TP Module 3

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Activity 2, L2, M3


1. What teaching challenges will Mrs. Rose encounter with her diverse students?

I think the challenges were the communication, the behavior of the students and
also the community which she was in. First is communication, the most important
for a teacher is to be able to communicate with the students, since she came from
Visayas, I think dialect is different from Sulu. Second is the behavior of the students,
since students is diverse and have their different behavior, she may be able to think
strategies in teaching. Third is the community because since she was raised in
Visayas she doesn't know the custom and tradition of the place.

2. How would she address these challenges as a multicultural teacher?

I think she can address all the challenges by researching the community she wanted
to work with and aside that try to learn their language to be able to communicate
with them.

3. What personal dilemmas will she encounter? If you were in her place, what will
you do?

Of course, I will do having research of the community that I wanted to work with and
also try to learn as possible their language if it is different from mine, and also find
different strategies to crack the barriers in teaching.

1. How familiar are you with technology?

I am very familiar with the technology that sorrounds me, the technology I am using
everyday is really helpful in many ways, and I am aware if the thing I am using is a
technology or not.

2. Are engaged technology in your activity in school?

Yes, there are technology that we used in school, like for example computer or
laptop, the teacher uses it to show us a picture or a video, mobile phones to capture
the lesson or share a pdf or what and many more.

3. How does the teacher interact with the students with the use of technology?

We know that now adays we are sorrounded with technology wherever we go and it
is helpful to us specially this time of pandemic, to continue the learnings we uses our
phone, computer laptop and other gadgets to attend classes online, teacher interact
with the students with the use of technology to connect and give knowledge to their

4. What are the other materials you used along with the computer?

When the teacher wants us to watch some movies or videos in the computer we
uses speaker to hear the whole class, we also uses printer when our teacher give us
a thesis project. Computer itself has many apps to offer their user like in educational
I uses Google to collect information and ideas through internet and there's also for

5. Do you think technology has been useful to you?

It is very useful for me aside from it makes our work easier and more faster it also
helps us in many ways. We can't deny the fact that we are now depending on
technology, although it has a bad effect for us like becoming a lazy, somehow it is
helpful especially when you are working and studying.

6. Do you like using technology?

Of course, using technology means saving time and effort but first thing first is we
know the advantage and disadvantages of technology.

7. Your overall reflections on technology and innovative teaching.

Technology now adays has a big part in our everyday life, in teaching, studying (to
gather some ideas and information), in working, cleaning and even to beautify
ourselves that sometimes we are depending on it. It makes our work more easier
and faster, it also saves our time and effort. Even if it gives us satisfaction when we
are using it still we need to know the advantage and disadvantages of using this
technology. We need to be extra careful knowing that it has also a bad effects.
"The Teaching Proffesion"

Name of Country Levels of Education Description of each Special features

Australia Primary Schools 6 years 6-12 yr old Provided by
government and non-
Junior Secondary 4 years 12-16 yr old government primary
level schools
2 years 16-18 yr old
Senior Secondary Awarded a junior
level not compulsory secondary certificate
of education (year 10
University level Undergrad with certificate)
University level Offered by
secondary certificate government and non-
second stage of government primary
education Awarded a senior
secondary certificate
Honours degree of education (year 12
Offered Technical and
Further Education and
can get job.
Arts and Science,
Education usually
offer either a bachelor
degree obtained
in 3 years or a
bachelor’s degree
obtained in four
years. Also offer
education, veterinary
science, dentistry,
architecture and
medicine and surgery
with bachelor’s
degree can proceeds
to master’s degree
and may proceed to
China Primary Education 6 years Development of
cognitive skills.
Junior Middle School 3 years Subject matter and
Senior Middle School 3 years
Cover all topics in
University 6 years order to pass National

Two versions of the

National University
Entrance Examination
in going
to Universities
Varieties of Technical
and Vocational school

Japan Kindergarten, 6 years Teaching methods are

lectured. Standard
Elementary Schools 3 years curriculum includes
Lower Secondary 3 years
language, social
Schools studies, math and
science along with art
Upper Secondary and music,
Schools home economics,
physical education
Cover grade seven,
eight and nine.
Periods of each class
are 50 minutes
along. Have breaks
every season.
Offer academic,
technical and
vocational programs.
The First year
courses include
Japanese language,
English, Science and
Vocational courses
include information
navigation, fish
farming, ceramics and
business English.
Offered in women
subjects are home
economics, nursing,
humanities and social
Equal access to basic
education. Valued
equity and redress,
access to
basic education
opportunities for
lifelong learning and
South Africa Junior Colleges 4 years above Learners have
learning opportunities
Foundation Grades R-III providing acceptable
Intermediate Compulsory general
Efficiency of learners,
Senior education democratic
participation and
Primary Grades IV-VI relevance of
Secondary Grades VII-IX
and sustainability in
Tertiary Grades X-XII development
2 to 3 years level 5-8 Further Education and
Certificate are:
Language, Literacy
and Communication
Literacy, Mathematics
and Mathematical
Natural Science
Human and Social
Economics and
Management Science
Arts and Culture
Life Orientation
Include Technikons
and universities.
Diploma for 3 years of
studies and
certificate for two
years of studies.
Offer’s master’s and
doctorate degree
after finishing this

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