U. S. "Near Beer " Restrictions New War Trade Board Ruling On Certain, Goods in

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GEORGE CREEL. Chairman * * * COMPLETE Record of U. X. GOVERNMENT Activities


vised that the President signed, In Paris
ISSUED ON DECEMBER 16, 1918 on January 23, a proclamation removing METHOD FOR FILING DOCUMENTS
the restrictions upon the manufacture of
" near beer." This proclamation, how-
Permits for Flying Now Granted to ever, can not become effective until the Instructions Given as to Shipments
seal of the United States is attached
Qualified Civilians by the joint thereto by the Department of State And of Specifed Origin and Destina-
Army and Navy Board on Aero- no one can safely act on this information tion Passing Through the United
until the proclamati6n has become ef-
nautic Cognizance. fective. States-Customs Rules.
President Wilson has issued, under
date of December 16,1918, a preclamation
REPORT ON THE FLAG INCIDENT The War Trade Board announces in a
new ruling (W. T. B. R. 544) the revi-
revbking the proclamation of January 1,
1918, which imposed restrictions upon INADRIATIC ISMADE PUBLIC sion of the regulations under which ship-
ments of certain origin and destination,
private airplane exhibitions in the United the importation of which has been other-
States. Secretary Daniels makes public the fol- wise licensed, may be exported without
The proclamation follows: lowing report from Admiral Benson re- an individual export license when the
ceived in reply to the Secretary's cabled' same are conveyed in transit through the
"BY THE PRESIDENT Or THE UNITED STATES request to Rear Admiral Niblack, com- territory or via any port of the United
or AMERICA. mander of the American forces in the States. This regulation, effective Janu-
"A PROCLAMATION. Adriatic, for a report on any incident ary 28, 1919, rescinds W. T. B. R. 465, ap
"Whereas on the 1st day of January, that might ha-ve given rise to the story of issued January 2, 1919.
1918, a proclamation was issued forbid- thd "seizure" at Jelsa on January 16,
1919. of the Dinara by Italian forces: Issued Through Customs Service.
ding the exposition of aircraft in the
United States or its possessions; and " The Italian Government has been au- (1) Special export license No. RAC-42
"Whereas, the reasons requiring such thorized by the Adriatic naval committee has been issued through the Customs
prohibition have ceased: to requisition all Austria-Hungarian mer- Service and authorizes the exportation of
" Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, chant vessels, to be controlled by the al- shipments of all commodities originating
President of the United States, do here- lied maritime council. The refusal of in any foreign country and destined to
by repeal and annul the said proclama- some of the crew on particular ships to go any foreign country when the same are
tion, and do remove the prohibition there- to sea under the Italian flag is attributed conveyed in transit through the territory
in imposed upon private aeroplane ex- to ill feeling toward the Italian people. or via any port of the United States, ex-
hibitions. " The naval committee has adopted an- cept that shipments from or to Mexico,
" In witness whereof, I have hereunto other plan to guarantee that the ships go Central America, South America, and the
set my hand and caused the seal of the Into service, numbering six in all, three West Indies are limited to the following:
United States to be affixed. of which were requisitioned by the United (A) Ship-ients in either direction be-
' Done this 16th day of December, in States to fly the United States flag at the tween any colonies of England or France
the year of our Lord 1918, and of the main and the interallied flags aft. Simi- in South America, Central America, or
independence of the United States of lar treatment accorded other three ships the West Indies and any other country in
America the 142d. to be requisitioned by the British. Naval the world; (B) shipments in either direc-
" Woonow WILsoN. representatives have given written per- tion between any point in Central Amer-
"By the President: mits to each ship to proceed to sea. ica, South America, Mexico, or the West
" The Italian authorities had not been Indies, and the United Kingdom. France,
" Secretary of State." advised on the decision of the naval com- Italy, or Japan (including their colonies,
mittee in connection with the steamship possessions, and protectorates) ; and (C)
Flying Permits Now Granted. Dinara. shipments from one point in Mexico *^
" The United States and allied flags another point in Mlexco passing throt
The joint Army and Navy board on were hauled down by the Italian senior
aeronautic cognizance announces that the United States en route.
officer and the Italian colors hoisted, the
permits for flying are now granted to ship not being seized. After the matter Transit Shipments in United States.
qualified civilians who apply according was referred to the Italian senior officer, 2. In transit shipments arriving at the
to the requirements of the President's he stated that the act was done through United States by rail or vessel for re-
proclamation of February 28, 1918. All Ignorance, and, after expressing regret, export under RAC 42 may be consigned
applications should be addressed to the the United States and allied flags were to the ultimate consignee at point of
joint Army and Navy board on aeronau- again hoisted." destination or to an agent In the United
tic cognizance, Sixth and B Streets NW., States for reshipment, and if consigned
Washington, 5. C. to an agent, the railroad waybill or ves-
In making an application for a 1lying Additional Military Units sel's manifest must bear the name and
license the civilian is required to for-
ward a copy of his or her certificate or Assigned to Early Convoy address of the ultimate consignee at point
of destination, and such notations shall be
license showing that the Individual Is transcribed therefrom to the carrier's
qualified as a pilot The War Department authorizes publi-
cation of the following information: customs manifest or copy of vessel's
The application must lbe supplemented manifest presented to the collector of cuo-
with full Information as to the nature of The following organizations have been
assigned to early convoy: toms.
the aerial project contemplated; the 3. Upon arrival of such In transit ship-
fmancial backing; the means to be taken Fifth Englneers. ments at port of entry, the railroad agent
to insure the reliability of motors and the Quartermaster Casual Company No. 4.
Cement Mill Casual No. 8. or the vessel's agent shall present to the
(Continued on page 2,) Four-hundredand ighty-fifthAero quadrop, collector of customs a copy of the car-

4.: ,

rier's customs manifest, Form 7512, or a

copy of the ship's manifest or portion. Fatalities at Flyfig
thereof, upon which shall be clearly
noted the shipments which are in transit. Fields in United States TO MAKE SUGGESTIONS TENDING
This copy shall bear: A. The name and
address of the ultimate consignee, in ac- The War Department issues the
cordance with paragraph 2 herein; B. The following statement' of fatalities
notation " Special Export License RAC- The Post Office Department issues the
which occurred at flying fields, following:
42 "; and C. The number of the import camps, etc., in the United States dur-
license under which the shipment is to The Post Office Department has sent
Ing the week ending January 18, out a circular letter to more than 15,000
be imported into the United States. 1919:
If the shipment is not covered by a business men, firms, boards of trade, and
Carruthers Field, Benbrook, Tex- 8 chambers of commerce throughout the
special (PBF) import license an individ- Post Field, Fort Sill, Okla... - 1
unl import license is required. country inviting suggestions and con-
Total -------------------- 4 structive criticisms which may tend to
Shipments by Rail. the improvement of the Postal Service.
4. If the shipment is by rail, the col- " The. Post Office Department desires
lector of customs will, upon giving entry, to maintain the postal service at a high
allow the shipment to proceed to port of
exit accompanied by the carrier's fbani-
SAYS WAR DEPARTMENT ISNOT standard of efficiency," says the letter,
" and make it meet the necessities and
5. The collector of customs at port of
CLASSIFYING OPINIONS OF PEOPLE requirements of the public. Notwith-
standing the extraordintry conditions
exit will allow the goods to be exported prevailing during the war the Depart-
Statement by the Secretary of War ment has attempted to do that which no
under RAC-42, and forward the extra January 27, 1919:
copy of Form 7512, or the extra copy of other country at war has undertaken,
I am receiving telegrams and letters namely, to conduct the Postal Service
the ship's manifest, to the War Trade with regard to a list of persons handed
Board, Washington, D. C. to the Senate committee by Mr. Archibald without curtailment or restriction of fa-
The attention of shippers is called to cilities or conveniences to the public and
Stevenson, who is represented in news- at the same time perform the numerous
the fact that goods given entry into the paper accounts as a member of the Mili-
United States as in transit shipments may additional duties and war activities im-
tary Intelligence Division of the War De-
not be diverted for domestic consumption partment. Mr. Stevenson has never been .posed upon it.- I am not aware of any
or reconsigned to a consignee other than way in which we can .get in as close
an officer or an employee of the Military touch with postal needs as through the
the one named on the entry documents de- Intelligence Division of the War Depart-
scribed in paragraph 2, unless authority business organizations and representa-
for so doing has been obtained from the ment. tive business men of the country.
War Trade Board. ) I am told that he and a number of " With this end in view I am request-
associates have, throughout the war, ing that you advise me promptly whether
The attention of shippers is further sought to analyze books and newspaper
called to the fact that RAC-42 is an ex- contributions with a view to determining your Postal Service is satisfactory and
port license and does not license the entry the opinions of their writers toward the meets the necessities of the business in-
of any in-transit shipment or authorize war. I personally have no sympathy with terests; if not, what are the existing de-
any shipment in conflict with the trading- the publication of lists of persons classi- fects wherein the service should be reme-
with-the-enemy act. fled with reference to their supposed died and improved?
General Import License. opinions and grouped under general desig- " I inclose an addressed penalty en-
nations such as " pacifists," which may velope which does not require postage,
For the information of shippers their mean any one of a dozen things, some of and I will greatly appreciate an early
attention is drawn to W. T. B. R. 540, them quite consistent with the finest loy- reply.
isbued January 23, 1919, announcing the alty to the co1tty, and some of them "Respectfully,
issuance of general import license PBF inconsistent with such loyalty. As a "J. C. Kodvs,
No. 31. This general import license cov- matter of fact, the War Department does "First Asst. Postmaster Gencral."
ers all in transit shipments of unre- not undertake to censor the opinions of
stricted commodities where shipment
fron abroad has been made after Janu-
ary 21, 1919. The removal of the restric-
the people of the United States. It has
no authority to classify such opinions. PICTURES WANTED OF AIRMEN
tions on commodities now restricted will
automatically bring such commodities un-
In the particular list accredited to Mr.
Stevenson there are names of people of KILLED INFLYING ACCIDENTS
der the effect of this general license. great distinction, exalted purity of pur-
pose, and life-long devotion to the highest The Director of Military Aeronautics
Reference is made in W. T. B. It Z40, in Interests of Ameri-a and of mankind. desires to have photographs of the offi-
connection with shipments made after Miss Jane Addams, for instance, lends cers named below, who were killed in
January 21, 1919, that PBF No. 31 will dignity and greatness to any list in which airplane accidents and for n hom fields of
supersede general import license PBF No. her name appears. the Air Sertice have been named. So
12 and PBF No. 25 in so far as it may far it has been impossible to get in touch,
conflict with such other general licenses. with any relatives or friends of these men.
ALLOWS AIRPLANE EXHI{bITIONS. all of whom died several years ago and
(Contihued from page 1.) whose records in the War Department
Ocean Freight Rates Cut are incomplete.
To Ports in the Far East upkeep of planes; types and condition of Accordingly, it is desired, if this comes
planes; and the number of hours each has to the attention of anyone acquainted
been flown. The number of mechanics with these men or with their families,
The Shipping Board announces the foL- to be employed should also be stated. that the necessary information be fur-
lowing reduction in ocean rates from New In short, a complete detailed report is nished this office, attention Personnel
York for the last ha of February load- desired, and standard forms of applica- Section, in order that an effort may be
ing: tion are furnished upon request to the made to procure photographs.
For Calcutta and Colombo.-Reduced secretary, Lieut. L. G. Haugen, Division Lieut. Moss L. Love (Cavalry).
from $45 per ton, weight or measurement, of Military Aeronautics. Lieut. Joseph D. Park (Cavalry).
to $1.10 per hundred pounds, or 60 cents Lieut. Lewis C. Rockwell (Infantry).
per cubit foot, ship's option.
For Madras and Rangoon.-From $30 THREE ANTIBOLSHEVIX ARMIES. Lieut. Lewis W. Hazelhurst, jr. (Sig-
pa ton, weight or measurement, to $1.20 nal Corps).
per hundred pounds, or 65 cents per cubit Positions of Forces in Russia According Lieut. Eric L. Ellington (Cavalry).
foot, ship's Option. to Advices from Helsingfers. Five of the Army flying fields have
According to advices from Helsingfors, been named after these officers.
Easy to buy, convenient to handle, no, there are three anti-Bolshevik armies op-
erating in Russia-the Siberian Army, took Koltas and is now proceeding along
red tape--Get a WAR-SAVINGS STAMP advancing from Perm on Viatka Niomma; the railway on Viatka; and the Western
to-day. the Eastern International Army, which International Army, pressing on Kjatkas.


INSTRUCTORS TO MAKE CAMPAIGN The following offlcial communiques bon, ambassador, French delegate at
were Issued at Paris on January 27, the peace conference, to appoint mem-
Men Now Specially Being Trained 1919: bers of the missions in accordance
to Visit Demobilization Camps Morning Communique. with the decisions Zf the plenary ses-
sion of Saturday, the 25th of Janu-
and Encourage Continuance of The President of the United ary. The following were appointed:
States, the primo ministers and for- League of nations---3elgium, Mr.
Risks After Leaving Service. ign ministers of the allied and as- Hymans; Brazil, Mr. Epitacio Pps-
sociated powers and the Japanese soa; China, Mr. -E. Wellington Koo
The Navy Department issues the fol- representative met this morning at (plenipotentiary) ; Serbia, Mr. Pes-
lowing: the Quai D'Orsay from 10130 to 12.80, nitch; Portugal, Mr. Janme Batal-
Plans by which the Navy Department and defined q program of work and kha Reis (minister plenipotenti-
will cooperate with the Treasury Depart- the constitution of new committees ary). Responsibility of the authors
ment in the campaign to keep sailors in- for economic and financial questions, of the war-Belgium, not yet ap-
sured with the United States Govern- as well as questions relating to pri- pointed; Serbia, Mr. Slobodan Yo-
ment after their return to civil life are vate and maritime laws. The after- -vanovitch; Roumania, Mr. Rosen-
-announced by Secretary of the Navy noon session continued the exchange thal; Greece, Mr. Politis; Poland,
Daniels. of views on the former German -colo- not yet appointed. International
A spirited educational campaign has nies in the Pacific and the Far East. legislation on labor-Belgium, Mr.
been launched so that every officer and The representatives of the dominions Vandervelde and Mr. Mahaim; Cuba,
man in the Navy will be fully apprised and of China were heard. The next Mr Bustamante; Poland, not yet ap-
of his rights and opportunities regard- meeting will take place to-morrow at pointed; Czecho-Slovak Republic,
ing insurance before he leaves the serv- 11 o'clock. Mr. Benes. International control of
ice. Afternoon Communique. ports, waterways, and railways-
Training Men as Instructors. Belgium, not yet appointed; China,
The representatives of the powers I. E. Thomas and C. T. Wang
Four hundred young men under in- with special interests met this after- (plenipotentiary delegate) ; Greece,
struction at the Officers' Material School noon at 3 o'clock at the Quai D'Orsay, Mr. Coromilas; Serbia, Mr. Tram-
for the Pay Corps at Princeton Univer- under the presld'ency of Mr. J. Cam- bitch; Uruguay, Mr. Carlos Blanco.
sity are being given special instruction
under the direction of Dr. S. S. Huebner,
in charge of the Insurance department
in the Wharton School of Finance of the When Spurs May Be Worn License Rules for Rice
University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Hueb-
ner is being assisted by members of his, By U. S. Army Aviators In-Transit Shipments
own staff and by certain officers of the
Navy who were well trained in insurance The Director of Military Aeronautics The War Trade Board announces, in
work before entering the Navy. From authorizes the following: a new ruling (W. T. B. R. 550), that
among these men, about 150 best quall- According to a change in Special Reg- licenses for the importation of rice for
fled to conduct this campaign will be ulations No. 41, Uniform Regulations, in-transit shipments may be issued with-
selected and will be given further short 1917, spurs will always be worn with-
intensive training. On the completion boots whether mounted or dismounted, out requiring that applications therefor
of this training, these officers will be de- with the following exceptions: (a) Avia- state the name of the ultimate consignee
tailed to all the demobilization camps, tors will not wear spurs, when flying; or the destination to which the rice is
training stations, and receiving ships, as (b) spurs will not be worn with field going. All licenses so issued will contain
well as to certain ships of the fleet, in boots by officers when on dismounted the clause "void for consumption entry."
order that every man may, previous to duty.
his discharge, be fully instructed and Before the importer can obtain the nec-
may have the benefit of expert advice essary export license to complete his in-
regarding Government insurance. transit shipment the bureau of exports
that no Government policy should be sur- will require him to furnish the name of
It is well known that the insurance rendered. Practically pvery kind of in- the consignee and the destination as ex-
granted by the Government t gh the surance, such as straight-life, limited- plained in W. T. B. R. 545, issued Janu-
Bureau of War-Risk Insurance, Treas- payment life, 20-payment life, endow- ary 28, 1919. If such efport license is
ury Department, gave every man in the ment, etc., may be obtained. not obtained prior to the arrival of the
service an opportunity to secure ipsur- The Secretary of the Navy, in further- rice in the United States it will be held
ance ip to $10,000 during the period of ance of his determined policy and char- in bond pending the obtaining of an
the war and also the privilege of carry- acteristic, desires to give to the men of export license.
ing this insurance after returning to civil the naval service every possible advan-
life. Five years is allowed after peace tage; and in order to insure that no men
is declared to convert this insurance in leave the service without being ac- POREIGN BORN U. S. SOLDIERS.
order that the men may have every possi- quainted with his rights to this insurance Soldiers in France who are foreign
ble opportunity to carry the insurance on and of the value of this insurance in the born and who have not been naturalized
the lowest possible premium rate until years to come, has determined to carry will be naturalided on their return to this
those going out of the service might be this instruction directly to the individual country, provided they wish to become
reestablished in their former occupa- man himself, and by the direction of the citizens, tile Bureau of Naturalization,
tions. Secretary, a Reserve officer, who prior to Department of Labor, announces. The
Privilege of Every Man. the war had large experience in handling signing of the armistice halted a plan
Every man now carrying Government insurance in a big way, had been ordered to carry on natu'ralization work abroad,
Insurance has on his discharge the privi- to the Bureau of Supplies as Navy insur- for which a representative of the bureau
lege of converting his insurance at any ance officer, and will conduct under this had gone overseas.
time within five years into one of tie bureau the training of the various insur- Already 160,000 men irl uniform have
well-recognized forms. Such insurance ance officer, and will direct the educa- been naturalized, and this number in-
will be much cheaper than could be ob- tional campaign. cludes practically all aliens in the mill-
tained from any of the various life-insur- tary service except those who went
ance companies; and this fact, together Bett'er than money because they earn abroad with the expeditionary forces be-
with the fact that no physical examina- money; buy a WAR-SAVINGS STAMP fore they could be granted citizenship
tion is required, makes it highly advisable TO-DAY. under the war legislation.

@meidt 1 0. IBulletin Casualties in Navy

Published Every Week Day, Except
Legal Holidays, Under Order of the
President of the United States and The Navy Department reports the fol-
by Authority of Congress. Secretary Daniels authorizes the fol-
lowing deaths:
Office: No. 8 Jackson Place, Ensign Charles Dwight Sigsbee, jr., lowing:
Washington, D. C. Tel. Main 5600. United States Naval Reserve Force, died The Bureau of Navigation has sent the
at Naval Hospital, Annapolis, Md., Janu- following circular letter regarding medal
be furnished without charge to every post office ary 23, of pneumonia. Wife, Mrs. Agnes legislation and award of decorations to
In the United States (to be posted daily, for Falenor Sigsbee, 1800 Cumberland Street,
the benefit of the pfiblic, under order of the Lebanon, Pa. all ships and stations:
Postmaster General) ; to legislative and execu-
tive officers o the United States Government, Ensign Oswald Brunu Julius Michel- The department's bill governing the
and to diplomatic representatives of all foreign sen, United States Naval Reserve FQrce, award of medals has passed both.Houses
Governments.--EWARD S. RocumsTER, Editor.
(lied at St. Peter's Hospital, Brooklyn, of the Congress and only awaits the
RATES BY RAIL. N. Y., January 20, of pneumonia. Wife,
-- $5. 00 Mrs. Grace Michelsen, 2162 Howard President's signature to become a law.
One year-----
Sixnonths_-___-_ -8.00 Street, San Francisco, Cal. As soon as practicable after the enact-
One year, postage prepaid to Ensign Frederick Charles Weber, United ment of this legislation a board for the
foreign countries_------- 8.00
Daily. Six months, postage prepaid to States Naval Reserve Force, died at award of medals will be convened at the
foreign countries-4. 50 Naval Hospital, Washington, D. C., Jan- Navy Department.
Back numbers and extra uary 24. Wife, Mrs. Matilda Agnes
copies ------------- each . 05 Provisions of Bill.
Make all checks, money orders, and drafts Weber, 520 Forty-fifth Street, Brooklyn,
payable to TiHE OFFIcIAL U. S. BUaterIx. N. Y. This bill provides: First, for a medal of
Ensign Gaius Claude MacDowell, United honor to be given to any person who,
States Naval Reserve Force, died at while in the naval service, in actual con-
CANDY BY MILLIONS OF POUNDS United States Marine Hospital, Balti-
more, Md., January 19, of pneumonia.
flict with the enemy, distinguishes him-
self by gallantry and intrepidity at the
SENT OUR SOLDIERS OVERSEAS Wife, Mrs. Isabelle Ada MacDowell, 318
Osborne Street, Sandusky, Ohio.
risk of his life above and beyond the call
of duty; second, for distinguished serv-
The War Department authorizes the Ensign Milton David Brice, United ice, a medal to any person while in the
following from the Office of the Director States Naval Reserve Force, died at naval service of the United States since
of Purchase and Storage: Naval Station, Pensacola, Fla., January the 6th day of April, 1917, who has dis-
That the sweet tooth of the Army over- 22, of apoplexy, Mother, Mrs. Minnie D. tinguished, or who hereafter shall distin-
seas has not been neglected is shown by Brice, 3351 Forty-eighth Avenue South, guish, himself by exceptionally meritori-
figures from the subsistence division as Minneapolis, Minn. ous service to the Government in a duty
to the amount of candy provided for the John Lowell Kent, fireman (second of great responsibility; third, a Navy
American Expeditionary Forces. Up to class), United States Navy, was drowned cross to any person who, while in the
the signing of the armistice 7,615,595 in the East River, N. Y., January 22, naval service of the United States since
pounds of candy had been shipped over- while attached to U. S. S. Tjikentbang. the 6th day of April, 1917, has distin-
seas, and since that time orders have Mother, Mrs. Ida Kent, Park Place, Oreg. guished, or who shall hereaftef distin-
gone through for 21,000,000 pounds of the Herbert Hildreth Holman, blacksmith guish, himself by extraordinary heroism
best candy made, 12,000,000 pounds of (second class), United States Naval Re- or distinguished service in the line of his
which are now on the way to France. serve Force was run down by a motor profession, such heroism or service not
This great increase in the shipment of truck and died as a result of injuries, being sufficient to justify the award of a
candy Is due to the introduction of the January 20. Father, Beverly Waverly medal of honor or a distinguished-service
" candy ration," which gives each man in Holman, 1206 West Jackson Street, medal.
our overseas Army one-half pound of Bloomington, Ill. Reports on File.
candy every 10 days; 3,495,000 pounds Reports and recommendations which
were required to take care of the first FARES FOR WAR WORKERS. entitle persons to such honors are already
allotment. The increased shipments also on file in the Bureau of Navigation. But
cover very large purchases for the vari- Transportation Ordered for Dismissed in order that all claims may be con-
ous canteens in France. Fuel Administration Employees. sidered, commanding officers and force
The demand for chewing gum has also The United States Fuel Administration commanders shall make a full report and
increased steadily, 3,500,000 packages rep- issues the following: definite recommendation in regard to any
resenting this month's shipments. Gum- WAsIxNON, D. C., act or distinguished service performed
chewing seems to be more popular in win- January 25, 1919. by any person in the naval service,
ter with our troops, since the amounts whether still alive or now dead, which
required decrease noticeably in the sum- Lawrence Mitchell is hereby authorized may have been brought to their attention.
mer time. The monthly average of gtlm and directed to furnish railroad trans- Such reports and recommendations will
shipments during last summer was 1,500,- portation, including sleeping-car accom- be forwarded through official channels to
000 packages. modations in accordance with the terms the Bureau of Navigation.
and provisions of the act of Congress en-
AMERICAN STEAMER ABANDONED. titled "An act providing for the trans- Designs Accepted.
portation from the District of Columbia Designs for the medal for distinguished
Crew of the Castalia Taken to Chris- of governmental employees whose services service and for the Navy cross submitted
tiania by the Bergensfjord. no longer are required," approved Janu- with the approval of the Fine Arts Com-
The Navy Department authorizes the ary 7, 1919, to such employees of the mission have been accepted by the Navy.
following: United States Fuel Administration as The design for the medal of honor sub-
The U. S. S. Castalla, owned by the may be entitled to such transportation mitted at the same time was not accepted
Shipping Board. was reported in a sink- under and by virtue of said act of Con- and at the suggestion -of the commission
ing condition 150 miles east off Halifax gress. new designs have been asked for.
January 12, and after efforts to tow her H. A. GARFiELD, The reason for this was that Secretary
to port proved futile, she was abandoned United States Fuel Administfator. Daniels desired this mnedal of honor
and her crew taken off'by the Norwegian should be distinctly a naval decoration
steamship Bergensfjord. with that idea carried out in the design.
The Castafia was formerly owned by arrived at that port last Friday morning
W. C. Richardson Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, with the captain, 9 officers, 3 wireless op-
and was built in 1890; was cut in halves erators, and 29 men from the rescued 46 LOCOMOTIVES SHIPPED.
and brought through the Erie Canal and Castalia. The reports state that the res- The United States Railroad Adminis-
reassembled at Quebec. cue was made under the most trying con- tration announces that a total of 46 nbw
ditions. locomotives were shipped to various rail-
A Christiania dispatch to the State De- roads during the week ending January
partment states that the Bergensfjord Contribute to the Red Cross fund. 18, 1919.

WORK OF CONGRESS List of Units and Casuals Sailing

BRIEFLY TOLD Prom France -on Board 6 Transports
SENATE. The War Department authorizes the at Newport News February 5 %withthe
publication of the following Information: following troops:
Consideration of the bill to Validate in- The transport Zacapa sailed from Bor- Detachment Casual Comupany No. 11, Penn-
formal war contracts entered into by the deaux January 22 and is due to arrive sylvania, 1 officer, 8 men.
War Department began yesterday aft~r- at New York February 5 with the fol- Medical Detachment, for duty, 3 men.
noon. Chairman Chamberlain of the lowing troops: The transport Pasadena sailed from
committee urging the Senate to enact the Detachment of Headquarters 37th Brigade, Bordeaux January 23 and is due to ar-
measure with as little delay as possible. Coast Artillery Corps, 6 officers, 7 mep. rive at New York February 7 with the
The rivers and harbors annual appropria- -Seventy-three casual officers classified as following troops:
tion bill was reported, carrying a total of follows: Medical, 8; Air Service, 14; In-
fantry, 15; En 3eers, 6; Field Artillery, 21; Detachment Casual Company No. 25, New
$42,000,000. The Post Office supply bill Ordnance 4; chine Gun 1 Transporta- York, 1 officer, 25 men.
was reported with a total of $400,000,000 tion, 1; immunitiqn Train, i; Adjutant Gen- Eight casual officers classified as follows:
in round numbers, this being $39,000,000 eral 1; Inspectqr General, 1. Medical Corps, 1; Air Service, 4; Coast Ar-
Other casuals.-Twenty-four nurses and 6 tillery, 2; Field Artillery, 1.
more than carried in the bill as it passed civilians; sick and wounded and bedridden, 1
the House. The Senate passed a resolu- nurse; requiring no special attention, 4 nurses. The transport Bristol sailed from La
tion offered by Senator Borah, calling Pallice lochelle January 23 and is due to
The transport Gorontesto sailed from arrive at New York February 6 with the
upon the War Department for full in- Bordeaux January 23 and is due to arrive
formation regarding court-martial pro- following troops:
ceedings during the war. By a party Detachment Casual Company -No. 24, New
vote of 36 to 26 the Senate sustained the York, 1 offleer, 20 men.
action of the Vice President in sending of the crew of the San Diego, and which The transport Adriatic sailed from
to the Contingent Expense Committee the were lost when that ship sank off Fire Brest January 23 and is due to arrive at
Pomerene resolution providing for an Im- Lsland last summer. Gen. March, Chief New York February 1 with the following
mediate investigation of the Michigan of Staff, discussing military matters with
the Military Committee, said shipping ar- troops:
senatorial election. That committee will rangements had beqn completed by which Three hundred and twenty-ninth Infantry,
determine the qfiestion of the use of 800,000 men might be brought back home
2d Battalion Headquarters, Medical Detach-
funds ftr meeting the expenditures in the ment, Companies E, F, G, and H, 16 officers,
proposed inquiry. A bill appropriating monthly if need be. Clifford Thorne, rep- 1,204 men.
resenting various shipping interests, fur- Three hundred and twenty-second Machine
$50,000,000 for land reclamation to pro- ther discussed proposed railroad legisla-
Gun Battalion, complete, 8 officers 273 men.
vide work for the unemployed was intro- Three hundred and twenty-fourth Machile
tion before the Interstate Commerce Com- Gun Battalion, complete, 13 officers, 458 men.
duced by Senator Jones, of Washington. One hundred and sixty-fifth Infantry, Bri-
The conferees on the war-revenue bill mittee. gade Headquarters, 5 officers, 11 men.
have reached a basis for a full and final Senator Watson, of Indiana, introduced Casual Compaby No. 225, New York, 1 offi-
a resolution which would direct the Post cer 69 men.
agreement, and members of that commit- Eighty-nine casual officers classified as fol-
tee said last night they believed the con- Office Committee, to which it was. re- lows: Air Service, 49; Field Artillery, 2;
ference report would be ready to submit ferred, to conduct an investigation of Gov- Chemical Warfare Service, 5; Engineers, 4;
Infantry, 2; Medical, 5; Motor Transport, 1;
to both Houses by the end of the week. ernment control of the telephone, tele- Ordnance, 10; Quartermaster, 3; Signal Corps,
There is said to have been a compromise graph, and cable systems. Conferees on 2; General Staff, 1; Transportation, 2; Vet-
the $100,000,000 food relief bill reached a erinarian 1; chaplain, 1; unknown, 1.
on the big items in dispute, with the ex- Medicai -detachment for duty, 5 officers, 20
ception of the Senate amendments abolish- full agreement. Practically all of the men.
ing the zone system for second-class mail. Senate amendments were accepted by the Sick and wounded -Bedridden, 1 man;
conferees. mental, 1 man; tubercular, 4 men; requiring
T'his Is reported to have been eliminated. special attention, 102-uen; requiring no spe-
No official announcement from the com- cial attention, 5 officers, 259 men.
mittee was Issued. HOUSE. Casuals, 2 enlisted men, 1 Army field clerk,
12 civilians.
The Senate yesterday afternoon con- The House occupied itself all of yester-
firmed the promotion of Brig. Gen. Robert day and (luring an evening session in gen- The transportSiboney sailed from Bor-
L. Bullard, of the Regular Army, now eral dobate on the agricultural appropria- deaux January 23 and is due to arrive at
holding a temporary appointment as tion bill. It passed and sent to the Sen- New York Fpbruary I with the following
lieutenant-general in the National Army, ate a measure appropriating $10,500,000 troops:
to be a major general in the Regular for constructing hospitals for disabled Forty-fifth Regiment Coast Artillery Corps,
Army. T)he following temporary major soldiers and sailors. A favorable report complete, 50 officers, 1,693 men,
Thice hundred and ninth Ammuiation Train,
generals in the National Army also were was made on the McKellar-Keating civil- complete, 25 officers, 968 men.
confirmed as brigadier generals in the service retirement bill. Destination of 84th Division is Camp Taylor.
Regular Army: George W. Read, Chas. H. The following organizations of 339th Field
Representative Clark, of Florida, intro- Artillery, Detachment Headquarters Company,
Muir, Chas. T. Menoher, J. W. McAndrew, duced a bill designed to prevent the seat- Field and Staff 2d Battalion, Batteries ( and
William G. Haan, James G. Harbord, ing of Victor Berger, Representative- D, 18 officers, 448 men, Camtip Dodge.
John L. Hines, Chas P. Summerall. elect from Wisconsin, who recently was Headquarters' Detachment 37th Brigade
Coast Artillery Corps, 1 oflicer, 40 men.
A bill prepared by Senator Cummin, tried and convicted of violating the Casual Company No 25, New York, 2 officers,
intended to take from the President the espionage act. Mr. Clark also introduced 80 men.
power he has under existing law to re- a resolution calling for a congressional Six casual officers classified as follows: Mfedi-
cal, 2; Infantry, 1; Engineers, 2; General
turn the railroads to the owners any time inquiry into conditions at Walter Reed Staff, 1; 5 civilians; also 4 naval officers.
within 21 months after peace is declared, Hospital in this city. Representative Gar-
was introduced by Senator Cummins. It rett, of Tennessee, objected to its im-
would make the continuance of Govern- mediate consideration and the resolution ME. HOWES MADE HISTORIAN.
ment operation and control mandatory was referred to the Committee on Rules.
for the period of 21 months after the war Mr. Harrison, of Mississippi, introduced To Have Charge of the Records of the
unless Congress ordered otherwise. Sec- a bill providing that all honorably dis- United States Puel Administration.
retary Balyr informed the Senate that charged soldiers and sailors shall be given George E. Howes has been appointed
promotions in the Army after the armi- preference in appointments to civil-service historian of the United States Fuel Ad-
stice was signed were withheld because positions. Mr. Flood, of Virginia, intro- ministration.
it would lead to a surplus of officers. He duced a bill providing an expenditure of By the terms of the order authorizing
said it was planned to give officers of the $200,000,000 for rural post roads. his appointment "all matters pertaining
temporary force5 promotions foiwhich The War Department asked Congress to the property and records of the Ad-
they had been recommended by commis- to appropriate $873,500 for the payment ministration are under his control "
sloning them In the higher grades in the of claims arising out of the Gillespie ex- Mr. Howes has been since February
reserve corps. plosion in New Jersey last October. A last a member of Dr. Garfield's personal
Secretary I)aniels asked Congress t9 au- War Department board investigated the staff, acting as Assistant Executive Sec-
thorize the reissue of $100,W0D worth of subject and reported on 6,142 claims for retary to the United States Fuel Admin-
Liberty loan bonds, the personal property damages. istrator.

Conference of Exporters Is-Called arrangement proxides for the excess of

weight of mails exchanged in a year,
being paid for at the rate of 21 cents a
To Exchange Views on Improvement pound.
In the treaties recently entered into
Of the International Parcel Post provision. was made for an increased
weight limit for a single package, ex-
Second Assistant Postmaster General country, and this use of the territory of tending the limit of weight from 11 to
Praeger has sent out an invitation to ex- another country for transit usually in- 20 pounds.
porters throughout the country for a con- volves a transportation charge that pre-
ference to consider important questiops vents acceptance by reason of the cost. Another new provision in recent treat-
and exchange of views on the improve- The intermediary in many cases is not ies was the one providing in case of the
ment and expansion of the international actuated by motives of desire to assist, loss, damage, or rifling of registered
parcel post. The conference is called for but rather to retard the trade of Its parcel-post packages, that an indemnity
10 o'clock on the thorning of February 11, neighbor. be paid equal to the amount of the actual
1919, at the Post Office Department in loss incurred, but not exceeding the
Washington. An appropriate subject for discussion equivalent in any one case of 50 francs;
would be the existing situation with re- that is, approximately $9.65.
Call for the Conference. gard to Cuba, and how to meet the situ-
Following is the call for the conference ation and give the Cuba administration As illustrating the difliculties encoun-
and an outline of the general conditions the mail service It desires for dispatch tered in bringing about an agreement con-
of the foreign parcel-post service: by mail of tobacco products, which is an cerning the Parcel Post Service, the case
POST OFriCE DEPARTMENT, important part of the foreign trade of of Cuba may he cited. In the negotia-
Orrion or SEcoiND ASSISTANT Cuba. tions the one feature that interested the
POSTMASTER GENERAL, Information and Statistics. Haana office the most was the prospect
Washington, January 25, 1919. that It would be permissible to send a sin-
There are at this time pareel-post con- gle box of cigars by parcel post, the pres-
Sm: The Post Office Department, de- ventions in effect with 44 countries and
siring an exchange of views on the im- ent United States law prohibiting the im-
colonies for the transmission of merchan- portation of less than 8,W00 cigars or
provement and expansion of the inter- dise. To all the countries the postage rate
national parcel post, will be pleased to cigarettes into this country in -a single
Is 12 cents a pound, and to ah but four package.
have you attend or be represented at a the limit of weight for a single paekage is
conference on this subject February 11, 11 pounds. To Ecuador, Mexico, the Re-
1919, at 10 a'. m. at the Post Office De- public of Panama, and Salvador the In an endeavor to change the situation
partment, corner of Eleventh Street and weight limit is 20 pounds. brought about by the law, the Treasury
Pennsylvania Avenue NW. I shall ap- Department was in agreement with the
preciate it if you will advise me whether Post Office Department, and'appropriate
you can attend. There are no parcel-post conventions recommendations were made to Congress
Sincerely, yours, with Canada and Cuba, but under sepa- for the modification of the statute so as to
OTTO PrAEGER, rate postal conventions merchandise to a permit of the importation of less than
Second Assistant Postmaster General. weight limit of 4 pounds 6 ounces may be 8.000 cigars, but no legislative action has
sent, while under domestic parcel-post followed thus far the recommendations
conditions 50 pounds of merchandise may made.
Subjects for Possible Discussion. be sent to the United States postal agency
The countries, colonies, and dependen- at Shanghai, China.
cies to which parcel-post services have Numbering of Postal
not yet been established include Algiers,
British India, Corsica, Egypt, Paraguay,
As a result of ths war or for the want Savings Certificates
of steamship transportation, parcel-post
Persia, Russia, St. Pierre - Miquelon, services to Austria, Belgium, Denmar, OFFicE or Tiamp AssrsrANT
Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Tunis, Tur- Germany, Greece, Hungary, Liberia, The PosTMAsTrR GENERAL,
key, and the Union of South Africa. Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden were Washington, January 24, 1919.
suspended. With the removal of war con- To Postmastersat Postal Savings Deposi-
Correspondence has been received from ditions, it is probable there will be an tory Oles:
Switzerland since the war announcing early resumption of service to all the
that the question of the transit of parcel- countries named except Austria, Hun- Postal savings certificates are now being
post mails through France had again gary, and Germany. Just when resump- shipped from Grand Rapids, Mich., to post
been broached to the Paris office, and it tion will be effected to the three latter ofices having large deposits. It will be
was expected that arrangements would countries can not be anticipated with any noted that the certificate numbers have
be completed permitting an exchange of degree of certainty. been Increasedby 100,000, -or begin with
parcel-post sacks through French terri- 100001. This method of numbering was
tory. Negotiations are now under way for a authorized by the department, and if the
resumption of the service to Chile, the certificates are in good order they should
question of resumption being one resting -be used when the present supply on hand
In order to know what inquiries as to is exhausted.
parcel-post possibilities have arisen with with the Chilean administration, and its A. M. DocKERY,
exporters, mail order firms, and others, it final action Is daily awaited. Third Assistant Postmaster General.
is suggested that information be collected
by those expecting to attend the confer- For statistics concerning the weights of
ence that would tend to show what coun- internatioval parcel-post mails dispatched BRITISH XiAT PRICES.
tries experience had indicated offered the and received during the last five years,
best field for examination, with a view see the accompanying statements (2). Ministry of Food Announces Maximum
to the cultivation of an opinion in those Wholesale Schedule.
countries favorable to concessions that Changes Made in Recent Treaties. Consul General Robert P. Skinner, at
may be necessary to permit of agreements It -was found necessary by the depart- London, reports:
for a parcel-post service. ment, in order to meet the varying views The Ministry of Food gives the follow-
of the different postal administrations, t9 ing maximum wholesale meat prices per
To the countries mentioned in the first embody in the conventions more recently stone of 8 pounds: Home-killed beef,
paragraph above requests have been sub- made certain modifications, so as to pro- 9s. d.; carcasses, 10s: 7d.; bind quarters,
mitted from time to time with respect to vide more specifically for a return of reve- 8s. 5d.; fore quarters, veal, 8s.; mutton
the establishment of parcel-post-service, nue to one country where the greater and lamb, 10s.; pork, 10s. 8d. The whole-
but for one reason or another the offers number of parcels were dispatched from sale maximum price for Imported flour Is
have not been accepted. In order to reach the United States, and this is a new de- reduced from 51s. Dd. per sack to 46s. 3d.
certain countries It Is necessary to pass parture with respect to the form of treaty Home-milled flour remains at 44s. 3d. per
over the territory of an intermediary formerly employed. In general, the new sack.


The War Department announces that oy, private (first class). Mrs.
a ,wood, aunt, 734 St. Marks Ave- The following United States official
the following-named American prisoners , N. Y.
of war have been reported released from B 6A Lry Y son, private (first class). photographs are released by the His-
German prison camps and have returned isle T. Carpenter, friend, Moorestown. torical Branch, War Plans Division, Gen-
J. eral Staff. Prints may be obtained at
to France,; , BPHENSON, Delbert, private. John L.
Iephenson, father, 1604 Twenty-second 25 cents each from the Photographic Sec-
GRAY, Vernon L., corporal, Charles W. Gray, tion, Signal Corps, Eighteenth Street and
father, Birentwood, Id. treet Bedford, Ind.
YATES, Malcolm, sergeant. Mrs. Bulah Halle, TAYLOE, Orval, private. Peter Taylor, Virginia Avenue NW., Washington, D. 0.;
sister Sprigg, W. Va. 'father, Munforfiville, Ky. phone, Branch 3783, Main 2570.
KOLETl, George, Private. Theophil Ka- W<LKIr, MAllen P., private. John T. Walker,
boulides, friend, 507 North Dearborn Street, ather, R. . D. No. A, box 192, Orange, Tex. 84958. The gun that fired the last shot
Chicago Ill. HOWE, Herbert C private. Mrs. Lizzle of the war for the United States. Her name is
WILLSO, Don E., private. Mrs. E. E. Will- Howe, mother, 152 East Seventh Street, "Calamity Jane " and her serial number is
son, mother, 45 Marshall Avenue, Akron, Pueblo, Colo. 8125. 11th Field Artillcry. In the Bois de le
Ohio. KXENAN, Richard J., private. Mrs. Sebble Hale, on the Laneuville sur feuse Baeuclair
Keenan, mother, Jeannette, Pa. Road, Meuse, France, November 11, 1918.
PFANNER, John, private. Mrs. Elizabeth WO IEER,Otto R. private (first class). Adolph 34966. The dining room of the Chateau de
Pfanner, mother, 134 Hopkins Avenue, Jer- Wohr, father Parsippany, N. J. Verdier, which was used by the Crown Prince
sey City, -N. J. MoILLVAINE, John J., lieutenant. Mrs. John of Germany, and is now used by the officers of
SCARLATA, Joseph, private. Mrs. Josephine W. MI mlvaine,
mother, 7129 Brighton Road, the 177th Brigade, 80th Division, Stenay,
Romano sister, 119 Shetland Avenue, Pitts- Ben Avon, Pa. Meuse, France.
burgh, Pa. SCHANTZ, Frank L., private. Mrs. Sarah 34967. An exterior view of the Chateau de
RITACCO, Frank, private. Hannaro Ritacco, Schants, mother, Butler Mo. Verdier. The home of the German Crown
father, Athagari, Cuzaana, Italy. FLIPPEN, Erik B., lieutenant. Rober4 F. Prince for 32 months. The officei's shown are
SCHRINER, Gideon W., corporal. Mrs. Flip p father, Camden, Miss. from left to right: Maj. Gen. H. T. Allen, com-
Charles Beaman, sister, 14 Quay Street, SACCO, 'n, private. Miss Catherine Sacco, manding general of the 90th Division; Col.
Danville, N. Y. sister, 8 3 H olman Street, Fort Wayne, Ind. J. H. Reeves, commanding officer, of the 177th
KARLSON, Erick W., private. Warl W. Otto- CASTORINA Joseph, private. Gateno Cas- Brigade, 89th Divislon; Col. J. J. Kingman,
son, father, Horvan, Blagda, Sweden. torina, father, So Montrose Avenue, Brook- chief of kaff of the 901h Division; and Maj.
ADAMS, James D., lieutenant. Ephraim D. lyn, N. Y.
Adams, 27 Salvatlera Street, Stanford Uni- BLACK Willie I., private. 'Mrs. Jennie A. G. E. EUg ish, brtgade adjutant, 177th Brigade,
versity, Cal. Donaldson, sister, 1416 Brown Street, Little 89th Div sion. Stenay, Meuse, France.
MDIER, August F., private. Dorothia Meier, I 84978. A portrait of Maj. Gen. Frank L.
Rock, Ark. Winn, commanding general of the 89th Divi-
mother, 609 North Wyoming Street, Hazel- GIUSIANO, Fred, private. Fred Marcheti,
ton, Pa. ston, Tailly, Ardednes, France, November 12,
cousin, box 53, Wilkinson, Wash. 1918.
CARNEY, Patrick, private. Miss Mary Car- HOROWITZ, Charles, private. Amelia Horo- 34975. A portrait of Brig. Gen. Todd, com-
ney, 825 Carrol Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. witz. 769 Tinton Avenue, New York N. Y. manding general of the 58th Artillery Brigade,
ALTSCHULER, Jacob, private. Esther Alt- JENSEN, Nels K., private. Jens ensen, Tailly, Ardennes, France, November 12, 1918
schuler, mother, 890 Wallabout Street, brother. Circle, Mont. 34981. A street scene in Stenay showing
Brooklyn, N. Y. KAVATSKI, Joseph private. Mike Kavataki, Company A, 853d Infantry, passing the church
HUDSON, George U., private (first class). brother, 3017 Mcienry Street, Chicago, Ill. at 10.58 a. in., with two more minutes to fight.
C. B. Hudson, brother, Marion, Ohio. YAKUMEVICH, Steve, private. Wasil Se- Stenay, Meuse. France, November 11, 1918.
MASON, Roy R, private. Miss Sadie Mason, moshkovich, friend, box 22, Quavey Street, 84997. Another instance of the doughboy's
sister, 601 West Orange Street, Gainesville, Amherst, Ohio.
Fla. popularity with the French. Lagney, Meurtho
ZOBEL, John, private (first class). Mrs. Mar- et osolle, France, November 10, 1918.
LOCKWOOD, Frederick G., private (first
class). Mrs. M. G. Lockwood, 845 Roylston
Raret Zliobel, 143 First Avenue, New York 34998. Close-up of Maj. Gen. William Weigel,
Street, Boston, Mass. N. Y. commanding general of 88th Division. (Flash-
LACEY, Michael V., private (first class). Miss WERNER, William J., private. Mrs. John light.) Lagney, Meurthe et Moselle, France,
Margaret Lacey, sister, 4246 Powelton Ave- Werner, mother, 132 Second Avenue, Kings- November 17, 1918.
nue, Philadelphia, Pa. ton, N. Y. 35058. Lieut. Col. Patch, 18th Infantry, 1st
ROGERS, Clair S.. private. Mrs. Minnie S. WATKINS, David L., private. Dr. G. E. Division, who received the guns and ammu-
Brown, friend, Wyalusing, Pa. Watkins, brother, Glasgow, Ky. nition at Bouligny released by the Germans
RENNER, William R., private. Mrs. Anna E. PICERNO, Louis, private. Blase Picerno, according to the terms of the armistice.
Renner, mother, 224 West Mahoning Street, brother, 68 Ocean Avenue, Jersey City, Group, left to righte Col. Patch, United States
Danville, Pa. N. J. rmy; Lieut. Col. Carl Schindler, German of-
lIULLR, Howard, private. Herman C. Mul- CHANISIAN, Ohadis, private. Sarkis Mosha- ficer In command; Lieut. Col. Carl Schmidt,
ler, father, 942 Vine Street, Williamsport, gian, friend, 8 -North Sixteenth Street, German officer; Lieut. Col. F. B. Showalter,
Pa. East St. Louis Ill United States Army; Lieut. E. M. Leffler, Ger-
JOUNSON, :Prank E., private (first class). PECCERRILO, Kouls, private. B. Peccerrilo, npan Army; and Lieut. C. Wellois, German
Mrs. Frank H. Johnson, wife, 324 North brother, 15 Auburn Street, New Haven, Army. Bouligny, Meuse, France, November
Nineteenth Street, Omaha, Nebr. Conn. 18, 1918.
FUSCO, Thomas, private. Nicholas Fusco, RICCI, Michele, private. Marie Ricci, mother,
102 Heywood Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. PerChici, Italy.
PAUL, John, private. Sam Paul, father, JAVOSZEWSKI, Stanislaws, private. Kitan 386 STATES RATIFY PROHIBITION
Sprmgdale, Conn. Javoszewski, father, Lubia, Russia, Poland. AEENDEMNT.
SCHOOMAKER, Archie C., private. Mrs. Ruth PARK, Charles 'E., private (first class). G. W.
Iommell, mother, box 54, Haines Falls, N. Y. Park, father, Rocklwell, N. C. The thirty-sixth State to certify its
KLEFFNER, Werner H., private. Mrs. Fred MODE11MOTT, Michaei J., private (first ratification of the constitutional amend-
Kleffner, mother, 1039 College Street, Alton, class). Margaret McDermott, 18 Rosette
Ill. Street, New Raven, Conn. went for prohibition filed its returns
RIEDLE, Clarence H., private. Mary E. to-day with the State Department. It
BEATTY, Frank E., private. Mrs. Laura E. Stone, friend, 210 Divinity Street, Bristol,
Beatty, mother, Morgantown Street, Fair- Conn. was one of the four-Wisconsin. North
chance, Pa. RICH, Sewall W., corporal. T. A. Rich, fa- Carolina, Utah, and Kansas, all four of
PENDA, Anthony L, private (first class). ther, 19 Radford Lane, Dorchester, Mass. which were received, making 36 in all, or
Michael Penda, father, 97 South Elm Street, PERKINS, Leo, private. Mrs. Mary Perkins,
Bristol, Tenn. the required three-fourths of the States.
GEE, Newman S., private (first class). Mrs. mother, Cedaredge, Colo.
Thomas Gee, mother, Caribou, Me. ATKINS, Samuel, private (first elass). Grover
SAMAK, John, private. K. Samak, father, Atkins, brother, Ramseytown, N. C.
Kovel, Russia. RAMEZ, Ciprian, private. Felicita Ramez, BERGLUND, Clarence, private. Carl A. Berg-
GARAND, Albert, private (first class). Mrs. mother, Weser, Tex. lund, father, 149 Fifth Avenue, Mdoline, Ill.
J. Paro, sister, 29 Maple Street, St. Johns- RECK, Alfred Pierce sergeant. Mrs. Nina L. STEIGER, Emanuel, private. Fred Steiger,
bury, Vt. Reek, mother, 626 South Main Street, Piqua, father Glenham, S. Dak.
ELLINWOOD, Ralph E., private. B. E. Ellin- Ohio. SILVA, Firank J., private. Mrs. Eunice Kin-
wood, father, Bisbee, Ariz. WATT, Ernest F., private (first class). son, friend, Bedford, N. H.
RICE, George D., private. Tom Rice, brother, Geo. S. Watt, father, 114 North Carver BOYER, Arthur E., private. Mrs. Minnie
Route 2, Wheeless, Okla. Street, Warren, Pa. Boyer, mother, 2343 North- Darien Street,
BECKER, William J., private. Gertrude FINDLEY, Albert, private. Mrs. Mary Find- Philadelphia, Pa.
Becker, sister, St. Clair. Pa. ley, mother, Brewton, Ala.
MANZELLA, Michael, private (first class). CHARRETTE, Clyde D., private. Dr. H. A. CORNELL, Charles E., sergeant. Hirman A.
Guiseppe Manzella, father, Trappeto Prov- Sinter, uncle, South Deerfield, Mass. Cornell, Bannock, R. I.
ince. Palermo, Italy. BIEDZASK. Mieczystaw, private. John J. N. RYAN, James L.. private (first class). John
DROUIN, George E., private (first class), Baring, friend, 51 Metropolitan Avenue, Ryan, father, Warren, Mass.
Louis Droun, father, 4 Drouln Street, St. Roslindale, Mass. McDOWELL. Robert B., lieutenant. Mrs. R.
Johnsbury, Vt. JOHNSTON, John J.. corporal. Samuel S.
FETTERS, Ben A.. musician. Mrs. Sophia Johnston, father, 1984 West Fifth Street, B. McDowell, wife, 606 Bramball Avenue,
Fetters, mother, 205 East Eighth Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. Jersey City, N. J.
Mishawaka, Ind. LORETI, Valentine, private. Mrs. Maria SAVATINI, Joseph, corporal. Charles Sava-
STITAK, Harry, private. Mrs. Carrie Svitak, Stifl, sister, 315 Second Street, Ithaca, tini, father, 11A Sackman Street, Brooklyn,
mother, 2744 East Pacific Street, Philadel- N. Y. N. Y.
phia. Pq. IIELENIAK, Antonio, private. John Helen- GURNEY. Edward E., private (first class).
MAGETTI, Peter MT.,private. Jack Buchanan, iak, brother, 3258 Webb Street, PhilAdel- F. W. Irish, uncle, 402 Huntington Street,
friend, San Rafael, Cal. Phia, Pa. New Haven, Conn.


