Kindergarten Literacy Assessments

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Union School District

Department of Educational Services
5175 Union Avenue
San Jose, CA 95124
408-377-8010 ext. 4221
Revised 9/2008
Union School District
Kindergarten Literacy Assessments

Table of Contents

Assessment Overview

Kindergarten Reading Standards

Literacy Assessment Tasks Chart

Kindergarten Profile of Benchmarks and Standards Class Chart

Individual Student Literacy Assessment Score Composite Recording Sheet

Assessment Tasks:

Concepts About Print

Letter Identification

Letter Sounds

Phonemic Awareness: Rhyming

Phonemic Awareness: Blending

Phonemic Awareness: Segmenting

Reading High Frequency Words

Blending Real Words

Alphabetic Principle

Optional Assessment Task:

Text Level Reading (MASI – R Oral Reading Fluency Assessment)

Union School District
Kindergarten Literacy Assessments

What are the assessments?

• Performance Based

• 9 tasks assess reading performance; one optional task

• Provide teachers with specific and detailed information for planning


• Aligned closely with daily instructional activities and standards

• Administered and reported to Educational Services two times per year

(mid and end of year)

Who administers the assessments?

• Classroom teachers, so that teachers have formative assessment

information about each student

How are the assessments calibrated?

• ELA Teacher Leaders will support training and calibration

• Grade Level collaboration and training

How will the data be used?

• Teachers will use the data from each of the assessments to make
instructional decisions and to determine if students meet the grade level
standards or are in need of focused intervention.
Reading Standards


Students know about letters, words, and sounds. They apply this knowledge in reading
simple sentences.

Concepts About Print

1.1 Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book
1.2 Follow words from left-to-right and top-to-bottom on the printed page
1.3 Know that print, as well as the pictures, convey meaning
1.4 Recognize own name
1.5 Recognize that sentences in print are made up of separate words
1.6 Distinguish letters from words
1.7 Recognize and name all upper-and lower-case letters
1.8 Identify two words that are the same in a text

Phonemic Awareness
1.9 Track orally (move sequentially from sound to sound) and represent the
number, sameness/difference, and order of two and three isolated phonemes
(e.g., /f, s, th/, /j, d, j/)
1.10 Track orally (move sequentially from sound to sound), and represent
changes in simple syllables and words with two and three sounds as one
sound is added, substituted, omitted, shifted, or repeated (e.g., vowel-
consonant, consonant-vowel, or consonant-vowel-consonant)
1.11 Blend beginning, middle, and ending sounds to recognize and read words
1.12 Identify and produce rhyming words in response to an oral prompt
1.13 Identify one-syllable words wit the same beginning or same ending sounds
1.14 Accurately clap syllables in words
1.15 Separate a word into its sounds (e.g., cat = /c/ /a/ /t/)

Decoding and Word Recognition

1.16 Match all consonant and short-vowel sounds to appropriate letters
1.17 Read simple one-syllable and high frequency words 9i.e., sight words0
1.18 Understand that as letters of words change, so do the sounds (i.e., the
alphabetic principle)

Vocabulary and Concept Development

1.19 Identify and sort common words from within basic categories (e.g., colors,
shapes, foods)
1.20 Describe common objects and events in both general and specific language
Union School District Kindergarten Literacy Assessment Tasks
Name of Task Description Benchmark Approximate When to Administer
time to
Letter Naming Students are shown lower case and upper case letters out 52/52 10 - 12 Fall (optional)
Mid Year
of order and asked to identify them. (Sound, name, or minutes Spring
word starting with letter are all appropriate responses.)
(assess until student meets

Letter Sounds Students are asked to give the sounds of lower case 26/26 5-7 minutes Fall (optional)
Mid Year

(assess until student meets

Concepts About Students are asked questions using a short picture book 12/14 5-7 minutes Fall (optional)
Mid Year
Print from the classroom.

