Navigators 9

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The-wonders of our worl Maria Consuelo Velasco Barriga Martha) Stella Quijano Morales STU Ta NaTe IgM CoO 1c fe El libro Navigators 9, para educacién basica secundaria es una obra colectiva concebida, disefada y creada por el Departamento Editorial de Richmond S. A DIRECTORA DE EDUCATIVAS. ‘Ana Julia Mora Torres DIRECTORA EDITORIAL Fabiola Naney Ramirez Sarmiento ‘AUTORAS. ‘Martha Stella Quijano Morales LUcenciada en espariol- inglés. Universidad Pedagégica Nacional ‘Maestra en Linglistica aplicada para la enseftanzs dal inglés como segunda lengua. Universidad Distal Francisco José de Caldas Experiencia CCoordinadora de préctica docente dela cenciatura en langues modemas. Pontiticia Universidad Javeriana, Maria Consuelo Velasco Barriga ‘Traductora @ interprete Oficial.Universi¢ad Nacional de Colombia. MA. in Education. University of South Florida. U.S.A Experiencia sete de area de inglés. Colegio Tilaté Docente de inglés. Colegio Gimnasio Campestre, Bogota. Julie Andrea Prieto Onate Licenciada en:Lenguas Modema. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Diploma in Chilgren Services. Sydney, Australi Experiencia Docente de ingles. Nuevo Gimnasio Cristiano. Child Care Worker, Child Care Crew. Sydney, Australia Editora junior. Richmond. EQUIPO EDITORIAL Beatriz Elena Henao Zapata. Esitora del érea de inglés. Le especialista encargada de avalar este texto desde el unto de vista de le ciscipina especitica y desde su edagogia fue Andrea Janice Mary Harries, Birmingham © 2011 DE RICHMOND S.A. Carrera 11A No. 98 - 50 Bogota, Colombia ISBN. 978-958-743-202-2 Obra completa ISBN. 978-958-743-209-1 Edicion para el astudiante ISBN. 978-958-743-210-7 Edicion pera el docente University: Joint Honours Degree in Modern Languages French, Spanish and Portuguese. Bell School of Languages, Cambridge: ASA Cert TEFL. La especialsta encargada de avalar este texto desde la equicad de género y de su adecuacién a la diversidad cultural fue Adriana Marcela Blanco Henao, Licenciada en filosofia, Universidad de Antioquia Las pruebas de campo del texto fueron realizedes por el Departamento de Investigacién de Editorial Sentillana bajo la direccién de Ximena Galvis Ortiz ‘Se ha hecho @! maximo estuerzo por ubicar 2 fos ‘bropietarios de los derechos de autor. Sin embargo, si es preciso efectuar alguna reciificacion, a Editorial determinaré los arregios pertinentes. EQUIPO TECNICO En el desarrollo grafico y técnica de este libro partciparon: Direccion de Are y ciseno: Carlos Ernesto Tamayo Sanchez. ‘Amada: Lynda Gianny Erazo Higuer, Pedro Wiliam Velésquee Garcia, Correccién de estilo: Marthe Jeanet Pulido Delgado, Néstor Javier Solano, Hernando Garcia Bustos Coordinador de soporte técnico: Alveiro Javier Bueno Aguirre Documantacién grafica y escéner: Luis Nelson Colmenares Barragéin, Claudia Marcela Jaime Tapia, Anacelia Blanco ‘Suérez, Lady Snchez Yopszd. llustracién: Giovanni Nieto Rodriguez, Laura Lucia Torres Parra Fotograia: Gustavo Rodriguez Alvarez, Carlos Jiménez Pérez. Getty Images, Repositorio Santillana, Archivo Santilana, Corel Professional Photos, Images Provided by Photodisc, inc, Corbis Images. Diserio de carétula: Lynda Gianny Erazo Higuera Produccion: Francisco Rey Gonzalez. Este libro esta elaborado de acuerdo con las normas ICONTEC NTC-2724 Y NTC-4725 para texios escolares. Depésito legal en tramite. Impreso en Colombia por Grupo OP Graficas S.A. Prohibids la reproduccién total o parcial, el registro 0 la trasmisién por cuelquier medio de recuperacion de informacién, sin permiso previo por escrito de la editorial ; ° Navigators Navigators is an exciting sixlevel new series designed for high school students. It is based on the new basic competence standards proposed by the Ministerio de Educacién Nacional. Navigators 9 © Fosters the development of the four communicative abilities: listening, reading, writing and speaking. * Offers constant and systematic review of the language and structures learned. © Presents writing activities to be carried out in student's notebooks, promoting group and pair work. Offers opportunities to practice oral expression skills ‘through practiced oral presentations. Presents a grammar section, with simple explanations and examples. * Presents graded readings of different interesting topics, to practice reading comprehension strategies. Navigators 9 1. Promotes reading comprehension through strategies such as comparing and contrasting, making generalizations and identifying problems and solutions. 2. Develops text production to express points of view, facts and opinions establishing logical sequences and using complex structures. 3. Develops and strengthens listening abilities by using context and inferring information. 4, Provides oral interaction activities 5. Promotes the use of the foreign language in cross curricular activities to integrate it in academic and non-academic contexts. (© DE FICHVOND SA ‘hee 3 Navigators 9 This is an exciting new series designed for high school students. It consists of six standard-based levels. V Initial page. The world | a, \ The wonders | ar In this page you will see the topic of the unit, the language functions you will practice and ‘examples of some of the expressions used. + There are three lessons in each unit. + There is a central theme for each lesson and six activity pages. ‘These pages include activities to practice all four ‘communication skills. ‘© DE RICHMOND SA v Special sections. What do you know about...? With readings from different topics related to those you have learned in the unit or from other curricular areas. | Language summary ‘These pages explain to you a summary of the grammar studied with examples. Reading comprehension After every unit, you will find a graded reading followed by two activity pages to practice different reading strategies. Wonk th reer In these pages you can review the vocabulary MGR learned and its meaning. Jered Time to review There is a page to evaluate and follow up what you have learned in every lesson. v PET At the end of the book you will find some activities to prepare you for the Key English Test. ODE RICHMOND S.A ‘0DE RICHYOND SA worreunoyur oytsods pur sero puy ot Apwois pony "vapt eso ‘aABy OF 188) PER k 2x01 atp purisropum b jay 01 soueuonayp