Substantial increases in the holdings
January 11.
American shoes are in high favor
of discounted and purchased bills, appar- Capt. J. H. Lackey, appointed captain (pro- among the Chinese, says a report issued
ently in connection with the January 16 visional) Marine Corps Reserve. to-day by the Bureau of Foreign and Do-
issue of Treasury certificates, and fur- Capt. F. $. Flack, appointed captain (provi-
slozral), Marne Corps Reserve, detached ma- mestic Commerce, Department of Com-
ther reduction in the volume of Federal rine bdrrac s, Paris Island, to marine bar- merce. High prices, however, keep them
reserve note cirCulatiQn are Indicated in racks, Quantice, out of reach of the average native, who
the Federal Reserve Board's weekly bank Capt. Wlliat J. Livingston, appointed cap-
tain (provisional), Marine Corps Reserve. Is obliged to content himself with cloth
statement issued as at close of business Capt. F. N. Gilmore, detached Naval Ammu- footwear at 50 cents to $1 a pair, or
on January 21, 1919. nition Depot, Iona Island, N. Y.; ordered to with poor native imitations of American
proced in command 102d Company, navy yard,
Investments.-Total holdings of war pa- Norfolk, Va.; report to commander for fur- styles selling at $1 to $1.50 a pair. Japan
per increased 151.2 millions, the banks at ther transpbrtation to Virgin Islands. is supplying the market with what is
New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Capt. R. W. Duck, detached 2d Brigade, termed a fair-value shoe, made in the
Santo Domingo, to United States.
San Francisco reporting large additions Second Lieut. H1. D. Shields, detached 2d western styles, that sells at $2 up. Be-
under this head. All other discounts on Brigade, Santo Domingo, to United States. fore the war, Russia was an important
hand went up 9.5 millions, while bills Capt. Howard B. Freeman, detached these factor in the market.
headquarters, to marine barracks, Quantico,
bought in the open market show an in- Va. Can Increase Sales.
crease for the week of 10.9 millions, New First Lieut. J. J. Bettes, detached Utah, to
York alone showing an increase of 0.2 mil- marine barracks, Third Naval District, New Most of the high-grade leather imported
York, N. Y. by the Chinese comes from the United
flons in the holdings of.this class of pa- First Lieut. G. P. Anthes, detached 1st Regi-
per. The decrease of 123.8 millions in ment, Cuba, to United States. States, and the Government's report
the holdihgs of Government short-term .Second Lieut. G. W. Keyser, detached 1st states that this product can be sold in
securities is due largely to the redemption Regiment, Cuba, to United States. constantly increasing quantities if proper
Second Lieut. J. W. Housewright, detached
by the Government of temporary Treas- 1st Brigade, Haiti, to 3d Brigade, Galveston, representation is obtained, reasonable
ury certificates held by the New York Tex. credit extended, and samples sent when
batik. Total earning assets show an In- Second Lieut. H. E. Cholet, detached marine special offerings are made.
barracks, Quantico, Va., to marine barracks,
crease for the week of 47.8 millions. Third Naval District, New York. Japan offers a market for shoemaking
Deposits. - Government deposits show Second Lieut. V. B. Worledge, detached machinery and materials rather than
ain increase for the week of 97.4 millions, Navy Building Guard, Washington, to marine for shoes, as the use of imported foot-
barracks, navy yard, Hingham, Mass.
while member bank deposits declined 70.5 Second Lieut. G. Bower, ordered to proceed wear is very limited. The output of the
millions. Net deposits because of the at own expense to naval hospital, Philadel- domestic custom shoemakers and of the
smaller " float " carried by the banks phin, Pa., for further treatment. larger factories is equal to the normal
Second Lieut. W. V. Brown, appointed sec-
show an increase of 87.1 millions. ond lieutenant (provisional), Marine Corps demands and to the requirements of an
Reserves.-The week saw a decrease of Reserve; assigned duty Marine Aviation De- important trade with Russia and China.
1.2 millions in old reserves and of 1.8 tachment, Miami, Fla. Government contracts are filled with ma-
Sccond Lieut. G. A. Ilerrick, disenrolled
millions in total cash reserves. Because from Marine Corps Reserve ebine-made goods, the machinery being
of the large increase in net deposits, only Following officers relieved from active serv- mostly of German make. For the higher-
partly offset by the reduction in Federal ice: P. R. Lawson, D. C. Webster, W. L. John grade shoes practically all the findings
son, Jr., G. P. Her, K. B. Wilson, W. C
leserve note liabilities, the banks' reserve McConnell, M. W. Ross, 0. M. Morris, C. D: and leathers are imported from the
percentage show.s a decline from 52.8 to Polythress, C. B. Stokes, It. A. Strong, E. L. United States. Lasts are made in Japan
52.2 per cent. Reed, W. H. McClure, F. J. Knob, E. K. and are usually copies of staple American
Note circulation. - Federal reserve Pay Clerk F. J. Klingenhagen, detached styles.
agents report a further decrease of 39.4 these headquarters to Marine Barracks, Quan-
tico. Modern Footwear In Japan.
millions in the total ,)f Federal reserve Letter to Post Commander, Marine Bar- It is estimated that about 7 per cent of
notes outstanding. The banks show a racks, Quantico, Va., on 15th instant, to trans-
total of 2,466.6 millions of Federal reserve fer following orranization to navy yard, Nor- the population of Japan now uses modern
notes in actual circulation, a decrease for
folk, Va., to report to commandant and com- footwear at least part of the time. The
manding officer, Hancock, for transfer to West more rapid adoption of the western styles
the week of 46.5 millions. For the past 4 Indies:
weeks the decrease In Federal reserve To Marine Barracks, Naval Station, Guan- of lace and button shoes is pade difficult
tanamo Bay, Cuba; Second Lieut. J. D. Ma- by the native custom that requires that
note circulation amounted to 218.7 aill- Mason, Second Lieut. T. M. Schuler, Second
lions, or at the rate of 54.7 millions pe- Lieut. G. W. Dodd, Jr., Second Lieut. S. Cul- shoes be removed before a person enters
week. Aggregate liabilities of the banks bertson, Second Lieut. F. H. White, Second a home or inn. In some cases it is even
Lieut. F. Saddler, jr. required that the shoes be removed, or at
on Federal reserve bank notes in circula- To Seventh Regiment Cuba: Second Lieut.
tion increased 1.8 millions, and are at A. S. Hardin, Second Dteut. K. K. Ambrose, least covered with cloth protectors before
present 126.8 millions. Second Lieut. I. F. Gillikin, Secoal Lieut. entering shops, theaters, and similar pub-
F. C. Howard, Second Lieut. W. F. McKinnon, lic buildings. This custom has led to the
Capital.-Increase in capital and sur- Second Lieut. E. S. Bates Second Lieut. C. W. quite general adoption of the old-fash-
plus of existing members, also payment Geiser, Second Lieut. G. W. McHenry, Second
for Federal reserve bank stock by newly Lieut. C. E. Windram, Second Lieut. E. M. ioned but convenient " Congress " boot by
Baker, Second Lieut. H. B. Lovell, Second those who wear occidental footwear dur-
admitted members account for the In- Lieut. G. Hall, Second Lieut. C. M. Kline,
crease of $310,000 in paid-in capital, the Second Lieut. G. J. Buhrman, Second Lieut. ing business hours. The author of the
Newt York and San Francisco banks re- J. J. McFawn, Second Lieut. W. F. Swallow, Government's report suggests that a per-
Second Lieut. R. Swan Second Lieut. W. B. fected elastic-top shoe with real style, or
porting the largest increases under this Bower, Second Lieut T. J. Crawford, Second
head. Lieut. J. C. Fabbrini, Second Lieut. S. Hud- a button or lace shoe with a quickly op-
gins, Second Lieut. R. D. Leach, Second Lieut. erated fastener would do much to ad-
Condition of Member Banks. C. E. Kopp. vance the sale of modern footwear in
Larger holdings of war securities, fol- Japan.
lowing the January 16 issues of about serve bank cities, an increase of 126.7 The report is entitled "Shoe and
600 millions of Treasury certificates, and millions. Loans secured by United leather trade of China and Japan.*' Spe-
corresponding gains in Government de- States war obligations increased 16.9 mil- cial Agents Series, No. 173, and is the
posits are shown in the board's weekly lions. For the New York City banks an result of a personal investigation by
statement of condition on January 17 of increase tinder this head of 24.6 millions Trade Commissioner C. E. Bosworthl. It
763 imiember banks in leading cities. is noted. Other loans and Investments describes in detail all factors ao erning
United States bonds, other than cir- show a decline of 4.7 millions, the decline the trade in the two countries. 'opies
culation bonds, on hand show an increase being somewhat larger for the New York are sold at 5 cents each by the Superin-
for the week of 26.9 millions. For the City bauks. tendent of Documents, Government Print-
-New York City banks a reduction of 9.1 Holdings of United States war securi- ing Office. Washington, D. C., and by all
In bond holdings Is noted. Treasury cer- ties and war paper aggregate 8,474.2 mil- district and cooperative offices of the Bu-
tificates on hand went up by about 166 lions and constitute 25.1 per cent of the reau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.
millions, the New York City banks alone total loans and investments of all report-
reporting additional holdings of 87 mIl- Ing banks, as against 23.9 per cent the Help your Government and yourself at
lions and the banks in all Federal re- week before. the same time-buy war-savings stamps.


SECTION 1, JANVARY 28, 1919. NORIE, James Bunee. John Norris, 88 John HIRIGOYEN, Lawrence. Manuel Hirigoyen,
Street, Dorrenceton Pa. 1728 Grover Street, Los Angeles, Cal
The folowing casualties are r0ported RATLIFF, Richard . Richard L. Ratliff, R. HOWELL, Richard C. Mrs. W. R. Peace,
F. D. 1, Mount Vernon, Ill. 503 North Spurgeon, Altus, Okla.
by the commanding general of the Amer- RAUE, Carl W. Dr. John F. Rate, 121 North HORSESHOER.
can Expeditionary Forces: Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
SHERMAN Howard A. Mrs. Elizabeth Sher- GILEN, Oscar. Mrs. Christiana Gilen, R. F.
Died from wounds - - - 18 man 655 Bethuno Street, Detroit Mich. -D. 1, New Stanton, Pa.
Died from accident and other STRICKLANU, Joe C. Joseph L,- §trickiand, COOKS.
causes ----------------------- 3 801 North Fitzhugh Street, Dallas, Tex. HEANEY, Andrew. John B. Heaney, 324
TAYLOR, Samuel F. James R. Taylor, Twelfth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Wounded severely - ..-- _ 105 Ogreeta. N. C. PAPPAS, Marcos. Marcos Sradouthakis, 124
Missing in action --------------- 18 TIMMONS, John V. Jefferson D, Timmons, West Ninety-ninth Street, New York, N. Y.
1)9 Gurnel Avenue, Anniston, Ala. PRIVATES.
Total --------------------- 139 HLINDE,
Joseph. Charlie Verlinde, R. F.
D. 20, Swanton, Ohio. ANDERSON, Alfred. John Algat Anderson,
R. F. D. Boone, Nebr.
convinAss. BELL, Earl 1. John Bell, box 204, Centralia,
Died from Wounds. Wash.
ABBOTT, William. D. M. Abbott, R. F. D. BOGARD, Frederick. Mrs. Jessie Clark, box
SERGEANT. 7, Fremont, Ohio.
RYAN, Emmett W. John T. Lavin, 13 South AVILLA, Edward. Mrs. Grace Avilla, Cor- 178, Bannock, Ohio.
Catherine Street, Plattsburg, N. Y. delia, Solong County, Cal. ORUCHMAN, George H. Mrs. Ida M. Cruch-
BEALL, Roby. L. T. Beall, U. F. D. 1, man, 1907 Hamilton Street, New Castle, Pa.
CORPORAL. DIMARIA, Rosario. Sam XEerisi, 215 North
Monrovia, Md. Sixth Street, Stoughton, Wis.
OAKES, Wilfred Carl Oscar Oakes, 304 BELCHER, William H. Joseph Belcher,
West Second Street, St. Charles, Ill. Valleyfork, W. Va. DI MARZIO, Lingo. Cosso Lecco, 4924
WAGONER. BILLINGS, Clifford Delos. Mrs. Irma Bill- Thompson Street, Philadelphia Pa
COYLE, Andrew. Mrs. Bridget Coyle, Box- ings, 512 G Street SE. Washington, D. C. - FAIRBANKS, Jsmes E. Mrs. Blanche Fair-
CAMPBELL, Walker. Sames Campbell, Lau- banks, Arcola, Ill.
bury, Mass. FOX, Roy. William Fox, Palermo, Ontario,
COOK, rens, S. C. Canada.
LEFFEL, Clarence 0. Mrs. Maude M. Leffel, CLENDENIN, Howard S. Ola Clendenin, FRANKE, Herman E. Mrs. Bertha Franke,
417 West Main Street, Springfield, Ohio. Ripon, Cal,
COLFER, William H. Jr. William 11. Colfer, Marion, Tex.
PRIVATES. sr., Henry Street, gouth River, N. S. HALL, William F. Mrs. Maryeve 11. Sims,
DIVER Richard A. Miss Dorothy T. Diver, R. F. D. 1, Miner, Ill.
-ALGUIRE, Allen. Mrs. Evelyn Alguire, Pesh- HEINTZ, Alvin J. Adam Leykeuf, Baldwin,
tigo, Wis. 251 outh Elwood Aveiue, Baltimore, Md. Ill.
BERENS Romulus. Nicholas Berens, 558 ELLIS Robert J. Hayden Ellis, Butler Ky. HINMAN, James i'iI. Oscar Hinman, Kim-
Normal Avenue, Stevens Point, Wis. FANSLER, Alva. A. R. Fansler, R. . 2, mell, Ind.
BIRES Joseph Mrs. Agnes Bires, 20) Clin- Greenville, Ohio. JACOB, John. Joseph Jacob, box 918, New
ton Street, Biinghamton, N. Y. 'VOX, Roger -E. Frank Fox, 1006 South Britain, Conn.
JOHNSON, Frank. Jacob Johnson, R. F. D. Twenty-frat Street, Fort Dodge, Iowa. JOHNSON, Harold D. Thomas Johnson. 511
4, Tekonsha, Mich. FRUSTACE John V. John Fratto, 1128 North Jasper Street, Decatur, Ill.
LORUSSO, Angelo. Mrs. Maria Derario, 502 Fremont Street, Boston, Mass. KAZMIRSKI, Antoni. Constantine Kasmir-
West Forty-ninth Street, New York, N. Y. FRYER, Gilbert. Mrs. Grace Fryer, 5 Oak- ski Rogea Lonenski, Russian Poland.
PRETTO, Franklin R. Mrs. Ada Pretto, 160 wood Place, Orange, N. J. KIDD, Charles H. Mrs. Betty Mitchel, Turtle
Laurence Street, Hartford, Conn. GILL, Glover Bernard. Mrs. Anna Gill, R. Creek, W. Va.
BOUDERO, John V. Michael A. Soudero, 263 F. D. 2, Cape Girdrdeau Mo. KIRBY, Alonzo. Mrs. Edna Kirby, Wilkins-
Schenectady Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. GILL William A. Chas. hayes, Utica, N. Y. ville, S. C.
STOLLE. William V. Mrs. August Stolle, GLIS ON, Frederick L. Mrs. Mary F. G11s- KNICELY, Marrick Mif1lin.
Lake City, S. Dak. son, 328 Shatwell Street, Bainbridge, Ga. Mrs. Mary J.
STONE, Clarence H. Mrs. Ella Stone, New IRONS, Runyan V. Mrs. Hattie Irons, Bleigh, Vernon, W. Va.
Milford, Conn. KOHLER, William Prederick. Mrs. Josephine
Hagerman, Idaho. Kohler, 11 Lochner Place, Rochester, N. Y.
IRVING, Albert G. Mrs. Sarah E. Boland, KOZLOWSKI, Boleslaw S. Tony Kozlowski,
Died from Accident and Other Causes. May, Tex. 69 Orange Street, New Britain, Conn.
PRIVATES. IRVING, William R. Mrs. Matilda Irving, R. LAWSON, Herman B. Mrs. H. B. Lawson,
BURNS, John W. Mrs. Carrie Spahn, 1702 F. D. 140, Charlotte, N. Y. 206 Thirteenth Street NE., Waohington,
State Street, Laporte Ind. JERSEY, Howard L. Mrs. Frank E. Jersey, D. C.
ORLANDE, Morris 1. Mrs. Gertie Braveman, 17 Third Street, Haverstraw, N. Y. LEGER, Andrew P. Mrs. Alice Leger, SI Cas-
Saskatoon, Sask., Canada. JESKO, Harry R1. Mrs. Martha Jesko, Friona, cade Street, Fitchburg. Mass.
SOVICH, Georgig. Tex. LINN, Fitz Moses A. Linn, R. F. D. 1,
Bob Bagagich, Twenty- JETTE, Evangeliste J. John B. Jette, 75 H.
seventh Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minn. China Grove, N. C.
Chestnut Street, Spencer, Mass. *LIPSCOMIB, David Mnlday. S. A. Lipecomb,
Wounded Severely. JONES, Harry V. Joe Jones, R. F. D. 1, 25 Hays Street, Winchester, Ky.
Trussville, Ala. - McMULLEN, Lee S. Mrs. Grace R. 1dcMul-
CAPTAIN. KA.ISER, Edward J. Mrs. Louise Kaiser, 336 len, Reed Point, Mont.
SHERWOOD, Harold Brooks. Mrs. Use Alma Garrison Street, Newark, N. J. MADDEN, James A. Mrs. Alice Maddeu, Ba-
Sherwood, 2112 Birchwood Avenue, Chicago, REELY, Frank. Mrs. Nellie Keely, 612 Rock sin, Mont.
Ill. Creek Church Road, Washington, D. C. MILBERG, Abraham. Nathan Milh'er, 1108
LIEUTENANTS. KELLY, Daniel J. Edward Kelly, 2928 Are- South Hermitage Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
BATMAN, Robert S. Mrs. Lillian M. Batman, mengo Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. MU4KERN, Edward Thomas. Mrs. Margaret
box 20, San De Fuca, Wash. KNOTT, Bernard. Mrs. Martha Collinson, Mulkern, 8 Huntington Avenue, Rolindale,
ELMORE, Derrill G. Mrs. Katherine Elmore, 1222 Saratoga Street, Antigo. Wis. . Mass.
Lorton, Va. McPHAIL, Donald B. Mrs. Jean McPhall, O'CONNOR, Howard J. Henry O*Connor, 14
HOWEY. Stephen H. Mrs. May Miltner, Lake 857 Fifteenth Street, Detroit, Mich. Lawrence Avenue, Potsdam, N. Y.
City, Mich. MAGGIO, John. Mrs. Catherine Maggio, 2404 PHIPPS, Harry.. Mrs. Lilly Carter, 1215 West
SERGEANTS. Crotona Avenue, New York, N. Y. Dundas Street, Toronto, Canada.
MESSINA, John. Mrs. Jennie Messina, 504 SHERE, James. Mrs. Pearl Shere, 2409
BLYT;' , Clarence E. James Blythe, Wam- East Seventh Street, South Boston, Mass.
pum, la. South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
P ,lIFIiER, John F. Mrs. Matilda G6eblin, STOLP. Gustave A. Albert Stolp, R. 1'. D. 3,
BYRUM John C. Mrs. Kate B. Byrum, Baon- 1314 Mariusts Street. Pittsburgh, Pa.
ton, N. C. Westfield, Wis.
RIBA NDO, Morris. Philip Ribando, 325 East TRIPP, Oscar P. Charles F. Tripp, H1iIoboro,
OREAN, Patrick J. Mrs. Anna Crean, 88 LIt- Twenty-eighth Street, New York, N. Y. Tex.
tleton Avenue, Newark, N. J. THUDT, Arthur J. Mrs. Alma Tougas, 38 WIANDER, Aarne. Mrs. Amanta Wiander,
Cl'RTIS, Bernard B. William L. Curtis, We'nter Street, Pawtucket, Mass.
Baskerville, Va. Wyola Hameon Laani, Matkunasema. Fin-
WAGER, Lester .. Philip Wager, Haw Knob, land.
DAVIS, Charlie S. Mrs. Ellen Davis, Greene- Tenn. WILLIAMS, Albert J.
Ville, Tenn. Stephen Williams,
WAGNER, Joseph P. Bernard. Wagner, 618 Chinquapin, N. C.
ELLIOTT, Grandville. Mrs. G. C. Elliott, West Sixty-first Street, Chicago, Ill. WRTJBEL. Mike. Mrs. Kada Magellua, 101
Opelika, Ala. YAKMER, Basil S. Joseph Yakmer, Dysart, Cherry Street, Hamtramck, Mich.
FABER. Rudolph. Mrs. Augusta Faber, Bay- *
view Avenue, Innwood, N. Y. BUGLER.
FRYE, Jesse G. Mrs. Mary E. Frye, 402 West Missing in Action.
Franklin Street, Hagerstown Md. MUHEIML Carl. Mrs. Paul Irien, 315 Clem-
HEAR Y, John J. Francis Aeary, 3128 D entina Street, San Francisco, Cal. CORPORAL.
,Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MECHANIC. ADAMS, James. Walter A. McMaster, Tolley,
JONES. Roy. William L. Jones, 1304 Hamp- MARACH, Edward. Frank Maracb, 1446 N. Dak.
ton Street, Scranton, Pa. Dickson Street, Chicago, Ill. PRIVATES.
KRUG. Herman A. Miss Carrie Krug, 3345 ADAMS, John. Mrs. James Adam., 413 G
North Orkney Street, Philadelphia, Pa. WAGONERS. Street NW., Washington, ). C.
NICKELSEN, John. Mrs. Meta Jansen, 1914 DOUGHTY, Carl. George Doughty, West- ANDRZEJEWSKI, Vincent. Miss France s An-
Eighteenth Avenue south, Seattle, Wash. Ville, Okla. drzejewski, 2340 Ems Street, Chicago, Ill.


BURNS, Henry J. John Burns, Garfield, BRUNSON, Frank. Miss Ella Gllerist, 7 HARRIS, Grayson M. Mrs. Josephine Harris,
Aik. Money Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 39 Phipps Avenue, Marion, Va.
CHARLES, Albert S. Miss Alfa Charles, Bu- CAVAN, George L. Thomas Cavan, 248 HAUGEN, Ole T. Gunner Haugen, R. F. D. 2,
reau, Ill. Madison Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Erskdne Minn.
CROTTY, Thomas. Michael Crotty, Kilbush, COX, Sam. Mrs. Lula Cox, Nitta Yuma, Miss. BELLER, George D. Mrs. Elise Heller, 1017
County Clare, Ireland. DESGRANGES, Carl C. Charles Desgranges, Seneca Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
CULP, William R. Mrs. W. D. Culp, R. F. D. R. F. D. 3, box 52, New Bavaria, Ohio. HEMINGWAY, Snell B. George L. Heming-
3, Fredericktown, Ohio. ESTES, Charles D. Mrs. Susie Davis, 947 way, Albion, Red River County, Tex.
ESPOSITO, Michele. Amato Esposito, Pleas- Esplandad Street, Decatur, Ill. HINES, Justin 0. Mrs. Minnie Walton, R. F.
antville Road, Hammonton, N. J. GILMORE. Ollie C. Anderson Gilmore, D. box Sd, Roseville, Cal.
GASTINEAU, Frank B. R. F. Gastineau, Clarksville, Ark. HOCKENBERRY, Ira E. Charles Hocken-
Prairie Elk, Mont. GROVES, Leslie Monroe. Mrs. Mattye berry, 134 Riley Street, Newark, Ohio.
HLADILEK, Frank. Mrs. HL -lfadilek, 5135 Groves, Carbon, Tex. Hockenberry, James D. Mrs. Sue Hocken-
South Lincoln Street, Chicago, Ill. HOLLOWAY, John H. J. W. Holloway, Roll- berry, Yatesboro, Pa.
HULL, William J. John C. Hull, Sublett, ing Fork, Miss. HOWARD, John. Mrs. Emma D, Howard,
Idaho. HUNTER, Cleveland. Mrs. Lena J. Hunter, Cleola, Ga.
KEITZMAN. Byron W. Edward G. Keitzman, R. F. D. 1. box 70, Tipton, Tenn. IKERD, Lester Dell. Roscal Analonzoikderd,
Lakota, N. Dak. HUXELL, Walter J. Mrs. Catharine Huxell, Kiowa, Kans.
KLUG, Albert G. Mrs. Kate Klug, 1933 Rossmeyne, Ohio. ISAAC, Jim. Mrs. Ilalna Isaac, Hardville,
North Chase Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. KEARNS, Thomas M. Mrs. Peter Kearns, Okla.
KOHLER, Claude 0. Mrs. Clara Kohler, 1612 1327 First Avenue south, Fort Dodge, Iowa. ISBELL, Banjamin. Mrs. Rebecca Bowlif
Coldspring Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. MARTIN, Charles W. Charlie Martin, Bel- Humphrey,-Ark.
MISIEWICZ, Joha. Andrew Mislewicz, 3127 zona route, Antlers, Okla. JACOBSON, David. Jake Jacobson, 33 Mont-
Elm Street, Toledo, Ohio. MORONEY, Clarence Leo. Mrs. Magdalena gomery Street, New York. N. Y.
ROBERTSON, Melvin C. Mrs. Glhdys Robert- Moroney, 530 Crawford Avenue, Altoona, JEFFS, Arthur L. Arthur . Jefts, R. F. D.,
son, Blue Hill, Me. Pa. Petersburg, Va.
BHUGG, William R. Calvin F. Shugg, 79 RICHARDSON, Walter D. Lawrence G. JELLINEK, Vincent. Vincent Jellinek, Malin,
Home Avenue, Rutherford, N. 3, Richardson, Barnwell, S. C. Oreg.
VANCE, Walter. Thomas J. Vance, Virden, ROBINSON, Henry H. Mrs. Bessie Robinson, JOIHARKY, August. Frank Jagosgewski,
Il. R. F. D. 2, Gholson, Miss. Bentleyville, Pla.
TAYLOIC John Hampton. Mrs. Bertie Tay- JONES, George T. George R. Jones, Axton,
SECTION 2, JANUARY 28, 1919. lor, Milford, Caroline County, Va. Va.
WALLS, Earl D. Mrs. Ruth Walls, 923 JONES, Guy Miller. James f. Jones, Halley,
The following casualties are reported North Chestnut Street, Iola, Kans. Idaho.
KELLEHER, Maurice Aloyslus. William J.
by the commanding genefal of the Ameri- Kelleher. Larchmont. N. Y.
Wounded Severely.
can Expeditionary Forces: KELLY, Earl W. Mrs. Clarice C. Lacay,
PRIVATES. Williamston, S. C.
Killed in action ----------------- 14 KELLY, Emil. A. Olaf Kelly, R. F. D. 1,
ATLAS, Abraham I. Mrs. Sarah Atlas, 239
Died of disease ------------------ 27 East Olfe hundred and ninth Street, New Altkin, Minn.
Wounded severely -------------- 122 York, N. Y. KIRKEBY, Lewvis. Olus Kirkeby, Maddock,
BECKLEY, Harold L. Mrs. Margaret Beck- N. fDak.
ley, 66 Reynolds Street, Danielson, Conn. KITE, Charlie C. George Kite, Spencerville,
Total ---------------------- 163 BEGELMAN, Hyman. Isaac Katz, 54 Cook Okla.
Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. KOLBAS. Evan. Matevel Klimenco, Ring-
BLATZ, William. William Blatz, 10 Tomp- town. Allegheny County. Pa.
Killed in Action. KREB3lS, Herman. Mrs. Mary Robbins, Har-
kins Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.
CORPORALS. BOSHOVEN, George. Edward Stratton, 752 lowton, Mont.
MILLER, F. C. Cecil Miller, 608L Gaston College Avenue, Grand Rapids, Mich. LEBRECIIT, Jacob. Mr,. Anna Lebrecht, 301
BOTKINS, William D. Mrs. E. H. Styles, Avenue C, Now York, N. Y.
,Avenue, Fairmount, W. Va. LE MAY, Leo A. Alphonse Le May, 347 Stan-
STANTON, William C. William T. Stanton, New Rockford, N. Dak.
Grantsville, Md. BRINAD. Joseph. Armard Vincent, Fisher- ley Street. Chippewa Falls, Wis.
ville, Mass. LIPPERT, Joseph. Joseph Lippert, TO Beltz-
PRIVATES. hoover Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.
CALOGERO, Carlino. Manara Angelo, 318 Louis Lipschutz, 587
ORANE, Harlan. Mrs. Edith Crane, care of East Forty-fourth Street, New York, N. Y. LIPSCHUTZ, Israel.
Mutual Creamery Co., Seattle, Wash. CAMPBELL. Daniel. William W. Campbell, Dumont Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
D'OCCHIO, Luigi. Mrs. Filomena D'Occhio, Francis, Wash. LOUDEN, Floyd. Mrs. Alice Bush, Tannu,
582 Madison Street, West New York, N. Y. CHRISTOFFERSON, Andrew. Claus W. Va.
DODD, Harold V. Mrs. Mary C. Dodd, 1015 C. LUNCEFORD, Ernest G. Mrs. Mary B. Lunce-
Christoirerson, R. F. D. 3, Centerville, S. ford, Dudie. Va.
Buena Vista Avenue, Alameda, Cal. Dak.
HULL, Ernest L. Mrs. Minnie Hull, Cordell, LUNDGREN, Delphin T. Louis P. Lundgren,
Okla. CURCI. Joe. Leonardo Curel, 13 Center Gibbon, Minn.
KELL, John A. John J. Fell, R. F. D. 1, West Street, Ridgeway, Pa. LUNDQUIST. David W. David Lundquist,
Newton, Pa. CYCEIK, Stanislaw. Mrs. Josie Piantek 7125 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chiago, Ill.
MATHIS Robert B. James S. Mathis, 3302 8700 Houston Avenue, Chicago, Ill. McKIRGAN, James I. James W. McKirgan,
Powhatan Avenue, Baltimore, Md. DAVID, Joseph. Mrs. Josephine ivis, La- Petrel, N. Dak.
MURRAY, Hillard. Mrs. Hattie Murray, 628 fayette, Pa. McQUEEN, Henry C. J. A. McQueen, Slidell,
East Main Street, Brenham. Tex. DAVIS, Charlie George. Mrs. Julia Davis, La.
PERLUISKI, Stiney. Mrs. Shinaudoak Per-, Paden, Okla. McQUILLAN, Francis. Mrs. Katherine Mc-
luiski, Schuylkill Haven, Pa. DAVIS, Raymond T. Raymond M. Davis, Divitt, 2837 East Indiana Avenue, Phila-
PRESTON, Edward. Mrs. Rosa Preston, 16 Pineora, G;a. delphia, Pa.
Peachway Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. DIZEO, Antonio. Miss Mary Dizeo, 446 Lin- MADSEN, Martin. Peter Peterson, Sherburn,
ROBB, John Q. W. C. Robb, White Pine, coln Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. Minn.
Mont. DOBERSTEIN, Frederick. Andrew Dober- MAIN, Charles F. George L. Main, Lowell,
SZCZEPANSKI, John. Mrs. Josie Rybicka, stein, 22 ring Street, Nanticoke, Pa. Mass.
423 South Walnut Street, South Bend, Ind. DORSON, Andrew E. Mrs. Andrew Dobson, MARTIN. Thomas. Willey Outtfileld, Keota,
WENDT, August. Edward Keplin,. 68 Third 302 West Kansas Avenue, Anadarko, Okla. Mo.
Street, Seymour. Conn. DOBSON, Edward W. Albert Dobson, 632 MAZZARO. Donato. Carlo Dedeo, 106 Maple
East Sevehteenth Street. New York, N. Y. Street, Conshohocken, Pa.
Died of Disease. DOROTHY, Olen J. Mrs. Alice Olen, Pills- MEILE, David F. Ludwig Merkel, Bowdle,
LIEUTENANTS. burg. N. Ddk. S. Dak.
DOYLE, Frank J. Mrs. Katherine Doyle, MEYERS, John. Mrs. Amelia Meyers, Eagle
PAGE, David Benson, Jr. Mrs. Cora H. Page, 2005 Boone Street, Baltimore, Md. Lake. Minn.
157 West Third Street. Oswego, N. Y. I EALY, Roscoe D. L. 0. Efly, general deliv-
STILLMAN, Walter Martin. Walter Savage ery, Tacoma, Wash. MYERS, John P. Charles F. Myers, 3763
Stillman, 615 Willow Avenue, Council EBERWEIN, Horace B. Edgar J. Eberwein, Rhodes Avenue, Chicago. Ill.
Bluffs, Iowa. R. F. D. 4, Allentown, Pa. MILLSAPS, George T. Miss Cora Millsaps,
SERGEANTS. ELLIOTT, Elmer F. Mrs. Media Barnes, R. Nogo. Ark.-
F. D. 2, box 217, Dallas, Tex. MODZELVISKL Peter. Adam Groustalskl,
DUNBAR, Walter C. William H. Dunbar, 925 North Olden Avenue. Trenton, N. .
Grandview, Wash. FLEIG, Joseph E. Mrs. Barbara Fleig. Moun- MOFFITT, Guy R. Miss Mary Moffitt, R. F.
TISCHLER, Louis James. Mrs. Mary Tisch- taintop, Pa. D. 6, McMinuville, Tenn.
ler, 0923 Linwood Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. FRANCIS. David J. Mrs. Stella E. Francis, MOUINK, Henry. Mrs. Leona Parker, 478
CORPORAL. Scotland, Ark. Hamilton Avenue, Detroit, Mlch.
FRANCIS, Fy C. Charles B. Francis, 186 MOILIEN, Thorval C. Peter Moilk'n, R. F.
GILLEN, John J. Mrs. Edward Gillen, 128 Temple Street, Fredonia, N. Y. D. 1, box 65, Coon Valley, Wis.
South Monroe Street, Baltimore, Md. FRANK, David. Mrs. Maria Franchi, Nota- MOLNAR, John. Mrs. Cathline Molnar, 2044
-0 COORS. resco, Teramo, Abruzzi, Italy. 'West Twentieth Street, Cleveland, Ohio.
SMAKTO, Mike J. Mrs. Anna Smakto, 157 FRANKLIN, George T. Mrs. Anna W. Frank- NEZEKA, Theodore. Mrs. May Nozek, 312
Polander Hill, Alton., Pa. Up, 511 Tenth Street SBE.. Minot, N. Dak. Sixth Street, Jersey City, N. J.
TUCKER James M. Mrs. Mary Tucker, gen- FROST, Leslie A. Mrs. Ora Frott, Athol, NORFLEET, Joseph E. Joseph W. Norfleet,
eral delivery, Palo Pinto, Tex. Kans. R. P. D. 4, Cumberland City, Tenn.
GROSS, Clarence D. Granville Gross, Patsey, OBERSKI, Vincent J. Alex Oberski, R. P. D.
PRIVATES. Ky. 3. Ubly, Allh.
ALSTON, Macco T. Miss Martha 3. Alston, HALLETT, Harold E. Mrs. Sadie V. Bauer, OLSEN, Carl C. NIls P. Olsen, Aaderup
123 Smith Street, Greensboro, N. C. Mancos, Colo. Mark, Nestved, Denmark.
BIEGDA, Frank M. Mrs. Rose Biegda, 43 HAMILTON, Perry. Mrs. Clara S. Hamilton, OLSON, Carl 0. Mrs. Ida L. Olson, 417
West Field Street, -anticoke, Pa. Drumright, Okla. North Forty-seventh Street, Seattle, Wash.
BROWN. Basil W. James M. Brown, Pine- HAMMER, Soloman. Herman Hammer, 734 PAPPIN. Herbert A. Mrs. Jane Pappin,
ville, Mo. East Fifth Street, New York, N. Y. Estes Park, Colo.


PETERS, Dover. Jared Peters, Louisa, Ky. Wounded (Degree Undetermined), Previ- Killed in Action, Previously Reported-
PHILLIPS, Howard R. Fred Phillips, R. F.
D. 2, Kane, Pa. ously Reported Died -from Wounds. Wounded in Action.
PRINCE, Wyman W. Edward S. Prince, PRIVATES. COrPORAL.
3708 Harriet Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.
PROSSER, Leonard Graham. Mrs. George CAVANAUGH, William H. James Cavanaugh. CASEY, James J. Mrs. Ellen Casey, 289
Prosser, 210 West South Street, Eaton Cannonsburg, Mich. Ninth Street, Troy, N. Y.
Rapids, Mich. DUGGAN, Harold John. John P. Duggan,
RICKS, Andrew. Miss Clara W. Ricks, 617 3747 Herndon Street, Chicago, Ill. PRIVATE.
West Second Street, Rome, Ga. HOPKINS, Free C. Mrs. Lucy Hopkins, PETERSON, Luther A. Mrs. Henry Nelson,
RUDY, Fredrick J. Mrs. Bessie Dahson, 1913 Buhl, Idaho. Fremont, Nebr.
Folsom Street, San Francisco, Cal.
RUSSO, Concetto. Sehastino Russo, 110 Returned to Duty, Previously Reported Killed in Action, Previously Reported
Washington Street, Johnstown, N. Y. Died from Wounds.
SALVESKY, Max A. Max L. Salvesky, 2328 Xissing in Action.
East Clearfield Street, Philadelphia, Pa. PRIVATE. CORPORAL.
SARKISIAN, Ezequiel. Anatas Sarkisian,
Beirut, Lataka Province, Syria. SMITH, Hiram A. Mrs. Anna L. Smith, R. F. DUBINSKY, Philip. Harry Dubinsky, 386
SHEPARD, William R. Mrs. Cardelia 'M. D. 1, Troy, Kans. Madison Street, New York, N. Y.
Shepard, 1610 Carpenter Street, Philadel- Returned to Duty, Previously Reported BECTIANIC.
phia, Pa. EUSTACE, Patrick. Dennis' O'Halloran, 508
SHERRILL, Henry. Mrs. Lillie Sherrill, Died of Disease.
Elizabethton, Tenn. Devisadero Street, San Francisco, Cal.
STIFF, Andrew. Miss Rosina Stiff, 30 Six- PRIVATES.
teenth Avenue, Maywood, Ill, _ PRIVATES.
LED, Robert E. Mrs. Tilda A. Lee, 3026 AGOSTINO Leone. Mrs. Mariana Agostino,
STOCKEL, Ivar F. Jerhard Stocekl, 2042 Cherry Street, Kansas City, Mo.
Fletcher Street, Chicago, Ill. Sinagra, Provincia Messina, Italy.
NOCE, Giovanni A. Angelo Noce, 81 Frost ARRASMITH, Asa. Mrs. Lillie Butler, Sher-
ULIBARRI, Juan Antonio. Mrs. Tieodorita Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
libarri, Tierra Amarilla, N. Mex. burne Ky
WAGLER, Lawrence A. Louis Wagler, Desh- Killed, Previously Reported Wounded BALLAS, Ell. Steve Balas, 5831 Sixty-first
lr, Ohio. Avenue, West Allis, Milwaukee, Wis.
WEE, Gilbert A. Mrs. Sirgid Wee, Hanska, Severely. BUDROVITZ, John. Anthony Kozlovonki, 141
Minn. Hillside Avenue Edwardsville, Pa.
PRIVATE. BURCH, Verland II. Henry W. Burch, R. F.
WEEKS, Arthur C. Miss Ella Weeks, 207
Summers Street, Passaic, N. J. FREDERICKSON, Glenn L. Ray Frederick- D. 1, Perry, Ark.
CASE, Fred Thomas. Thomas Bratton, Grand
WIGMAN, Joseph. Mrs. Annie Wigman, New son, Warsaw, Ind.
Baden, Ill. Rapids, Wis.
WILLIAMS, George E. Benjamin Reid, gen- Missing in Action; Previously Reported CRISP, Jess. Miss Mary Brocoe, 911 North
eral delixery, Shingleton, Mich. Wounded Severely. Gran, Neodesha, Kans.
WODARCZAK, Frank. Mrs. Mary Wodarezak, DRISCOLL, Richard A. Mrs. Mary Driscoll,
203 Sweet Avenue, Buffalo. N. y. CORPORAL. 85 Butler Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
WOJICK, Frank. John Wojick, Warsaw, DUNSON, Henry. W. H. Dunson, Canoe, Ala.
Russia. ZACEK, William J. Mrs. Helen Zacek, 50 ENO, Noah L. Albert .Delcore, -727 Tower
ZAiIARA, Stanley. John Zahara, 812 Win- Whilcomb Street, Webster, Mass. Avenue, Superior, Wis.
stanley Avenue, East St. Louis, Ill. PRIVATES. FLENTJE, Charles C. Mrs. Ben Schwarting,
BRANCH. David W. Charles W. Branch, Teb- Round Lake, Minn.
bettis, Mo. ANDERSON, Gustav V. Mrs. Emma Ellison, FORD, Donald I. Mrs. Louella Curry Ford,
CAMPBELL, John H. William Campbell, Ballaton, Mina. R. F. D. 3, Nashville, Ind.
general delivery, Bloomfield, Nebr. ANGIELILLO, Vito N. Miss Philomena Ange- GRANTHAM, Willie. George Grantham,
GARDNER, Lee. Mrs. Ellis Gardner, Hub- lillo, Ban Casamassima, Italy. Ocilla, Ga.
bard, Ohio. ARRINGTON, Clyde I. C. 1R. Arrington, box KENNEDY, Stephen C. Elmer J. Kennedy,
GOROHYSKY, Harry. Mrs. Lizzie Gorohv- 174, McLoud, Okla. Troy, Pa.
sky, 164 East One hundred and twelfth AUER, Beno .T. John Auer, Albany, Minn. KRINSKY, Louis. Mrs. Anna Krinsky, 214
Street, New York, N. Y. BOOTII, William Wayne. Mrs. henry W. Levonia Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
KENDZIERSKI, Steve Stanley. William Booth, R. F. D. 1, New Milford, Pa. NUNNERY, Jim. F. A. Nunnery, Edgmoor,
Kendzierski, box 147, Amsterdam, Ohio. BOWEN, Clayton F. Willard A. Bowen, 213 S. C.
MAGEE, Erwin E. George W. Magee, R. F. Chestnut Street, Kewanee, Ill. ROSENKRONTE, Ike. Louis Rosenkrontz,
D. 3, Halls, Tenn. BURNS, John William. Henry Burns, R. F. Planter Hotel, Leavenworth, Kans.
ROSS, Claud S. Mrs. Mary B. Ross, De Kalb, D. 2, bx 27, Hardy, Nebr. ROSSI, Lohis. Vincent Rossi, Pagnatico,
Tex. CARLSEN, Clarence H. Mrs. Hanna E. Carl- Province Pish, Italy.
SINDELDECKER, Guy. Jack Shindel- sen, 408 East Lanme Street, Bozeman, Mont. ROUSE, Fay S. Charles Rouse, 330 East Or-
decker, Eau Claire, Mich. COOPER, Chancy. irs. Martha Cooper, 449 leans Street, Otsego, Mich.
THIELE, William L. Mrs. Melda Thiele, 715 Grandville Avenue, Grand Rapids, Mich. SPRAGUE, Arthur L. Mrs. A. L. Sprague,
Ninth Avenue, South Wausau, Wis. CORNELL, Wilbur A. Alfred B. Cornell, 49 1508 Cherry Street, Kansas City, Mo.
WAINWRIGHT, Neal. Mrs. Elsie T. Wain- South Lincoln Avenue, Ocean Side, N. Y. WATCITASKIE, Walter. Mrs. Catherine Gard-
wright, 1 Murketquid Street, Concord, DI MATTIO, Dominick. Louis Dipillo, 136 ner, 25 Reservation Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Mass. Cherry Avenue, Canton, Ohio.
WEIDMAN, Hugo. Edward Weidman, 1312 GLASS,- Philip. Gerchen Glass, 171 Swirzh Previously Reported Missing in Action,
Indiana Avenue, Sheboygan, Wis. Street, Lemberg-Galicla, Austria. Now Reported Dead of Wounds Received
WILDEY. Sherman. Mrs. Dellia Wildey, 430 GREGGERSON, Bennett E. John Greggerson,
Louis Avenue, Boyne City, Mich. 222A Newstead Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. In Action. I
JABLONSKI, Alike. Frank Jablouski, Lublin, CORPOR ta.
Russia. MANNING. John J. Mrs. Catherine Man-
CORRECTIONS IN CASUALTY LIST. JAGD, Henry W. Wessell T. Jagd, Braddock,
N. Dak. ining, 43 French Street, Watertown, Mass.
Wounded Slightly, Previously Reported JETER, James Hubert. Mrs. Hannah Jeter, PRIVATES.
Killed in Action. Lyndon, Kans. COWANS, Brownlow. Mrs. Mattie Cowans,
KELLE, Fred. Jacob Kelle, Napoleon, N. It. F. D. 1, Hartsville, Tenn.
PRIVATE. Dak. LINDSAY, William S. Mrs. William Geer,
KOISTT, Wil1am. Mike Koisti, Viburg, More- Portland Hills, Pa.
RIBKEE, Elmer. Mrs. Kathryn Ribkee, 1018 lar Province, Finland.
North II Street, Richmond, Ind. KROGSTAD, Helmer. Mrs. Anna Krogstad, SCHMALING, Victor I. William Schmaling,
Tenth and St. Croix Streets, Hudson, Wis. R. F. D. 4, Appleton, Wis.
Wounded (Degree Undetermined), Previ- LADAS, Nicolas. Stauros Ladas, Kaffolonia, SHAFFER, William H. Mrs. William Shaffer,
ously Reported Killed in Action. Lixoulon, Greece. R. F. D, 3, Dubois, Pa.
PRIVATD. LA VIGNE. Harry. Mrs. Jeanete Boudway, Previously Reported Missing in Action,
300 West Seventeenth Street, New York,
BEECHER. Frank E. Arthur Ii. W. Beecher, N. Y. NloW Reported Dead of Disease.
060 East Indianola Avenue, Youngstown, LAVIX, Louis. Mrs. R. Lavin, 816 Bainbridge
Ohio. Street. Philadelphia, Pa. PRIVATE.
LICAMELLA, John. Mrs. Madaline Licam- MYERS, Loy C. Paul H. Myers, R. IP. D. 1,
Returned to Duty, Previously Reported ella, 153 Jones Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. Tane town, Md.
Killed in Action. LIGHT, Kenneth Chester. Monroe Light,
Munger, Mo. Previously Reported Missing in Action,
LIUTENANT. LONG, Aadrew V. John Long, .110 Third Now Reported Dead, Cause Undeter-
LYNCH, Mack M. William Lynch, Dawson Street, Niles, Ohio.
MATHEWS. Frank R. Mrs. Dolly C. Math- mined.
Springs, Ky. ews. 60 Zane Avenue, Zanesville, Ohio. LIEUTExANT.
PRIVATES. OLIVER, William. Mrs. Rebecca Oliver,
MORMON, Fred D. Mrs. Clara Mormon, 1400 WILLIAMS, Bertram. Mrs. J. B. Williams,
Cookstown, N. J. Channing Place, Cambridge, Mass.
Oakes Street, Columbia, S. C. SCHOEL, Grover 'C. Mrs. Agnes E. Schoel,
ZABEL, Walter. Herman Zabel, Buffalo 1622 O'Neill Street, Cheyenne, Wyo. PRIVATES.
Lake, Minn. SMITH, Jesse B. M. D. Smith, West Paris, BLADES, Gilbert C. Mrs. Rebecca Blades,
Mo. Somerset, Pa.
Died of Disease, Previously Reported SOLUSKI, Nicholas. Mrs. Antonetta Solusk, DAVENPORT, David L. Mrs. Dora Good,
Died from Wounds. 133 Twenty-third Street. Brooklyn. N. Y. 1008 Scranton Street, Scranton, Pa.
CORPORAL. STOFFEY, John 3T. Mrs. Mary Stoffey, Coal- FISHER. Harry C. Alex Fisher, Berlin, Pa.
dale, Schuylkill County, Pa. JESELSKIS, John. Joe Jeselskis, 103 Waldon
BROWN, John. Mrs. Helen C. Brown, -773 qZAJKOWSKI, Joseph. Frank Szajkowski, Street, Rumford, Me.
Creston Avenue, Bronx, N. Y. 1531 East Tenth Avenue, Moline, Ill. PERRY, Walter. James Perry, Kermit, W. Va.


