Chapter (9) "National Affair" A Reflection Paper

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“National Affair”


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

In the Subject GE1804

Rizal’s life and Works

To be submitted to

Ms Morales, Rezie Mae

Submitted By

Basalio, Roselyn A.

Date of Submission

May 29 2021

The purpose of this study is to show the importance of Rizal’s

work and its relevance to the society today. Many of the issues during

the Spanish era still exists today and that is one of the reason why we

study the works of Rizal and that is to inform us that issues of the

past still happen and we are responsible to take care of it as the

future generation of this country.

So many individuals the mind set was being inequality to the

people it self until now there are people are used their power like

Money, Position in our government and their Influence to people just to

harm individuals this are the devil that drives on people to become

evil to their decision that’s why we can to achieve the inequality even

if they accept the gender inequality but people have a power abuse it

they do it some individuals are mockery and Some individuals are more

intelligent they use their intelligence to harm other individual.

They do it just to make people down, sad reality of life that show

case how people are cruel. When their mind are having or full of

desire to high above, That why weak people are doing multiple

things just to reach the level where they will not be called weak- not


It was very hard to see or to say that our government until now

was collaborating each other just to achieve their personal goals. We

all know that our Politicians are they give their best just to help

our society but in reality they want to corrupt, like I said just

because of Money and the power that is our sad reality and as for me
now we have pandemic our politician they use the pandemic just to

achieve their position in the government. Our politician are very

smart like Manny of these politicians are very religious, they even

attend Sunday mass gathering and any other activities that will

convey the people’s sympathy. But I wish that in the next (halalan)

are people they choose the right politician not just Money or the

power but they seems our society need’s their power and money to

fix in good. See the happenings of outside and explore the

existing of this matter.

I am not saying that I am perfect for I am judging of what

they are doing. I am just wondering how they able to intake this

kind of activities. It’s a nice idea of what they do an opportunity

of mind which drives weak to seek for it, because the people from

that moment it will disappear they will go back from their life of

where is she/he before. Would I should say that thanks to the people

who give their help without expecting of things from other.



Father Damaso was stop on Captain Tiago’s home, by passing Aunt Isable

and María Clara on his way up the steps. They tell him that they are

going to the convent to collect María Clara’s belongings, and they

starting to laugh, “Aha! Aha! They said that Well see who wins out,

well see,” a statement they dismiss before taking their leave. Then

suddenly he goes into the house and tells Captain Tiago and they
eventually bickered, which then became the gossip between friars.

Meanwhile, Father Sibyla meets with an elderly, dying priest, telling

him about the disagreement between Father Dámaso and Crisóstomo Ibarra

and Ibarra’s plans to marry María Clara. Padre Damaso told Captian

Tiago that he will not condone having Maria being with Ibarra, saying

that they should not be together since Ibarra is his enemy, and they

must speak right away by the two men retreat to talk in private.

Father Sibyla feels that the church has little to worry about from

Ibarra, since he is wealthy and will be happy with María Clara, making

him reluctant to risk putting his happiness in danger, but the elder

priest says that it’s just as well if Ibarra does create an open

conflict with the church, since that can expose where the church is

weak and allow them to weed out these weaknesses. And father siblya

was talk the priest jus to say that he’s dying and that he need to

decide to let it happen rather that it he is undergoing to the surgery

Sibyla then informs the old man of the incident the previous night

between Father Dámaso and Ibarra, and the two priests agree that

having Ibarra in the church would greatly benefit their religious

order, since he is such a wealthy and influential individual. A few

months later, a young man appearing to be a mestizo arrived and

claimed to be the dead man’s son, earning a reputation for being hard-

working but cruel and violent. This man was the father of Rafael

Ibarra, Crisóstomo father. On his condition neither Rafael Ibarra nor

Captain Tiago run the village, the former was modest and didn’t want
to make him a target, while the latter was secretly they show up. In

spite of wealth and the position Rafael Ibarra nor to Captain Tiago

The mayor has little real authority, and even God himself rarely

appears in the residents’ minds—saints are more important. Instead,

the balance of power in the village is constantly shifting. Father

Bernardo Salví is one of the people in contention to be the de-facto

leader of the village; he is a quiet, pensive, and diligent man who is

well-liked. The ensign tries to limit Father Salví’s authority by

setting a curfew that limits townspeople’s ability to attend church,

but in return, Father Salví lets his goat run on the ensign’s

property. Furthermore, the ensign’s power is limited as well, since

his wife, Doña Consolación, often exerts control over him.


