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2. Debieranie veakeji de episw sytuacji Do kaédej z opisanych sytuacji wybierz wlasciwa reakcjg. Zakresl jedna z liter: A, 8 albo Cc. | Zadanie 1. ) Kolega zgubit pozyczony od ciebie oléwek. Co mu powiesz? A. Don’t worry. B. Don’t be afraid. C.I'mafraid not. [ Zadanie > Kuzynka wygrata zawody w plywaniu. Co jej powiesz? A. Good luck! B. Many happy returns! C. Congratulations! ( Zadanie 3. > Brat dziekuje ci za pomoc w nauce. Co mu odpowiesz? A. Bless you! B. Don’t mention it! ¢. Many thanks! Zada D> Kolezanka chce potyczyé tw] nowy komputer. Jak jej odméwisz? 4. A. Sorry, that’s not possible. B. That’s incredible. C. That's forbidden. 13 Zadanie 5. )> Cheesz przedstawie siostrze swojego nowego chlopaka. Co powiesz? A. My boyfriend is over there. B. | want to show you my boyfriend, C. Let me introduce my boyfriend. Zadanie 6. D> Prayjacistka méwi, Ze nie bedzie mogla preyjsé na twoje urodziny. Jak zareagujesr? A. I'm sorry, you can’t. B. What a mess! C. What a shame! Zadanie 7. ) Nowy kolega z klasy pyta, edzie jest szkolna stotowka. Méwisz, ze jej nie ma. A. There's no canteen here B. There isn’t a library. C. The playground isn’t big enough. Zadanie 8. | Jak zapytasz przechodnia o droge na dworzec? A. Can you tell me how far it is to the train station? B. Can you tell me how old is the train station? C. Can you tell me how to get to the train station? > Kolezanka podaje ci sw6j nowy numer telefonu. Prosisz ja, by go powtérzyla. A. Could you speak up, please? B. Could you repeat it, please? C. Could you speak more slowly, please? 14 Zadanie 10. Dowiedziates sig, 2e brat twojego kolegi jest bardzo chory. Jak zareagujesz? A, I'm sorry to hear that. B. I’m not very well, I’m afraid, C. That's very kind of you. Zadanie 11. > Widzisz, ze kolezanka niesie torby z zakupami. Zaproponuj jej pomoc. A, Shall | help you with these bags? B. What's the problem with these bags? C. Can you pass me these bags? Tadanie 12. | > Siostra pyta cie 0 opinie o nowym filmie. Jak wyrazisz sw6j zachwyt? A. That's a waste of time. B. It works fine. C. It’s amazing. Zadanie 13. | > Kolega chee pofarbowaé wiosy. Uwazasz, ze to nie jest dobry pomyst i odradzasz muto. A. | wouldn't do that if |were you. B. Maybe some other time. €.No, Idon’t mind, ( Zadanie 14. > Podajesz tacie gazete. Co powiesz? A. Please. B. You're welcome. C. Here you are. 15 WEENIE ET re resets rrees =~ A. What’s the matter? B, What do you think | should do? C. Are you better? Zadanie 16. > Kortczysz rozmowe telefoniczna z ciocia. Co powiesz? A. I'm afraid | didn’t catch that, auntie. B, It was nice talking to you, auntie. C. That sounds great, auntie. Zadanie 17. > Znalaztes na swojej tawce nozyczki, Pytasz, do kogo naleza. A. Who has these scissors? B. Whose scissors are these? C. Which scissors are these? — | Zadanie 18. > Pytasz kolezanke o plany na wakacje. A. Are we going for holidays? B. What are your plans for the holidays? C. Are there any plans for the holidays? Zadanie 19. ’ Widzisz, ze kolezanka ma problem z rozwiazaniem zadania z fizyki. Oferujesz je] swoja pomoc. ‘A. Would you like to help me? B. Would | help you? ¢. Would you like me to help you? 16 Zadanie 20. )» Rodzice obchodza 20 rocznice slubu. Co im powiesz? A, Happy anniversary! 8, Many happy returns! C. Happy Easter! Zadanie 21. » Cheesz poiyczyé sukienke od siostry. Jak poprosisz o pozwolenie? A. Shall | borrow your dress? B. Can I lend you my dress? C. May I borrow your dress? “ Zadanie 22. > Pytasz kolezanke, czy przyjdzie na twoje przyjecie. A. Do you have to come to my party? B. Will you come to my party? C. Should you come to my party? es | Zadanie 23. > Twéj brat chce ig¢ poptywaé. Nie podoba ci sig ten pomyst, poniewai jest zbyt zimno. Co powiesz? A. | don’t think it’s a good idea. B. That’s a brilliant idea. C, Do you like this idea? Zadanie 24. D> Przechodzien\ pyta cig o droge do poczty. Udzielasz mu wskazéwek. A. Go straight on, It’s atthe end