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Sfde by side, he. evealed hat th thiad levelw aill theo

qet upset ofth his dull e.mocde. him
n Teality,Chaley
ush back rom th thitd Qwel.

Houo dial Chaxley each thirol level

what did he obsetve about th hid level
3.Oat diod he obsexve about the peopla at hird

ChaAley LOent en uoallking tha wa4, then he went daun a s hovt

aht 8tairs and cama out on th thiid level at qyand
Centsal &ahom.

9.HeLOAs coovinced that he had eachedl ho hirol -level at

anad Cental Cea Statien. He ond a dippexer uoulod
gas ts, bsal spit loors, dosety had, Side buns, efc.

3.He ound thadha people at hirol level toes duesseol Ike

eighteen- ninety- Somenthig Dxen types mouLataches, beatds
and sida buns. ady õeating dtass Lith
leg o- meL0 allen
sleeves_and skits , etc os kim eel iKe this

Qushat do qou Rnew aboud

T,T and r Qovels
ArsTlevel> tong diatan
IL levelThinas tothu ubuwbs
IL level ||l uaieonaxy level,an imagnay level Cxeatecl by Chalay
to dbuavel bacKen.

QLOhad do you Rnoto aboud world coas2_

A is menhioneol to tell that
bebe hee uoonld uaxu,evey ema
phyical ly, oental lyt. Al LeN happy. But t toagnt same
oas halH
PageNo. 4
Date:3 o 3o C
Choptau 3
Bninea Eavizonmint

Guaineas Eavixonman Meaning lmportanR, Comp0nant, imen siona
Demanet idatien Conopt, Peadunas
Impact Govt. Potliy charges

& Ulbeuaisatien
Impac e rivtdsction Globalsotion Buainess nvironnt.
Ma Managenial Respose to changes

uaiac Cnairomeni
Buaineaa envitooment mean um totall thesekactu ohich inpluun
h a buaines and ove Lohich the
busine bas o control. In othex L
t b tu negatíse chang e peaihive chanqe thotDccrs in the
buainead and eppecti h peomanca
Negocive hrsea tattive oppontunines
itzee to ths peaftive efeca
Itereuo the negatiechmnaa
thot occwueo in h buainea H change hat occwed toA
environmet and hindexed e buaine environ mnt ard help

on tv impo ve i
petoranca oan oHganisatio ganisah

s.Totalt.o exeunoloces
usine envitonment is aggteqative in rata becae tis me sum
total eal hings extenal to buaines enteiprise, compsisinga a
soua, plitcal, economis, lgak ard technologital actou. Cne Sirgle
Pacdey doe not make bwine enuironmet..
Page No. 3

e i c and gonea Nce

Buine enuisonmarc induds both Specic and gerexa fore.
Cenexal torce all economic 80ual palitHtal aga ard techolog
Conditieohich affet all h loteh prise indirecty. 3peut tora
investea customeu compeiteu and supplie hat
individual entexpise directt
3 ata 1elatedna

Dexe elemonts a buaíness enuivenment aka closelyfntextekded

xample increae aunsenes e healthcare bave increaxe
h demano many heath Caa products duig Corcna. Siila
an incxea e in the intome econSumey uoi belp in improving
tha tiving standard that i soi environman.

u.Dyanmic In natu:
GusineS envisonment s duna.mic in natuu as it Keeps on
changingLOeathe in texms auptad.oh on atechnologie,
shits in Conaume preteenca, change ia govenment paliuis e
change in Tten de and saditiens

Unceu tainy
BuineaS envirotontnt latgely uncextan becauet is vexy
dficultt predict putuu events uch as tethnalegy,
govanment pality8pecially ohen changes ax ta ka9 plate
6. Comelkxitj
uaine envLYomunt is complex, 1t consist numeYsus
inteelateal tactes aPge china buuiceu entepises by th Sa
time is ediet to unclexstand he
Components in pats, but
oikicut to 9asp tha ontire hing in tetalihy
PogeNo. 9
Date: OE 0

Relativt relative t di rom

Buaioea epvironmnt is a Concep a

Countrytocounty and 3egiem to egiene eromple damard

is quBe hlabfn ndia but in fexeign coutriea it h
H Saees D
ooisternce. Similatly Requladions gevexnent
poliues conUMa
preevences all die e'am tp an ohe
mpotonte |Benetits e ha bunes
get tha re
enablea tha m to ioluntit Opputwnities and
move odvantag
duends had helesim to gaoLa
Oppoxtunities ax tha pesitive
busioes environment elps io identityi
Aood Rnooledge e
take its advonta9.
tha Oppuaituhithes easliey to

to identit eoxly otníng sianalh

thseats and
.4helps mth
trenda, uohich s ofl hinde he
Thxeatsxelex to negaeive a u able
tubineAdman, who
pextermancg ethe ent expsíse.he
2nufranmant onfnege
toscan and ndetstandha bubinesp
tha nng signal to dleal t h &uch megothve Change industies in lrodia
exam ple due to entny e_many
atentfie touoatds neuo
Manuti Uduoq had steted poaying

