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Decision Support Systems 51 (2011) 620–626

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Decision Support Systems

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / d s s

Cooperative planning in express carrier networks — An empirical study on the

effectiveness of a real-time Decision Support System
Sascha Dahl, Ulrich Derigs ⁎
Department of Information Systems and Operations Research, Universität zu Köln, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, D 50969 Köln, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: For small transportation firms cooperation in a carrier network is a proper mean to overcome the
Received 6 August 2010 inefficiencies from deadheading. To be successful, such a network has to secure two different but equally
Received in revised form 15 December 2010 important aspects: the partners have to be aware of specific consolidation potentials through order exchange
Accepted 27 February 2011
which is an optimization and communication problem, and, the partners have to experience incentives to
Available online 16 March 2011
contribute actively to the network which is the problem of finding a fair cost/profit allocation schema for
order exchanges. In this paper we discuss the experience with the development of a Decision Support System
Cooperative planning for a specific express carrier network. We illustrate how the consolidation potentials in such a network with
Carrier networks autonomously planning carriers can be exploited and cost effectiveness can be improved substantially
Dynamic vehicle routing problem through the use of a suitable distributed Decision Support System if the two success factors awareness and
Simulation fairness are addressed properly.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction communication system supporting cooperative planning. Another

success factor is the establishment of a compensation schema which
During the last years, transportation firms are faced with increasing puts incentives to both partners involved in exchanging orders and
cost pressure and revenue erosion at the same time. Large transporta- which is considered to be fair by all network partners.
tion companies are able to realize a high utilization of their vehicles and The issue of reducing transportation cost by collaboration and
acceptable operational cost by consolidating and combining orders to forming alliances has been investigated in the scientific literature with
efficient roundtrips. Small carriers serving ad-hoc one-way shipping respect to different aspects like different transportation markets or
orders only are faced with the problem of low volume of shipments with modes i.e. airfreight [7], shipping [1], trucking [8], intermodal freight
less than truckload trips as well as dead head trips due to an imbalance transportation [16], supply chain management [18] as well as decision
among locations. This leads to cost ineffective transportation plans and/ level, i.e. from evaluating strategic aspects in alliance formation [2] to
or may result in non-competitive prices. pricing/revenue management and allocation of cost benefits [4,10–12].
Such small-sized companies may compensate their competitive Most developments concern design questions and propose models
disadvantage by allying with partners to a cooperation network to which are based on theoretical foundations stemming from game
establish a more profitable portfolio of orders. In such a network each theory, combinatorial auctions and network flow. Refs. [10,13] present
partner plans his orders and his vehicle fleet independently with the approaches for a problem where intra-enterprise in and outsourcing
option to exchange orders with partners. Partners charge their own decisions on bundles of logistic services i.e. bundles of transportation
customers based on a specific price function. The carrier operating an requests from customers in a profit center structured forwarding
order for a partner receives a monetary compensation, which has company have to be made. In both approaches the cost difference
been specified in a generally agreed upon compensation schema. through exchanging requests is evaluated for numerous bundles of
For such a network to be successful and sustainable there are a requests. Then the optimal distribution of the bundles among the profit
number of critical factors: on the strategical level the choice of the right centers is determined via a combinatorial auction. Both approaches
set of partners yielding enough consolidation potential as well as mutual propose mechanisms for sharing the resulting profit increase among the
trust is a cardinal point. On the operational level awareness is essential, centers.
i.e. existing potentials have to be detected and communicated, a Our development was driven by the necessity to control cost
task which calls for the establishment of a proper information and effective transportation in an established collaborative network of
independent express couriers on the operational level where decisions
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 49 2214705327; fax: + 49 2214705329.
on the exchange of orders have to be made instantaneously. In our
E-mail addresses: (S. Dahl), problem environment the situation is highly dynamic such that at no
(U. Derigs). point in time planning of a fixed set of orders/requests is possible as it is

