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ISCS English Department Grade 11/ ESL

Name: yara____________________________ Class: _________________ Date:

1. Choose the best answer (1 point each):
1. When Antonio and Felix realize they must fight each other 3_______________________
1. Antonio joins a gang
2. Felix trains longer and harder
3. they feel a barrier rising between them
4. Felix decides to quit boxing
2. In order to fight each other, Felix and Antonio decide that each must 1
1. think of his best friend as a stranger
2. force himself to hate the other
3. never see the other boy again
4. beat the other boy to a pulp
3.  When Felix tells Antonio that he wants to win the fight "fair and square," he means that he does not
1. like the way that Antonio fights
2. want to go through with the fight
3. trust Antonio's trainer
4. want Antonio to let him win
4. The internal conflict that both Felix and Antonio face is 2
1. how to end their friendship so they can fight each other
2. how to pursue their own goals without hurting their friend
3. how to avoid shame if they lose the fight
4. how to explain the fight to their friends
5.  The external conflict is resolved when Antonio and Felix --- 1
1. leave the ring together
2. decide not to fight each other
3. begin the fight
4. watch The Champion together
6. What can you infer about Felix and Antonio from their behavior the night before the match? 2
1. They don't want to be friends anymore
2. They are nervous about fighting each other
3. They don't care about winning the match
4. They like watching movies together
7.  Which statement best describes the theme of the story? 2
1. Friendship is very fragile and can be destroyed by conflict.
2. A strong friendship can survive even the most extreme tests.
3. Competition sometimes brings out the worst in friends
4. Friends always grow apart over time

8. What do Antonio and Felix decide to do before the fight? 3

1. go easy on each other
2. train together
ISCS English Department Grade 11/ ESL

3. not to see each other until the fight

9. Antonio and Felix have of collection of Fight magazines and scrapbooks filled with newspaper
clippings and tickets from boxing matches. What do these details show about the boys? 3
1. They spend too much money on magazines.
2. They should invest in new scrapbooks.
3. They are extremely interested in boxing.
4. They are the very best of friends.
10. Felix says he and Antonio have to act like strangers when they box each other. What inferences
can you draw from that statement? 1
1. They do not want their friendship to get in the way of winning.
2. They do not want the spectators to know that they are friends.
3. Boxers who know their opponents do not usually win championships.
4. Boxers who know each other are not permitted to fight each other.
11. What is the main external conflict in "Amigo Brothers"? 2
1. the friendship between Antonio and Felix
2. the boxing match between Antonio and Felix
3. the race that Antonio and Felix run along the East River
4. the contest between the lower east side of Manhattan and the South Bronx
12. In "Amigo Brothers," why does Felix go to the movies? 4
1. so that he does not have to talk to his aunt
2. so that he can enjoy a good boxing movie
3. so that he can relax on the night before the big fight
4. so that he can avoid Antonio
13. What inference about Antonio and Felix can you draw from this passage? "The announcer turned
to point to the winner and found himself alone. Arm in arm the champions had already left the
ring." 1
1. They care more about their friendship than about who has won the fight
2. They are too beaten up to wait to hear the announcement of the winner
3. They will both represent the Boys Club in the championship tournament
4. They are grateful that the fight is over and have gone to their dressing room.
14.  In "Amigo Brothers," what creates friction between Antonio and Felix? 2
1. One is a champion boxer and the other is not.
2. Each wants to win the lightweight boxing division finals
3. One is rich and one is poor.
ISCS English Department Grade 11/ ESL

2. Answer the following questions with evidence from the text (3 marks each).

1. How can you tell that Felix and Antonio respect each other? Give one example from the
story to support your answer.

Antonio and Felix showed each other respect through various actions. Firstly, they had both accepted the

others wish to win the match. They even provided each other with time alone, in order to train properly and

without the stress the other might bring. This shows that despite their goals and interests overlapping, they

still value and respect each other. As well as that, they had both put their pride aside by leaving the match

together. They had both fought harshly and fairly. However, due to the respect they have for each other, the had

left hand in hand.

2. What effect does the boxing competition have on Felix and Antonio’s relationship?
Support your answer with examples from the story

As they were announced as opponents, Felix and Antonio showed feelings of nervousness. However, they

had also felt competitive, as they both wanted to win ‘fair and square.’ Their desire to win the match was

what sparked the conflict between them. They were both worried that by winning the match they would hurt

the other. In this case, the boxing match had a negative effect on their friendship. Although, as the story

progresses, we can see that this competition had only strengthened their bond. When they had left the match

together, they must have realized that they value their friendship more than winning this match. When it

comes to this, the boxing match had affected their friendship




ISCS English Department Grade 11/ ESL





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