Burs) ‘uontemsoyuy Ay Bun1e90 suonesqaye3 J2tpo pur sjeanme, sruauunsisutyeoisn pe solaow poreumue Jo wonmjoxs 2yL peop aup Susouoy ppue Suyaquiawoy sistue panuswuo> fjye:905 jue pue uy Aannqissod Suissaideg sausap Bussaidya uoneuuyuo> 20) Bunysy noo pur wu yo 2s shale soap ‘soaiga pomp 49 pono Ga Suonsnb Fe, Avapos pue uy ‘YS QNOMOIE 30.0 pawaouuy oy ajdoag stuaurauvape Sioa Tumpowos open 28 1 ydesBered yoca 30 seapy ures ay 28 4007 fojouypay ssousap pue sifipes, “uayas sosne9 aangpay, SDA pLOM Om teoiojouuz= | oy mage uomeuLiojuy suontsodaxd seks 20 Suryse / Bopdea Lee s a m4 18820) Bujpery | aquasap on saammapy ased mnoge Buys] spiom mau purisapun sane sun sof day on samand 367) urapou jo swaigaig | Sunsesnios / Suusediso-y Suygawos scat rwaudyba a squonanja pur sf0, ‘PION jo Huuvaw ay sqof warapcr ICEL ue suejd moge Bupyren ‘Suygowos op boy auminy se snonunuoo 1asaig se sv aannsedwo3, pinoy ov wea ty 1 ayy] pinow | sos opr Ecats) i syuaqu0D 6 cignt © DE RICHMOND SA. Life styles UNIT In this anit you will be: : z D Talking about plans and intentions. D Talking about similar things or people. D Expressing desires. D Expressing preferences. D Requesting someone to do something. ‘Would you like to study a traditional career? Tl Standards Listening: listens understanding general idea. Reading: reads and understands simple texts, Whiting: writes simple texts. Speaking: briefly deseribes events and processes. What do you know about? ‘The Hindu diet includes chicken, lamb, fish, rice and vegetables. Hindus do not eat beef. This is because the cow is a sacred animal in Hinduism. Hindu cooking uses spices and seasoning. People eat chicken, lamb and beef in Arab countries. Moslems do not eat pork or pork products, Their religion forbids it. Moslems also eat fruit, vegetables and fish, Desserts are very sweet. They are made of pul pastry, sugar, honey and nuts. Most Colombian people are Catholic. Though the Colombian diet includes chicken, beef, fish, potatoes, corn, rice and a lot of fruits and vegetables, during the seven Fridays previous to Holy Week, they don't eat beef or chicken, they eat fish. This is because in ancient times, eating beef was a luxury and the Church forbade them from eating it on the Holy days as a sacrifice. Nowadays, most Catholic people continue with this tradition. Diet means all food we normally eat. © A complete diet includes food from all groups. © A balanced diet includes the right amount of each food. (© DE RICHMOND SA 8 eight (© DE RICHVOND BA, RICHMOND SA, 8 i Ustening BWiting Reading fe The Basic Food Group Pyramid Sugar, fats Milk products 24 servings Meet, eggs, fish 1-3 servings Fruit 2-4 servings Vegetables 3-5 servings Cereals, bread, grains 310 servings, Speaking [ead and put a (¥) next to the products you eat most and an next to those you eat least. [W cheese (coke [Ml milk CV fruit [Vj snacks [U sugar [Mi vegetables {MI beef IN chicken (M fish bread sandwich ] pizza hot dog hamburger [V candy a Now, look at the basic food group pyramid and your answers. In your notebook, describe a healthy diet for yourself. Prepare a poster and present it to the class. it Sed LISTENING {| Listen to the conversation and complete the dialog. PALM READER: Good morning, ladies {cts What about my love fe? Dy you gi Do you want me to read your PA 2 me getting married? I really Xd NEE Enka: No, thank you, Madame Mimi. I don’t to Cot NeeOand have children. in it, but my friend Lucy PALM READER: Let$ see. There is someone in does. Besides, 1 know what I will do with your EQ]OVS and you will definitely my life. 1 Ww a famous actress hhave three children. and WO! [ilo make a Ipt of money. ERIKA: Oh! 1 WAOOC ___ Paul will finally Lucy: Oh, but I do. 1 were ee to know ELODESC to you tonight, at Marie’ all about my —_¥O{OYC . Could you tell party! me? PALM READER: No, you TEAMS to PALM READER: Of course, Miss. 1 know the party tonight. And this Paul is not everything. Let me see your hand, please. cone either. Mmm... [see you will have avery long ERIKA: Why? 1 You see here? This is your PALM nraDeR: Heb SIGAY tI! to bea life LITE and iris very long doctor, no? Well, he has an important test Lucy: But it is not a chess line. What tomorrow and he must prepare for it Lucy: How disappointing! I was does it mean? PALM READER: Yes. There is an IWCNWOOTION —_HOOCANI io see him! here. It means you will have a serious PALM READER: But you will see him soon, illness or an accident. But, as you can see ‘And now I must retire. I've seen many the Jine does continue, so it means you customers already. If | want to be wil tecove AFANIOK él (VOY need to rest. Erika: Will Lay be an architect? She Erika: Well, 1 wali to ride the roller to design many houses. coaster. We'd better go. ‘PALM READER: Yes, she ic ll be avery Ernka AND Lucy: Thank you, Madame Mimi, famous architect one day. and good bye. [Bll Tick (W) the correct answer. a. Lucy hopes to . Erika wants to . Palm reader wants to [| make a lot of money. _ | go to a party. [-] go home. [Marry Paul. Vride the roller coaster. [| see many customers. Jbe a doctor. | rest at home, |W be a famous palm reader. b. Paul wants to d. Erika would like to f. Lucy will have a [Vistudy medicine. (Jhave a long life. {Tong life. [_]study architecture. [know her future. ["]short life. [ [be a teacher. [Wimake alot of money - M,very long life. 10 ten © DERICHMOND SA. © DE FIcIAVOND Ba UNIT 1 1 Speaking i Ustening al Match each word with the corresponding meaning. [Reading Waiting aS palm reader sickness el continuous ask someone to marry 4 accident unexpected incident illness clients propose fortune teller disappointing prolonged customers frustrating (BB) Read the sentences and find the words. a. Madonna is a “FBTIEO (singer. b. an QichiTect_ designs houses and buildings. sa[Ais afr] e. The day after today. YOMOVW cA £ Inthe GAN we hope cars can fy. g. Jennifer Lopez is a \ c. At schools, there are a u famous singer and x Jot of CrCven ID} acivece™ o aa _dovfor_ Rh. Lwould like to fi works in a hospital E a the love g helping people. UJOXBDROHIN of my Uf Use the words above to complete the sentences. a. Erika wants to be a famous -OCUWOS Gass make a lot of money. b, Madame Mimi wants to be a reader. c. Lucy wants to know about her S& her love —_U She wants to be er. center —Sbuvy Pala (© DE RIGHEVOND SA (© DE RICHMOND SA. Bil Read the dialog. Talking about the future SIMON: When I leave school, I'm going to train to be a teacher. Then, afier I've qualified, I'l probably teach English. BETH: I'm going to buy a car when I've saved enough money. Then, I'm going to get married as soon as I find the right man. I don't want to be alone when I'm older. But I don't want to get married before I'm 30. Karen: I don't want to settle down until Tve travelled a lot. Once I've done that, Thope to go to Paris, because I will be : one of the best chefs. After this, 1 will a cps 6 ee hoe probably get married. eatin Harry: Jobs are difficult to find. I might be 25 by the time I get a job! I don't know what I want to do. I will decide while I'm at college. Sue: I hope to save money teaching because Tam going to travel to Europe. Then, WBTick (V) True or False. True Fe alse a, Simon is a qualified teacher: Vv b. Sue is a teacher. v c. Harty is 25 years old. ww d. Beth wants to find a good husband. Vv [Bil comptete the chart. Simon Student [Tero be ‘Teahev “Terk Beth Student Buy a car, get married g4 karen Shrent lTyaver Ge To Mife ko de Teledt 3 i Hany Sfotent [Ye Booeir Know z¢ Sue Teacher | WANE! fo ae 12 wwolve UNI [istening Reading | Writing Speakin o Write sentences using the information from the chart. Follow the example. | a. Beth isa student and she wants to buy a car and get married, but not until she is 30 years old, b. Simon A SyAoTT ati fouarlic oko at ernelich Wx ber coon WANT yavel a tor ar wil Re oan The 1c) checo d. Hany v Ww © wart To do ese Roches TO Do WSN Tearhine chow [Bil Answer the questions about yourself. saqAas ayy a, What do you want to study? b. Would you to get married? ASE ENC SOL MAwed : ¢. Would you like ta have children? Rot Cont US d. Do you want to tzavel?. fae Bet te AT €. What else do you expec} to do in the future? \ve ‘g ‘ano ho. joey P a Look at the pictures and write. Good luck Save money - Make money (© DE RICHMOND S.A. (© DE RIGHVOND SA make Motey Sole. money Good tock thitwon 13 | What will the future bring? ) WORD CHECK (1) Unscramble the words and write. LEIV GONL AW. GTE RIDRAME S ul 2 HAEY A LYIMAF. ALOW. AVHE DIERCNLH AIOLY. cae] DUTSY DARH AVHE DOGO TAHLEH EB MOUSAF EB PAYPH OG OT A PYRTA G EES RUOY RIDBOFEYN i T VAEH OGOD CKLU [ Find and write the sentence. Madame Mimi says... T2ZS4@ 8 © go Tick (V) the picture that shows a palm reader. {1D Tick (V) and share your answer with your partners. * You think palm readers {1} can really tell the future. [Rlonly tell people what they want to hear. [J are crazy people. «why _BOCAOSE To 14 fourteen © DE RICHMOND SA, (© DE RICHMOND 8A. hil ul INIT 1 i Ustening Read [Writing BE Speaking Down) 9 v | Bordinary as C ‘Bsingle ry o([H _ v CG t 7 a e v i B \6-hiding jo i a 8 interrupted 2p [Dh i EI 10 illness BD satislying S Interview ten classmates and report your findings using a bar graph. Use different colors to draw each bar. [Number of | | den A. (Want to study a career. ( 8.(Want to get manied. G C. (Hope to have children, Q D.Hopeto win thelatio. —(C) E, Wanttobefamous. 7) F, (Would like to know other cultures, 5) ar. (© DE FICHVOND Sa, (DE RicHMOND SA teen 15 What do you want to be? Hi | am Sofia and | am 18 years old. | was born and live in Italy. 'm going to live in Panama with my parents because of my father's work. 'm going to finish my high school in an Italian school but | want to learn Spanish because | want to be an agronomist and | would study in a university there, in Panama. Therefore, | would like to meet new friends. People from Panama are sociable like Italian people. Rashid: Karen: ‘My name is Rashid. | am 24. 1am My name is Karen. am 21 and | am Rashid’s wife. Indian and {live in London. | am My mother is Chilean and my father is English. My an archaeologist and speak brother and I speak English and Spanish, English, Spanish and Hebrew. London is a great place to be for me because Im | youl lke to live and work in going to be an architect and, here in another country like Egypt or Israel London, there are many because | want to practice my well-paid jobs and lots of 1 profession. My job here in Londan interesting buildings and \ is stressful and repetitive. castles around that help me to be creative. [Bil complete these sentences with the correct name. a yachid. doesn't study. ae ney" “eae ae, Bl b. LOOM thinks the city helps hims — e, SOFIA _ is younger than ] her to be creative. Vayon — ana_vathid a Yano doesnt have got acreative —£ MOPCCI is a city with well-paid jobs. job | (Bl) read the sentences and tick (W) True or False. a. Flee: a. Sophia is in high school. Vv j b. Karen is an architect and she is building an interesting castle. Vv j c. Rashid can speak more languages than Karen and Sofia. Vv a)a jj . Karen’s parents were born in different countries. Vv i i j . Rashid would like to work in another country because V a8 he has a badly-paid job : 88 16 sixteen [listening Reading | Writing Miva a Find the names of ten jobs and professions, B PDEFGHIL) RI CDE xX DY Bh IclRQpy Ds‘ HR\V Gp! | j PHY PRN, BaNY WEIR AR) 1) Z RV SAF J TAM ly olal To a | {rN EJ LK P QIELR S R aha | i ELE Y)IM 1 W Sal Ie ‘ cjAwPa 3s « WEANO Z RAS | e XOPQR | ael pia i EEG i on ° BD i a a | ' t [Bil Classify the jobs according to what you think about them. if obs. Description: se Stressful We Creative V WZ é Sociable 3 2 Repetitive tt ie 8 8 Wellpaid V seventeen 17 7G jRenoIN [Bi] Read and learn, We use going to to talk about future actions or pret nS Jan and Mike want to go to study in Europe, They are trying to decide when to go. r hs 7 ‘We use will or won't to make Mike: [ think it will be better in October. The hotels will te oreo be cheaper then. There won't be as many people. In | Situations and intentions July we will probably have to wait for hours to goon | that we have at the the rides. We couldnt visit all the universities {moment of speaking. ‘Jan: Yes, but the weather won't be as good in October. It will probably rain and it will be cold, We will have to take winter clothes. a [Bp compete the dialog with will, won't or going to. ASUS an aie ie BESO. ee wiblendt B: No, Icant, 1 WENT be here, 1 WUE be in London, A: What 22 you Qin 40 do in Londo "© B:1EQQAINOAO see my uncle. ‘A: When wi lMOU_ be back? pluciey Br AMILC be back about £280n stfnasy ahtemnoon. A: And what 800 youSoNO 40 doon er q evening? B: 'm not sure. | don't have any plans. 