0167-9236/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Dahl, U. Derigs / Decision Support Systems 51 (2011) 620–626 621

assumed in Refs. [10,12]. Hence the focus was on implementing rational each task: To use own vehicles (self-fulfillment) or to use a partner
decision models which allow on-line algorithms within an effective carrier who will then receive a compensation for the request fulfillment.
Decision Support System. The critical success factor for a freighter is the percentage of
In this paper we describe our experience with the development and deadheads. According to experience this percentage had been up to
maintenance of pool.tour, a distributed real-time internet-based 40% to 45% for the individual carriers before the cooperation, a
collaborative Decision Support System (DSS) for a large express courier number resulting from the high spatial diversity of the single requests
network, and we analyze the impact of this system on the success factors and the inability to consolidate within the available time-frame, yet, a
mentioned above. In a first development we implemented a system number much too high to allow competitive prices and sufficient
proposing order exchanges automatically which are profitable for both profit. A rough analysis of the business within the first year of CLN's
partners involved based on the established compensation schema. This operation where cost reducing interchanges had been realized
technologically highly demanding system has been in use for about between the dispatchers occasionally via telephone conferencing
2 years. Yet, the improvement over the formerly used approach where had shown only a slight reduction of deadheads. Yet, expectation was
dispatchers had to assume potentials from their experience and to that even with the full thrust of the cooperation, its mutual growth
communicate proposals to partners over the phone was much lower and coordination potential, the bottom line of deadheads would
than expected. An analysis of the business i.e. the order pool and the always remain around 30% due to the extreme short reaction time. All
proposals generated showed that the system could only rarely find partners were aware of the fact that the two major make and break
consolidations i.e. insertions of orders in existing trips which were questions on the cooperation were constituted by the potential to
profitable for the acquiring as well as the operating partner but was only bring the key performance indicator on deadheads closer to this
able to propose exchanges which result in separate trips. This bottom line and the discussion on how to split earnings among
unsatisfactory behavior motivated us to analyze the contractual partners in a fair manner. This judgement on the key issues has led to
compensation schema, to propose an alternative schema and to the development of pool.tour, our DSS which supports cooperative
compare the result with the existing schema. For that purpose we planning as well as communication in this highly time-sensitive
performed a simulation study on the logged order pool over a significant environment.
duration of several weeks. Our analysis showed that the rather poor
performance could be clearly attributed to the compensation schema. 3. Modeling the planning situation
Using a rather straightforward cost based compensation schema within
the model base of pool.tour network wide transportation cost could be Let P be the set of partners in the network. Each partner p ∈ P is
decreased significantly, even down to the level reachable by centralized located at a specific depot depp and operates a set of vehicles Vp. Each
planning. Also the distribution of the profit showed to be much fairer. vehicle v is assigned to a vehicle class. Let VC be the set of vehicle
This paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we give a short classes and vcv the vehicle class of vehicle v. All vehicles in a vehicle
description of the transportation market and the specific carrier class vc ∈ VC share common physical and technical transportation
network underlying our development and study, in the following capabilities as for instance capacity Qvc, average speed, cost rates for
