Neural Perforasomes of The Upper Extremity: Brooklyn, N.Y. and Durham, N.C

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Neural Perforasomes of the Upper Extremity

Steven M. Koehler, M.D.
Background: In the setting of the rapid advancement of integumentary vas-
Andrew P. Matson, M.D.
cular knowledge, the authors hypothesized that the extrinsic blood supply to
David S. Ruch, M.D.
the major peripheral nerves of the upper extremity could be categorized into
Suhail K. Mithani, M.D. discrete neural “perforasomes.”
Brooklyn, N.Y.; and Durham, N.C. Methods: Total limb perfusion of the arterial system was performed with gel-
atin–red lead oxide in cadaveric upper limbs. The perforating vessels to the
radial, median, and ulnar nerves were identified, confirmed with fluoroscopy,
and dissected. Distances to major anatomical landmarks of the upper extremity
were measured. Additional cadaveric limbs’ nerves were dissected and source
arteries were selectively cannulated and injected to assess specific contribution
to extrinsic nerve perfusion. The perfusion of each nerve was then calculated
among all specimens.
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Results: The radial, median, and ulnar nerve perforators were mapped. The
corresponding neural perforasomes were mapped. The distal portions of the
superficial radial nerve and the posterior interosseous nerve demonstrated a
lack of staining. Similarly, at the carpal tunnel and at the proximal 25 percent
of the median nerve (corresponding to the pronator teres), the nerve lacked
vascular staining. At the Guyon canal and the flexor carpi ulnaris, the ulnar
nerve demonstrated a lack of vascular staining.
Conclusions: Peripheral nerves can be divided into neural perforasomes with
limited overlap. The extrinsic perfusion of peripheral nerves is highly segmen-
tal. Absent stains within the nerves correspond to common sites of compres-
sion: carpal tunnel and pronator teres for the median nerve, supinator for the
posterior interosseous nerve, and the Guyon canal and the flexor carpi ulnaris
for the ulnar nerve.  (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 142: 1539, 2018.)

nitial breakthroughs in the understanding of is that vessels “hitchhike” with nerves.7 Taylor’s
the blood supply to peripheral nerves are cred- group then reexamined the source artery supply
ited to Sir Sydney Sunderland, who demon- of each peripheral nerve in the upper extremity
strated that relationships between source arteries and assessed the potential of each segment of each
and peripheral nerves are relatively consistent.1 nerve for vascularized transfer.8 They demonstrated
Taylor and Ham then introduced the free vascu- the nerves’ source blood supply radiographically
larized nerve graft in 1976 on the basis of these and used the angiosome concept to provide an
source arteries.2 Taylor and Palmer proceeded anatomical rationalization for both vascularized
to develop a comprehensive three-dimensional nerve grafts and composite free flaps contain-
concept of the cutaneous vascular anatomy of the ing vascularized nerves. To aid in the description
body—the angiosome concept.3 of donor nerves, Taylor then developed a system
The understanding of this concept, along that classifies peripheral nerves according to their
with the linkage of adjacent angiosomes, provides angiosomes, with special reference to their suitabil-
the basis for microsurgical free tissue transfers.4–6 ity for microvascular free transfer.3,8,9
Taylor et al. also described a number of anatomi- More recently, for the integumentary, Saint-
cal concepts based on their work, one of which Cyr et al. put forth the “perforasome theory,”
which shifts the focus of vascular supply and
From the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, SUNY Down- knowledge from source arteries to perforators
state Medical Center; and the Division of Hand and Upper themselves.10 Inspired by this work, in the setting
Extremity, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Duke Uni- of Taylor’s work, we hypothesized that the blood
Received for publication November 16, 2017; accepted May
16, 2018. Disclosure: The authors have no financial interest
Copyright © 2018 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons to declare in relation to the content of this article.
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000004984 1539
Copyright © 2018 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • December 2018