1 YUL foes you. A: OK, bye! Maybe, 1 WWII see you on Sunday. cat ond \ 18 eighteen (DE RICHVOND SA, © DE RICHMOND SA APR RRR 7 Sm LISTENING z a Listen and complete the dialog. Robert: Hello! Katuy: Hi, its Kathy. Roseer: Oh! Hi, Kathy. How are you? Karny: Don't ask. Not very well. Robert: Whats the matter? Karn: 1 want Jo decide what i Goin6 16 0 — next year Roser: You @2Q 6GNS!OSAichaeology, aren't you? Karny: That is the plan, But my parents aren't happy about it. They want me to study something more useful. Roseerr: Listen Kathy, don't let them decide for you! Its your future, not theirs. ol Read the dialog and tick (W) Yes, No or Possibly. Time to make a decision! Hi Reading [i Ustening Ei wiriting Kariy: I know, but they have to pay for it all. | Roserr: But do you WOM business | or marketing? | Karin: No. I really like archaeology. | Roserr: And do they know that? | Karu: No. | Roperr: Well, why dont you tell them? Karay: They WOON they think 'm too young to know what I really want. Roser; Well, you COOLO _ have a gap year. You HAAN time to think about your | future. | Kary: Right! And it \NULC | easier to make the right decision \ Ropent: But, if you finally decide to go to the university... Karn: Oh, yes! Dont leave things until the Taste minute! Ropenr: Right! Karutv: Thanks for your advice Rosent: That what friends are for! sopAis o]IT iS 5 a0 Kathy feels bad. Kathy is going to pay her university studies. She is going to have a gap year. Kathy's parents are happy about her plans. She is going to be an archaeologist. Kathy's parents want her to study a useful career. Raber thinks people decide their own future. (© DE RICHUOND SA (eDE RICHMOND S.A. hineteon 19 paints pictures or makes sculptures. JbAn ______ studies the science of soil management and crop production. BA _____ works in taking care of plants. 1A_____g BS _________ works with clothes designers and takes part in fashion shows. works at a beach or swimming pool. He/she helps people t they have problems in the water. BA _____is the person in charge of a library. [Bi)Loox at the pictures and finish the sentences using an adjective from the box. (interesting « boring - sociable - well-paid - creative « stressful - repetitive « badly-paid ) a. [need a holiday. This d. Nothing ever happens! job is extremely This job’ so e. [need more money. b. L love this job! My job is very Ttis so £. I meet a lot of people. Its avery job. c. Big car. Big house. Its great to have a job. ODERICHMOND SA, DE RICHMOND SA. [iUistening Hl Reading Writing I Speaking [B) 100k at these predictions about the future. Match a sentence in the first column with the corresponding reaction in the second column. ae AE IR { &. Computers won't replace teachers, 1. Do you think there will? b. The worlds climate will change. 2. [hope there won't We There wont be a Il World War 3. Yes, we definitely will. | d. There will be cities on the moon 4. Tim sure it will. e. We will live longer. 5. Lagree, I don’ think they will. f, Tm sure they will find a cure for AIDS. 6. Yes, 1 expect they will. sg[Ais ar] B Read the sentences and rewrite those that don't have the best end. Paul works for an international company. He is on the phone to a friend. These are the things he says: a. Today there is a big conference in a hotel. So, I'm going to be very busy: b. I'm not enjoying this job. I'm going to answer it. c. Lam [ree on Saturday. I'm not going to work. d. I read the weather forecast in the newspaper. I'm going to look for a new one. e, I have a message in my cell phone. It is going to be fine. ws «I'm pot cnpins This dod im eons to a . ptt Tyee “of Boray 1M pot -_t have a MescAee in hy Oli Tas a Bi Choose two topics and write in your notebook about them. Use wil, won't, going to, want to, or could, 38 * Five predictions about the future. + Ashort paragraph about what you plan to 28 + Five things you are going to do on the study in the future, 2 ¥ a6 weekend. + Three ideas about how you see your life in ten a z 5 * Five things you think you'll do in three years. years. Be mwenty-ona 21 Sep LISTENING [DD Listen to four people talking about their favorite sports and complete the chart. ies a Swiminie wie Queek vf a9 Bacharne OMe or Whe a y see Wetec or es . V ® B)| Listen again and tick (¥) True or False. al Ni land_on saaten | a. Luke is an excellent swimmer. b. Karen thinks soccer'is an exciting sport. Sv €. Greg cant practice paragliding because it is expensive. . Alice enjoys painting, v e. A strong wind is necessary to practice paragliding, Rey 2s Sse @ f. Karen is a good soccer player. g. Luke enjoys being in the water, Vo h, Alice’ parents like to take risks when they practice a sport. V [Bil circle the word that doesn't have the same meaning. a Beendespe pmo > lotion ee ee {Mach SC mf + Fascinating D appealing > consuming fF ted i come down | 22 twontyawo ‘CDERICHNOND SA, DE RICHMOND SA Boos > win [Reading EL Writing Speaking | B ver Look at the pictures and write the name of each sport. G sky diving « rock climbing « surfing « bungee jumping « swimming « soccer + chess + rappel ) \ 7 OCCe2 \ eocut Mong peopel — SWIATH NO ‘i @ o cHess QV DW, J [Bil classify the sports above and describe them using the adjectives in the box. | saiAis 2] cheap | Yoc’ (imbirie| (Ate 1a. 7 ott aa YROOEL v vicky Z sit | utr Mis Vv dangerous Loree t v__chea’ Ved sie | Loongoe VY lox = "9 fw | |SowtinG v = ANC Pehsive chog ¢ 2 Looyi See ay CIN NS Vv OKEeNONE [Bll Make comparisons according to the descriptions you did in exercise 2. Follow the example. fa Rack climbing is as exciting as bungee jumping. Or ee ee ee eae a. Sky divingis TeMMOy TOAD chess b. Soccer is AG GAMO OF swimming. c. Rappel is AS surfing. ov d. Chess is (© DE RICHVOND Sa. (DE RICHMOND S.A swimming, twonyy three 23 | F What extreme sports do you like? When we talk about how two things or people are [Zi Match the sentences that have the same meaning. the same, we can use the expression as» 35. @ Wy mother is taller than He doesn't drive as quickly | my father. as she does. _ @ wy brother and Vare She isn’t the same size twins. as 1 am. ® wy dest friend wears size 10 and I wear size 8. She isn't as short as he is. @ susan drives