referred to as the Cooperative Logistic Network (CLN) or simply distance and time etc. The set of vehicle classes is assumed to be
network for short. In Section 3 we introduce the planning problem and partially ordered with the semantic that a vehicle of a ‘larger’ class can
the established compensation schema. Then, in Section 4, we shortly always transport orders which require a ‘smaller’ vehicle class. Each
describe our Decision Support System pool.tour. In Section 5 we partner p ∈ P has acquired a set Op of orders. Here, each order o is
describe the motivation and the design of our simulation study for defined by its pickup location po, its delivery location do, its capacity
evaluating the effectiveness of pool.tour and in Section 6 we report requirement capo and a time window [eo, lo], which specifies the
the central results of this experience. earliest time for pickup and latest time for delivery, respectively. From
the capacity requirement one can determine vco the minimum
required vehicle class for the order. For each vehicle class vc ∈ VC
2. The cooperative logistic network two rates apply: pricevc the transportation price per km for the
customer and compCostvc an internal cost rate per km used for
In 2001 the market value of the courier/express/parcel segment in compensation. For two locations x and y let l(x, y) denote their
Europe was about 36 billion Euro, and 30% of this volume was realized in distance. Then the revenue rev(p, o), which a partner p obtains from
Germany. In Germany close to 10,000 courier firms are specialized on his customer after serving its order o, is calculated as follows:
this kind of general freight transport, yet, this number contains many
h     i
one-person businesses which operate as subcontractors for larger revðp; oÞ = pricevco max 0; l depp ; po −l
+ lðpo ; do Þ : ð1Þ
companies only. CLN was founded in 2001 by logistics professionals for
logistics professionals to unite small and medium-sized courier
companies under a strong brand. It was created by a consortium of Thus, for picking up the order (pre haul leg) only the distance
independent courier companies with a more strategically oriented exceeding lfix is charged. Note, that each vehicle can transport more
organization in mind than traditional partner-based systems. All twelve than one order at a time, as long as the total capacity is not exceeded,
founding shareholders were professionals in international procurement and that it is the task of the dispatching systems of the partners to
logistics, i.e. all partner companies had long term expertise in national combine orders to tours.
and international deliveries and offered procurement logistics, less than Let us first assume the non-cooperative case, i.e. the special case of
truckloads (LTL) and complete truckloads, transportation of dangerous one partner p only. This problem of combining orders to tours is
goods and customs service. With the Europe-wide business partners coined as Pickup and Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with Time
CLN is able to offer pickup and delivery of shipments anywhere in Windows (PDVRPTW) and well studied in the Operations Research
Europe, with availability 24 h a day, 365 days a year and guaranteed literature. As a so-called rich variant of the classical Vehicle Routing
pickup anywhere in Germany within 60 min. Problem it is NP-complete and thus only heuristic methods are
The purpose of CLN – as the purpose of every cooperation of freight applicable for solving problem instances of practical size. Efficient
forwarding companies – is to realize a profitable equilibrium between heuristic algorithms have been proposed by Ref. [14] and Ref. [5].
customer demand and available transport resources by interchanging Now, a solution to a vehicle routing problem, also called a schedule,
customer requests among partners. Being a member of CLN allows the consists of a partition of the orders into clusters/tours which are
forwarding company to choose between two modes of fulfillment for assigned to the vehicles and an ordering/routing of the orders within a
622 S. Dahl, U. Derigs / Decision Support Systems 51 (2011) 620–626