supply to the major peripheral nerves of the measured (Fig. 1). For the radial nerve (includ-
upper extremity could also be categorized into ing the superficial radial nerve and the posterior
neural perforasomes, each with discrete areas of interosseous nerve), the distance from the lateral
neural perfusion. epicondyle was used for all perforator measure-
ments. For the median nerve, forearm perforators
MATERIALS AND METHODS were measured from the distal radial lunate facet
and upper arm perforators were measured from
This study was deemed exempt by the
the medial epicondyle. The ulnar nerve perfora-
Duke University Institutional Review Board
tors were measured from the pisiform in the fore-
(Pro00075741). Twelve upper limb specimens
arm and from the medial epicondyle in the upper
from fresh cadavers were used in this study. All
arm. The total length of the forearm and arm of
limbs were procured recently deceased cadavers,
each cadaver was then measured for normaliza-
without cachexia, prior upper extremity trauma,
or known prior vascular disease. tion of perforator distance as a percentage of the
forearm or the upper arm. Average perforator dis-
Perforators tance was then calculated.
In six specimens, total limb perfusion of the
arterial system was performed with a gelatin–red Perforasomes
lead oxide mixture according to the protocol The remaining six limbs were thawed to room
described by Tang and colleagues.11 The radial, temperature; before dissection, the brachial artery
median, and ulnar nerves were dissected under was identified and cannulated at the level of shoul-
loupe magnification to identify the perforating der disarticulation. Embalming Sofner solution
vessels supplying the extrinsic blood supply of (ESCO, East Lyme, Conn.) was injected into the
the individual nerves (Fig. 1). To ensure that all brachial artery to clear the arms of blood. Next,
perforating vessels were identified, biplanar fluo- the radial, median, and ulnar nerves were com-
roscopy was used to image each nerve’s vascular pletely dissected with their extrinsic perforators.
supply after painting the nerve with 40 percent Source arteries were selectively cannulated and
lead white paint. injected with different color inks (i.e., red, green,
The distance of each perforator from major black, and blue) to assess specific contribution
landmarks to their entrance into the nerve was to extrinsic nerve perfusion. Injections occurred

Fig. 1. Representative images demonstrating gross and fine dissection of the ulnar nerve
after gelatin–red lead oxide injection to highlight the neural extrinsic blood supply.

Copyright © 2018 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 142, Number 6 • Upper Extremity Neural Perforasomes

Table 1.  Median Nerve Perforators Ulnar Nerve

The ulnar nerve had an average of 15 extrinsic
Average Raw Perforator
No. of Distance from Distance neural perforators (range, 12 to 15). There were
Perforators Radiolunate as % of seven in the forearm and eight in the upper arm
Perfusing (Distal Joint ± SD Forearm/ (Tables 3 and 4). The extrinsic perforators origi-
Artery to Proximal) (cm) Arm
nated from ulnar, proximal ulnar recurrent, infe-
Radial 1 0.4 ± 0.3 1.9 rior ulnar collateral, or superior ulnar collateral
Ulnar 2 1.3 ± 0.2 4.5
Radial 3 1.7 ± 0.6 7.3 source arteries: five from the ulnar artery, three
Ulnar 4 3.7 ± 1.1 12.9 from the proximal ulnar recurrent artery, two
Radial 5 5.9 ± 1.2 23.0 from the inferior ulnar collateral artery, and five
Radial 6 10.2 ± 1.8 42.0
Radial 7 13.3 ± 1.1 52.3 from the superior ulnar collateral artery (Fig. 2).
Radial 8 19.7 ± 1 72.8 At, and just distal to, the Osborne ligament, there
were no extrinsic neural perforators identified
within 4 cm. Likewise, there were no extrinsic
from distal to proximal. To control the direction neural perforators within the Guyon canal or
of ink flow, upstream arteries were cross-clamped proximal for 1.5 cm.
before injection with microvascular clamps. The
radial, median, and ulnar nerves were then sec- Radial Nerve
tioned and examined for colored ink staining to The radial nerve proper consistently had
assess neural perfusion. The distance of colored eight extrinsic neural perforators (range, seven
ink staining was measured from the above land- to eight), one in the proximal forearm from the
marks for each respective nerve and normalized radial recurrent artery and seven in the upper
to the overall length of each forearm and arm. arm (two from the radial recurrent artery dis-
The average percentage of perfusion of each tally and five from the profunda brachii artery)
nerve was then calculated among all specimens. (Table 5 and Fig. 2). The perforators providing
extrinsic blood supply to the superficial radial
and posterior interosseous nerves were likewise
RESULTS identified and measured. Four extrinsic neural
Upper Extremity Nerve Perforator Identification perforators supplied the superficial radial nerve,
Median Nerve one from the recurrent radial and three from the
The median nerve consistently demonstrated radial artery (Table 5 and Fig. 2). Three extrinsic
13 extrinsic neural perforators (range, 12 to 13), neural perforators supplied the posterior interos-
eight in the forearm and five in the upper arm seous nerve, one from the radial artery and two
(Tables 1 and 2). The neural perforators origi- from the posterior interosseous artery (Table 5
nated from radial, ulnar, or brachial source arter- and Fig. 2). There was no extrinsic neural perfo-
ies: two from the ulnar artery, seven from the rator to the radial artery identified at the level of
radial artery, and four from the brachial artery. the supinator.
The average locations of these perforators were
then mapped (Fig. 2). There were no extrinsic Upper Extremity Neural Perforasomes
neural perforators identified within or 0.5 cm Median Nerve
proximal to the carpal tunnel. Similarly, adjacent In the forearm, 60 percent of the median
to the region where the nerve passes between the nerve was extrinsically supplied by the radial
two heads of the pronator, there were no extrinsic artery neural perforators and 5 percent by bra-
neural perforators within 5 cm. chial artery neural perforators (Table 6 and
Fig. 3). There was no staining by the extrinsic
Table 2.  Median Nerve Perforators neural perforators identified originating from
Average Raw the ulnar artery. The distal 10 percent of the
No. of Distance median nerve, including the carpal tunnel, dem-
Perforators from Medial Perforator onstrated no dye within the nerve under dissec-
Perfusing (Distal to Epicondyle Distance as % of F tion. Proximally, 25 percent of the nerve in the
Artery Proximal) ± SD (cm) orearm/Arm
forearm demonstrated limited staining, which
Radial 9 1.9 ± 0.4 6.5 corresponded to the area adjacent to where the
Brachial 10 5.9 ± 1.1 21.0
Brachial 11 10.8 ± 0.7 40.3 nerve traverses between the two heads of the
Brachial 12 14.5 ± 0.6 53.8 pronator teres. The most proximal 5 percent of
Brachial 13 19.8 ± 0.9 75.4 the nerve was stained by brachial artery neural

