American Accent Training Song Ngu

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Phuong Phap Ndi Giong My Chuan Xac American A guide to speaking and pronouricing colloquial American English Tai ligu hoc cach néi va phat Gm tiéng Anh-My thudng dam Second Edition Ann Cook Dick v2 chee gidi Lé Huy Lam NHA XUAT BAN THANH PHO HO CHi MINH — American Accent Training Table of Contents Introduction: Read This First. A Few Words On Pronunciation Preliminary Diagnostic Analysis Chapter 1 American Intonation . Staircase Intonation Syllable Stress Complex Intonation Two-Word Phrases Grammar in a Nutshell The Miracle Technique - Reduced Sounds Word Groups and Phrasing Chapter 2 Word Connections Chapter 3 Cat? Caught? Cut? Chapter 4 The American T Chapter 5 The El Voice Quality Chapter 6 The American R Follow-up Diagnostic Analysis Chapters 1-6 Review and Expansion Two-, Three- and Four-Word Phrases Chapter 7 Tee Aitch Muc luc Gidi thigu: Doc phan nay trudc tien 5 DGi lai v8 phat ain 3. Phan tich chan dodn sob6 18 , Chuong I” 27 Nga digu My 27 Ngitdiéu cau thang 28 Trong am cua am tiét 51 Ned diéu phic tap 56 Cum tu hai ty 58 ? Nga phap tém lugc ngin gon 74 ™ Ky thuat phép la 88 ‘Am gian luge 92 Cac nh6m tirva phan cum 103 Chwong 2 108 Cac két néi ty. 108 Chuong 3 125 Cat? Caiight? Cut? 125 Chuong'4 134 «oc Ki@u My 134 Chuong 5 147 Am El 147 Dic tinh cda giong 161 Chwong 6 “f63 R kigu My 163 Phan tich chan dodn nditiép 171 Chuong 1-6 173 On tip va méréng 173 Cum té hai, ba, va bén tr 784 Chuong 7 199 TH 199 American Accent Training — 3 Chapter 8 More Reduced Sounds Middle "I" List Intonation and Attitude Chapter 9 “V" as in Victory Chapter 10 Sor Z? Chapter 11 Tense and Lax Vowels Grammar in a Bigger Nutshell Chapter 12 _ Nasal Consonants Chapter 13 Throaty Consonants Final Diagnostic Analysis Chapters 1-13 Review and Expansion Nationality Guides Chinese 287 Japanese 293 Spanish 297 Indian 302 Russian 305 French 308 German 311 Korean 313 Answer Key Index 327 4— Americany Accent Training Chuong 8 20¢ Cac am gian luge khic 204 Bang ké I gitta 209 Negi digu va thai do. 213 Chuong 9 215 Vnhu trong Victory 215 Chuong 10 218 Shay Z? 218 Chuong 11 223 Nguyén am cing va ching 223 Ngir phap t6m luge chi tiét hon 228 Chuong 12 '238 Phu 4m mii 238 Chuong 13 241 | Phy 4m cé hong 241 Phan tich chan doan sau cing 244 Chuong 1-13 246 On tap vi Md réng 246 Phan tham khao: Huéng dan phat am cho nhéng ngwoi néi & nhing nude. khac nhau 285 Dap an 316 Read This First ‘Doc phan nay trudc tien Welcome to American Accent Training, This book and CD set is designed to get you started on your American accent. We'll follow the book and go through the 13 lessons and all the exercises step by step. Everything is explained and a com- plete Answer Key may be found in the back of the text. What Is Accent? Accent. is a combination of three main Components: intonation (speech music), liaisons (word connections), and_pro- nunciation (the spoken- sounds .. of vowels, consonants, and combinations). As you go along, you'll notice that you're being asked to look at accent in a different way. You'll also realize that the grammar you studied before and this accent you're studying now are completely different. Part of the difference is that gram- amar and vocabulary are systematic and structured—the letter of the language. Accent, on the other hand, is free form, intuitive, and creative—more the spirit of the language. So, thinking of music, feeling, and flow, let your mouth relax into the American accent. CD 1 Track 1 CDI Ranh 1 Chao ming. cdc ban dén véi American Accent Training. Sach nay va bé CD kém theo cé myc dich gidp ban khdi dau cong viéc luyén giong My. Chting ta sé hoc theo sch va di qua 13 bai hoc va tat ca cac bai tap tting bude mét. Moi chi tiét déu. dude giai thich va cé thé tim thay:mdt_phdn Dap an hoan chinh 6 phia sau cia séch. of Thé nao la giong? Giong la, mdt su két hgp ba yéu té chinh: ngit diéu (nhac diéu cba ngi.ngon), ter “doc.ndi, va cach phat 4m (cac am dugc phat ra.cda nguyén am, va cac két hgp). Khi ban tign hanh hoe, ban sé nhan thay minh dang dude yéu cau nhin giong theo mdt.cach khac. Ban cing sé nhdn thifc dugc 1a ng phap ma minh da hoc téc day va loai giong ma minh hién dang hoc hoan toan khac nhau. Mot phan cia sy khdc nhau nay 1a git php va tt vung cé tinh hé thdng va cau tric—la. phan mau ue cia ngén ngd. Giong, trai lai, la ngdu. hing, .cé tinh. tc gidc, va sang tao—la: phan hén cia ngén ngit. Do dé, hay nghi dén nhac, cam xtic, va dang chy, va dé miéng cia ban nhe nhang chuyén thanh giong My. American Accent Training — 5 Can I Learn a New Accent? Tdi c6 thé hoc mét giong mdi khong? Can a person actually learn a new ac- cent? Many people feel that after a cer- tain age, it's just not possible. Can classical musicians play jazz? If they practice, of course they can! For your American accent, it's just a matter of learning and practicing techniques this book and CD set will teach you. It is up to you to use them or not. How well you do depends mainly on how open and willing you are to sounding different from the way you have sounded all your life. A very important thing you need to remember is that you can use your ac- cent to say what you mean and how you mean it. Word stress conveys meaning through tone or feeling, which can be much more important than the actual words that you use. We'll cover the ex- pression of these feelings through into- nation in the first lesson. You may have noticed that I talk fast and-often run my words together. You've probably heard enough “English-teacher English” — where ... everything ... is ... pronounced without having to listen too carefully. That's why on the CDs we're going to talk just like the native speakers that we are, in a normal conversational tone. 6 — American Accent Training MOt ngudi cé thé thal sy hoc mat giong mdi khéng? Nhiéu ngudi cam thay sau