po o do
cluster. Here, a feasible schedule for the PDVRPTW has to obey the Without p
following properties: cooperation:
pr r dr ps s ds
• Each order o ∈ Op is assigned to exactly one vehicle/tour v ∈ Vp.
• For each order o ∈ Op location po is visited before do. Cooperation: p
• Each order o ∈ Op is picked-up not earlier than eo. q po o do
• Each order o ∈ Op is delivered not later than lo.
pr dr ps ds
• For each vehicle the load of the vehicle must not exceed its capacity
r s
Qvcv at any time on the route.
Note that due to the relatively short lead times the number of Fig. 1. Compensation with CS-P in case of combined order execution.

orders transported simultaneously on a vehicle is rather small and thus

vehicle capacity is not a critical constraint for building feasible tours. the vehicle, while dashed arrows symbolize trips without load, i.e.
Under this static view, one assumes that a vehicle will always return deadheads for instance.
to its depot after serving all orders of its tour. Yet, in the express carrier 
environment, due to the highly dynamic business all plans have to be compCS−P ðq; oÞ = compCostvco lðpo ; do Þ + lðpr ; po Þ + lðpo ; dr Þ
adapted constantly and a vehicle may receive new orders on tour. Thus  ð4Þ
the problem to be solved is a Dynamic PDVRPTW (DPDVRPTW).
−lðpr ; dr Þ + lðps ; do Þ + lðdo ; ds Þ−lðps ; ds Þ
Ref. [3] presents an overview on this class of dynamic vehicle routing
problems distinguishing different sub-classes. A basic and commonly
used solution strategy is to adapt an algorithm that solves the static Note, that in both cases the cost rate of the required vehicle class is
version of the problem. In one approach the static problem is solved applied, not the rate of the vehicle actually serving the order.
each time a new information, i.e. an order, is revealed. In a second At first sight the problem at CLN is similar to the problem domain
approach the current solution is only updated with heuristic methods. In treated in Refs. [10,12]. Yet, the approaches proposed are not
our application we solve the DPDVRPTW modifying the heuristic applicable here because of two reasons. First, the dynamic occurrence
PDVRPTW-solver called ROUTER (see Ref. [5]). ROUTER is a two-phase of requests with extremely narrow time windows for pick up does not
heuristic, which first constructs good feasible solutions using a cost- lead to a point in time with a real planning situation where for a fixed
based cheapest insertion strategy and then applies a local search based set of orders an optimal exchange of bundles of orders could
metaheuristic for improvement in the second phase. In contrast to the determined. Secondly, the established cooperation mechanism is to
assumption in Ref. [3] that generally, when time windows are present in exchange single orders after bilateral negotiation. Thus the autonomy
a pickup and delivery vehicle routing problem, they are not tight, the of the partners does not allow a central authority which is able and
extremely short lead time is a characteristic for our business. Therefore legitimate to reallocate orders.
the application of the rather time-consuming improvement phase of
ROUTER is discarded when solving the DPDVRPTW instances since its 4. Pool.tour — a Decision Support System
application would be unrealistic for practical use in a real-time
environment with such narrow lead times. We have implemented the In general a Decision Support System (DSS) is an interactive computer-
rolling horizon paradigm, i.e. at each time an order data change occurs a based system which supports decision makers in solving semi-structured
(static) instance is solved with all orders fixed which are already in problems [17]. According to the classical concept a DSS consists of three
execution. Note that our problem cannot be treated as a stochastic VRP modules: database, modelbase and dialog component [17]. Yet, to be able to
since no information on future request is known. support planning by the dispatchers as described above this architecture
Now assume the collaborative case at CLN. Here, a carrier p has two has to be enhanced since several aspects are not addressed by the basic
options: to serve an order o with his own fleet or to have it served by DSS-concept which is focusing on supporting a single decision maker only.
one of the partners. In the first case, contribution to profit ctp(p, o) is First, a number of decision makers coming from different partner firms
calculated as usual, reducing revenue by the marginal imputed cost: and thus following different individual objectives have to work together in
a cooperative manner. A DSS for such a scenario is called a Group DSS [15].
ctpðp; oÞ = revð p; oÞ−ΔimpCostðp; oÞ ð2Þ In our planning environment support of communication between
dispatchers is an essential requirement. Also, the problem requires to
where imputed cost is calculated based on the distance a vehicle has to control the operation of many mobile units (vehicles) which themselves
drive and the time a vehicle spends for driving and/or waiting. Both terms send messages on their geographical position via fleet telematics. Ref. [15]
are multiplied by the vehicle class specific cost rates for distance and time. classifies a DSS with such a functionality as Communications-Driven DSS.
In the second case, i.e. if one of the partners, say q, serves the order, the The dynamic of the business and the extremely short lead time between
compensation compCS − P(q, o) is determined according to a contractually order entry and pickup time require the installation of a Real-Time DSS
agreed upon schema CS-P which distinguishes two cases:If the order is which is capable to react to the changing environment instantly. Since the
served by a dedicated tour, the calculation is similar to the revenue users of the DSS are geographically spread over Europe a Distributed DSS
calculation above, with the only difference that twice the compensation [9] has to be developed.
cost rate is applied: Based on these requirements we have designed an interactive
concept where the DSS integrates the decentralized databases of the
h     i
compCS−P ðq; oÞ = 2⋅compCostvco max 0; l depq ; po −l
+ lðpo ; do Þ : partners' dispatching systems and uses a simple but fast and powerful
on-line heuristic which is based on the current information on orders,
ð3Þ planned tours and vehicle positions. The heuristic permanently
generates proposals for inserting new orders into tours which are
If the order is inserted into an already existing tour, and thus is then communicated to the dispatchers in a pro-active manner. This
combined efficiently with other orders, the load distance l(po, do) plus concept is realized with an internet-based client–server-architecture
the marginal distance caused by the service of o applies. This more where data, application logic and generation of the user interface are
complicated calculation is illustrated in Fig. 1 for the case that order o centralized while presentation and interaction with the dispatchers is
is combined with two other orders r and s, respectively. Here bold performed through a web interface on the dispatchers' clients. Ref.
arrows indicate the trips with orders or load which are performed by [15] has characterized such a DSS as Web-Based DSS.
S. Dahl, U. Derigs / Decision Support Systems 51 (2011) 620–626 623

