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A homunculus is a creature, usually no larger than a cat, that In addition to the cost of conducting the ritual, you must
is favored by magic users who find themselves in need of a also pay for each formula applied to the homunculus. You do
companion or servant. They are not found via the find not have to pay for a formula the homunculus already
familiar spell, and are instead conjured in a ritual that possesses. The prices for this are given as follows:
involves the master-to-be's own blood. The binding nature of Formula Cost
blood ensures that the homunculus remains servile forever.
Formula level GP Cost
Customizable Familiars 1 75 gp
A unique facet of the existence of homunculi is their easily 2 150 gp
mutable form. Ritualists who take the care to conjure a 3 300 gp
homunculus can bestow properties such as flight, strength,
and even rudimentary spellcasting abilities to their servants. 4 600 gp
Even more useful is their sympathetic link to their masters. 5 1200 gp
The blood bond ties the two so closely together that the
homunculus is able to grow simply by virtue of the power of When you conjure a homunculus, it shares your alignment
its master. This is typically reflected in the homunculus' and develops a personality similar to the conjurer. The
hardiness and ability to be modified by their master. homunculus always remains loyal to its master. It shares your
proficiency bonus, although the base homunculus doesn't
Obscure Magics apply it to anything. The homunculus takes on the
Although they are familiars, they cannot be conjured through appearance of your choice, although it can clearly be
the use of the find familiar spell, and instead require a unique recognized for what it is. In combat, you can give it orders on
ritual that typically requires some effort to procure. The ritual your turn (no action required).
can sometimes be found in large arcane libraries, ruined If the homunculus dies, it can be revived by repeating the
wizards' towers, or bought from notable mages. In some ritual.
locales, the practice may be frowned upon or even considered
evil because of the use of blood in the casting.
Mechanics Tiny construct
A homunculus is available to any ritual caster of at least 3rd Armor Class 10
level. Assuming you possess at least the common Manual of Hit Points The homunculus' hit points equals a
Binding, you can make your preparations and complete the quarter of its masters max hit points.
ritual in 8 uninterrupted hours. The base homunculus stats Speed 30 ft.
can be customized by applying any of the formulae you
qualify for. You can only have one homunculus at any time. If
you have a homunculus and attempt to cast the find familiar STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
spell, the spell fails, and any existing familiars are banished. 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
At 3rd level your homunculus can have a maximum of 2
formulae. At 5th level, you qualify for one additional formula, Condition Immunities charmed
and again at 10th, 15th, and 20th level. The formulae come in Senses passive Perception 10
many different levels, ranging from 1 to 5. In order to infuse Languages Understands the languages of its master
your homunculus with a certain formula, you must have the but can't speak.
appropriate Manual of Binding, which also range from 1 to 5.
These manuals can be found as loot or can be given to you as
rewards for quests at your DMs discretion. The newly
selected formulae can only be applied to your homunculus Example
after conducting the ritual again. Conducting the ritual Bob the 5th level wizard has happened across an Uncommon
requires components that cost an amount of gp found on the Manual of Binding. He intends to create a homunculus to be
table below. his friend. Because Bob is 5th level, he qualifies for 3
Ritual Cost and Formulae formulae. He sets aside 8 hours to do the ritual, and chooses
Character Level Ritual Cost Formulae the Speech (level 1), Ability Score Increase (choosing
Intelligence; level 1), and the Dismissal (level 2) formulae
3rd 100 gp 2 from his Manual. Bob has chosen two level 1 formulae and
5th 500 gp 3 one level 2 formula, so he must pay 500gp for the base cost of
10th 1,000 gp 4
the ritual, 75gp for each level 1 formula, and 150gp for the
level 2 formula. This brings his total to 800gp to conduct the
15th 2,500 gp 5 ritual.
20th 5,000 gp 6

Manuals of Binding
A Manual of Binding is used in as part of the summoning
ritual in order to increase the power of your homunculus.
Manual of Binding
Wondrous item, varies
This book contains the knowledge necessary to summon a
homonculus by conducting the conjuring ritual. It also
contains all formulae of its level and below. The rarities are as
Item Rarity
Book Level Rarity
1 Common
2 Uncommon
3 Rare
4 Very Rare
5 Legendary

Scroll of Binding
Some formulae aren't found within the Manuals. A Scroll of
Binding is a formula that can only be applied to a creation
ritual once. Some mages who make a study of homunculi
create their own formulae, and scribe them on these arcane
scrolls. Some mages do this because they jealously guard
their own knowledge from other mages, and others do this
because the formulae are dangerous if misused.
Scroll of Binding
Wondrous item, varies
This scroll bears a formula that can be used in a creation
ritual to summon a homunculus. Once the scroll is used in
the ritual, it burns away and the homunculus gains the
formula specified on the scroll. When the homunculus is used
as part of a new ritual to upgrade or change formulas, the
formula granted by the scroll is lost forever. An example
Scroll of Binding can be found below.
Scroll of Infravision
Wondrous item, very rare
This scroll contains the following formula:
The homunculus can see normally in darkness, both magical
and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.

