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Pacific Northwest Tribe

and France
The Pacific Northwest and France
The Pacific Northwest tribe is a coastal tribe that is in California and
France a country located in Europe.
Pacific Northwest Food

They ate whale as

seen in this picture.
They hunted them.

They ate berries, but,

they were any edible
forest berries.
Pacific Northwest Meal practice

The Pacific Northwest ate on the floor.

They may have used eating utensils or
their hands. They also hunted their food
and harvested the food from farms.
French food

The French eat escargot, or cooked snail

as one of their main dishes. They also
ate baguettes, mainly used in
sandwiches or other foods.
French meal practice

The French use a table to eat on

and they also use forks and
spoons. They farm food and they
get their meat from farms as
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