either under-
until a thin cross section was obtained (Maceina or overestimation of age-specific abundance likely
1988), and read in cross view. All otoliths were occurred during some years. Catches of 10 or
read by a second person to verify precision. greater age-0 fish per net-night were associated
with lower catch rates for age-1 fish, with a de-
Data Analysis creasing asymptotic relation evident between age-
Catch per effort (total catch in numbers, divided 0 and age-1 crappies (Figure 1A). This suggested
by the number of net-nights) of age-0 and age-1 density-dependent mortality was likely greater at
crappies in trap nets was used as an index of ju- higher abundances of age-0 crappies. In support
venile abundance. For largemouth bass collected of this, length at age 1 was negatively correlated
from Lake Eufaula, catch of age-1 fish per hour to both age-0 and age-1 catch rates (Figure 1B,
was used as an index of juvenile abundance. Catch- C), which suggested density-dependent growth
curve analyses (Ricker 1975) were performed on suppression.
age-structure data from electrofished crappies and For all reservoir years combined, age-0 and age-
largemouth bass by regressing (unweighted re- 1 crappie catch rates were positively correlated to
gression) the natural logarithm of the number residuals (Figure 2A, B). Residuals did not pro-
caught in each year-class against age for fish age portionally increase with higher trap-net catch
3 (complete or nearly complete recruitment to the rates of age-0 crappies and a nonlinear relation
fishery) and older. For data collected in Aliceville, appeared evident in the plot. Log10 transformation
Weiss, and Jones Bluff lakes, residuals from catch of age-0 catch rate improved the fit between these
curves generated from different samples were rep- two variables compared with the untransformed fit
licated for duplicated year-classes and paired (r2 5 0.27–0.37, P , 0.01, N 5 33). Residuals
against age-0 and age-1 catch rates from the same and age-1 catch appeared to increase linearly (Fig-
year-classes. Age-0 and age-1 catch rates were cor- ure 2) as log10 transformation of age-1 catch re-
related and regressed against residuals to deter- gressed against residuals and the computation of
mine whether juvenile catch rates were related to a second-degree polynomial regression equation
residuals from catch-curve regressions constructed between age-1 catch and residuals did not improve
after fish recruited to the fishery at age 3. In ad- the fit between these two variables. When residuals
dition, age-0 and age-1 catch rates of crappies were linearly regressed against age-1 catch rate
within the same year-classes were compared via separately for data from each reservoir, slightly
correlation and nonlinear regression analyses. improved fits were observed; coefficients of de-
Mean lengths of age-0 and age-1 crappies were termination ranged from 0.48 to 0.55 (Figure 3A–
compared to corresponding catch rates by use of C). Nonlinear relations based on both log10 trans-
correlation. formation and second-degree polynomial regres-
For largemouth bass collected from Lake Eu- sions between these two variables did not improve
faula, age-1 catch rates from the 1988–1999 year- fit compared to reservoir-specific linear relations.
classes were correlated and regressed against re- In Lake Eufaula, electrofishing catch rates of
siduals computed from catch-curve regressions of age-1 largemouth bass were correlated (r 5 0.81,
Downloaded by [Selcuk Universitesi] at 13:14 04 January 2015

FIGURE 2.—The relations between (A) age-0 catch rate

and (B) age-1 catch rate and residuals computed from
catch-curve regressions for crappies collected from three
Alabama reservoirs. Residuals greater than or less than
zero can be considered strong or weak year-classes, re-
spectively, dependent on the magnitude of the difference
from zero.

P , 0.01, N 5 23) to residuals generated from

catch-curve regressions computed for fish age 3
and older (Figure 4). Age-1 catch rate was highly
variable and ranged from 3.8 to 98.4 fish/h (CV
5 93%). Similar to age-0 crappies, examination FIGURE 3.—Age-1 catch rate plotted against residuals
of the scatter plot between age-1 largemouth bass for crappies collected from three Alabama reservoirs:
(A) Aliceville Lake, (B) Jones Bluff Lake, and (C) Weiss
catch rate and residuals suggested a curvilinear Lake.
relation, as the proportional increase in residuals
declined at higher age-1 catch rates. A second-
degree polynomial equation improved the fit be- include sampling error and inherent bias in the use
tween these two variables, as the coefficient of of catch-curve residuals as independent observa-
determination increased from 0.66 (untransformed tions of year-class strength. In catch-curve re-
age-1 catch rate) to 0.72 (Figure 4). Contrary to gression, the positive or negative sign of the re-
the negative relation between age-0 or age-1 catch siduals associated with a year-class is dependent
rate and mean length of age-1 crappies, a strong on the abundance of other year-classes in the sam-
positive correlation (r 5 0.79, P , 0.01, N 5 12) ple. For example, the potential exists for a partic-
was computed between age-1 catch rate and mean ular year-class to appear abundant or dominant in
total length at age 1 for largemouth bass. a sample, then lower in another sample taken at a
I verified that residuals associated with catch later date if the abundances of more recent year-
curves of older fish were associated with trap-net classes are high.
and electrofishing catches of juvenile crappies and Curvilinearity in the relation between age-0
largemouth bass, respectively. For the populations crappies (about 6 months old) or age-1 largemouth
I examined, residuals from catch curves only ex- bass (about 12 months old) and residuals suggested
plained about 50–75% of the variation in juvenile that, at higher juvenile abundances, these fish did
catch rates. Factors that explain some of the error not proportionally recruit to the fishery (age 31).