During high school if I’m not mistaken I was grade 9 that may first

studying or to read a book of Rizal and was my first encounter of

some of life of Rizal but not a full discussion of life of Rizal we

were focus on the book of Rizal because our teacher are talk about

what is the story of one of the most story that Jose Rizal Write

which is the El Filibusterismo and the Noli Me Tangere, and our

teacher in Filipino that time Discuss the El Filibusterismo since I

was grade 9 and some of the sorry are we report in front every week

we discuss the book of El Filibusterismo, and I remember in high

school grade 9 we have to watch a live presentation in U.P Diliman, I

don’t know where is it but inside the campus but I remember that one
of the school of U.P Diliman and we were obligate to watch a live

Presentation/show about El Filibusterismo and that is night time

after our class in Filipino, we obligate to go at U.P campus nd watch

a live show it was so Fun during that time but supper scary why?

Because the sound effect and the acting scene of each person and I

remember full of energy of the artist they are students also and I

can believe that they do it will and all of us said that WOW and

super fun every time that scene are funny.

And when I’m grade 10 high school that was a time that we focus on

the book of Noli Me Tangere, I was nervous that time because what if

we do a live show/presentation at our school, but our teacher was

discuss everything about the book or the story it is which is the

Noli Me tangere so after a months ago I thank it’s a 4 th grading our

teacher was said that we were going to act was is in the book of Noli

Me Tangere what will happen we will act of life of each person that

in the Book Of Noli Me Tangere its very long preparation because our

teacher give several weeks before the presentation and it was fun

also because we practice every day and we do props and that time we

do quality time together and for me that so meaningful and memorable.


1. Existence of the Literary Dilemma in the Modern Society

Any person in our modern society are needs to be free from their need

and wants but suddenly every individuals here in our society, they

will live because of money, wealth, ability of each individuals and

the power of the people because of having them power to abuse by

their money. It’s a sad reality of our modern society that we didn’t

know what is the real by each individuals because many people are

they liars that’s why I can easy to believe or we can easy to trust

someone, and in the modern society the habits of socialization and

work have surely misled of our attitudes towards living by a

harmonious family relationship, Cruelties and injustices are still

present in the Modern Society. Where the crimes are rampant and the

biggest issue was Human Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Cyber

prostitution, and any other criminal cases.

2. Implied Topic Covered in this Chapter

Implied Topic Covered in this Chapter It implies of what level of

cruelties and injustices of Filipino people take from the friars. Our

fellow men are forced to take labouring and many are being oppressed.

By suffering by able to intake for what they do not only have yet the

courage to take the revenge. Friars were that giving the dilemma to

the Indios to take the option to kill their fellow men or to be

killed. It measures how heartless Spaniard wastowards Filipino people.


We cannot control the instances happen in our daily lives. These

are the one of the many simple trials given to us from above. Measure

what our faith and strength to deal this kind of situation, and to

measure our faith not to showcase that our faith are just to show

everyone that we believe not like that because the faith of people are
they truly believe. The Noli Me Tangere is seeking justice should be

placed on the hands of the authorities and not on the hands of the one

seeking it. Though there is always a connotation that justice is not

easily obtained especially by those who lack influence and money to or

the so called poor. However, there is also a belief that justice might

not be served in this life but God is not idle and He will give men

the things they deserve whether it be for good or the results of the

wrongs they have done.

          Just like what had happened with Crisostomo Ibarra who

wanted to seek revenge for his father since he had learned from

Captain Guevarra that his father's remain was thrown in the river

after the what happen they admits that Father Damaso had commanded him

to move the dead body of the Don towards the Chinese Cemetery. Anger

and pity had that overcome Ibarra that he wanted the priests to also

suffer. Inasmuch as he wanted to build an image that would change the

impressions of being erehe and pilibustero that were attached to his

father's reputation, he tried to control his anger and be passive

about everything that had have happened. To measure our faith A chance

that offer to showcase our techniques, swords, and shields to surpass

this trial of life. Facing this define yourself that you are ripe

enough to face another bearable trial or even more- trials coming in

due time.