Fig. 2 shows the architecture of our DSS. The central DSS-database cated to partners p and pi via e-mail. Note that through this service the
stores and manages all relevant data from orders, vehicles and vehicle DSS also reduces communication effort and cost significantly.
routings from all partners as well as the current vehicle positions. This
data is imported automatically and in real-time from the local
dispatching systems of the partners as well as the database of the fleet 5. Design of a simulation study for evaluating the effectiveness
telematics provider using appropriate interfaces. The web interface of pool.tour
allows the partners to search and filter the data with respect to different
criteria. From this exposition the planning paradigm becomes apparent: The system described in Section 4 has been implemented in CLN
decentralized planning of orders at each partner site with a central and has been in use for about 2 years, i.e. during their daily planning
supporting system, the so-called proposal generator which searches and the dispatchers received proposals for order exchanges. Yet, the
proposes options of profitable exchanges in real-time based on data experience with the use of the system was not satisfactory, i.e. the
from the individual dispatching systems and fleet telematics. reduction in deadheads and the increase in contribution to profit that
The proposal generator is the core component ensuring awareness of materialized were far below expectation. When monitoring the
consolidation potentials. It is activated automatically and in real-time in system we could observe that the system was constantly detecting a
case a new order is inserted into the database or an order data is changed. significant number of proposals. Yet, a closer analysis revealed three
Moreover the proposal generator can be called manually by the partners problems: only a small fraction of the proposals concerned consolida-
for every own order. After insertion of an order, ō say, in a first step, the tions, i.e. the insertion of orders in existing tours, the majority of the
generator uses the cheapest insertion logic from ROUTER [5] to check all proposals were not implemented by the dispatchers, and, a large
feasible positions for pickup and delivery in routings of vehicles of that number of obviously promising exchanges were not proposed.
partner, p say, who according to the current situation has to fulfill the According to the comment of the partners the reason for the
order. In case of a new order this is the partner who has acquired the order second failure is the fact that for exchanges which would result in a
and in the case of an order change this is the acquiring partner or the separate deadhead tour for the receiving partner the compensation to
partner who accepted to overtake the order following an earlier proposal. be paid by the acquiring partner is too high, i.e. all partners are aware
Analogously, all feasible positions for pickup and delivery in vehicle of carriers outside CLN who demand less compensation fee for such an
routings of partners are identified and the position which results in the order. Now, our hypothesis was that the specific compensation
lowest compensation cost is selected. In these calculations the currently schema CS-P which is implemented in CLN and hence in the proposal
available information on vehicle positions is used. generator of pool.tour is causing the other deficits, too. We argued
Thus a proposal for an order exchange is generated if that the compensation schema CS-P disguises apparently cost-
efficient exchange options by either setting the compensation fee
revðp; oÞ−compCS−P ðvi ; oÞ N ctpðv; oÞ ð5Þ too high for the acquiring partner or too low for the receiving partner.
Thus the schema is unfair and hence irrational.
which is equivalent to Therefore we decided to propose and evaluate an alternative
compensation schema which observes the specific situation of the
compCS−P ðvi ; oÞ b ΔimpCostðv; oÞ ð6Þ
business at all partners explicitly and whose fairness is comprehensible.
where v is the vehicle of partner p and vi is the vehicle of the partner pi Of course, such a substantial contractual change cannot be implemented
for which the cheapest insert position was found. Now, the proposal is without prior proof of concept, i.e. evidence of improvement. Therefore
acceptable for the network partner pi if we decided to perform an extensive simulation study. The purpose of
the study was not only to evaluate an alternative schema but also to
compCS−P ðpi ; oÞ N ΔimpCostðpi ; oÞ ð7Þ analyze to which level the coordination potential is exploited. For that
purpose we have simulated different organizational settings and
i.e. if the partner takes an advantage from serving o. The proposal scenarios. In all settings and scenarios we assume that the proposals
together with the compensation amount to be paid is then communi- generated by pool.tour are accepted and implemented by the partners.