Previously Reported Missing in Action, JACKSON, Burley V. W. D. Jackson, R. F. ADAMS, William A. John Adams, R. F. D.
Now Reported Severely Wounded. D. 1, Gapton, Ark. 1, Celina, Tenn.
JACKSON, Ellie J. Aaron W. Jackson' Pan- ANGEL, Oscar. Mrs. Harriet Angel, Fort
CAPTAIN. dora Tex. Towsen, Okla.
ACKLIN, William C. Mrs. Grai M. Acklin, KAPLAN, Simon. Mrs. Fannie Kaplan, 26 ARGARELLA Luigi. Antonio Argarella,
Bellevue Street, Hartford, Conn. Guardia Grido, Province Chieti, Italy.
2146 Collingwood Avenue, Toledo, Ohio. KOLASA, Nick. Mrs. Josephine Wiesoski, 786 BLAIR, Elmer Harrison. Mrs. Francis M.
CORPORAL. Theodore Street, Petrdit, Mich. Blair, 185 East Madison Street, Lancaster,
BECKER, Earnest A. Frederick Linkogel, 127 McKNIGHT, Walter. David H. McKnight, Pa.
Garden Street, H1boken, N. J. Salisbury, N. C. BECK, George John. Mrs. Bertha Beck, Lin-
MGILAUGILIN, Clarence T. Mrs. Myrth A. denhurst, N. Y.
Kernan, 914 West Galer Street, Seattle, BELL, Charles P. Mrs. J. P. Bell, 36 Evans
ZAICHUK, Peter J. Mrs, Annie Ustinoff, 17 Wash.
Beach Street, Worcestef, Mass. McLEOD, Leo K. Mrs. Ike Mahew, King- D., Fort McPherson, Ga.
AASE, Edwin B. Mrs. Emma B. Aase, ROsS, BENNETT, Fred. David C. Bennett, R. F. D.
fisher, Okla. 2, Smiths Grove, Ky.
Miln. MAGALDI, Dominick. John Magaldi, 388 BERNER, Chester A. Miss Hester Berner,
COPPERSMITH, William D. J. M. Copper- Congress Avenue, Waterbury, Conn. R. F. D. 4, North Hampton, Ohio.
swith, Rockford, Ohio. MAHONEY Clarence J. Mrs. Patrick Ma- BOTTARU, John. Michele Bottaru, Falconi,
DAILEY, Lile. Mrs. Emma Dailey, 660 Har- honey 4342 Gano Street, St. Louis, Mo. Province Sassari Fomi, Italy.
old Avenue, Portland, Oreg. MERRILL, William H. Mrs. F. G. Bradley, BRYANT, Laburn E. Mrs. James W. Darvin,
FABICH, Frank T. James Fabich, Winona, 7 Cheney Place, Lowell, Mass. Hollywood Ala.
Minn. MILLAS, Ben. Tony Millas, Mingo Junction, BURROUGH, Bud J. George W. Burroughs,
FERRARA, Michele. Mrs. Tozzi Giovanna Fu Ohio. Greenville, Tex.
Michele Areangelo, Orsara, Di Puglia, Italy. MORISETT, Eugene. Mis Rose Marisett, 48 COLPAERT, Tryphone. Mrs. Julia Colpaert,
IRVING, John F. Eugene D. Irving, 718 Seaview Street, Jersey City, N. J. East Flanders Dienge, Belgium.
Third Street, Peoria, Ill. NOVINSKI, John F. Mrs. Eva Novinski, COOK Andrew B. William HI. Cook, R. F.
ISHMAEL, Clarence. W. H. Ishmael, Green- Stelitzer, Wis. D. Augusta, Ga.
castle, Mo. PERI, Samuel. Vincen Pert, 581 Twentieth CRAMLLI, Gabrielli. Gabrielli Cramilli, 415
KOCZOROWSKI, Anton. Steve Koczorowski, Street, Niagara Falls, N. Y. H Street, Carnegie, Pa.
1050 NOrth Marshfield Avenue, Chicago, III. PFEIFFER, Oscar J. Martin Pfeiffer, El- CURATOL, Lawrence. William Nemiro, 835
LICCIARDI, Aptonio. Charles Llcciardi, 75 wood, Nebr. Springarden Street, Eastn, Pa.
India Court, North End, Boston,- Mass. PHILLIPS, Arthur S. Mrs. John Werth, 514 CUSICK, Vincent. Mrs. Margaret Cusick,
NIECECIK, Felix. Kaesnig Niececik, Bart- Bardridge Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Huntington, Long Island, N. Y.
back, Poland, Russia. PHILLIPS. Evert. Mrs. 01ie Phillips, 722 DAVIS, Herman. Mrs. Jasper F. Davis, R.
PETTYS, John Nelson. Mrs. Lida Pettys, Harriet Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. F. D. 2, Macon, Ga.
Bainbridge N. Y. PRICE, Winflield J. Winfield Scott Price, 512 DEGENARO, Tony. Mrs. Mary Degenaro, 122
PRINCIPATY Gulseppi. Charley Principati, Michigan Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. Grand Street, Hoboken, N. J.
35 Sunny Side Avenue, Readville, Mass. RICCIARDELLO, Michael. Jo. Ricciardello, DEISLER, Henry. Mrs. Sarah Deisler, 101
QUIRK, George 0. Mrs. Rose W. Quick, 187 704 Kader Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Quine Stree ympia, Wash.
Lexington Avenue, New York, N. Y. SHARKEY, Lujre. Mrs. Harry Donovan, 275 DELLACQUA, elo. Angelo P. Giuseppe,
SCHIEBE, Vincent. John Schiebe, 1256 Dick- Broadway, South Boston, Mass. 1803 Pittston Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
son Street, Chicago, Ill. STEWART, Stktnley. Mrs. Eva Stewart, 32 DELUCAS, John F. Mrs. Catherine Delucas,
8CHROEDER, Frank. Mrs. Ruth Schroeder, South Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. 1937 South Twentieth Street, Philadelphia,
534 Taylor Street, Daytoy, Ohio. STONE, Marshall. Mrs. Lue E. Stone, Chad- Pa.
TATTERSALL, William. Miss Sadie E. Tat- land Street, Schoolfield. Va.
tersall, 11 Parker Street, Exeter, N. H. WEBSTER, Orville C. Miss Lucinda Smith, DORSANO, Angelo L. Mrs. Congetta L. Dor-
VACCARELLO, Pietro. Mrs. Maria Tomma- 25 North Sevdnth Street, Zanesville, Ohio. sano, 183 Bleecker Street, New York, N. Y.
rello, Spigno, Gaturnio, Italy. WEEKS, Jacob Henry. Mrs. Liddle Prince, DUTFF, Robert D. Mrs. Mary Swank, gen-
WHEELER, Frank. Arch Wheeler, Girard, Charleston, Mo. eral delivery, Elmira, Mich.
Ala. WILSON, Arthur A. Miss Helen G. Wilson, DURKIN, Michael. Mrs. Margaret J. Quinn,
WILLIAMS John J. Mrs. Jennie Williams, care of Davidson, 346 East Eighteenth 599 Albany Avenue, Hartford, Conn.
Thirty-third Street, Carrollton, Ky. Street, New York, N. Y. EARLS, Joe H. Mrs. Milisna M. Earls, Crow-
WILSON, Arthur B. John Carleson, 194 Myr- ley, Tex.
Wounded Slightly, Previously Reported tle Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. FERNAAYS, Edward H. Mrs. Susue Fer-
WINTER, Leonidas Cedell. Mrs. Emma Win- aays, Penfield, N. Y.
Missing in Action. FLOOD, Fred M. George Flood, box 55,
ter, Shady Point, Okla. North Waterboro, Me.
LIEUTENANT. WORLAND. Charles 0. Mrs. Alice Worland,
143 South Arsenal Avenue, Indianapolis, FOX, Lorenza K. Mrs. Sarah Carmack, Ada,
HAMILTON, Joseph E. Joseph.G. Hamilton, Okla.
Hector, Ark. Ind. FOX, Roy. Mrs. Eliza Jane Fox, Bushyhead,
SERGEANTS. WRIGHT, Robert C. E. M. Wright, Hickory, Okla.
JONES, Earl L. Mrs. C. Jones, 1411 Laramie N. C. FULLER, Joseph 4R. Mrs. Harriet Redburn,
'Street, Manhattan, Kans. Wounded in Action (Degree Undeter- Alton. Mo.
MITCHELL, Lige. John S. Mitchell, R. F. GADSON, Gail F. John Gadson, R. F. D. 2,
D. 1, Fairmont, Okla. mined), Previously Reported Missing in Marshfield, Wis.
OLIVER, Joe. Joshua C. Oliver, Glenn, Ky. Action. GALLIGAN, Thomas E. Mrs. Margaret Gal-
CORPORAL. SERGEANTS. ligan, 70 Blackstone Street, Woonsocket,
R. I.
OLIVER, Leonard. Lemuel Oliver, Elton, La. CALDER, Brooke J. John D. Alexander, Stop GREENBERG, Abe. - Mrs. Katie Gregtberg,
MECHANIC. 134, Shore Line, Euclid, Ohio. 87 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
STOKES, Fred. E. Stokes, Livingston, Tex. HILL, Erskine. W. L. Hill, Durant, Okla. HAMBERGER, Hugo. Mrs. Anna Iamberger,
HOUGH, Frederick W. Mrs. S. B. Hough, 444 3627 Warsaw Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio.
PRIVATES. West Forty-first Street Los*Angeles, Cal. HEEGE, Lawrence A. Mrs. Rose Ileege,
ARCTIER, Orville. Mrs. Mary A. Webb, 1510 MORGAN, Lloyd. Mrs. Jeannette Morgan, 50 South Kirkwood Road. Kirkwood, Mo.
Penn Avenue, New Brighton, Pa. Jefferqon Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. HINKLE. Clarence. Mrs. Mary E. Ilinkle,
BEDWELL, Isaac L. Mrs. Sarah A. Bed- SCHEPER, Edward A. Henry A. Scheper, Drumright. Okla.
well, 927 Walnut Street, Chester, Pa. 1119 Aisquith Street, Baltimore, Md. JENSON, Johannes C. Laurits Jenson,
BRUNO, Francesco. Vangesga Bruno, Piglio, CORPORALS. Skjorring. Galben, Jylland, Denmark -
Province of Rome, Italy. ICELDGARD, Carl. Peter Kelgard, Silheberg,
BRZEZINSKY, Joseph. Mrs. Joseph Brzez- CARTER, William J. Michael Carter, 119 Denmark.
insky, 9 Christian Street, Philadelphia, Pp. Sanford Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. KELLY, Andrew. Miss Mary E. Kelly Dan-
CAMPBELL, Joseph. Mrs. Gertrude MeDon- HAMMONDS, Aubrey. Mrs. James L. Ham- bury. Coon.
aId, 735 Harris Avenue, Providence, R. I. mondq, 408 Spring Avenue, Jacksonville, KNIGHT. John C. James F. Knight, 016 H
DAVIDSON, Mervyn. Herbert Davidson, Tex. Street, Lawton, Okla.
Logan, Utah. HEATH. John R. Mrs. John R. Heath, 1596 KORNAIHRINS. Fred W. Mrs. Augusta
DI PIETRO, Augusto. Emidio D1 Pietro, Northland Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio. Kornahre , 778 Lincoln Place, Brooklyn,
Alelli, Province of Aquilla, Italy. KELEHER, Joseph A. Bernard J. Keleher, N. Y.
DORNAN, Elmer W. Mark Dornan, 317 Ely 519 West One hundred and sixty-second KRANTZ, Rolland. George Kaufman, Tren-
Street, Allegan, Mich. Street, New York, N. Y.
MINCKS. Walter Irving. Enos R. Mincks, ton, Ill.
DUKE, Luther. G. F. Duke, 379 Trigg Newkirk, Okla. LA COLLA, Stephen. Mrs. Myta La Colla, 7
Avenue, Memphis, Tenn. MOUCHECK. James. Henchman Street, Boston, Mass.
DUMAR, Joseph D. Mrs. Adeline Dumar, Au Mrs. Catherine Mou-
check, 2180 East Huntingdon Street, Phila- LADETTO. Peter. Toni Ladetto, box 614,
Sable Forks, N. Y. delphia. Pa. Sesser. Ill.
DTRIIAM, Albert J. Henry R. Durham, R. WICHT, Ernest 0. Mrs. Emma Groeschel, 459 LAGANELLA. Anthony. Mrs. Mary Lagan-
F. D. 3. box 20, Durand, Miss.
ENGLUND, John. Erick Englund, Augusta, Mount Prospect Avenue, Newark, N. J. ella, 1921 3illin Street, Philadelphia. Pa.
LARAMORE, Charley E. Mrs. Salema Lara-
Mont. MECHANICS. more. Aivarado, Tex.
FLAKES, George. Miss Jane Daniel, 238 BENNETT, Benjamin C. Mrs. Jennie A. Ben- LATHROP, Howard W. Ella Lathrop, Braden-
South Georgia Street, Knoxville, Tenn. neit, Vinta Park, St. Louis County, Mo. town, Fla.
GANN, Harvey C. John Gaun, Trenton, Mo. MIKULENCAK, Joe M. Mrs. Rosa Kret, LAURENZ, Frank. August Laurenz, Eagle
GREER, R. D. John I. Greer, Spur, Tex. Cudahy, Wis. Butte, S. Dak.
HILTZ, Edward. Mrs. Mary Wilzonoff, Mil- SHEPPARD, Edward J. Alphonse Sheppard, LEHIGH, William. Mrs. Bridget Lehigh,
likan, Colo. 200 Saratoga Avenue, Cohoes, N. Y. Dennison, Ohio.
HORN, Tames L. William S. Horn, Mag- LERZ, Joseph. Louis Lerz, 683 East Main
nolia Springs, Tex. PRIVATES. Street, Waterbury, Conn.
HOSEK, James E. Thomas Hosek, R. F. D. ABELS, Conrad. Barney Abels, R. F. D. 1, LEWIS. Allen. Mrs. Margaret G. Lewis, gen-
4, Olivia. Minn. Holland, Iowa. eral delivery, Bountiful, Utah.
HOUROION, Channes. Mrs. Channes Hou- ADAMS, James T. Mrs. Mary Wallace Adams, LEWIS. Harold 0. Mrs. Lewis, R. F. D. 3,
roion, Erzrum, Armenia. Maysville, Banks County, Ga. Concord, Mich.


LIEBOWITZ, Michael A. Abraham Liebo- PRIVATES. FULLER, John H. Furnia I. Fuller, 20 Rail-
witz, 150'. North Sixth Street, Philadel- road Street, Columbus, Ga.
phia, Pa, ANDREWS, Elijah. John Andrews, 302 GOFF, Liston D. Duke Goff. Martins Ferry,
LIPFERT, Albert G. Mrs. Fred Lipfert, 274 Lamar Street, Wichita Falls, Kans. Ohio.
Britannia Street, Meriden, Conn. DORIS, Frank, Jr. Frank Doris sr, 810 Elm- HANNERS, Clarence. Mrs. Rebecca Hanners,
LOBDELL, Arthur E. Mrs. Amelia Lobdell, wood Avenue, Kansas City Mo. 119 South Avenue, Bridgton, N. J.
BARLEY, Roy W. .Mrs. Minnie Cole, 900 HEMPIVICK, Philip F. Mrs. Victoria Hempi-
general delivery, Baypor Mich. West Myrtle Street, Independence, Kans.
LOCKHART. Howard. . William Lock- vick, 4 Bridge Street, Cambridge, Mass.
hart, 113 D Seventh-fift Street, New York, HILLIARD, Earnest. Mrs. Margaret Hil- HERBAUGH, Elmer F. Mrs. Mabel L. Her-
N.Y. liard, R. F. D. 4, Smithville, Miss. baugh, Wages, Colo.
JACQUES, Howard 0. Charles Jacques, 709 HIBBELER, Hugo. Mrs. Ianna ilibbeler,
LUTJEN, Albert D. Dick V. Lutjen, Cole Calvet Avenue, Rome, N. Y.
Camp, Mo. El Campo, Tex.
MADDEN, Thomas Henry. Mrs. Ella Madden, LOWE, Clarence. Mrs. Ono Lowe, Clarks- HIRSCH, Nathan. Benjamin. Hirsch, 1038
R. F. D. 2. Kingston, N. Y. burg W. Va. Hoe Avenub, Bronx County, New York, N. Y.
MILLS, Hubert. Mrs. Lottle Mills, 547 Frank- MERChR, Charles M. Myron Mercer, R. F. HOLLAND, Delbert. Mrs. Nora Holland, 178
lin dtreet, Hamilton, Ohio. D. 1, Hasford, Fla. Humboldt Avenue north, Tonawanda, N. Y.
MIMMS, Robert L. W. L. Mimms, R. F. D. MILLER, William K. Mrs. Susan Miller, R. KRUMLAUF, Asa G. Mrs. Mary Krumlauf,
a, box 3, Atmore, Ala. F. D. i, Fleetwood, Pa, Garibaldi, Oreg.
MOCK, Leslie. Harry Mock, Forbes, N. Dak. KUGLER, Alfred B. N. Mrs. J. B. Kugler,
Returied to Duty, Previously Reported Frenchtown, N. J.
MOORE, Noble L. Charles E. Moore, Bloom-
field, Mont. Missing in Action. LAWRENCE, Lloyd L. Francis W. Lawrence,
rMORGANTI, Felice. Mrs. C. Morganti, Do- Oxford Avenue, Howard Park Md
LIEUTENANT. LEEK, Orange. Mrs. Nancy J. Leek, R. F. D.
- caina, Italy.
MORRIS, Ray D. Mrs. Harry MeNeely, 218 DE MORE, Sherman. Mrs. Anna De More, 1, Moundsville, W. Va.
Ewing Street, Washington, Pa. Milwaukee, Wis. LEMKE, Emil A. A. Mrs. Christina Lemke,
MOXNESS, Ole J. Albert Kleven, R. F. D. 309 North Fifth Street, Harrison, N. J.
3, Devils Lake, N. Dak. SERGEANTS. LOGIDENSKI, William. Mrs. Helen Logi-
MUCHOWSKI, Joseph Walter. Mrs. Andrew HERBERGER, Peter. denski, 3 Elizabeth Street, Carnegie, Pa.
Mrs. Charles Her- LOOS, Ernest A. William M. Loos, 515 South
Pathy. 5045 Thliteenth Street, Cicero, Ill. berger, 64 Ontario Avenue, Albany, N. Y.
MULLER, John. John Muller, sr., East Bern- MONTAIGNER James B. Mrs. Margaret Mon- Twelfth Street, Quincy, III.
stadt. Ky. taigner, 7 0 8 Richard Street, Kndxville, MEETZE, Benjamin T. John A. Q. Meetze,
MIERS, Emmet. Miss Grace Myers, Salt R. F. D. 1, Lexington, S, C.
Tenn. MILLER, Joseph A. Mrs. Frances Miller, 13
Lick, Ky. NIEMEYER, William H. Mrs. Johanna Nie-
NISBET, Alexander C. Alexander Nisbet. Thomas Street, Harrisburg, Pa.
Evanston, Wyo. meyer, 154 Avenue C, Rochester, N. Y. MITROVITCH, Tullius. Mrs. Lucia Mitro-
TRONE, John D. Mrs. Marguerite E. Trone, vich, 213 West Eightieth Street, New York,
O'DONNELL, Patrick J. Martin J. O'Donnell, 8527 Gilpin Street, Denver, Colo.
1100 Armour Boulevard, Kansas City, Mo. N. *Y.
PACE, AdolL. Alfred Pace, 2"97 East Seltzer CORPORALS. MOORE, George W. Mrs. Icy Moore, Center-
Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ville, Ohio.
PELO, Zenobio. Mrs. Jennie Pelo, 1032 Cen- ALLISON, James S, Mrs. Francis B. Ellison, MOORE, James. Mrs. Alicia Moore, 19
ter Avenue, Niagara Falls, N. Y. . 1800 Yale Avenue, Knoxville Tenn Grechin Terrace Andover, Mass.
PEUSTER, Louis F. W. Fred Pouster, Sr., ASlBURN, Harry W. Mrs. V. L. Ashburn, MORA, Martin. bavid Mora, San Antonio,
706 South Fifteenth Street, Quincy, Ill. box 586, Jefferson, Ohio. N. Mex.
PHILO, Chester Earl. Mrs. Rebecca Philo, CHAMBERS, Fred L. Mrs. W. B. Chambers,. MORGAN, Charles Joseph. Thomas Morgan,
Independence, EKans. box 356, Jefferson Ohio. 3814 Parrish Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
PONTIEBR, Leo. John Pontier, 202 South LEONARD, Ernest b. Mrg. Nellie E. Leon- MORTON, Charles. Mrs. Francis B. Morton,
Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. ard, 490 Ohio Street, Akron, Ohio. general delivery, Corning, N. Y. <
RASH, Street. Floyd K. Rash, Cominto, Ark. METLIN, William A. Thomas Metlin, Sum- MOWELL, Robert M. William W. Stephens,
REAM, George. T. Archie Ream, Falconer, mit Avenue, RlIwood City, Pa. Sherman, Tex.
N. Y. ROSENBURG, Samuel R. Mrs. Eva Weiss, NORMAN, Bonnie. Ole Norman, Montevideo,
REED, Frank J. Mrs. Lillian Reed, St. Louis, 1867 South Ridgeway Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Minn.
Mich. BUGLER. NORMAN, Patrick. Walter Norman, 119
Ferry Street, Newark, N. J.
REINERT Frank John Scheffez, 901 Ogden LYNCH, George W. George Lynch, Moore, Pa. NORMAN,'Walter B. Elijah Norman, Meyers,
Street, hiladelphiA, Pa. Ark.
ROWAN, James Aiphonso. Mrs. Anna Rowan, PRIYATES.
228 Academy Street, Jersey City, N. J. ORR, Carl A. Mrs. Ethel Orr. 109 South
ItOZELL, Floyd F. Mrs. Floyd F. Rozell, ANTINOLFI, O'Neil. Mrs. Angelina Auti- Sixth Street, Newark, Licking County, Ohio.
Webber Fails, Okla. nolli, 14 Center Street, Amsterdam N. Y. RAABE, Fred C. Mrs. Catherine Raabe,
RUSSELL. Allen. Mrs. Jane Russell, Chinco- ANTOLICK, Joseph. Andrew Antolick, 631 1947 Fairfax Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio.
tea e, Va. North Franklin Street,*Philadelphia, Pa. REED, Calvin E. Martin Reed, Killdeer, N.
SCOT, Leo E. Mrs. Lura E. Scott, House, BANEY, Samuel F. Mrs. Evamay Bancy, 302 Dak.
N. Aex. Walnut Street, Philipsburg, Pa. RICHTER, George John. Mrs. P. Sigmund,
BECK, Thomas H. Mrs. Mary J. Beck, Lake- 1430 Howard Avenue, North Side, Pitts-
SEYMOUR, Edward J. Henry Seymour, vlle, Ohio. burgh, Pa.
South Street, Berlin. Mass. BECKER, William J. John Becker, R, F. D. RUSSELL, Raymond J. Mrs. Elizabeth Rus-
SHELLEY, Francis. Walter Shelley, 649 St. 3, box 80. Kimmswlck, Mo. sell, R. F. D. 1, box 223, Los Angeles, Cal.
Anna Street, New York, N. Y. BENDIX, Walter L. Henry Bendix 1215 SCLAVENITIS, Nick. Nick Konidaris box
SLATTERY, Waldo 0. Mrs. Anna. G. Slat- Manhattan Street, Michigan City, Ind. 835, Marshfield, Oreg.
tery, 8024 Powell Avenue, Kansas City, BLOOD, Lorrin G. Edmond Gilson Blood, 45 SHELTON, Clarence C. Samuel F. Shelton,
Kans. Ann Street, Ashtabula, Ohio. Emporia, Kans.
SMITH, Clifton F. Mrs. Ruth R. Smith, box BORDEN, Arthur L. Mrs. Ada Borden, Ful- SHERRY, Herbiel. Mrs. Mary E. Sherry,
135. Fowlerville, Mich. ton, Cal. Mayport, Pa.
STEPHEN, John T. James M. Stephen, gen- BROWN, William M. Alva A. Brown, Malta, SKONEZNEBY John. Joseph Skonesney. R. F.
eral delivery, Dunkirk, Mont. Mont. D 1 box 92, Connellsville, Pa.
STIESS, Oscar. Charles M. Stiess, 16502 St. BRYAN, Dean. Mrs. Jennie Bryan, Spring- SPERIkG, Bernard. Mrs. Alice Spering, 5332
Clair Street, Cleveland. Ohio. ville Utah. Reedland Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
SWEENEY, Mike L. Mrs. Laura Lindsay, BYRNES, Peter. Robert Byrnes, 2061 Dickin- SPRINGER, Edward B. Gust Springer, 119
Mineral Point, Mo. son Street, Philadelphia, Pa. West Sixth Street, Dover, Ohio.
TALLEY, Bernard S. Mrs. Ellen W. Talley, CHRISTIAN, Otis L. W. P. Christian, 1022 TALLMAN. Frederick S. George S. Tallman,
718 Ocoha Avenue, El Paso, Tex. East River Street, Davenport, Iowa. 314 North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
TRENTA, Archille. Joseph Trents, Pretaro COLLINS, Russell. Mrs. .Elmeria Collins, R. TICHYKY, Steve. John Tichoky, 3298 Ful-
Ascoll, Italy. F. D. 4, Lenoir, N. C. ton Road. Cleveland, Ohio.
TUTATO, Joseph A. Albert Tutalo, 278 Forty- CONTE, Giovanni. Mrs. Margaret Conte, VIVEN, "William McK. Mrs. Elizabeth
ninth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.- Farigliano, Italy. Swayne. East New Market, Md.
WALKER, Burt C. Mrs. Irene Walker, 210 CRAMER, Wendell Hiram. Charles Wilson WAITE, John Gilbert. Mrs. Hannah Waite,
Avon Avenue, Newark, N. J. Cramer, Prairie View, Kans. Sligo, Pa.
WATT, Sterling. Mrs. Bes ie L. Watt, 1191 DAVIDSON, James A. J. Z. Davidson, Rosie, WALTERS, Frank M. D. A. -Walters, Do
Flatbush Avenue, Brookly N. Y. Ark. Soto, Ill.
WHITNEY, Albert E. Ausin Whitney, 853 DICK, Albert T. Mrs. Mary E. Dick, 2671
Vine Street, Waterloo, Iowa. WEAVER, William. Mrs. Jeanet Weaver, 918
Emerald Street, Philadelphia. Pa. West Jefferson Street Alexander, Ind.
WILLCUTT, Carl D. Mrs. Lottle M. Clark, DODD, Welzy. Robert Dodd, Just, N. C.
bex 73, Tulare, Cal. WELKER, George D. Mrs. Mary A. Welker,
WILLIAMS, Bill. Mrs. Clara Williams, Can- DONNELLY. Arthur. Mrs. Bridget Donnelly, Necona, Tex.
ton, Okla. 1102 Kinkle Street, North Side, Pittsburgh, WHITE, John E. John E. White, Quinton,
WOOD, James. Ben Wood, Mattingly, Ky. Pa. Oklia.
YOUNG, James H. Jphn A. Young, Hamil- DUANE, John J. Thomas Duane, 188 Seventh WILLIAMS, Alvie L. Martin A. Williams, A
ton. Ala. Street, Jersey City, N. J. Street, Huntsville, Ala.
ZISKOU, John C. George Ziskou, 69 Spruce ELMORE, Fred Woodford. Mrs. Lucy Mary
Elmore, Coalton, W. Va. WILLIAMS, Israel. Louis Metz, 2538 South
Street, Manchester, N. H. EVANS, Sylvester J. Mrs. Stephen E. Evans, Sheridan Street, Philadelphia, Pa. -
ZUPCHAN, John J. Mrs. Andrew Zupchan, Webster, Pa. WILLIS, Manson. Charles Willis, R. F. D. 3,
2763 East Ninetieth Street, 'Cleveland, FAAS, Ferdinand, Jr. Mrs. Anna E. Faas, Clinton, Ind. *
Ohio. WINIMKO, Bolieslaw. Victor Winimko, 24
Calpella, Cal.
FARMER, Albert H. Mrs. Sue Mae Farmer, Platt Street, Detroit, Mich.
Sick in Hospital, Previously Reported WOODWARD, William Fay. George Wood-
Gonzales, Tex.
Missing in Action. FREITER, Edward W. Mrs. Emile Frelter, ward. Yates Center, Kans.
3123 East Ninety-eighth Street, Cleveland, WRIGHT, Thomas C. William A. Wright,
CORPORAL. Ohio. Alba, Tex.
RIBLET. Douglas. Charles F. Riblet 79 FROST, Harold H. Mrs. Mabel A. Frost, 45 ZAFARANO, Frank. Michael Zafarano, 103
Allandale Avenue, East Cleveland, Ohio. - Walnut Street New Britain. Conn. Moore Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.


Returned to Military Control, Previously JACKSON, Frank J. Mrs. Louise H. Jack- BRICKEY, Everett. Mrs. Henry Liatz, Elk-
son, 318 South Jackson Street, Fitzgerald, ton, Mfo.
Reported Missing in Action. Ga. BRYANT, Ethel B. Mrs. Lisk Bryant, Ruin-
PRIVATES. KELLER, Hugh F. Mrs. Joseph Kehoe, 310 soy, Ky.
Niagara Street, Buffalo, N. Y. BRZESKI, Prank. Mrs. Nellie Brzeski, 50
DICKERSON, Arthur. Mrs. Jennie Dickerson, KELLY, Howard P. Mrs. Edward Kelly, 1204 South Eagle Street, Terryville, Conn.
2109 West Adams Street, Chicago, Ill. North Tenth Street, Reading, Pa. CALLENDER Paul W. Mrs. Harriet Callen-
JONES, Joseph Herbert. Mrs. Rosa L. Jones, KIDD, Clarence E. Mrs. Thomas J. Kidd, der, 90 Bishop Street, Waterbury, Conn.
1704 West Broad Street, Richmond, Va. Tye River, Va. DIERKSON, Claus A. Mrs. Ralph D. Leonard,
MITCHELL, Ferris. William G. Mitchell, LOGAN, Booker. William W. Logan, Harris, Kennett, Cil.
Hendricks Store, Va. Ark. DIETZ, August L. Mrs. Margaret Ott, 323
WILLIAMSON, Carl. Mrs. Myra Williamson, McCANN, John F. Mrs. James J. McCann, Mohawk Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Christianstad, Finland, Russia. 2548 East Allegheny Avenue, Philadelphia, FARRELL, John J. Mrs. Mary N. Townsend,
Erroneously Reported Died from Wounds. Pa. 324 Eighty-seventh Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
McPHERSON Carlos V. Miss Beatrice Mc- FOY, Council Lee. Council Foy, R. F. D. 1,
PRIVATES. Pherson, Pyor Okla. Pollocksville, N. C.
EARLE, Arthur II. Eugene V. Earle, 95 Milk MAHONEY, aro Cornelius. William Ma GAGE, Edward C. Carlton P. Gage, Heald-
Street, Boston, Mass. honey, Success, Baskatchewan, Canada. 'ton. Okla.
GAILLARD, Henry. Mrs. Maggie Gaillard, MERRIMAN, Lewis . Mrs. Nellie' Merri GILLESPIE, Bert. Willie Gillespie, Bernas,
R. F. D. 1, box 20, Parler, S. C. man, Watermn, Ill. Ark.
HERLING, George. Mrs. Anna Herling, MITCHELL, Chancey W. Mathew C. GOUDAILLER, Willard V. Mrs. Elizabeth
Burke, Wis. Mitchell, 1103 Sheridan Street, Holdrege, F. Goudailler, 193 Ohio Avenue, Providence,
TURNER, Arthur F. Charley Turner, Grants- Nqbr. R. I.
burg, Ind. PRICE, Roy A. Mrs. Ada Price, Belvidere, GREEN, Clarence Lorenzo. Thomas H. Green,
WINSLOW, John MeKinely., Mrs. E. M. Wins- Kans. North Street, McGraw, N. Y.
low, Brownsville, Minn. RIALE, Abram S. Mrs. Elizabeth Rale, Aus- GREEN, Edward. Mrs. Laura Fearyer, R. F.
tin, Pa. D., Wade, Ga.
Erroneously Reported Wounded Severely. RIBLET, David W. William M. Riblet, R. GREENWAY, Clifford I. J. H. Greenway,
CORPORAL. F. D. 7, Erie, Pa. Hartwell, Ga.
RICE, Amos Z. Mrs. Irene R. Rice, 811 HAMILTON Cleveland. Miss Ivy Hamilton,
ELDON. Jon. James Eldon, 421 West Arlington Avenue, NW., Canton, Ohio. 321 Foun in Avenue, Georgetown, Ky.
Cleary Street, Pontiac, Ill. RICE, Glenn. Hyrum W. Rice, Yale. Idaho. HOUCHENS, Charley F. Mrs. Doran Houch.
WEBSTER, Herbert. Mrs. Anna Webster, ens, Clarkston, Wash.
box 16, Hickman, Pa. HOVLAND, Einar M. Mrs. Matilda Hovland,
SECTION 3, JANUARY 28, 1919. BUGLER. 2315 South Sixth Street, Minneapolis, Minn.
The following casualties are reported MERRILL, Charles J. Mrs. Mattle Merrill, JACK, Earl L. A. N. Jack, 1213 Arden
R. F. D. 2, Manual Farm, Franklin, N. II. Avenue, Glendale, Cal.
by the commanding general of the Amer- JACKSON, David A. Mrs. blartha Ella Jack-
can Expeditionary Forces: s iSICIAN. son, R. F. D. 1, Trenton Ky.
CALLAHAN, Frank C. Mrs. .. M. Rowley, JACKSON, Elmer. Mrs. Vattle E. Jackson,
Wounded slightly -------------- 224 783 East One hundred and forty-ninth Caneyville, Ky.
Street, New York, N. Y. JACKSON, Frank J. Mrs. Louise H. Jackson,
sTEGITANICS. 818 South Jackson Street, Fitzgerald, Ga.
Wounded Slightly. JACKSON, George W. Mrs. Malinda Jackson,
BLEAU. Albert. Joseph Bleau, 57 Montgom-
CAPTAIN. ery Street, North Adams, Mass. R. F. D. 6, Vancouver, Wash.
BECKER, Edward S. Mrs. Henrietta Becker, FOUST, Bienjamin Edgar. Miss Grace Foust, JONES, Albert. Mrs. Kate Jones, 1426 Kan-
Brenham, Tex. Peculiar, Mo. sas Avenue, East St. Louis, Ill.
KOENIG, Alfred. Mrs. Francis Koenig, 6909 JONES, Bill. Mrs. Elizabeth Hodge, Knob
LILUTENANTS. Gertrude Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Creek, Ark.
ALBERT, Phil B. Mrs. Mollie B. Albert, 1207 MITCHELL, Jesse R. Jesse R. Mitchell, Jr., JONES Birdie C. Mrs. Sarah H. Jones, 14
North Sixth Street, Fort Smith, Ark. Plainview, Tex. Collingwood Avenue, South Norfolk, Va.
KELLEY, Aloyslus. Peter H. Kelley, 43 COOKS. JONES, Cecil J. Mrs. Sarah Jones, Santa
Bridge Street, South Itadley Falls, Mass. Paula, Cal.
DUFFALA, Michael. Mrs. Katy Duffala, 844; KELLER, Edward J. Mrs. Elizabeth S. Kel-
KOLLOCK, Cornellus. Alexander C. Kollock, Washington Street, Braddock, Pa.
488 Pearl Street, Darlington, S. C. LA BAUME, Emmette C. Miss Mabel La ler, 11202 Tuscora Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
SERGEANTS. Baume, Del Rio, Tex. KELLY, Bernard G. Thomas Kelly, 724 Vin-
ton Street, Waterloo, Iowa.
ABBOTT, Cecil. Mrs. George Corelisen, 2140 ruIvATFs. KIERSTEAD, Dogald. Mrs. Amanda Kier-
Miles Street, Toledo, Olo. MILLER, John J. Mrs. Francis Werner, 171 stead, White Terrace, Waverly, Mass.
BECK, Emil F., jr. Emil Beck, 751 North East Fifty-third S1reet, New York, N. Y. KOENIG, August William. William Kpenlg,
Forty-third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MITCHELL, Frank Benjamin. Stole Mitchell, Barnesville, Minn.
BECK, Jacob. I. J. Beck, 150 Franklin Street, R. F. D. 1, Fenwick, Mich. LABARRE, Arthat. George Labarre, R. F.
Brooklyn, N. Y. MITCHELL, James E. Miss Charlotte Thomp- D. 1, box 45, Sparta, Mich.
BECK, James B. Mrs. Olie Tucker, general son, Marseville, Ill. McFARLAND, Herman. James McFarland,
delivery, Comanche, Okla. MONROE, Arthur H. Mrs. Susie Monroe, Rockhold, Ky.
BECKER, Edward J. Mrs. M. E. Strub, 3425 Fredericksburg, Va. McRAE, Celia A. Mrs. Susan McRae, 11 Ly-
Fleming Avenue, North Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. MOUILLERAT, Harry. Mrs. Margaret Mouil- man Street, Beverly, Mass.
GUMBlY, Richard Lawrence. Mrs. Vira Hol- lerat, 347 Third Avenue, New York. N. Y. MOREVEY, Clarence A. Mrs. Mable Manley,
lenback, Herndon, Pa. MOZZO, Louis. Peter Mezzo, Columbia Park, Blackwell, Okla.
HABERSETZER, George. Mrs. Edna Haber- Delair, N. J. MACHENIEIM, Howard J. Mrs. Elizabeth
setzer, 87J Holbrook Street, North Adams, MURPHY, Charles L. John Murphy, 2610 Machenheim, 520 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn,
a Mass. Chestnut Street, Milwaukee, Wis. N. Y.
HOUSTON, Edward. Mrs. Mary Houston, 77 PALMATIER. John R. Mrs. Emerilla Palma- MERK, James G. Miss Emma Koerner, 163
Lewis Street, Bridgeport, Conn. tier, 1020 Hancock Street, Cheboygan, Mich. East Eighty-sixth Street, New York, N. Y.
JACKSON, Christopher A. Mrs. M. Downes, PAOLONE, Antonio. Beopoldo-Paolone, St. MERLINO, Joe. Mrs. Mary Merlino, 346
542 West One hundred and twenty-fifth Stefano, Province di Camoobasso, Italy. East One hundred and fifth Street, New
Street, New York, N. Y. PATARCITY, Adam. Max Patarcity, 9 Lib- York, N. Y.
McCARRICK, James J. Mrs. Mary A. Mc- erty Street, Trenton, N. J. MERONEY, Kyle A. Charles A. Meroney,
Carrick, 150 Josephine Avenue, west, Con- PHEIL, Harvey A. Mrs. Julia N. Pheli, R. F. 1327 South Eleventh Street, Waco, Tex.
shohocken, Pa D. 6, Cordele, Ga. ABALLO, Ehillo. Chino Aballo, 48 Belmont
MACLEOD, Harry U. Mrs. Helen F. MiTcLeod, PRICE, Luther S.' Mrs. Fannie T. Price, Avenue, Belleville N. J.
4 Maine Street, Exeter, N. H. Kemp, Okla. ABISSI, Carmelo. 1icolo Russo, 14 Havens
MACKEEVER, Joseph. Mrs. Margaret E. RICHARD, Albion. Mrs. Elizabeth S. Rich- Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mackeever, 789 East One hundred and fifty- ards, box 281, Mexico, Me. ARRINGTON, Ben. Napoleon Arrington, Na-
ixth Street, New York, N. Y. ROSE, Sidney. Mrs. Anna Rose, 1437 Lin- vasota, Tex.
MACKIN, Thomas J. Mrs. Agnes Saverty, coln Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. BECK, Edward. Rudy Beck, 209 Avenue C,
188 Van Deventer Avenue, Astoria, N. y. SCHNAARS, Arthur. Mrs. Agnes Schnaars, New York, N. Y.
PITELAN Hbward P. Mrs. John Phelan, 228 45 Windsor Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. BECK, Francis L. Mrs. Catherine Agnes
North Street, Salem, Mass. SCHNEIDER, Arthur F. Beck, 4115 East Seventy-ninth Street,
SHELL, Frederick S. James A. Shell, Eliza- Mrs. Johanna
Schneider, 300 South First Street, Brook- Cleveland, Ohio.
bothton, Tenn. lyn, N. Y. BECKER, Charles K. Gustav Becker, 916
CORPORALS. West Thirty-fifth Street, Chicago, Ill.
BECK, Albert. Glen B. Beck, Ashland, Ala. SCINEIDER. August W., Jr. Mrs. Minnie BLEI, Nicholaus G. Henry Blet, 2314 West
BECKMAN, Clem A. Mrs. Katherine Beck- Schneider, 17 Wood Street, West Chicago, Twenty-third Street, Chicago, Ill.
man, 423 Livingston Street, Celina, Ohio. Ill. *BLUE, Michael. Miss Ludella Carry, Bay-
BRIGMAN, Herbert G. Mrs. Etta B. Brig- SHEPHERD, Fred W. James P. Shepherd, ford. N. C.
man, Weaverville, N. C. 801 Everett Avenue, Wichita, Kans. BOSNICK, John A. Mrs. Dora Bosnick, 131
DIECK, William. Adam Dieck, R. F. D. 2, SHEPPARD, Earl. Mrs. Mary Sheppard, 1P1tzwater Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Su.bury, Pa. Saunemin, Ill. BRIGGS, Carlton D. David Briggs, 130 Fair
DIETRIC, Carl H. F. F. Dietrich, Hering- SHEPPARD, Eddie L. Thomas D. Sheppard, Street, Wallingford, Conn.
ton, Kans. R. F. D. 1, Mansfield, La. BRIGGS, George W. Mrs. Elizabeth Briggs,
FOWLER, 04eorge H. Harry A. Fowler, Elgin, SWANSON, Gust A. Arthur .. Swanson, 6442 1111 Main Street, Dubuque, Iowa.
Mont. Aberdeen Street, Chicago, Ill. BUSBY Jack. Sile Busby. Braman, Okla.
GILLIES, Duncan. Miss Janet Gillies, 75 SWEIGART, Elmer B. George D. Sweigart, CALLAHAN, Thomas. Mrs. Ellen Connely,
Florida Street, Buffalo, N. Y. R. F. D. 4, Manheim, 'a. 203 Lafayette Street. Newark, N. T.
HEARD, G-eorge P. Mrs. B. M. Stone, Spear- ABERNATHY, Fred B. John L. Abernathy, CALLENDER, Jullus B. Mrs. Dollie Darton
yille -La R. F. D. 1, Elmwood, N. C. Callender. Wichita Falls, Tex.
HILT6N, *rl. Andrew Hilton, 3004 Alford BERGEN, Martin J. F. F. Bergen, 242 East CARR, Arthur Collins. Miss Helen Carr, 11
Avenue, Louisville, Ky. Main Street, Watertown, Conn. Elm Street, Salem, Mass.