A mere problem at home, work or in the society should be solve

right away. It would get even bigger if you would not deal with it. A

simple arithmetic can do, like face the problem now and it will vanish

tomorrow. So far for this issue but in my realization, I could not

call coward those people who turns their back or refuses to face their

own trails. We cannot blame or demand them to make it, who knows there

is something hindering their plans. In fact, they are stronger than

you think because they sacrifice for the better.

In the reality history was repeat by itself. Why? Because the

injustices, cruelties power and the influences of the people in our

society and that is money we can’t have power if we don’t have money

we down by people who have power in this society It exists in the

history of the Philippines during the Spanish era where Rizal write

books to criticize the system of the friars towards Filipino people.

The forced labor, payment of taxes, oppressed servants and etcetera.

It still exists as of today. To compare the government of today and

the government of Spanish era we can conclude it has a big difference

and has a little bit similarity. Today the system of the government

does not have intervene by any religious activities by each church,

likewise church cannot intervene the propagandas of Government, On the

Spanish era the Government and Church are full force to any activities

where Filipino people are the victim. To answer that question, how

does Spanish era have a little bit similarity of today’s Government

System? In a way that politicians enter to the picture, we can control

our politician to their commitment to our industry we all know that

they are the way of our country to make better but in talking money we

are not sure that our country has a Good Politician, because the money

they have power to take money, Especially when elections are about to

arrive. Money is present where it speaks and works on their behalf,

making them so many promises to do projects and to improve this and

that, so many flowering chitchats just to convey many voters. In the

end the bounce back is still on the people. That is reality that

everybody can tell any that in human activities as of today which is

the Extra Judicial.

Jose Rizal says that “youth are the hope of the society” But to

looking the activities of youth they are invaded by the illegal drugs,

member of a gangs and one of the robbers and swindlers this what will

you see that very hopeless to intake but in every darkness, there is a

rainbow that continuous to appear “saying be strong for there is

always a silver lining to hold into”. It may sound dramatic, but it is

true, darkness will soon disappear and soon our country men are good

enough to be the best country.


Noli Me Tangere Chapter 9: National Affairs Summary & Analysis | LitCharts

How does Noli Me Tangere impact our current society?

The situation of our current society has far from the happenings

of the novel Noli Me Tangere. It becomes an eye-opener to the people

of today. They are fully aware and knowledgeable that nobody will be

oppressed again like before. Government of the Philippines implement

the Article 3 which is The Bill of Rights to secure the safety of

inhabitants. Protect themselves to the extent where Filipinos before

could not do that to their self. Has concern to our citizens are

always present in terms of there is an abusive event happening.

Are the problems presented in Noli Me Tangere somehow present in our

current society?

Cruelties and Injustices in that we all aware the happenings of the

extra judicial killings regarding on the war of drugs was spread all

over the country. Bodies are being abandoned and sometimes thrown

somewhere. Power and Money for there are many criminal liable who are

still free and not yet sentenced. Money covers it all, where innocent

people can be sentence in “Reclusion Perpetua” or twenty or more years

of imprisonment or Life imprisonment. This was the incurable disease

of our society all we need to do is to keep safe, always bear in mind

that is someone supervising and protecting behind you.

Land Ownership in the Country

land ownership specifically in Calamba, Laguna where Rizal was born.

It was one of the added reasons why his rebellious mind making

comments on the policies of the friars, that where Rizal started to

write his novels as a silent attack toward the Spaniards. Where there

was nothing left for themselves because it is settled already as

payment for taxes and for the landowner plus, they still in debited

those were become the cycle of their daily lives. Aside from, the

original owners of the land were disposed for some reasons. There are

times that they do not make it on the due date, their source of living

is being confiscated. The inhuman activities of Spaniards to the

Filipino people, if we try to assess they are only aliens in our

country and yet they all have the authorities to condemn us to in this
kind of situation. This inspire Rizal to take moves in finding ways to

let his fellow men remove from this injustices and cruelties.






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