(assess until student meets

Phonemic Students are asked to rhyme words after listening to some 4/5 5-7 minutes Mid Year
Awareness: examples.
(assess until student meets
Phonemic Students are asked to blend the phonemes supplied by 9/10 5-7 minutes Mid Year
Awareness: teacher after listening to some examples.
Blending (assess until student meets
Phonemic Students are asked to segment a word into its separate 7/10 5-7 minutes Mid Year
Awareness: phonemes after listening to some examples.
Segmenting (assess until student meets
Reading High Students are asked to read simple high frequency words. 25/25 5-7 minutes Mid Year
Frequency Words
(assess until student meets
Blending Real Students are asked to blend real words (visual blending). 10/13 5-7 minutes Mid Year
(assess until student meets
Alphabetic Students are asked to separate a word into its sounds and 4/5 5-7 minutes Mid Year
Principle match consonant and short-vowel sounds to appropriate
letters (alphabetic principle). (assess until student meets
Kindergarten Profile of Benchmarks and Standards

Teacher: _______________________________________ School: ___________________________ Date: _____________

Concepts Lowercase Lower Upper Case Rhyming Blending Segmenting Reading Blending Alphabetic Reading
About Print Letter Case Letter High Real Words Principle Comprehen
Identification Letter Identification Frequency 10/13 4/5 sion/ Text
Sounds Words Level
12/14 26/26 26/26 26/26 4/5 9/10 7/10 25/25
Union School District
Standards-Based Reading Assessment
Student Score Sheet

Student: ____________________ Teacher: _______________

School: _____________________ Year: _____________

Assessment Benchmark Fall (optional) Mid-Year Spring

Concepts About 12/14 ___/14 ___/14 ___/14

Letter 52/52 ___/52 ___/52 ___/52


Letter Sounds 26/26 ___/26 ___/26 ___/26

(lower case)
Rhyming 4/5 ___/5 ___/5 ___/5

Blending 9/10 ___/10 ___/10 ___/10

Segmenting 7/10 ___/10 ___/10 ___/10

Reading High 25/25 ___/25 ___/25 ___/25

Frequency Words

Blending Real 10/13 ___/13 ___/13 ___/13


Alphabetic 4/5 ___/5 ___/5 ___/5


Concepts About Print
Purpose: To assess what a student knows and understands about the way we print language in
books, including:

1. Book Handling: knowing the front of the book and that print, not the picture, tells the story

2. Directional Behavior: knowing that we read from left to right with a return sweep, and from
top to bottom.

3. Visual Scanning: knowing how to locate letters (both upper and lower case) and words; and
that spaces are there for a reason.

4. Print Language: knowing the meaning of first, last, top, bottom, word, letter, capital, little
letter, and that punctuation marks are there for a reason.

5. Hierarchical Concepts: knowing that there are letters, and clusters of letters called words,
that there are first letters and last letters in words, sentences, and stories.

California English-Language Arts Content Standards:

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

Benchmark: 12/14

• Concepts About Print Student Recording Sheet for each student
• Look Up! What Can I See? by Rozanne Lanczak Williams

Administering the Task:

Administer the items according to the instructions given on the Concepts About Print Recording

The student gets one point for correctly answering each item for a possible total of 14 points.
Concepts About Print

Student Recording Sheet

Student: ______________________________ Date: ______________________

Look Up! What Can I See? by Rozanne Lanczak Williams

When retesting, only test for missed items.
Item Concept Page Teacher Says Score Points
1 Front of book Cover Together we’ll read the book Look 1 point
Before Up! What Can I See? for correct response
Reading Show me the front of the book.
2 Where to start Before
Show me the title page. 1 point
Reading Finger must point
directly under the
3 Print contains Before
Show me where I start reading the 1 point
message Reading story. for print
(0 points for picture)
4 Which way to Which way do I go? 1 point
go for finger moves left to
right under text
5 Return sweep Where do I go after that? 1 point
to left for return sweep to left
6 Word by word During
Point to it while I read. (Read 1 point
matching Reading slowly but fluently.) for exact matching
7 First and last After
Show me where the story begins. 1 point
concept Reading Show me where the story ends. for each correct
answer (total of 2)
8 Identification After
What is this mark called? 1 point
of a period Reading (point to .) for id meaning or
9 Locate lower After
Find two lower case letters on this 1 point
case letters Reading page. for both answers right
10 Upper case After
Show me a capital letter on the 1 point
letters Reading page (on any page). for correct response
11 One letter, two Move these cards like curtains. 1 point
letters Open them all the way then close for both answers right
them until you can only see one
letter. Now open again and then
close until you see only two
12 One word, two Move the cards like curtains again 1 point
words but now show me one word. And for both answers right.
now show me two words.
13 First & last Show me the first letter of a word. 1 point
letter of a Now show me a last letter of a for both answers right
word word.
Upper and Lower Case Letter Naming
Letter Sounds (use lower case)
Purpose: To assess a student’s ability to recognize and label a letter by name.