faster than Rock climbing is as risky her boyfriend, asdiving ® Rock climbing and diving are risky sports. F eine [Bl Look at the pictures. In pairs, write opinions about them making comparisons. Follow the example and use some of the adjectives in the box. fe xample: fl Rafting isnt safer than che Rafting is/isn't as safe as chess. He is as old as Lam. J cc an e acting | r furiny— cheap | gate uy | dangerous | | calm — expensive | a difficult 24 swenty-four (© E FICHVOND SA. DE RICHMOND SA. UNE B Sess listen Bi Reading Writing ING 4 a Read the texts and answer the questions. Living in danger... every day Hundreds of kids under 15 are treated each year for injuries im related to soccer. o i 2 - ‘S any cheerleaders g anything but jump amidst rider's body in breaks, bruises, os Folls cance scrapes and much one’s head on the goal Sete worse like concussions post. ee castle rio Genre oe Tick (V) the correct answer. a. The purpose of the texts is to b. The text is written for people who are (_Jsupport dangerous sports. [15 years old or younger. ~warn about risks. |_/30 years old or older. ‘sell sports gear. [between 10 and 25 years old. B Write a short paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of these sports. a4 é 3 a8 22 a8 Ey : twemytve 28 r extreme sports do you like? A =) () WORD CHECK [BB Find the sports and write the words related to each one. You can use @ word more than once. bathing suit Surfing (© DE RICHMOND SA. DE RICHMOND SA 26 wwemysix x REVISADO Ei srents ING [Work in groups. Look atthe pictures and choose one of these unusual sports or another one you want. Look for information and pictures about it Then, make a poster and prepare a presentation forthe cass, E wo 2 = a R iy 8 Subaquatic hockey Dogsledding Curling ‘Snowboarding Answer these questions in your description. + Where do people practice this sport? Is it dangerous? Why or why not? ‘* What equipment do you need to practice it? Is it expensive? Why? + Are these sports practiced by men and women? Why? Choose the presentation you liked best and write two or three sentences explaining why you chose it, ‘ODE RIGHOND SA. Gusto Joe Sodiuec twontysoven 27 Language summary We use going to for intentions when we've already decided to do something. I'm going to post this letter in the afternoon. | I'm going to visit my grandfather this weekend. We use will for intentions that we make at the moment of speaking. v It's hot in here. I will open the window. v Do you want a drink? Yes, I will have a soda. We use will to make predictions about future situations. v It’s Sunday tomorrow. There won't be much traffic. ss V It will rain today, " v¢ vi We use want to express desires. I want to learn Spanish. wv I want to be a famous singer. We use could to express possibility. V You could travel next year. x ao © DE FICHOND Sa © DE RICHMOND S.A. Peg x a To pass the exam, you could take an intensive course. 28 ewonty-sight Adjectives with one syllable form their comparative adding -er. ¥ Paul is shorter than his father. V Guatemala’s population is smaller than Colombia's. ‘A few one syllable adjectives double the last consonant before adding the ending -er. v Brazil is bigger than Colombia. v Paul’s dog is fatter than Peter's. Most two syllable adjectives ending in y form their comparative changing y for i and adding -er. v Diana is prettier than her friend. v My father's car is dirtier than mine. ‘Adjectives with three syllables or more form \eir comparative with the word more. Y Chocolate cake is more delicious than apple cake. Y Paragliding is more expensive than soccer. A few adjectives have irregular comparative forms. The new sports magazine is better than the car magazine. WV Jean's bike is worse than my little brother's. use (not) as + adjective + as to say that things d people are or aren’t the same. . V Sally is as tall as Diego. V Sally doesn’t type as fast as Peter. twanty-nine 28 BEFORE READING —~ + Do you know something about dhe Bermuda islands? + Have you beard of planes and shipa mysteriously disappearing in the “Bermuda Triangle?” Rican ea erence Le are toe Bets ier secrete cue eS ce red ir Berar cen Rs erat flew over the region inthe Allatic ‘The five Navy planes belonged to American Flight 19. The Cinelicrsga Mar siicee ceca ener Cis Sea os usc MMe cra Peco icem oe Ce ie ela eteke tons ete meee ae cos (cece Ean tee an eae Gime? Vice crae race aire Siete aa Tica) ieiatieeee ie Ne Ecelia cic my. Kusche's conclusion is thatthe leader and the oth ra Bisarealen + if you don't understand a word, read all the sentences or the paragraph using the context + Read stovly to find details and specific information Bermuda is a beautiful group of islands in the Atlantic Ocean, nine hundred kilometers off the United States coast. There are incredible coral reefs and he water is very warm in summer. thas subtropical vegetation and few animals: some migratory birds, frogs and lizards People are of African and European origin, Most of them live on the main island. Tourism is very high and itis the basis of their economy. itis famous for its beaches but itis more famous for the triangle, This group of islands is a Britsh colony. There are seven big sands and a hundred and fy small ones. § sees ere tear minaret Cegetcic ie cece ae Paras im nenc ama erent forever info the stormy seas. There are some other unexplained mysteries celated to ld Sree catered at ey epee ree Ona kt an eae ee ee a ship neacthe Azofes lands inthe Alantic Ocean, Th Sermon eee probably sbandoned the ship ia storm, their fe boat sank Sree Sen eee eet case and finda logical explanation. Adisapaearance in the triangle has a cause; you canlticompare these accidents Slee 30 miny ‘© DE RICHMOND B.A, (DE RicHMOND SA E 3 s 3 3 (© 0E RicuMOND S.A [iUistening Reading Writing Speaking [Bij Unscramble these words from the texts @ ower nO C Es ) EN OR @ Ne ONO as Colon 77 @ prirar~Rrrureny~o Merc a @ srwerM~YoyrtR @ perl WEN RE Myctowy, 22 | Complete each sentence with the corresponding word above. 1a. aLCQOER ica person who leads a group or activity 1b. COBST js tand next to the sea. {c. LROW — means a group of peaple working together. [ a: something thacdoeeat have « logical explanation te'a (WMS YO OYE ze 1 ef M animals move from place to place. [£. a(Cclon is a region politically controlled by a distant country. [Bll Match each picture to the corresponding name. ww Sailor f b-¢ { WK storm iid By Alien Were Sx Goraivest B trey thiny-one 34 Reading comprehension [Bilread the text again and choose the correct answer. 