CIIRISTENSON, Arthur M. Mrs. C. Chris- SHELLY, Donald. Mrs. Oswin Shelly, 425 KELLY, Alonzo Morris. Alonzo C. Kelly,
teon Manchester, Minn. Park Avenue, Paterson, N. J. Monroe, Ga.
CROW, 6ttie. Mrs. Claude Crow, R. F. D. 2, SHELTON, Drue E. Mrs. Harriett E. Shel- KIEFER, Bernard R. Dr. W. F. Kiefer, 59
La Fayette, Ga. ton, Negra N Mex Realto Street, Rochester, N. Y.
DESHON, Floyd E. Frank D. Deshon, Logan, SHEPARD, Hlenry. Mrs. Bessie Jane Shep- McCARTHY, John J. David A. McCarthy,
Kans. ard, Elgin, Tenn. 200 Stanwix Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
DIERICH, Otto J. Joseph Dierich, 209 Long- STOCKLEY, Albert. Mrs. Mary Stockley, MACE, Lloyd R. Mrs. Katharine Mace, 1241
necker Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Acme, N. Mex. Gardner Avenue, Hollywood, Cal.
DIESTI Vincenzo. John Fiore, 2255 West SWEETBAUM, Arthur. Mrs. Gussie Sweet- MITCHELL, Frank M. J. T. S. Mitchell, 50D
Erie §treet, Chicago, 111. baum, 71 East Eighty-seventh Street, New Warren Crescent, Norfolk, Va.
DIETRICH, Rinaldo R. William J. Diet- York, N. Y. SERGEANTS.
rich, Carbondale, Kans. TABAK, Aaron. Samuel Tabak, 1041 De Kalb
DROUIN, George W. Leon Droun, 46 Forest Street, Norristown, Pa. BECKER, Chester Charles. George E. Becker,
Street, Dover, N H. TREMBACZKIEWICZ, Andrew. Joseph Trem- Division Street Hamburg, N. Y.
DUFFY, John . irs. Mary McGuire, 2843 baczkiewice, 4949 South Monroe Street, Chi- DI FERDINANDO, Joseph. Mrs. Paulina Di
North Twenty-fourth Street, Philadelphia, Ferdinando, 1145 South Mole Street, Phila-
Pa. TREaLAY, Arthur J. Mrs. Sophia Trem- delphia, Pa.
DUGAN, James. Mrs. Isabelle Dugan, Nes- blay, Sayabec StAtion, Quebec, Canada. HAMILTON, Arnold D. Mrs. Mattie Sharpe,
queholniug, Pa. TRISTANO, Antonio. Joe Bonatato, 828 181 South Washington Street, Delaware,
FOURNIER, Emile J. Emile C. Fournier, 11 Brand Street Dover Ohio. Ohio.
Clarkson Street, Ansonia, Conn. WECHSLER, Jesse. Sirs. Bertha Wechsler, 5 XEATON, Edward. George T. Heaton, 605
FOX, BERRY G. Nick Fos, R. P. D. 2, Del West One hundred and twenty-second Street, Hill Street, West Hoboken, N. J.
Rio, Tex. New York, N. Y. JONES, Arthur G. Mrs., Hattle M. Tones,
FOX, Clifton. Hiarve Fo, Lower Buffalo, WYMAN, Gay. Melvin E. Wyman, Bay Street, 191Z Point Breeze Avenue, Philadelphia,
Ky. Wolfboro,N. H. Pa.
FOX Edward. Mrs. Mary A. Guthrie, 612 ZUCKER, August M. rank Zucker, Chatfield, KELLER, Joseph H. Mrs. Joseph Keller,
West Fifth Street, Oklahoma City, Okla. Ohio. 1032 West, Eighty-eighth Street, Chicago,
FOY, Fred B. Ernest A. Foy, Montville, Me. HAMIL, Charles T. Mrs. Barbara Hamil, 362 Ill.
GAAG, Joseph. Mrs. Margaret Gang, 1202 West Fifty-fourth Street, Los Angeles, Cal. KELLOGG, Dwight E. Mrs. Mary D. Kel-
Decatur Street, Sandusky, Ohio. HAMILTON, Mathews. Mrs. Addle Mf. Chan- logg, 803 North Kenwpod Avenue, Baltimore,
GABLE, John B. Mrs. Lillian Keasler, 584 cellor, 533 Pierson Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Md.
Boulevard, Bayonne N. J. HAMPTON, John. Mrs. Rosa H. McCuthean, MICHL, Louis. Mrs Elizateth Michl, 5015
GREEN. Dewey S. deorge Green, Trion, Ga. Sycamore, Ga. Barkwell Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
GREENWELL, Robert W. Charlotte W. HAYES, Thomas. Mrs. Sarah Hayes, 113 MITCHELL, Harry T. George L. Mitchell,
Greenwtll, Ballinger, Tex. Walker Street, Norfolk, Va. 310 Pennell Street, Chester, Pa.
HAM, Ernest. Mrs. Hettle Ham, Snow Hill, HEARN, Gordon. Mrs. Francis Hearn, 15 MOUDRY, Michael. Mrs. Mary Moudry, 415
N. C. Savannah Street, Atlanta, Ga. Duncan Street, Baltimore,- Md.
IIAMBY, Carl C. Mrs. Ella Hamby, Etowah, HEBERLE, Carl H. Mrs. Louisa Heberle, RICE, Frank. Mrs. Irene Stehlin, Gillespie,
Tenn. Amelia, Ohio. Ill.
MCPHERSON Alvin E. Mrs. Grace Will- HILLER, Rudolph. Mrs. Ernestina Hiller, RICHARDSON, Alfonzo. Mrs. Annie E.
fong. Afton, Mich. 4442 Wentworth Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Shurett, R. F. D. 3, Jasper, Ala.
MACNELLY, Edwin B. Mrs. Mae MacNelly, HILLYARD, Oral B. Mrs. Mollie Hillyard, WEBSTER, John A. Mrs. George Webster,
R. F. D. 1, Elverson, Pa. Bellington, W. Va. 235 Bowdoin Street, Winthrop, Mass.
MACK, William. John Mack, 74 Hicks HINSCH, Fred C. Charlie Hinsch, R. F. D. CORPORALS.
Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 3, George, Iowa. ABDOO, George. Arthur Abdoo, 134 Hudson
MACKAY, Norman Alexander. Kenneth Mac- HOLLOWAY, William A. Mrs. Agnes C. Street. Boston, Mass.
kay, 444 Hawthorne Avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. Holloway, R. F. D. 1, Delia, La. BECKER, Harry W. Mrs. Allen Risk, Rofoo
MACKEY, Tall. Mrs. Lulu Mackey, 028b JACKSON, Curtis M. George D. Jackson, 809 Avenue, Middletown, Conn.
Wilkison Street, Memphis, Tenn. South Water Street, Bay City, Mich. BRICE, Fred M. Mrs. Jessie Brice, 82 Pen-
MACKIN, William F. Mrs. Eugenia C. Mac- JACKSON, Edward L. Mrs. Myrtle Jackson, nacook Street, Manchester, N. H.
IKin, East Rockaway, N. Y. 10251 East Washington Street, Springfield, BRYANT, Cyrus Gilbert. John Bryant, 911
MACKINAW, Paul. Mrs. Barbara Mackinaw, Ill. West Iowa Street, Evansville Ind.
1834 South Fifteenth Street, St. Louis, JONES, Francis. William Jones, R. F. D. 1, CABRAL, America V. Henry 1. Snyder, Wof-
Mo. Springfield, Ill. ford College, Spartanburg, S. C.
MACULAITIS Nick. Mrs. Joseph Maculaitis, KELL, .ames . Silas W. Kell, Worden, Ill. CALAWAY, James E. Jesse Callaway,
'frest City, Pa. KELLEHER, James J. Mrs. Nellie Kelleher, Menlo, Ga.
MERCHANT, Albert Edward. Bert Mer- 500 West Forty-third Street, New York, CROWLEY, Daniel. Mrs. Hanorah Crowley,
chant, Kalamazoo, Mich. N. Y. Bantry, County Cork, Ireland.
MITCHELL, Donald G. Mrs. Mary Mitchell, DENTON, Clyde 0. George A. Denton, Lan-
674 Linden Street, Zanesville, Ohio. KELLER, Ferdinand. Mrs. Catherine Keller,
104 Middaugh Street, Somerville, N. J. caster, Tex.
MITTEN, Corwin W. Mrs. Clara D. Mitten, DOWER, William R. Mrs. Sarah Dow r. 5
8106 Platt Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. KELLER, Howard L. George Hammell, 7
MOWRY, Stanley Earl. Frank Mowry, Mount Walnut Streef Bordentown, N. J. Summit Street, Westerly, R. I.
KELLEY, Herbert L. Mrs. Hattie Fulton, 119 GABRENYA, Edward C. Frank Gabr nya,
Orab. Ohio. 801 Broad Street, Johnstown, Pa.
MOXLEY, Shellie. J. C. Moxley, Laurel Mill Street, Athens, Ohio.
KOBOKOVICH, Alex. Jack Kobokovich, 618 SHAMILTON, Alexander M. Alex Hamilton,
Springs, N. C. Chickasaw, Pa. ,
MOYERS, Roy G. Mrs. Bertha Moyers, R. F. South Charles Street, Baltimore, Md.
D. 1, Fredericktown, Mo. KOCH, August W. Mrs. J. 0. Koch, 391 Main HAYDEN, Theron R. John T. Hayden, 1110
NEWMAN, Grover C. Mrs. Mary A. Newman, Street, Medford, Mass. Duke Street, Alexandria, Va.
I. F. D. 2, Magnolia, Miss. KOEPPEL, August. Henry Koeppel, 305 JACKSON, Fred S. Fred S. Jackson, sr., 20
OLIVER, Frank. Joseph A. Oliver, R. F. D. South Boulevard, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Bennington Street, Lawrence, Mass.
B-S2, Giloy, Cal. LA BOUNTY, Clarence I. Mrs. Mathilda La KELLY, Forrest F. Mrs. Clara Kelly, La-
PALMER, James. Cornelius II. Palmer, 23 Bounty, Lampasas, Tex. trobe, Pa.
Myrtle Street, Adams, Mass. LAFAZIA, Samuel. Chents Lafazla, Sim- LE BLANC, Camille J. Mrs. Amelia Le Blanc,
PALMER, James Levi. Mrs. Anna Rose monsville, R. I. 27 Hancock Street, West Somerville, Mass.
LOCKWOOD, Andrew. Mrs. A. Lockwood,
P'almer, R. F. D. 4, box 34, Greenwood, LOCKHART, Benjamin IT. Mrs. Dora K. 205 St. Nicholas Avenue Brooklyn, N. Y.
wiq. Lockhart, Capon Bridge, W. Va. MERCURIG, Andrew L. Frank Mercurio,
PALMISANO, Lwrence Henry. Mrs. Marie LOCKHART, Bristol B. Mrs. Della Belle 1640 Fortieth Avenue, Oakland, Cal.
Palmisano, 019 Richmond Street, Cincinnati, Lockhart, R. F. D. 2, Tennessee Ridge, MITCHELL, Glenn L. Mrs Elmyra Mitchell,
Ohio. Tenn. Hayden. Utah.
PARAGAGNA, Andrea. Frank Paragagna, LOCKRIDGE Andrew L. Mrs. Sarah A. MITCHELL, Jackson W. Andrew Mitchell,
Eighty-ninth Street and Fourth Avenue, Lockridge, 'Flood, Va. Pitts, Ga.
Brooklyn, N. Y. LOEWE, Adolf. Walter Loewe, Carmine, Tex.
PARKER, Evander. Mrs. Ellen Parker, R. MOTTER, Carl S. Frank Matter, R. F. D. 1,
McCAIN, James P. James P. McCain, R. F.
F. 1. 3. Fairmont, N. C. D. 5, Prescott, Ark.
Fletcher, Ohio.
PFEFFER, Carl J. Mrs. Call J. Pfeffer, Sa- PARENT, Arthur Sylvester. Mrs. Josephine
McCAIN, John W. Mrs. Mary J. McCaln, Parent 913 State Street, Bay City, Mich.
pulpa, Okla. Atascosa, Tex.
PFEFFER, George H. W. C. Pfeffer, Newhall SCHNADT. Erwin H. Herman H. Schnadt,
Street. Hamden, Conn. McDONALD, Alphonse. Mrs. Victoria Me- Bartlett. Ill.
PFISTER, Fred T. Jacob Pfister, R. F. D. 1, Donald, St. Cuthbert, Berthier County, Que- STONE, Bert M. Harry E. Stone, Mora,
Otisco, Ind. bec, Canada. Minn.
PFIRTER, William. Mrs. Lean Pfister, 525 BUGLERS.
Ann Street, West Hoboken, N. J. SECTION 4, JANTARY 28, 1919. DUGAY, Joseph C. Stephen Dugay, Monson,
PITAIR, Carter W. Miss Ruth Churchman, Mass.
R. F. D. 1, Sebastopol, Cal. The following casualties are reported KIBBEY, Clifford Tames. Mrs. Rosela Kib-
PHELAN, Jake. Tom B. Phelan, 1222 North by the commanding general of the Ameri- bey, 67 South Terrace Street, Muskegon,
Okiulgee Avenue, Okmulgee, Okla. Mich.
PHELPS, William J. Mrs. Nannie A. Phelps, cin Expeditionary Forces: MUSICIAN.
l,09 Ban Street, Knoxville, Tenn. KIENE, Earl W. Richard II. Kiene, Deshler,
PURCELL Elmer H. Mrs. Mary A. Purcell, Wounded (degree undetermined) 176 Nebr.
8304 Fifty-first Street SE., Portland, Oreg. COOK.
RICE, Birdie. Mrs. Lula Rice, Morehead City, RICCARDO, Cesara. Mrs. Angelo Riccardo,
N. C. Wounded (Degree Undetermined).
42 Weaver Street, Summit, N. J.
RUCKLE, Ben. Mrs. Katelluckle, 6201 Spen- LIETEiNANsTS. PRIVATES.
cer Place, St. 'Louis, Mo.
SCHNEIDER, Byron K. Fred Schneider, CROWDER, Calvin C. Miss Fannie Y. Coates, IBURZ, Alfred J. Mrs. Bertha Klburz, 20538
Glenteld, Pa. 534 Wythe Street, Petersburg, Va. Seminary Avenue. Chicago, Ill. -
SHELL, Edmond C. Mrs. Martha J. Shell, KELLER, Lawrence L. Mrs. Irene M. Keller, KJOLSTAD, Christopher. Christ A. Kjol-
White Plains, Va. R. F. D. 2, MeMinuville, Tenn. stad, R. F. D. 1, Ilanska, Minn.


KOENIGS, Aloysins. Mrs. Joe Koenigs, MCPEIW Carl A Mrs. Rose McPhee, 316 HEALY, Daniel. Owen Healy, 446' Sixty-
Adams Minn North talifqrnia Street, Stockton, Cal. ninth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
KOLBOLHINSKI, Barney C. John Kolbocli MERRILL, George Walter. Mrs. Matilda HEBNER, John. Mrs. Mary Gidee, Avon,
inski, Anderson, Tex. Hardin, South Bend, Nebr. S. lak.
KOLBUSII, Andrew. George Kolbush, James- MITTAG, Charles L. William Mittag, Alex- HILLIS, Gordon N. Mrs., Henry B. Hillis,
burg, N. J. andria, Min). 1347 North Thirty-second Street, Kansas
LOECK, Albert E. Albert Loeck, R. F. D. 3, MOYER, Harry E. Frank Moyer, Portis, City, Kans.
Balaton, Minn. Kans. HILTZ, Edwxard W. Mrs. Julia S. Yingling,
MCCANN, John J. Mrs. Alice M. Mecann, MOYNIHAN, Henry A. Eugene P. Moynihan, Napterville, Ill.
411 Davis Avenue, Harrison, N. J. t9 Neptune Road, East Boston, Mass. JACKSON, Donald G. Mrs. Katherine A.
McCARRON, James F. Hugh McCarron, 819 OLBRIC, Floyd. Mrs. Bridget O'Donahue, Jackson, 5033 South Sawyer Avenue, Chi-
Crescent Street Astoria, N. Y. Harvar, Ill. cago, Ill.
McPHERSON, Alexander P. Mrs. Shirley PALMER, Joe.Mrs. Mary Palmer, Zold, Ky. JACKSON. Francis. John A. Jackson, 210
McPherson 323 Oak Street, Alton, Ill. PHALEN, Tiothy B. Mrs. Mary Agnes West Seventli Street, Clare, Mich.
MCPHERSOI4, Creed Franklin. Mrs. Roeila Phalkn, larrisolfburg, Va. JACKSON, John R. Mrs.) Lou Jackson, R. F.
McPherson, Kin ston, Tex. PROFFITT James W. Mrs. Nannie J. Prof- D. 3, Lorena, Tex.
MACK, Henry. Mrs. Addle Banks, Houthbor- fitt, 323Rfandolph Street, Portsmouth, Va. JONES, Bert R. Mrs. Mary J. Jones, R. F.
o gh, Ala. RICE, Benjamin F. Mrs. B. F. Rice, St. Pe- D. 21 Niles,.Ohio.
MACKEY, George S. Mrs. Rebecca C. ter Minn. JONES , Charles A. William S. Jones, Pine
MIackey, Barboursville, Ky. SHD<1%RDSON, Emmer B. Mrs. Lillian Norry, and Fifth Streets, Coshocton, Ohio.
MACKEY, Isaiah. Adam Mackey, Cumbola, 268 Sheridan Avenue, Albany, N. Y. KELLEGHER, Frank F. Mrs. Catherine Kel-
Pa. WAGNER, Alfred G. Mrs. Clara B. Wagner, lgher, 326 New Street, Newark, N. J.
MERCIER, Henry. Mrs. Mary Wagner, 148 Fremont, Ohio. KELLEHER, John. Mrs. John Kelleher, rear
Fourth Street Wyandotte, Mich. ATTANASIO, Gabriel A. John Attanasig, 912 Federal Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
MERO, Joseph k. Mrs. Mary C, Mero, 1131 308 East One hundred and thirteenth Street, KELLER, Bernard. Mrs. George Keller,
East Vermijo Avenue, Colorado Springs, New York, N. Y. Louisville, Ohio.
Colo. BECCARI, Julius. Bettosta Beccari, 572 KELLER, Jullan J. Mrs. Catherine Keller,
MITCHELL, Henry 0. Mrs. Flora A. Woody Street, Missoula, Mont. Madison, Ind.
Mitchell, 265 Calef Road, Manchester, N. H. BECK, John J. Mrs. Mary A. Beek, 3252 KELLY, Cornelius F. Mrs. John J. Kelly, 88
MITCHEL, James T. Will A. Tallry, Cen- Kingsbridge Road, New York, N. Y. West One hundred and third Street, New
terville, Ala. BECKETT, Harry. Mrs. Emma Beckett, York, N. Y.
MIZER, Herb. Mrs, Laura Mizer, general de- South Main Street, Norwalk, Conn. KELLY, Ernest H. Daniel Ernest Kelly,
livery, Lebanon, Mo. BECKWITH, Clyde G. L. P. Beckwith, Tuskege, Ala.
MOURA. Frank S. Mrs. Mary Ann S. Moura, Broad Street, Guilford, Conn. KELLOGG, George W. Mrs. Bessie Atkin-
96 Purchase Street, New Bedford, Mass. BLAKLEY, John C. Mrs. Lizzie Blakley, son, 328 MIckle Street, Camden, N. J.
MOUSLEY, Russell H. Harry L. Mousley,. South Ieighty, Pa. KENYON, Pred. Joseph Kenyon, 84 Banks
5117 Knox Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Street, Aldhem, England.
NORWOOD, Grover C. Mrs. Minerva Nor- BLAKSLEY, John R. L. F. Blaksley, Quinlan,
Okla. KIDD, Ezra P. C. W. Kidd, Moncta, Va
wood R F D. 1, Brookwood, Ala. KIEFFER Charles W. Mrs. Varoline Kieffer,
O'LEAIY, Cornelius. Mrs. Florence O'Leary, BOSCHIMA, Leonard. Joseph I. Boschma, 21 Kieffer Avenue, Depew, N. Y.
Cadott, Wis. Springfield, 8. Dak.
OLESON, Hans A. S. R. Oleson, R. F. D. 4, BOSLEY, Jamis H. Mrs. Ella M. Bosley,
Fresno, Cal. 1634 McHenry Street, Baltimore, Md. SECTION 1, DECEMEBER 21, 1918-Con.
PALIKE, Jimmy. Tony Palike, 439 South BOYNTON, Kenneth J. Miss Clara Webber,
Seminary Street, Onlesburg, Ill. 611 Sherman Avqnue, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. [The deaths r-ported in thil ocrion were
PALMER, Marley A. Mrs. Lillian Lawrence, BRENNAN. Wallace W. Mrs. Alberta Bren- printbd u, ,, piious issue of TuE OFFICIA
Gaines, Mich. nan, 44 Union Street, Brockport, N. Y. U. S. Brut*I i-i.]
PAULY, Joseph. Henry Pauly, Sauk Center, BRIDWELL, John I- Mrs. Lillian Bridwell,
Minn. 195 Church Street, Greenville, S. C. The following ensualtiei are reported
PFLUGLER, George. Michael Pflugler, 911 BRIGGS, Henry A. William A. Briggs, 444 by the comninding general of the Ameri-
Willow Street, South Bethlehem, Pa. South Hampton Avenue, Greonville, S. C. can Expeditionary Forces:
PHARR, Wendell Woodword. George Wash- BRIKOS, Gust G. Nick Brikos, 527 Wells
ington Pharr, R. F. D. 3, Lawrenceville, 1a. Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Wounded Slightly.
PRICE, Robert J. Mrs. Bessie Price, New- BRYANT. Duff. Bud Bryant, Powell, Tex.
Ofirg, Pa. CADATANI, Angelo. Mrs. Josephine Aspesi, PRIVATIES.
RICCI, Antonio. Pasquale Ricci, 365 Wash- 16 East Clifton Avenue, Clifton, N. J. BRADFORD, Cecil. William Thomas FrPd-
ington Street Brighton, Mass. CARR, Bernard Eugene. Dominlo Carr,, Wa- ford, Dry Creek, W. Va.
RICE, Clinton P. Mrs. Pauline Rice, R. F. D. konda, 8. Dak. BUTLER. Lyn C. Henry Butler, R. F. V. 1,
3 Pelzer S C. COLE, gamic. F. N. Cole, R. F. D. 3, Sebree, Junction City, Ga.
RICE, David J. Arthur J. Rice, 4805 Broad- CAMPBELL, Amby. G. H. Campbell, Albert-
way, New Yric N. Y. CROWELL, Benjamin A. Mrs. Catherine ville, Ala.
ROSSMAN, Russeil L. Mrs. .Anna Rossman, Crowdll, 21 Oregon Street, Fall River, Mass. Mrs. William Carroll'
Atkinson, Nebr. CARROLL, Sidney.
CROW, Moses W. John Crow, R. F. D. 5, 2845 East Soventy-flith Street, Cleveland,
SHAPPERD, Abe. J. Sepersky, 516 South Dablolega, Ga. I
Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ohio.
DIEBALL, John A. F. W. Dieball, Binger, CASTO, Henry B. Elia, F. Ca-to. C uth,
SHELDON, George. David N. Sheldon, Glen- Okla. Mason County. W. Va.
. wood, Cal. DIETZ, Brooklyn E. Hugo R. Dietz, Brook- CAULK. Walter. Mrs. Nancy J. Griti. 43
%HELINE, Ernest. Mrs. Jaine Shellne, lyn Avenue, Palestine, Tex. Buffalo Street, IHlouston, Tex.
Wilkesville, Ohio. DISNEY, Clarence R. Gilbert L. Disney, CIIIPELONE, Jo ,eph J. Mrs. Anlon 'tt
SHEPARD, Chester W. Mrs. Ida W. Shepard, Billings, Okla. Chipelone, 71 East Clifton Avenue, OT .on,
Elyria, Ohio. DUFFY, Joseph. William Gleason, 302 N, J.
SHEPPARD, Daniel. Miss Mary Hartford, Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. CITONARD, Fred -D Mis. Mary Chor-id. 158
Woodland, Me. DUGAN, John J. Mrs. Rose Dugan, 136 Ashland Stroet, North Adams, Mass.
SPRAGUE, Frank. Mrs. Anna Colo, 1334 Tilghtm Street, Allentown, Pa. CUORI'ENNING, Lloyd S. irs. M. J. Coor-
First Avenue, New York, N. Y. DUGAN, Joseph F. Miss Mary Dugan, 2513 Deanin. R. F. D. -:, Scottdale. Pa.
STOCKTON, Earnest B. J. H. Stockton, Meg, West Third Street, Chester, Pa. CIIOQUETTE Arthur C. Clifford C. tho-
Ark. DUGGAN, John. Mrs. Rose Douglas, 131 quette, 93 Crescent Strel, Hariford, Conn.
SWEETLAND, Clarence C. Mrs. Sarah . Moss Street, Victoria, British Columbia, CLYDE, lugene M. Mrs. Mildred Clade, R. F.
Sweetland, 54 Royal Street, Allston, Mas. Canada. D. 1, Rensselaer Falls. N. Y.
SWENSON, Arthur. 0. A. Swenson, 710 Belle ELLIS, Alfred L. Thomas B. Ellis, Eaton, COOKINGIlAII, Melvin D. Corry S. Cooking-
Avenue, Davenport, Iowa. N. H. ham. Chipp-wa Lake. Ali-11.
SWINGLER, Andrew G. Miss Dreda Nutter, FADAROWITCH, Joe. Mrs. Rosie Fadaro- CONWAY, Theodore J. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith,
3809 Ferawood Avenue, Baltimore Md. witch, 82 Cross Street, Central Falls, R. I. 279 Twelfth Stred', Jerse,1 Cilty, N. J.
TRENT, Arthur Lloyd. Calvin T'rent, Sti- FOUTY James C. Mamas A. Fouty, R. F. D. D'AMELIO. ;uiseppe. John D'Amieo. 415
well, Okla. 1, InAianapolis, Ind. Admiral Street, Providence, R. I.
*TRICKETT, Arthur R. Miss Edytha Trickett, FOWLER, John B. Mrs. Mollie Fowler, Grant DICK, Edmon H. Mrs. Mary Dick. Marlow,
Chauncey, Ohio. Street, Albany, Ala. Ky.
'RIPANIER, Daman Edward Haroux, box FOX. Carl E. Mrs. Pauline Fox, Delta, Ohio. DIKEMAN, Robert G. Ilarvey Dikenma, City
318 Tupper Lake, N. Y. Grover, Bud Gabbard, Cow
WEBATER, David L. Mrs. K. A. Gray, GABBARD Hotel, South Norwalk, Conn.
Fayette, Ala. , Creek, i'y. DIXON, Joseph E. Harvey Dixon, R. '. 1D. 1,
WEBSTER, Jesse F. James B. Webster, GADACE, Joseph. Mrs. Josephine Gadacz, Church Hill, Tenn.
Kahoka, Mo. 1844 Pauline Street, Chicago, Ill. DONAHUE, Bernard F. Mrs. Verna M. Pona-
ABER, Clarence. John Aber, R. F. D. 1, GADDIS, Junius A. Mrs. Marie J. Gaddis, hu, Norwood. N. Y.
Lynchburg, Ohio. 2222 Broadway Parsons Kans DONNELLY. Francis R. Patrick Donnelly,
AXTMAN, Michael J. John Axtman, Orrin, GADDY, Jesse James. fa. Cora Turner, Davis Road, Springerook, N. Y.
N. Dak. Eden, Tex. EVANS. Russell Eugene. Mrs. Emma Evans,
BECKETT, Clyde. William Beckett, 88 Hall GAGE, Dave G. Mrs. Ida Gage, Heber 415 Penn Avenue, Warren, Pa.
Street, Parkersburg, W. Va. Springs, Ark. FAIRLAMB, Charles A. Thomas Hill, 903
BLOCK, Arthur F. Henry Block, R. F. D. 2, GRIESE, Carl F. August Grlese, R. F. D. 1, Bench Street, Lansing. Mich.
Paynesville. Minn. Walthas Minn FISHER, glisha. William H. Fisher. 453
DIENBERG, John W. Bernhard Dienberg, HAMANA~i, Ary. Mrs. Henrietta Hamanak, Pine Street, Easton, Pa.
R. F, D. 17, Menomonie, Wis. 57 McBride Avenue, Paterson, N. J. FORD, Oscar F. Mrs. Nancy J. Ford. Leb-
* GILL, Entrope. Arthur BrouIx, 39 Church HAMILTON, Edward. Mrs. F. Hamilton, 829 anon Tenn. &
Stret, Amesbury, Mass. West Renry Street, Pontiac, Ill. GIBBONS.. John Franeis. Mrs. Mary Cibbone,
ELLY, Francis M. Michael P. Kelly, 339 HAMILTON, Ernest Eugene. Mrs. Kate Ham- 6028 Fir Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
Postal Telegraph Building, Chicago, Ill. ilton, Rockwall, Tex. GRAHAM, Thomas Paul. Mrs. Ann Gra,.nm,
KIDNEY, Emmett. Clinton Kidney, Holton, HAMLIN, Clarence S. Lawrence M. Hamlin, 225 West Mission Street, Santa l;arlara,
Kans. 407 Hockett Street, Porterville, Cal. Cal.


GRAY, William T. Truman Gray, Waynes- BURCH Angefus T.*. Rousseau A. Burch, Su- GAMBINO, Harry. James Gambino, 289 East
boro, Miss. preue Court of Kansas, Topeka, Kans. One hundred and fifth Street, New York,
GUNZENIIAUSER, Albert B. Francis Gup- CLARK, Thomas B. Mrs. Rose M. Clark, N. Y.
zenhauser, 815 Fourth Avenue, New York, 1227 Wright Street, Indianapolis Ind GARSIDE, Benjamin. John W. Garside, 88
N. Y. CLELAND, Samuel C. John C. Cleland, 212 Albany Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
HARRIS, Fred H. Miss Lennie Harris, gen- West Main Street, Albion, Ind. HOOTEN, William F. C. L. Hooten, Lewis-
eral delivery, Sidney, Ill. DELANO, Frank B. Mrs. Irene T. Delano, burg, Tenn.
IATLESTAD, Joseph. Mrs. Sarha Hatlestad, 2076 Ellis Street, San Francisco, Cal. HORTON, Fred B. T. L. Horton, R.. F. D. 8,
R. F. D. 1, Fertile, Minn. a DE, VEREAUX, John J. Mrs. John J. De Kershaw S. C.
HAYS, William W. George G. Hays, Haver- Vereaux, Mechanlesburg, Ohio. JURGENSEbN, Guy J. Mrs. Mary C. Jurgen-
hill, Kans. DOUGLAS, Julian L. Mrs. Mae Douglas, 930 sea, 915 West Third Street, Salt Lake City,
HOGUE, Charles W., Jr. Charles W. Hogue, East Decatur Street, Lincoln, Ill. Utah.
429 South Center Street, Reno, Nev. GALVIN, Francis L. Mrs. Mary E, Galvin, LANDGREBE, Frank Mortimer. Mrs. Anna
HORN, Carl Felix. Amelia Horn, Northport, box 230, Gloversville, N. Y. Landgrebe, 789 East One hundred and thir-
N. Y. GRENFELL, Frederick Aloysius. Mrs. P. A. ty-seventh Street, New York, N. Y.
HORTON, John D. William J. Horton, Wha- Grenfell, 1316 Euclid Street NW., Wash- NEVERDAH-L, Lawrence Walter. Thomas
leyville, Va. ington, D. C. Neverdabl, 221 Sixth Street West, Menomi-
HUBBARD, Fred. Mrs. Margaret Hubbard, HASSETT, Waman. Mrs. V. D. Hotham, nie, Wis.
31 Grove Street, Bradford, Pa. Rumford, Me. ROB, Walter. Mrs. Balbena Roe, 376 Hudson
HUGHES, Frank B. Mrs. Mollie Hughes, HAYES, Paul F. Miss J. Hayes, 88 Crosby Street, Hackensack, N. J.
Layman, Va. Street, Stamford, Conn. SINGLETON, Willie. Samuel Singleton,
HLMEY, Martin. Ben Hulsey, WewoRa, HILLER, Hugh M. Charles Hiller, Kehoka, Ritchie, Ky.
Okla. Mo. SPEARS, Lifus. Harman Spears, Allen, W.
11UNT, Robert A. Millard Hunt, 011 Taft KIRSCHNER, Fredric P. Charles H. Kirsch- Va.
Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. ner, 006 Lakeside Place, Chicago, Ill. SPECK, Fred. Mrs. Mary Ellen Speck, 828
JIUNTh, Harris. Mrs. Bama Hunter, San LUCIITENBERG, Carl. Mrs. Linda Luchten- South Main Street, Rockford, 111,
Saba, Tex,. berg, 345 East Fifty-second Street, New WAIDLEY, Frank. Mrs. Lena Waidley, 244
INABINYT. Willie M. Mrs."Mary Z. Inabi- York, N. Y. Spruce Street, Aurora, Ill.
net. St. Matthews, S. C. MACDONALD. Funston A. Hugh A. MacDon- WEBSTER, Philip Sheridan. Mrs. B. L. Kas-
JRWIN, Gilbert L. Henry E. Irwin, Leady, aid, 443 Lyon Place, North Vancouver, ton, 5018 Kensington Avenue, St. Louis,
Okla. B. C., Canada. Mo.
JENHEIN, Chri.t an. Chris C. Ersted, Don- VOGES, John C. T B. C. Voges, box 224, BICKARD, Stephen Edward. George Bickard,
nelly, Mina. Canton, Ohio. 155 Logan Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
JOHNSON, Fred E. Carl Nelson, 2321 South WILLIAMS, Sam T. Mrs. Ida Williams, 58 WATSON. Wesley W. Mrs. Emily Watson,
Thirty-frat Street, Omaha, Nebr. Fry Street, Denton, Tex. 1152 Acoma Street. Denver, Colo.
KAUFMAN, John Philip. Alfred Kaufman, MCINTYRE, larry J. Mrs. J. H. McIntyre,' AUNE, Elmer C. Edward Anne, R. F. D.
Wilmington, Ohio. Ravenport, Wash. 4, Rice Lake Wis.
KJOS, Edwin 0. Ole Kjos, R. F. D. 1, Flam- SCHEER, Albert, jr. Albert Scheer, 125 BAUMGARTEN, Clarence. Mrs. Ester Baum-
ing, Minn. North Pine Avenut, Albany, N. Y. garten, 908 Germantown Street, Dayton,
KNRCHTY, Fred E. Louis Knechty, R. F. D. SHEPHERD, Everett. Mrs. Hattie W. Shep- Oio.
3. Ripley, Ohio. herd, 915 South Sixteenth Street, Birming- BROCKE, Frank H. Mrs. Katherine Brocke,
LANAGAN, Arthur J. Thomas Lanagan, bam, Ala. Cottonwood, Idaho.
Sivneer. Mass. WYMAN, William M. W. T. Walker, 906 CLEE, Andrew B. Mrs. Alice 3. Clee, 5029
LANGER. Frank E. Frank J. Langer, Oas- Garland Street, Flint, Mich. Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
liton, N. Dak. CAMPION, William A. James Burns, Water- COURTNEY, John T. Mrs. George Banforth,
LAWHON, Russell. *Hamp Lawson, Stanley, ville Hotel, Waterville, Conn. 22 Bolton Street, Waltham, Mass.
Tenn. CANNING, Frank J. James Canning, Cum- CURRY. Harry M. Mrs. Marv E. Reynolds,
LEIItLLN, John E. Rudolph Lehman, Mac- berland Hill, Manville, R. 1. 2010 Warren Road, Cleveland, Ohio.
Sal, Idaho. DE RAMUS, Judson D. Mrs. Judson D. De DONAHUE, Edward Thomas. Mrs. Mary
LEHMAN, William P. Albert Lehman, sr., Ramus, Verbena, Ala. Donahue, 1238 Morris Avenue, New York,
302 Church Street, Lagrange, Ga. - ENDERLE, Maurlee F. Herman Enderle, box N. Y.
45 R. F D, Santa Ana, Cal. FOSTER, William F. Mrs. Helen C. Foster,
FORD, Byngton. Tirey L. Ford, 8800 Clay 908 Nnrth Kingshighway Boulevard, St.
SECTION 2, DECEMBER 21, 1918. Street, Son Francisco, Cal. Louis, Mo.
FULCHER, John T. Oscar Fujcher, Taylor, FYFFE, Tom H. Cottle Pierce, West Lib-
[The deaths reported in this section were Ter. erty, Ky.
printed in a previous issue of TilE OFFICIAL HALE, Joseph T. William Hale, Morgan,
U. S. BULLETIN.] FRANKENSTEIN, Herbert A. Mrs. Georgette Minn.
B, Fankenstein, 5 Sommerfeld, East Avon- JABLONSKI, Ladislaus. Alex Jablonski, 739
The following casualties are reported dale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Becher Street, Milwaukee, Wis.
by the commanding general of the Ameri- GEHRING, Carl F. A. Gehring, 34 South JOHNSON, Do Forest D. .Mrs. Josephine
Hanover Street, Carlisle, Pa. Johnson, 14 Ripley Place, Springfield, Mass.
can Expeditionary Forces: HYDE, Neil D. Burt B. Hyde, Afton, N. Y. KENNEDY. William V.
KENNADY, Homer F. Mrs. L. P. Kennady, Carles Kennedy,
Wounded Severely. 1710 Fourth Street, Beaver Falls. Pa
1315 Harrison Street, Topeka, Kans. KIPP, Malcolm B. Mrs. Dora Kipp, 3010
MAJOR. LIESER, William A. Mrs. Dora M. Lieser, Walnut Street, Chicago, 111.
t St. Henry, Ohio. KNOEPFEL, Robert M. Mrs. Minnie Knoep-
PIERCE, Thomas Lewis. Henry H. Pierce, 49 IMACDONALD, Albert F. A. L. MacDonald, fel, 1014 North Dewey Street, O'labonia
Wall Street, New York, N. Y. box 43, Wloodlawn, Beaver County, Pa. City. Oklia.
C SPTAINS. MURDOCK, James 0. Mrs. W. 1). Murdock, LEE, Wilfred C. John A. Lee, general deliv-
507 Prairie Street, Jacksonville, Ill. ery, Holden, Mo.
COLEMAN, York. Mrs. York Coleman, Coro- NOEL, James Desmond. John Andrew Noel, MASSEY, Myron M. Mrs. Georgie Massey,
nado Tent City, Coronado, Cal. 3222 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. box 271, Nacogdoches, Tex.
OIP-IT'NDS, Buston E. Mrs. Virginia R. Ed- SEWALL, Loyall F. H. A. Sewall, Bath, Me. NAP, Edward. Mrs. Elizabeth Nan, 119 Sev-
munds, 2322 Andrews Avenue, New York, STEPHENS, George H. Mrs. Mary J. Ste- entli Stroot, Braddock, Pa:
N.Y. phens, 1113 North Second Street, Atchison, NOVAKOWSKI. Tod. Mrs. Mary Novakow-
HENLEY, Courtney S. John C. Henley, 1705 Kans. skI, 1228 Walker Street West Pullman, Ill.
Third Avenue. Dirmingham, Ala. SERGEANTS. PIEGAIA, Roger A. Mrs. Hazel Piegaia,
MeIBBIN. James Malcolm. Mrs. Mary Mc- 9827 D Street, Oakland, Cal.
Kibbin, 533 Reynolds Avenue, Hagerstown, LAWLER, Martin. Miss Bridget Lawler, 1010 RICH IRDSON, Andrew Joel. Mrs. May
I'd Ferguson Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Putsch, 866 North Tenth Street, Salina,
PRICE, John E. George E. Price, 1119 Vir- LEINBACTI, Paul B. Charles H. Leinbach, Kans.
uinia Stre't. Charleston, W. Va. 10 North Eleventh Street, Reading, Pa. ,SIMON, Julius. Etta Simon, 1138 South
STDTLER, Walter A. Mrs. Paul Paradis McNULTY, Frank L. Joseph McNulty, 25 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, Ill.
Canrobert, 1434 Addison Street, Chicago, Fredonia Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. SORENSON, Frank A. Mrs. S. Sorenson, 42
Ill. STARNES, Edward M. Mrs. Mary Starnes, Thirtieth Street, Milwaukee, Wis.
SWIFT, James Glennon. John V. Swift, Dar- 175 Bright Street, Jersey City, N. J. SWEENEY. Victor V. Joseph Sweeney, 1669
lington, Wis. AMBROSE, Marion Ward. Will Ambrose, Hower Avenue, East Cleveland. Ohio.
MALLONER, Richard Carvell. Mrs. Allie G. West Blocton. Ala. WARD, Hebert. William Jeff Ward, Paints-
Chamberlain, 542 Maple Avenue, Grafton, ANGLE, James B., jr. Dr. J. B. Angle, Scra- Ville, Ky.
W. Va. coke, N. C. ZIEGENFUSS. Charles E. Mrs. M. Ziegen-
HARRIGAN, William. Mrs. Dorothy G. Har- BUIS, John R. Mrs. John T. Bins, 813 fuss, 243 Spring Street, Bethlehem, Pa.
rigan, 75 West One hundred and thirty- Spence Street, Austin, Tex. BALSER. Firank A. Mrs. Ben Balser, River-
first Street, New York, N. Y, BROWN, Paul Albert. Mrs. Paul Brown, head, N. Y.
HARRISON. Sidney M. Mrs. Sidney M. Har- Mellen, Wis. BURRIS, Otis B. Mrs. Annie Mae Burris,
rison, 1011 Southland Avenue, Forth Worth, CLEMENS, Orval E. Mrs. Laura A. Clemens, Mineral Wells, Tex.
Weston, Mo. BANDURA. Harold S. Joseph F. Bandurn,
TIUDGENS, Robert W. Mrs. Eleanor F. Hud- COMBEN, Charles Hastings. Richard Wil- Parker Avenue, Cohasset. Mass.
gene. 121 Academy Street, Greenville, S. C. liam Comben, 56j Tuscola Avenue, Detroit, CROSBY, Henry W. Byron R. Crosby. Farm-
SULLIVAN, Joseph P. Mrs. T. T. Sullivan, Mich. ington, Utah.
79 Buena Vista Avenue, San Francisco, CRITCHFIELD, Vinton R. Mrs. Phoebe FREDNAM, Clarence. Mrs. Theresa Emma
Cal. Critchfield, R. F. D. 1, Rockwood. Pa. Lottner, 2503 Forest Street, Fort Huron,
FEINOUR, Charles W. Miss Maude E. Feln- Mich.
our, Church Home and Infirmary, Balti- HARLOW, Ernest L. Mrs. Sadie J. Harlow,
GILLESPIE, George B. Mrs. Viola E. Gil- more. Md. Belmont Avenue, Charlottesville, Va.
lespie, 1049 South Frazier Terrace, West FLYNN. Charles P. Mrs. Anna Flynn, Frank- HESLEP. John R. Mr<. Mary Heslep, Cald-
Phidadelphia, Pa. lin. Sussex County, N. J. well, Tex.
BRYAN. John F. Mrs. David Bryant, 2626 GAIlILL. Dan. Lucy Gambill, Straight JOHNSON, William HI. Mrs. Cora Johnson,
Grand Avenue, New York, N. Y. Creek, Ky, 2268 Seventh Avenue, New York, N. Y.


KA-E, 3ohn P. T. P. Kane, South Main IIALAT, Stephen. Mrs. Katie Ilalat, 110 WHITEIEAD, Fred L. David L. Whitehead,
Street, Cohaset, Mass. Marcy Street, LarksVille, Pa. MaryvlEru, Tenn.
RENDALL, Dallas Smith. Mrs. Irene Ken- HAMMONS Carroll C. Mrh. Louise Irland, WILLIAMS, Archie. Mrs. Elsie B. Williams,
dull, Churchvalle, N. Y. 810 St. Charles Street, Houston, Tex. Granville Road, Westfield Mass.
KLOUSE, Robert W. Joe Klouse, Charlotte, MANES, Charles B. Mrs. Sarah Hanes, WOOD, Albert T. Mrs. 1. H. Wood, 42
N. C R. F. D. 3, Cumberland, Md. MIstic Avenue, Medford, Mass.
MAYER, Heary J. John F. Mayer, box 42, LABADIE, Joseph. Mrs. Sarah Millian, W NGHT John W. William C. Wright, gon-
East Helena, Mont Pawhuska, Okla. eral delivery, Hornorsville, Mo.
NIESSTER, Morris F. Morris Niessner, 219 MCFADDEN, William Henry. Mrs. Mary A. -COCHRAN, James E. John F. Cochran, 117
Stral er Street Johnstown P, McFadden, Heavelton, N. Y. Haneock Street, Dorchester, Mass.
NIXON, Howard E. Mrs. ElIzabeth Palmer, MOREY, Claude. rnsign Morey, R. F. D. 6, COREN, Jake. Mrs. Fannie Cohen, 7 Ashland
134 Reaney Street, Chester, Pa. Lyons, N. Y. Street, Boston, Mass.
PICKELL, Thetus D. Mrs. Martha E. Pickell, PHILLIPS, Roland T. L. C. Phillips, Han- CRAVENS, Albert. Chesper Cravens, Jenks,
Lenoir City, Tenn. over Street, Hanover, Mass. Okla.
PIM-STEIN, Myer. Mrs. Rebecca Pim-Stein, PLEUS, Henry. Henry Pleus, 159 Sixth CUNDIFF, Erastus C. James Cundiff, Crocus.
29 Streatley Road, Brondesbury, NW. Lon- Avonue, New York, N. Y. Ky.
don, England. PUTNEY, Fred W. Miss J. M. Putney, CURTIS, John. Mrs. Mary Curtis, 811
RACIC T, Ray Victor. Victor R. Racicot, Hutchinson, Minn. Twentieth Avenue, Cordele, Ga.
San o~ t, Idaho. RAMSEY, Ephriam W. Mrs. Amanda Ram- DENZAU, Charles A. Mrs. Elsie Denzau,
#I1 C. Mrs. A. F. Shannon, sey, 904 South Walnut Street, Ottawa, 170 Seventh Street, New York, N. Y.
Velasco, TeX. s. D2 SUON William R. Mrs. Nellie De Shon,
TOBIAS. David II. Mrs. Theresa F. John- RO ADOWSKI, Leon. Mrs. Anna Rozwa- Station D, box 94, St. Joseph, Mo.
son, 728 Schrader Street, San Francisco, dowski, 2040 Frankfort Street, Chicago, DE WILDT, Peter John. Ben Do Wildt, 243
Cal. Ill. Marquette Avenue, Grand Rapids, Mich.
COnPOnALS. VAUGHN, Huston 3. James W. Vaughn, DICKEY, Otis L. Lee Dickey, Redlield, Iowa.
ANGEL, Gus. Mrs. P. Angelopon Hareon, Altapass, N, C. DIGGS, Samuel M. Mrs. Florence C. Diggs.
Manarey, Baltatchou, Italy. WALTERS, Therla C. David H. Walters, 1004 Twenty-fifth Street NW., Washington,
AUSTRIAN, Seligmap B. 'Mrs. Belle Aus- 'Lunberton, N. C. D. C.
trian, Glengyl Avenue, Arlington, Md. WfISBROD, Herbert J. Charles Weikbrod, DIXON, Walter M. Mrs. Mina Dixon, 482
BAKER, Clifton W. Mrs. Minnie Baker, 295 eton, lowa. First Avenue, North Troy, N. Y.
FARRELL, John H. John Farrell, 3283 DUNN, Archie. Mrs. William Dunn, 313 East
Cottage Street, New Bedford, Mas. Sixth Avenue Troy, N. Y. Wcstmorelaud Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
BEDWALL, Samuel M. -Samuel Bedwell, FE1USTEL, Michael. IMrs. Margaret Feustel, EHRIKE, Fredrick R. Adolph Hageman,
Stir vant, Mo. 53 Terrace Street, Springfield, Mass. Colon, Nehr.
BENI IELD, Colbet. Thomas M. Benefield, FORD, Colonel f. Luther F. Ford, Lake- FREY, William J. William Frey, 853 Van
Cad , Okla. view, S. C. Nest Avenue, New York, N. Y.
BERGER, Charles A. Mrs. Rose Berger, 171 FORNIER, William H. Mrs. Lewis Fornier, GARMOE, Raymand. Mrs. Nina Finley, R.
Parker Street Newark, N. J. 04h Main Street, Maynard, Mass. F. D. 1. Salem, Iowg.
BYRD, Joseplk M. Mrs. Ethel M. Byrd, R. GIBBONS, Frank S. Mrs. Marie Bell, 513 GEARY, Peter M. Mrs Mary Geary, 1613
F. D. 1, Bltckhorn, Va. Seventy-third Street, 1lrooklyn, N. Y. Mohawk Street, Chicago, Ill.
CHAMBERLAIN, Leon. Lawson Chamber- GREENIP, George. Mrs. Frances Grecip, GLENN, Clifford M. Mrs. Lottle Neubauck,
lai 1225 Lawson Street, Knoxville, Tenn. Four Avenue, Westwood, N. J. Hfidreth. Nebr.
CROS-, Leonard H. Isiah Cross. Curtis, Nebr. GROUS Chaerley F. Mrs. Joh HAGGERTY. Frank J. Mrs. Margaret Hag-
CURRY, Thomas. Mrs. B Crry,
Odget 210 Grouse,
1420 West Calhoun Street, Chillicothe, Mo. tgerty, 1113 Pittston Avenue. Scranton. Pa.
Chestnut Street, rear, Pitt burgh, Pa. HOGAN, Elery C. Wiley Worth Hogan, R. F. HALL. Banner D. Kelly D. Uail, Gap, N. C.
DAVIS, James. William 0. Davis, general de- HANLY, Michael P. Mrs. Louise Hanly, 49
livery, Nashville, Penn. . 5, Loganville, Ga.
HOK, Charles A. Mrs. Mary Hook, 2 Wil- William Street, Belleville, N. J.
DAVIS Leslie E. Mrs. Octiva Davis, 808 kins Street, Baltimore, Md. HARBIN, Joel J. Mrs. Edna Harbin, Slim,
Noith Twelfth Street, Richmond, Va. HOPE, Thomas. Thomas Hope, 309 Kearny Okla.
DAY, John Ri. Shade H. Day, Hindsdale, Avenue. Kearny, N. . HILLEBRECHT, William A. Mrs. Bridget
Mont. HOWE, Keyrl W. HIllebrecht, 3113 Hamlet Street, Pittsburgh,
DE PASQUALE, Nunzio. Miss Magherita Scott W. Howe, Ganse-
voort, N. Y. Pa.
Vena, 247 Third Street, Jersey CKy, N. J. HUNT, Jesse G. Willis N. Hunt? Covington,
DINGELDINE, Michael. Mrs. Susan Dingel- JOHNSON, Oscar E. Charles Johnson, 505
dine, I. F. D. 1, McKeesport, Pa. Tenn. Leilan Avenue, Joliet, Ill.
DULANEY, George P. Mrs. Minnie Dulancy, KAPLAN, Harry. Mrs. Ida Kaplan, 35 Julian KELLY, George E. Mis. Julia Kelly, Pine-
Johnson City, Tenn. Street, Roxbury, Mass. bush, N. Y.
ENOS, Juan P. Henry Enos, Komatke, Aria. KAVOINSKY, Joseph. John Stab, .lridg- KNIGHT. Less L. William M. Knight, 834
ADAMS, Charles ). Mrs. Lula S. Adams, port, Conn. ]tazel Street, Macon, Ga.
408 East Biddle Street, Baltimore, Md. KING, George. Elmer Roon, Onarga, Ill. KURATZ. George A. Mike Karatz, 2369
CARBRY, Vincent Nutting. Mrs. Amelia KOENIG, Fred. Fred Koe, Enhaut, Pa, East Thirty-fourth Street. Cleveland, Ohio.
Nut g Carbry, 2015 Highly Street, St. KVALE, Peter 0. Mrs. Clara Hansen, R. F. McGEE, Daniel X. Hugh McGee, 227 Ridge
Josep Mo. D. 1. box 35, Northwood, Iwa. Avenue, Allentown. Pa.
LATIAM, George W. Barney Latham, eart- LAIZURE, Charles W. John Laisure, R. F. MARTIN. Sandy. Patrick Martin, Flatrock,
wright, Ky. - D. 2, Cadiz, Ohio. St. James. Newfoundland.
WILSON, Otis 11 Mrs. Martha J. Wilson, LANGSTON, Charles Manley. Dr. James MATTHEWS. Harry A. Mrs. Harry A. Mat-
Rushville, Mo. Bunyon Eure, 917 North Main Street, Pop- thews, 3100A Hanover Avenue, Richmond,
BOITNOTT, Sperry G. Mrs. Mary S. Bolt- lar Bluff, Mo. Va.
nott, St. Paris, Ohio. LARSON, Edward S. Ed. Larson, R. F. D. 2, MEIVIN, Frank B. Bennie Burns, Pawnee,
FOLEY, Harry E. Mrs. Eugene Francis Clark, box 9, Clifton Tex
14 Gardner Street, Whitesboro N Y. LOVELL: Ralph h. Edward Lovell, 64 Popu- MURPHY, Edward P. Mrs. William Murphy,
FULDA, Milton. Mrs. CrIstina Fulda, Garden- lar Avenue, Hackensack, N. J. 41W Fairmont Street. Fitchburg, Mass.
ville, Md. McGLYNN, Bernard J. Miss Winifred Mc- NEEFUS, James S Mrs. Hattie P. Neefus,
PATTERSON, Walter H. Mrs. May S. Pat- Glynn, 411 North Twenty-third Street, Passaic Avenue. Chatham, N. J.
terqon, Bradwell. Tex. Omaha, Nebr. OLSON, Rudolf J. H. P. Olson, box 521,
WEST, Dale C. Mrs. Mary West, R. F. D. 4, M KiNNEY, George Mural. Mrs. A. J. Mc- Litehfield. Minn.
box 52, Ada, Okla. Kinney, Centerville, Ind. OREAlfGH. Clyde H1. Mrs. Allen Orelaugh,
BLAISING, Lawrence. Mrs. Mary J. Blais- MAGUIRE, Frank J. Mrs. Mary Maguire, 1600 Sixth Avenue, Dodge City, Kang.
ing, 920 Francis Street, Fort Wayne, Ind. 211 Baltic Street, Elizabeth, N. .J. O'ROURRE, Michael V. Mrs. Nellie
BOUCHARD, Louis 0. Mrs. L. 0. Bouchard, MULLENDORE, Lloyd C. S. C. Mullendore, O'Rourke, 771 St. Johns Place, Brooklyn,
3180 Tullp Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Dearborn. Mo. N. Y.
BUCfANAN John A. Mrs. Francis Bu- MURRAY. Thomas V. Mrs. 'Katherine Mur- PIERCE, Dorsey. Elden Pierce, larlowton,
ehanan, 534 College Street, Cape Girardau ray. 1785 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, Mont.
M.. N. Y. POWELL, Orrin B. Mrs. Ray Tabash, 800
BUCHWALTER, Chester. Mike Buchwalter, PARKER, Charles H. Lee Parker, R. F. D. Hamilton Avenue, Flint, Mich.
general delivery, Gardner, Ill.. 5, Marylville, Tenn. REED, Roger J. Mrs. Annie D. Reed, Spring-
CANFIELD, Julian K. Mrs. Margaret J. PERRY, Jarvis W. Mrs. Matte Perry, Wake- dale. Ark.
Canfleld, 52. St. James Street, Kingston, field, N. C. REESE, Harry D. Mrs. Martha Reese, 004
N. Y. PITMAN. Herbert D. John G. Pitman, Al- Seventh Avenue, Altoona. Pa.
CASKEY, Clair. Mrs. Silas Caskey, 132 King bany, Ky. REILLY, Andrew J. James Reilly, Lincoln
Street, Wadsworth, Ohio. PROVEN CE, Mont K. Sam C. Provence, Street Hudson, Mass.
CHRISTIAN, Joe R. Jesse W. Christian, ByIngton, Tenn. REILLY Edward C. Mrs. Nellie Reilly, 325
Teneha, Tex. PULSE, Harold L. George F. Pulse, Sykes, Seventh Street, Niagara Falls, N. Y.
CLABBY, William H. Patrick Clabby, Sum- Mont REIN, Edward. Mrs. Agatha Rein, 2528
mit Avenue, Lewiston, Me. RAE, William J. G. Mrs. Rachael Rae, 265 Dickinson Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
B3OROF17, Frederick L. Robert L. Boroff, East Two hundred and thIrty-fourth Street, RUNDQUIST, Arthur. Jacob Rundquist, Star-
Burkburnett, Tex. New York, N. Y. buck. Minn.
BUSTER, Robert. J. M. Buster, Walnut RHOADES, Gary T.' Mrs. Nettle Rhoades, RUSSELL, John. Charles Russell, 3433 Sec-
Ridge, Ark. Blanchester, Ohio. ond Avenue, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
CONNOR, Frank C. Mrs. Lizzie Connor, SMITH, Patrick M. Thomas N. Smith, 40 SARBER. Bertram L. J. B. Sarber, Kalidam,
1801 Penn Avenue, New Castle, Pa. Grand Street, Morristown, N. J. Ohio.
DAVJN, Herbert S. Miss N. Connely, 322 SPREHN, George H. Mrs. Edna M. Sprehu, SCHEURICK, Henry. Mrs. Margaret Schen-
F st Third Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 211 East Liberty Street, Mankato, Minn. rick. Ivesdale, Ill.
SEf'CL, Edward S. Mrs. J. S. Farmer, 210 STARRETT, Royce E. Samuel U. Starrett, SHOWERMAN Irvin W. Edward M. Show-
East Greene Street, Wilson. N. C. Scott City, Kans. erman. 210 kpruce Street, Dowagiac, Mich.
FLEIAN. Hersehell T. Robert J. Flee- THOMPSON. Marion. Walter Thompson, R. STEVENS, Porter A. Albert Stevens, Cook
man. R. 1'. D. 3, Abbeville, Ga. F. D. 4, Mount Sterling, Ky. Place, Tenn.
GARDNER, John A. Robert F. Gardner, 409 VANDERBURGH, Asa. Walter S. Vander- STILABOWER, C. E. William H. Stilabower,
Bedford Avenue, Mount Vernon, N. Y. burgh, Beaver City, Okla. Needham, Ind.