California English-Language Arts Content Standards:

1.6, 1.14

Benchmark: Identification: 52/52

Sounds (lower case): 26/26

• Lower Case Letter Chart
• Upper Case Letter Chart
• Letter Identification Student Recording Sheet for each student

Administering the task:

Test all lower and upper case letters. Ensure that the student reads across the lines so that the
letters are read in a random order (not alphabetical order). Use only the following questions to elicit a
response from the student.

To introduce the task:

What do you call these? (Show the whole page)
Can you find some that you know? (Encourage student to identify a few letters randomly.)

Point to each letter in horizontal lines:

Use another paper to cover all letters except one row.
What is this one?

If the student does not respond:

Ask: Do you know its name?

Then move on to other letters:

What is this? And this?...

Point to each lower case letter and ask:

What sound does it make?

Score one point for each letter identified correctly. If a response is incorrect, record it in the irregular
column. Score one point for each lower case sound identified correctly.
Letter ID: Upper and Lower Case Letter Identification & Letter Sounds
Score:____/52 Lower Case Sounds (lower case):
Student Recording Sheet Score:____/26
Student: _______________________________________ Date: ______________________

Upper Case Letters

Letter Name Irregular Letter Name Irregular



Lower Case Letters

Letter Name Irregular Sound Letter Name Irregular Sound
m t
s j
f k
l y
r x

n q
h i *
v o*
w a*
z u*

b e*
(* hard consonants and short vowels must be identified)
Upper Case Letter Names






Lower Case Letter Names and Sounds

m s f l r

n h v w z

b c d g p

t j k y x

q i o a u

Phonemic Awareness:

Purpose: To assess a student’s ability to rhyme pairs of words.

California English-Language Arts Content Standards:


Benchmark: 4/5

• Rhyming Recording Sheet for each student

Administering the task:

1. Teacher says, “I am going to say some words that rhyme. Then it will be your turn to rhyme.

Listen carefully to these words: light bright might

Can you hear how they sound the same?”

2. Teacher says, “Listen while I rhyme with: light bright might sight tight write night

I can make up silly words that rhyme, too: dite gite pite

Here are more words that rhyme: best rest nest

Here are some more words that rhyme: block clock knock”

3. Teacher says, “Now it is your turn to help. I’ll say two words that rhyme. You say a word that
rhymes with my words. If you can’t think of a real word, you can make up a word.”

(Go to first test item.)

Check the correct responses and write in the incorrect responses.

• Give credit for nonsense words that rhyme with the given pairs of words.

• It is not necessary to say the pair of rhyming words. Students may rhyme with the first of the
pair of rhyming words and still receive credit.
Phonemic Awareness: Rhyming
Student Recording Sheet

Student: ____________________________ Teacher: _____________________

Beginning of Year Mid-Year End-of-Year

(optional testing)
Date: _____ Date: _____ Date: _____

Score: _____/5 Score: _____/5 Score:_____/5

1. can tan _____ 1. can tan _____ 1. can tan _____

2. bed red _____ 2. bed red _____ 2. bed red _____

3. tap sap _____ 3. tap sap _____ 3. tap sap _____

4. fill Bill _____ 4. fill Bill _____ 4. fill Bill _____

5. rake take _____ 5. rake take _____ 5. rake take _____

Comments: Comments: Comments:

Phonemic Awareness: Blending Sounds

To assess a student’s ability to blend sounds to make words

California English-Language Arts Content Standards:


Benchmark: 9/10

• One individual Blending Sounds score sheet per student

Clearly say the phonemes in each of the words. Then ask the student to tell you the word. Be careful
not to distort sounds by adding an (uh) at the end.