mot dé tudi nao dé, diéu nay 1a bat kha thi. Cac nhac cong nhac cé dién cé choi nhac. jazz dugc khéng? Néu ho. thyc hanh, di nhign la dugc! Véi giong My cla ban, day chi 1a van dé hoc va thyc hanh cde ky thudt ma séch va b6é CD nay sé day cho ban. Ban cé ding nhiing ky thuat nay hay khéng-la tay ban. Thanh tyu cia ban tdy thuéc phan lén vao quyét tam mudn cé giong khac han so véi giong ma ban da sit dung ca ddi minh, Mot diéu ‘rat quan trong ma ban can nhé 1a ban cd thé ding giong cia minh dé néi diéu ban mudn néi va cach ban mun ndi. Trong 4m ca tir dién dat nghia qua. giong di@u hoac cdm_ xtc, nhiing yéu t6 nay cé. thé quan trong hon nhiéu so vdi nhting tt that sy ma ban sit dung. Ching ta sé ban dén cach dign dat nhing cim xdc nay qua nga diéu trong bai hoc dau tién. Ban cé thé da nhan thay ring t6i ndi nhanh va thudng ndi cdc tt véi nhau. Co lé ban da nghe nhiéu “loai tigéng Anh do ido vién tiéng Anh" néi — trong do ... tW... déu ... duge ... phat 4m, ban khéng can phai chu tam nghe. Bo [a ly do tai sao trén cac dia CD nay ching t0i sé ndi nhu cach ngudi ban ngd ching tdi vin thudng néi, vdi giong dam thoai théng thuéng. Native speakers may often tell peo- ple who are learning English to “slow down” and to “speak clearly.” This is meant with the best of intentions, but it is exactly the opposite of what'a student really needs to do. If you speak fairly quickly and ‘with strong intonation, you will be understood more easily. To illus- trate this point, you will hear a Vietnam- ese student first trying to speak slowly and carefully and then repeating the same words quickly and with strong in- tonation. This exercise. took her only about two minutes to practice, but the difference makes her sound as if she had been in America -for many years. YY Please listen. You will hear the same words twice. Ngudi ban nga cé thé thudng bao ngudi dang hoc tiéng Anh "néi cham lai" va “ndi cho 16". Diéu nay hoan toan la cé y tot, nhung day chinh la diéu ma hoc vién that su can phai lam ngugc lai. Néu ban i khé nhanh va véi nga diéu manh, ngudi ta sé hiéu ban dé dang hon. Dé minh hoa diém nay, ban sé nghe mot hoc vién ngudi Viet Nam dau tién co gang néi cham va ky, rdi sau dé ndi ning tt nhy vay nhanh va véi ng digu manh. Cé chi mat hai phat dé thyc hanh bai tép nay, nhung sy khdc biét lam cé cé giong nhu thé dad Hoa Ky trong nhiéu nam, Xin lang nghe. Ban sé nghe nhing ging nhau hai lan. Hello, my name is Muoi. I'm taking American Accent Training: You may have to listen to this CD a couple of times to catch everything. To help you, every word on the CD is also written in the book. By seeing and hearing simultaneously, you'll learn to reconcile the differences between the appearance of English (spelling) and the sound of English (pronunciation and the other aspects of accent). The CD leaves a rather short pause for you to repeat into. The point of this is to get you responding quickly and without spending too much time think- ing about your response. Ban cé thé phai nghe CD nay mét vai lan mdi ndm bat hét moi-thi, Dé gidp ban, moi tif trén CD nay déu dugc in trong sch. Bang cach nhin va nghe déng thai, ban sé hoc cach dung hoa nhing diém: khdc biét git dang. cia tiéng Anh (cach viét) va 4m cia tiéng Anh (cach phat 4m va cac khia canh khac cia giong). Dia CD cé dé mét quang ngimg khd ngdn cho ban lap lai. Bigu nay cé myc dich gidp ban phan tng nhanh va khéng, mat qué nhiéu théi, gian suy nghi vé phan tng cia ban. American Accent Training — 7 Accent versus Pronunciation Gigng déi chiéu véi cach phat 4m Many people equate accent with pro- nunciation. I don't feel be true at all. America is a big country, and while the pronunciation varies from the East Coast to the West Coast, from the southern to the northern states, two components that are uniquely American stay. basically the same—the speech music, or intonation, and the word connections or, liaisons. Throughout this program, we will focus on them. In the latter part of the book we will work on pronunciation concepts, such as Cat? Caught? Cut? and Betty Bought a Bit of Better Butter; we also will work our way through some of the difficult sounds, suchas TH, the American R, the L, V, and Z. “Which Accent Is Correct?” American Accent Training. was created to help-people “sound: American" for lectures, interviews, teaching, business situations, and general daily communi- cation. Although America has many re- gional pronunciation differences, the accent you will learn is that of standard American English as spoken and under- stood by the majority of educated native speakers-in the United States. Don't worry that you will sound slangy or too casual because you most definitely won't. This is the way a professor lec- tures to a class, the way a national news- caster broadcasts, the way that is most comfortable and familiar to the majority of native speakers. § — American Accent Training Nhiéu ngudi danh'déng giong vdi cach phat 4m. Toi khong thay diéu nay dung chit no ca. Hoa Ky 1a-mdt nudc rong I6n,.va dit cch phat 4mcé khac nhau ty ving B3 Bong dén ving Ba Tay, ti cdc bang mién nam dén cac bang mién bic, hai yéu t6 dac tha My ca ban van khong thay déi —nhac diéu cia nga ngén, hoac ngu diéu, va cac két ndi gita cic tw hodc tu doc ndi. Trong suét chugng tinh nay, ching ta sé chi trong dén nhung dac diém‘vita néu. Trong phan sau cia sdch chting ta sé thuc hanh nhdng khai niém phat am, nhy Cat? Caught? Cut? va Betty Bought a Bit of Better Butter; ching ta cling 5@ vugt qua mét sé 4m khé nhu TH, R kiéu My, L, V, va Z. "Giong nao ding?" Sach American ‘Accent Training dugc bién soan nhim gidp ngudi hoc "cé giong My" cho cac bai gidng, c4¢ bai phéng van, giang day, cdc tinh’ hudng thugng mai va giao tip hang ngay ndi chung. Du Hoa Ky co nhigu diém khac biét trong cach phat 4m cla ting ving, giong ban sé hoc 1a giong My chuan, dugc. néi'va higu béi da sé ngudi ban ngit cé hoc 6 Hoa Ky. Ding lo la ban sé 6 giong long hoac tiry tién vi.chac chin la ban sé khong cé giong nhu thé. Day ‘la cdch mot gido su gidng bai cho lp, 1 cach phat thanh vién quéc gia doc ban tin, la cach thodi mai va quen thudc nhat déi vdi da sé nguéi ban nga. “Why Is My Accent So Bad?” Learners can be seriously hampered by a negative outlook, ‘so I'll address this very important point early. First, your accent is not bad; it is nonstandard to the American ear: There is a joke that goes: What do ‘you call'a:person who can speak three languages?: Trilingual. What do’ you calla person who can speak two languages? Bilingual: What do you call a person who can only speak one language? American. Every language is equally valid or good, so every accent is good.’ The average American, however, truly: does have a hard time understanding a ‘non- standard accent. George Bernard Shaw said that the English and Americans are two: “people © divided. by’ the’ same language! 1 Some students learn to. overpro- nounce English because they naturally want to say the word as it is written. Too often an English teacher may allow this, perhaps thinking that colloquial Ameri- can English is unsophisticated, unre- fined, or even incorrect. Not so at all! Just-as you don't say the T in listen, the TT in. better is pronounced D, bedder. Any other pronunciation will sound foreign, strange, wrong, or different toa native speaker. "Tai sao giong ciia tdi lai daz" Mét quan diém tigu cc cé thé can tro ngudi hoc mst céch nghiém trong, do dé toi sé néi-vé diém rat quan trong nay ngay ty dau. Trvéc hét, giong cia ban khéngidé; né'chi la khong chuan dét-v6i tai cia ngudi My. Cé mat chuyén vui nhu sau: Ban goi ngudi biét ndi ba thir tiéng la gi? Tam ‘ngd.. Ban goi ngudi biét ndi hai thei tigng la gi? Song ngu7. Ban goi ngudi chi biét néi mot thi tiéng 1a gi? Ngudi My. Moi ng6n nga déu phi hgp hoac hay nhu-nhau, do'démoi giong déu hay. Tuy nhién, ngudi My binh thuting that su gap kho' khan ‘trong viée higu mot. giong khong chuan. George Bernard Shaw néi ngudi Anh'va ngudi My 1a hai dan téc bi chia cat bdi cling mot ngon nga! Mét's6 hoc vién hoc cach phat am tiéng Anh-qua mic can thiét vi dung nhién la ho muén ndi td theo cach ti. dé duge. viét. Théng thudng mét gido vién tiéng Anh 6 thé chap nhan diéu nay, 6:18 do nghi rang tiéng Anh théng tuc kiéu My la don gian, khéng tao nha, hodc tham, chi la khéng dung.’ Hoan toan khdng phai nhu vay! Ging nhu ban khdng ndi T trong listen, TT trong better dugc phat am la D, bedder. Bat ky cach.phat Am nao khac sé cé giong xa la, sai, hodc khac vdi mot ngudi ban nga. Arnerican Accent Training — 9 Less Than It Appears ... More Than it Appears ft hon mic ban thay As you will see in Exercise 1-21, Squeezed-Out Syllables, on page 50, some words appear to have three or more syllables, but all of them are not actually spoken. For example, business is not (bi/zi/ness), but rather (biz/ness). Just when you get used to eliminat- ing whole syllables from words, you're going to come across other words that look as if they have only one syllable, but really need to be said with as many as three! In addition, the inserted syllables are filled with letters that are not in the written word. I'll give you two examples of this strange phenomenon. Pool looks like a nice, one-syllable word, but if you say it this way, at best, it will sound like pull, and at worst will be unintelligible to your listener. For clear comprehension, you need to say three syllables (pu/wuh/ luh). Where did that W come from? It's certainly not written down anywhere, but itis there just as definitely as the P is there. The second example is a word like feel. If you say just the letters that you see, it will sound more like fill. You need to say (fee/yuh/luh). Is that really a Y? Yes. These mysterious semivowels are explained under Liaisons in Chapter 2. They can appear either inside a word as you have seen, or between words as you will learn. 10 — American Accent Training Nhiéu hon mifc ban thay Nhu ban sé thay.d Bai tap 1-21, Cac. am Uét bj loai bd, & trang 50, médt sé tr dung. nhu cé ba am tiét hodc hon, nhung khéng phai tat ca cdc am tiét déu duge that sy phat am. Vi dy, business khong phai la (bi/zi/ness), ma lA (biz/ness). Negay khi ban da quen viéc loai bé am tiét tron ven ra khdi tit, ban sé gap cdc tw khac trong nhu chi cé mét am tiét, nhung-that sy can dugc phat 4m vdi mtic ba dm tiét! Ngoai ra, cdc 4m tiét duge chén vao cé day cdc mau ty khong cé trong tr vit binh thudng. Tdi sé cho ban hai vi du vé hién tugng ky la nay. Pool tong gidng nhu mot t gon gang, mot am. tiét, nhung néu ban ndi theo cach nay, trong trudng hgp tét nhat, tu nay sé nghe gidng nhu pull, va trong truéng hop xdu nhat, ngudi nghe sé khdng hiéu ban. Muén dugc hiéu ré rang, ban can néi ba am tiét (pu/wuh/ luh). W do tr dau dén? Chic chan né khong duge viet & bat ky vi tri nao, nhung né van hién dién ch&c chan nhuP hién dién. Vi dy thi hai la mét ti nhu feel. Néu ban chi ndi céc mau ty nhu ban thay, tir nay sé nghe gidng onhy fill, Ban can ndi (fee/yuh/luh). That sy cé mét Y khéng? Cé day. Cac ban nguyén am bi an nay duge giai thich duéi muc Tu doc néi 6 Chuong 2. Chung cé thé xuat hién bén trong mét tW nhu ban da thay hodc gita cac ti nhu ban sé hoc. Language Is Fluent and Fluid Ng6n ng@ phai luu lodt va uyén chuyén Just like your own language, conversa- tional English has a very smooth, fluid sound. Imagine that you. are walking along a dry riverbed with your eyes closed. Every time you come to a rock, you trip over it, stop, continue, and trip over the next rock. This is how the average foreigner speaks English. It is slow, awkward, and even painful. Now imagine that you are a great river rushing through that same riverbed—rocks are no problem, are they? You just slide over and around them without ever breaking your smooth flow. It is