STRACHEN, Lester G. Mrs. Annie - M. BRENNER. Frederick. Mrs. Henrietta- Bren- KOHL. Arthur A. Mrs. Valentine Kohl, 1045
Strachen, 37 Mansfield Street, Allston, Mass. ner, 17 West Ninety-first Street, New-York, Fortieth Street, Brooklyrr,-N. Y.
TEAGUE, David M. E. A. Teague, Inman, N. Y. KORNACII Wiayslaw. Frank Kornachln
S. C. DAY, William James. Daniel J.. ITRY, 50 18 Alpenton Street ProYtdence, R. I.
THOMPSON, James W. Samuel J. Thompson, Goulding Avenue, Buffala, N. Y. KOTLOW, August. brank ,Kotlow, R. F. D.
Round, Valley, Nebr. ERWIN, Joseph Oscar. Mrs. Ann& Nelms, 1, Auburndale, Wis.
VANTILITAO, Delos. William Vantilburg, R. F. D. 3, box 56A, Claremore, Olds, ROZLOWSKI, Joachim. Giyman Kozlowski,
204 Bread Street, Ashland, Ohio. ESQUEBEL, Salvador. Theodore Efrebel, Jerome, Pa.
VOBROUCEK, Albert C. Albert Vobroucek, Gill, Colo. KRAWEZY, Stanislaw. 1W@ks Adaszak, 310
4912 South Seely Avenue, Chicago, Ill. HAMLET, Charles Lee. John HenrYfamlet, abreki Street, Buffalo, Ni Y.
WALLACE, John P. Mys. Mary Wallace, 939 It. F. D. 2, Benton, Ky. KRUGER, Charles FXois. 1rs. Lillian Franz,
West Spruce Street, Shamokie, Pa. McPHERSON, Lewis W. Marshall L. Mc- 11 leasant Avenue, Jamica, N. Y.
Pherson, Grapeland, Tex. KINBRI Walter. Heamy Kubinskl, 712
BUGLElS. MILLER, Edward A. Mrs. Emma C.' Miller, ,fore Street, Stehubenvlle, Ohio,
HOWARD, Glenn W. Miss Anna McCoon, 25 Sylvania Avenue, Fox Chase, M. K A. Joseph Frank. Ms. Anna Kurka,'
Tannersville, Iowa. O'NEIL John J. Mrs. Norah Heky 232 4532 South Broadway, St. Louis, Mo.
NASCA, Ignazzo. Mrs. Meistretta Arcangela, East hifty-second Street, New Y NM1. LANDS, Clyde. Mrs. Calla Lands, Whitmire,
-uters, Italy. ONGSTAD, Arthur F. Martin Jacobsoni Ho0- S. C.
AIECTIANICS. land, Cook County, Minn. LARIN, ]Fraucis A. Mrs. Margaret Larin,
BRANDON, Clarence Oscar. Charlie Brandon, OSBORNE, Will E. Charles H. Osborne, 137 Parke Street, Bennimgton, Vt.
Galchult, N. Dak. R. F. D. 2, Springfield, 017o. LARSON, Corpellus N. Andrew P. Larson,
EASLICK, Joanthan B. Mrs. Mary Easlick, PEKA, Frank. Mrs. Anna Peka, 2733 86uth Clear Lake, Iowa.
60 White Street, Mount Holly, N. J. Eleventh Street, Omalk, Nebr. LRE, Cecil H. J. W. Lee, Eutaw, Ala.
KARPA, Joseph P. - Stock Karpa, Cape PERRY, Ired H. Mrs. Cara Perry, 105 Cliff L , Plans C. Mrs. Mattle Leqve, R. F. D.
Charles, Va. Street, Norwh, Conn.
SNYDER, E. Mrs. Martha Snyder, Germano, PLUMLEE, Samuel. James D. Plumlee Par LICIER, Edward N. Mrsz Agnes J. Lucier,
Ohio. th enon, Ark. East River Street, Orange Mass.
DIANO, Guiseppe. Melprone Diano, 27 POTTS, Leland Emerson. Mrs. Tille J. Potts, LUND, Earl A. Mrs. Margaret Lund, Avery,
Eighty-sixth Strect, Brooklyn, N. Y. general delivery, Lexington, Nebr. Wis.
BOWLBY, Harry H. Mrs. F. W. Bowlby, PRALLE, Julius W. August Pralle, Kalmorado, LUlNDBERG, Benjamin. Elidy Lundberg, 1900
Marilon, Kans. KanS. North Washington Avenue, Minneapolis,
t COOKS. - PRENTICE, Fred L. Mrs. May Prentice; 2041
East Fourth Street, Clevland, Obl M NEY, Samuel H. Mrs. Jennie Godby,
BOOTIH, James 0. Mrs. Clara Booth, R. F. PRINTZ, Charles A. William Prints, 214 WgFour, W. Va.
1. 2, Gramplan, Pa. Strawberry Avenue, Norristown, Pa. MARSH, Joe B. John Marsh, R. F. D. 1,
GOODSITE, Carl. Mrs. Charles Goodsite, R. PUTNAM, Wilbur. Mrs Martha Putns, 175 Church Hill, Tenn.
F. D. 6, Norwalk, Ohio. Church Street, Albany, N. Y. MARSHALL, Thomas. Mrs. Harriott Marshall,
LOUDON, Robert W. Miss Billy London, box ROKERT, Hogore A. Arthur R. Robert, 37 R. F. D. 2, Seymour, Conn.
621, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Fifth Avenue, Lowell, Mass. MATHEWS, Curtis C. Mrs. James M. Ma-
RACICOT, Edward F. William Racicot, 53 SIPPEE, Harold W. Mrs. Rhoda A. Ship- thews, Vera. Okla.
Osford Street, Worcester, Mass. pee, 77 Whipple Avenue, Arlington, R. I. METCALFE, John C. John J. Metcalfe, Er-
KEPPi'LE, Bert Al. William L. Kepple, Chi- SHOURDS, David Wyolfe. Margaret otiads, nest. Pa.
cora, Pa. 124 Glassboro Avenue, Woodbury, J. MEYER, Thcadore Chris. Mrs. Mary Meyer,
TVAGONERS. SHUEEY, John J. John E. Shusey, New Wootman, Wis.
COPPOCK, Albert E. Mrs. Ida Coppock, Red Windsor, Md. MILLER, John. Thomas Milleret F. D. 18,
Bank, Pa. SIBLEY, Edwin N. Mrs. M. I. Sliyp Pent- box 63, Huron, Ind.
MYERS, Curtis C. George M. Myers, R. F. D. water, Mich. MILLS, Arza. Mrs. Tillie Mills, 721 West
11, Oklahoma City, Okla. SILAS, Sam. Mrs. W. J. Silas, Smstbrville, Green Street, -Marshall, Mich.
PRIVATES. Miss. STEVENS, Hugh Edward, Mrs. Mary J. Ste-
SIMONEAUX, Adam J. Armand Phoa, Mor- vens, care of Morgan Huston, Cedarville,
SIMPSON, William H. Mrs. William T. gan City, La. N. J.
Simpson, 311 Halstead Street, East Orange, GERLACII, Earnest R. Richard Gerluch, 422
N. .T. Haughton Avenue, McKeesport, Pa. STEWART, Earl J. Elmer Stewart West
SMITH, Clarence H. Mrs. Nora Smith, Skid- GOINS, Douglas B. J.' J. Goins, 20-IL Griffith Camp. N. Y.
more, Mo. Street, Selma, Ala. STOLEBARGER, Sam I. J. D. Stolebarger,
SOLOMON, Babajan. John Solomon, 402 GOQMAN, Clarence. Mrs. Mary 1754 South Fifth Street, Missoula, Mont.
Asylum Street, Flint, Mich. - odman, STORAASLI, qustave G. Ole Storansli, jr..
1025 Lampton Street, Louisville, Ky.
STEINHOFER, Clarence. Mrs. Sarah Stein- GRAF, Raymond Albert. Mrs. Katherine J.
hofer, Fennimore, Wis. Graf, 1812 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, STW1dB2,' Gustav. Nicholas Streibig, 10
STEMIIENS, Harvey W. William McNamara, Ohio. Cook Street, Danbury, Conn.
941 M ret Street, Zanesville, Ohio. STROEHLEIN, Carl Fred. George Stroeb-
STUVEN N, John. Karl Ehrenstein, 51 GREENE, William Mitchell. Miss Lilian Iain, 4713 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati,
IEast One hundred and nineteenth Street, Lawson, 430 Lincoln Avenue, kEooklyn, Ohio.
New York, N. Y. N. Y. sTRUNKSTEIN. Jacob. Jolh Hudson, 1602
STEVENSON, Richard H. George Stevenson, GRIFFIN, Francis H. Paul Griffin,1Bowie, Tam Street Baltimore, A.M.
9 West One hundred and twenty-fourth* Prince George County, Mdf STRYJAK, t . Joseph Stryjak, 130
Street, New York N Y. GRODAVENT, Charles W. Charles W. Grada- East Union Vtret, Nanticoke, Pa.
STEWYARD, Pearl W1. Mrs. Ruth Steward, vent, Charlotte Street, Detroit, Mich. STURMAN, Harold A. Mrs, Josephine Stur-
I3 North Eureka Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. GROSS, Andrew. Mrs. Georgiana Grass, man, 1912 John Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.
STEWART, Frank L. Mrs. Sallie M. Stewart, Wallville, Md. SUMMRiS, George G. Bries I. Summers.,
373 Columbia Strect, Leetonia, Ohio. 113MALIRSTEN, Albin. Charles Hammarsten, Lowsville, W. Va.
SWANSON, Arthur 0. Mrs. Josephine Swan- Wheaton, Minn. BURGONY, Abraham. David Surgony, 50
son, 1707 East Jefferson Street, Duluth, HARVEY, Bert. Mrt. Kate Harvey, Wood- Wasign Street, New York, N. Y.
Minn. lawn. Ill. SWANSON, Iver H. Mrs. Charles Nelson, 66
TALLMAN, August G. George Tallman,. gen- IIAWIEIBERRY, Forest. W. T. Hawken- Delma Street, Bradford, Pa.
eral delivery, Cheboygan, Mich. thrry, Metz, W. Va. SWEDBERG, Edwin A. Mrs. Tillie Zetter-
TA..usETTI, Felix. Mrs. Antonietti Do Yolt, HINDMAN, Harry L. Mrs. 'Ella Hindman, lend, 22 North Fifty-sixth Street, West
general delivery, Jerome, Ariz. 897 Third Street, Detroit, Mich, Duluth, Minn.
TATIABETZ, Charles F. Mrs. Mary Tara- HOUSE, Oli er T. George House, Jerseyville, THOMAS, Ali~n. Mrs. Rosena Thomas, Bee-
betz, 443 De Kalb Avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y. Ill. ville, Tex.
) TATE. Cliff. Ira Morgan, Kaw City, Okla. HUBER, Edward .T. Gottlieb Huber, 2011 THOMPSON, Peyton. Reunen Thompson, Li-
TAYLOR, Ransom A. John B. Taylor, St. An- Washington Avenue, New Orleans, La. tonia, Ga.
thony, Idaho. TYDER, Clarence A. Miss Delia Sherlock, TRAVELBEE, William Newton. Mrs. Henry
THOMAS, Harry. Mrs. Eliza Thomas, Leech- 108 Tama Street, Manchester, Iowa. Chapman, Paris, Mich.
burg, Pa. JABLONSKI, Mike. Frank Jablonski, Lub- TROELSEN, Chris M. Carl C. Troelsen, box
THOMAS, William. George R. Thomas, Pilot lin, Russia. 3, Stockholm, S. Dak.
Grove, Mo. JACOBS, Albert. Mrs. Jessie Irish, School TROLAND, George L. Mrs. Jennie Troland,
VINCENZO, Guisseppe. Miss Jennie Vln- Street, Burnside, Conn. ,D Sheridan Street, Stratford, Conn.
cnzo, S9 Mills Avenue, Mount Morris, JAMES, Jessie N. Mrs. Mary James, River- TRUITT, Harry Isaac. Mrs. Martha A. Truitt,
dale, Md. Seaford, Del.
WHITE, Joseph Henry. -Charles 0. White, JANICKE, Stanley. Anthony Janicke, 432 UNDERWOOD, Pled. Mrs. Myrtle Under-
R. F. D. 2. Malone, N. Y. Lafaette Street, Utica, N. Y. wood, Calloway, Va.
WHITE, William M. , John H. White, 311 JOHNSON, Bernt A. Charles J. Nordgren, VAN NOSDALl. Charles M. James Van
Logan Street, Sewickley,*Pa. 1033 Jesse Street, St. Paul, Minn. Nosdal, Wappingprs Falls, N. Y.
WHITED, George. W. T. Whited, Dove, Ky. JOHNSON, Harry. Mrs. Mary Johnson, Cul- VARICALLO, Tony. Rocco Varicallo, Smith-
WILLIAMS, George. Mrs. 4. Williams, 5 peper, Va. ers, W. Va.,
South Whitfield Street, Nazareth. Pa. JONES, Ernest. Mrs. Jessie Jones, 231 Myr- VICKERS, Frank 0. Mrs. Mary Vickers,
WILSON, Frank E. Nile Wilson, 1901 Frank- tle Avenue, Baltimore, Md. route 2, Quinlan, Tex.
ln Avenue, Des Moines, iowa. JONES, Hugh F. Mrs. Esther Jones, 4243 VIGIL, Jose M. Mrs. Silveria. Herrera, Ar-
BAT:ER, Fred. Mrs. Finn, 221 East Twenty- Main Street. Mannyank, Philadelphia, Pa. rovo Hondo, N. Me.
ninth Street. New York, N. Y. KELLY, Joseph J. Mrs. Agnes K. Kifer, WALL, Jay J. Mrs. Esther Wall, Three
BEKISH, Walter A. Charles Bekish, Dick- 2034 Cedar Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Forks. Mont.
son City, Pa. KAINSK, Felix. Mrs. Andrew Petres, WALSBR, Uel II. Henry Walser, California.
BERG, Frank G. Mrs. Christina Berg, gen- Milwaukee Wis Mo.
eral delfvery, Moore, Wis. KESLY, Michael. Mrs. Albert Johnson, 1444 WARSZAWSKI, Stanley J. Mrs. Antona Wars-
BIVENS, Bert W. Mrs. Carinthy Bivens,
route 1, Albion, Iowa.
Sherberno Avenue. St. Paul, Minn. sawski, Twenty-sixth and Johnson Street,
K1LY, Thoms. Michael Cunningham. 243 Portsmouth, Mich.
BRELAND1, Blant M4. Ellis G. Breland, Union, South Fifty-eighth Street, West Philadel- WILLIAMS, Howard S. Mrs. Mara Williams.
Miss. phia, Pa. McConchie, Charles County, Md.


WILLIS, Isaac A. Mrs. Mattle Willis, R. F. DOYLE, Robert E. Mrs. Margaret Doyle, NEWMAN. Eric A. Mrs. Mabel Goodwin, 920
D. 3, Miami, Mo. 1658 Twenty-irst Street, Chicago, Ill. Stokes Avenue, Collingswood, N. J.
WOODWAID, Glen J Mrs. Ida Woodward, DURBIN, Ray D. Mrs, C. Durbin, 1220 Ma- PERRINE, Ross Edward. Mrs. Sadie Thomas,
10 Kilburn Avenue, Rohkford, Ill. pleton Avenue, Boulder, Colo. 1423 New Street, Franklin, Pa.
ZEBLY, Frank. Mrs. Lars Eine-Buxton, N. EGAN ,Richard A. Mrs. M. 1. Egan 1846
Pa. REQUET, Adam. Michael Requet, Madison,
Dack. Norh Eleventh Street Philadelphia, Ind.
ZULFER, Frank F. Mrs. James Whaler. 2577 ERICKSON, Erick W. Mrs. Margaret Went- VARNEY, ElIwood, Jr. Mrs. Ellwood Varney,
Crown Point, Omaha, Nebr. worth, Augusta, Kans. 1584 Osos Street, San Luis Obispd, Cal.
ALKIRE, Harry L. Mrs, Stella Alkire, Grove FOLEY. Thomas J. James Foley, 8 Beck-
ford Court Lynn, Mass. CORPORALS.
City, Ohio.
ANGIlLI, Henry. Mrs. Della Angell, Eureka, FEIDER, John W. Mrs. Mary Feider, 437 ALLEN, Earl Joseph. Mrs. Mary Gary, 36
Utah. Seventh Avenue, West Bend, Wis. Mills Street, Dansville, N. Y.
ASHTON, Raynor. Mrs. Elizabeth Ashton, FULLER, Benjamin D. F. F. L. Fuller, R. P. DIXON, Carl H. W. S. Dixon, 316 Maryland
145 Atkins Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. D. 3, Rocky Mount, N. C. Avenue, Westport, Md.
BAJORIN, Bartholomew. Joseph Bajorin, GAFFRON. Leonard R. Mrs. Catherine Gaf- DOBSON, Ralph J. Ben Dobson, R. F. D. 1,
GUrand Street, Rockville, Conn. fron, 717 TWesley Avenue, McKeesport, Pa. Franklin, N. C.
BONNER, James H. John B. Bonner, Logan, BA$S, Roland K, Mrs. Roland K. Bass, DOERFLER, George. Mrs. Elizabeth Doerfier,
Iowa. Third and Thornton Streets, Leavenworth, 1259 Eleventh Street, Milwaukee, Wis.
BREZIK, Alfons. Frank Brezik, Edge, Tex. Kans. DONAHUE, Joseph. Mrs. M. Donahue, 78
BROWN, John F. Mrs. Lottle Brown, R. F. BAUCHLE, Frank F. Adam Bauchle, Brew- Eastern Avenue, Woburn, Mass.
D. 6, Schuyler Falls, N. Y. ster, Minn. KENNEDY, Arthur T. Mrs. Clara B. Ken-
BRYANT, Freeman G. Mrs. Cora Bryant, CASAREGOLA, Lgis. Angelo Adriano, 1267 nedy, Clay Center, Kans.
Elizabeth, Ill. West Sixty-nipth reet, Clevel nd, Ohio. KNUTH, Harvey. Mrs. John Ohlrich, 89
BULLARD, Harrison S. Mrs. Mabel Bullard, CASSINE,Rocco. Anthony Cadshie, 28 Julia Evergreen Street Rochester, N. Y.
_R. I. D. 1, Millington, Mich. Straet, Rochester*, N. Y. LESS, Joseph J. .John Less, Monroe, N. Y.
BULLER, Wes S. Gus W. Buller, R. F. D. 1, CASTIK, Karel. Pills Castek, 106 Cedar McBURNEY, John G. Mrs. Emmet McBurney,
Brookshire, Tex. Street, Garfeld N. J. Hemet, Cal.
BUNDY, Lloyd, Mrs. Eliza Bundy, Bluford, CRJDNWELGE, Vd*in. Fred Crenwige, NEWMAN, Herbert A. Max Otto Neniman,
Ill. Fredericksburg, '1 . 1261 Seventy-fourth Street, BrookIYPo N. Y.
BURGGRAF, John George. George Burg- CROSBY, Harry a . Mrs. Harry PADGETT, Ra mond N. Millard . Paelett,
graf, 42209 Lincoln Street, Chicago, Ill.
C. R. Mrs. Anna Burk
Crosby, 26 SuinS
Aenue, Waterbury, 815 Ordnoco Street, Alexandria. EH. Com-
BURKLUND, Henry REILLY, James L. Mrs. Rose Mah a
lund, 116 East Third Street, Red Wing, DALTON, Walter J. Mrs. Nancy E. Dalton, monwealth Avenue, Springlield, Mass.
Minn. Meadows -of Dan, Va. SMITH, Joseph S. Joseph HI. Smith, Fruit-
FORD, James Beynard. Jasper N. Ford, R. F. land. Md.
BURLESON, William C, William C. Burle- D. 1, Indianapolis. Okla.
son, Lepanto, Ark. WALSH, Arthur T. F. F. Walsh, 174 Albion
GRAHAM, Harold F. J. H. Graham, Burt, Street Wa- fneld, Mass.
BIINS, Henry L. L. P. Burns, 325 Fudge Iowa.
SItreet, Covington, Va. GUETHS, Gus W. Miss Ella Gueths, 65 Rees WARD, Charles R. Samuel M. Ward. Green-
BURNS, Lawrence J. Mrs. Harriett Burns, Street, Fond du Lac, Wis. castle, Pa.
1118 Erie Street, Utica, N. Y. WILLIAMS. Roy G. Walter J. Williams,
HADDIX, Milo p. Mrs. Della Chapman, 687 route 1, Caddo Mills, Tex.
BTSCHING, George A. Dick Busching, R. F. Partb Street SE. Payallup, Wash.
D, 2, Springfield, Iowa. HEBBELINK, GustAve L. Mrs. Leonie beb- HORSESHIOER.
BUSS, George E. Henry J. Buss, Cushing, bq11%l~ 42 Lafayette Street, Paterson, N. S.
Okla. 11UFFST UTLER, Hlafvry E. Th~odore Huf- HOLMES, Mosie Mitchell. Miss Core Holmes,
BUTTERWO&TH, Edward. Charles Branksh, Ptutler Daligren, Ill. 2313 Olive Street, Kansas City, Mo.
2136 Monmouth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. JAMUS, Walter II. Simon H. James, Graham, PRIVATES.
BUZZARD, Johnnic K. Mrs. Nellie Buzzard, Tex.
Seneca, Mo. KAJZER, 5ylvester. Mrs. Mary Kajzer, 1516. ANCEWICZ, Teodor. No emergency address.
BYXNBE, Jasper C. Jacob R. Byxbe, R. F. D. West FIsher Street, South Bend, Ind. BAILEY, William. Mrs. Lizzie Lockman, R.
1, Hillrose, Colo. LAZENgY, Charles C. W. E. Lazenby, Cen- F. D., Queen Anne, Md.
CAMP, Gordan Carlisle. Mrs. Charles H. tril City, Iowa. BOKA, George. Lew McCarthy, Tieton,
Camp 408 Vine Street, Camden, N. J. LYONS, John E. Miss Margaret Lyons, 365 Idaho.
J. Burgener, 125
CAMP LL, Oscar. Thomas Campbell, Cosby, Catherine Street, Bridgeport, Conn. BURGENER, Leo I. Ira
Tenn. McKAY, Richard. Mfs. Katie McTay, Au- East Fourteenth Street, Newton, Kans.
vorgue, Ark. BURGETT, James L. W. H. Burgett, Berg-
CARITHERS, Nollen C. John T. Carithers, MANGOLD, Oscar. Mrs. Emma Mangold, holz, Ohio.
Pavo, Ga.
CHRISTENSEN, Martin. Jacob Christensen, Tarpley, Tex. BURKHEAD, John B. Mrs. John B. Burk-
box 183, Askov, Minn. NORSAVACOS, Vincent. Valenti Norsavacos, head, route 3, Huntsville, Tex.
728 Park Road, Kbnosba, Wis. BURTELL, Peter. Mrs. Lydia Burtel, Dur-
CIPOLLETTI. Joseph. Ferdinando Cipolletti, POEZINNOS, George. John Tankowicoa, bin, N. Dak.
903 Segol Street, Philadelphia, Pa. f8N r
theote vnue, East Chicago, Iad. CHOiC.D Mike. Pete Sacdapovieb, Bingham .
CLARKE, Michael J. James Clarke, 1445 S1ANN Francis. Mrs, Ethel C. Shannon, CanyonUa. *n .Ms
Washington Street, loston, Mass. 123 South Eleventh Street, Minneapolis, CHRIST N SEN. Maris C. Mrs. Christine
CLAYTON, George. Alex Arno, R. F. D. 2, Mimi Christensen, 281 Goodwin Street, Perth
Blair, Ohio. STRICKLAND, Thomas P. Dr. G. Solomon P. Amboy, N. J-
CLEMENZA, Joe. Sam Monastero, 948 West A
Strcln . . 1). 4, Chipley, CLARK ON, Frank. John II, Clarkson, Sin-
Ohio Street, Chicago, Ill. STURt tAk. mark Stgm NwsHaven, ton, Fox,
CLYBURN, Maxie S. W. T. Welch, Bishop- Cape Breton Island, Canada. COBB, Robert 0. William H. Cobb, Jr.,
Ville. S. C. TARASIUK, George. Steve Johubovsky, 3729 Bsch Building, Dallas, Tex.
COLBERT, George W. Mrs. Lottie Colbert, East Fifty-third Street, Cleveland, Ohio. DEBVERING, John l. Mrs. Almira Bartlett,
Coolspring Street, Uniontowns Pa. WADE, John B. John B. Wade, Joyner, Va. Peacoqk, Msich.
COLES, Andrew L. Mrs. Jennie oles, 2080 WIERER, Norbert W. Louis Wieber, 125 FARRELL, Power Patrick. Joseph Farrell, care of
West Moore Street, Richimond, Va. Thirteonth Avenue North, St. Cloud, Minn. Montan Co., Butte. Mont.
COOKE, Roy D. Mrs. Mary J. Cole, Sunhill, WOLINSKY, Abe. Louis Woliusky, 142 Depot PAY, Clarence F.Oreg.Mrs. Julia pay, R. P. D. 4,
W. Va. Melvlunville,
Street, Greenstur. Pa.
CORKRAN, Roscoe. Mrs. Mary Cockran, 5643 WOOD, William J. B. Mrs. Mary Wood, 607 FINCHi Paul L. Mrs. Ella Finch, 281,- Mon-
Cherry Street, Philadelphia, Pa. South Third Street, Camden, N. T. terey Street, San Antonio, Tex.
COULSON, Charlie. Mrs. Ana Coulson, Tom- FISHER, Frank R. Mrs. Mary Fisher. South
berlius, Ark. Lake Lot 41, Prince Edwards Island,
CRAGET. Harvyv Mrs. Sara Craget, Diggins, DECEMBER 22, 1918. Canada.
W. Va. PRANCO, Antonio. Mrs. Maria Cariello,
[The deaths reported in this section were 1105co, Salerno, Italy.
CROOK, Browne L. Lester T. Crook, 2 West printed in a previous issue of Tun OFryaIAL Louis. ms. Lena Friedman, 121
Chestnut Street, Chicago, Ill. FRIEDMAN,
CURSON, David H. William H. Carson, U. S. BULLETIN.) Eliory Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Woodland, Cal. GARTON, William. Mr.n. N. lines, 1010
The following casualties are reported North Evans Street, Bloomington, Ill.
CURTIN, WilliamL. Mrs. Mary Curtin, 2181 H. George L. Uardesty,
Haviland Avenue, New York, N. Y. by the commanding general of the Amern- HARDESTY, Julian
P'ine Street. Seaford, Del.
DANIELS, James E. Mrs. Elizabeth Daniels, can Expeditionary Forces: Marshe j. Mrs. Martha J. Horne,
529 Hinton Street, Petersburg, Va. HORNEt Ga.
DANIELSON. Helmer, David Danielson, 532A Wounded Severely. North Thornton Avenue, Dalton
HORSTED, Marce. Peter C. Horaled, R. F. D.
Henry Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. LIEUTENANTS. 1, Bryant, S. Dak.,
DAVIDSON, Everett. John Hf. Davidson, 671 Miss Junie Polanski,
Kerr Street. Columbus, Ohio. DODDS, Illram E. James H. Dodda, 4528 JUROSKI, Vincent.
Farrell, Pa.
DAVIDSON, Halsey B. Miss M. Davidson, West Seventeenth Drive, Los Angeles Cal. KESSLER, Harold H. Mrs. Susan Kessler,
Tobasco, Ohio. MCLEAN, John R. M. H. McLean, Maendi,
DAY, Ben A. Jim H. Day, R. F. D. 5, Sul- Ariz. Spickard, Mom
LACEY. Charles R. Mrs. Lane . Graham,
phur Springs, Tex. WIGHTMAN, Robert J. Mrs. Eva Wightman, 4541 Terry Street, Dallas, Tex.
DELULLO, Angelo. Mrs. Gilastic Domico, 1189 Broad Street, Newark, N. J.
Givitelo, Italy. LAMPMAN, Claude E. G. E. Lampman. gen-
DENNIS, Ralph. Alfonso Dennis, general de-
SERGEANTS. eral delivery, Pepin, Wis. Mrs. Cestawa
livery, Coleridge, Nebr. BAKES, Alexander John. Mrs. Bertha Bakes, LANGIEWICZ, Alexander.
DICK, Lester. Mrs. Nancy R. Lucas, 1148 246 Brooks Street, Bridgeport, Conn. Gasiczak, 32 Spruce Street, Natrona, Ia.
Grant Street, Indiana, Pa. CRAIG, Charles W. Robert Craig, Martins- LANGSTINE. Millard M. Mrs. J. C. Lang-
DODD. Lester. J. M. Dodd, Winthrop, Wash. Ville ll: stine, 319 Ninth Avenue, McKeesport, Pa.
DODRON. Harvey P. Mrs. Susan Dodson, FORE TER, Clifford B. Allen Forester, R. LAURETTA. Thomas. Mrs. Saivatrice Las-
F. D. 2, Marionville, Mo. cala, Via Virginia Province, Seacura, Italy.
1511 Thirteenth Street, Altoona, Pa. LEVANDOSEEY, Steve. Joseph Levandeakey,
DONDERE, Andrew II. Frank Dontdere, Fram- HUDIBURGH, Alva J. Mrs. Janie Capertin,
ingham, Mass. Olive Hill, Tenn. Willets Avenue, South River, N. J.


LONG, Lester V. Mrs. Mary E. Long, Rock- SWARD, Henry. Mrs. John Sward, Grace- HUGHES, Charles B. Mrs. Virginia C.
ton, Ill. ton, Minn. Hughes R. F D. 1, Bristol, Va.
MANLEY, James. Mrs. Orlie Manley, Renton, SWIFT, Thomas Francis. Mrs. Annie Swift, KEITH, lhavid §. Mrs. Clara D. Allen, Sand-
Wash. Leckrone, Pa. wich, Mass.
McGEEGHAN, Bernard F. Miss Catherine TALIAFERRO, John A. Curtis Taliaferro, KIDD Bradley. George Kidd, Exodus, Ky.
McGeeghan, 529 South Broad Street, Phila- Canuto, Okla. KLEIk, El1. 01 Klein. 1496 Bryant Avenue,
delphia, Pa. TERVSI, Louis. Charles Terest, North Col- New York, N. Y.
McGRADY, John A. Mrs. Margie McGrady, 11ns, N. 1. KLOODT, Henry. Mrs. Anna Kloodt, 654
174 South Eleventh Street, Newark, N. J. TRIONE, Octavio. Miss Bradeo Trione, 642 Forty-eighth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
MNEIL, Tom. Mrs. Albert A. McNeil, 610 Nineteenth Street, Richmond, Cal. KRSE, Louis S. Loul A. Iruse, 2740 Gran-
Northeast Second Street Moultrie, Ga. UNVERZAGT, Alfred. Mrs, Anna Unver- ada Street, San Diego, Cal.
NEILL, Walter. James i. Neill, 215 South zagt, 6820 North Paulina Street, Chicago, LABEN, Mahmot. Mustafle Basca, 2836 Car-
Seventh Street, West Terre Haute, Ind. Ill. son Street Pittsburgh, Pa.
PATROLI, Gerardo. Rose Patroll, 96 Van VALLETTE Thomas S., Jr. Thomas S. Val- LAKENAN, Jesse A. Mrs. Margaret Lakenan,
Sinden Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. lette, 8 Last Eighteenth Street, Brooklyn, 3036 Auberle Street, McKeesport, PA.
REEDER, James P. Oliver P. Reeder, Edin- N. Y. LAND, Frank. Mrs. Nancy Land, Rome, Ala.
boro, Pa. VICAU, Leo J. Mrs. Vida Riets, 2807 West LANGLEY, Robert. Mrs. Mary Langley, R. F.
RTEGEL, Frank M. Mrs. Bertha M. Riegel, Jackson Boulevard Chicago, Ill. D. 1, Pollen, S. C.
R. F. D. 3, Catawossa, Md. VINTNER, Spencer B3. William C. Vintner, LAUHORN, Frank. Nathan Lauhorn, Mate-
IEGER, Joseph A. Mrs. Anthony Rieger, 1654 T ty-fifth Avenue O4kland Cal. wan, W, Va.
2145 Phillip Street, Philadelphia Pa WASHIN ON Joseph. grs. Mina Wash- LEADFORD, Joba. Charlie Leadford, T. F.
RIVERA, Alexander. Mrs. Juanta Rivera, Ington, 632 Rteele Street NashvIlle, Tenn. D. 1, Duff, Tenn.
Tucumcari, N. Mex. WELSH, John. Joseph Welsh, 217 Pearl LEOUTSAKOS, Thomas J. Stellos Sonceoras,
ROCKIIILL, Malcolm E. Hiram B. Rockhill, Street, Brooklyn,'N. Y. 408 Sulpho Street, Lowell, Mass.
Salem, Va. WIGLER, Floyd Ethelbert. Mrs. Agnes Syl- McDONNELL Thomas H. Mrs. Ellen Me-
ROSSIE, Dominic. Lewis Rossie, Koppel, via Wigler 1448 Reynolds Street, Locust Donnell, Jekers, Mont.
Pa. Point Balimore, Md. McGEACHY, Alexander V. Andrew Mc-
SEIBERT, William. Georg6 Seibert, 713 East WILLIAMS, Creed. Mrs. Hattie Williams, Geachy, R. F. D. 1, Grind Stone City,
North Street, Danville, Ill. Hattieville, S. C. Mich.
SHOPKOUSKI, Frank. Frank Slazas, 1417 WILLIAMS, Willie C. Henry Williams, McGVIRN, Guy T. Thomas McGurn, 1010
Fiftieth Avenue, Cicero, III. R. F. D. 3, Manolith, Savannah Ga Main Street, Lansing, Mich.
SPIEGLER, Luis. George Splegler, 2129 WHALEN, Walter A. Dennis Nhalen, 57 McKEEVER, Daniel D. Charles L. McKeever,
North Thirtieth Street, Philadelphia Pa Thompson Street, New York, N. Y. 125 Franklin Street, Bucyrus Ohio.
STANLEY, Donald G. Mrs. Mary E. Stanley, WHITE, Boyd M. . Mrs. Ella White, Mab- McQUAID, Thomas S. Mrs. IMary McQuaid,
57 Post Avenue, New York, N. Y. 606 Washington Street, St. Marys, Pa.
STONAKER, Harry S. Mrs. Harry G. Ston- HIT, aharles R. D. Vandenberg, 529 MAKER Fred E Nettie B. Edmonds, 4639
aker, 202 Broadway, South Amboy N J East Wall street, Morrison Ill. West Whirty-third Avenue, Denver, Colo.
TAPPER, John Emil. William Nagie, ZONKLER, Jostph. Mrs. George Zonkler, MARENDA, Stephen. Mrs. Anna Marenda,
Cadott, Wis. R. F. D. 3, Bedford, Ind. 6906 Fifteenth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
TIMMONS, George W. Tohn W. Timmons, ADAMS, Irving T. William T. Adams, MATHIS, Eli. Richard D. Mathis, R. F. D.
141 Maple Street, Frostburg, Md. Marumsco, Somerset County, Md. 3, Cosby, Tenn.
VICKERY, Frank Lincoln. Daniel Vickery, ALLEN, Samuel B. Mrs. Dora Allen, R. F. MEADE, John J. James Meade, 120 Seuben
221 Union Street, Calais, Me. D. 19, Matthews, N: C. Street East Orange, N. J.
WALTERS, Alexander. Asa Walters, 7 Albin ANDERSON, Clarence E. Mrs. Lidia Ander- MELE, Sliebael. Frank Mele, 63 West One
Street, Concord, N. H. son 302 Washington Avenue, Belleville, hundredth Street, New York, N. Y.
WISNER. Charles. Wilber Wisner, Marlnette, N. Y. MUNSON, Harry W. Mrs. Elate R. Munson,
Wis. BAGLEY, Alvin W. Matilda Bagley, Travis, 221 Jefferson Street, Hagerstown, Md.
WOLFE, John W. George Wolfe, Davella, Tex. NICHOLSON, James. Mrs. Myrtle Nicholson,
Ky. BARTZ, Henry. Cornalus Bartz, Hubbard CTvmer, Pa.
VINCENT, Alcee. Olive Vincent, Abbeville, Lake, Mich. AVALLONE, Silvio. Petro Avallone, 619
La. BERGAMYER, Frank J. Mrs, Catherine Woodland Avenue, Woodhaven, N. Y.
VINEYARD, Theodore M. Faden B. Vine- Bergamyer, Stockton, Ohio. BILLINGS, Arthur. Mrs. P. A. Billings, 838
yard, Turin, Ga. BOYER, George. Mrs. Caroline Boyer, 1938 Boyd Avenue* Woodhaven, N. Y.
Crystal Street, Chicago, Ill. CAMERON, Mannie 0. William R. Cameron,
PRIVATES, BLACK, Robert B. Mrs. Sarah Black, 809 Poindexter, Va.
East Murray Street, Macomb Ill. CHOUINARD, James T. Mrs. Amy P. Choul-
BRiSON, Miller Reed. Markle Bryson, 88 BURRIS, Jedie. Mrs. Francis hurris, Broken nard, 931 Lakeview Avenue, Lowell, Mass.
Bessemer Avenue, Lyndora, Pa. Bow, Okla.
DAVIS, Charles P. Mrs. Charles P. Davis, BURSON; Ray Edward. Marion Burson, COPENHAVER, Jesse C. Charles W. Copen-
40 Olive Street, Salem, N. T. Wellington. Kans. haver, R. F. D. 4, Mayport, Pa.
DAVIS, George W. Charlie Davis, Frazer, BUTCJIEt, Wirt. Sept. A. Butcher, R. F. D. CORRISTON, Frank. Mrs. Necy F. Cprris-
K _. 1, Weston, W. Va. ton, 407 Shawnee Avenue, Kansas City,
POTTER, Stcphcn H. BUTLER, Gary. Doe Childs, R. F. D. 2, Kans.
William R. Potter, DARMSTEADTER, John. P. G. McGee. Grey-
E11sinora, Mo. Epworth, S. C. bull, Wyo.
OGDEN, Wilberd. Robert W. Ogden, R. F. D. CALLAHAN, Charles Joseph. Charles Po-
lents, 239 Jackson Street, Scranton, Pa. DIOUS, William. Mrs. Elsie Dious, Grants-
2. Clearfield, Pa. bu*g, Ind.
OLESON, Theodore. MrA. Loss Oleson, Graet- CAMPION. William J. Mrs. Helen Campion,
858 Seventieth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. GEMMA, Guiseppe. Mrs. Elizabeth M1ure-
linger, Iowa. batto, Dewmaine, Ill.
O'9 11AUGHNESSY, Frank. Miss Sarah CHAMBERS, James A. James A. Chambers,
OShaughnessy, 571 Chester Avenue, Phila- Smithrille, Tenn. GLENN, Will. Mrs. Henry G. Hubert, 283
CHINSANO, Antonio. Mrs. A. Chinsano, 480 Frazier Street, Atlanta, Ga.
delphia, Pa. HAMMER, George. Miss Ida Hammer. 555
PALERMO, Joseph. Mrs. Calogora Navarra, Park Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
CLARK, Thomas E_ Lawrence Clark, 511 East One hundred and fifth Street, Cleve-
51 Montrose Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. South Vine Street, Marshfield, Wis. land, Ohio.
PLOUTZ, Arthur B. Herman Ploutz, Halcott COFIELD, Leonidas P. Mary C. Harris, 1836 HANSEN, Fred. Fred Hansen, 1522 Savan-
('enter, Greene County, N. Y. Brambleton Avenue. Norfolk. Va. nah Avenue, St. Joseph, Mo.
PRE-4TON, Edward V. Mrs. Carrie Crane, COMISKEY. Patrick T. Mrs. Annie McArdle, HORN, Edward R. William H. Horn, 13
Whiting, Me. 1305 Lexinaton Avenue, New York. N. Y. Hutton Street, Jersey City, N. J.
RFERMLER, Charles R. George Ressler, R. P. CROCKER, Raymond J. Mrs. Catherine IMMICH, Francis. Rudolph Immich, 2472
V. 1. Dalton. Ohio. Crocker, 3316 Stiner Street, San Francisco, Eighth Avenue, New, York, N. Y.
RIDEOUT, Horace L. Mrs. Irene Rideour, Cal. LAVERGNE, Remi. Eugene V. Lavergne,
5314 Vernon Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. DELK, George. Vrs. Ida Delk, Raynor, Va. Shuteston, Ala.
ROH1ERTS, Honore A. Arthur R. Roberts, 37 DE1ERS. Alphonse A. Mrs. A. A. Demers, LENARD, Hardie B. John D. Lenard, Luna,
Yifth Avenue, Lowell, Mass. 21 Puritan Avenue, Worcester, Mass. La.
ROCCA. Antonio. Luigi Rocco, 837 McKean DEMOS, William. George Zoogas. 310 East MOERSCHEL, Andrew John. Mrs Marie M.
Avenue. Donora, Pa. Boardman Street. Youngstown, Ohio. Moerschel, 920 West Second Street, Se-
SANDERS, Lee. Mrs. Lucy Sanders, R. P. DIXON, Walter. Cleo Pirledge, 333 West dalia Mo.
1). 2. box 32, Bovnton, Okla. North Avenue, Atlanta, Ga. MORRIS, John F. Mrs. Laura Morris, Hen-
SANKEY, Harold T. Mrs. T. J. Sankey, 844 DOTINGOS. Gregorio R .Tose R. Domingos, derson, Tex.
East One hundred and forty-sixth Street, 780 Bay Street, San Franciso, Cal. PARR, Vincent. Mrs. Anna A. Parr. 19A
Cleveland. Ohio. DONAHUE. Major D. M. Donahue, 808 Birtholdi Avenue. Jersey City, N. J.
SAMSEIR, Dawson N. Mrs. Dora Millican, Cooner Avenue, Hancock, Mich. SCHEXNAYDER, Edgar Bennett. Mrs. Marie
v: u eland, N. C. FRIEND. Nathan. Mrs. Alice Friend, 130 Philomene Schexnayder, St. James Parich,
S lMIlT. Alfred L. Charlie Schmidt, route
;. Ilallettsville. Tex.
West Cnal Street. Richmond, Va. Pqulita, La.
Si TT. Howard V. Mrs. Frank White,
FULTON, Jesse J. Isaac Fulton, Covington, SEWELL, Oe E. Mrs. Bertha Sewell. Lib-
Ind. eral, Kans.
lm er Plains, N. Y. GEORGE. Erne-t A. Hanes George, Avon,
RH1:1I T. Howard B. Henry Shelt, North S. Dak. STRICKLAND Leslie Edwin. Mrs. William
I rene, Ohio. GOFTZ. August. Mrs. Mary Delhanty, 102 A. Strickland, Chanticleer Avenue, Santa
SITINESKI, Stanislaus. Mrs. Mamie Karbo- Park Avenue. Madison, N. J. Cruz, Cal.
o1.,iTGrown Street, Naugatuck. Conn. GR.ANNEMANN, Otto Cord. Henry Granne- STUTZMAN, Charles. Mrs. Marie Kropsser,
SAA. Frank. Mrs. Christina Siana, 20 mann. Cole Camp. Mo. 368 East One hundred and forty-fifth
Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. GUY, Fred. Mrs. May Guy, 403 South Em- Street, New York, N. Y.
S1IMONS. Lewis. Dave 0driffin, R. F. D. 1, poria Avenne, Wichita, Kans. TROUTT, Frank A. Charles R. Troutt, 321
Is, 62. Trenton, S. 0. JIATNER, Oliver V. Mrs. Mary E. Haines, Oakland Avenue, Audubon, N. T.
STEVENSON. James. Mrs. Margaret Steven-
-un West Salem, Ohio.
320 East Broad Street. Burlington, N. J. VANGOETHEM1. Frank. Emil Vange them,
1001 Hamilton Avenue, St. Clair Heiights,
HANNA. Johnston. Robert Hanna, 62 Main
SULLIVAX. John. Mrs. Nellie Sullivan, Street, Milibury, Mass. Mich.
Nineteenth Street and Seventh Avenue, HEMPHILL. James Fl Mrs. Sarah J. Nichol- WALSTON, John W. Mrs. Harry Walaton,
Whitestons; N. Y. son. lls Kirkwood Arenuh, Atlanta, Ga. Stantonsburg, N. C.


