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, or better known professionally by his stage name Sule (born 15 November 1976), is

a comedian , presenter , singer , and actor nationality Indonesia . He is known for his ability to make
funny jokes that are spontaneous and creative. He became known after winning the TPI Comedian
Audition for the first season (together with Oni Suwarman and Obin Wahyudin Ogi SOS in the
comedy group SOS ) in 2005 and Superstar Show together with Jaja. His career was further enhanced
after his role in the Opera Van Java show on Trans7 , with the initial cast of Andre
Taulany , Parto Patrio , Nunung , and Azis Gagap . And the soap opera Awas Ada Sule on Global
TV . His first child named Rizky Febian, is now starting to actively follow in his footsteps in the
world of entertainment in the country by pursuing the world of singing as a singer and songwriter.
Sule was born in Cimahi , West Java , November 15, 1976 (while his marriage certificate
stated Bandung , 15-11-1973). He was born as the second of four children to Dodo Mulyana (died
2017) and Engkom Komara. His father was a traveling meatball seller . His father always joked and
made his meatball buyers laugh. Sule's comedic talent comes from his father. His brother's name is
Iwan Setiawan. Sule is fondly called Entis by his mother. The name Sule is the nickname of his
village community for parents who like runny nose. Sule is an abbreviation of the word usut
leho in Sundanese . Sule studied at the Indonesian Karawitan Middle School (SMKI) Bandung, which
is now called SMK Negeri 10 Bandung. After graduating, he married Lina Jubaedah in 1997 at the
age of 19. Later, he studied at the Indonesian College of Arts (STSI) Bandung which is now known as
the Bandung Institute of Indonesian Cultural Arts . Sule successfully graduated from college and
earned a bachelor 's degree. His career began to shine after successfully winning the TPI Comedian
Audition (API) competition with the SOS Comedian group . Only a year after that, Sule's name began
to be taken into account. His name continues to soar into the ranks of top comedians, whose income
exceeds that of other top comedians, such as Komeng and so on. His income can reach more than IDR
1 billion per month, which is obtained from several TV stations , including results from the Opera
Van Java program on Trans7 , Awas Ada Sule on Global TV , and also through
various advertisements played by Sule.

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