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Genentech’s Alzheimer’s antibody trial to

study disease prevention
The first clinical trial
of a drug’s ability to
forestall Alzheimer’s
disease in cognitively
healthy individu-
als is preparing to
launch. Genentech
of S. San Francisco,
California, the
Banner Alzheimer’s
Institute in Phoenix,
Arizona, and the US
National Institutes of
Health will together
spend $96 mil-
lion in an interna-

tional effort testing

© 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

Genentech’s experi-
mental drug crene-
zumab, a humanized Genentech’s crenezumab, binds amyloid beta in plaques. A landmark trial
monoclonal antibody planned in Colombia using this antibody will determine if the amyloid
(mAb) that binds the hypothesis is correct.
amyloid beta pep-
tide (Aβ), in people certain to develop early mer president of Lilly Research Laboratories in
Alzheimer’s disease owing to autosomal domi- Indianapolis, who now directs an Alzheimer’s
nant gene mutations. Two other drug clinical institute at Weill Cornell Medical College in
trials, one also targeting Aβ in presymptomatic New York. But a conventional prevention trial
familial Alzheimer’s disease and another in the in Alzheimer’s disease would need to follow
general population, also aim to launch in 2013. many thousands of people for a long period
These pioneering studies will also test the to show a drug effect.
amyloid hypothesis and multiple Alzheimer’s So academic researchers began planning
biomarkers and thus shape future drug devel- smaller, shorter trials in populations certain
opment for a field desperate for a success. (or very likely) to suffer Alzheimer’s disease
That’s because clinical trials of agents target- within a relatively short time (Table 1). Such
ing Aβ have so far failed almost completely. drug trials have never before been attempted

(Phase 3 results for Eli Lilly’s solanezumab, in any neurodegenerative disease, says Magali
and Pfizer and Elan’s bapineuzumab were Haas, incoming chief science and technology
imminent as of late July.) The new approach officer for One Mind for Research, a non-
will test drugs before or just after the onset profit in Rutherford, California, focused on
of Alzheimer’s symptoms, thus theoretically multidisciplinary approaches to brain dis-
improving the odds of success. Fraught with eases. Researchers are counting on govern-
their own risks, these trials may offer the best ment funding and philanthropic support, and
chance of making meaningful progress any- have recruited industry partners to provide
time soon against a disease that is projected the drugs. Despite myriad risks, including the
to overwhelm the health systems of the devel- danger of serious side effects in cognitively
oped world within a generation. normal individuals using investigational
One reason for the failure of Aβ-targeted drugs, these trials have the support of regula-
drugs to date is that they may come too late tors in the US and Europe, which in turn has
in the disease course to make a difference. convinced companies to participate. “It’s pretty
Neuropathological studies reveal high brain bold,” says Paul. “But I think this is the way
amyloid burden even before Alzheimer’s that one has to approach the disease.”
symptoms develop. “By that time there’s been The only trial of the three to secure com-
considerable synapse loss, destruction, degen- plete funding by early July is an international
eration of neurons, [so] that it’s unlikely that trial sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Prevention
the current disease-modifying therapies, those Initiative (API), a collaboration organized
that go after amyloid or go after tau, are going by Alzheimer’s researchers Eric Reiman
to be hugely effective,” says Steven Paul, a for- and Pierre Tariot of the Banner Alzheimer’s

nature biotechnology volume 30 number 8 august 2012 731


Table 1 Presymptomatic Alzheimer’s disease clinical trials

Principal sponsor Population Biomarkers Start date Duration Cost
Alzheimer’s Prevention Mainly PS1 mutation carriers in FDG and amyloid PET; End 2012 or early 2013 5 years; interim analysis at $96 million
Initiative Colombia MRI; CSF tau and Ab-42 2 years
Dominantly Inherited PS1, PS2 and APP carriers in FDG and amyloid PET; End 2012 or early 2013 2 years for first stage, 5 ~$60 million for first
Alzheimer’s Network N. America, Europe, Australia MRI; CSF tau and Aβ (NIA funding pending) years total stage
Alzheimer’s Disease Asymptomatic 70+ year olds in Amyloid PET, MRI, CSF Mid-2013 (NIH funding 3 years double-blind treat- $109 million
Cooperative Study N. America with high Aβ burden tau and p-tau in subset pending) ment, 2 years follow-up
p-tau, phospho-tau; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid, Aβ: amyloid-β.
Sources: API, DIAN and ADCS.