WALTON, James A. Mrs. Sana Teltonen, LOTRIDGE, Don. Mrs. Nannie Lotridge, ULRICH, Vernon F. James M. Ulrich, R. F.
Peyla, Minn. Lockwood, Ohio. D. 1, Cedar Falls, Iowa.
'WARD, Lester. Mrs- Cassie Ml. Ward, 1306 MAIN, Walter J. Mrs. Thaessa E. Main, VALZO, Pasquale. Mrs. Franclsca Valzo,
Fifth Street, Sandusky, Ohio. North Bennington, Vt. Genoa, N. Y.
WILITE , Desmond R. Mrs. Flora Wilhite, MINER, Roy. Mrs. Minerva Miner, R. F. D. WALKER, Jess. John Walker, Byrdstown,
Cottonwood Falls, Kams. 2, Connellsville, Pa. Tenn.
WILSON, William Richard. Mrs. Dora Wil- MISTRETTA, Joe. Lee Mlstretta, 414 South WALKE, Joseph F. Joseph Walke, 188 Boyd
son, Cameron, Tex. Winnebago Street, Rockford, Ill. Street, Newark, N. J.
ANDREW, John. Mrs. John Andrew, 517 May MORGAN, Bryan C. Robert Morgan, Mount WALRATH, Ray B. Oscar Walrath, Jasper,
Avenue, Burlington, Iowa. Vernon, Ill. N. Y.
ANTON, Theodore. J. J. Albert, care of First MUCHNICK, William. Miss Mollie Muchnick, WILLIAMS, Frank C. Mrs. Elizabeth Mitch-
National Bank, Dillon, Mont. 2685 East Forty-eighth Street, Cleveland, ell, 224 Bryant Street, San Bernardino, Cal.
ARCIIIBALD, Charles B. Mrs. Anna M. Archi- Ohio. WALTERS, Frank J. Mrs. Emma Walters,
bald, star route, Chambersburg, Pa. PILONE, Pasquale. Paolo Pilone, 49 Madison 13 Dennison Avenue, Binghamton, N. Y.
BEIER, David J. Mrs. Agnes Beier, Moun- Street, Weymount, Mass. WARREN, George T. Mrs. Julneta Warren,
tain. Minn. SAWHILL, John A. Lewis H. Sawhill, B. F. Elon College, N. C.
BELFORD, Fred. Thomas Belford, Greenup, D. 1, Boulder, Cole. GROM.ACHI, Stanley. Miss Annie Gromachi,
Ky. SORVELLI, John. Tony Sorvelli, Province 911 North Orkney Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
BLEDSOE, Toby E. Mrs. Toby E. Bledsoe, Catazzaro, Cortale, Italy. GRONDALE, Henry. Peter Nabben, R. F. D.
Norton, Va. ALLISON, Albert HI. K. W. J. Allison, 69 1 Ray N. Dak. S
BOWERS, Grover C. Miss Fannie Heckman, Shepton Street, Dorchester, Mass. GR6SS, Herman P. Mrs. Sophie Gross, 736
434 .Tohnson Street, Reading, Pa. BOWNS, Andrew. Samuel J. Bowns, Water- Dubois Street, West Hoboken, N. J.
BOX, Albert N. Miss Alice Box, Junction, vlrle, Conn. GRUBBS, James. J. M. Grubb, R. F. D. 2,
Tex. CADDLE, James Joseph. Mrs! Mary Caddle, Stanford, Ky.
CARTIER, Frank W. Mrs. Florence S. Carter, 61 West Ninety-eighth Street, New York, GRUIDL, Frank W. Joseph Gruid1. 2800 Bry-
18 Princeton Street, Hilton, N. J. N. Y. ant Avenue north, Minneapolis, Minn.
CRANE, John J. Joseph Crane, 23 Oak Street, CARRIER, Earnie A. Ollie R. Carrier, 1017 GRUZLINSKI, Peter. Mrs. Francis Gruz-
Batlh. Me. Virginia Avenue, Bristel, Tenn. luski, 1223 Cleaver Street, Chicago, Ill.
DALZILL, Gilbert James. Mrs. Mary Dalzill, CARROLL, John S. John Carroll, 904 Mee- ANDERSON, Anthony J. A. H. Anderson, R.
Vienna, Va. nan Street, Rhinelander, Wis. F. D. 3, Forest Lake, Minn.
DAVIS, Joseph J. George Davis, 8 Dashby CHAPMAN, Everett Lee. H. H. Chapman, BARKER, Allen D. Jacob Barker, box 420,
Court, Kano Avenue, Rockaway Beach, N. Y. Hartford, Ky. Miami, Fla.
DE BAUN, Roger W. Mrs. W. Washburn, CLIFT, Cecil W. Marion Robinson, 757 Pros- BARTOSZEWICZ, Frank C. Joseph Bartos-
249 West Fourth Avenue, Roselle, N. J. pect Avenue, Springfield, Mo. zewkcs. Ivanhoe, Minn.
DEERING, Frapk j. Anton Deering, 325 One DICKSON, Samuel J. Mrs. Addle Dickson BENNETT, Joseph-C. Mrs. Mary E. Bennett,
hundred and fifty-fourth Street, West Ham- care of Columbia Mill, Westminster, 8. C. 104 James Street, Scotia N Y
mond, Ill. DJORF, Ernest. Oscar DIorf, 3024 Olcott BLASIER, Leon F. Miss kollie Blasier, 151
DEETS, Stanton N. Mrs. Virginia Deets, Avenue, East Chicago, Ind. Winslow Street, Watertown, N. Y.
Camden Point Mo. FREEZE, John R. Dan J. Freeze, 25 Phenls BLOOM, Albert H. Mrs. Bertha Bloom, 259
D'ELIA, Pasquale. Guiseppe Massaria, 0 Cor- Street, Concord, N. C. Sixteenth Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.
nelia Street, New York, N. Y. FULL, Albert P. Catherine Full, 270 Fox BURDEN, Edis. Mrs. Sarah Burden, 818
DELLICOLA, Vincenzo. Mrs. Maria Dellicola, Street, Buffalo, N. Y, Greenup Street, Covington, Ky.
204 Washington Street. Newburgh, N. Y. GILCHRIST, Alexander. -James Gilehrist, BURTON, Charles H. Charles W. Burton, 533
DELZER, Era 0. Paul Delzer, Dodge Center, 1910 Orleans Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sixth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Minn. GOLDSBURY, Leslie Louis. Mrs. Sarah L. BUTLER, Robert W. Mrs. Julia Morris, 828
DEKKER, John A. David Stucky, 152 Ran- Goldsbury, 8.14 Seventeenth Street, Frank- Sullivan Aventie, Columbus, Ohio.
dolph Street, Detroit, Mich. lin, Nebr. CALLOWAY, Bankston J. Mrs. Cynthia J.
DOKKEN, Oscar. Gunder Dokken, Juneberry, GREEN, Charles W. G. W. Green, Gillham, Calloway, R. F. D., Weogufka, Ala.
Minn. Ark. CAMPBELL, Gordon B. James P. Campbell,
DUCK, Burges S. Mills II, Duck, Zuni, Va. Monte Bello, Va.
DUGAS, Clifford. Peter Dugas, Little Lake, HAND, Leo. John Hand, Clear Lake, S. Dak. CAMPBELL, William. Mrs. Mattie Campbell,
Mich. HOOVER, Freeman Theodore. William M. Laurinburg, N. C.
Hoover, 408 North Front Street, Steelton, CAMPION, Edward J. Mrs. Anna Campion,
DUPRAS, Moise. William I1upras, 2 Henry Pa.
Street, central, R. L. 39 Root Place, Pittsfield, Mass.
EARLY, Michael A. Mrs. M. 0. Early, 100 HOOVER, Hancel A. Charles W. Hoover, COFFARS, Frank. Gus Damico, Myersdale,
. Summer Street, Worcester, Mass. Lenord, Okla. Pa.
EDMISTON, Norman R. Andrew J. Edmiston, KENNIKER, Arthur A. Mrs. E. Kenniker, COOK, William H. James A. Cook, Mound
Marse Bluff, Nebr. 15 Thirty-fourth Street, Dubuque, Iowa. City, Mo.
EDMONDS, Lloyd G. Mrs. Charles R. Ed- KEOUGH, John Edmond. John Keough, 3 DAWES, Irvin W. Mrs. Elizabeth Dawes, 603
monds, Front Royal, Va. Fifth Avenue, Sharpsville, Pa. North Sixth Street, Richmond, Va.
FLORIO, Joseph. Mrs. Jennie Florlo, 2178 RIKORIAN. Manoog. Mrs. Edna Formhals, DAWSON, James L. Mrs. James L. Dawson,
Lexington Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 234 West Saginaw Street, Pontiac, Mich. 48 Maple Street, New Britain, Conn.
FOWLER, Render E. Perry Allen Fowler, LANE, Erclio. Mrs. Elizabeth Lane, R. F. D. DEARBY, Cicero C. John H. Dearby, Mar-
Raleigh, Ga. 2, Camden, Tenn. blehill, Ga.
GINGRAS, Arthur J. Mrs, Clara Gingras, 55 LODGE, George. Mrs. Janet Lodge, Washoe, DEATON, Walter P. Perry Deaton, Higbee,
West Spring Street, Ansonia, Conn. Mont. Mo.
GOEKE, Leo L. Charles Gocke, Barter, LUNNON, Homer A. Mrs. Flora Lunnon, DECKER, Philip, jr. Mrs. Katherine Decker,
lowa, Jamesport. Mo. 818 East One hundred and sixty-third
GOFF, Robert. William Goff, 3611 Milton McCONNELL, David S. Mrs. Nevada Fore- Street, New York, N. Y.
Avenue, Chicago, III. man. St. Ignatius, Mont. DEITZ, Jake. Thad Deitz, Greens Creek,
GOFF, Tuner M. George 11. Goff, R. F. D. 15, McNERNEY, Joseph V. Mrs. Dora McNerney, N. C.
Rocky Mount, N. C. 82 Stanton Street, New York, N. Y. DEPERO, Martin. John Depero, Twenty-
GOLDBERG, Abraham. Sigumund Sigley, 371 MAHONEY, Marshall. Mrs. Bertha Mitchell, fourth Street, Beaver Falls, Pa.
Oakland Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. R. F. D. 5, Stamping Ground, Ky. DERGA, Henry B. Fred A. Derga, Earlville,
HANLON, Joseph. Patrick J. Hanlon, 50 MAROUART, Fred J. Mrs. Charles Marquart, Iowa.
Beach Street, Wollaston, Mass. Confluence, Pa. DICKSON, James R. Mrs. James R. Dickson,
HANNA, Leslie. Abraham L. Hanna, Deaver, MATSON, William T. -Mrs. Sarah E. Mat- 504 Pawnee Street, South Bethlehem, Pa.
W. Va. son, R. F. D. 4, Elizabeth, W. Va. DILBECK, Arthur. J. S. Dilbeck, Clairfield,
HANRICK, Patrick F. James Hanrick, 29 MORETZ, Thomas E. J. C. Moretz, Mabel, Tenn.
Brookline Street, Cambridge, Mass. N. C. ELLISON, James J. Mrs. Mary Ellison, 150
HONAKER. Harry. Mrs. Rebecca Honaker, MURPHY, John Joseph. Mrs. Mary Murphy, Main Street, Orange N. J.
Thayer, W. Va. 54 Yonkers Avenue. Yonkers, N. Y. FALOR, Richard I. Virs. Nina E. Palor, box
ITOUSER, Andrew. Minrod Houser, 3630 PATELSKI, William H. Mrs. Caroline Patel- 444, Eureka, Cal.
Allen Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ski, general delivery, Holton, Mich. FENSKE, Elcart 0. Herman Fenske, Fall'
JEFFREY, Clarence I. Thomas Jeffrey, box PEMBERTON. John H. John R. Pemberton, Creek, Wis.
270 Brewster, N. Y. Woodbine, Ky. FIACCO, Pete. Alberto Flacco, 219 South
JUDD, Henry E. Mrs. Mary E. Judd, Fre- PERRY, John H. No emergency address. Liberty Street, Newcastle, Pa.
donia, Ariz. PERSUN, Ray W. Charles S. Persun, R. F. FOSTER, Frank H. L. Abe Huntley, Fossil,
KAWECKIS, John. Mike Mataikis, box 20 D. 1, Allenwood, Pa. Oreg.
Middlebury, Conn. PRENDABLE, Johp J. Mrs. M. F, Pren- FOX, Ludwig K. August Fox, R. F. D. 5,
VfAZLAUSKAS, Kazemeros. Alex Kiselers, dable, 515 G Street ND., Washington, D. C. Uniontown, Pa.
28 Water Street, Amsterdam, N. Y. REED, Harry. Tish King Reed, 1050 South FREEDMAN, Maurice. Joseph Freedman,
KNECHTLY Marion B. Mrs. Emma Seventh Street, Clinton, Ind. 686 Northampton Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Keochtly, 'Semen, Ohio. .ROBINSON. John. Mrs. Jane Robinson, GANT, Charles R. Mrs. Fannie Gant, R. F.
KNlGHT. Linenood L. Mrs. Mary E. Knight, Moran, Mich. D. 1, box 258 Fairmount Heights, Md.
R. F. D. 1. Orange, Va. SETHER Fred. Mrs. Marie Sether, Wolf GARRETT, Lee. Mrs. Elizabeth Garrett, R.
1W0EDERAVICH. Joseph. Mtrs. Prances Point, Mont. . F. D. 1 Cherokee S. C.
Kwederavich, 507 South Avenue, Dubois, SHEPERD, Fred E. James Sheperd, Kenney, GARRICK, James E. William M. Garrick,
Pa. Ill. Easley Mills, Easley, S. C.
LANEVE. Frank. Pattay Manene, 163 Tu- SHOEMAKER, Charles J. Barnie Shoemaker, GRIFFIN, Cornelius F. Mrs. Catherine Grif-
fin, 89 Hoosick Street, Troy, N. Y.
nilii Hll Road, Bridgeport, Conn. R. F. D. 2, Waldron, Ind.
TLANNON, Walter J. Mrs. John Lannon, 18 SIMONSEN, Simon A. Mrs. Anna Simonsen, GUSTAFSON, Henry J. J. A. Gustafson, 2111
Ir ing Street, Boston, Mass. Riverton, Oreg. Oakland Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.
LARSEN, Axel. Mrs. Martha L. Marcussen, SMALLEY, Horace. Mrs. Ada Akers, 1207 HAWTHORN, Walter. Mrs. Amelia Johnson,
H. F. D. 4. Audubon. Iowa. Euclid Avenue, Kansas City, Kans. R. F. D. 5, Ebenezer, Ohio.
LEYNAUD, Louis P. Louis Leynaud, box 48, SOLEMON, Frank. Anna Goldess 146 East HEGER, Albert. Louis Heger, R. F. D. 2,
West Mosbannon. Pa. Ninety-sixth Street, New York, N. Y. Buffalo Lake, Minn.
LILLARD, Thomas W. James C. Lillard, THATCHER, Paul. Orlando Thatcher, Swiss, HILBERT, Walter. Mrs. Barbara Hilbert,
Weavoka, Okla. Wis. 2172 Washington Avenue, New York, N. Y.


HORNICK, John F. Albert Hornick, Hieck- SKIDMORE, Cecil E. Robert Graves, Pana, FRANKS, Edward A. Earl Frost, Three
ley, Minn. I. Forks, Mont.
SAKU3AUKAS, Boleslaw. Mrs. Jadwga 'SMITH, Ryx I. Mrs. H. L. Smith, Ever- PRAZIR, James W. Jeff Frazier, Belsoni,
Bous, 4407 South Wood Street, Chicago, Ill. green Ale, Miss.
JASKIEWICZ, Vincent. Stanislaw Jaekie- STRAW, James W. George Straw, R. F. D. FREDERICKS, Charles H. Mrs. Lucenda
wicz, 231 Margaret Street, Philadlphiia, Keremoor, Pa. j~enbrook, R. F. D. 1, WillingtoSt, N. J.
Pa. , SWANSON, Martin. Mrs. Segre Boyd, Hir- YMEEMAN, Fred. Mrs. Clara Chambers,
JENKINS, Uxial H. . D. Jenkins, Manitou, cher, Ill. Georgetown, Tex.
Ky. TRIEJER, James. Will Teefer, Spring City, FREE, William F. Mrs. Anna Frehse,
KELLY, Ernest. Mrs. L. A. Kelly, 4 Moore Tenn. I Twelfth and Revis Streets, Falls City, Nebr.
Street, Union, S. C. THURBER, Charles W. Lawrence Harler, I'RICIRT, William. Mrs. Catherine Pitts,
.KELLY, Henry W. Mms. Eliza Melly, 965 Glendale, W. Va. 4275 Eastern Avenue, CGncinnat, Ohio.
Charles Street, Providence, R. 1. TOLBERT, Frank. Mrs. Mollie Crews, Mount 'FROST, Aaron A. Mrs. Clara Frost, box 136,
KELMANOVITZ Isaac. Mrs. Esther Kelma- Airy, N. C. Fairchance, Pa.
novits, 334 Irby Avenue east, Detroit, TOLBERT, George. Mrs. Anna N. Tolbert, FiH, Gordon C. Mrs. Jessie L. Fuhr, 837
Mich. Weldon, Tex. South Arch Street Alliance, Ohio.
KENNEDY, Thomas W. Mrs. Anna N. Ken- TORGERSEN, Trygver. Mrs. Marie Torger- GAGNON, Nazaire. SMrs. Emelia Gagnon, 088
nedy, Duroca, Ark. sen, 437 Rssex Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Rodman Street, Fall River, Mass.
KINARD, John M. Mrs. Robbie Kinard, Junc- VIOLE, 5olm A. Nicholas Viole, Reggio, GARRETT, John M. C. W. Garrett, Kiln,
tion City, Ark. Calabria, Italy. Miss.
KIRCHMAN, Louis. Herman Kirchman, route VOORHEES, George H. George B. Voor- HENRY, James H. Mrs. E. B. Henry, Hunt-
2, Lincoln Wis hees, 16 First Avenue, Highland Park, ington, Province of Quebec, Canada.
LA BURN, klmer C. Mrs. Susan La Buhn, N. 'T. HIGDON, Carley B. Louis N. Higdon, Madi-
105 Virginia Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. WEGNER, Ewald August. Herman Wegner, sonville, Ky.
LAGASSEY, Nepoleon F. Mrs. Georgina La- Whitewater, Wis. HOFF, Grover. Mrs. Mary Hoff, 538 Heagle
gassey, North Oxford, Mass. WERNER, Morris. Mrs. Dora Werner, 168 Avenue, Charlestown, W. Va.
LARSEN, Carl. Nels Larsen, general deliv- Sumpter Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. HOLDEN, John P. Mrs. Kate Holden, 500
ery, Ram Bonholm, Ilenmark. BLOOMFIELD, Edward D. Mrs. Mary South 'Eighth Street, Pekin, Ill.
LARSEN, Clarence Chester. Mrs. Pauline Bloomfield, R. F. D. 1, Gurdon, Ark, JANAK, Joseph G. Mrs. Josephine Janak,
Larsen, 623 Concord Avenue, Boulder, Colo. BOTELER, Charles B. Joe Henry Boteler, '821 South Eighteenth Street, St. Joseph,
LATIMER, Leslie J. Mrs. Jennie Latimer, Dora, Ala. Mo.
Marston, Mo. BOWMAN, Samuel Elmer. Mrs. Sallie Bow- JOHNSON, Albin P. Lars Ulvasted, 604
LTEGAULT, William M. Mrs. Mary Legault, man, general delivery, Camp Creek, Va. Twenty-seventh Avenue South, Minneapolis,
Reese, Mich. BREITNER, Henry. Mrs. G. Van Norden, Minn.
LING, Walker S. William S. Ling, Evansville, 2309 Catalpa Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. KUSSESON, Herman. David Kusseson, 103
Ill. BRIGHT, Hubert M. Thomas M. Bright, R. Dudley Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
LONG, Thomas D. Afrs. Alice Long, 3813 V. D. 1, Megargel, Tex. LAKY, Rufus J. Mrs. Minnie Ridenour,
Borden Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. BRULE, Alphonse. Mrs. Joseph Brule, 681 Susanville, Cal.
LORCH William Herbert. Mrs. Mary Lorch, Middlesex Street, Lowell, Mass. LANGOWSKI, Frank Steven. Sam Langow-
44 Ridgedale Avenue, Woodbridge, N. J. BRYAN, Millard 0. Mrs. Ellen Bryan, R. F. ski, Minto, N. Dak.
LOW. COY. Jesse N. Low, Talking Rock Ga. D. 6. Athens, Ohio. LA ROUCHE. Robert L. Mrs. Mamie V.
AICGREGOR, Andrew. Mrs. Jennie Mac- BURKE, John. Dennie Bailey, 144 North Wills, 602 Thirty-fifth Street, Oakland, Cal.
Gregor, 840 Cambridge Street, Vineland, Tenth Street. Brooklyn, N. Y. LAUGHON, Alonza B. Mrs. Anna Laughon,
N. . BUSKIRK, Albert J. Mrs. Christiana D. 17001 Floyd Street, Lynchburg, Va.
MAIlER, James Slyvester, Jr. James S. Buskirk, 463 Leevon Street, Jenkintown, 'LAWSON, Henry V. Charles Lawson, River-
Maher, sr., Second Place, Whitestone, N. Y. Pa. ton, Ill.
MAILEA, John T. Mrs. B. Bailey, 2 Swan BUTCHER, Dean. Osa Butcher, Pleasant- LINDHOLM, David. Charles Liadholm, River-
Court, Worcester, Mass. ville, Iow a. dale, Nebr.
MALE, Leo Aloysius. Mrs. Estella Taylor, BUTLER, Frank C. William R. Butler, LINDLEY, John H. Mrs. Ella Lindley, Dian-
403 Grove Street, Jersey City, N. J. Chilesburg, Caroline County. Va. ba, Cal.
MARANO, Filomeno. Mrs. Emma Marano, BYARD, Clark TV. Mrs. Charles Finney, LINGEMANN, Frank. Kee Ligemann, 1126
1.4 MeadowbKtreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. McKeesport, Pa. Herbert Street, St. Louis, Mo.
MARTELL, Julius B. Miss Magdalene Mar- CAFIERO, Anthony. -Mrs. Fortunata Caftero, LIPPARD, Glenn. Mrs. Martha Lippard,
tell, United States Hospital No. 1, Williams- 530 Henry Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hickory, N. C.
burg Bridge, New York, N. Y. OIIMIT, August. Mrs. Mary Benne, box 108, LITRELL, James W. Mrs. Kate Litrell, R.
MICHEL, Frank J. Frank J. Michel, 918 Superior, Wis. F. D. 1, Baugh, Tenn.
South Lucus Street, Iowa City, Iowa. CHWALEBA, Andrew. Victor Trzesnowski, LOFTUS, Michael R. Mrs. Nora Loftus,
MIDDLETON, Arthur. Henry H. Middleton, 649 Lumpkin Street, Hamtramck, Mich. Church Street, Archbald, Pa.
205 Lathrop Avenue, Savannah, Ga. CLARK, William S. Mrs. Mary Clark, R. F. MCDANEL, Frank H. Mrs. Aani M. Mc-
MILLER, Floyd C. Frank J. Miller, Peru, D. 2, Williamsport, Pa. Danel, 255 South Market Street, East Pal-
Kans. COE, Vance L. Mrs. Ida Coe, 131 East First estine, Ohio.
MILLICAN. William A. William R. Milligan, Street, Oswego, N. Y. I MCGOVERN, James R. William McGovern,
rIiendsville, Tenn. COHEN, lenry. Leo Cohen, 128 East One Free, Ky.
MUt 11VITSCH, Leo M. Martin Muchvitsch, hundred and thirteenth Street, New York, McHUGH, John M. C. Mrs. Mary Vially,
Wahpeton, N. Dak. N. Y. 714 Dermott Street, West Hoboken, N. J.
MURPHY. Will. Jessie Hooper, Tuberculosis COINER, John S. Mrs. Alice J. Coiner, box MACIOROWSKI, Frank J. Miss Mary Ma-
Camp, Greenville, S. C. 72, Mahan, W. Ya. ,corowski, 12 Frederick Street, Westfield,
MURRELL, Charles. Mrs. Elizabeth Murrell, CONNELLY. Harry. Mrs. Elbem Connelly, Mass.
Westville, Ill. Cold Spring. Putnam County, N. Y. MAHAFFEY, John E. Mrs. Elizabeth J. Ma-
NAGLE, Charles F. Mrs. Mary Nagle, 822 COSTELLO. Thomas. Mrs. Mary Costello, haffey, 1517 Alameda Avenue, Lakewood,
River Street, Troy, N. Y. 142 Church Street, Plymouth, Pa. Ohio.
NICHOLS, Thomas J. Mrs. Ella Nichols, CRAHEN, Edward. Mrs. Marie Catherine MANCARUSA, Frank. Dominick Trappas,
Potomac, Ill. Crahen, 240 Trowbridge Street, Pittsburgh 449 More Avenue, Richmond Hill, N. Y.
NICHOLSON, William G. Mrs. Ellzabeth Pa. Matthews, Walter. Mrs. Octavia Matthews,
Nicholson, 488 Sibley Back Road, R. F. D., CROSS, Samuel C. Mrs. M. A. Cross, R. F. 255 Brushwood Road, Lake Forest, Ill.
Taylor, Pa. D. 2, Slippery Rock, Pa. MORLEY. Thomas E. Mrs. Mary Morley,
NIETIAUS, William II. Henry Niehaus, Gat- CRUSER. William H. Mrs. C. Cruser, 34 2072 West Polk Street, Chicago, Ill.
tenberg, lon a. Hope Street, Mansfield, Mass. NELSON, Adolph C. 'Mrs. Julia Nelson, 234
NOONAN, Michael Carthage, Cornelius CUMMINS. James. Miss Agnes Cummins, 47 Illinois Street, Eau Claire, Wis.
O'Neill, 23 West Sixty-fifth Street, New East Fifty-first Street, New York, N. Y. NESJE, Selmer. Nels N. Nesje, R. F. D. 1,
l ork, N. Y. CURTIN, Patrick Joseph. Margaret Emperor, Kiester, Minn.
NOONAN, Thomas V. Miss Katherine 2 Camp Street, Auburn, N. Y. NEWYEAR, Frank A. Louis Newyear, Pleas-
Noonan, Sellars Avenue, Jeanette, Pa. DARNELL. Herbert. Da dsburne, Laurel- ant Prairie, Wis.
ON Young Ching. Mrs. Ing Young On, Man springs, N. C. NICOLA, Rayfail J. M. J. Nicola, Enrunclaw,
Joy Tong, San Hop, Sanning, Canton, DOYLE. Martin T. Mrs. Margaret Doyle, Wash.
China. 2068 Daly Avenue, New York, N. Y. NO.E, Walter D. Mrs. Sarah E. Darr, Alex-
O'NFAL Clarence W. D. W. O'Neal, Adol- DUNN, William. Mrs. Lydia Dunn, Neck andria. Mo.
pbuiim. 'Ky. City. Mo. ORR, John Alexander. Miss Florence Orr,
PADILLO, Norverto C. Mrs. Valentina C. DURDEN, Harris F. Mrs. Minnie Durden, TS Bayview Avenue, Jersey City, N. T.
De Padillo. Belen, N. Mex. R. F. D. 1, Helena, Ge. PAINTER. Charles E. Mrs. W. H. Painter,
PANAGISTAROS, Harry. Steve Nikolopulos, DYER, James. L. J. Dyer, Marion, Ohio. Eagle Street, New Haven, Conn.
I1 South Howard Street, Akron, Ohio. EVERT. Joseph. John Evert, R. F. D. 2, PERDUE, William T. Mrs. Mary Riley, 439
PICKARD. Loy J. Stonewall J. Pickard, Glenview, Ill. Hicks Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Gates. Tenn. FEINMAN, Benjamin. Abraham Feinman, PHILIJPS, James. John Phillips, R. F. D.
PINAMONTI, Constantio J. Mrs. Anna '85 South Third Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. S. Wadesboro. N. C.
Pinamonti, Mount Carmel, Pa. I'ETTIG, Joseph A. John Fettig, 389 Seventh POLCENE, Elliott W. William G. Polceone,
PISAN, John. Malio Pisan, Alano Di Piaw, Avenue, New York, N. Y. Riverside, Cal.
Italy. FIELDS, John. Mrs. Francis Fields, Boy- POST, Simon 0. Peter Post, box 108, Cot-
PRIVATO, Filiberto. Tony Spisto, 318 El- Joins. Va. tonwood, Minn.
iner Street. Trenton, N. J. FIGGE, Frederick J. Fred Figge, Lockeford, PRICE, Guster L. Monroe Price, Hurricane,
PI'LYER, Edward A. William Taylor, 547 Cal. Ala.
West One hundred and twenty-fifth Street, FORTENBERRY, Forest. Conrad Forten- RASMUSSEN, Nels. Hans Peter Rasmussen,
New York, N, Y. berry, R. F. D. 1, Columbia, Miss. I. F. D. 3, Little Falls, Minn.
PINITILL, 'Ray 0. Mrs. Maheia Pummell,
507 East Second Street, Middletown, Ohio.
FOX. Harry F. Martin Fox,
nge, Battle Creek, Mich.
280 Upton Ave- RATIGAN, Frank. Miss Julia Ratigan, 3006
Sixth Avenue, Troy, N. Y.
PUNKIEWIOZ, Marian. . John Punklewioz, POX, Walter. David Fox, 3543 Sunnyside RAYMO, Frank. Henry Raymo, Factory
1112 Fourth Street, Mline. Ill. Avonue, Philadelphia, Pa. Street, Petershoro, N. H.
RICIHARDS. David A. W. Robert Taylor, R. FRANKLIN, Willie E. William A. Franklin, REESE, Durward C. Mrs. Elizabeth Reese,
F. D. 8, Coleman, Tex. 1228 West Thirty-ninth Street, Norfolk, Va. 404 Sullivan Street, Elmira, N. Y.


REESE, Marion. Mrs. laggie Reese, 3259 UNDERWOOD, William L. George Under- FAGERLI, Ole. Thorwald Fagerli, NiobraraA
South Park Avenue, Chicago, Ill. wood, Robson, W. Va. Nebr.
REILLY, Archibald F. James W. Reilly, VERVAFRT, -Remy. Engel Cobat, R. F. D. 4, FINKLEA, Robert C. Mrs. Bessie Finklea,
1442 Spruce Street, Richmond Hill, N. Y. Freeport, Ill. 314 Lake Street., Wichita Falls Tex.
REITER, Perry R. George W. Reiter, box WARRDN, George S. Mrs. Mary R. Sweeney, 'FINN, Joseph. James J. Finn, Forest Grovet
403 Claremore, Okla. 67 V Street NW., Washington, D. C. Mont.
RICHARDSON, Harry J. Mrs. Sarah Rich- WARRINGTON, Charles L. Tom Warrington, FLYNN Otho S. Mrs. Lucy Flynn, Maple
ardson, 678 East Third Street, Brooklyn, Leedey, OkIa. Stree Stonington, Conn.
N. Y. WARWICK Norman H. Mrs. Octavia War- FODERRO, FraDk. Bruno Cefall, box 41,
ROBERTSON, Otis. Mrs. Ethel Pettigrew, wick, 97 Waverley Strpet, Framingham, South Wales, N. Y.
119 Brookland Street St. Louis, M. , Mass. FORTUNE, Joseph. Mrs. Flora Fortune,
ROBISHAW, Silvina. Mrs. Mary Boyd 1310 WEAVER Raymon M. Mrs. Fannie Weaver. Whittemore, Mich.
Pierce Avenue, Houston Tex. Mount Vernon, Ky. GROSSMAN, Isreal. Herman Grossman, 57
RYLAND, Albert F. Benjamin F. Ryland, WEIS, Albert R. Mrs. Lorca R. Weis, Crane. Suffolk Street, New York, N. Y.
Cthscent, Okla. Mo. HARTZELL, Joseph E. Mrs. Emma Hartzell,
SANDERS, Joe. Jasper Sanders, Middleton, Russell, Minn
WILSON, John W. John W. Wilson, sr., War- JENKINS, Edward W. John W. Jenkins, box
Ind, ren Ind.
SCHERBER, Frank A. Frank Scherber, WIS IEWSKI, Sylvester. Joseph Wisniewski, 53, Deerfield, Ohio.
Waay8. Dak. 2805 Chestnut Street, Toledo, Ohlo. JONES, Earl R. James W. Jones, Unionville,
SHARXEL Michael J. Miss Rose M. Shar- WOLFF, Joseph. Mrs. Fina Wolff, 15 Elm
key Escalon, Cal. Street, Adams, Mass. JONES, George. Mrs. Betty Jones, 388
SKAdA, Ole. Knute Skaga, Barrett, Minn. WORTHINGTON, Plesie. Mrs. Molly Worth- Waverly Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.
SMITH, Frank. Hiram Smith, R. F, D. 5, ingtop, Delaware, Okla. KRAKOWIAK, Edward H, Andrew Kuhar-
Baiphridge, Ohio.
SPEIDEL, Carl J. Jacob Speldel, 82 Dewey
WRIGHT, John W. Harry F. Wright, Oris- ]Mich.
chik, 22 Greysor Street, Detroit,
kany, Ye. KRUEGER, Walter Henry. August Krueger,
Avenue, Buffalo N. Y. WRIdylT, Luther. Mrs. Luther Wright, Ohio, 1011 Theobald Street, St. Loui, Mo.
STEINER, John I. Thomas N. Steiner, 14 Tenn. LEE, Albert V. Mrs. Lena McGovern, 551
Pope Street, East Boston, Mass.
WYATT, Clark Cornelius. Wake Wyatt, gen- Pptnam Avenue Brgoklyn, N. 7.
STEPHIINSON, Ge6rge E. John W. Stephen-
eral delivery, Westmoreland, Kans. LEE, Patrick. Joseph Morrissy, 355 West
son, Colodtats, Colo. Thomas Calvin Sixteenth Street, New York, N. Y.
STERNECHER, Carl. Mrs. Sophia Stern- ZINN, Earnest Jennings. LEMIRE, Ulric A. Mrs. E. Lemire, 40 Frank-
echer, 3462 West Fifty-nInth Street, Cleve- Zinn, Leann, Mo. lin Street, Newburyport, Mass.
land Ohio. JUNIOR, Arthur AdkiA. Mrs. HArriet Adkin LOVITT, Thomas W. John Andrew Lovitt,
STEViNS, Gilbert T. Mrs. Kadell Stevens, 723 East One hundred and sixty-third
Farmersville, Ala.
R. F. D. 5, Fairmont W. Va. Street, New York N. Y. McCARTHY, John R. John F. McCarthy,
PHILP, Frank. Mrs. SMary Jane Philp, Re- APPLE, George. ifenty L. Apple, R. F. D. 2,
Benton Harbor Mich. 1116 East First Street, Duluth, Minn.
public, Mich. NICHOLS, Marvin. 'Mrs. Fannie Nichols,
PIERCE Barnie R. Mrs. Della P. Gillson, ARNESON Rudolph B. Mrs. Clara Yttrie, R.
Brewton, Ala.
R. F, b. 2, Chatsworth, Ga. F. D. 1, be S0to, WIS.
BABCOCK, James A. Andrew 0. Babcock, PORTER, John W. Mrs. Lottle Chapman, R.
PITSOSKI Joseph. Felix Pitsoskl, Fifteenth F. D&, McCrory, Ark.
Street, iittsburgh Pa. Rochester, Ind. o. Joseph Terco, 7411 Montplace
irs. Lottie Chatmon, Me- BANWELL, Leigh L. Mrs. Elizabeth Ban- SAND,
PORTER, Wesley. Avenue, Philadelphia Pa
Crory Ark. well, R F. D. 3, Fort Dodge, Iowa.
REDWIE, Owen P. Dewitt C. Redwine, BEASLEY, Nelson V. Joseph Beasley, Brad- SCHUE, Lynn H. Nicholas Schue, Spring-
ville, N. Y.
Park Mountain, N. C. leyton, Ala. SCHWARTZ, Henry. Mrs. Katie Petrus, Her-
RITTER, Earle. William A. Ritter, Joaquin, BIEDRON, Martin. Albert Biedron, 300 man, Mo.
Tex. Prairie Avenue, Downers Grove, 1.
BOBBITT, Edwin F. William J. Bobbitt, R. SEPULVEDA, Jesse E. Mrs. Ethel Sepulveda,
RIZER, Louis J." Mrs. Lucy P. Bizer, Zihl- F. D. 1. Neptune, Tenn. Reno, Nev.
man, Allegany County, Md. BOEHMKE, Edward Charles. Frank Boehmke, SHANAHAN, Edward. Martin Shandhan,
ROOT, Edward. Melvin Root, Dundee N. . 104 James Street, Wauk-sha, Wig. Cleveland, Wis.
ROUCHER, Frank. Mrs. Helene Roucter, . BOSWELL, Fred. William H. Boswell, Mount SHAPIRO, Louis. Jacob ShapIr, 315 West
F. D 1 North Baton Rouge, La. Etna, Iowa. One hundred and sixteenth Street, NWe
SANCHEZ, Salustaino R. Louis Rodiz, Easton, York, N. Y.
Wash. BOTTS, Creel Mitchell. George Botts, Hurd- SPERACIO, Ignacio. San Speracio, Murphys-
land, Mo. boro 1ll.
SANDRY Harry H. Mrs. Phoche Sandry, BRANDES, Philip. Benjamin Marder, 926
New Albin Iowa. STEBiNS, Walter D. Timothy Stebbine, 18
SANDS, Benjamin A. Mrs. J. M. Sands, 4434 LIbertv Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, Mass.
Evanston Avenue, Seattlq, Wash. BRANDON, William L. W. A. Brandon, STEVENS, John. Mrs. Lulla W. Stevens, R.
SCHUCK, Haven E. William E. Schuck, Kas- Mavesworth, S. C. F. D. 2 McIntyre, Ga.
son, Minn. BROWN, Ernest L. Mrs. Mary E. Brown, 308 STROINSkI, Edward. John P. Stroinski,
SCHULZ, William. Otto F. Schulz. 1806 West Twenty-sixth Street, NMorfolk, Va. 2532 Lebanon Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
West Twenty-third Street, Chicago, Ill. MILIA, John. Ingallia Pasarlo, 93 Boyden SUPPI, Alfred E. Mrs. Susan Suppi, box 2,
SEARCEY, Edward M. Lee J. Searcey, Venus, Street, Newark, N. J. Lake Mine, Mich.
Tex. MINNS, Thomas. Mrs. Jennie Minns, general VAN WAUZEELE, Maurice. August Van
delivery. St. Charles, Mich. Wauzeele, R. F. D. 4, New Carlisle, Ind.
SHEEHAN, John. Mrs. Annie Sheehan, 332 MITCHELL, Charles W. Mathew C. Mitchell, WALKER, William H. Frank Walker, Win-
East Ninety-third Street, New York, N. Y. 1103 Sheridan Street, Holdredge, Nebr. ters, Tex.
SHEEHY, Frank C. Thomas Sheehy, Hume, MOLINARO, Anthony. Cost Molinaro, 102 WALES, Hugh H. Mrs. Ida B. Wales, R. 1i.
Mo. Hospital Street, Carbondale, Pa. D. 1, Perry, Ark.
SHEFFIELD, Mack. Mrs. Delia Sheffield, MONOSTERSKY, Israel. Miss Annie Monos- WALSH, Arthur Charles. Mrs. Maud D.
White City, Tex. tersky, 104 Forsythe Street, New York, N.Y. Walsh, 1075 La Croix Street, Akron, Ohio.
SHORTER, Paul McKinney. John Shorter, MONTGOMERY, JIoward E. Robert Mont- WASHINGTON, Edward. Mrs. Nellie Wash-
R. F. D. 2, Brookneal, Va. goiery. 28 Madison Street Carthage, N. Y. ington, 3723 Dearborf Street, Chicago, Ill.
STA ATS. Harry M. Mrs. Lella Riley, 503 MONTGOMERY. Samuel Md. William M. WASKA, Charles D. Mrs. Mary L. McLaren
East Hamtranck Street, Mount Vernon, Montgomery, R. F. D. 2, box 103, Parks- 602 Notth Fifteenth Street, La Crosse, Wis.
Ohio. ville, Ky. WEBB, Walter S. Mrs. Lorena Blair, 318
STILL, Herman D. Perry G. Eubanks, Hilda, MOORE Fred George. Mrs. Marie Moore, Detman Street, Los Angeles, Cal.
S. C. 2009 lluff Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. WHITAKER, Sam B. Christopher Whitaker,
STONE Otto. Mrs. Nevada Stone, R. F. D. MORGAN, Samuel. Albert Morgan, 10 Bab- Concord, N. C.
6, Rogersville, Mo. cock Street, Oswego, N. Y. WILSON. Brooks E. S. E. Wilson, Birming-
STRICKER, Clyde. H. G. Rutherford, Petty, NEAL, Charlie. Columbus Neal, Fair Mount, ham Pa.
Tex. Ga. WIL 6N. Buford A. David V. Wilson, Bloom
STRICKLIN, Chester A. Mrs. May Stricklin, NEILL John Allen. Mrs. Maud J. Neill, City. Wis
814 Mentucket Street, Dallas, Tex. WRIGHT, Mo. Perry Homer. John W. Wrighty
Mrs. Mollie Suddeth, Leachville, Ark. Mcall,
SUDDETH, Kemper. NEIVELT, Abe. Isaac Neivelt, 2657 Hirsch
box 364, Warrenton, Va. YANKOVITCH, George. Mrs. Anna Yanko-
Boulevard Chicago, Ill. vitch, 433 South Street, Pottstown, Pa.
SVENSEN, Sven K. Knute Svensen, Kenne- NOWAK, Adam S. Mrs. Mary Nowak, 827
be, S. Dak. YOCKY, Gilbert. Peter Yocky, Mountain
South Shore Drive, Chicago, Ill. View, Mo.
SZUMOWSKI. Frank. Joseph Szumowski, NOWATZKI, Ernest F. Joe B. Nowatzki,
1116 Columbia Avenue, Wilmington, Del. ZAMPOS. Michael. Mrs. Annie Carlo, box 72,
Mount Carmel, N. Dak. Garfield, Utah.
TANNER, William. Mrs. Marthey Nowell, 616 PACHES, Athanaslos. Nick Paches, 200-
Ark Avenue, Little Rock, Ark. Fourth Avenue, Seattle, Wash. Wounded (Degree Undetermined).
TERRELL, George. George W. Terrell, . PARKER, Joe M. Jessie B. Parker, R. F. D.
Bridgewater, S. Dak. 1, Stems, N. C. MATOR.
THOMAS, Dougle H. Arthur Thomas, Jones- PEARSON, Per 0. John Anderson, 1441
boro, N. C. Greenwood Avenue, Rockford, Ill. MINER, Clyde C. Mrs. Mary Miner, Wood-
THOMAS, Mack . Mrs. Mattle Thomas, gen- BROWN, George M. Miss Bessie Brown, R. stock, Ill.
eral delivery, Osceola, Ark. F. 1. 1 Eure, N. C. CAPTAINS.
THOMPSON, Richmond S. Mrs. Maude Connelly, 78
Thompson, 532 West Fifth Street, Marys-
CONNEL'Y, Thomas. Patrick BALL, Raymond N. Mrs. Margaret Q. Ball,
villa, Ohio. East One hundred and twenty-seventh Berkeley Springs, W. Va.
TIBARI, Enrico. Alfonso Tibarl, 42 Adams
Street, New York, N. Y. HAGAN, Robert G. Mrs. Elsie Hagan, 7001
DOBSON, Clyde Les. Leslie Dobson, Cool- Stewart Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Street. Worcester, Mass. spring, Pa. GRAHAM. William. George B. Reynolds,
TILMAN, Albert James. James Tilman, La-
gro, Ind. DUNCAN, George W. Mrs. Rosle Brunsan, Berrville. Va.
TRRIBERG, Carl. John Tinnesburg, 5706
Alberton, Mont. BURD TT, William C. Ilon. Frederick 1.
Sixth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. EARLS, Burd. James Earls, Keavy, Ky. Gillett, House of Representatives.
TURNER. Mills E. Howard L. Turner, R. F. ENGELHARDT Ergin. John Engelhardt, MUDGE, William A. Mrs. William A. Mudge.
D. 1, ('arrsville, Va. R. P. D. 6, idarlfsle, Ill. Honeoye Falls, N. Y.


DOUGLAS, Richard. Albert Duglas, Stone- TRIER Edward R. John Trier, 1595 Tenth WEAVER, John A. Louis E. Weaver, gen-
leigh Court, Washington, D. C. Stret, Milwaukee, Wis. eral delivery, Nodaway, Iowa.
DUDLEY, James R. E. G. Dudley, 921 Wood BISTLINE, Charles W. Mrs. Mary K. Bist- CORPORALS,
Street, Wilkinsburg, Pa. line, East Fourth Street, Sandwich, Ill.
NICHOLS, George P. Mrs. Madeleine W. BOYLE, Williata Georgd. Mrs. Catherine BLEYLER, Charles W. Charles H. Bleyler,
Nichols, care of E. E. Wright, 425 West End Boyle, 7720 Kelly Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 16B 5 Jackson Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Avenue, New York, N. Y. BROWN, Herbert F. Frank H. Brown, 6447 BOoGS, Millard F. W. E. Boggs, Covington,
SCHWALM, Harry William. Mrs. Harry W. South Sangamon Street, Chicago, Ill. Ohio.
Schwalm, Pine Grove, Schuylkill County, CHRISFIELD, Edward R. Samuel W. Johns, DOOLITTLE, Harry Eugene. Mrs. Rebecca
Pa. R. F. D. 2, box 14, Raleigh, N. C. Doolittle, R. F. D. 2, Stanton, Mich.
SCUDDER, Marshall S. Mrs. Lone W. Scud- COE, Edgar D. George W. Coe, East Musko- FARRELL, John J. Mrs. Anna Farrel, 3838
der, care of Mrs. Julia R. Scudder, box 86, gee, Okla. South Union Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Yakima, Wash. COLE, James D. James D. Cole, 1111 East HORN, John H. Mrs. Gertrude Thomas, 807
LIEUTENANTS. Belknap Street, Fort Worth, Tex. Bond Street, Denison, Tex.
COLLIER, Ernest A. Mrs. Josie Collier, HURLEY, William J. Mrs. Frances Hurley,
PAIGE, David R. Mrs. Pierre Landry, 117 Ethridge, Tenn. 920 Seventy-first Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Henry Street, Detroit, Mich. DAVIS, Harry T. John E. Davis, Jewett, KINSEY, Charles R. Mrs. Harley Settle, 1525
BROWN, Kilburn R. Frederick A. Brown, Tex. Mlechanic Street, Columbus, Ind.
Otis Building, Chicago, Ill. KIRK, Frank C. Mrs. Myrtle Draper, 10
HAMMER. Roland E. Mrs. Roland E. Ham- EBEY, Kenneth. Mrs. Calvin P. Ebey, 953 North Potomac Street, Baltimore, Md.
mer, 6238 Berlin Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Altgeld Street, Chicago, Ill. MACENKA, John A.
ELSESSER Leeland E. Mrs. Louise Elses- Mrs. Mary Macenka,
DAWSON, Ralph. Charlie George Henderson, Coaldale, Pa.
518T Sergeant Avenue, Joplin, Mo. ser, 183 hutchiason Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. MOORE, Dale William. Sidney Moore, R. F.
McCRTDY, James E. J. D. McCurdy, Cen- FOLMAR, Andrew. H. Folmar, box 235, D. 6, Pittsburg, Kans.
tury. Fla. Fresno, Cal. MURPHY, James J. Miss Anna Murphy, 253
KATES, Howard A. W. Mrs. Clarence S. GREEN, Harold. Mrs. Harold Greene, 190 Roacinske Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Kates, Glen Loch, Pa. Hawle Street, Binghamton, N. Y. REINHOLD, Leland A. Mrs. Daniel G. Rein-
KELLEY, Homer Ollie. Mrs. Lena Cook, 720 GRENEI , Henry J. Mrs. Mary Greneir, 227 hold. 1352 Main Street, Northampton, Pa.
South Fifth Street, Paducah, Ky. River Street, Waterbury, Conn. TAMBURRO, Anthony. Mrs. Rose Tamburro,
LESIEUR, Joseph Val. Mrs. Helen LeSieur, HOLZER, Leslie F. George L. Holzer, 776
care of Peoples' Bank, Aurora, Mo. Topka Street, Appleton, Wis. 153 Adams Street, Newark, N. J.
MURPHY, Leslie. Clayton Quillian Murphy, LEE, James S. Mrs. Mary Lee, 78 Winens THOMAS, Harry. Mrs. Laura Thomas, Globe,
502 Mable Street, Chattanooga, Tenn. Avenue, Newark, N. J. Ariz.
WEBB, Lyndon F. George B. Webb, 238 West LEONHARD, Albert W. Oscar Leonhard, ANDREI, Petru. Joe G. Hibedea, 122 North
Harris Avenue, San Angelo, Tex. Sycamore Road, De Kalb, Ill. Sixth Street, Steubenville, Ohio.
WHITNEY, Holyoke. Richard S. Whitney, McKINNEY, Arthur J. Patrick McKinney, BOLIN, Charley H. Mrs, Bertie V. Bolin,
795 High Street, Dedham, Mass. 713 West Fifth Street, Chester, Pa. Hudson, Kans.
BELL, Julius F., Jr. Julius F. Bell, Milledge- MASTERTON, John, Jr. Mrs. Sarah Mas- BOYD, Joseph S. Mrs. Ada Boyd, 1337 Twen-
ville, Ga. terton, 1304 Germantown Avenue, Philadel- ty-ninth Street, Washington, D. C.
BIRD, Stephen T. Mrs.-J. S. H. Bird, Athens, phia, Pa. CARTER, Earl T. Mrs. Hattie Carter, 1809
W. Va. MUTCH, Harold. Samuel H. Hutch, 2051 South Boulevard, Charlotte, N. C.
BLESSING, Robert W. Mrs. Emma Byrne, North Franklin Street, Philadelphia, Pa. CLARK, Thomas F. Mrs. Alice Clark, 38
226 Forest Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. PHILBROOK, Harry 13. Alby Pann, 9 May- Park Place, Orange, N. J.
BRANDT, John T. Mrs. Marie S. Brandt, 7 field Street, Portland, Me. CRUM, Frank James. Miss Bertha E. Backus,
Woodbridge Street, North Cambridge, Mass. RINCELIAUSKAS, Paul. Mrs. Anna Rincel- 1001 Delamont Avenue, Schnectady, N. Y.
DOUGLASS, James M. William S. Douglass, iauskas, 74 Putnam Street, Paterson, N. J. FULCHER, Frank Francis. Mrs. Lillie
North Highlands, Russellville, Ala. SHARPE, Horace W. Mrs. Louise Sharpe, Snider. 212 North Avenue, Sycamore, Ill.
EGGERT, Leslie F. Mrs. Lois Eggert, 423 Cobledill, N. Y. GREY, Warren S. Mrs. Mary H. Grey, Ty-
Rosewood Avenue. Aurora, Ill. STANDII ER, Lotus W. Mrs. Alice Standi- rone, Pa.
ELLIOTT, Wellwood C. Mrs. Bessie L, fer, Bridgeport, Ala. HAAS, William F. George Haas, R. F. D. 2,
Elliott, Alpine, Tex. STILLER, Alexander. Edgar R. Purinton, New Freedom, Pa.
INMAN, Percy E. Mrs. Lillian 0. Inman, 333 112 East Mistletoe Street, San Antonio, HART. Walter A. Mrs. Katherine Hart, 37
Giove Street Bangor, Me. Tex. Vincent Street, Newark, N. J.
LANE, Elisha 6. Mrs. William L. Lane, 4519 HINKLE, Clarence. Mrs. Cora I. Hinkle,
St. Lawrence Avenue, Chicago, Ill. TURNER, Ennis. Ennis Turner, 808 West
LEWIS, William P., Jr. William P. Lewis, Biddle Street, Baltimore, Md. Hasty, Colo.
1415 Linden Avenue, Baltimore, Md. TYLER, Floyd A. Mrs. Jennie Tyler, 715 HOFFMAN, Frank H. Mrs. Grace Hoffman,
LUMLEY, Arthur C. Mrs. Arthur C. Lumley, Irving Aj enue, Syracuse, N. Y. box 229, Genoa, Ill.
2517 Marron Avenue, New York, N. Y. WALKER, Walter Treat. Mrs. Lydia Alice MARTIN, John Joseph. Mrs. Anna Martin,
MAYFIELD, Harry Frierson. Robert A. May- Walker, North Salem, Ind: 937 Tell Street, Tell City, Ind.
field, Anderson, S. C. WILSON, Roy T. Mrs. Ella M. Wilson, 5811 MILLER, William. John Miller, Emmetts-
NIBLOCK, William Lester. William Lester Ludlow Street, Philadelphia, Pa. burg, id.
Niblock, 233 Wabash Avenue, Detroit, Mich. BAXTER, James. Reuben R. Baxter, 567 MURRAY, James B. Mrs. Hannah Murray,
PIRTLE, James J. Dr. George W. Pirtle, Fulton Street, Aurora, Ill. 229 Nichols Avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y.
Carlisle, Ind. BOEKER, Louis A. Mrs. Rose Booker, 937 MURRAY, Thomas B. Mrs. Anna J. Murray,
POWELL, Charles E. Mrs. Charles E. Powell, South State Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Papillion, Nebr.
324 Grant Street, Atlanta, Ga. CHERRY, Frederick. Joseph Cherry, 458 NAUGHTON, Bernard A. Mrs. Mary Naugh-
STORY, William A. Charles F. Story, 420 East Twenty-ninth Street, New York, N. Y. ton, 349 Montgomery Street, Jersey City,
Allen Street, Syracuse, N. Y. CHILCOTE. John E. Mrs. Levena Bollinger, N. J.
TWADDELL, John P. Mrs. John P. Twad- Robertsville, Pa. RIDLEY, Robert H. James I. Ridley, Waxa-
dell, 338 West Eighty-ninth Street, New COOKENBOO, Henry P. Henry E. Cooken- hachie, Tex.
York, N. Y. boo, Wharton, Tex. SHEPARD, Charles J. Ernest F. Shepard,
WEIHS, Howard F. Mrs. William Weibs, 306 COYLE, Ambrose A. Mrs. A. A. Coyle, 286 C, illicothe, Ill.
Dulin Street, Sherman, Tex. Canal Street, Easton, Pa. WESTPHAL, William W. Mrs. Bertha West-
CULLEN, Fraink J. Mrs, Mary E. Cullen, phal, Port Jefferson, N. Y.
SERGEANT MAJOR. 6 First Avenue, Auburn, N. Y. WIECOVEK, George. Mike Wiecovek, Ply-
MARSH, Robert F. Mrs. Elizabeth H. Greiner, DRACH, Joseph F. August Drach, Willow mouth, Pa.
710 Oswego Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Grove, Pa. WILSON, Allan A., Jr. Allan A. Wilion,
SERGEANTS. DUNN, George M. Robert M. Dunn, 708 Glassboro, N. J.
PRIGGE. August D. John Prigge, 3921 Parker Street, Newark, N. J. WRHEN, Herbert V. Mrs. Suzanna Wrhen,
Seventh Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. FORD, Francis W. Mrs. Ellen Ford, 112 519 Colbert Avenue, Oil City, Pa.
QUIGLEY, Arthur P. William B. Quigley, Lakin Terrace, Rockford, Ill. WRIGHT, Frank K. James Knox Wright,
10 Steuben Park, Utica, N. Y. GASTON, Clifford G. Mrs. .lizabeth Gaston, R. P. D. 1, Martha, Tenn.
SIDBURY, Lacy C. Mrs. Florence Sidbury, 39 Parkview Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. BAXTER, Fred AI. Edward C. Baxter, Rex-
Burgaw, N. C. GIBBS, Harold G. Viola Davidson, 810 ford, Kans.
WILSON, Samuel C. Samuel A. Wilson, Ok- Chester Pike, Norwood, Pa. BAXTER, Raymond. Elson S. Baxter, post-
mulgee, Okla. GROFF. James L. John G. Groff, 229 Green office box 11, New Cumberland, W. Va.
BRIECHTB ILL, Raymond Cleo. Harold Brecht- Street, Royersford, Pa. BORLEN, Jesse Douglas. Mrs. Mary Jane
bill, 1011 South First Avenue, Marshall- MAYLE, William M. Ervin Mayle, R. F. D. Borlen, 377 Ellicott Street, Rochester, N. Y.
town. Iowa. 43. Moatsville, W. Va. BRADING, William E. Henry Brading, Gib-
CUMMINGS, Edward P. Miss Mary Cum- NUNLEY, Frank. Louis Nunley, Hulette, Ky. son City, ll.
mings, 81 East Senica Street, Oswego, N. Y. NUTTALL, Thomas H. Mrs. Mary Richard- BUSHNELL, David V. Henry Bushnell, St.
DRISCOLL, Michael Joseph. Mrs. Belle Dris- son, 434 Chapel Avenue, Lebanon, Pa. Charles, Ill.
coll, Newberry, Pa. BOSTON, Harold G. Mrs. Sophia Boston, CHILTON, Myrle D. William Chilton, 507
FISHER, Otis. Thomas H. Fisher, Mitchell, 5303 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. East Marrietta Street, Decatur, Ill.
Ind. CLAYTON, Washington I. Mrs. Ernest Clay- CIORRA, Cluseppe. Mrs. Attina Ciorra, Cas-
GREER, Owen L. Mrs. Dora Greer, 210 Lo- ton, 53 West Ninety-seventh Street, New tilforte, Caserta, Italy.
cust Street. Barberton, Ohio. York, N. Y. DALEY. John P. Mrs. J. H. Daley, 59 Cres-
HARTIN, William P. Mrs. Sarah Hartin, 22 CURRAN, Peter L. Peter B. Curran, Firth- cent Avenue, Dorchester, Mass.
Greenwich Street, Dorchester, Mass. cliffe, N. Y. DE CESARE, Victor 0. Anthony DO Cesare,
MULLER, John H. Oscar Muller, Weather- FENTRESS, Gilford Andrews. William Eth- Reisterstown Road and Woodland Avenue,
ford. Tex. eridge Fentrese. 1908 North Fourteenth Arlington, Md.
PIGfAN. Dewitt. Mrs. Mary Pigman, Hind- Street, Fort Smith, Ark. ESREL, Adolph L. Julius Essel, 39 Lawlor
man. Ky. LANE. James E. Mrs. James E. Lane, 601 Street, New Britain, Conn.
RITTER, Claude A. William A. Ritter, Chilli- West One hundred and twenty-seventh GRIFFIN. Jasper William. John Griffin, 711
cothe, Tex. Street. New York, N. Y. Jersey Street, Baldwin, Kans.
STANLEY, George S. Mrs. F. J. Barnes, 818 LOUDEN, Henry. Mrs. Ida Gunnion, 1820 GROBEN. David R. Mrs. Catherine Groben,
Billington Avenue, Memphis, Tenn. East Hunting Street, Philadelphia, Pa. New Baltimore, N. Y.
TADE, John. Stanley Tade, 27 Littlefield RODGERS, Arthur J. Clarence H. Rodgers, HALL, William F. Daniel F. Hall, 28 Fair-
Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Arlington, Ind. mont Street, Cambridge, Mass.