1 Larry Kusche, a Bermuda triangle expert 4.Larry thinks that in the case of the thinks that Mary Celeste @ there’ no mystery. a. a sailor attacked her. by its a puzzle { b. the crew died in the ship. © because of a storm, they took the life boats and they sank. c. theres no explanation. 2.1n American flight 19, — disappeared. i aap Experts say that these cases @ fourteen men @ have a logical explanation, c. fifteen men b. are very mysterious. 3,The flight leader c. are difficult to explain a. didn't know much about flying. ® was experienced. ©. was inexperienced. 6."The Bermuda Triangle” is formed by @ three islands. ‘b. many islands and one peninsula. ¢. two peninsulas and one island. [Blwork with a partner. Answer and draw. a. Would you be aftaid of flying over that area? Why? 7 Me8 | 1 WOuld . Do you think the Bermuda Triangle is a myth? Why? se A Thine c. Draw the Bermuda Triangle in the map. © DE FIGHMOND SA, 32 thiny-eno UNIT The world fe | In this unit you will be: | D Instructing others how to do something. D Making predictions. 1 D Expressing and inquiring about the future. D Offering to do something. ' The weather will be - sunny in Bogota Standards Fs © Listening: understands general idea when listening, texts. ODE RICHMONDSA, © Writing: writes short simple texts ‘© Speaking: participates in simple conversations. wo A LASER: (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissfon of Radiation) 1s basically a concentrated beam of light. == ene Segue PM ret it ear es 3. Atoms emit light, it is reflected on mirrors. CMe eee Ea rote eg Bl Read the sentences and tick (V) True or False True False a. A laser isa beam of light. b. Laser was invented by Thomas Edison. c.-Einstein’ idea of a laser was only used after World War IL d. Discmen were developed before the World War Il. e. A supermarket bar code scanner was the first application of lasers. 1 a 34 thiny-four Tstening Reading | Writing — ji [Bh correct the false statements. By Match each device with its equivalent. cigantiing Information and”) | _writing a document ) l keeping your photographs | [Bll Unscramble the sentences. concentrated © beams 6 lasers 96 are | light thiny-tve 35 BB]. OE ba LISTENING 3 Bo Listen to the story and complete. Use the words from the box. | Forever young? Every morning Seiryu Toguchi __________ at 6:00 a.m., washes his face and performs exercises in the lush front garden of his home in ‘Okinawa. He prepares a breakfast of rice and miso soup with spinach and eggs. Then he works on his nearby farm where he grows carrots, cabbage and other vegetables. At 5:00 p.m., he takes a hot bath and cooks home grown radish and pork for dinner. His wife _______ a few years ago and his children live in other cities. But he is a lot more self-sufficient than many Japanese men. He goes to town by himself to do his shopping, washes his clothes and _________ his house. Its nothing out of the ordinary, until you consider that he is nearly 102 years old. Okinawa has the greatest number of centenarians in the world. Their secret, according to a study by several specialists, is in the consumption of locally grown vegetables and large quantities of tofu and seaweed, rigorous activity and alow-stress life style. When Okinawans in other countries and adopt the life style of their adopted land (less bean curd and walking, PAB), more burgers and stress), they suffer from heart disease, cerebral Bod 4 hemorrhage and lung cancer. Bll Tick (1) True or Folse, True False a. Mr. Toguchi likes to sleep in. | b. He eats miso soup for breakfast. | c. He doesnt like to exercise d. He is very young, e. Healthy habits make people from Okinawa live longer. f. Bad habits promote heart problems. Correct the false sentences. | Bl Tick (V) the images that show healthy habits. ©DE RICHMOND SA 36 thiny-six DE RICHMOND S.A. [istering Reading Ml Writing Speaking 4 > ® z 3 a a yand tries Kin6: | Bl] Match the verbs with their meanings. Get up wipe a surface with a wet cloth, Pass away: increase in years. Clean up leave the bed. Grow up leave this world, die. al Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. 7 4% a. Please, dad! _____ the stereo a little, so we can talk, i 5 : b. Susan, change the channel andthe TV ; 8c. Mike, the lights. 1s time to sleep. A 318 a. Please, mom! the washing machine. thity-soven 37 [Bl] Motch the verbs with their meanings. Keep up > Cover up > Lockup > {| Sleepin > {Pickup > ol) Find and number the past of the following verbs. Then classify them as regular or irregular. Fass away Clean up Tum down Go into Get up Take out Keep up ®eo99000089 Pick up 38. thiny-2ight Tamed down > Picked up D Took out ) kept up > Cleaned up > Went: into _) Passed away © DE RICHWOND SA (© DE RICHVOND SA. r @ READING o (D5) Read the texts. pea ‘The variety of clothing reflec Australian versity There arert rules on clothing although people wearspecial clothes in some situations: Many people dress for comfort or according to the socal situation or weather, People of different backgrounds weer thertraditional ‘The costumes of Greece are a beautiful part of avery rich cultural histoy, ‘Women in Greece usually wear a cotton shirt, Over the shirt, they wear a dress made of wool, Women also | cover up their heads with large scarves of various materials and colors. ‘Men sometimes wear skirts. Tis element is popular dress whichis religious or in all regions andi scaled the foustanella. Some a customary. Some of them wear a turban men wear cut trousers in place af the skirt. 