Thermal Resistances, Fins, Conduction Shape Factors

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1 Thermal Resistance/Fin/Conduction Shape Factor

R total = R conv.1 + R wall,1 + R wall,2 + R conv.2

1 L L 1
= + 1 + 2 +
h1A k 1A k 2 A h 2 A

R total = R conv.1 + R cyl.1 + R cyl.2 + R cyl.3 + R conv.2

1 ln ( r2 r1 ) ln ( r3 r2 ) ln ( r4 r3 ) 1
= + + + +
h1A1 2π Lk 1 2π Lk 2 2π Lk 3 h2 A 4

Heat Transfer//Instructor: Ali Jabari Moghadam

2 Thermal Resistance/Fin/Conduction Shape Factor

Some Fin Designs:

q fin
ηfin =
q fin,max
Fin Efficiency:
Actual heat transfer rate from the fin
Ideal heat transfer rate from the fin
if the entire fin were at the base temperature

q fin q fin
ε fin = =
Fin Effectiveness: q no fin hAb (T b −T ∞ )
Heat transfer rate from the fin of base area A b
Heat transfer rate from the surface of area A b

Heat Transfer//Instructor: Ali Jabari Moghadam

3 Thermal Resistance/Fin/Conduction Shape Factor

Heat Transfer//Instructor: Ali Jabari Moghadam

4 Thermal Resistance/Fin/Conduction Shape Factor

Heat Transfer//Instructor: Ali Jabari Moghadam

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