of this road. B, Go away, It’s at the end of the road. €. Go out. It’s at the end of this road. "7 awa Zadanie 25. » Nowy kolega pyta cig o twoje hobby. Co powiesz? A. | feel like playing football. B. I'm keen on football €. I dislike football, Zadanie 26. > Wezasie wakacji w Hiszpanii poznajesz nowych ludzi. Chcesz sie dowiedzie¢, skad pochodza. Co powiesz? A. Where do you live? B, Where do you go? C. Where are you from? Zadanie 27. > Poznajesz mtodszego brata swojego kolegi. Pytasz go 0 wiek. A. How old are you? B. How are you? C. How tall are you? Zadanie 28. > Kolega twierdzi, ze czytanie ksigzek jest nudne. Nie zgadzasz sig z nim. Jak to wyrazisz. A. I disagree. B. | think so, too. C. I think you're right. Zadanie 29. { > Jakié meéczyzna chce zapalié papierosa przed szkota. Zwracasz mu uwage, ze to zabronione. A. You don’t have to smoke here. B. You're not allowed to smoke here. €. You need to smoke here. 18 5, Uzupelnianie tuk w diatogach Uzupelnij dialogi. W kazda luke wpisz po angielsku braku tak aby otrzymaé spéjne i logiczne zapisy rozméw. Uway wpisaé maksymalnie cztery wyrazy. Zadanie 1. lacy fragment wypowied ga! W kaéda luke mozesz bx : it X;_______ eat out ina restaurant tonight? Y: That's a great idea! Zadanie 2. x Sue? You look very pale. Y: | don’t feel well. | have a headache. ‘Tadanie 3. > x:1'm always tired in the morning. Y: go to bed earlier. | Zadanie 4, d X: The party is tomorrow and | have nothing to wear. Ys mother bought you last week. X: You're right. That's a good idea. b X: Did you like the concert last night? * : +_. It was fantastic! the black dress your Zadanie 6. > x: Y: I've lost my smartphone, so sad Joe? oe 7 - : any siblings? Y: Unfortunately not. I'm an only child. (rod D> X:1'd like to try on this sweater. Where ? Y: Over there. Next to the stairs. { Zadanie 2. DX: 1 need to paint my flat. tohelp you? X: That would be great! Thanks a lot. Zadai e 10. | > ; Are these your headphones? '; No, they aren't, | believe ———_____ Mike. ( Zadanie 11. > x: What there's dirt all over your clothes. Y: It’s very wet outside. | slipped and fell into 4 puddle, [ Zadanie 12. > xX:1'm sorry, | didn’t catch your name. it, please? Y: Of course. It’s Lackburg. John Lackburg. ye | Zadanie 13. )> x: Can | have 'The Times' magazine? ¥____ sir, That's £3.50 | Zadanie 14. > x to the nearest post office? Y; It's about one kilometre. Zadanie 15. > today, Tom? Y: 'm fine, Thanks. And you? X: I'm alright. Zadanie 16. DX: Have you seen my keys? | : them anywhere. Y: Have you checked your backpack? X: Yes, | have. They're not there. | Zadanie 17. > x a single ticket to Oxford? Ye It’s £18, X: Thank you. Zadanie 18. Dw? Y: It’s half past six, 29 z= Zadanie 19. > x: How about going out tonight? Y: Maybs i yee ——______ 1m quite busy today. X: OK. I'll call you tomorrow, Zadanie 20, | > cousin like? 7 Y: He's hard-working and funny. | really like him. Zadanie 21. | > x1mso late. | missed my bus. ¥: No problem. Don’t worry. { Zadanie 22. Dx: 1'm going out, Mary. Ill see you later. ¥: OK, Jane, : time! X: Thank you, Mary. a | Zadanie 23. }> x: Would you like to go to the Ed Sheeran concert next month? ¥: to. X: Great. I'll book the tickets. Zadanie 24. _ : a > X: | haven’t read a better book in my life. It’s incredible. found it quite boring. Y: 'm afraid NH ‘Zadanie 25. p % where the canteen is? Ys It's on the ground floor, Next to the library. | Zadanie 26. | PD %:___ the plot of the film is really interesting, Y: | agree with you. It’s great. f Zadanie 27. pox 8 this new Sherlock Holmes film. Would you like to join me? Y:I'm afraid | don’t really like that kind of film. | prefer comedies, Zadanie 28. D- Xatve got a terrible pain in my back. Yelf I'd take-up yoga. It’s really good for your spine. X: I'll think about it Zadanie 29. dD x toorder? Yes, I'l have fish and chips. And some stil water, please, |_Zadanie 30. b X: Can | have five bananas and two pears? it. Y:Here you are, X: No, thanks. That’s all. a1 yzupelnij