4a o up their S gecerup ther Heads ‘The way people dress is extremely important, 3 ‘Australians are very polite. They think yecause clothing symbolizes their status or” an that people who don't say please or poston in society. Inmmary Greek a ‘thank you are rude. its important to get regions, people can figure out the age or up early and be on time for meetings. ‘marital status of a person by his / her dress, ‘ l= Now discuss the questions below. a, What do these countries have in common? c. What customs are similar to yours? q b. To which of these or other countries would d. What customs are different? you like to go? Why? (i) Read the story and complete it. Use the verbs from the box in past tense. (# into « take out - stand up « sit down « wake up « turn off = put on + get up « pick up « turn on) Peter, the international private detective at 7 o'clock when his alarm clock alar. went off and immediately. He the radio that is next to his bed. It was a cold day: Peter took the radio and the kitchen. He pressed the button on the stove and “0 a jar of instant coffee from the cupboard. Peter at the kitchen table and his important papers. ‘Then, he called his girlfriend who works at CNN. She told him: “Oh Peter, did you hear the 4g bad news? I'm afraid life will be different for all of us, 22 | “pont worry, sweetheart” said Peter. “I'm going to investigate and 1 will fix everything, baby. a 8 Remember Tim the best detective” 3 | Peter and his jacket. Just before he _________ the ay #8 (tlio he heard the end of the news and he didnt understand why his girlfriend was scared g oe - tniy-oing 39 r ©, WORD CHECK [BD Find and circle the words that complete each clue. - ne fee. XE RC | SEE DT ‘RADDISHDIxX1 } JUCENACAEHES | [FRI TOAKEERE | | UHOKINAWANA | TICEACN T'S GUHA UGS 7s {OK INHEWETIE!S FHESSERTSHSNY (EGAHRROMEHO! ;CENTENARIAN. Re as sc a igs a, The flu isa —____ g. When you bleed, you have a b. A red vegetable _____. h, Walking, running, swimming are c. Tumors can be — d. Soy cheese is i, Iyou take care of your body, you'll keep e. Too much work can cause eae £ are plants from the ocean, J+ Someone who lives more than 100 years is called a [1B] Find, in the text Forever young?, words that mean the same as the following ones. Fae CS Eating > Warton Ola (Eee os ro oc —_——_ tT L Waylonifayy Independent» [Bi Tick ~) the correct option. ‘Women who travel to a Muslin countries must 7 use long hair _) puta veil on their faces and hair, © DE FICLWON SA ‘ODE RICHNOND SA. “J put on long pants. wear pants. 40 ory 1 Soeaking WRITING Write an e-mail. Your best frie Rv Wterlsisateentint to wants to know a httle bit more about your cult dress, behave and live in your country. Welcome, Kart BSE tresses |e | Notpae (sed Pf senssatet 9 sates ome] = — Ppom ayy = or eer fa Hi George, In your last e-mail, you told me that you wanted to know more about my country. That's why 2ep Mi share some information with you. In my country people are They dress ars. In public places we Our lifestyle is. Answer soon, Hugs Yourname ves ny sae [See Posesses 9 oaeex Boom | ‘Se Work in pairs, Tell your classmates about one day which was very bad for you. Use the phrasal verbs you know and follow the example, Twoke up with a headache. Or T got up late... etc. ODE RICHNOND SA, (©DE RICHMOND SA. fory-one 41 — cting weather (By Read the text, The weather “nerds” The sun is just rising in Pennsylvania, His car in the parking lot is covered with dew. Elliot Abrams, meteorologist, has been sitting in his cramped office, talking on the phone. Every five utes or so, he's heard on different local radio stations all over the USA. Weather meteorologists look ahead at computer nodels looking for patterns in Asia that will inform events reeks in advance in North America. To predict rainfall, for ‘Kample, they take one map and color in those areas where they recast heavy rain. Then they take another map and color in 10se areas where rain actually occurred, Comparing the two, ey find they're correct only about one third of the time. a Tick (V) True or False. where it has rained with maps of their predictions. e. They are 100% accurate in their predictions. Correct the false statements. Bl) Complete the sentences using one of the following words. (imal + alot of «right » coming up « prognosticate + water drops tell them about 2) a. The sun is just in Pennsylvania. e. To __— rainfall, they color maps. b. His car is covered with ._ f. They color the areas where they forecast cc. Mr. Abrams sits in a _______ office. ——_ main. . Pattemns in Asia will g The weather nerds are events in North America sometimes 2 tory-swo0 eve MCMOND SA, Tue False i a. Mr, Abrams has a nice office. a b. His car is wet c. He predicts the weather for Pennsylvania only, 4d. Weather forecasters predict rainfall by comparing maps of places ‘© DE RICHMOND SA f glot been five ws all puter vents, , for they or in two, st a Read and number. @ Hurricane [Bil Look at the forecast and write sentences following the example. i a, While | b, When 4 + While it is sunny in Miami; To |e in London itis cloudy a « When there is a sunny day in Miami, in London there are a lot of clouds ol Organize the words to write a sentence. i ore — Storms: — queens stro — Mate sso c — — 8 fortythroe 43 ri a ® < g a Sed LISTENING = [Bil Listen and complete. ' Good evening, This is Marion Clark with this week’s forecast. Tonight, we see a | front moving south from Canada, bringing cold temperatures to the Gulf of Mexico. That will give us night temperatures of 5° to 10 °C and daytime temperatures of 19° to 22 °C, Following this front, there is a front coming from the Atlantic Ocean, which will start some heavy —_"____and________ around the middle of the week. This should clear up by the weekend, when we will see some ___ weather, with | —________ skies and mild temperatures. That is good | news if you're planning to spend time at the beach. (Bil) Read the text above and tick (¥) True or False. True False a, There is a warm front from Canada b, Night temperatures will be 5° to 10°C. . Heavy thunderstorms are expected 4. There will be heavy vain during the weekend, e. The Gulf of Mexico will have mild weather tonight, £ You can plan to go to the beach during the weekend. Read again and correct the false statements. » awall 10 the sky "ga mace of warm or cold alr \ " ‘ [Pil] Undertine the correct option. Fi in the reading, a Sr Ga “9 a cascade ‘ pein Cia temperatures are > (© DE FICHVOND S.A (© DE FICHMOND SA. 44 tony-tour | i [MiUistening Reading Writing Speaking [JG] Match the sentences. a. They won't get out of the water | [PT He isn’t wearing a sweater. | patie willbe cold He doesn't know the answer. ©) The kids ate having fun in the swimming pool. | He won an international prize. c. The walkman won't work without them d.He will have the answer for tomorrow. |e. He will be happy to hear the news. | You