JUBBARD, Henry G. George D. Hubbard, SCRIVENER, Reese M. Benjamin Scrivener, McNICHOLAS, Thomas. Mrs. Lela McNicho-
721 Willow Street, Abilene, Tex. Brice, Mo. las, 1712 Green Mount Avenue, Baltimore,
KARNES, Dewey. George Karnes, West SHAHAN, Rossie D. Earl M. Shahan, Cypress Md.
Unity, Ohio. Mills, Tex. WILKINSON. Robert Mrs. Ollie Drake, gen-
KELCHNER, Earl Y. William F. Kelchuer, SMITH, Larkin D. T. E. Smith, 2934 Queen eral delivery, Golorado Springs, Colo.
R. F. D. 5. Easton, Pa. Avenue, North Minneapolis, Minn. WOHLBEITER, Carroll J. Mrs. Catherine
XTNGERY, Floyd Abram. Fred D. Kingery, SMITH, Victor D. Mrs. Ida Smith, R. F. D. Wohlbeiter, Milton, Pa.
R. F. D. 5, Lawrcnceville, Ill. 43, Earlville, Ill. PARKER, Lonnie C. Mrs. Maggie Parker,
KLEIN, George. Mrs. C. Colgan, 4644 St. SPICKLER. Lester Roy. Mrs. Elizabeth R. F. D. 1, Duke, N. C.
Leuis Avenue, 4t. Louis, Mo. Spiekler, 1121 Douglass Street, Reading, Pa. WHEELDON, Raymond V. George C. Hiland,
KNUDSEN, Ole. Mrs. Christain Knudsen, STANLEY, Walter F. Mrs. Nettle E. Stanley, 1218 North Eighth West, Cedar Rapids,
4044 West Superior Street, Chicago, Ill. Marion, S. C. Iowa.
LEYNER, Albert H. Mrs. Laura Leyner, STIDARD, Albert N. Mrs. Mary Stidard, LUNACEK, Henry W. Josef Lunacek, 4437
R. F. D. 1. Irving, Ore Elizabeth, Pa. North Crawford Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
MINTYRE, Eugene. Winfield S. Cowell, box TOMLINSON, Samuel P. Louis Schroeder, STARNER, Charles G. Charles G. Starner,
13'. Haworth, N. T. 3540 Wakefield Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Westminster, Md.
McKINZIE, George B. Lillian McKinzie. 459 TRUE, William J. Mrs. William J. True, R. PRIVATlS.
Florida Avenue NW., Washington, D. C. F. D. 27, Ottawa, Ill.
NUTT, Frank J. Mrs. Albert Shouts, 63 TYLAY, Franklin HI. T. Harry G. Tyley, 103 BACON, Charles D. Fred E. Bacon, R. F. D.
Greenwich Street, New York, N. Y. Laporte Avenue, Chicea0, I1ll 1, Burghill, Ohio.
RADOMSKI, Bernard. Mrs. Barbara Radom- WATKEYS. David J. Mrs. Amelia Watkeys, CERVINI, Anthony. John Cervini, 238 East
ski, 1333 Sycansore Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Wiconisco, Pa. One hundred and twetsty-second Street, New
REEVE, Walter I. Mrs. Ella M. Reeve, 728 WALAIKO, John. Tony Walaiko, 553 Main York, N. Y.
Wooolynne Avenue, West Collingswood, Street, Cambridge, Mass. DE CARO, Frank. Frank Do Caro, 495 West
N. J. YEAGER, Andrew B. Mrs. Sadie Walley, Lincoln Avenue, Mount Vernon, N. Y.
RIDER, Richard G. Mrs. Sarah Bider, 2010 New Street. Spring City, Pa. DELIGANIS, John. John Banka, 214 West
North Payson Street, Baltimore, Md. BUSH, Henry E. Irs. A. A. Bush, Parr, Va. Sixty-ninth Street, New York, N. Y.
ROSS, Merrick AI. Mrs. I. Rose, 400a Pas- CARRIER, Elmer B. Mrs. Joseph Carrier, DITTLINGER, Joseph L. Nick Dittlinger,
sale Avenue, East Newark. N. J. 1501 North La Salle Street, Ottawa, Ill. St. Paul, Tex.
SAGE, Wilfred J. Mrs. Susan Sage, 121 CHAPMAN, William E. William Chapman, EVANS, William A. Mrs. Mary L. Evans,
Cedar Street, Norwich, Conn. 4GO North Twelfth Street, Herrin, Ill. 261 Bronx Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn.
STARCHER, James Brady. Robert Starcher, FISHER, Daniel S. James Fisher, 58 Joseph
Dunbar W. Va. BuGLuRS. Avenue, Johnstown, Pa.
STAUB, foseph L. William Edward Staub, HORTON. Edson F. Mrs. Ella Horton, HAM, Earl H. Howard B. Ham, R. F. D. 1,
268 Locust Street, Hanover, Pa. Scottsville, N. Y. Fairfield, Me.
STOKRS, John P. Miss Mary Stokes, H. F. D. HOUSE, John B. John S. House, 2452 HAMILTON, Frank M. Mrs. Rachel Hamil-
28, Ottawa, Ill. North Normandy Avenue, Chicago, Ill. ton, Wayside, Md.
ALLEN, Wilson. Manfred Allen, 110 East MOXNES Thomas. Mrs. Hilda Moxnes, HANSON, Hans. C. Elmer Peterson, Dows,
Caramillo Avenue, Colorado Springs, Colo. Nickwall, Mont. Iowa.
BELL, Albert A. Mrs. Paula M. Bell, 5006 BURGIN. Oliver G. Mrs. George Burgin, 2G HARRISON, Jewell L. Mrs. Roxie Anne Har-
Catalpa Avenue, Hamilton, Md. East Felton Street, North Tonawanda, rison, R. F. D. 5, Philadelphia, Miss.
BLANTHORN, Thaddeus L. Charles J. Blan- N. Y. HARSTED, George T. Thomas Harsted, Har-
thorn, 893 Knickerbocker Avenue, Brooklyn, CARR, Walter. Mrs. Anie Carr, 206 Web- mony, Minn.
N. Y. ster Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. KIENIA, George. Steve Hartanevier, 1734
GOLDMAN, Abraham. Mrs. Aaron Gold- South Robey Street, Chicago, Ill.
BLOSSER, Herman. Mrs. Herman Blosser, MOSER, Robert J. Henry W. Moser, 9 Jones
Junction City Ohio. man, Hebron, Conn. Street, Jersey City, N. J.
CONN Y Thomas J. Mrs. Annie Con- KIERNAN, Vincent J. panlel S. Kennally, PENNY, Arthur. Mrs. Ann Penny, Good
nelly,241 Eastern Avenue, Baltimqre, Md. 1200 Second AKvenue, New York, N. Y.
CONV Cyrus D. Mrs. A. M. Cosivery, MARTI, Robert G. George A. Marti, general Ground, N. Y.
delivery, Sleepy Eye, Minn. TUCKER, Robert B. Lee F. Tucker, 803
506 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. South Blaine Street, Wellington, Kans.
CRAPO, John W. Isreal Crapo, 31 North NUZZOLO James. Felice Nuzzolo, 718 Main WILLIAMS, Urbane M. Mrs. Nancy Williams,
Franklin Street, Montpelier Vt Street, ieekshill, N. Y. 344 Mable Avenue, Paris, Tex.
DIFFENBAUGH, John T. Ydrs. Arah L. Dif- TAYLOR, William A. Mrs. J. Taylor, 2930 ALBERT, Joseph. Maxine Albert, Mada-
feubaugh, 1740 East Chase Street, Balti- West Tweity-second Street, Brooklyn, waska, Me.
more, Md. N. Y. ALEXANDER, William C. Andrew N. Alex-
DORBAND, lenry. Edward Dorband, 1823 THOMAS, William W. Mrs. Sarah Thomas, auder, R. F. D. 2, Uniontown, Pa.
Dodge Avenue, Evanston, Ill. 194 Cooper Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. ANDERSON, James. Mrk. Elna Anderson,
DOUTRICH, John H. Charles A. Doutrich, VAIL, Francis. Charles Henry Vail, 528 1061,Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
608 North Railroad Street, Palmyra, Pa. Warren Avenue, Belvidere, Ill. BALDWIN, Arthur L. Andrew J. Baldwin,
DUCOTE, Thomas J. Clovil Ducete, Cotton- JOHNSON, Fayette H. Mrs. Grace Johnson, 70 Third Avenue, Bay Shore, N. Y.
port, La. 220 Brighton Avenue, Perth Amboy, N. J. BARHAM, Maurice F. Mrs. Rose Barham,
ECKERT, Charles. Mrs. Bertha Eckert, 67 SIMMONS, Ira. Mrs. Julia Simmons, Gib- 1523 Edgemont Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal.
Paterson Street, Paterson, N. J. son City, Ill. BATZEL, Joseph Frederick. Rexford Batzel,
FITZWATER, Garrett A. Albert A. Fitz- MUSICIANS.
R. F. D. 1, Elmhurst, Pa.
water, R. F. D. 8, Oakwood, Ohio. FISHER, Leroy. Joseph Fisher, 53 Center BENNETT, Jesse James. Mrs. Vitrust B.
FLEMING, William J. Mrs. Anna Fleming, Avenue, Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Bennett, Roseville, Ill.
272 Maple Avenue, Wallington, N. J. McCLURE, Charles. Charles W. McClure, BENSON, Oliver J. Mrs. Clara Benson, Ala-
GARDNER, Harvey H. 'Herman C. Gardner 2049 Madison Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. baster. Mich.
128 East One hundred and twenty-third PIERCE, Ross. Charlie Pierce, Carterville, BIDDIX, Green. Will Middix, Mount Mitchell,
Street, Chicago, Ill. Mo. N. C.
GILFILLAN, Silver. J. R. Gilfillan, 709 Park MECHANSICs. BOWERS, Frank W. Mrs. Eliza Bowers, 5125
Avenue, Ironton, Ohio. CARMODY, Thomas Edwrd, jr. Mrs. Charles Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
GREENWOOD, Bert. Mabel Raymond, Car- Thomas Carmody, 1609 Overing Street, New BURINS, Andrew. Mrs. Annie Burns, 78 Ma-
thage, N. Y. York, N. Y. ple Street, Holyoke, Mass.
GREICO, Michael. Vincent Greico, Wheat GARRETT, Robert H. Henry C. Garrett, Car- BURNS, John P. J. P. Burns, 411 South
Road, R. D. 1, Vineland, N. J. rollton, Ga. Scott Street, Mobile, Ala.
GRIFFITH, Robert. Mrs. Anna Griffith, 511 CACCIAGUIDA, John J. Mrs. Jennie Cae-
West One hundred and seventy-first Street, ANDERSON, Ralph V. Mrs. Susan Anderson,
box 35A, Fultonville, Ohio. ciaguida, 120 Elizabeth Street, New York,
New York City, N. Y. JOHNSON, Guy E. T. Gus T. Johnson, De- N. Y.
HARDESTY, Roy. Marshall Hardesty, Or- lano, Minn. CARAVAUN, Freeman. Freeman E. Cara-
ange, Mo. JEiPPERT, Deaey. Mrs. Della Reppert, Mul- Vann, Mesic, N. J.
HOPPER, Warren. Mrs. A. V. Hopper, Kyle berry, Ind. CAREY, Ralph White. Mrs. Carl E. Taber,
Avenue, box 528, Butler, N. a. WILMOTH, Andy 0. Dick Wilmoth, May- 225 Main Street. Acushnet, Mass.
HOWARD, Ray. Mrs. Amos Howard, 423 land, Tenn. CARLINI, Pasquale. Romeo Labato, 238
West Queen Street, Anaville, Pa. YOUNG, Elmer. E. M. Young, 63 Charles Court Street Youngstown, Ohio.
HUGHES, William. Harry Hughes, 72 Lake- Street, Rochester, N. Y. CARLOUGH, iohn. Mrs. Emma Jennings,
view Avenue Bridgeton, N. J. STEVENSON, David. Thomas T. Stevenson, 465 West One hundred and thirty-first
LACHMANN, &ustave 0. William P. Lach- Shattue, Ill. Street, New York, N. Y.
mann, 675 Park Avenue, West New York, WENTWORTI, Clarence A. Daniel Went- CARLSON, Carl H. John H. Carlson, 224
N,. J. worth, Caldwell, Ohio. East Nineteenth Street, Lockport, Ill.
LIDMAN , Fritz. Mrs. Elizabeth Heiden, 5436 MACIAG, Peter A. Anthony Maclag, 128 Pa- CARLSON, John E. Mrs. Edith Sarkiaho,
Lake Park, Chicago, Ill. tific Street, Garfield, N. J. Cross Lake, Minn.
MISNER, Judson. Mrs. Ida Misner, 224 Eu- OINEYEAR, Leo B. Mrs. Mary Oneyear, Du- CARNEY, Joseph. Mrs. Nevada Carney, 98-
1id Avenue, Ridgefield Park, N. J. range, Iowa. Twenty-fifth Street, Altoona, Pa.
MOIiAN. Dan, Mrs. Dan Mohan, 114 Lynn coolns. CHILMAN, Johan. Mrs. Anna Lena Chilman,
R. F. D. 3, Cambridge, Minn.
Avenue, Macon, Ga. COOK, John B. John G. Cook, Graham, N. 0. CHIODO, Vincenzo. Gulseppe Chiodo, 9008
MURIIIIIE, Edward F. Mrs. Ella Murphie, LAND, John W. James A. Land, R. F. D.,
Montesano, Wash. Mount Prospect, Ind. Fourth Avenue, Cornopolis, Pa.
NIXON, Fred R. Mrs. Sarah Miller, Carlin- McCLARIN, Wade. Alexander McClarin, CLINCH, Hilton E. Mrs. Bertha H. Clinch,
'ilIe III. 5445 Porter Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Fairview Avenue, Westwood, N. J.
NIZOL, Walter W. Miss Angelisa Moskwa, MARTIN, Joseph E. Mrs. Margaret Martin, COMPTON, Pay V. Mrs. Lee Compton, 3
744 Har per Avenue, Detroit, Mich. 231 East Southgate Street, Newport, Ky. Washington Avenue, Middleport, N. Y.
PHILLIPS, James B. Mrs. Edna A. Phillips, P.ODGERS, Lawrence. Mrs. Rosa Rodgers, CORMIER Charles J. Joseph Cormier, 34
189 Jefferson Street, Freeport. Ill. Bethany, W. Va. Parker Atreet, Brockton, Mass.
REDDING, James' S. Thomas Moore, 64 CRABTREE, Clarence. Josh Crabtree, For-
Stevenson Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. WAGONERS. estdale, Ohio.
REYNOLDS, Jeffrey A. Mrs. Jennie. Reynolds, ENRIGHT, Philip. Mrs. Josephine Enright, CRABBE, Ray. Mrs. George Crabbe, Prospect,
4:1, North Third Street. East Newark, N. J. Fifth Avenue, New Rochelle, N. Y. Ohio.


CROUIH, Clarence. George Crouch, R. F. D. PACKOUSKI, Alex. Mrs. Helen Pakoinski, SHIPP, Walter E. Mrs. Mesalina Shipp, P,.
,Pgot, Ak.
kPe tr Macks. John Cumber-
75 North Henry Street, Stboklyn, N. Y. F. D. 2, hex 58, Bucton, Vs.
SMITH, Frank T.
CIU&B ILND, PARTJOLO, Joseph. James Paeruolo, 581 Car- Mrs. Mary E. Smith,
land, First Ward, atton, Pa. roll Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 3805 0 Street NW., Washington, D. C.
CUPAIOLE, Valentin. Dominac Palengole, REINBOTT, John G. Mrs. Emelia Reinbott, SMITH, Henry J, Warren P. Smith, Murphy,
2243 Orange Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. 38 Augusta Street, Irvington, N. J. N. C.
DAHL, Eddie A. Edward Dahl, I. F. D. 2, REPINSKI, Paul. Frank Repinski, 6929 Ber- SMITH, Herman Ml. Frederick W. Smith, 40
Clitherall, Minn. dell Street, Cleveland, Ohio. East Forty-tirst Street. New York, N. Y.
DAILEY, Willie. Mrs. Willie Dailey, R. F. RHODES, Gerold E. Mrs. Louisa Rhodes, SMITH, James. Miss Mary Smith, Portage,
D. 6, Rutledge, Ga. 820 East Vine Street, Macon, Mo. Pa.
GILMORE, Ernest. I. Davis, Malinta, Ohio. RICHARD, Fred J. Clarence Richard, Pas- SNOW, John M. Mrs. Ida Snow, Soner, Okla.
DEE, John L. Mrs. Lethey P. Dee, R. F. D. coag, R. . STECKEL. Charles 0. R. 0. Steckel, 304
1, Hernando, Mass. RYAN, Ivan R. Tom Ryan, Greenup, Ill. North Third Street, Allentown, Pa.
IENENBERG, Oscar. Jack Denenberg, 67 SHAW, Dale V. Alonso L. Shaw, 745 Tacoma SUPALLA, Anthony L. William Supalla,
Hart Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Street, Tacoma, Wash. East Pleasant Plain, Iowa.
DUMAS, -John I. Octava Dumas, box 65, Sut- SLOBAK, Joe M. Miss Emma Slobak, Avoca, TARLKANY, Gustave E. Mrs. Gustave Tar-
tons Bay, Mich. Wis. kanY, 9102 Holton Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
ENGEN, Conrad. Ole Engen, Flaming, Minn. SWANSON, Herbert. Mrs. Carrie Seger, 1217 THOMPSON, Jay. David Thompson, R. F. D.
FINNERTY, Martin T. J. Mrs. Anna Fin- Seminary Place, Rockford, Ill. 8, Scottsburg, Ind.
nerty, 1134 West Bayen Avenue, Youngs- SWEENEY, John T. Mrs. Annie Hannon, VANO, Vincenzo. Victor Vane, Schenectady,
town, Ohio. 2082 La Fontaine Avenue, New York, N. Y. N. Y.
FUNNELL, George S. Mrs. Minnie Funnell, TERRANOVA, Facques. Mrs. Jennie Dona VANSCOY, Warren G. Mrs. Goldie Vanscoy,
Pecatonica, III. Terranova, 111 Salem Street, Boston, Mass. Sh'eridan, Mo.
FRYE, James B. Mrs. Maggie L. Britt, THOMAS, Edward. Mfs. Marie Thomas, 706 VANSWEDEN, Peter. Joe Vansweden, R. F.
Scarbro, W. Va. North Caroline Street, Baltimore, Md. D. 1, Ross, Mich.
GANNON, John J. Mrs. Ann Gannon, 91 TRANZOR, Fred D. Mrs. Georgia Lee Tran- VAUGHN, Lester W. Mrs. Viola Vaughn,
Iartforq Street, Newark, N. J. zor, Sharon, Tenn. 1296 South Thomas Street, Crestline, Ohio.
GESSLIN, Dorris Raymond. Lou Lane, R. F. TREISCII, Omie J. Mrs. Elizabeth Treisch, VEILLON, Juste. Louis Villon, Chataignier,
D. 2, Latham, Kaus. 842 East Walnut Street, Gallon, Ohio. La.
GLICK, Jacob. Aaron Cohose, Comneateeh, VECCHIOTTI, Domenick. Ralph Vecchiotti, VELKER, Harry F. Mrs. Vinnie Velker, 1011
Pa. 719 South Twelfth Street, Newark, N. J. Retreat Street, Baltimore, Md.
GOLDEN, Charlie W. Mrs. Grace Hackney, VINAL, Ross R. Mrs. Mary Vinal, Vinal- VIAL, Preston M. Preston B. Vial, R. F. D.
Mount Morris, Mich. haven, Mo. 1, box 126, Atlee, Va.
GOLDSMITH, Aubry. Frederick GoldsmIth, WALTON, Burley. Mrs. Richard Walton, VIE4HL, Elmer J. Mrs. Anna Viebl, 02 Glos-
R. F. D. 1, Tempelince, Mich. Toms River, N. J. ter Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
GRANT, Joseph. Mrs. Mary Kowalski, 592 'WATSON, Ray P. Mrs. Minnie Watson, R. VIEIIMANN, August W. Henry C. Vichmann,
Woodrow Street, Detroit, Mich. F. D. 1, Pomeroy, Wash. 513 North Illinois. Belleville, Ill.
BROBASKI, William V. Andrew Brobaski, WATTS, Raymond K. Mrs. Martha E. Watts, WALLS, William. John Walls, 7104 Worley
Bovne Falls, Mich. 1522 East One hundred and twenty-second Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
IARDEE, Perry A. Wade H. Hardee, Panama Street, Cleveland, Ohio. WALAH, James A. John H. Walsh, 184 Wood-
Park, Fla. WAUGIIOP, Clyde Benjamin. Mrs. Maud H. ward Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y.
ISTTT, Louis U. Mrs. Jane Glaytor, route 6, Waughop, R. F. D. 1, Washington, Ill. WARD, Christopher P. Miss May Ward,
TValla Walla, Wash. WEIST, Jacob S. Lomon B. Weist, R. F. D. North Prince Street. Flushing, N. Y.
XALLAWNN, William. Mrs. Ana Kallmenn, 1, rphrata, Pa. WARTIING, Albert J. Mrs. Della W. War-
16911 Grove Wood Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. WESTBERG, Edward. Axel E. Westberg, 132 thing, 2712 Fountainelle Boulevard, Omaha,
RIENLEN, Emil J. Mrs. Katie Kienlen, 117A West One hundred and fIfth Street, Chi- Nebr.
Sixth Avenue, Seattle, Wash. cago, Ill. WAYNE, Elmer Stanley. Howard W. Wayne,
XRE1UTZ, Oliver. Mrs. Anna Kreutz, 3571 WETHERILL, Raymond E. Mrs. Emma Weth- 2921 North Camac Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Archer Avenue, Chicago, Ill. erill, 5134 Dearborn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. WEBB, Wilson. Eli Webb, Cosby. Tenn.
KRIEGER, Henry. Conrad Krieger, Fort Mor- WETJEN, Harry C. Mrs. Emma Wetjen, 11 WEISZ, Samuel. Mrs. Ida Weisz, Sixtieth
gain, Colo. Banta Street, Eimbaret, Long Island, N. Y. Street and Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.
KIRK, William C. Mrs. John Kirk, R. F. D. WINDERBAUM, Harry. Mrs. Fannie Win- WILLIAMS, Elige. Henry Hollis, Hartford,
2, Addison, N. Y. derbaum, 207 Mulberry Street, Newark, Ala.
LA RUE, James F. Mrs. Lucy La Rue, .N. J. .
Walsh, Mont. WRIGHT, Charles R1. Charles D. Wright, YANKEE, Jolm I. Mrs. Myrta 31. Yankee,
LAUCK, George W. Mrs. Emma Lanck, 1015 Tenth Street, Lawrenceville, Ill. 38 North Vine Street, Newark, Ohio.
State College, Pa. WRIGHT, Jacob W. Mrs. Sarah Wright, YOCHUAL. Charles. Frederick Yochum, Sar-
LAURIE, John M. Mrs. C. T. Laurie, 687 Sandyville, Jackson County, W. Va. dinia, Ohio.
Washington Street, Dedham, Maess. YEAGLE, James Huguely. Mrs. Virginia B. BECKER, Henry A. Mrs. Anna C. Becker,
LAVIN, Patrick H. John M. Lavin, First Yeagle, Marshall, Mo. 413 Stevens Street, West Hoboken, N. J.
Street, Sutersville. Pa. OLIVER, Eddie L. Richard Oliver, Hoopes- BECKERT, Jacob A. Charles Beckert, 1330
LAWSON, Rexford M. Mrs. Rhoda Lawson, toi, Ill. Twenty-ninth Street, Denver, Colo.
Kennedy, N. T. d PAINE, Cecil. Ike Paine, Laredo, Tex. ILANCIA, Nicola. Louis Bilancia, 214
LEVIN, Morris. Joe Levin, 1551 South Cen- PAIN'ER, Dominick. Giovanni Mannatell, North Felton Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
tral Park Avenue. Chicago, Ill. 6416 Cariton Etreet, Philadelphia, Pa. BOFFI, Michael. Mrs. Esenda Dliruth, 17
LOTESTO, Rocco. Mrs. Jensina Lotesto, 523 PERLMAN, Louis. Mrs. Rachel Perlman, 7 Christopher Sfreet, Providence, R. I.
West Eightieth Street, Chicago, Ill. West One hundred and eleventh Street, New DI FULVIO, Carmine. Henry Dl Vulvio, 630
LOUNDI, Nicholas. Andre Loundi, 15 Flagon York, N. Y. Center Street, South Bethlehem. Pa.
Street. Morristown, N. J. PHILLIPI, John. Raymond Phillipi, Wattis, DIHLE, Thowald. Eric Dible, R. F. D. 1,
McDANIELS, William. James McDanlels, Utah. Larson, X. Dnk.
%Grayson, Ky. PODLASKI, John. Mrs. Rose Pupel, 238 Sol- FAGERLAN, Laurus. Michel FagerlAnd,
MCKINNEY. Locie E. J. H. McKinney, Val- reski Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Farde, Sandborland, Bergen, Norway.
ley Oak, Ky. POLLOM, Albert Vern. Miss Ethel Pollom, FAGETTL Giuseppe. Francisco Fagetti, Chia-
McLOUGHLIN, Joseph V. Mrs. Elizabeth 3117 Sixth Avenue, Tacoma, Wash. venna, Sondrio, Italy.
McLoughliu, 98 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, PRINCIPE, Marco. Mrs. Carina Morelli_173 FINNEGAN, Edward H. Jamessl. Finnegan,
N. Y. Censleyea Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1838 Vyne Avenue, New York. N. Y.
McQUATER. Joseph H. Mrs. Lizzle Me- PROCTOR, Alfonso. Mrs. Walter J. Proctor, HOLLAND, Mason. Jobi Holland, Dayton
Quater, Tilden, III. Angle Place ME.. Washington, D. C. Place, Herkimer, N. Y.
MANNING, John B. James P. Manning, 87 RIDER. Edward H. Mrs. Mary Rider, 402 HORNING, Norman C. Mrs. Emma Horning,
Coleman Street, New London, Conn. South Twenty-second Street. Louisville, Ky. Miftlintown, Pa.
MATHEWSON. James. David Mathewson, RINALDI, Joseph. Mrs. Marie Solorenzo, NAPLANIAN, Vahan. A. Kaplanian, Survey
R. F. D. 22, Fayette, Pa. 528 South Union Street, Stacekenton, Cal. Department, -aza, Egypt.
MICHAEL, John M. Mrs. Mary Cabrello, 12 RODGERS, Henry N. William H. Rodgers, 'ING, Clarence E. Cerinne Whaley, 4204
Gevenor Street, Providence, R. I. R. F. D. S. Jolhet, Ill. Powelton Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
MORAN, Emile. Leon Moran, Hancock, Miss. ROHMER, Harry A. Mrs. Mary Rohmer, KIRK, Albert. John J. Kirk, 375 East One
MORAN, John. James Moran, 1878 Green Morris, Ill. hundred and forty-third Street, New York,
Street. San Francisco, Cal. ROMANOWSKI, George. Moleck Romanow- N. Y.
MORRISON, George M. John 0. Duncan, ski, 293 Denton Street, Hamtramck, Mich. LEVIN. Charles. Mrs. Yetta Levin, 340
McDonalds Corner, Ontario, Canada. ROWAN. Lawrence. Mrs. Mattie Rowan. 404 Brunswick Avenue, Trenton. N. J.
MOUTON, Felix J. J. B. Mouton, Lafayette, East Sixty-fifth Street. New York N. Y. LEVY, Moses. Max Levy, 18 Porter Street,
La. SANDERS, Enoch U. Mrs. Sarah Sanders, Malden, Mass.
MALEZYNSKI, Frank. Mrs. Elizabeth Male- R. F. D. 3. Bristol, Va. LOCONTI, Luigi. Goirinco Giorgio, 34 Gar-
zynski, 66 HuIl Avenue, New York. N. Y. SANNING, Theodore John. H. Sanning, R. side Street, Newark, N. J.
NARSTRE, Mike. Ignatz Dredowski. 3913 F. D. 3. Jefferson City, Mo. MARTIT, Herman J. Joseph A. Marth, 1634
East Seventy-fifth Street, Cleveland, Ohio. SANTORNO, Ralph. Joe Santorno, Salida, Vine Street. Chicago, Ill.
NELSON, -Albert Bernard. Mrs. Matilda Colo.
SCALORA, Mariano. Santo Bellorno, 132 MUELLER, Frederick C. Louis J. Mueller,
Nelson, 715 Beech Street. McKeesport, Pa. Degraw Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 5142 North Western Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
NELSON, Berton J. Bird Nelson, Lawrence, SCHROEDER. John A. Charles Schroeder, MULRENAN. Willis Thomas. Mrs. Olive Mul-
Ind. 943 West Warren Avenue, Detroit, Mich. renan, 59 Westminster Street, Bellows Falls,
NELSON, Nels P. Jens Nelson. Buffalo Cen- SCHULIHNS, Angus. Mrs. Margaret Sehul- N. Y.
ter, Iowa. kins. 8719 Flourney Avenue, Chicago. Ill. NORMAN, Charles J. Mrs. Nancy J. Norman,
NILSON. Mikal J. Andrew A. Anderson, R. SEBEL. Joseph M. Miss Anna M. Sebel, R. F. D. 2, Champaign, Ill.
F. D. 1, Larson, N. Dak.- post-office box 129, Cementon, N. Y. OTT, Russell T. Mrs. Mahala Ott, 286 East
ODERLIN, Walter. Mrs. James A. Oderlin, SEBOLD Frank E. Mrs. Anna M. gebold. Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa.
228 West Twenty-fifth Street, Los Angeles, 1643 North Fifty-sixth Street, Piladel- OUTLAND. Leonard C. Mrs.- Mary J. Out-
Cal. phia. Pa. land. 3226 Fox Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.
-OSMER, Leon D. C. F. Osmer, St. Maries, SEEBER. Albert L. Mrs. John Loudon, PANDERMS, Frank. Nicholas Panderms,
Idaho. Cooperstown, N. Y. Trrglia Brum, Asia Minor, Turkey.


REYNOLDS, William 0. Charles W. Rey- LITTLEFORD, Charles. Mrs. Elizabeth Long, HUGHES, Charles H. Mrs. Charles Hughes,
nolde, Dilton, Pulaski County, Va. 039 Central Avenue, Camden, N. J. 141 Park Street, Burlington, Vt.
ROBERTS, Isaac E. Mrs. Clara Jordon, Se- LIVINGSTON, Harry B. Mrs. Edward Liv- RYAN, Charles R. Mrs. Julia Ryan, 222
curity, Tex. Ingston, 325 Pennington Street, Elizabeth, North New Street, Staunton, Va.
ROSSKA, Vincent. No emergency address. N. J. BOHANNON, Ben S. Mrs. Henrietta Swick,
SCHINZEL, Leo A. Frank Schinzel, Post LYNCH, James W. Mrs. Kate Lynch, Clarion, 313 Chamberlain Avenue, Chattanooga,
Falls, Idaho. Iowa. Tenn.
SCHLOSSER, Walter W. Mrs. Charles S.chio- McGOVERN, Charles J. Mrs. Annie McGov- GILL, Luther. D. G. Gill, box 17, Gallipolis,
trumpf, 309 West Spruce Street, Tamaqua, ern, 1791 Lexington Avenue, New York, Ohio.
Pa. N. Y. HUDDLESTON, Paul F. Mrs. Daisy Didden,
SHINGLT, Seth. Mrs. Mary C. Allee, Zenas, McNAMARA, Frank. Miss Mary McNamara, 5519 Emerald Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Ind. 1177 Market Street, Meadville, Pa. CASEY, Earl R. Mrs. Lora V. Casey, Pan-
MALLOY, John R. Mrs. Walter Murphy, 87 tego, N. C.
SOCKA, Frank. Mrs. Katie Socka, Stubmitza, Maltby Street, New Haven, Conn. CLOUGH, Benjamin. Lorredo Clough, 1622
Poland, Russia. MANELLA, Domilick. Mrs. Louise Manella,
TEDISCHI, Alfonso. Mrs. Carmelia Coo, Pernin Street, Marinette, Wis.
Filgnano, Carasuoli, Gompobasso, Italy. 230 Mossic Road, Old Forge, Pa. GARVIN, Moses. John Garvin, R. F. D, 2,
VAN AUKEN Elmer J. Frank Van Auken, MASOCCO, Joseph. Natali Masocco, 2810 Pineland, S. C.
Dansville, N. Y. Tenth Street, Niagara Falls, N. Y. GRAHAM, David W. Frank Graham, 214
WALSTROM, Gust E. Mrs. Lucille Schuck MILLER, John. Henry Miller, 103 Edison Parkaide Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Walstrom, Peterson Iowa. Street, Buffalo, N. Y. HILL, Charles P. A. A. Hill, 22 Hampden
WEZNORSKI, Joe. Yoe Weznorski, R. F. D, MINO Mike. Mrs. Mary Mino, 920 Fallow- Street, Dudlow, Mass.
3, Little Falls, Minn. field Avenue, Charlerol, Pa. HODGEN, Calvin Jerry. Link L. Hare, Nor-
WOOTEN Richard. Mrs. Lonnie Wootan, MOCEK, John. Mrs. Mary Mocek, 188 Ander- catur, Kans.
Dover, Miss. son Street, Wilkes-Barre Pa. LEGER, Irvin A. Mrs. John Leger, 45 Moy-
YANKOVICH, Yakov. Mrs. Nellie Yankovich, MOORE, Henry. Mrs. M'artha Moore, Cat- allen Street, Wilkes-Barge, Pa.
230 South Montana Street, Butte, Mont. lettsburg, Ky. MAGINN, Robert R. Frank Magian, 5566
ANDERSON Charlie F. John P. Anderson, MORGAN, Ernest. Charles Morgan, Roa- Maple Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.
R1. F. D. 1, Braham, Minn. noke, Tex. MOODY Carl. Mrs. Benjamin Moody, sr.,
BALLANTINE, Clarke. James A. Ballantine, MORRISON, Woodford Batson. D. N. Morri- 521 North Fifth Street, Fulton, N. Y.
De Lancey, N. Y. son, Cynthiana, Ky. MOROLLA, Joseph. Michael Morolla, 517
BAILEY, Virgil D. James H. Bailey, R. F. CARL, George. Mrs. Hattie M. Myers, 202 Carpoint Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
D., Hopewell Junction, N. Y. Walnut Street, Chillicothe, Mo. ROBERTS, Jack A. Mrs. Daisy Oliver, Hol-
BANNON, William. Mrs. Annie Robinson, EVANS, Carl E. Thomas Bond, 701 South ton, Kans.
2140 La Fontaine Avenue, New York, N. Y. Church Street, Jacksonville, Ill. RODGERS, Rollie W. James A. Rodgers,
BARNARD, Roy T. Adrian L. Barnard, 106 BOYDEN, James M. James McMahon, Han- West Salem, Ill.
cocks Bridge, N. J. t
West Healy Street, Champaign, Ill. TOWNSEND, Walter A. Mrs. Mary Town-
BOCK, William P. Michael 'G. Bock, 1058 Wounded Slightly. send, 1937 Young Avenue, Memphis, Tdnn.
Ephriam Street East Liverpool, Ohio. TRIBOU, Earl F. E. R. Tribou, 442 Essex
BEER, Jess R. *illiam Beer, Dixonville, Pa. MAJORi. Avenue, Gloucester, Mass.
BILODEAU, Joseph A. Fred Bilodeau, 334 VOSATRA, John. Bohus Hak, 1834 South
Center Street, Brockton, Mass. BODDIE, Samuel P. Mrs. Lucie C. Boddie, Laflin Street, Chicago, Ill.
CLARK, Grant W. Delos Clark, R. F. D. 7, Louisburg, N. C. ADLER, Joseph M. Marcus Adler, 4105
box 58, Wausau, Wis. CAPTAINS. Indiana Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
DENISEWICH, Daniel. Daniel Sedeluick, 98 LANGHOLFF, Arthur Robert. Mrs. Lydia BROWNING, Paul Edward. Fred G. Brown.
Reilley Street, Bridgeport, Conn. Langholff, Fort Atkinson, Wis. lug, 804 Fourteenth Avenue, Moores, Pa.
DILLON, Clayton S. Wash Dillon, Spring- KENNEY, Caleb Samuel. Maj. Richard R. CHRIST, Ludlow Samuel. Mrs. Jennie Christ,
view, Nebr, Kenney, War Department, Washington, D. C. 803 West Market Street, Akron, Ohio.
DI MENNA, Eugene. Mrs. Ludia Dl Menna, PATTEN, Louis P.' Mrs. Eva M. Patten, 2112 CLARK, John L. Miss Naomi Teazle, 867
118 Newton Street, Newark N. J. Forrest Avenue, Toledo, Ohio. Oakland Avenue, Akron, Ohio.
DI SALVO, Mariano. Miss Rosa Di Forte, CUST, William C. Mrs. Mary A. Cust, 3411
632 Wharton Street, Philadelphia, Pa. LIEUTENANTS, Carkson Street, Burlington, N. J.
DOMINICO, Albert F. Mrs. Martha Domin- BURWELL, Edward B., Jr. Edward B. Bur- DAGON, John. Mrs. Mary Dagon, Hillsboro,
ico, 154 Zuni Street, Denver, Colo. well, sr., Upperville, Pa. Ill.
DOUGHTRTY, John B. Charles B. Dough- ECKER, Frederick W. Frederick H. Ecker, DAUGHERTY, Paul Leroy. Edward H.
erty, 240 Third and Commerce Streets, 1 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Daugherty, box 76, Steuben, Wis.
Wellsburg, W. Va. EVANS, Arlington. Mrs. Eleanor G. Evans, DESIMONE, Michael J. Angelo Desimone,
DOYLE, Joseph F. Mrs. James Doyle, R. F. 5025 Osage Avenue Philadelphia, Pa. 1538 Forty-first Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
D. 2, Rosemount, Mipn. HILL, Hugh F. Wrs. Mary F. Hill, 1005 ENGLE, Andres John. Mrs. Louise Frie,
DUPUfS, Ernest. Amie Dupuis, 402 Tuttle Dale Avenue SE., Roanoke, Va. 1113 Shelby Street, New Albany, Ind.
Street, Alpena, Mich. LAFLIN Clifford A. Mrs. Gertrude R. Walter, GARRETT, Joseph 0. John H. Garrett, Ball
ELBEL, Walter. Charles Elbel, Spring 2214 fremont Avenue, North Minneapolis, Ground, Ga.
Branch, Tex. Mlinn. GROSS, Benjamin. William Gross, White
FARREL Edward F. Mrs. Anna Patrick, MoIVER, James S. Francis '. Melver, 91 Star, Ky.
Archbald, Pa. William Street, New York, N. Y. GUYETTE, Harold S, Mrs. Margaret S. Guy-
FINK, Frederick W. August Fink, R. F. D. MILLER, Robert E. Edward Miller, 952 ette, 150 Mariner Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
3, Fairbank Iowa. Islington Street, Toledo, Ohio.
FLEWELLIN6, Frank. Mrs. Mina Flewel- JOHNSON, Carol H. Mrs. Mannie J. Johnson,
ling, Ocqueoc, Mich. ROBERTS, Charles P. Mrs. Eliza H. Roberts, 1028 East Gratz Street, Knoxville, Tenn.
FOLKER, Raymond D. Mrs Mirah Folker, Shelby, N. C. KEMP, Vincent K. William E. Kemp, 5889
1358 Washington Avenue bgden, Utah. ROBINSON, William E. Albert Robinson, Garfield Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.
GIBSON, Roy Rudolph. Jamds Gibson, 22 3119 Imperial Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio. KERR, George T. Mrs. James M. Kerr, #335
Hazel Avenue, Evansville, Ind. HALBEISEN, Frank f. Frank Halbelsen, East Chapel Hill Street, Durham, N. C.
GOTHMAN, Philip C. Mrs. Mary Gothman, R. F. D. 10, Fremont, Ohio. LAWRENCE, Eugene. Mrs. Constance Law-
Long Prairie, Minn. MULLENIX, Sigel W. Mrs. Sigel W. Mul- rence, 310 First Street, Hackensack, N. J.
GREEN, Omer C. J. N. Green, Albertville, -lenix, Hillsboro, Ohio. LEWIS, Charles V. Mrs. Theresa Lewis, 146
Ala. McELYA, Norris. William A. MeElya, Gas- Woodruff Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
parilla, Fla. McWHIRTER, Manly H. George F. McWhir-
GUEY, John. John Guey, R. F. D. 9, Paola, McGRAW, Pete. C. T. McGraw, Opelika, Ala. ter, R. F. D. 2, Glen Allen, Ala.
Kans. WILLIAMS, Roby. Miss Rebecca Williams, MICHAEL, Jerome L. Mrs. Isaac G. Michael,
GUFFEY, Carl. George Guffey, Scottsboro, West Main Street, Johnson City, Tenn. Union, W. Va.
Ala. BEATTIE, William Hamilton. William E.
Beattie, 307 North Street, Greenvile, S. C. MILLER, Sydney L. Mrs. Jean Miller, 632
GUIDI, Pietro. Frank Guldi Rio Vista Cal Eastern Avenue, Janesville, Wis.
HOUSOVER, Mell. J. M. Hiousover, Whihte- COWART, William B. Mrs. Ellen B. Cowart, MORNINGSTAR, Blair C. Mrs. Katurah Mrn-
boro, Tex. 1110, Dennir Avenue, Houston, Tex. ingstar, Entriken, Pa.
HOVI 4 ND, Melvin. Mrs. Lettle Hovland, DUNN, Talbot B. William A. Dunn, 195 MORRIS, John L. Mrs. Susie A. Morris, 728
Michigan, N. Dak. Highland Avenue, Ridgewood, N. J. Halifax Street, Petersburg, Va.
HUISH, Willard S. Lorenzo S. Huish, Doug- FETNER, Lawrence Merrill. Lawrence J. SHACKLETT, William W. Mrs. Dora Shack-
las, Aris. Fetner, 306 North Brevard Street, Char- lett, 618 East Madison Street, Louisville,
HUMMELL, George H. Mrs. George A, Hum- lotte, N. C. Ky.
mell, 280 Caroline Street, Derby. Conn. MAcLAUGHLIN, Severne Spence. Mrs. Flor-
HUNTER, Roy W. Mrs. Alice E. Brandon ence Helen MacLaughlin, 251 Linwood TRUELAND, Walter B. Mrs. Harry Dough-
651 Shawmut Avenue, Boston, Mass. .Avenue, Detroit, Mich. erty, 2117 River Avenue, Camden, N. J.
KIMBRELL, Clyde B. J. L. Kimbrell, Fort WEBSTER, William J. William Webater,
Mill, S. C. sERGEANTS. Thatcher, Aris.
LA COSSE, Leo F. Mrs. Joseph La Cosse, 92 HOFFMAN, William D. Mrs. Susan Hoff- WESNESS, Reider. Johanna Wesness, 92
Franklin Street, Malone, N. Y. man, 1426 Sparks Street, Philadelphia Pa. South Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y.
LAUDERDALE, Dallas. Mrs. Grace Lauder- HUNT, Harold K. Mrs. L. B. Wittie, R. 14. D., WESSINGER, Paul. Mrs. Christine Wessinger,
dale, Delwood Pope County, Ill. box 207, Richmond, Ind. 328 North Genesee Street, New York, N. Y.
LAURITZEN C4lareuce L. Mrs. Jennie L. KENYON, Thayer G. Harry K. Kenyon, WILKERSON, William. William B. Star-
Hansen, 819 Spruce Street, Trenton, N. J. Macon, N. C. borough, Asheville. N. C.
LEE, Ralph W. Mrs. Ralph W. Lee, 8 Wor- TERHUNE, Lawrence Edward. Harrison A. KEIL, Emett M. Mrs. Anna Kell, 1030 Cen-
cester Street, Cambridge, Mass. Terhune, 450 Westside Avenue, Jersey tral Avenue, Tolego, Ohio.
blBERT John, Jr. Mrs. Teressa Libert, 145 City, N. J. LANGAN London L. Mrs. Rose Langan,
429 Fifteenth Street SE., Washington, D. C.
First Street UnIon Course, N. Y. VINYARD, Jesse, James .4,Vinyard, Witts
LINDSAY Charles., Mrs. Mary M. Lind- Foundry, Tenn. LIGHTFOOT, Ceylon Cyrus. John W. Light-
say, 222 Washington Avenue, Ia Falls, SHANANQUET, Lee. Elizabeth Shananquet, foot R. F B 1 Owosso, Mich.
Iowa. East Jordan, Mich. MACC6RKLE Willis W. Mrs. Anna D. Mae.
LITTLE, William MeK. R. R. Little, Lind- SMITH, Herbert 1). Sam Smith, R. F. D. 8, Corkle, IRO Kinyon Street, South Bend,
side, W. Va. box 471, Savannah, Ga. Ind. I