dialogi. W k véda luke wpisz po angielsku brakujace fragmenty wypowiedzi tok aby otrzymaé spdjne i logiczne zapisy rozméw. Uwagal W k ak a nisaé maksymalnie cztery wyrazy, ‘azda luke motes Zadanie 1. Are you ready to order, sir? Zadanie 2. two tickets for the James Bond film? Certainly. That’s £30. Zadanie 3. you with those books? TT I.can manage. Thank: Zadanie 4. | ttove cooking, IN a] QO ms 7 Thank you very much! Zadanie6. me some money? And how much do you need? It’s OK, but _ tennis. Zadanie 8. This book is mint) it's fantastic! \ Zadanie 9. Thank you, darling. Do you know animal it is? Excuse me, Miss, this statue? It’s from the fifth century BC, so it's very old. 5, Uxupelnianie luk 2 wykovzystaniom podanych wyraxdu- ‘1 i. Wyke arupebil F ystaj wyrazy podane w nawiasie, nie zmieniaj ich formy pisz po angielsku brakujacy fragment wypowiedzi, tak aby atreymaé pis roxmowy. Uwagal W kadda luke mozesz wpisaé maksymalnie vliczajac ju podane. Zadanie 1. D> xcaa(fancy)__ ging to the cinema tonight? y:1'd rather not. I'd prefer 1.2. (stay) in and read a book. X: Oh, come on. You can read your book later on, after the cinema. YOK. I think you're right. 1.3. (go) with you. Zadanie 2. » X: 2.1. (sorry) being late, Mr. Johnson. ¥: No problem, Tom. 2:2. (worry) about it. X: But 12.3. (be) on time tomorrow, | promise! ¥: That's OK, Tom. " Zadanie 3 > x, Mary, what are you doing this weekend? ¥: I'm going to the seaside. 3.1. (like) __. _______ to. g0 with me? X: Sure, 3.2. (not) Y: Great. We're leaving early in the morning, at 6 a.m. X: Are we going 3.3. (car)__—=— SS? ¥: No, we're taking a train. Let’s meet at the station at 5:45. X: OK. I'll talk to you later. Bye! ig] Zadanie 4. - — this T-shirt, —~ v xe Lwould like 4.1. (try) \-of course. The 42. (rooms) _________over ther, ye It's too big. Do you have it in a smaller size? y: Sure, And what size 4.3. (you) ? X: I'ma size small. Zadanie 5. PD x:5.4. (you) your homework yet? Y: Yes, | have. But I still have 5.2. (read) a book for my Polish lesson. X: Oh, no. | thought we could watch a film together. Ys Maybe some other time. Everyone 5.3. (to). read this book for tomorrow. X: Well, OK then. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Zadanie6. Dx: Jane, 6.1. (borrow) your black dress? ¥: 6.2. (way) Kelly! It’s my favourite. X: But | will give it back to you tomorrow. Y: No, Kelly. It’s 6.3. (question) ! Do you remember what happened last time? X: You're talking about that red skirt? But | gave it back, didn’t I? ¥: You did. But there was a big stain on it. It was ruined! ——— | Zadanie 7. d X: 7.1, (matter) Steve? Y: | don’t feel well, doctor. I've got a runny nose and | cough a lot. X: Do you have a temperature? Y: No, doctor, 7.2. (think) X: OK, 7.3, (check) Y: So, is it serious, doctor? SL) “EIS Iust a cold Take these pls twice a day. And drink a lot of water — Zadanie 8. Dx: excuse me, 8.2. (get) to the train station? Y: It's not far so you can go there 8.2. (foot) X: But I’ve got a heavy suitcase, ¥: 8.3. (case) _ you can take the 22 bus. Just go straight on. The bus stop is round the corner. And remember to get off at the third stop. X: Thank you very much. Y: You're welcome, Zadanie 9, > oa. (come) from? Y: I'm from France. | Lyon. X: 9.2. (far) from Paris? Y: It’s about four hundred kilometres, X: 9.3. (repeat) that? About three hundred? Y: About four hundred. But we've got very fast trains so you can get there in 2 hours. X: Wow! That’s amazing! “Zadanie 10. d x: | need your advice, Sam. | don’t know 10.1. (do) Y: But what 10.2. (problem) —________? X: John invited me to his party. I'd like to go, but Jane will be there, and we had a fight yesterday. ¥: So it would be a great chance to make up. X: I'm afraid she will stil be angry with me. What 10.3. (do) 2 ¥: If | were you, I'd go to the party with a big bouquet for Jane. She loves flowers, doesn’t she? . X; Yes, she does. You may be right. I'll go. 49

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