1. “I am going to say something slowly. See if you can guess what I’m saying.”

• Cow (pause) boy --- What is it? Cowboy
• Pic (pause) ture --- What is it? Picture
• S (pause) un --- What is it? Sun
• N (pause) o --- What is it? No
• F (pause) I (pause) t --- What is it? Fit

2. “Now you do the rest. Try these sounds.” (Go to the first assessment item.)

Check the correct responses and write in the incorrect responses.

• If the child says the names of the letters, say, “What word do those sounds make?”
• Correct answers are after the blank on the recording sheet.
• If the child does not blend the word correctly, simply write down what the student said so that
you can analyze the error and move on to the next assessment item.
Phonemic Awareness: Blending Sounds Score:____/10
Student Recording Sheet

Name: _____________________________

Beginning-of-Year Date:_______ Score: _____/10


1. pan (pause) cake What is it? _______________ pancake

2. pic (pause) nic What is it?________________ picnic
3. n (pause) ice What is it? _______________ nice
4. f (pause) an What is it? _______________ fan
5. m (pause) e What is it? _______________ me
6. s (pause) ea What is it? _______________ sea
7. s (pause) oa (pause) p What is it? _______________ soap
8. l (pause) a (pause) ke What is it? _______________ lake
9. s (pause) a (pause) d What is it? _______________ sad
10. m (pause) o (pause) m What is it? _______________ mom

Mid-Year Date:_______ Score: _____/10

1. pan (pause) cake What is it? _______________ pancake

2. pic (pause) nic What is it?________________ picnic
3. n (pause) ice What is it? _______________ nice
4. f (pause) an What is it? _______________ fan
5. m (pause) e What is it? _______________ me
6. s (pause) ea What is it? _______________ sea
7. s (pause) oa (pause) p What is it? _______________ soap
8. l (pause) a (pause) ke What is it? _______________ lake
9. s (pause) a (pause) d What is it? _______________ sad
10. m (pause) o (pause) m What is it? _______________ mom

End-of-Year Date: Score: _____/10

1. pan (pause) cake What is it? _______________ pancake

2. pic (pause) nic What is it?________________ picnic
3. n (pause) ice What is it? _______________ nice
4. f (pause) an What is it? _______________ fan
5. m (pause) e What is it? _______________ me
6. s (pause) ea What is it? _______________ sea
7. s (pause) oa (pause) p What is it? _______________ soap
8. l (pause) a (pause) ke What is it? _______________ lake
9. s (pause) a (pause) d What is it? _______________ sad
10. m (pause) o (pause) m What is it? _______________ mom
Union School District
Kindergarten Literacy Assessments

Phonemic Awareness: Segmenting Sounds

To assess a student’s ability to segment sounds of given words.

California English-Language Arts Content Standards:


Benchmark: 7/10

• One individual Segmenting Sounds score sheet per student

In this assessment the student is asked to segment a word into its separate phonemes. A student’s
ability to segment phonemes in words is highly predictive of later reading success.

1. “Let’s play a different word game. In this game you break apart the sounds you hear in
words. You tell me each sound you hear in the word in order. For example, if I say way,
you will say /w/ /a/. Let’s try some together. (Encourage the student to help you say each
of the sounds in order.)
2. Listen: at. Help me break it apart: /a/ /t/. (Have the student practice with you. The words
must be segmented fully, not stretched or blended as you might do when working on
spelling. Exaggerate the separation so the student hears it clearly.)
3. Help me with another one. Listen: jay. Try it with me: /j/ /a/. (Enlist the child’s help to
segment these words. Make it like a game, upbeat and fun. Try one more together: mop,
/m/ /o/ /p/.)
4. You do it by yourself now. Listen: sigh. Now you break it apart.
5. Let’s play the game. Help me with some more. I’ll say the word. You show me how to
break it apart. (Go to the first assessment item.)