3.t helps in tapeing uet vesouwnCes

Znuisonment fs a Souce o Nesoucea e buineas GKe
matetial,ofc. centaaty to Ahis,
5inan 000chJ ney,
pply io goools ard to th 6otuety in the 4em taxe

prroducts, vetun en inveatmont etc.

en a gooa urdlerstanding
enironMunt helps th m to convert Suth Tesouces into

Page No. soJ
ate: LJEO U

4 t helps in coping t h
Tapiol changes
Businas Onvionment is fat changing ou to tubulent
conduitien, meHedemandung Cuatonesd , changing echnaloy
and incxeasing alobal compatitien. euatemess In eide to cope
up ith Such chargesanol deNe benet
managexs mut examine the environont dand
&itable acten.

aasists in planning anod heps in

8ince, buines enuivoment is a souxce
a idsniying both
OPpOstortics and hreats its pxopa anasis and ndleustandin
pxovides a baais planning ond quide in
It helps an entexprise to decida utu ouse amin pottiea
e actiom and
provides quidaline t de cisiem maktg
6.4 helps in improvipetrmanca
A ateyprise that monito th ienuirenmant
continouly, is io
pesition to impaeve nct emly its pescnd peutormanu, bat aso
improve its utua pex manco.this ensuxesSucteLA Stha
busineLS in the
long ua.

ninonsioos Buaie
t Sodal
ei Technolggtcal
Ctoy Polftica
Page No. 5
Date U0OL

conDroic Ennixonmgntr
Govenment conaist e ha factedandsoea concening

means poductien_and ditxibuhion weath.Hcompxie

sate ,»ade
e fotenext iotatin, valu CDPCDA pe capita
iocome, tax xates,olúpeäable

Sancase economic aect thu businesim

in follouwing
Elemat elated +o

tanatiom, busines expenses

tOth oan inrease in the rote o
rise io thpTices goods, leaoung
increaxe. thu Caue a
to allin demand o th gooda.
y o e in the inlatiem xate, thexe
is a ise ein tho
a.Oith an inc buaineu
prots ha
Csat sprodluchen.This aee
advenaely- and incema Oft lecd
3 A TiSe in o pey capita incomo
to intYease in demard and suply gola and setvicea

for Qxamplei Shucuu e econom

Pe capital tncom
Bakanc a paiyment
Valus o expots and impets

Agricutual ond industrial podu chien

in tho economy
Money 8upply
Pubtic debt.

Soua nuironment cosists o all hu sotia and Culkuxal or-
othin shich buaines ms opoxate. lt comprise uatome
and traditiens , valuw, dou tyends ,etz.
Page No. s3
Date OA0D
(tiTechnalonica envixnuatie
H xePeu to hu change, nung place
in h
method o pxoduttion
ard ua eeqpments
impYoe quali ty product. ln
e e a technological
ottey o0rd, o e Can
feuce9telating o Scientiic im paovements and innovatiera whith
andmethoola ard technique
provicde new tous e producfíon
eoporating tha buineas

ect tha buudinea in attouong uaya:
The techno logicalelemant
improVernent in techoology 'and computeyized,
LOith recent is no posaible emlina.
mawlkehing anal uelling epxoducb
in hwo hou and tsaves anc
Sinilasly, amd engaged and
bec.aue eemline áystem ticket
Dooking au goLoing
batel bookg.
Foool and presevarton haa
axea o
3. onovohien in the
oot. enlyprovideol vaf Opp0stunítiea to
t ims including
jams ally, Reooly to cook

Fatitutiea. foy Heseaxch and development
Acceas to g n techoology
|legal poBectien fo int elletual propexty 3ights
8pit 6fovenrhiemand innovahn omong eople
Incentives ano con cessiemS fe developmont ano applicatien

iyAnlihictal énuanamont
TR political environment consists e the orted conceping
managemuo public af paiu and the impact en busineap.
includes political conolttiems in tha country and atituds
he govexnmnt too axds businese and buaioeas polu'cie
Page No
Dite: UEa

Pottical unTet and threat to. lau andl Mdesi advei sely ole-
Conf'tlonue inveat a3 and redua tha level netnet
in the econ
Decrsienegading Paxing ubsidy to h p70duceu ia
aaboost Such entey priss.