Copyright © 2018 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • December 2018

Fig. 2. Map of perforators supplying the extrinsic blood supply to the median, ulnar, and radial nerves. The major source vessels
are labeled.

Table 3.  Ulnar Nerve Perforators Table 4.  Ulnar Nerve Perforators
No. of Average Raw Average Raw
Perforators Distance from Perforator No. of Distance Perforator
Perfusing (Distal to Pisiform Distance as % of Perforators from Medial Distance
Artery Proximal) ± SD (cm) Forearm/Arm Perfusing (Distal to Epicondyle as % of
Ulnar 1 1.5 ± 0.4 5.3 Artery Proximal) ± SD (cm) Forearm/Arm
Ulnar 2 3 ± 0.6 11.2 PURA 8 1.1 ± 0.5 4.5
Ulnar 3 5.6 ± 0.7 20.9 IUCA 9 1.8 ± 0.4 6.6
Ulnar 4 15.3 ± 1.2 57.9 IUCA 10 4.1 ± 0.6 16.0
Ulnar 5 17.1 ± 1 64.6 SUCA 11 7.3 ± 0.7 26.7
PURA 6 22.1 ± 2 83.2 SUCA 12 9.3 ± 0.8 33.2
PURA 7 25.2 ± 2.6 95.0 Brachial 13 11.1 ± 1 41.6
PURA, proximal ulnar recurrent artery. Brachial 14 14.6 ± 0.8 51.8
Brachial 15 18.8 ± 1.8 67.7
PURA, proximal ulnar recurrent artery; IUCA, inferior ulnar collat-
eral artery; SUCA, superior ulnar collateral artery.
perforators, and in the upper arm, 100 percent
of the nerve demonstrated dye staining from the
brachial artery neural perforators; thus, 105 per- the proximal flexor carpi ulnaris (20 percent).
cent of the nerve was stained by brachial artery There was no staining of the ulnar nerve by dye
extrinsic neural perforators (Fig. 3).
injection of the proximal ulnar recurrent artery.
Ulnar Nerve Selective cannulation and dye injection of the
In the forearm, 70 percent of the ulnar inferior ulnar collateral artery resulted in dye
nerve demonstrated dye staining from the ulnar staining of 2 percent of the nerve in the forearm
artery extrinsic neural perforators (Table 6 and and 3 percent of the nerve in the upper arm.
Fig. 3). This corresponded to 5 to 75 percent Selective cannulation and dye injection of the
of the length of the forearm, with limited to superior collateral artery extrinsic neural perfo-
no dye staining at the Guyon canal (5 percent) rators demonstrated staining of the remaining
and from distal to the Osborne ligament to 97 percent of the nerve.