Institute. This randomized trial will enroll of decline, in the rate of decline,” says Reisa Also, safety is a major concern, because
300 members of an extended family in and Sperling, a Harvard neurologist who heads cognitively normal people will be taking
around Medellín, Colombia, many of whom the A4 trial. these drugs. Some anti-Aβ mAbs have caused
have a fully penetrant autosomal dominant Taken together, these aggressive trials vasogenic edema, the leakage of proteinaceous
mutation in the gene encoding presenilin-1 will test the validity of the amyloid cascade fluid from blood vessels, and microhemor-
(PS1) that typically triggers Alzheimer’s hypothesis, that Aβ deposition leads to senile rhages. According to Reiman, as of early July
symptoms around age 50. (Some noncarrier plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, neuronal cell more than 250 patients had received cren-
controls and a small number of individuals death and dementia. And tracking biomark- ezumab with no reported cases of treatment-
in the US with varied mutations will also be ers and clinical outcomes in parallel could related vasogenic edema or microhemorrhage.
included.) Neurologist Francisco Lopera of the enable future trials. “We’re including all of the (The antibody was engineered with an IgG4
© 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

Universidad de Antioquia in Medellín, who best established biomarkers, so that we can backbone to limit microglial activation, a likely
identified the family and has been following find out which ones might qualify for use as contributor to vasogenic edema.)
it for three decades, will head the Colombian a reasonably likely surrogate endpoint in the Other risks are political. Familial
team. The trial, using crenezumab, will last accelerated approval of… future preclinical Alzheimer’s disease may be more difficult
five years, with an interim analysis at two Alzheimer’s treatments,” says Reiman. But to treat than sporadic disease, notes Ronald
years to gauge the drug’s effect on a variety clinical effect is the main goal of all these trials. Peterson, director of the Mayo Alzheimer’s
of Alzheimer’s biomarkers (Table 1). If one or Regulators seem prepared to approve drugs Disease Research Center in Rochester,
more biomarkers move in response to treat- if they’re successful in a single trial, at least for Minnesota. So failure in API or DIAN
ment at two years, the trial will proceed. “The API and DIAN. Russell Katz, head of the US might prematurely doom a drug that would
biomarkers may be more sensitive than the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s neurol- otherwise work in the general population.
cognitive measures,” explains Reiman. The ogy products division, said in an April meeting Conversely, success in early-onset Alzheimer’s
trial’s primary endpoint, though, is a positive that a change in a single cognitive test in DIAN does not mean that a drug will work in the
difference in cognition. could be enough for registration. “We are open much more common late-onset variety,
The second trial is sponsored by the to that,” Katz said. “We have not signed off on Peterson says, as the familial form is caused
Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Network that formally, but have asked sponsors to flesh by too much Ab deposition, and the late-onset
(DIAN), a research partnership funded by the that out for us. We recognize that very early disease is more about deficient Ab clearance.
National Institute on Aging (NIA). DIAN pro- on, when people are asymptomatic, the usual “There likely are similarities, but it’s not the
poses a five year, two-stage randomized trial rules are tough to apply.” (A typical dementia same illness,” agrees Morris.

in carriers of autosomal dominant mutations trial would also require showing a change in Joshua Boger, founder and former CEO
in PS1, PS2 and amyloid precursor protein daily function.) In the case of A4, Sperling says of Vertex Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge,
(APP). Three drugs, each employing a differ- that the trial by itself would probably not be Massachusetts, worries that a drug effective in
ent anti-Aβ mechanism, will be tried in the first enough for drug approval, but that the FDA and API or DIAN, though approved only for rare
phase. “This could be a window of opportunity European Medicines Agency have shown flex- cases of familial Alzheimer’s, would cause “a real
to intervene therapeutically before there’s sub- ibility in discussions. “They’ve come an amaz- stampede” of off-label use in the general popu-
stantial brain damage,” says John Morris, a neu- ingly long way in thinking about how we could lation. “It could create quite a clamor for what
rologist at Washington University in St. Louis do this,” Sperling says. would still be a very hypothetical and experi-
and DIAN’s program director. First the drugs must work, hardly a sure mental treatment,” Boger says. But everyone’s
The largest of the three trials is the “Anti- thing. Crucially, the drug mechanism must be first concern is finding a drug that’s effective.
Amyloid Treatment in Asymptomatic AD,” or right for the disease. API selected crenezumab “We sure hope that we see a positive signal from
A4 trial. Its 1,000 enrollees will be people in in part because it targets diverse forms of Aβ: these studies, because otherwise I think the field
their 70s and early 80s in the general popu- monomers, oligomers and fibrils, and thus is will have a hard time recovering,” says Morris.
lation selected on brain amyloid burden as capable of clearing free Aβ as well as plaques. Boger feels that all these risks are necessary.
measured by amyloid positive emission Crenezumab also depends in part on microg- “There’s a bigger risk in not doing anything,”
tomography (PET) rather than by the pres- lial engulfment of Aβ. This mechanism differs he says, calling Alzheimer’s “a species emer-
ence of autosomal dominant mutations. But from other anti-Aβ antibodies. For example, gency.” “We can do the demographics—it’s
the randomized trial won’t be large enough to Lilly’s solanezumab only binds soluble Aβ and ugly. Trillions of dollars a year and crippling
detect a difference in the number of dementia works by altering the balance between plaque the entire medical system, and crippling fami-
cases that develop, just their relative latency. and plasma Aβ. In theory, crenezumab should lies. So this is a crisis. Risk taking is prudent
“What we’re really powered to do, with 500 work better in early disease, but no one knows in a crisis.”
per arm, is to see a difference in the slope for sure. Ken Garber Ann Arbor, Michigan

732 volume 30 number 8 august 2012 nature biotechnology

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