TRConstituhen e hi country
Poltical Sabilihy
Pothical ideology
Falitical outook en buaineS Secte
Extent ard matue govennt intenvanhe1 in tha busfneas
Degiee opelihuans buaines and economc issu.
)Leaa Eauiran.ment
Buine bas no unchien i thin h ame wOrK lauo1 and
eulatien thcoUrtry Non - Compliance hese Tequlahione
Ca CHeate
legal proplem0 buainea ete príse
A oumbey
a w have been implemanted by the qovexmen
thxoh the enhan çement aCompanies at, f0eign
managemant act,atorie ad, compethen ac,etc. ethargr.

T advex tisement sacoholic bevexages is prohibited, whih
aßfeet he malke hing e duth p1sduc
hoduct ke hbacco and iaaete a
1equineo to
satutoxy anin9 en theiu package thot fa S.moking 's
inuwdu to heatth
PageNo 6S
Date: DC

lesqislatias poued by 9ovx0
udgemunts, decisions Vaious commissiens and
Cout txatien, administradive
level s odminis
agenues_at evex

Ne lndusbial alio 19a1 senious eanQtharga.

lo 91, thu Indían_economy taced o

mant deßiuk and a isina and aprice

Hisis , kghen govoHn
bmpex HOps. A a poxt economG Tejsma, i
despste poliuy 19 in Jud
mst anmunced a new industaia

Ranadeatuxe his paliy 2ere as allas all

Th neo potiy abolíshed industíal lirensing e
o Delicensing
30feca, excepts sixindustmie..

secu wal
publíe sectoK epoblic
Th sde
CDecyegsein ycle ard
limited enly teou nduushi oStrateaic impetance
Seroaining incushres Os open fe privade

CuDisivestment: Diinvetmet see to sellina apat ohele

shate e public secte Undentakings. Disinvestmend to caxied
Qut in cae emany public induria boi

libalisation e e a n opital: Tu s h a poeign taity

pahipatien uo inCxeaeol and n many activ ihe hundxe
peHcent eign dived invextment oa pexmited. i

( ) b e a l policy tech cal Colla bahe Auto maic pexmisism

gtanted to fechnolog y agreements oih teean Companies
Page No.l66
Date: DaO

-(i)Se eian invetmentprom otiem boad FIPa Pe@

FIPB as Bet op o promote and channelise fevegan nvetment
in India.Deegeuahenunde semott-scalecindsbin

eiy DeesoH vochovode small 6cale industie: Many gooodls p0duced

by Small Scale indutaies deresexved.

Libewalis aom
a) Ltbexalis atfon- beags oien meana emoVal eunecesaay
Consol and sextmctiens emh budinea.l nvolvex Kemval a
entty and gaooh eatsichiomaem hprivate Sectoy ente prises
and end eraa, pemí and quota. Tha putpese u to unleck
aconomic potental h e country b encouuagirg pmivate
sectey ond MN Cs tofavet cna ex pand.

6) Privat isahion ivahisah am means

gaiwing qeatey xole ts tha
pyivate Secty Pfoce
n the nahen builolinganda edu ced gode to h
public secta. This Loas a e yexsa e deyalopomont sBsodegy
peauaded So ta by lnolionponne.

cGlobalisatien Globolisathion mean fotegaodng tho vasto

economiles wotol leaaling totaaiols tha emengance c
Cohsive global economy
On the eahth Novembey ol6 tho gavenmnt elodia rmado an

aonouncemant f th pro.found nplicahien t h e Inolian economy

i t o d dacoled to demonetse high- valus Cuxe notes o

densominaion 3 S00_and 31ooo ith fonmdiate elfect

Season to b legal 4erdex. Demoneh'satiom is he at
SemOuin9 tha cuHeny uNt t s &tatud a legal tendler

almpat demone tísahim

Decltoe in Cash txan sactiena Bank depesits
8.ivateWealth Declines
3. Pabic Sect ealth No
Ditalisation lotxease
Realeatate Paices Decline

Page No.16
Date o o l N
Plannpq- Deinitien & Meaning
3 Featurus
3 Impoxtanu
roceas planning
6.DiRaxunt ypes plaon9
Planning is dettihg up sgoals and dauges ard omulati
an actien plan t achieve them elechivety anal e icienty
Planningis a uap to Captuu u u . Planning brloges the gap
behoeen Lohea e ara and sfexe we toanto be.

Planninqis the thiokina proces, the otanisedl {seght, h
Nisfen babe en sads and expexien u had is equred fo
fntellig ent action ALred ard Beortty


Planaing is dedoling in advanca ohat is tobe dona. t

involves th elechio objecfives, polities, proceduses ard
P09am among altexnctves. M.e. H l
Page No. 69

am Makig Cheese Elal Pttiu f forty
T lavolves decisien makinq.
H Mentad exexsise
C Contnoua
F foune on chteving Objochves
PPrimau funchion Hanacem
F- Futnistic

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