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Assessment Task A

Assessment Task C
Method of assessment Report
Conditions of assessment A task that can be completed in and out of class and in consultation
with an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person

Elements/Performance CHCDIV002 Performance Criteria 1,2

Criteria Assessed
CHCDIV001 Performance Criteria 1,2,3,4
Resources to be used: Class notes

Communication Techniques-

Promoting respect for cultural diversity in the work place-

Communication barriers in the workplace-

Assessment instructions Submit your assessment using the following format for the filename
AND email subject line:
“CHCDIV002’ Your surname A”
Email your completed assessment to your trainer.

Student Name:

Task 1

You will work in consultation with an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, to promote cultural
safety. You must note down who you spoke to within the local indigenous community.

Assessment Task A

You need to explain three different situations where the needs of the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait
Islander people are recognised and respected from a social and cultural background within an
activity. Remember to think about communication barriers, issues relating to the development of
partnerships and relationships and the cultural factors that may affect service delivery.

Teaching respect and Recognizing Activity 1

Social and cultural Backgrounds

1. This activity helped indigenous During a school open day, teachers placed posters and literature of
parents, and children feel welcome
by seeing that their history is the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including their flags
recognised and respected. Thus,
parents felt confident that their in classrooms and strategic areas around the school. Parents could
children were in an environment that
understood their cultures and beliefs. easily see these materials and they were encouraged to provide
By letting the parents contribute to
further information to the children regarding the history of
the learning process, the exercise
recognised the role of families play in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Thus, it became an
in Indigenous communities.
inclusive activity that involved the children, educators, and parents.

2. This activity provided an The educators decided to encourage each child to plant a tree
opportunity to share with the
children the achievements of during the Reconciliation Week.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
people in Australian history. Thus,
they could feel that their identity is
recognised and appreciated. The
event also appreciated and taught
about the connection of Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander people with
the land.

3. Although most Aboriginal and The school decided to name certain sections of the school in a local
Torres Strait Islander people no
longer speak their indigenous language. Consultation was done with the local Aboriginal Land
languages, they appreciate when
their language is recognised. Council to elaborate on the required protocol and appropriate
Language is an important symbol of
their identity, which they hold dear. language for the activity. This sought to celebrate and foster
respectful relationships shared by Australians, and particularly
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Task 2

Assessment Task A

Answer all questions relating modelling cultural safety in the work place. Answer all questions with
two to three sentence answers.

A) How is cultural safety embedded into your own work and workplace?

Childcare professionals are required to enhance their knowledge of Aboriginal and/or Torres
Strait Islander people both in the past and present. They are also required to apply this
knowledge and skills to shape their attitudes to make childcare environments accessible and

B) What communication techniques and work practices do you use that show respect for
cultural differences of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people?

When I first meet Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people I introduce myself warmly
and find out more about them in simplified English to create rapport. I demonstrate an
understanding of their cultural beliefs, values, world-views, and experiences because I
understand that these factors influence their interactions, thinking, and behaviours. I am
also flexible on time because I understand that their value of time is different from my own.

C) What agency could you access when dealing with a cultural communication barrier?

 government agencies such as parenting and family support services

 community organisations such as neighbourhood centres and ECEC services.

D) How do you identify and reflect upon your personal bias and perspectives in the

I realise that I may be a victim of unconscious bias and as such I must observe my own
beliefs and values to see how they differ with those of others in the workplace rather than
focusing on how their values, beliefs, and behaviours differ from mine. Personal reflections
help me become aware of the assumptions I could have made regarding a particular culture.

E) How can you improve upon yourself and understanding of others?

I can improve by becoming culturally aware of my own culture and that of others. Forming
relationships with others also helps ask questions about their cultural background and
develop and understanding of their values, beliefs, and viewpoints.

F) What is inclusive practice?

Assessment Task A

Inclusive practice is the act of incorporating values, practices, and polices that support the
right of every child and his or her family to give them a sense of belonging and a strong
cultural identity regardless of their cultural or social backgrounds. Thus, inclusive practice
makes adjustments for culturally disadvantaged children such as Aboriginal and/or Torres
Strait Islander people so that they are not singled out.

G) How do you use inclusive practice with others in the work place?

I apply inclusive practice with colleagues by recognising and valuing individual differences. I,
therefore, use inclusive work practices that improve the working environment, delivery
outcomes, and community relationships. We also share feedback with colleagues to
continuously improve individual effectiveness in maintaining inclusivity.

Assessment Task A


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