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Name : Hepi Nopita Sari

NIM : 2019.C.11a.1011
Class : 2A
Prodi : S1 Keperawatan


1. Do this questionnaire on attitudes to drugs testing and compare your reponses with other

Strongly Strongly
agree agree disagree disagree
Testing drugs on
animals is
unnecessary and √
Before testing
them on others,
should test new
drugs on √
progress is more
important than √
the lives of a few

2. Read the text and answer the questions.


1. Because advances in chemistry biology analong with pharmaceutical inventions

have changed things dramatically.
2. Test clinic II, at test of phase 2 clinical trials, candidates for drugs are tested on
specific patients.
Test clinic III, at test of phase 3 clinical trials, involve large grups patiens.
3. Was a basic of ethics based on human rights after wold war II.
4. Reseacher
5. There are benefist to putting the patient’s best interests first
6. Six values are economic value, theory, power, solidarity, aesthetics and religion.



1. The accountant in his auditory activities has much to consider because the
auditors represent many of the conflicts of interest adhered to the audit (built
in conflict interest). Often in the performance of auditing activities, an auditor
was in conflict with audits.
2. Is it ethical?
In societies anywhere in the world, there are basic values of behavior that are
generally recognized as must be adhered to, other than rules or laws. It is
commonly called ethics.
3. The ethical issues in socio-political work practices are relevant, urgent, or
challenging to discuss as they appear in the form of a dilemma. In the
dilemma, we must choose between some alternatives that are "equally
satisfactory or equally unsatisfactory," "equally good or equally bad."
4. An ethical dilemma is a matter that involves two or more of an action but
cannot be done both, a condition where every alternative has a moral or


Answer: 1
1. B
2. Yes
3. Yes


1. 60 patients depression
2. At the tebel
3. 80 patients

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