Copyright © 2018 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 142, Number 6 • Upper Extremity Neural Perforasomes

Table 5.  Radial Nerve Perforators

No. of
Perforators Average Raw ­ Perforator
(Distal to Distance from Lateral Distance as % of
Perfusing Artery Proximal) ­Epicondyle ± SD (cm) Forearm/Arm
Radial nerve (proper)
 Recurrent radial 1 1.5 ± 0.4 5.3
 Recurrent radial 2 3 ± 0.6 11.2
 Recurrent radial 3 5.6 ± 0.7 20.9
 Profunda 4 15.3 ± 1.2 57.9
 Profunda 5 17.1 ± 1 64.6
 Profunda 6 22.1 ± 2 83.2
 Profunda 7
 Profunda 8 25.2 ± 2.6 95.0
Superficial radial nerve
 Recurrent radial 1 6.8 ± 1 74.2
 Radial 2 11.6 ± 0.5 56.6
 Radial 3 18.2 ± 0.6 11.6
Posterior interosseous nerve
 Radial 1 4.5 ± 0.4 83.1
 PIA 2 6.6 ± 0.6 75.1
 PIA 3 11.8 ± 0.3 55.2
PIA, posterior interosseous artery.

Table 6.  Upper Extremity Nerve Perforasomes The proximal 5 percent of the posterior interos-
seous nerve demonstrated limited dye staining
Area of Perfusion
of Forearm/ Total Amount at the radial tunnel. There was no staining of the
Perfusing Artery Arm (%) of Perfusion (%) posterior interosseous nerve by selective cannula-
Median nerve tion and dye injection of the radial artery. Distally,
 Radial 10–70 (forearm) 60 35 percent of the posterior interosseous nerve
 Brachial −5–100 (arm) 105 demonstrated limited dye staining.
Ulnar nerve
 Ulnar 5–75 (forearm) 70
 IUCA −2–3 (arm) 5
 SUCA 3–100 (arm 97 DISCUSSION
Radial nerve Since Ian McGregor and Ian Jackson first
 Recurrent 97–100 (forearm) 3
 Profunda 0–100 (arm) 100 focused the world’s attention on cutaneous free
Posterior tissue transfer, there have been significant gains
interosseous nerve in the knowledge and science of vascular anat-
 PIA 5–65 60
Superficial radial nerve omy.12 This has critically increased the capacity for
 Radial 35–97 62 successful reconstruction of the integumentary.
IUCA, inferior ulnar collateral artery; SUCA, superior ulnar collat- However, despite advances in reconstructive sur-
eral artery; PIA, posterior interosseous artery.
gery, consistent, predictable success in peripheral
nerve injuries remains elusive.13
Radial Nerve It has been shown that an important compo-
The radial nerve proper was 100 percent nent of successful nerve recovery is the presence
stained by selective cannulation and dye injection of adequate blood flow.14,15 Much of this research
of the extrinsic neural perforators arising from stems from the early work on nerve grafts. It is
the profunda brachii artery in the upper arm. In established that nerve recovery requires an appro-
the forearm, the proximal 3 percent of the proper priate blood supply and that functional results are
nerve was stained by injection of the recurrent poor when nerve grafts are placed in a scarred
radial artery. At the origin of the superficial radial bed.16 When avascular grafts are placed in a recip-
nerve, dye injection of the radial artery stained 62 ient bed, they are revascularized by two means:
percent of the superficial radial nerve (Table 6 inosculation and centripetal revascularization.
and Fig. 3). The distal 38 percent of the superfi- Centripetal revascularization is the dominant
cial radial nerve demonstrated limited dye stain- means of revascularization, which emphasizes the
ing. Selective cannulation and dye injection of the importance of a well-vascularized recipient bed.17–
posterior interosseous artery resulted in staining 19
Vascularized nerve grafts were developed to
of 60 percent of the posterior interosseous nerve. provide a solution to scarred, poorly vascularized

Copyright © 2018 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • December 2018

Fig. 3. Map of the perforasomes of the median, ulnar, and radial nerves. Yellow areas of the nerves had absent or limited staining.
Well-perfused areas are colored with their respective source vessel and amount of perfusion labeled.