Fig. 2. DSS architecture.

624 S. Dahl, U. Derigs / Decision Support Systems 51 (2011) 620–626

5.1. Simulation data 5.3. Alternative compensation schema

For the simulation study we have used real data from our The compensation schema determines whether a specific collab-
European-wide operating cooperative logistic network CLN consisting oration through an order exchange is of advantage for both partners
of about 50 carriers at the time of the study. We stored all orders over involved. Hence, the design of the compensation schema with respect
twelve randomly chosen weeks in 2008. By purpose we have chosen a to incentiveness and fairness is a key factor for the overall
period before the economic crisis with regular demand. At that time performance of the network. An analysis of the effect of alternative
the network had a capacity of 8905 vehicles assigned to five vehicle compensation schemata and a comparison with alternative planning
classes. This high number of vehicles reflects the fact that in this approaches as reference will certainly help to improve the potentials
courier network each carrier has access to a virtually unlimited of the collaboration and to establish mutual trust. While in Ref. [12]
number of subcontractors. This carrier and vehicle data has been profit is shared based on the exchange of single bundles, Ref. [13]
considered as static, while the order data is highly dynamic. To gather uses the Shapley value as a mechanism to share the dividend of
real order data we have timestamped and logged every change of cooperation among the participating couriers. Ref. [10] proposes a
order data for all carriers. Then we have eliminated all data changes flexible mechanism to distribute total cost savings obtained from the
reflecting order exchanges between carriers because such decisions exchange of bundles after solving the combinatorial auction problem.
are subjected to the planning approach in the simulation. Here the trade-off between cost saving through outsourcing and cost
increase through insourcing can be influenced by adjusting the ratio
5.2. Alternative planning scenarios and methods between in and outsourcing.
Our approach is based on the evaluation of exchanging single
We have analyzed the impact of alternative organizational requests and here we have analyzed the impact of two different com-
settings: the collaborative planning approach supported by our DSS, pensation concepts: the one presently used by CLN and implemented
a non-collaborative planning scenario where each carrier plans and in pool.tour (CS-P) and another simple marginal cost-based schema
operates his own orders only and a centralized approach imitating (CS-CB):
the situation that all resources and orders belong to one carrier.
The non-collaborative scenario requires to solve a set of Dynamic 1
compCS−CB ðq; oÞ = ½ΔimpCostðp; oÞ + ΔimpCostðq; oÞ ð8Þ
Pickup and Delivery Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows 2
(DPDVRPTW), one for each partner, while the centralized approach
requires to solve a single Dynamic Pickup and Delivery Vehicle i.e. we calculate the marginal imputed cost obtained from cheapest
Routing Problem with Time Windows and Multiple Depots insertion of o into the transportation plans of p and q respectively.
(DPDVRPTWMD) (see Ref. [14]). As already mentioned we have Schema compCS − CB is incentive compatible in the sense that
solved the non-collaborative scenario problems modifying the whenever there is the potential for decreasing the total network-
heuristic PDVRPTW-solver ROUTER (see Ref. [5]). In our work, we wide cost through an exchange then there is also a positive gain from
found that the real-world problem instances resulting from the it for each of the involved carriers. Note that schema CS-CB can easily
centralized planning approach can be solved by this modification of be parameterized to implement alternative distributions of the
the ROUTER-insertion heuristic considering all orders already planned revenue between the acquiring and operating partner.
to be fixed and continuously evaluating the cheapest insertion
position for each incoming or updated order. This approach mimics 6. Simulation results
a realistic planning procedure in the dispatch and thus the solutions
can be seen as the results achievable by a realistic practical solution In a first scenario (scenario without outsourcing) the simulation and
method respecting the high dynamic for the centralized organiza- the optimization procedures are based on the assumption that all
tional setting. In that sense they build the reference for our simulation transport requests must be fulfilled within CLN, i.e. it is not possible to
results. Based on these solutions as bottom line, plans resulting from have transportation requests executed by eventually less costly
DSS-simulation can be evaluated to examine the effects on total cost, subcontractors from the spot market. Fig. 3 shows the network-
distribution of orders, etc. wide total imputed cost per week which occurs when simulating the