this feeling that I want you to capture in English. Changing your old speech habits is very similar to changing from a stick shift to an automatic transmission. Yes, you continue to reach for the gearshift for a while and your foot still tries to find the clutch pedal, but this soon phases it- self out. In the same way, you may still say “i¢lephone call” (kohl) instead of (kahl) for a while, but this too will soon pass. You will also have to think about your speech more than you do now. In the same way that you were very aware and self-conscious when you first learned to drive, you will eventually re- lax and deal with the various compo- nents simultaneously. Giéng nhu tiéng me dé cia ban, tiéng Anh dam thoai cé 4m. rat-tron tru, uyén chuyén. Tudng tugng ban dang di doc theo mét lang song khé can, mat. nhdm lai: MGi khi ban di dén mdt tang da, ban vap vao dé, ngiing lai, tiép tuc va vap vao tang dé tiép theo, Day la cach ngudi nuéc ngoai binh thutng hoc tiéng Anh, Cach hoc nhu vay chim, vung vé, va tham chi khd sé. Bay gid tuéng tugng ban la mot con song Ién chay ao 30 qua long song d trén—nhing tang da khong dang ngai, phai khong? Ban cd luét qua va quanh ching ma khéng hé gian doan dong chay wan tru. Bay chinh 1a cam gidc ma téi mudn ban ndm bat trong tiéng Anh. Thay déi cae thdi quen ngu ngén co cia ban cing gidng nhu thay ddi tw hé théng sang sé bang ‘can gat sang hé théng sang sé ty déng. Vang, ban tiép tuc dua tay tim can sang sé trong médt thai gian va chan ban van cé gang tim ban dap ly hap, nhung diéu nay khong kéo dai lau. Tuong ty nhu vay, ban co thé van cén ndi telephone call (kohl) thay vi (kahl) trong mét thai gian, nhung digu nay 6i cing sé chong tréi qua. Ban ciing sé phai nghi vé ng ngon cia ban nhiéu han so véi mifc hién thai. Giéng nhu ban rat co y thc va ch tam khi hoc lai xe lin dau, cudi cling ban sé thy thoai mai va xif ly cc yéu td khac nhau cing mét lic. American Accent Training — 11 A new accent is an adventure. Be bold! Exaggerate wildly! You may worry that Americans will laugh at you for put- ting on an accent, but I guarantee you, they won't even notice. They'll just think that you've finally learned to “talk right.” Good luck with your new accent! 13 — American Accent Training ~ Mot giong mdi 1a mét cugc mao hiém. Can dam lén! Hay téo bao trong cach phat am! Ban co thé ngai la ngudi My sé ché nhao ban dang gia giong, nhung toi bao dam vdi ban la ho tham chi con khdng cho y. Ho sé chi nghi la ban sau, cling da higc dugc cach "néi ding". Chic may man véi giong méi cia ban! A Few Words On Pronunciation Id like to introduce you to the pronun- ciation guide outlines in the following chart. There aren't too many characters that are different from the standard al- phabet, but just so you'll be familiar with them, look at the chart. It shows eight tense vowels and six lax: vowels and semivowels. Tense Vowels? Lax Vowels? D6i loi vé phat 4m: CD1 Track? CD 1 Rank 2 Tdi mudn gidi thiéu véi ban cdc phan so luge vé huéng dan phat am trong bang sau. Nhiing ky tu khac véi bang mau ty chudn khéng nhiéu, nhung dé ban sé quen thudc véi. ching, hay nhin. vao bang. Bang cho thay tam nguyén 4m cang va séu nguyén. 4m ching va, cdc. ban nguyén am. Nguyén 4m cang? Nguyén am ching? In some books, tense vowels are’ called long and lax vowels ‘are called’ short. Since you, will be learning how. to lengthen vowels when they come before a voiced consonant, it would be confus- ing to say that hen has a long, short vowel. It is more descriptive to say that it has.a lax vowel that is doubled or lengthened: : ‘Tense Vowels Nguyén am cang Trong mgt sO sach, nguyén am cang duge goi 1a dai va nguyén am ching dugc goi la ngdn. Vi ban sé hoc cach kéo dai cdc nguyén am khi ching xuat-hién trude mét phy 4m hdu-thanh nén sé dé gay nhdm lan néu ndi hen cé mat nguyen 4m dai, ng&n, Sé r6 rang hon-néu ndi ti nay c6 mt nguyén am ching dugc nhan d6i hoac duge kéo dai. Lax Vowels Nguyén am ching Symbol Sound Spelling Example Symbol Sound Spelling Example ky higu Am Cach vidi Vidu ky higu Am Cach vidt Vi dy a ki take tak] e eh get get} é ee eat fet] i ih it {it] i ai ice lis} a ih'+ uh. took [tak] 3 sou hope hop] a uh some [sam] a ooh “smooth — [smuth] a ah caught [kat] Semivowels 7 : Ban nguyén 4m x a+e cat (keet] ar er her {her} zo +0 down [don] 4 ul dull [dal] American Accent Training — 13 Although this may look like a lot of characters to learn, there are really only four new ones: @, 4,2, and ii, Under Tense Vowels, you'll notice that the vowels that say their own name simply have a line over them: [8], [], [i], [5], [Ui]. There are three other tense vowels. First, [4], is pronounced like the sound you make when the doctor wants to see your throat, or when you loosen a tight belt and sit down ina soft. chair— aaaaaaaah' Next, you'll find [z], acom- bination of thé tense vowel [4] and the lax vowel |e]. It is similar to the noise that a goat or a lamb makes. The last one is [wo], a combination of [z] and [o]. This is a very common sound, usually written as ow or ou in words like down or round. A tense vowel requires you to use a lot of facial muscles to produce it. If you say [@],-you must stretch your lips back; for [i] ‘you must round your. lips for-, ward; for [a] you drop your jaw down; for [2] you will drop your jaw far down and back; for {] bring your lips back and drop your jaw a bit; for [i] drop your jaw for the ah part of the sound and pull it back up for the ee part; and for [6] round the lips, drop the jaw and pull back up into [t}, An American [5] is really [5a]. ~~ Now you try it. Repeat after me. (e). (0), (2), fel, (8), fH, (3). A lax vowel, on the other hand, is very reduced. In fact, you don't need to move your face at all. You only need to mové the back of your tongue and your throat. These sounds are very different from most other languages. 