Check the correct responses and write in the incorrect responses.

• Write exactly what the student says for all 10 items in the blanks on the recording sheet.
• If the student is correct, praise or comment favorably on the work: You got it! Good for you!
Yes! Right!
• If the student does not segment the word correctly, simply write down what the student said
so that you can analyze the error, and move on to the next assessment item.
Phonemic Awareness: Segmenting Sounds Score:____/10
Student Recording Sheet

Name: _____________________________

Beginning-of-Year Date:_______ Score: _____/10


1. me ________________ /m/ /e/

2. pet ________________ /p/ /e/ /t/
3. no ________________ /n/ /o/
4. log ________________ /l/ /o/ /g/
5. ham ________________ /h/ /a/ /m/
6. off ________________ /o/ /f/
7. it ________________ /i/ /t/
8. rip ________________ /r/ /i/ /p/
9. mat ________________ /m/ /a/ /t/
10. sun ________________ /s/ /u/ /n/

Mid-Year Date:_______ Score: _____/10

1. me ________________ /m/ /e/

2. pet ________________ /p/ /e/ /t/
3. no ________________ /n/ /o/
4. log ________________ /l/ /o/ /g/
5. ham ________________ /h/ /a/ /m/
6. off ________________ /o/ /f/
7. it ________________ /i/ /t/
8. rip ________________ /r/ /i/ /p/
9. mat ________________ /m/ /a/ /t/
10. sun ________________ /s/ /u/ /n/

End-of-Year Date: Score: _____/10

1. me ________________ /m/ /e/

2. pet ________________ /p/ /e/ /t/
3. no ________________ /n/ /o/
4. log ________________ /l/ /o/ /g/
5. ham ________________ /h/ /a/ /m/
6. off ________________ /o/ /f/
7. it ________________ /i/ /t/
8. rip ________________ /r/ /i/ /p/
9. mat ________________ /m/ /a/ /t/
10. sun ________________ /s/ /u/ /n/
Reading High Frequency Words

Purpose: To assess a student’s ability to read simple high frequency words.

California English-Language Arts Content Standards:


Benchmark: first 25 words

• First 25 High Frequency Word Student Recording Sheet for each student
• First 25 High Frequency Word Chart

Teacher says, “Now I will ask you to read some words. I’ll point to each word, and you read it.”
Have students read words on High Frequency Word Chart going across each row.

Check the correct responses and write in the incorrect responses.

• Administer the Reading Words assessment during the middle and end-of-year testing
• Don’t score as correct if the student attempts to sound out high frequency words because they
must be read at sight with automaticity. (Each word should be read in approximately two
• For testing purposes, you may use word flashcards, or you may retype the word list to match
the font taught at your school site.
First 25 High Frequency Words

Houghton Mifflin Words incorporated with the first 25 high frequency words

I is on
see in of
my it play
like here she
a are
to for he
at have with
and said you
go the
First 25 High Frequency Words
Student Recording Sheet
Student: ___________________

Date: Date: Date:

_____ _____ _____

1. I _____* _____ _____

2. see _____* _____ _____
3. my _____* _____ _____
4. like _____ * _____ _____
5. a _____* _____ _____
6. to _____* _____ _____
7. at _____ _____ _____
8. and _____* _____ _____
9. go _____* _____ _____
10. is _____* _____ _____
11. in _____ _____ _____
12. it _____ _____ _____
13. here _____* _____ _____
14. for _____* _____ _____
15. have _____* _____ _____
16. said _____* _____ _____
17. the _____* _____ _____
18. on _____ _____ _____
19. of _____ _____ _____
20. play _____* _____ _____
21. she _____* _____ _____
22. are _____* _____ _____
23. he _____* _____ _____
24. with _____ _____ _____
25. you _____ _____ _____

* Houghton Mifflin Words

Blending Real Words
To assess students’ ability to blend real words (visual blending)

California English-Language Arts Content Standards:


Benchmark: 10/13

• Blending Real Words Chart

1. Teacher says, “We are going to blend some letter sounds into words. “ (Cover up the bottom 10
words. Model the first three sample words by putting your finger under the sounds and blending
them together to read the word.)

