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Name of Poem Poet About Poet Summary Analysis Theme Language Used Historical Significance

Birdshooting Season Olive Senior She was born on December 23rd,

1941, in rural Jamaica. She is a
Jamaican novelist, poet and short
story writer. She attended
Montego Bay High School for Girls
and She worked for the Jamaica
Gleaner in Kingston before moving
on to the Jamaica Information
Service. Senior went on to win a
scholarship to the Thomson
Foundation in Cardiff, Wales, to
study journalism.
An African Thunderstorm David He was born on July 19th, 1930. He
Rubadiri is a Malawian poet, novelist,
academic and diplomat. Rubadiri
studied at King’s College, Budo in
Uganda from 1941-1950, Makerere
University from 1952-1956 and
King’s College, Cambridge where
he obtained a degree in English
literature and History and a
Diploma in Education
Dreaming Black Boy James Berry He was born on September 28th,
1924, and grew up in rural
Portland, Jamaica. He was a
Jamaican poet. There were little
educational opportunities him
when he wanted to learn. He went
to America when there was a
shortage of farmers and realized
the treatment of black people in
USA was terrible and returned
home disturbed. He attended night
school in London and began his
writing career.
A Lesson for Sunday Derek

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