14 — American Accent Training Dir trong c6 vé nhu cé nhiéu ky ty phai hoc, that sy chi c6 bon ky ty mdi: 2, 4, 2, va ti, Duéi muc Cac nguyén 4m cang, ban sé nhan thay cdc nguyén am ty ndi len tén cia ching chi cé mot dusng gach d phia trén: [a], [é], [i], [6], (a). Cé ba nguyén am cang khac. Thi nhat, [a], dugc phat 4m nhu am ban tao ra khi bac si muén kham cé hong cia ban, hoac:khi ban néi léng day that lung dang nit chat va ngéi vao mot chiéc ghé am 4i—aaaaaaaah! Tiép theo, ban sé thay [a], mot t6 hdp gdm nguyén am cang [a] va nguyén am ching [e]. No gidng nhu tiéng kéu ca con dé hoac con citu. Am cudi cing 18 [ao], mét 6 hop gém [a] va [o]. Day 1a mét am rat théng dung, thutng dude viét la ow hodc ou trong cac tit nhu down hoac round. ; Mot, nguyén 4m cang doi hdi ban phai ding nhiéu co mat dé tao thanh. Néu ban néi [é], ban phai kéo mi vé sau; véi [@] ban phai lam tron moi vé © phia truéc; véi [4] ban ha ham xudng; véi [a2] ban sé ha ham xuéng that nhiév va vé sau; vdi [2] dua mdi vé sau va hoi ha ham xudng; vi [i] ha ham xudng cho phan ah cda am nay va nang ham én lai cho phan ee; va vdi [6] am tron mdi, ha ham xudng va nang lén lai thanh [u). Am [6] kiéd My that sy la 4m [ou]. Bay gid ban hay thi di. Lap lai:theo 16i. (el, (i), (2) fe), (4), fi, fel. : Mét nguyén 4m ching, tai lai, bi gian luge rat nhiéu. That vay, ban hoan toan khdng can chuyén dich mat cia minh. Ban chi can chuyén dich phan sau cé hong cia ban.-Cac m nay rat khac vdi hau hét cc ng6n ngif khac. Under Lax Vowels, there are four reduced vowel sounds, starting with the Greek letter epsilon [e], pronounced eh: li} pronounced ih, and [i] pronounced ii, which is a combination of ih and uh; and the schwa, [a], pronounced uk—the softest, most reduced, most relaxed sound that we can produce. It is also the most common sound in English. The semivowels are the American R (pro- nounced er, which is the schwa plus R) and the American L (which is the schwa plus L). Vowels will be covered in greater detail in: Chapters 3,8, and 11. Dudi muc Neuyén am ching, cé bén 4m nguyén am duge gian luge, bat dau véi mau ty Hy Lap epsilon [e], phat 4m la eh; [i] phat am ih, va [ii] phatam Hi, 1a mot td hop gém.ih va uh, va nguyén am gidm, [a], phat am la uh— day la.4m mém nihdt, gidn lugc nhidu nhat, ching nhat ma chting ta cé thé tao ra. Day cdng 1a 4m théng dung nhat trong tiéng Anh. Cac ban nguyén am laR kigu My (phat'am 1a er, la nguyén am gidm cong vdi R) va L kigu My (la nguyén am giam cong vdi L). Nguyén am sé duge ban dén chi tiét hon & Chuang 3, 8, va 11. . Voiced Consonants? Unvoiced Consonants? Phy 4m hdu thanh? Phy 4m vé thanh? A consonant is a sound that causes two points of your mouth to come into con- tact, in three locations—the lips, the tip of the tongue, and the throat. A conso- nant can either be unvoiced (whispered) or voiced (spoken), and it can appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a word. You'll notice that for some categories, a particular sound doesn't exist in English. Phu 4m la mét 4m lam cho hai diém trong miéng ban tiép xtic véi nhau, theo ba vi tri—hai mdi, dau lvaiva cé hong. Mét phy am cé thé 1a v6 thanh (thi thdm) hoc Adu thanh (ndi), va nd C6 thé xudt hién d dau, gitta, hodc cudi mot tw. Ban sé nhan thay didu dé cho mét sé loai, mOt Am dac biét khéng tén tai trong, tiéng Anh. initial Medial _ Fina Dau Gita Cudi Unvoiced _ Voiced Unvoiced Voiced Unvoiced —" Voiced Véthanh Hau thanh V6 thanh Hau thanh Véthanh —_.Hiu thanh parry bury ‘apple able.” mop mob ferry very afraid avoid off of stew Z00 races raises face phase sheet pressure pleasure crush garage two do petal pedal not nod choke joke gaucho gouger rich ridge think that ether either tooth smooth American Accent Training — 15 Initial Medial Final Dau Gitta Cudi Unvoiced . Voiced Unvoiced Voiced Unvoiced Voiced Vothanh. Hou thanh V6 thanh | Hau thanh V6 thanh Hau thanh come gum bicker bigger pick pig agcent exit tax tags yes player day wool « shower ‘ now his ahead late collect towel rate correct tower me swimmer same next connect man finger ting Pronunciation Points 1. In many dictionaries, you may find a ‘character that looks like an upside down V, [a] and another character that is an upside-down e fa], the schwa. There isa linguistic distinction between the two, but they are pro- nounced exactly the same. Since you can't hear the difference between “these two sounds, we'll just be using the upside-down ¢ to indicate the Cac diém phat 4m Trong nhiéu te dién, ban cé thé thay mot ky ty trong nhu mot V én ngugc, [a] va mat ky ty khdc 1a ‘mot e lon ngugc Tal, nguyén am gidm. Cé sy khac biét vé mat ngi hoc gitta hai 4m nay, nhung chting duge phat: dm. giéng hét nhau. Vi ban khéng nghe dugc sy khdc biét gita hai Am nay nén ching t6i sé chi ding e ln nguac dé biéu thi 4m nguyén am gidm. Né duge phat am la uh. schwa sound. It is pronounced uh. _ The second point is that we do not differentiate between. [a]. and [9]. The [4] is pronounced ah. The back- wards C [a] is more or less pro- nounced aw. This aw sound has.a “back East” sound to it, and as it's not common to the entire United States, it won't be included here. 16 — American Accent Training Bigm thi hai 1a ching ta khéng phan biét gia [4] va [o]. Am [a] dugc phat am la ah. C-dao ngugc fo] hau nhu duge phat am la aw. Am aw nay cé mot am back * East trong 6, va do né khéng thong dung, véi t&t ca céc viing ca Hoa KY nén né sé “khéng dugc dua vao. day. 3. Rcan be considered a semivowel. One characteristic of a vowel is that nothing in the mouth touches any- thing else. R definitely falls into that Category. So in the exercises through- out the book it will be treated not so much asa consonant, but as a vowel. 4.’ The ow sound is usually indicated by [au], which would be ah + ooh. This may have been accurate at some point in some locations, but the sound is now generally [20]. Town is [te2on], how is [hao], loud is [latod], and soon. 5. Besides: voiced and unvoiced, there are two words that come up in pronuncia- tion. These “are sibilant and plosive. When you' say the [s] sound, you can feel the air sliding out over the tip of your tongue=“this is a sibilant. When you Say the [p] sound, you can feel the air popping out from’ between’ your lips—this is a plosive. Be aware that there are two sounds that are some- times mistakenly taught as sibilants, but are actually plosives: [th] and [v]. 6. For particular points of pronuncia- tion that pertain to your own lan- guage, refer.-to the Nationality Guides on page 285. Rcé thé duge xem la nguyén am. Nguyén 4m cé mot dic diém Ia khdng.cé diém nao trong miéng cham vao nhau. R chdc chan 1a-toi vao loai nay. Do dé trong cdc bai tap cia sich, né. thudng sé khéng duge xem nhu la mot phy am, ma a mét nguyén am. Am ow thuting dugc biéu thi bang [au], nghia la ah + ooh. Didu nay c6 thé chinh xdc d mot diém nao dé & mot sé vi tri, nhung bay gid am nay thudng la [zo]. Town 1a [teon], how la [hao], loud la {leod], viv... Ngoai hau thanh va v6 thanh, cé hai tit . Can duge néi dén trong phat am. Hai tir nay la 4m xuyt va am né. Khi ban ndi am [s], ban c6 thé cdm thay luéng hoi lust ra qua dau luGi—day la mot am xuyt..Khi ban néi am [p}, ban cé thé cdm thay ludng hoi bat ra t gida hai moi—day 1 m6t 4m né. Nha la cé hai am doi khi bi day nhdm 1a 4m xuyt, nhung that su la am né: [th] va {v]. “Dé bigt nhiing diém phat ami cu thé lien * quan dén ngén ngi-céa ban, xem-phan Nationality Guides 6 trang 285. Throughout this text, we will be using three symbols to indicate three sepa- rate actions: ¥_ Indicates a command ora suggestion. > Indicates the beep tone. % Incicates that you need to turn the CD on or off, back up, or pause Trong sdch nay, ching ti sé dung ba ky higu dé chi ba hanh déng riéng biét: Chi métménh lénh hoc mat dé nghi: Chi tigng "bip". Cho thay ban can bat hay tét CD, quay td lai, hoac tam ngiing. American Accent Training — 17 Telephone Tutoring: Day qua dién thoai Preliminary Diagnostic Analysis This is a speech analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your Ame- rican accent. If you are studying Ameri- can Accent Training on your own, please contact toll-free (800) 457-4255 or for a re- ferral to 4 qualified telephone analyst. The diagnostic analysis is designed to evaluate your current speech patterns to let you know where your accent is stan- dard and nonstandard. CD 1 Track3 CD 1 Ranh 3 Phan tich chan doan so-bé Day 1a phdn phan tich'nga ngon dé xac dinh nhimng uu va khuyét diém vé giong My cia ban. Néu ban dang ty hoc American Accent Training, xin goi mién phi sé (800) 457-4255 hodc truy cp dia chi dé lién hé véi mét chuyén vién phan tich qua dién thoai 6 dé tinh dé chuyén mon, Phan phan tich chan doan nay cé muc dich danh gid cdc dang thiic ngit ngon hién thai cla ban dé cho ban biét giong cia ban 1a chudn va khong chuan 6 nhing diém nao. Hello, my name is . I'm taking American Accent Training. There's a lot to learn, but I hope to make it as enjoyable as possible. I should pick up on the American intonation pattern pretty easily, although the only way to get it is to practice all of the time. . all, long, caught . cat, matter, laugh . take, say, fail . get, egg, any . ice, Tl, sky . it, milk, sin . eat, me, seen A B c pit 1. bit 1, staple fear 2. veer 2. refers - sue 3. 200 3. faces . sheer 4. din 4. cashew PUN ON ns BeNe 18 — American Accent Training 8. work, girl, bird 9. come, front, indicate 10. smooth, too, shoe 11. took, full, would 12. told, so, roll 13. out, house, round 14. boy, oil, toy D E F 1. stable 1. cap 1. cab 2. reverse 2. half 2. have 3. phases 3. race 3. raise 4. casual 4. rush 4, rouge A B c 2. [am going t' theeather room. 3. My nay mi Zeon, +. Idiz the*en d'v th’ bee dyearz- 5. - Gi v' toi zon'r. 6. photography —_ photograph D E F 5. tin 5. gin 5. metal 5. medal 5. hat 5. had 6. chin 6, then 6. catcher 6. cadger 6. rich 6. ridge 7. thin 7. gut 7. ether 7. either 7. bath 7, bathe 8. cut 8 race 8. bicker 8. bigger * 8. tack 8. tag 9. yellow 9. breed 9. million 9. correction 9. say 9. sore 10. would 10. man 10. coward 10. surprise - 10. how 10, peeper 11, him 11. name 11. reheat 11. summer 11. soul 11. palin 12. lace 12. collection 12. runner 12. people 12. can 13. bleed 13. supplies 13. kingdom 13. sing 1. Go upstairs. 1. Betty bought a bit of better butter. 2. 1 am going to the other room. 4. It is the end of the bad years. 5. Give it to his owner. 3. Italian Italy oe 4, attack attic 1. Go™ upstairs. 5. atomic atom, 7. bet bed. American Accent Training — 19 20 — American Accent Trait Chapter 1 Chuong 1 American Intonation Ngc dieu My The American Speech Music’ Nhac diéu trong ng@ ngén My CD1Track4 CD 1 Ranh 4 What to Do with Your Mouth to Sound American One of the main. differences between the way an American talks and the ‘way the rest of the world: talks i don't really move our lips. (S American says, "Read. my. lips!" what. does he really mean?) We create most of our sounds in the throat, using our tongue very: actively. If you hold your fingers over your lips or clench your jaws when you practice speaking American English, you’ will find yourself much closer to native-sounding speech than if you try to pronounce every ... single :.. sotind ... very i carefully. If you can relate American Eriglish to music, remember that the indigenous music is jazz. Listen to their speech mu- sic, and you will hear that Americans have a melodic, jazzy way of producing sounds. Imagine the sound of a cello when you say, Beddy bada bida bedder budder (Betty bought.a bit of better butter) and you'll be close to the native way of saying it. Cach phat am dé cé giong My Mét trong nhitng diém khdc biét trong yéu gitta'cach noi cla ngudi My'va phan con lai cla thé gidi 1a ching tdi that’su khong chuyén déng méi. (Nhu vay, khi mOt ngudi My