recipient beds and central necrosis, which would compress the intrinsic vasculature. He and others
occur in large trunk grafts.20 demonstrated that compression to nerves results
Vascularized nerve grafting is based on the in the closure of the endoneurial capillaries and
source blood supply of the intrinsic nerve vas- ischemia.23 This “vascular factor” was discussed
culature. Taylor and Ham reported on the first by Sunderland, who suggested a mechanism for
successful free vascularized nerve graft in 1976.2 the development of epineural scar on the basis of
Lundborg described the intrinsic vasculariza- ischemia in compressive peripheral neuropathy.24
tion of peripheral nerves by injecting nerves with This study pursues a more detailed and com-
India ink and identifying large, longitudinal ves- prehensive understanding of segmental extrinsic
sels that segmentally supplied vasculature to fas- peripheral nerve vascularity in the upper extrem-
cicles.21 However, vascularized nerve grafting has ity. Our findings demonstrate that peripheral
proved to be difficult: it requires the availability nerves can be divided into “neural perforasomes,”
of a suitable autograft nerve. Also, the outcomes or vascular territories. Each neural perforasome
have been found inferior to alternatives to nerve carries a discrete perfusion pattern. The extrinsic
grafting, such as free functional muscle transfer.22 perfusion of peripheral nerves is highly segmental,
Notably, there has been a decrease in studies with areas of diminished perfusion that notably
examining nerve vascularization. We hypothesize correspond to the sites of compression of periph-
that this is because many surgeons and investi- eral nerves (Fig. 3): carpal tunnel and pronator
gators feel that adequate knowledge has been teres for the median nerve, supinator/radial tun-
obtained. However, the poor performance of nel for the posterior interosseous nerve, and the
vascularized nerve grafts suggests that although Guyon canal and the cubital tunnel for the ulnar
nerves may be able to “survive” on a single longitu- nerve. Our data corroborate earlier investigations
dinal source artery, it is insufficient for full recov- that suggest chronic compression neuropathies
ery and optimal function. In addition, despite our may be related to nerve ischemia.25–27 Building on
knowledge, even recovery after decompression of the foundation established by Lundborg that the
compressive neuropathy is not optimal. Lundborg intrinsic vasculature of nerves is compromised in
postulated that compression applied to nerves will compressive states, this study suggests the sites of

Copyright © 2018 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 142, Number 6 • Upper Extremity Neural Perforasomes

common compression neuropathies are poten- limitation may be difficulty in accounting for ana-
tially predisposed to significant ischemia based tomical variation. Lastly, the injection pressure
on their lack of extrinsic vascularization. Further may have influenced what did or did not stain.
study is warranted to investigate this correlation. Our red lead oxide injections were performed
Recently, Taylor published his group’s findings to stain the perforators of the skin. At this pres-
relating to the angiosome territories of the upper sure, we believe it sufficient to stain the nerves.
extremity nerves and classified the ulnar, median, For the ink-based injections, it is certainly pos-
and radial nerves.8 Using our neural perfusion sible that our injection pressure was insufficient.
data, we have reclassified each of the nerves to However, the consistency with which areas did not
reflect a more physiologic state of extrinsic vascu- stain challenge this notion. Also, the hands were
larization (Fig. 4). In Taylor’s classification, type A consistently stained, demonstrating adequate per-
is the best and type E is the worst for microvascular fusion pressure. Moreover, our findings validate
free transfer. Type A is an unbranched nerve that prior anatomical studies.8,28
is supplied segmentally by a parallel vessel. Type B Unlike the integumentary system, few studies
is similar to A, but the nerve has branches. Type have attempted to examine and quantitate the
C has a long vessel that courses the epineurium of contribution of the extrinsic vascular supply to
an unbranched nerve. In types D and E, the nerve peripheral nerves.8,28 In part, this is likely attrib-
has a fragmented blood supply or many branches. utable to the disappointing evidence regarding
We have found that in the upper arm, each nerve vascularized nerve grafts, and the relative rarity
was a type A. This trend continued in the forearm, of occasions on which to perform a vascularized
with the most variability existing about the elbow. nerve graft.29 However, our findings supersede the
Limitations of this study are inherent in all topic of vascularized nerve grafting; rather, they
cadaver studies. Cadaveric specimens, through add to the knowledge of the correlation between
the storage and preparation processes, may lose hypoperfusion and compression neuropathies,
some of their in vivo characteristics, thus render- first proffered by Sunderland and Lundborg.
ing absolute measurements less accurate. Another We offer a theory for why particular portions of

Fig. 4. Simplified diagram illustrating the Taylor classification of the

ulnar, median, and radial nerves modified based on the neural perfora-
somes. The nerves are classified as types A to E according to their suit-
ability for vascularized transfer.

Copyright © 2018 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • December 2018

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