Network-wide total costs

Mean A B C D E F G H I J K L
Simulation period
Isolated planning Collaborative planning CS-P Collaborative planning CS-CB Centralized planning

Fig. 3. Relative cost, scenario without outsourcing, 100% = cost with isolated planning.
S. Dahl, U. Derigs / Decision Support Systems 51 (2011) 620–626 625

four different settings introduced above: collaborative planning with respectively. In the settings of collaborative planning with compen-
the compensation schemata CS-P and CS-CB, respectively, as well as sation schema CS-CB and centralized planning cost are only slightly
isolated planning and centralized planning. Moreover the mean value reducible through outsourcing, i.e. the reduction is only 0.64% and
over all simulation periods is given. Note that we have normalized the 0.55%, respectively.
results, i.e. all cost values are stated as percentage of the cost arising This different behavior of the four settings can be explained as
from the isolated planning setting. follows: in the first setting of isolated planning outsourcing is the only
Collaborative planning with the compensation schema CS-P leads possibility to reduce the number of unprofitable transportation. Now,
to a mean cost level of 95.77%, i.e. a cost decrease of 4.23% compared applying compensation schema CS-P similar reductions which exist
to isolated planning. Using the cost-based compensation schema CS- within the network remain invisible. In contrast, applying the cost-
CB cost can be reduced significantly to a cost level of 86.15%, i.e. the based compensation schema CS-CB such cost savings existing within
cost decrease is 13.85%. Even in the case of centralized planning we the network are made explicit and allow the more efficient allocation
can see that with the use of realistic planning methods the additional of transport orders within the network to an extent, that the cost
cost reduction to a level of 85.93% is only marginal, i.e. the maximal levels with and without outsourcing differ only slightly. Thus, when
cost decrease achievable by cooperating is 14.07%. Note that over the applying CS-CB outsourcing does not pay any more and the network
sample data all these values have only small variances and their offers to the partners the entire market potential for collaboration.
relative order and difference are stable. And this is what triggered the motivation and strategy of forming the
These results are rather significant. They support the estimation network.
and experience of the partners that cooperation with their compen- So far, our simulations have shown that for the network as a whole
sation schema CS-P and traditional manual planning and communi- collaborating using a proper compensation schema like CS-CB pays.
cation by phone could only reduce cost marginally. They manifest that Now, a second aspect is the fairness of the compensation schema. This
there is a substantial bottom line of cost resulting from inefficiencies aspect is the focus of the following analysis where we have measured
caused by the imbalance of orders with respect to location and time the profit gains for the individual network partners resulting from
which cannot be avoided even under centralized cooperative their participation in the network. For that purpose we have
planning. Yet, most important, the results clearly demonstrate that calculated for every partner p and for every week an indicator Δgp
the choice of the compensation schema is crucial for the economical which is a proxy for the gain with respect to contribution to profit. Δgp
success of the cooperation network. Collaborative planning with the measures the difference between cIPp the cost occurring in the
simple, well understandable and easily applicable compensation isolated planning setting and cCPp the cost occurring in the
schema CS-CB leads to a significant decrease of network-wide total cooperative planning setting. Now this value is corrected by adding
cost compared to CS-P. Yet, what is even more important is the result the compensation payments p received from network partners and
that by simply applying the cost-based compensation schema CS-CB subtracting the compensation payments of p to other network
the CLN network can exhaust nearly all cost saving potentials and partners. These compensation payments are obtained from the results
reach the cost level of centralized planning. of the simulation, i.e. the cooperation proposals/transactions com-
Fig. 4 displays the corresponding values for a second scenario puted. Let R denote the set of all compensation payments and rp, q the
(scenario with outsourcing) where we assume that transportation compensation which partner p has to pay partner q. Then the indicator
requests may be executed by subcontractors from the spot market. To is calculated as follows:
allow a comparison of both scenarios all values are again normalized
relative to the cost resulting from isolated planning without Δgp = cIPp −cCPp + ∑ rq;p − ∑ rp;q : ð9Þ
outsourcing. rq;p ∈R: rp;q ∈R:
As expected, in the outsourcing scenario cost are systematically p = p;q≠p p = p;q≠p