years was added because fish were collected in the

fall) from all trap-net data pooled. These estimates
were lower than survival rates computed with elec-
trofishing data from the same reservoirs: survival
rates were 54–61% in Jones Bluff Lake, 45–49%
in Weiss Lake, and 51% in Aliceville Lake. Sam-
mons et al. (2002) compared gear bias for sampling
crappies and recommended the use of trap nets to
index recruitment and electrofishing to collect old-
er fish for age analysis. Finally, Isermann et al.
(2002) used catch-curve regressions weighted by
sample size to compute residuals, which deflates
the influence of rare and older fish and causes bias
FIGURE 4.—The relation between age-1 catch rate and in residual estimates. Maceina (1997) recom-
residuals for largemouth bass collected from Lake Eu- mended the use of weighted catch-curve regres-
Downloaded by [Selcuk Universitesi] at 13:14 04 January 2015

faula, Alabama–Georgia. The dashed line represents the sion when incorporating environmental terms, and
linear regression (r2 5 0.66; y 5 20.602 1 0.0222x) the creation of a multiple regression from a simple
and the solid line represents the second-degree poly- catch curve to reduce the probability of commit-
nomial regression (r2 5 0.72; y 5 20.898 1 0.0433x 2 ting a type II statistical error when relating vari-
0.000232x2) between the two variables.
ation in an environmental term to fluctuations in
year-class strength.
Length at age 1 was inversely associated with crap- To estimate recruitment variability and potential
pie abundance at age 0 and age 1. Typically, pre- effects of biotic and abiotic factors on production
dation risk is higher and survival is lower for of weak and strong year-classes, long-term (.10
slower-growing and smaller fish (Cowan et al. years) annual data collection would be ideal. How-
2000). Thus, full recruitment to the crappie fish- ever, most research projects do not span this length
eries I examined would not be expected. However, of time, and successive annual monitoring of pop-
largemouth bass length at age 1 was positively ulations in a single water body by government con-
related to age-1 catch rate, yet relatively large ob- servation agencies sometimes does not occur due
served residuals were not computed in catch to labor, financial, and logistic constraints. Col-
curves for either the 1995 year-class (age-1 catch lection of age-structure data from older fish in a
rate 5 61 fish/h) or the 1998 year-class (age-1 population every 3–4 years and computation of
catch rate 5 98 fish/h; see Figure 4). For the age- residuals associated with catch curves can circum-
1 crappie catch rate, fish were collected in the fall vent this problem to some extent, and provide sav-
at about 18 months old, and a linear relation was ings in funds and labor, as young fish abundance
evident between this variable and residuals when does not have to be measured each year. However,
examined in individual reservoirs. recruitment fluctuations in a population must be
My results for crappies differed from those of large enough to cause variation in the catch-curve
Isermann et al. (2002), who did not find a relation regression. For the catch-curve regressions I com-
between coefficients of determination from catch puted, coefficients of determination varied from
curves and coefficients of variation in catch rates 0.32 to 0.82 (average 0.66) for crappies and from
of age-1 and age-2 crappies. Studentized residuals 0.64 to 0.92 (average 0.81) for largemouth bass,
were not related to fluctuations in year-class and this variation appeared sufficient to detect
strength determined from trap-net catches (Iser- weak and strong year-classes.
mann et al. 2002). Data for adult crappie abun- In previous publications (Maceina 1997; Ma-
dance used by Isermann et al. (2002) were likely ceina and Bettoli 1998; Maceina and Stimpert
biased due to underestimation of older and larger 1998), I made the assumption that residuals gen-
crappies when collected with trap nets. (Boxrucker erated from catch-curve regressions represented a
and Ploskey 1989; McInerny 1989; Miranda et al. quantitative index of variable fish reproduction.
1992; Allen et al. 1999; Sammons et al. 2002). In The collection of additional data and analyses has
support of the bias in trap-net data, I computed verified and confirmed this assumption for the pop-
annual survival rates of 31% in Jones Bluff Lake, ulations I examined, although some error and po-
37% in Weiss Lake, and 40% in Aliceville Lake tential bias does exist in using catch-curve resid-
from catch curves for 2.5–7.5-year-old fish (0.5 uals to assess year-class strength. However, for

very abundant year-classes produced at age 0 for 2002. An analysis of methods for quantifying crap-
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Acknowledgments Maceina, M. J., and P. W. Bettoli. 1998. Variation in
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Funding for the data collected in this paper was poundments of the Tennessee River. North Ameri-
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provided by the ADWFF through Federal Aid in can Journal of Fisheries Management 18:998–1003.
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