Bjmp2033 Production and Operations Management A211 Group F Group Assignment 30%

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This is a group assignment that you need to carry out with your team members (in a group of five).
The purpose of the assignment is to provide an understanding and training to students to prepare a
production plan document. In your group, identify any existing issue in your society/community that
require an action for product/service development or improvement. Then, propose a new
product/improvement/modification based on the issue and market needs.

Written document (20%)

1. Cover page
2. Table of content
3. Introduction and problem identification
4. Product/service descriptions
5. Benefit to society
6. Marketing plan and commercial potential
7. Quality program for the whole process
8. Project implementation flow/schedule
9. Financial plan
10. Conclusion and recommendation
11. References (Minimum 4)
12. Appendix (Picture of the group activities)


• Times New Roman

• 1.5 spacing
• Font size: 12
• Word count: 4,000 – 6,000 words exclude item 1, 2, 11, and 12.

Poster presentation (10%)

Record a video of your presentation (15 to 20 minutes) to explain the proposed of the new
product/service. To record a video, please make sure you have an appropriate background and
remember to wear a proper attire. Use your creativity to arrange this following information in the
poster (however you may include other additional points if necessary);

• Title of your product/service

• Name and photo of project members
• Institution name and logo
• Photo of the product/service
• Problem/issue in society
• Product/service descriptions (framework on how the product works)
• Benefit to community or socio-economy
• Commercialization potential
• Quality control

Due date: 11st January 2022

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