ndi, Read my lips! anh ta that sy mudn nidi gi?) Chting t6i tao phan lan cdc am trong cé-hong, st dung ludi rat nang dong. Néuban gid cdc'ngén tay trén mdi hodc khép chat ham khi tap néi tiéng. Anh ca ngudi My, ban sé thay gan'v6i nga ng6n c6 giong ban ngi hon la 6 géng phat am ting ... am ... riéng Ia wordt... than’ trong. Néu ban cé thé lién hé tiéng Anh. cla nguai My. vai am nhac thi hay nhé am nhac ban.xt la nhac jazz. Néu ban lang nghe nhac diéu trong ngd ngon.ctia ngudi My, ban sé thay ho cé mot cach tao am du duong, day chat jazz. Hay tudng tugng 4m thanh cia mot cay dan violoncelle khi ban néi, Beddy bada bida bedder budder (Betty bought a bit of better butter), ban sé gan hon véi cach ndi cau nay cba ngudi ban ngd. American Accent Training — 2] Because Most Americans came from somewhere else, American English re- * flects the accent contributions of many lands. The speech’ music has become much more exaggerated than British English, developing a strong and distinc- tive intonation. If you use this intona- tion, not only will you be easier to understand, but you will sound much more confident, dynamic, and persuasive. Intonation, or speech music, is the sound that you hear when a conversation is too far away to be-clearly audible but close enough for you to tell the nationa- lity of the speakers. The American into- nation dictates liaisons and pronuncia- tion, and it indicates mood and meaning. Without intonation, your speech would be flat, mechanical, and very confusing for your listener. What is the American intonation pattern? How is it different from other languages? Foa.egzampuru, eefu you hea ah Jahpahneezu pahsohn speakingu Ingurishu, the sound would be very choppy, mechanical, and un- emotional to an American. Za sem vey vis Cheuman pipples, it sounds too stiff. Amahn frohin Pare ohn zee ahzer ahnd, eez intonashon goes up at zee end ov evree sentence, and has such a strong intona- tion that he sounds romantic and highly emotional, but this may not be appropri- ate for a lecture or a business meeting in English. 22 — American Accent Training Vi phan ldn riguai. My déu. dén ta mdt nai nao khac, tiéng Anh kigu My phan anh su hdi ty vé giong cia nhiéu dat nuéc. Nhac diéu nga ng6n My da tré, nén cudng diéu hon so vdi tiéng Anh kiéu Anh; tao thanh mét-ngd diéu manh va déc ddo. Néu ban diing ngi diéu nay, ban khéng chi lam cho ngudi khac higu ban dé hon ma giong cia ban con tr nén tu tin hon, manh mé hon, va thuyét phuc han. Natt diéu, hodc nhac diéu ng ngén, la 4m ban nghe khi.mét cudc dam thoai @ qua xa‘nén khong nghe rd dugc nhung di.gan dé. cho ban biét quéc tich cha cc’ ngudi' ndi.. Ng digu My quy dinh cac tif doc néi va phat am, va biéu thi trang thai va nghia. Khong cé ngi diéu, ngi ngén cia ban sé don diéu, may moc va dé gay nhdm lan cho ngudi nghe. Thé nao /a dang thc ngi digu My? N6 khac vdi cdc ng6n ngd khac nhu thé nao? Foa egzampuru, eefu-you hea ah Jahpah- neezu pahsohn speakingu Ingurishu, am nay déi vai ngudi My rét-rdi-rac, may méc va khéng c6 cdm xtc, Za sem vey vis Cheuman pipples, am nay nghe qua cting nhac. A mahn frohm Paree ohn zee ahzer ahnd, ecz intonashon goes ‘up at zee end ov evree sentence, va cO ng digu manh dén miic nghe rat lang man va day cdm xtc, nhung c6 thé khong thich hop cho mét bai ging hodc mot cuéc hop vé thuang mai bing tiéng Anh. American Intonation Do's and Don’‘ts Nhdng digu nén va khéng nén lam dé cé ngit digu My Do Not Speak Word by Word Sad wena Bob... is... on... Ditng noi.titng tit mét the... phone. fmt OS BF ws ee Connect Words to Form Sound Groups N6i tit dé tao thanh cdc nhém am ba bizin the foun. Use Staircase Intonation foun. + Do not speak word by word If you speak word by word, as many people who learned “printed” English do, you'll end up sounding mechani- cal and foreign. You may have no- ticed the same thing happens in your own language: When someone reads a speech, even a native. speaker, it sounds stiff and stilted, quite differ- ent from a normal conversational tone. 7 Connect words to form sound groups This is where you're going to start do- ing something completely different than what you have done in your pre- vious English studies. This part is the most difficult for many people be- cause it goes against everything they've been taught. Instead of thinking of Ding ngit diéu cau thang Start a new staircase when you want to emphasize that information, generally a noun. Bat dau mét cdu thang mdi khi ban muén nhdn manh théng tin dé, thudng la mot danh ta,” Dig néi ting tir mot Néu ban ni ting tY mot, nhu cdch néi nhiéu ngudi hoc tigéng Anh “viét san", ban sé cé giong rit may méc va ngoai lai. Cé thé ban da nhan thay diéu tung ty xay ra trong tiéng me dé clia ban: Khi ai d6 doc mdt bai dién van, tham chi dé la ngudi ban ngi di nda, thi ging cing nghe cing nhdc va khéng ty nhién, hoan toan khdc véi giong dam thoai thong thudng. Nai tirdé tao thanh cdc nhém 4m Day [a giai doan ban bat dau lam mot viéc hoan toan khdc véi nhing gi da lam trong viéc hoc ti€ng Anh trudc day. Ddi véi nhiéu nguai day 1a phan khé nhat vi né di ngugc lai tat c moi thit ma ho da duge day. Thay vi nghi vé mdi tv nhu mét dan vi, hay nghi vé cdc don vj am. American Accent Training — 23 each word as a unit, think of sound units. These sound units may or may not correspond to a word written on a page. Native speakers don’t say Bob is on the phone, but say [babizin the foun]. Sound units make a sentence flow smoothly, like peanut butter — never really ending and never really starting, just flowing along. Even chunky peanut butter is.acceptable. So long as you don’t try to put plain peanuts directly onto your bread, you'll be OK. Use staircase intonation, Let those sound groups floating on the wavy river in the figure flow downhill and you'll get the staircase. Staircase intonation not only gives you that American sound, it’ also makes you sound much