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Ganjar Pranowo, SH, MIP (born October 28, 1968) is the Governor of Central Java for the second
two terms in office since August 23, 2013. Previously, he was a member of the House of
Representatives from the PDI-P faction for the 2004–2009 and 2009–2013 periods. In addition,
Ganjar also served as General Chair of KAGAMA (Families of Alumni Gadjah Mada University) for
the 2014–2019 period. Ganjar Pranowo was born to a simple family in a village on the slopes
of Mount Lawu , Karanganyar from a father named S. Pamudji and mother named Sri Suparni. Born
with the name Ganjar Sungkowo, he is the fifth of six children. His brothers are Pri Kuntadi, Pri
Pambudi Teguh, Joko Prasetyo, Prasetyowati, and Nur Hidayati. Ganjar Pranowo's father was a police
officer and was assigned to take part in the PRRI / Permesta crackdown operation . Ganjar Pranowo
also has a renaming story that is common in children's traditions in the ancient Java-
Mataraman land . The original name of Ganjar Pranowo is Ganjar Sungkowo which means "Rewards
of Troubles / Sadness (Sungkowo)". However, when he entered school, Sungkowo's name was
changed to Pranowo because his parents were afraid that the child would "always wallow in
misfortune and trouble" if he used the name Sungkowo. He graduated from the Faculty of Law
UGM with a thesis examiner professor, Prof. Nindy Pramono. After graduating, Ganjar Pranowo
initially worked at an HRD consulting agency in Jakarta, PT Prakasa. In addition, he has also worked
at PT Prastawana Karya Samitra and PT Semeru Realindo Inti. Active in GMNI and admiring
Sukarno, Ganjar initially became a PDI sympathizer . In 1996, PDI was hit by an internal conflict
between supporters of Soerjadi and Megawati Soekarnoputri as representatives of the Bung Karno
breed. Ganjar also supports Megawati, even though her father is a police officer while her brother is a
judge who by the New Order is all public officialsprohibited from politics and
must fully support Golkar .

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