2. Teacher says, “Listen while blend these sounds together to read a word. I’ll put my finger under
the first sound and blend the sounds together to read each word. Try the next one with me.”
(Encourage the student to put his/her finger on top of your finger and blend the sounds with you to
read the word /mud/. Blend the examples together wit the student.)

Mmuud mud
Rraaat rat
Llleeeeg leg

3. Teacher says, “Now it is your turn to blend some sounds. Try the first one.” (Stop the
assessment if the student fails to read any of the five words in the first row.)

Count one point for each word that the student can blend to read correctly. (Only a short vowel
sound in each word is counted as correct.) If any other sound in the word is incorrect, do not give the
Blending Real Words (Reading) Score:____/13
Student Recording Sheet
Student: _____________________
Beginning-of-Year Date:_______ Score: _____/13

1. mud ___________________________
2. rat ___________________________
3. leg ___________________________
4. mat ___________________________
5. led ___________________________
6. fig __________________________
7. rod ___________________________
8. rub ___________________________
9. set ___________________________
10.hip ___________________________
11.rag ___________________________
12.log ___________________________
13.sun ___________________________

Mid-Year Date:_______ Score: _____/10

1. mud ___________________________
2. rat ___________________________
3. leg ___________________________
4. mat ___________________________
5. led ___________________________
6. fig __________________________
7. rod ___________________________
8. rub ___________________________
9. set ___________________________
10.hip ___________________________
11.rag ___________________________
12.log ___________________________
13.sun ___________________________

End-of-Year Date: Score: _____/10

1. mud ___________________________
2. rat ___________________________
3. leg ___________________________
4. mat ___________________________
5. led ___________________________
6. fig __________________________
7. rod ___________________________
8. rub ___________________________
9. set ___________________________
10.hip ___________________________
11.rag ___________________________
12.log ___________________________
13.sun ___________________________
Blending Real Words

mud rat leg

mat led fig

rod rub set

hip rag log sun

Alphabetic Principle

Purpose: To asses a student’s ability to separate a word into its sounds and match consonant
and short-vowel sounds to appropriate letters (alphabetic principle)

California English-Language Arts Content Standards:

1.15, 1.16

Benchmark: 4/5

• Alphabetic Principle Student Recording Sheet for each student

1. Show and read the word sun. Show the student that if you take away the letter “s” and put
the letter “b” in its place, it would now be the word bun. (Do not ask the student to
substitute the sound of the letter. Use only letter names in this assessment.

2. Now say, “Now it’s your turn.”

3. net Take away the “n” and add a “p.” What word would it be? Pet

4. ran Take away the “r” and add an “m.” What word would it be? Man

5. man Take away the “n” and add a “t.” What word would it be? Mat

6. sun Take away the “s” and add an “f.” What word would it be? Fun

7. top Take away the “t” and add an “m.” What word would it be? Mop

Check the correct responses and write the incorrect responses in the blanks on the recording

Give the second and third assessment windows until the student can read the words correctly.
You may want to use letter tiles, letter cards, or magnetic letters for the student to manipulate.
Alphabetic Principle Score:____/5
Student Recording Sheet

Student: _______________________________

Mid Year Date: _______________

1. net Take away the “n” and add a “p.” What word would it be? _________________________

2. ran Take away the “r” and add an “m.” What word would it be? _________________________

3. man Take away the “n” and add a “t.” What word would it be? _________________________

4. sun Take away the “s” and add an “f.” What word would it be? _________________________

5. top Take away the “t” and add an “m.” What word would it be? _________________________

End-Of-Year Date:

1. net Take away the “n” and add a “p.” What word would it be? _________________________

2. ran Take away the “r” and add an “m.” What word would it be? _________________________

3. man Take away the “n” and add a “t.” What word would it be? _________________________

4. sun Take away the “s” and add an “f.” What word would it be? _________________________

5. top Take away the “t” and add an “m.” What word would it be? _________________________

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