Formula Name Formula Level Summary
Ability Score Increase 1 Increases chosen ability score by 4
Darkvision 1 Grants darkvision
Growth 1 Increases size to small
Lesser Resilience 1 Increases AC
Lesser Toughness 1 Increases health
Light 1 Grants the ability to emit light
Speech 1 Grants the ability to speak
Shared Senses 1 Share senses from a distance, grants speech through homunculus
Swim 1 Grants swim speed
Burrow 2 Grants burrow speed
Climb 2 Grants climb speed
Dismissal 2 Allows banishment and summoning of the homunculus
Greater Ability Score Increase 2 Further increases ability score
Improved Resilience 2 Further increases AC
Keen Senses 2 Grants advantage on Perception checks
Mimicry 2 Grants the ability to mimic noises it hears
Natural Weapon 2 Grants a natural attack
Skill proficiency 2 Grants proficiency with two skills of your choice
Spell Conduction 2 Grants the ability to make spell touch attacks for you
Spellcasting 2 Grants a non-damaging cantrip
Telepathy 2 Grants telepathic speech
Camouflage 3 Grants increased stealth capabilities
Celerity 3 Doubles a speed of your choice
Damage Resistance 3 Grants damage resistance of your choice
Flight 3 Grants a fly speed
Greater Growth 3 Increases size from small to medium
Greater Resilience 3 Increases AC even further
Improved Toughness 3 Increases health even further
Magic Resistance 3 Advantage on saves against spells
Teleportation 3 Grants the ability to teleport short distances
Tongues 3 Grants the ability to speak and understand all languages
Weapon Proficiency 3 Grants proficiency in one weapon of your choice
Evasion 4 Grants evasion
Breath Weapon 4 Grants a dragonborn's breath weapon
Damage Immunity 4 Grants damage immunity of your choice
Improved Spellcasting 4 Grants a non-damaging 1st level spell
Class Training 5 Grants access to 1st level abilities of a class of your choice
Greater Toughness 5 Sets homunculus' health equal to yours
Magic Item Use 5 Grants an attunement slot

Level 1 Greater Ability Score Increase
Prerequisite Formulae: Ability Score Increase
Ability Score Increase Choose one ability score increased by Ability Score
Choose one ability score. The homunculus' ability score Increase. The homunculus' ability score increases by 2.
increases by 4. You can take this formula more than once,
increasing a different ability score each time. If you choose to Improved Resilience
increase Constitution, calculate the homunculus' increase in Prerequisite Formula: Lesser Resilience
health as if it has as many hit die as you do. The homunculus' AC increases by 3.
Darkvision Keen Senses
The homunculus gains darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. The homunculus gains advantage on perception checks.
Growth Mimicry
The homunculus increases in size from Tiny to Small. Prerequisite Formula: Speech
The homunculus can mimic any sound or voice it has
Lesser Resilience heard with perfect accuracy.
The homunculus' AC increases by 3.
Natural Weapon
Lesser Toughness The homunculus gains a natural attack that the form you
The homunculus' health becomes half of your health instead have chosen for it can conceivable have (i.e. bite if it has a
of a quarter. mouth, claws if it has hands). This attack deals 1d4
blugeoning, piercing, or slashing damage as appropriate for
the attack. The attack uses your choice of Strength or
The homunculus can emit light as a bonus action. The light Dexterity for attack and damage rolls, and the homunculus is
can be as dim as 5 feet of bright light and 5 feet of dim light considered proficient with the natural weapon.
to as bright as 30 feet of bright light and 30 feet of dim light
in 5-foot increments. Skill Proficiency
The homunculus becomes proficient in two skills of your
The homunculus becomes capable of speech, and can speak
in any languages you know. It's voice is vaguely reminiscent of Spell Conduction
a goblin or a kobold. When you cast a spell with a range of touch, the homunculus
Shared Senses
can deliver the spell as if it had cast the spell. The
homunculus must be within 100 feet of you, and it must use
Whenever you and the homunculus are within 1 mile of each its reaction to deliver the spell when you cast it. If the spell
other, you can sense whatever the homunculus senses, using requires an attack roll, you use your attack modifier for the
the special senses of the homunculus if you don't already roll.
have them. While sharing senses in this way, you can speak
through the homunculus. Spellcasting
Choose a cantrip from the spell list of your class that doesn't
deal damage. The homunculus can cast this cantrip using
The homunculus gains the ability to swim and breathe your spell DC.
underwater. It gains a swim speed of 30 ft.
Level 2 Prerequisite Formula: Speech
The homunculus gains the ability to speak directly into the
minds of other creatures. It can communicate telepathically
The homunculus' physiology adapts in such a way to allow with any creature it can see within 30 feet of it. It doesn't
burrowing under the earth. It gains a burrow speed of 30 ft. need to share a language with the creature for the creature to
The homunculus benefits from the Earth Elemental's Earth understand it's telepathic utterances, but the creature must
Glide ability when using this speed. be able to understand at least one language.
The homunculus gains the ability to climb up sheer surfaces. Level 3
It gains a climb speed of 30 ft. Camouflage
Dismissal The homunculus can apply it's proficiency bonus to Stealth
As an action, you can dismiss the homunculus to a pocket checks, or twice it's proficiency bonus if it's already
dimension where it remains indefinitely. You can summon it proficicent. Additionally, the homunculus gains advantage on
back to your side as an action. When you do so, it appears in Stealth checks while remaining still.
a space of your choice within 5 feet of you. Celerity
Choose one speed the homunculus possesses such as base,
fly, or climb. This speed doubles.