need batteries. fy prom 34L a Unscramble these questions. Then, answer them in affirmative or negative forms. a. will / sunny / the weather / in Bogota / be /? Will the weather be sunny in Bogot? No, it won't. It will be cloudy. b. the sun / early / will / tomorrow / come up /? c. the weather / in Florida / be / will / cloudy /? d. in Nairobi / the weather / fair / be / will /? al e. cross / a hurricane / will / our country /? Goce ——— © DE RICHMOND S.A, fonty-tve 45, r i, WORD CHECK B Find ten words related to the weather forecast and write them in the box. Complete each sentence with words from the above list. a. Ibis ‘b. The weather is while today. Maybe it will rain, for this weekend are sea develop on land. d. The technical word for rain is e, Frozen drops of water are called f. When there is a lot of g. Sunny, rainy, cloudy are kinds of [B| Number the words from mild to severe. Quzey 46 forty-six hailstorm PAXYCDHUMIDITYP ERFLGKOTPAQREIR NCEMRJFGEHLIMTE HISCTUANSVTWINC ABCLIMATORNADO! XYAZTECDUFOABRLP MGLHIFWEATHERE 1! QLMRAMRNEOO! PAT ABRCWDFVFGGHJIA HUMORTSACEROFLT HAILLSENASITEFO! RSTNMUOJCLOUDYO 1K Gollol 2 Ne¥ DrkcPs bol N STORMABNCPDXOFW PQJSKKIMYOLMUNV in the air, it often rains. Orv hurricane ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ODE RICHMOND SA, (© DE RICHMOND SA r [ustening Reading Writing 1 [BB Look at the pictures and complete the paragraphs. Use the words from the box. loudy + will» won't partly cloudy + sunny P R E | € In Tokyo, the weather | 1 | The weather be be. | P and warm in Bogota. I be sunny. | is | ws thd | 5 The weather be fair in London. ig A . It be _____ and it rain. S 1) | a © | _ BiLook at the pictures report and write similar sentences. | N Ww + Oklahoma {jjit)> Next Monday| + Alaska (i> Tomorrow - + Buenos Aires (Jll)> Next Friday FA Er eo 5 Ps i a, There will be Cs iw C4 } Ria | AN, © Look for information about the weather of some regions in your country and make a poster. Share the information with your classmates making comparisons. EEE] ite is siny in in itis coud DE RICHMOND SA forty-seven 47 - by LISTENING Bl Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences. a, Today’ topic is _____ and how it has allowed us to better use ______ knowledge. b, ______are important in transportation because they to locate objects in their paths. cc, Lasers can —________ and —________ music and from discs. cece ee eed deste Ce sce ee A have changed communication a lot @ Doctors use md, without surgery. [Bil Unscramble the sentences and write, a, and / stars / used / see / planets / telescopes / are / to / the b. you/ laptop / with / a / and / anywhere / Intemet / work / can c. location / radars / the / objects / determine / of d. emergency / useful / an / cell / phones / very / are / in e. and / scanners / doctors / diagnose / ultrasound / use / to 48 fony-oignt [Ustening Reading Writing Spel Solve the crossword puzzle. v _ The practical application of science to commerce or industry. _ 5-Compact disc. ‘6 System used to determine an object’ location. ot] BrVideo game system. 9-Information processor. >| IPA magnifier of images of distant objects. ‘1pPortable computer. 1B-Optical instrument that allows extremely small objects to be observed. (Bown ) "An electronic device that receives waves and displays them on a screen. 12p| 'B Device that produces a visual representation of sections of the body. 3 "4 Greatly amplified light beam. ‘TH (inverted) A photographic copy of written or printed or graphic work. |W Portable telephone affiliated to a system of satellital communication. Pyom ayy, (Hl) complete the dialogs using will or won't and the verbs go, colland study. You can use them | more than once. . [Yes { | after the dinner. What | with isa at he new [ES Sbout you Janet} (wont go. Doyoutave plans) |__restaurat. r a | achssmateand we | ‘orienghe | —s ( Nini ‘oro rng | = forty-nine 49 logy in our lives SgREMING [By Match each picture with the appropriate text and write what the underlined words refer to. |. This ie the shop where | bought my cell phone. It can also get e-mails for me! Where refers to x | remember your last presentation, when you used the laser pointer that | gave you. When refersto | still remember the day when the photocopier machine broke. When refers to e > | vill end you the pictures of the hotel where we epent our vacation last summer. Where refers to [Gh) Change the words in parenthesis for the ones in the box. me + us + them you a. I need to call Mary, can you give (I) her phone number? b. Michael, can I buy (you) a present? cc. Should | show (Amy and Sue) where the T.V. is? d. Please call (Tom and 1) ___ when dinner is ready. 50 fity Ustening [Reading — Writing a Read the story. er to. & Real toys “© Technology came to the toy industry to give it toys with lives of their “© own. Now, the market offers us robots that change their mood S@ according to the music played to them. There is also a new Tamagotchi that has a girlfriend and he learns to flirt with her, giving “© her presents. p | | Read again and write who or what the underlined words refer to. a a. to give if toys a b. offers us robots g c. music played to them z d. giving her presents al Match the toys with their description. | pete | + Tamagotchi « E Roberson ia] In this version, it can The best food forthis petis | | This terrorific animal was communicate with music. It will react with programmed to play and others, fall in love and movements, colored lights hunt. It will follow any i ‘even make babies! and even loud barks! path you trace for it. Aty-one” 54 ) WORD CHECK [Bl Solve the puzzles and find the mystery words. A beam of... =| Magnification «| Animated «| Sending e—_{ “sy Shine «| Opposite of bottom avr ene ae Ee Hines —______| On your legs, when seated e—_—_—{ Information processing machine e—{ Opposite of off e—____________ Something you can carry around e——| Different notes together e_____— What you do with an instrument e=—_—_| Plugs to help you hear e—_— Opposite of low volume e=——{ © Mystery word © Mystery word ¢ © Mystery word Dl Match each application with its corresponding picture. 52 mtyawo calling from anywhere looking at stars downloading music from the Intemet medical diagnosis enjoy video games playing & Nf Yd Ba |

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