more confi- dent. Not every American uses the downward staircase. A certain seg- ment of the population. uses rising staircases—generally, teenagers. on their way to a shopping mall: “Hi, my name is Tiffany. I live in La Caftada. I'm on the pep squad.” Cac don vi am nay 6 thé tuang ting hodc khéng tuong ting vdi_mét ti’ dugc viet {én trang gidy. Ngudi ban ngit khong ndi Bob is on the phone, ma néi [babizin the foun]. Cac don vj am 1am mot cau fudt di toi chay, dau phung — khéng bao gid that sy két thc va cing khong bao gid that sy bat dau, ctf luét di tri chay. Ngay cd bo dau phung sén sét cGng chap nhan dugc. Mién la ban khong cd ging dat nhimg hat dau phung truc tiép lén banh mi, ban sé thanh cong. Ding nga diéu cau thang Cit dé cdc nhém 4m kia bap bénh trén dang sdng ggn séng trong so dé toi lust xudng thi ban sé cé cu thang. Ng diéu cdu thang khéng chi cho ban giong My ma con lam ban cé giong ty tin hon nhiéu. Khéng phai tat cd nguai My déu sit dung cu thang di xudng. Mot phan dan sé ding cdu thang di fén—thudng la thiéu nién trén dudng dén mot khu thugng x4: Hi, my name is Tiffany. I La Canada. I'm on the pep squad. What Exactly Is Staircase Intonation? ' Nga diéu céu thang dich thu la gi? In saying your words, imagine that they come out as if they were bounding lightly down a flight of stairs, Every so often, one jumps up to another level, and then starts down again. Americans tend to stretch out their sounds longer “than you may think is natural. So to lengthen your vowel sounds, put them ‘on two stairsteps instead’ of just one. 24 — American Accent Training Khi ndi céc tw cla ban, tudng tugng la cdc ti nay phat ra nhu thé dang nay nhe xudng mot cdu thang. Thudng thi mét ti nhay lén mét cap khac, réi lai b&t dau di xuéng. Ngudi My cé khuynh hudng kéo dai céc Am hon ban nghi 6 mic binh thugng. Nhu vay, dé kéo dai céc am nguyén am cia ban, dat chéng tren hai bic thang thay vi chi mét. The sound of an American speakirig a foreign language is very distinctive, be- cause we double sounds that should be single. For example, in Japanese or Spa- nish, the word no is, to our ear, clipped or abbreviated, Clipped® Bj xén When you have a word ending in an unvoiced consonant—one that you “whis- per” (t, k, s, x, f, sh)—you will notice that the preceding vowel is said quite quickly, and ona single stairstep. When a word. ends in a vowel or a voiced consonant— one that you “say” (b; d, g,z, v, zh, j), the preceding vowel is said more slowly, and on a double stairstep. Unvoiced V6 thank There are two main consequences of not doubling the second category of words: Either your listener will hear the wrong word, or even worse, you will always sound upset. Consider that the words curt, short, terse, abrupt, and clipped all literally mean short. When applied toa person or to language, they ~ Anvciia mot ngudi My indi tiéng nue ngoai rat rd rét, vi.chiing tai nhan dai cdc 4m don. Vi du, trong tigng Nhat hodc tigng Tay Ban Nha, tino, déi véi tai cha ching téi, la bi xén hoac ndi tat. a Standard American Giong My chun Khi ban c6 mét tir tan cting bang mot phu 4m v6 thanh—mot phy 4m ma.ban “thi tham” (t, k, s, x, £ sh)—ban sé nhan thay la nguyén Am di truéc dugc néi kha nhanh, va 6 trén mot bac thang don. Khi mét ti tin cing bang mét nguyén 4m hodic mot phy dm hau thanh =—Mé6t phy 2m ma ban "ndi" (b, d; gi z, v, zh, j), nguyén Am-di truée duge néi cham hon, vad trén mét bac thang déi. Voiced Hau thanh C6 hai hau qua chinh ciia viée khong nhan ddi loai w thir hai: Hoac ngudi nghe ban sé nghe sai tw, hodc tham chi toi té hon, ban sé ludn lun cé giong ban loan. Hay xem xét cdc tu curt, short, terse, abrupt, va clipped déu cé nghia den Ia short. Khi 4p dung cho mat nguési hodc ngon ngd, céc tt nay cO nghia American Accent Training — 25 take on the meaning upset or rude. For example, in the expressions "His curt re- ply ...." "Her terse response ...,” or "He was very short with me” all indicate a less than sunny situation. Three Ways to Make Intonation About this time, you're coming to the point where you may be wondering, what exactly are the mechanics of into- nation? What changes when you go to the top of the staircase or when you put stress on a word? There are three ways to stress a word. + The first way is to just get louder or raise the volume. This is not a very sophisticated way of doing it, but it will definitely command attention. The second way is to streeeeetch the word out or lengthen the word that you want to draw attention to (which sounds very insinuating). , & The third way, which is the most re- fined, is to change pitch. Although pausing just before changing the pitch is effective, you don’t want to do it every time, because then it becomes an obvious technique. However, it will make your audience stop and lis- ten because they think you're going to say something interesting. 26 — American Accent Training upset hoac rude. Vi dy, trong cdc cach dién dat His curt reply’..., Her terse res- ponse ..., hoac He was very short with me tat ca déu chi mat tinh hudng khong may sang stia. Ba cach dé diéu vao tic nay, ban dang dén giai doan ma ban cé thé ty hdi, co cau cha ngt digu dich thyc la gi? Didu gi thay di khi ban di dén dau cu thang hodc khi ban dat trong am Jén mét tu? Cé ba cach dé nhan manh mot tw. Céch thi nhat la chi ndi lén han hoac tang 4m lugng. Day khéng phai la cach phtic tap cho ldm, nhung chac chan doi héi phai cha y. : C&ch thd hai la kéo dan tu ra hodc kéo dai ty ma. ban muén thu hut sy cha ¥ (nghe rt mia mai). Cach thd ba, tinh té nhat, la thay 46i am vuc. Du viéc ngitng lai ngay truéc khi thay déi am vyc la rat, hiéu qua, ban khéng mudin lic nao cing lm nhu vay, vi lic dé né ted thanh mét ky thuat ranh ranh. Tuy nhién, viéc nay sé lam thinh gid cia ban ngiing lai va lng nghe vi ho nghi ban sdp néi mot diéu gi dé tha vi.

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