Damage Resistance Damage Immunity
Choose a damage type. The homunculus gains resistance to The homunculus gains immunity to a damage type you A
that damage type. If you choose bludgeoning, slashing, or specify from this list: Fire, Cold, Acid, Lightning, Poison,
piercing for this resistance, damage from magical weapons Psychic, Necrotic, Radiant, and Thunder. t
ignores this resistance. This resistance usually manifests in a c
unique change in physiology, such as scales like a dragon for Improved Spellcasting g
fire resistance. Choose a 1st-level spell from the spell list of your class that fi
doesn't deal damage. The homunculus can cast this spell
Flight using your spell DC once per long rest. B
The homunculus gains means of aerial locomotion (wings,
magical levitation, etc.), which grant it a fly speed of 30 ft Level 5 o
(hover). Class Training
Greater Growth Choose one class. The homunculus gains access to the 1st
Prerequisite Formula: Growth level class features of that class. It selects spells as normal if
The homunculus increases in size from Small to Medium. it gains Spellcasting.
Greater Resilience Greater Toughness
Prerequisite Formulae: Improved Resilience Prerequisite Formula: Improved Toughness
The homunculus'
The homunculus' AC increases by 3. health becomes equal to your health instead of three-
Improved Toughness
Prerequisite Formula: Toughness Magic Item Use
The homunculus' health becomes three-quarters of your The homunculus gains one magic item attunement slot,
health instead of half. which allows it to use magic items it qualifies for as normal.
Magic Resistance
The homunculus has advantage on saving throws against
spells. Thoughts, Thanks, and Changelog
Teleportation I briefly explored the idea of making this system a
wizard archetype, but I decided that the system is a
The homunculus gains the ability to magically teleport short bit too broad and too complex to be limited to an
distances. Using 5 feet of its movement for the turn, it can archetype. I also wanted this to be accessible by
teleport 30 feet. This movement does not provoke attacks of other casters like druids and tomelocks.
opportunity. After this ability is used, at the start of it's turn,
roll a d6. On a roll of 4 or higher, the ability recharges and can
be used again.
Tongues I also intended for the DM to have a strong say in
Prerequisite Formula: Speech how the player's homunculus progresses. The DM
The homunculus becomes under the effects of the Tongues can limit the homunculus' growth by simply not
spell at all times. providing the next level of Manual, or make the
player earn it by going on a quest. The homunculus'
Weapon Proficiency progression through levels of formulae is not
The homunculus gains proficiency in one weapon of your achieved simply by leveling up.
choice. The weapon must be sized appropriately for the
homunculus to be able to use it, and must have appendages
that allow it to grip the weapon.
The scroll of binding is intended to be used
Level 4 partially so that players who have ideas for
formulas not represented in this document can
Evasion work with the DM to implement them. At their
The homunculus gains Evasion, as the rogue class ability. option, the DM can treat a Manual of Binding like a
spellbook and allow a player to scribe any found
Breath Weapon Scrolls of Binding into their Manuals, allowing the
The homunculus gains the ability to unleash a breath attack preservation of rare formulae.
as per page 34 of the PHB. You choose what type of damage
the homunculus can inflict off of the table when you choose
this formula. The homunculus uses your character level for
the purposes of determining the damage of the attack. It can
use this attack once per short rest.

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