EXaCUTED aY THE UNITED STATES BEFORE No- 17831. Scoville Manufacturing Co., Water-
VEMBER 11, 1918. bury, Conn., tack buttons and tacks, $15.
ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT 11971. Artillery Fuse Co., Wilmington, Del.,
antiaircraft boosters, $1 014,000.
4830. Mathleson Alkali Works, Providence,
I., soda ash, $3,422.60.
14222. Charles Lenaig & Co. (Inc.), Phila-
11816. The Brooklyn talon Gas Co., Brook- delphia, Pa., nitric acid, $28,525.96.
lyn, N. Y. installation of boiler $50,787.50. 3882. Commerce Motor Car Corporation,
Contracts have been placed by the Ord- 16487. kudolph Wurlitzer Manufacturing Detroit, Mich., omission of locks on chassis,
nance Department of the Army as fol- Co., North Tonawanda, N. Y., packing boxes $420.
for barrack cleaning rods $13 667. 17528. Union Drawn Steel Co., Beaver
lows: 18874. The American 'Yube & Stamping Co., Falls, Pa., screw-stock steel, $24,070. -
CONTRACTS COMPLETED. Bridgeport, Conn,, strip steel, $3,874.
16652. Midvale Steel & Ordnance Co., Ed- SPECIAL.
15974. The Wilson Body Co., Detroit, Mich., dystone, Pa., riveters (increased facilities), ENGINEERING.
windshield wipers, labor, material, $14,082.75. $325.
1446Q. The White Co., Cleveland, io, drive 6453. Winchester Repeating Arms Co. New 18328. Mobile Pulley & Machine Works,
shafts, torsion rod, mufflers, $75.12.' Haven, Conn., rifle grenade primers, $157,220. Mobile, Ala., cuprs. nickel bands, $872.48.
12517. Fqrd Motor Car Co., Philadelphia, 13122. Bethlehem Steel Co., South Bethle- 18820. Westinghouse Electric & Manufac-
Pa., authority given to charge for expendi- hem, Pa., guns, spare parts, etc., $3,888,098. turing Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., express charges
tures. 15106. United States Steel Products Co., for 6-inch shell, $121.28.
18467. Du Pont Engine Co., Wilmington, Wilkins Building, Washington, D. C., hoop 18648. Metropolitan Engineering Co., Brook-
Del., increased facilities, $12,500. 'steel, $23,508. lyn, N. Y., trimming-testing 11-inch shell,
18571. Allegheny Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., 15721. The Metals Corporation. Providence, $25,000.
gummed cloth tape, $100.75. R. I., clips for .30 caliber cartridges, $5,445. 16813. Marlin Rockwell Corporation, Phila-
18663. Neptune Meter Co., Long Island City, 15829 Bethlehem Steel Co., Sparrows Point, delphia, Pa., warheads with hoosters for drop
corrugated pads, $17.21. Md., taggers tin plate, $30,800. bombs, $265.68.
11004. American Car & Foundry Co., New 15100. MetalISpecaities Manufacturing Co., 18743. Walter J. Fitzpatrick, San Francisco,
York, N. Y., ordnance handbooks (art. repair Chicago, Ill., Bouchon sealers for hand gren- Cal., stump puller, complete, $224.
truck), $8,800. ades, $12,250. 18980. National Enameling & Stamping C&,
8958. Empire Rubber & Tire Co., Trenton, CF-241. Archibald Wheel Co Lawrence, Baltimore, 1M1d., wind vanes, washers for bombs,
N.J., loner tubes, $13,912. Mass., carriage bolts and nuts, $250. * $2,200.
18847. Pollak Steel Co., New York City, 9557. The National Tube Co., Pittsburgh, 18926. Guide Motor Lamp Co. Cleveland,
N. Y recoil forgings, $770. Pa., Livens gas projectors, $949,840.20. Ohio electrical equipment, $129.86.
18489. West Leichburgh Steel Co., Pitts- 12181. American Zylacq Co., Irvington, 18813. Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia,
burgh, Pa., strip steel, $90.28. N. J., nitric acid, $42,500. Pa., dummy shrapnel, $75.
13303. American Brass Co., Waterbury, 18626. American Car & Foundry Co., Depew,
MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR NEW AnMY PROGRAM. Conn., brass forgings, $27 250. N. Y., castings and forgings, 155-mm. gas shell.
GC-1 24. Rullard Engineering Works, Bridge- $2,925.
18539. The C. 0. Frankford Arsenal, Phila- port, Conn., additional increased facilities, $1,- INSPECTION.
delphia, Pa., optics for machine-gun sights, 18811. Presto
$80,000. 100,000. Machine Works (Inc.),
18085. A. Garrison Foundry Co., Pittsburgh, CME-631. Michigan Stamping Co., Detroit, Brooklyn, N. Y., gauges,* $47,880.
Pa., rough machine recuperator forgings, Mich., crating tanks for shipment, $182.11. 18812. Lehigh Machine Co., Lehighton, Pa.,
$7,419. 15098. Baltimore Copper Smelting & Rolling master gauges for automatic pistols, $6,715.80.
Co., Baltimore. Md., copper base covers for 18642. The Atlantic Refining Co., Philadel-
18558. Wallace Barnes Co., Bristol, Conn., H. E. shell, $122,800. phia, Pa., grease, $9.50.
coil retard springs for fuses $150, 14821. Colt's Patent Fire Arms Manufactur-
18831. Kemp Machinery Co., Baltimore, Md., ing Co., Hartford, Conn., rifles, $208,306. PITTSBURGH BASIS.
glue pot, $25. 11393. The Bridgeport Brass Co., Bridge- G1280. Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa.,
18474. Buffalo Gasoline Motor Co., Buffalo, port, Conn., brass rods and strip, $28,558.86. common-shell steel billets; no change.
N. Y., gasoline electric-lighting set, $1,375. 14752. Studebaker Corporation. Detroit, 3330. Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa.,
18354. The Benner Machine Co., Columbiana, Mich., adapters with booster casings, etc., round-shell steel billets; no change.
Ohio, rough machine recuperator forgings, $108,000. G1888. Bethlehem Steel Cd., Bethlehem, Pa.,
$1,250. 18687. Metal Products Co., Beaver, Pa., common-shell steel billets; no change.
18830. The Cincinnati Electrical Tool Co., proof projectiles, $47,600. G1113. Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa.,
Cincinnati buffing lathe, $165.20. 11317. Marion Steam Shovel Co., Marion, common-shell steel billets; no change.
18826. 1VIanning, Maxwell & Moore, Inc., Ohio, cast steel ingots, $250,400. 2228. American Rolling Mills Co., Middle-
Philadelphia, Pa., hack saws, $66.35. town, Ohio, deep-drawing sheet steel. $551,484.
18908. Poole Engineering & Machine Co., AMENDMENT WITH NO INCREASE IN QUANTITY. 5689. M. & S. Corporation, Detroit, Mich.,
Woodbury, Baltimore, Md., spring compressor license to manufacture locking differential, $1.
for 12-inch barrel carriage, $686.50. 2590. Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa., G-864. Forged Steel Wheel Co., Pittsburgh,
18920. Kemp Machinery Co., Baltimore, Md., screw stock steel; no change. Pa., shell-steel billets, $6 125,000.
7-inch Rhodes horizontal shaper, $485. 17480. American Tube & Stamping Co., 15057. Fayette R. Plumb (Inc.), Philadel-
18943. The Imperial Brass Manufacturing Bridgeport, Conn., change In specifications phia, Pa., bolos, $105,248.88.
Co., Chicago, Ill., compression ferrules, $17. of strip steel; no change.
18841. The Budd-Ranney Engineering Co., 14667. Wayne Lumber Co., New York City, CONTRACT COMPLETED.
Columbus, Ohio, rough machined recuperator N. Y., yellow birch lumber; no change. 18698. American Can Co., Edgewater, N. J.,
forgings, $1,250. 4603. The Pressed Steel Co., Wilkes-Barre, unloading and loading 82 mm. rounds,
19084. Carbic Manufacturing Co., New York Pa., change in specifications of fuse boxes; $5,853.80.
City, carbie cakes, $402. $64,379,712. 19003. National Tube Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.,
18749. The Foos Gas Engine Co., Spring- 4576. Landers, Fray & Clark, New Britain, switching charges on forgings, $117.42.
field, Ohio, rough machined recuperator forg- Conn., packing boxes for Cavalry sabers, 19036. The Graton & Knight Manufacturing
ings, $3,900. $4,500. Co., Worcester, Mass., bayonet scabbards,
18863. Canton Foundry & Machinery Co., 4852. The Locomobile Co. of America, $2.75.
Canton, Ohio, rough machined recuperator Bridgeport, Conn., gauges, sigs, tools, etc., 18615. The Barrett Co., New York City,
forgings, $3.000. $95.680. N. Y., ammonia, $8,925.
6866. Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa., CF-211. Royer Wheel Co., Aurora, Ind., 12772. American Bridge Co., Ambridge, Pa.,
14-inch guns, breech mechanisms and firing caniouflage painting wheels, $10,080. services of three men, $3.800.
mechanisms, $1,928,850. 7623. F. S. Johnson Co., San Francisco 18995. E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co.,
2176. Edgewater Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., Cal., Artillery eaddles-Correction clerical Wilmington, Del., electric detonators, $225.
forgings, $301,100. error, $50. 3187. Bay City Foundry & Machine Co., Bay
5044. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., 11334. Barrett Co., New York City, N. Y., City, Mich., crane, $377.39.
Wilmingtou, Del., rifle powder boxes, $63,750. ainmonium chloride, $69,586.50. 18457. Van Duck & Co. (Inc.), New Haven,
E-374. R. H. Long, Framingham, Mass., Conn., Marlin aircraft handbooks, $898.10.
MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR CURRENT BuSINESs. change in olive-drab duck furnished by United 18294. Smith, Hinchman & Grylis, Detroit,
States; no change. Mich., tracing for British 61 b. gun, $906.10.
18286. Baltimore Copper Smelting & Roll- 18803. Biddle-Gaumer Co., Philadelphia,
ing Co, Baltimore, Md., copper bands, 20 cents 7472. New Britain Machine Co., New Brit- Pa., reclaiming detonators, $638.96.
per pound. ain, Conn., change in specifications of adapt- 18491. American Lithograph Co., New York
19081. Black & Decker Manufacturing Co., ers, $5,000. City, N. Y., colored lithographs, $105.
Baltimore, Md., plates for drop bombs, $135. SUPPLEMENTAL - REDUCING OR CAN- 8999. United States Tire Co., 903 II Street,
19060. Black & Decker Manufacturing Co., CELING. NW., Washington, D. C., boxing tires, $803.39.
Baltimore, Md., fuses, $260. 18747. Colt's Patent Fire Arms Manufactur-
18083. Morris & Bailey Steel Co., Pitts- 11797. General Chemical Co., New York. ing Co., Hartford, Conn., $167.33.
burgh, Pa., strip steel, $346. City, N. Y sulphuric acid, $39,272. 6580. Loganeport Casting Co., Marion, Ind.,
18800. The Harold McCalla Co., Philadel- CF-378. Atudebaker Corporation, South name plates, $52.51.
phia. Pa., soft-steel bars, $2. Bend, Ind., Artillery wheels, $250,000. 18604. Brown Co., care of Linder & Meyer,
18525. Commanding Officer, Springfield 3859. Bethlehem Loading Co., New Cas- Boston, Mass., 74 per cent solic caustic soda,
Armory, Springfield, Mass., special drift slides tie, Del., Order for loading, etc., adapters and $5,392.
for United States rifles, $2.500. boosters. CME-31 & 50. The Hell Co., Milwaukee,
18656. American Can Co.. Kenilworth, N. J., CS-14. The East Iron & Machine Co., Lima, Wis., steel ammunition bodies, $211,579.30.
adapters and boosters, $100. Ohio, 8-inch barbette mounts (cost plus F. P.), 18508. DavIson Chemical Co., Baltimore,
18658. Poole Engineering & Machine Co., $240,000. Md sulphuric acid, $1,287.91.
B3altimore Md., yoke and pedestal, $825. 13202. Winchester Repeating Arms Co., 16533 The Four Wheel Drive Auto Co.,
18646. Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New New Haven Conn., increased facilities, Clintonville, Wis., repairs for three-ton chas-
Haven, Conn., excess head space bolts, $219. $Q81.55. sis, $1,321.76.
16229. American Radiator Co., Buffalo, 6739. Union Carbide Sales Co New York G1961. A. 0. Smith Corporation, Milwau-
N. Y., semisteel shell, $77,972.50. City, N. Y., calcium carbide, $59,675. kee, Wis., drop bombs nose plugs, $489,011.52.


3713. The Yale & Towne Manufacturingd'o., 11392. Paine Lumber Co. (Ltd.), Oshkosh, 11226. Ford Motor Co., Philadelphia, Pa.,
kee, Wis., dro .bonbsnoseplugs, $489,011.32. Wis., packing boxes (change in specification), assembling, etc., steel helmets $120,000
machine, 144. $2,600. 18680. Crouse-Hinds Co.,ryracuse, N. Y.,
18664. erican Can Co., New York City, 16618. American Paper Goods Co., Kensing- condulet bodies, metal covers, etc., $645.15.
N. Y., crating, $225.24. ton, Conn., Browning machine-gun extra belts; 18603. Hooker Electrochemilecal Co., New
no change. York City, 76 per cent solid caustic soda,
MATERIAL NEEDED POR NEW ARMY PROGRAM. 10858. Marlin-Rockwell Corporation, New $2,800.
2937. Colt's P. P. A. Manufacturing Co., Haven, Conn., Browning automatic rifles; no 16915. American. Car & Foundry Co., Ber-
Hartford, Conn., magazines for Browning ma- change. wick, Pa., packing parts of equipment, H. A.
chine-gun spare parts $331,506. 18061. Arms Products Manufacturing Cor- repair shop, $2,075.20.
15171. Van Dorn !Iron Works, Cleveland, Doration, New York City, post guns and shells, 17963. E. F. Houghton & Co., Philadelphia,
Ohio, tools for 6 T special tractor, $5,000. $1,500. Pa., recoil oil in barrels, $1,562.50.
18361. Arctic Ice Machine Co., Canton, Ohio, 13100. Shelby Tractor & Truck Co., Shelby, 16949. N. E. Westinghouse Co., Springfield,
rough machine recuperator forgings, $2,750. Ohio, stamping and finishing washers; no Mass.; Fox Gun Co., Philadelphia, Pa., in-
18750. United Machine & Manufacturing Co., change. creased facilities, $166,401.
Canton, Ohib, rough machine recuperator forg- CF-16. The Bethlehem Steel Co., South 18594. Railway & Industrial -Engineering
ing4, $590.50. Bethlehem, Pa., fuse-box fastenings, $1,00. Co. Greensburg, Pa., set screws for 4.7-Inch
18916. Evans-Winter-Hebb Co., Detroit, 12227. Kilbourne & Jacobs Manufacturing shell, $450.
Mich., handbook No. 1996, $1,115. Co., Columbus Ohio, painting wheel-gauge ALL MATERIAL NEEDED FOR NEw ARMY PRO-
18874. Black & Decker Manufacturing Co., trucks $2,091.35. GRAM.
Baltimore, Md., mark VII firing mechanisms, 16860. Niagara Motors Corporation, Dun-
$1,335. kirk, N. Y., water-cooling systems; no change. 18973. The C. 0. Rock Island Arsenal, Rock
18639. Gillespie Machine Co., Pittsburgh, - 16785. Savage Arms Corporation, New York Island, III., tools for inserting connecting
Pa.. templets, il)f4. City, N. Y., automatic pistols (change in speci- pieces in caisson chests $1,172.
9886. Vike (Ltd.), Woodward Building, fication) ; no change. 18836. New York entral Railroad Co.,
Washington, D. C., aircraft machine guns, 12545. The Toledo Screw Products. Co., To- Cleveland, Ohio, rough machine recuperator
spare parts, etc., $5,228,650.71. ledo, Ohio, painting packing boxes, $2,240.91. forgings, $1,180.20.
19012. Champion Blower & Forge Co., Lan- 15385. Schwarze Electric Co., Adrian Mich., ALL MATERIAL STILL NEEDED FOR CURRENT
caster, Pa., forges, bending machines, etc., change in specification of adapters, $25,600. BUSINESS.
$732.80. SUPPLEMENTAL REDUCING On CANCELING. 18928. Black & Decker Manufacturing Co.,
18352. The Turner, Vaugh & Taylor Co., Baltimore, Md., firing piLs and associated
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, rough machine 5-re- 16210. Air Reduction Sales Co., New York parts, $600.
cuperator forgings, $2'689.40. City, N. Y., nitrogen, $30,000. , 12604. F. M. Do Bols & Co., New York
18356. Harris Automatic Press Co., Cleve- 14864. Federal Rubber Co., Cudahy, Wis., City, N. Y., bombs, lead linings, express
land, Ohio, rough machine recouperator forg- rubber cups for rifle grenades, $36,400. charges, $9.46.
ings. $3,015.20. 11665. General Chemical Co New York 18849. The C. 0. Rock Island Arsenal, Rock
18418. Dorris Motor Car Co., St. Louis, Mo., City, N. Y., sulphuric acid, $5,799.02. Island, Ill., repair parts for 6-inch howitzer
engiie-control rods, $730.70. 2864. Federal Enameling & Stamping Co., carriage, $32,000.
18358. The Reeves Bros. Co., Alliance, Ohio, Pittsburgh, Pa., booster casings, $36,875.
9799. Brier Hill Steel Co., Youngstown, ENGINEERING DivisIoN AccouNT.
rough machine recuperator forgiugs, $1,686.
18621. United Machine & Manufacturing Co., Ohio, common steel billets, $297,450. 18813. Bartlett Hayward Co., Baltimore,
Canton, Ohio, labor, $418.14. EX-145. Northern Ohio Blanket Mills, New lid., cast-iron special projectiles, $960.
York City, horse covers, $33. 19062. David H. Smith & Sons (Inc.),
MATERIAL NEEDED PoR CURRENT BUsINEss. EX-182. Wyeth Hardware & Manufacturing Brooklyn, N. Y., cold-rolled steel. $77.33.
18736. Holt Manufacturing Co., Peoria, Ill., Co., St. Joseph, Mo., lined horse covers, $66. 19013. Precision Thermometer & Instrument
spare parts for tractors, $9,383.70. 10882. J. Ross Collins, New York City, bags Co., Philadelphia, Pa., disjunctors, springs,
18994. F. M. DuBois & Co., New York City, for nose-firing mechanisms, $1,076.36. screw, etc., $1,611.
N. Y., lekd linings and packing case, $140.25. 19034. Marlin Rockwell Corporation, New
SPECIAL SHEET, PARAGIAPH 1. Haven, Conn., 11. C. drop bomb, $400.
19045. American Can Co., New York City, 5688. Hart-Parr Co., Charles City, Iowa, 18953. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.,
N. Y., tin containers, $195. cast-steel motor truck wheels, $800,000. Wilmington, Del., loading H. C. demolition
18861. F. J. Kress Box Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., 14754. Rome Manufacturing Co Rome drop bombs, $1,000.
pyrotechnic boxes, $8,557.20. N. Y., 75-m/m copper driving bands. 1207,200 19035. Firth Sterling Steel Co., McKees-
CME-512. The Loomis-Sielaff Co., Cleveland, 15712. American Smelting & Refining Co., port, Pa., carbon tool steel, $319.33.
Ohio, machining motor-truck wheels, $36,200. New York City, copper, $184,080. 18990. Conron McNeal Co., Kokomo. Ind.,
FOR ENGINEERING DIVISION. 16656. The Hisey-Wolf Machinery Co., Cin- steel cups for Mark II Inc. bomb, $8,833.
cinnati, Ohio, spare parts for grinder, 18793. Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa.,
18647. Metal & Thermit Corporation, Jersey $2,622.40. double wire electric primers, $5,000.
Citi, N. J., filling of 4-inch stoke incendiary 15953. Edmunds & Jones Corporation, De- FOR INSPECTIoN DivisIo-N.
shell, $400. troit, Mich., fuse sockets and holders, $126,250.
18700. Baldwin Locomotive Works, Phila- 17080. Atwater Kent Manufacturing Co.,
delphia, Pa., clutches for Mark VIII machine, SPECIAL SHEET, PARAGRAPH 2. Philadelphia, Pa., panoramic sight gauge, $10.
$5,000. G1378. Michigan Stamping Co., Detroit, CONTRACT SIGNED BY CONTRACTING OFriCER.
18633. Bartlett-Iayward Co., Baltimore, Mich., booster casings, fuse sockets and hold-
id., unloaded shrapnel casing and inert, $26. ers, $73,800. (The original purchase order [Prior to November 11, 1918.]
19050. Du Pont Eastern Laboratory, Gibbs- was signed by Col. Hoeffer, December, 1917. A 15241. North & Judd lanufacturing Co.,
town, N. J., loading, etc., boosters-and adapt- formal contract which should have followed New Britain, Conn., D rings, oft brass
ers, $30. at once was not begun until October, 1918. wire, $30.
18676. Otis-Flagg Corporation, New York The first amendment provides for a change in AMEND2INT DOEs NOT INCREASE QUANTITY.
City, N. Y., clamps, $15. specifications, but does not increase the quan-
18665. Poole Engineering & Machine Co., tity or the obligations 6f the Government. 10479. Kraeuter & Co., Newark, N. J., 75
Baltimore, Md., shell bodies, $323. The amount of material or obligation of the m/n oleaphragn forgings, $48,750.
18912. Bartlett-Hayward Co., Baltimore, Government has never been increased since G1477. Phelps Ianufactuiing Co., Columbus,
ld.. 75-in/m shrapnel, $57. the signing of the original order.) Ohio, change in specifications of adapters, etc.,
18453. Oneida Community (Ltd.), Oneida, 19046. Supplemental to license agreement $33,000.
N. Y., lead plating 73-m/m gas shell, $816.03. (terminates agreement of Feb. 11, 1917, and 26.3. W. P. & Jones Barnes Co., Rockford,
18913. Bartlett-Hayward Co., Baltimore, reduces amount). Frank Wenke, Fort Logan, Ill., repairing drill, $67.
Colo., and Lewis Maverick, San Antonio, Tex., 8.29. Brydon Bros. Harness & Saddlery Co.,
lid. special 75-i/i shrapnel, $184. Los Angeles, Cal., change in specifications of
18934. General Fireproofing Co., Youngs- $5,000.
Contract sent to contractor February 18, rifle scabbards, $600.
town, Ohio, production dies, metallic belt 6698. Gould Mtorserean Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.,
links. $3,050. 1918, not signed by contracting officer.
SPrcIAL SHEET, PARAGRAPH 3. field cleaning rods, $11,460,
18745. Edward G. Budd Manufacturing Co., 10353. American Chain Co., New York City,
Philadelphia, Pa., pressed-steel wheels, $o,000. G776. II. Koppers Co., Pittsburgh. Pa.. con- N. Y., change in f. o. b. point of end chailn.
18739. Artillery Fuze Co., Wilmington, Del., struction of toluol recovery plants, $337,000. 1681. Crucible Steel Co. of America. Pitts-
fuzes, $375. OMIE-547. Maxwell Motor Co. (Inc), De- burgh, Pa., open-hearth steel. $908.32.
19031. Du Pont Eastern Laboratory, Gibbs- troit, Mich., motors (Buda) sets of spare parts, 16909. Moline Pressed Steel Co., Ea-t Mo-
tonn N. J., loading, etc., adapters and boost- $720.000. line, Ill., chaige in specificatiens of chaiin cas-
ers, 843. 4000. Marlin - Rockwell Corporation, New ing assembly.
18616. United States Cast Iron Pipe & Foun- Haven. Conn., Browning machine rifles, $3,- 16891. Newton & Thompson Manufacturing
dry Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 153-m/m empty 459,300. Co., Brandon, Vt., wood plugs for hand gren-
semisteel shell, $2,500. GS36. The Symington-Anderson Co.. Roch- ades. $261,713.40.
CoNTRAcT SICNED Bv CONTRACTING OrrIca ester, N. Y.. gun forgings, breech lock forg- CF-220. American Car & Foundry Co.. New
BEFORE NOVEMBER 11, 1918. ings, $399,836. (The original purchase order York City. N. Y., fuse box receptacle fasten-
16231. The Sheffield Machine & Tool Co.,
was signed by Col. Hoeffer, December, 1917. A ings, 83,704.
formal contract which should have followed at G-780. William Wharton. jr., & Co. (Inc.),
Dayton, Ohio, master inspection gauges and once was not begun until October, 1918. The Philadelphia, Ia., increased facilities, $221,-
cheeks, $4,832. first amendment provides for a change in speci- 103.74.
AMENDMENT DOEs NOT INCREASE QUAXTITY. fications, but does not increase the quantity 5072. Dethlehem Steel Co.. Bethlehem. Pa.,
or the obligations of the Government. The change in design of panoramic sight-Lase
7006. Russell Manufacturing Co., Middle- amount of material or obligation of the Gov- back-i, 83,118.84.
town. Conn., ammunition belts, $2,831.40. ernment has never been increased since the
166S2. Crucible Steel Co. of America, Pitts- SPECIAL SHEET, PARIGrAPII 1.
burgh, Pa., hot-rolled open-hearth steel; no signin'g of the original order.)
7933. Duning-Varney Corporation, NA,
chaige. CONTRACTS COMPLETED. York City N. Y., packing boxes for T. IT. shell,
12507. International Fabricating Corpora- 2977. Four Wheel Drive Auto Co., Clinton- $228539.37.
tion. New York City, cartridge cases (accumu- ville, Wis., I. D. rubber tubing connecting 4031. Dayton Metal Products Co., Dayton,
lated scrap) ; no change. generator and gas searchlight, etc., $118.98. Ohio, Woodbury fuses, $150,000.


11739. Brooklyn Union Gas Co., Brooklyn, Boston, chocolate, vanilla, 2,400 I-pound New York, pickles, mixed, 3,000 20-ounce
N. Y., installation of boiler, toluol plant, packages, Massachusetts Chocolate Co. jars, Harbauer Co., Toledo, Ohio.
$48,000. El so chocolate, vanilla 24 000 j-pound Atlanta, potatoes, sweet, 19,000 cans, Folk-
CF-474, Kelsey Wheel Co., Detroit, Mich., packages, Massachusett* Chocolale Co. stone Cannin. Co. Folkstone, Ga.
spare replacement parts for wheels, $342,. New Orleans, chocolate, vanilla, 12,192 Baltimore, salt, issue, 340,000 pounds, Union
'980.75. 1-pound packages, Massaghusetts Chocolate Co. Salt Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
01127. Canada Car & goundry Co. (Ltd.), New York, chocolate, vanilla, 100,000 Baltimore, salt rock, 100,000 pounds, Inde-
Montreal, Canada, 75 m/m C. S. shell forgings, I-pound packages, Massachusetts Chocolate Co. pendent Salt Co., New York City.
$690,525. Omaha, chocolate, avilla, 4 512 j-pound El Paso, salt rock, 120,000 pounds, Koehler
10593. Nash Motors Co., Kenosha, Wis., packages, Massachusetts Chocolate Co. & Pierce, Geneva, Kans.
complete chassis, $362,855.50. San Antonio, chocolate, vanilla, 4,800 New York, sauce, tomato catsup, 20,000 hot-
12898. L. R. Donebue, Perth Amboy, N. J., J-pound packages, Massachusetts Chocolate Co. ties J. Weller & Co., Oak Harbor, Ohio.
packing boxes for 4.7-incI H. E. shell, $175,- Baltimope, cocoa, breakfast, 16,000 i-pound New York, sauce, Worcestershire, 2,000 bot-
513.08. cans, Hershey Co., Hershey, Pa. tles, Noah McDowell, New York, N. Y.
CME-20. Nash Motors Co., Kenosha, Wis., Boston, cocoa, breakfast, 9,600 A-pound caus, San Antonio, shrimp, 1,200 cans, Bray & Co.,
2-ton truck chassis (fixed price), $2,871.05. Hershey Co. El Paso, Tex.
14947. American National Co., Toledo, Ohio, Omaha, cocoa, breakfast, 3,290 --pound cans, Omaha, soap, toilet, tar, 848 cakes, Colgate
emergency mounts for mobile type machine Hershey Co. & Co., New York, N. Y.
guns, $26.653.20. Omaha, cocoa, breakfast, 2,400 J-pound New York, spinach, 5,000 three-pound cans,
16159. General Chemical Co., New York cans, McCord-Brady Co., Omaha Nebr. McGrath & Co., Baltimore, Md.
City, N. Y., aluminum trichloride, $35,000. Baltimore, coffee, R. & G., 000 cartons, Omaha, spinach, 1 920 three-pound cans,
Hanley & Kinsella, St. Louis, Mo. Morey Mercantile Co., Denver, Colo.
SrECIAL SuEET, PARAGRAPir 2. New York, corn starch, packages, 10,000 Baltimore, spinach, 3,600 three-pound cans,
7683. Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co., pounds, Corn Products Co., New York N. Y. McGrath Co., Baltimore, Md.t
Pittsburgh, Pa., mach. 155 m/m H1. 3. shells Omaha, corn starch, packages, 1,806 pounds, Boston, spinach, 19,600 hree-pound cans,
(including facilities), $2,833-886.39. Stein Hall & Co., Chicago, Ill. McGrath Co., Baltimore, Md.
SPECIAL SUENT, PARAGRAPH 3. Baltimore, corn meal white, 60,000 pounds, Omaha, sirup, issue, 1,670 ten-pound cans,
Evans Milling Co., Indanapolis, Ind. Corn Products Co., New York, N. Y.
G021. Laclede Gas Light Co., St. Louis, Chicago, corn meal, white, 40,000 pounds, New York, sirup, maple, 3,000 one-half gal-
Mo., pure toluol, $225,000. Evans Milling Co.
G1229. Michigan Stamping Co., Detroit, lon cans, Falcon Packing Co., New Yo k, N .Y.
San Antonio, corn meal, whiteg 60,000 Chicago, sirup, maple, 2,400 one-half gallon
Mich.. trench-mortar shell. $623,000. pounds, Evans Milling Co. cans, Falcon Packing Co., New York, N. Y.
15558. Savage Arms Corporation, Utica, San Antonio, corn meal, yellow, 20,000 Baltimore, witch hazel, 2,400 pints, Larkin
N. Y., increased facilities, $400,000. pounds, Cereal Mills Co. Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
6623, Nixon Nitration Co., New Brunswick, Omaha, crackers, assorted, 48 cartons, Na-
N. J., packing boxes for pyro cotton, $137,- New York, tapioca, 15,000 packages, John
tional Biscuit Co., New York. II. Lessley & Co., Chicago, Ill.
035. (No boxes produced on this contract; Baltimore, crackers, Graham, 14,400 cartons,
all produced on 01440-431 E.) National Biscuit Co.
Boston, tea, Ceylon, 75 pounds, Chase &
11925 (1st). Morgan Engine Co., Alliance, Sanborn, Boston, Mass.
Ohio, 240 m/m howitzer caterpillars, $99,000. Chicago. crackers, Graham, 9,000 cartons, New York, vanilla extract, 4,000 eight-ounce
National Biscuit Co. bottles, Baker Extract Co., Springfield, Mass.
New York, crackers, Graham, 20,000 cartons, Omaha, vanilia extract, 912 eight-ounce bot-
F. H. Bennet Co., New York. tles, P'uhl-Webb Co.. Chicago, Ill.
Omaha, crackers, Graham, 800 cartons, Na- Baltimore, yeast food, Arkady, 5,000 pounds,
SUBSISTENCE DIVISION tional Biscuit Co., New York.
San Antonio,crackers, Graham, 2,032 car-
tons, Loose-Wiles Co., New York.
Ward Baking Co., New York, N. Y,
El Paso, yeast food, Arkady, 2,400 pounds,
Ward Baking Co., New York, N. Y.
New York, crackers, saltines, 3,000 cartons,
Loose-Wiles Co., New York.
The Subsistence Dix' *., Office of the Baltimore, crackers, soda, 24,000 cartons,
Director of Purchase and Storage, War National Biscuit Co., New York.
Department, has placed purchase orders
for the various zone supply offices of the
Army as follows:
Boston, crackers, soda, 1,440 cartons,
Loose-Wilcs Co., New York.
Chicago, crackers, soda, 0,000 cartons,
Loosa-Wiles Co., New York.
New York, crackers, soda, 15,000 cartons,

Baltimore, asparagus, 60,000 cans, Supplies Loose-Wiles Co., New York. The following is a list of purchase or-
and Accounts Division, United States Navy, Omaha, crackers, soda, 1,780 cartons, Na- ders and contracts passed by the Board
Washington, D. C. tional Biscuit Co., New York.
Omaha, asparagus, 524 21 pound case, of Review, office of the Director of Pur-
Chicago, crackers, ginger, 9,600 cartons, Na-
Morey Mercantile Co., Denver, Colo. tional Biscuit Co., New York. chase and Storage:
New York, baking powder, 5,000 I-pound Omaha, crackers, ginger, 448 cartons, Loose-
cans, Jaques Manufacturing Co., Chicago, III. Wiles Co., New York. PURCHASa TRANSACTIONs ArrnOvED.
Omsaha, baking powder, 144 j-pound cans, Baltimore, currants, 1,800 cartons, Joseph Contracts unacr,$2,000.
Jaques Manufacturing Co., Chicago, Ill. Seeman, New York.
Omaha, baking powder 1,290 5-pound cans, Baltimore, farina, 00,000 packages, Austin, 47. Standard Oil Co. of Ohio, Cleveland,
Jaques Manufacturing do., Chicago, Ill. Nicbols Co., New York. Ohio, 2,100 gallons gasoline and 360 gallons
Baltimore, baking powder, 30,000 1-pound Chicago, Farina, 2,400 packages, Quaker kelosene, $552.
cans, Jaques Manufacturing Co., Chicago, Ill. Oats Co., Chicago, Ill. 48. Gulf Refining Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., 6,330
Chicago, baking powder, 7,280 1-pound cans, Omaha, Farina, 836 packages, Chamberlain gallons light motor oil, $2,508.25.
Jaques Manufacturing Co., Chicago, Ill. & Co., St. Louis. 49. Gulf Refining Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.,
El Paso, candy, chocolate, 4,800 pounds, Chicago. hominy lye, 13.200 cans, Great 14,600 gallons medlun motor oil, $6,105.
W. A. Lowney, Boston, Mass. Western Canning Co., Delphi, Ind. 11. Southern Ice & Cold Storage Co., San
New Orleans, candy, chocolate, 10,000 New York, lemon extract, 3.000 8-ounce Antonio, Tex., 12,400,000 pounds ice, $19,096.
pounds, W. M. Lowney, Boston, Mass. - bottles. Larhin Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
New York. candy, chocolate, 30,000 pounds, Omaha, lemon extract, 812 8-ounce bottles, Contracts over $25,000.
E. Greenfield Sns, New York. Hanley & Kinsella, St. Louis, Mo. 44. Atlantic Refining Co., Philadelphia, Pa.,
Omaha, candy, chocolate, 1,450 pounds, New York, lobster, 1,150 1-pound cans, Ar- 825,000 gallona motor gasoline, $204,187.30.
W. M. Lowney, Boston, Mass. mour & Co., Boston. 43. Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, New
San Antonio, candy, chocolate, 3,000 pounds, Omaha, lobster, 00 J-pound cans, Morey York City, 825,000 gallons motor gasoline,
W. TM.Lowney, Boston, Mass. Mercantile Co., Denver, Colo. $202,950.
Chicago, candy, chocolate, 10,000 pounds, Daltimore, macaroni, 30,000 packages, T. A1. 12. Houston Packing Co., Houston, Tex.,
Mirror Co., New York, N. Y. Carothers, Chattanooga, Tenn. 302,000 pounds fresh beef, $83,477.20.
Boston, candy, lemon drops, 480 pounds, Omaha, macaroni, 5,160 packages, T. M.
Charms Co., Newark, N. J. Motor 2012. Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit,
Chicago, candy, lemon drops, 5,000 pounds, Carothers, Chattanooga, Tenn. Mich., ; sets spare parts, $34,709.35.
George Fritz & Sons, Newark, N. J. New Qrleans, mince ment, 2,400 2-pound
cans, F. II. Legcett, New York. EusTrEXCY PURCIASEs Arrno;ED BYa TEIR-
El Paso, candy, lemon drops, 3,000 pounds, Baltimore, molasses, 4.200 24-pound cans, GRAM.
Charms Co.. Newark, N. J. P. Duff & Sons, Pittsburgh. Pa.
New York, candy, lemon drops, 10,000 El Paso, molasses, 480 2-pound canq, II.
10444. D. Auerbach & Sons, New York City,
pound-, Charms Co., Newark, N. J... 500,000 pounds, at 43 cents per pound: candy
Chicago, candy, stick, 5,000 pounds, Bunte Lesinsky, El Paso, Tex. chocolate bars, 150,000; carns. 2 pounds to
Bro.. Chicago, III. Baltimore, molasses, 900 10-pound cans, carton, $133,000.
El Paso, candy. stick, 3,000 pounds, Charms Alexander Molasses Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. 10430. Hotaling Macaroni Co., Syracuse,
Co., Newark, N. J. Omaha, molasses, 1,018 10-pound cans, N. Y., 300,000 pounds sphagetti, $29 100
New York, candy, stick, 10,000 pounds, Alexander Molasses Co.. Cincinnati, Ohio. 10418. Croft & Allen Co., Philadcphhi, Pa.,
Charms Co., Newark, N. J. Baltimore, mushrooms, 1,300 cans, James 100,000 pounds candy bars, at 42! cents, and
Omaha, candy, stick, 2,272 pounds, Charms Smith & Co., New York. 11,200 pounds chocolate almond bars, $47,540.
Co., Newark, N. J. Omaa, oatmenal, 300 pounds, Paxton & 6876-N. Weinstein & Birecher (Inc.), New
San Antonio, candy, stick, 2,400 pounds, Gallagher. York City, 40,000 wool service coats, at $1.69,
Charms Co., Newark, N. J. Baltimore, oatmeal, 15,000 32-ounce car- $07,000.
Omaha, chocolate, plain, 1,880 A-pound pack- tons, Quaker Oats Co., Chicago. SUPPLEMrlXTAL CONTRACTS.
ages, Ideal Chocolate Co., Lititz, Pa. Boston, oatmeal. 12,00 32-ounce cartons,
San Antonio, chocolate, plain, 2.400E-pound Quaker Oats Co., Chrcago.
New York olives, 6,000 pint bottles, Aus-
Sup. 1301. J. W. York & Sons, Grand Rapids,
packages, Ideal Chocolate Co., Lititz, Pa. Mich., G trumpets with F slides. Public inter-
Baltimore, chocolate. vanilla, 10,000 $-pound tin-Nichols 6o., New York. ests require cancellation of 8,500 G trumpets.
packages, Ma:sachusetts Chocolate Co., Bos- Omaha, pickles, gherkins, 108 pint jars, Kat- Sup. 1325. Puritan Cordage Mills, Loulsville,
ton, Mass. skee Mercantile Co., Omaha, Nebr. Ky.; cotton-bralded rope. In public interest to


cancel the following; 8,253 pounds i-inch John Lucas & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 10 gal-
969. International Time Recording Co. of
cotton-braided rope, at 48 cents per pound. lons copper paint 12. New York, New York, N. Y., time keeping
I Sup. to April 10, 1918. V. H. Borsedi, Hous- American Multigraph Sales Co., Washington, system.
ton, Tex., cordwood. Cordwood to be delivered D. C., 1 distribution chaser, No. 4-6244A, com- 979. Diamond Power Specialty, Atlanta
y contractor with wagon or truck transporta- plete, $4. Ga., furnishing and installing two soot
t on as required by the receiving officer at blowers.
Mercedes, Tex., payment to be made contractor 976. Edw. K. Tryon Co., Philadelphia, Pa.,
on basis of $5.50 per cord. 200 shotguns.
Approved January 11, 1919 (omitted from the
THE MARINE CORPS Sanuary 24, 1919.
minutes). 982. American Writing Paper Co,, Holyoke,
Mass., 150 reams paper.
Sup. 64. Denby Motor Truck Co., Detreit, 988. Win. Buchanan, Texarkana, Ark.,
Mich, 100 1 to 2 ton chassis, complete, Contracts have been placed by the
standard QTM, parts with same. 46,500 feet bin. pine, 1 by 8 Inches, S to 10
Quartermaster, United States Marine feet.
981. Fairbanks Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 3
Corps, as follows: pipe-cutting machine.


980. J. W. Fitzgerald, Savannah, Ga.,
January 25, 1919.
985. C. E. Hardenbrook Co., Philadelphia,,
400,000 bushels oyster shells. Pa., button sewing machines.
The Bureau of Yards and Docks of
the Navy Department has awarded the
following contracts:
San Diego (Cal.) Air Station: Additional
building Lange & Bergstrom, San Diego, Cal.,
3714. 'Norfolk: Oil storage reclaiming build-
ing. Hugh S. Roberts Co., New York, N. Y., POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. cast-iron bronze-finished door pulls. UntIl-2
$21,900. p. m., January 31,,1919, for 6 wickless alcohol
3722. Rockaway: Heating for Hangars C, Office of the Purchasing Agent, Wash- lamps. Until 2 p. m., February 10, 1919, for
D, and P. Austin Heating Co., New York, water repellent bristleboard 17i Inches by 87
N. Y., $25,000. ington, D. C. inches flat, 500 sheets to ream, In accordance
3745. Indianhead: Buildings and exten- Bids will be received until 2 p. in., February with specifications; 700,000 yards unbleached
slons. Levering & Garrigues Co., New York, 3, 1919, for 5,000,000 parcel-post tags, as per millinet, in accordance with specifications.
$74,895. specifications.
3740. Inglewood (Cal.) : Two double cot- NAVY DEPARTMENT.
tages, four-room cottage, and sewer system. INTERIOR DEPARTMENT.
Darrell Condler Co., Los Angeles, Cal., The Bureau of Yards and Docks of the
$18,320. St. Elizabeths Hospital, Washington, D.C.
3741. Beach Radio Station, California: Navy Department has issued invitations
Power house, cottages, and sewer ejector. Bids will be received until p. m. January for proposals on the following projects,
Charles J. U. Koenig, San Francisco, $18.753. 29, 1919, for 4,000 pounds white lead, 2 bar- the date of opening to be announced
8742. South San Francisco: Twq double rels linseed oil, raw; until 4 p. m. January 31,
cottages, four-room cottage, and sewer system. 1919, for 1,400 yards yellow holland for win- later :
Charles J. U. Koenig, San Francisco, $15,992. dow shades, 100 women's winter shawls, 500 5776. Indlanhead, Md.: A small boat basin
3635. New Orleans: Electric freight ele- pairs double gray blankets. and wharf bulkhead. Estimated cost, $42,000.
vator. Otis Elevator Co., Washington, D. C., 3759. New York: Piping and equipment.
$2,825. United States Indian Service, United Estimated cost, $70,000.
3778. Brooklyn: Electric lighting, building States Indian Warehouse, 308 South 3731. New York: Electric elevators for the
D. Gagen & Butler (Inc.), New York, $3,554. light machine and electric. Estimated cost,
3669. New London: High-pressure air sys- Green Street, Chicago, Ill. $30,000.
tem. Carroll Electric Co., Washington, D. C., Bids will be received until 10 a. m. Febru-
$18,560. The Bureau of Yards and Docks of the
3739. Service connections to buildings. ary 7, 1919, for 3,750 pounds sole leather. Navy Department has issued invitations
d789. Chatham (Mass.) : Service connections
to buildings. Hixon Electric Co., Boston, TREASURY DEPARTMENT. for proposals on the following project,
$12,885. SupEuviSrNG ARcHITECT'S OFFICE, to be opened February 17:
Washington, D. C., January 28, 1919. Fort Mifflin, Pa.: Railroad extension. Esti-
mated cost, $20,000.
Sealed proposals will be opened in this
AIRCRAFT PRODUCTION BUREAU Office at 3 p. m. February 14, 1919, for repair-
ing Adams Street entrance and lobby of the
United States Post Office at Chicago, Ill.
Proposals on the following projects
will be opened February 17: 8328, 8727,
Specifications may be obtained at this office or 8416, 3776.
at the office of -the custodian in the discretion
The Bureau of Aircraft Production, of the Supervising Architect. THE PANAMA CANAL.
Washington, D. C., has awarded contracts JAMEs A. WETHORE, Proposals for cooling room, wire, pipe fit-
to the following: Acting Supervising Architect.
tings, cocks, valves, shower heads, water-closet
bowls, hardware, tackle and lifting blocks,
Horn & Radbruch, Omaha, Nebr., telephone Bureau of Engraving and Printing, saws, baker's sheets, pyrometers, foundry
reel carts, $5,900. Washington, D. C. brushes, flax packing and millwork. Sealed
Pittsburgh Shafting Co. of Detroit, Detroit, Sroposals will be received at the Office of the
Mich., 250 feet steel rods, $11.13. Bids will be received until 2 p. m. January eneral Purchasing Officer, The Panama Canal,
Davis-Bournonville Co., Jersey City, N. J., 80, 1919, for 12 grease cups with i-Inch Washington, D. C., until 10 30 o'clock a. in.,
weldingr material, $170.70. thread; until 2 p. in., January 31, 1919, for February 11, 1919, at which time they will
Sunaerland Machinery Supply Co., Omaha, 5,000 pounds red American pressboard. be opened in public, for furnishing the above-
Nebr., telephone reel carts, $100. Bids will be received until 2 p. in., January mentioned articles. Blanks and information
Republic Steel Metal Ware Co., Buffalo, N. Y., 28. 1919. for 6 parts No. 1891 84 for use on relating to this circular (1254) may be ob-
galvanized fire buckets (1875), $618.75. Harris press; 24 bearings, all for pulley end, tained from this office or the offices of the As-
American Steel & Wire Co., Washington, repair parts for Sprague Electric works motor sistant Purchasing Agents, 24 State Street,
). C., 2 coils (200 pounds) steel bailing wire, No. 41880D; rebore Ford cylinder block and New York City; 606 Common Street. New Or-
$9. furnish and fit new over-size pistons and rings; leans, La.; and Fort Mason, San Francisco,
American Chain Co., Bridgeport, Conn., 2,000 feet a-inch white-pine shelving 14 to 16 Cal.; also from the United States Engineer
2,000 cotter pins, $1.62. inches wide. Until 2 p. in., January 29, 1919, Offices in the principal cities throughout the
Electric Storage Battery Co. Washington, for 100 gallons lithographic varnish 00 In 5- United States. A. L. Flint, General Purchas-
D. C., Liberty "12 " storage-battery parts, gallon cans: 1 dozen magnifying glasses with ing Officer.
$560. holders: 400 No. 00 grain zinc plates; 8 sets Proposals for wire and cable, monotype
Dayton Engineering Laboratories Co., Day- (4 to set) Payson's No. 190 oblong plate all- metal, pumps, valves, lead bends, end mills,
ton, Ohio, Liberty "12 " storage-battery parts, Iron truck casters with 31-Inch wheel; repair steel tapes, barrel' bolts, lavatories, closets,
$435.50. parts for Ford automobile; 2 Holtzer-Cabot condulets, electrical switches, cable grips, sil-
General Electric Co., Washington, D. C., 12 Electric Co.'s. No. 205545 6-inch link exten- ica wash, lime, asbestos, lumber, motor-cydle
electric fans, $454.20. sions for use with Equipoise telephone'holders; tires, wooden handles, iron and wooden furni-
Edgar T. Ward's Sons Co. Philadelphia, thoroughly overhaul and put in first-class ture, paper, pencils, and crossties. (Circular
Pa., 3 bars cold-rolled steel, $15. working condition Bates numbering machines Proposal No. 1255. Date of opening, Feb. 19,
Burdette Manufacturing Co Chicago Ill., No. 21288 and No. 22741. Until 2 p. in., Janu- 1919,)
10 sets spare parts for silicol geneiator, ary 30, 1919, for repair parts for the " S-C "
$4,684.10. Regulator Co.'s pump governors; 1 35-inch by
Sherwin-Williams Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 25 48-inch harwood platform truck; 1 gross sheets Easy to buy, convenient to handle, no
pounds white shellac, $16.25. professional Cyke paper; 1 enameled roll-rim red tape-Get a WAR-SAVINGS STAMP
John Lucas & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 5 sectional double wash sink, 12 feet long, on
pounds fine powdered pumice, $0.40. Iron frame with braces as per specifications; 6 to-day.

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