lower than the respective cost without outsourcing for all settings.
Every solution of the scenario without outsourcing remains feasible, Fig. 5 shows the distribution of the cooperation profit among the
yet, the option of outsourcing extends the solution space. For isolated individual network partners for the scenario without outsourcing.
planning as well as collaborative planning with compensation schema Fig. 5(a) gives the distribution using collaborative planning with the
CS-P allowing outsourcing reduces cost significantly by 5.8% and 4.6%, compensation schema CS-P, whereas Fig. 5(b) gives the distribution

Network-wide total costs

Mean A B C D E F G H I J K L
Simulation period
Isolated planning Collaborative planning CS-P Collaborative planning CS-CB Centralized planning

Fig. 4. Relative cost, scenario with outsourcing, 100% = cost with isolated planning in the scenario without outsourcing.
626 S. Dahl, U. Derigs / Decision Support Systems 51 (2011) 620–626

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Ulrich Derigs is professor and director of the Information Systems and Operations
identified as a critical success factor and has led to the development Research Department at the University of Cologne, Germany. His research interests are in
and implementation of pool.tour, a technically complex Decision the areas of network optimization, combinatorial optimization and mathematical
Support System whose core is a real-time proposal generator. The programming with emphasis on efficient algorithms and data-structures as well as on
decision and data modeling and includes the development of planning methods and
experience of 2 years of operation and the results of our simulation decision support systems especially in the area of transportation and logistics as well as
analysis have demonstrated the dominant importance of the choice of banking and finance. His research was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
an adequate compensation schema. It is another critical success factor (DFG), Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), several private companies and
the government. Ulrich Derigs ranks 20th in the 2009 Handelsblatt-Ranking of 2100
for the cooperation network, for the potential of materializing the
professors for Business Administration and Management in Germany, Austria and the
overall cost reduction as well as for the fairness of profit distribution German-speaking part of Switzerland regarding life-time research performance.
within the network. Our simulation reveals that with the support of a
Sascha Dahl studied Information Systems at the University of Cologne, Germany, from
real-time DSS based on an adequate compensation schema the
1999 to 2004 and specialized in Operations Research, Decision Support Systems, Supply
network is able to work close to the level obtainable by centralized Chain Management and Production. From 2004 to 2009 he worked as a research
planning. In a sense this is the strongest possible empirical result. assistant at the Information Systems and Operations Research Department at the
Thus, the compensation schema has to be regarded as the primal University of Cologne. Sascha Dahl received his doctoral degree in 2009. His research
interests are operational planning and control of inter-organizational cooperations,
design parameter of decision support with respect to economic decentralized optimization, mechanism design, auction and game theory as well as
success and stability of the network. It can make or break the network. logistic problems, especially dynamic vehicle routing problems.

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